44608-h-4.htm.html#Page_51" class="pginternal">51, 193 (B?bur’s), 196. Andar?b? (Panj-?b), B?bur at 391-2. Andij?n (Fargh?na), description of 3-4; - the capital, sport in, pure Turk? in, climate of 4
- —its water 5,
- mountains of 15, 55, 102, 118, 125;
- tribes of 162;
- a grass of 221;
- its Ch?r-b?gh 29;
- celebrities of 4, 280;
- mentioned to locate places, etc., 4, 8, 10, 16, 113, 396;
- its railway 30 n. 5;
- given to ‘Umar Shaikh I and II, 14;
- people of led into captivity 20, 22;
- B?bur its governor 29 n. 1;
- succeeds in it 29;
- attacks on 27, 30, 54, 87-8, 106-8, 161-8, 171, 192;
- captures of 18, 20, 89, 90, 122, 192, 244;
- demanded from B?bur 87, 168, 318, 351-2;
- A?zbeg chiefs wait on B?bur in 58;
- lost by B?bur 89-90, 122;
- his attempts to regain 92-7-8, 162-5;
- succeeds, 103-4, 115;
- proposed disposition of 118;
- the cause of his second exile from 105; he
- compares it with Samarkand 123;
- a raid near 164;
- its army on service, 48, 87, 101, 171-2;
- occupied by Sa‘?d Kh?n 351-7, 362;
- commandants of 25, 32, 44;
- gifts sent to 633;
- comings and goings to and from 32, 58, 64, 8, 243, 340, *426, *433, *697;
- a plan for defence of 191;
- A?zbegs and 242, 294;
- considered as a refuge for B?bur 340;
- various beg?ms go to 21-2-4, 48;
- N??ir’s affairs in 242-3, 321-2;
- a letter of victory sent to 371;
- B?bur plans going to 412;
- B?bur and M?h?m visit Hum?y?n in 426, 436;
- Sa‘?d Chaghat??’s affairs with 412, *695-6;
- *Hum?y?n’s desertion of 690, 707;
- *offered to Khal?fa 697 and n. 1;
- *contingent disposition of 706.
Bad?m-chashma (K?bul), climatic change at pass of 203; B?bur at 229, 409, 445. Bad?y?n (U.P. India), appointments to 267, 582. B?dgh?s (Khur?s?n, n. of Her?t), A?zbegs defeat B??-qar?s in 275; B?bur in 296, 307. B?d-i-p?ch-pass, B?d-pakht? (K?b?l), a route through 209; B?bur goes through 343, 421; places an inscription in 343. Badr-a?-bul?k, Tag-a? (K?bul), described 221; - water of 227 n. 1;
- a route through 209;
- B?bur in 421.
Badr?-ferry (Ghogr?, Sar?); 667 n. 5. B?dsh?h-nagar (U.P. India), B?bur’s visit gives the name to 678 n. 1. B?gar (R?jp?t?na), a holder of 573; “B?ghd?d,” a variant for B?ghd? 40 and n. 2. B?ghl?n (Q?nd?z), nomads leave K?bul for 402. Bah?r or Bih?r (K?bul), seat of a tribe 413; Bahat, Bihat, Jhelum-river (Panj-?b), course of 485; Bahraich (U.P. India), revenue of 521; - locates Ghazr? crossings 669.
Bajaur (N.W.F.P. India), concerning its name 367 n. 4, 571 n. 3; - once a K?bul dependency 207;
- wines and fruit of 372, 510-1;
- monkeys and birds of 492-3-4;
- beer made in 423;
- a test of women’s virtue in 301;
- (K?bul), 107 n. 1.
Chihil-qulba (K?bul), B?bur hunts near 420. Ch?km?n-s?r?? (Andikh?d, Oxus valley), a defeat at 46, 260, 268. Ch?n, Ch?na, K?bul trade with 203; - a Ch?n? cup 407;
- [for “Ch?na” see Khit???].
Ch?n-?b, Ch?n-?b, tract and river (Chen-?b, Panj-?b), course of 485; - the Bar in 380 n. 4;
- a Turk possession 380-2;
- B?bur resolves to regain 380;
- he on the river *441, 453;
- envoys to him from 386;
- his family reach 659;
- an appointment to 386.
Ch?na-q?rgh?n (K?bul), B?bur at 407. Ch?n??t or Ch?n?wat (Panj-?b), a Turk possession 380-2; - B?bur resolves to regain 380.
Chir?gh-d?n (Upper Her?-r?d), B?bur at 309; - see Add. Note p. 309 for omitted passage.
Chirkh (K?bul), described 217; Ch?r-s?, Ch?r-ch?k (T?shk?nt lands), A?mad Miran-sh?h?’s disaster at 17, 25, 31-4-5. Chitr (Panj-?b), B?bur at 645. Ch?t?r, Chitor (R?jp?t?na), hills of 486; - B?bur’s plan against 598;
- R?n? Sang?’s 483, 617.
Chun?r (U.P. India), advance on 652-4; - arrival from 657;
- appointments 682-3;
- B?bur at 658;
- road measured from 659;
- question of identity 682 n. n.
Ch?p?n-?t? (Samarkand), 72 n. 3, 76 (Kohik), 76 n. 4; - B?bur crosses 124;
- [see Kohik].
Ch?t?al? (D?k?, Qandah?r), B?bur at 238-9. Cintra (Portugal), oranges of 511 n. 4. Citadel (arg) of K?bul, 201; - B?l?-?i??r 198 n. 4;
- —of Samarkand, 77;
- position of 78 n. 6;
- B?bur in 134, 141.
Dab?s? (Samarkand), A?zbeg victories at 40, 124, 137. Dah?nah (see Fr. map MaimÈnÈ), corn from 295; Dakka (K?bul), App. E. xx; Dakkan, Dakhin, Deccan (India), rulers in 482; ? Dakn? = Dakkan? 619, 631, Add. Note pp. 619, 631. D?man (N.W
ost@g@html@files@44608@44608-h@44608-h-2.htm.html#Page_7" class="pginternal">7, 76, 90, 289; ‘Umar Shaikh’s (I and II) 14-7, 24; B?bur succeeds in 1, 29; invasions of 13, 20-9, 54, *183; proposal to dispossess B?bur 168; an arrival in 28; an exit from 190; B?bur’s loss of 19 n. 1, *183; B?bur’s leaving 187; (see Andij?n). Far-kat (n. of K?nd?r-tau q.v.), a refugee in 149; - a mull? of 343;
- reached from Ghaw? (Fargh?na, Fr. map, Gava), 179.
Farm?l t?m?n (K?bul), described 220; - a s. limit of K?bul 200;
- ?rgh?n in 206 n. 2;
- roads through 206, 231-3-5;
- Shaikh-z?das of 220, 679 n. 7.
Fat?p?r (U.P. India), B?bur at 643, 686. Fat?p?r or Nat?p?r (U.P. India), a dependency of 680; Fat?p?r-Aswa (U.P. India), B?bur at 651. F?r?z?b?d (U.P. India), 643 n. 3. F?r?z-koh (Gh?r-K?bul road), B?bur on 365. F?r?zp?r (-jhirka; Gurgaon, Panj-?b), described 580 n. 1; Ful?l (Badakhsh?n), Khusrau Sh?h and 60; - Mugh?ls from, join B?bur 192 (where read Ful?l).
Gagar, Ghaggar, Kakar river (Pati?la, Panj-?b), B?bur visits and describes 464-5; - called r?d (torrent) of Ban?r and San?r 464.
Gagar, Kakar (U.P. India), a constituent of the Gogr?, Ghogr? q.v.; - the word Gagar or Kakar used 602.
Gamb(h)?r-water (India), B?bur crosses 606. Gandak river (India), course of 485; Gandamak (K?bul), B?bur at 394, 414, 446. Gang-river, Ganges (India), course of 485; - changed course of 667 n. 2, 674 n. 6-7 n. 2, 682 n. 1;
- bridged by B?bur 495, 599, 633;
- lands and chiefs east of 523, 628, 638, 651;
- various crossings made of 530, 544, 583-7, 598, 669, 228;
- K?bul trade with 202;
- —Ab?-bikr and 51;
- Ma?m?d and 47-9;
- Mas‘?d and 52, 64, 71, 93-5, 261;
- B??-sunghar and 52, 61, 96, 110-2;
- ?usain and 48, 57-8-9, 61, 130, 191, 260-3, 275;
- B?bur traverses 128, 130, 187-8,
- moves for *352,
- takes 37, 262, *352-3,
- defends *358, 471,
- attacked in 345, *361-2,
- leaves 362-3;
- —Mugh?ls leave 58
- and rebel 105;
- goers to 104, 141;
- Shaib?n? and 192, 244, *362;
- abandoned by the A?zbegs 622-4;
- Khusrau Sh?h and see s.n.;
- *threefold catastrophe in 362;
- Hum?y?n ordered to attack 625;
- Q?sim q?ch?n and 66;
- a governor in 46-7;
- occupied for B?bur 640.
Hormuz (Persia), Fargh?na almonds imported to 9. H?n? (K?bul), B?bur at 405. H?p??n pass, ?p??n (K?bul), B?bur crosses 195; - locates a place 647 n. 3.
Hur?r (Panj-?b), taken from B?bur 464. Hush??r (Fargh?na), a subdivision of Asfara 7; - B?bur a refugee in 7, *181;
- his gifts to envoys from 633.
Ily?k-s?, K?firnigh?n (?i??r-sh?dm?n), locates a place 48 n. 5. Indr? (U. P. India), an arrival at 456. Indus, see Sind-dary?. ‘Ir?q (Persia), K?bul trade with 202; - various captures of 49, 51, 280, 336;
- envoys to and from 540, 583, 666;
- other comings and goings from and to 20, 46, 260-2-8, 275, 274, 282, 377, 383, 394,
- and by his possession of 27, 529;
- a sequel of its capture 243;
- reserved by him for himself 227, 227 n. 5, 627, 645-6;
- —his comings and goings to and from 27, 229, 241, 248-9, 294, 323, 325, 330, 339, *350, *363-4-5, 389, 395, 403-4-5-7-8, 415-18-19, 441-2-3;
- other comings and goings 51, 196, 228, 321, 349, 364-5, 385, 399, 531, 539, 544, *696, 687, 699;
- men sent to 343, 413, 466, 476;
- various Begims arrive in or leave 36, 306, 339—265, 397—21—264—267—269—606, 616;
- family journey from 646-7, 650-5-7-8, 686-7-9 n. 5;
- followers delay to go to 307;
- *landless men in 706;
- excess levy of grain on 228;
- its sir (weight) 632;
- officers in 250, 270, 273, 382, 646 n. 3;
- newly-made begs of 458, 524;
- —anxiety for 300, 307;
- disloyalty in 313-320, 331, 345;
- *tranquil 349;
- *Mugh?ls of 372-6.
- Khw?ja Khi?r’s Qadam-g?h (K?bul), 201, 407.
- Khw?ja Khi?r’s Mosque (Samarkand), 142.
- Khw?ja-rab?t? (Samarkand), 73, 97, 127-8, 130-1.
- Khw?ja Raush?n?’?’s Chashma (K?bul), 201.
- Khw?ja Reg-i-raw?n (Kohist?n, K?bul), described 215;
- Khw?ja Riw?j (K?bul), rebels go to 245, 345.
- Khw?ja Rustam (K?bul), B?bur near 447.
- Khw?ja Shab?b (K?bul), B?bur at 418.
- Khw?ja Sham?’s tomb (K?bul), 201.
- Khw?ja Sih-y?r?n (K?bul), described 216;
- names of the “three friends” 216, n. 4;
- B?bur at 398, 405-6-20.
- Khw?ja Zaid (n. of Hind?-k?sh), B?bur at 195.
- Khw?? (Samarkand border?), ‘Umar Shaikh defeated at 17, 34;
- Khw?rizm = Khiva, w. limit of Samarkand 76;
- and northern of Khur?s?n 261;
- cold in 219;
- Ma?m?d Ghaznaw?’s over-rule in 479;
- Ch?n ?uf? defends 242, 255-6;
- Khusrau Sh?h’s head sent to 244;
- a B??-qar? refugee in 397;
- governors of 256, 274;
- Mu?ammad ??li? of it 289 n. 4.
- Khw?st, “Khost” (n. of Hind?-kush), mountains of 221;
- name and character of 221 n. 4;
- a mull? of 368;
- M?r-z?das of 412;
- comers and goers from and to 399, 403, 196 n. 5;
- piety of Khw?st?s 523 n. 1;
- *M?h?m Beg?m’s connection with 714;
- B?bur at *363, 408.
- K?l?-g?h? (n. of Hind?-kush), a fugitive through 321.
- Kilirah? (U.P. India), B?bur at 680.
- Kil?f ferry (Oxus), ?usain B??-qar? and 57, 191.
- K?nd?r-tau, Kur?ma (Fargh?na’s n.w. border-mountains), 8n. 5, 11 n. 6;
- —K?nd?rl?k pass, when open 2 n. 4, *183;
- distinguished 116 n. 2;
- The Kh?ns and 90, 161, 172;
- B?bur crosses 54, 90, 658.
- Mad?na (Ar?bia), B?bur sends gifts to 523.
- M??u, M?z? (Fargh?na), B?bur takes 109.
- Madh?k?r (U.P. India), B?bur at 548, 616 (where read as here).
- Magh?k-pul (Samarkand), B?bur at 68, 132.
- Mahan (Fargh?na), B?bur at 123.
- Mah?w?n (Muttra; U.P. India), not submissive to B?bur 523.
- Mah?ba (U.P. India), rebels take flight to 685, 682 n. 1.
- M?h?r?-sangur (N.W.F.P. India), locates a tribe 376.
- Mahyar (N.W.F.P. India), 373 n. 6.
- Maid?n (K?bul), the road to 228;
- earthquake action near 247;
- white marble of 710.
- Maidan-i-Rustam (K?bul), B?bur at 405.
- M??ng (U.P. India), B?bur near 683.
- Makka (Arabia), B?bur sends money gifts to 522,
- and a Qor?n in his script 228 n. 3;
- pilgrims to 26, 267 n. 2, etc.
- Malabar, a succession-custom in 482 n. 5.
- Malarna (R?jp?t?na), revenue of 521.
- Malot, see Milwat.
- M?lwa (C. India), an observatory at 79;
- known in B?bur’s day as Mand?? q.v. 79.
- M?m? Kh?t?n (K?bul), 405.
- M?nas-n? (nai; R?jp?t?na), other names of 578 n. 1;
- reputed outfall of 580; B?bur on 578-9.
- Mandagh?n (Khur?s?n), B?bur at 295.
- Mand??, Mand? (C. India), capital of M?lwa 482 n. 2;
- M?lwa known as 79, 482;
- hills of 486;
- a ruler of 482;
- a holder of 593, 688 n. 2,
- downfall of sult??ns of 483;
- [Elphinstone Codex passim and ?aidarabad Codex, except on p. 79 where “Mandu” occurs, write Mand??].
- Mand?sh, Mandesh (N.W.F.P. India), B?bur at 375.
- Mandr?war t?m?n (K?bul), described 210;
- one of the three constituents of the true Lamgh?n?t 210;
- a village of 424;
- holders of 229, 344;
- B?bur in 321, 421.
- M?nikp?r (U.P. India), revenue, of 521;
- Maq?m (N.W.F.P. India), perhaps mod. Mard?n 377 n. 2;
- Mar?gha (??ar-b?yig?n, Caspian Sea), astronomical Tables constructed at 79.
- Margh?n?n (Fargh?na), described 6;
- bullies of 72947;
- a celebrity of 7, 76;
- locates a place 7;
- comings and goings from and to 30, 97 n. 2, 173;430.
- Qar?-b?gh (K?bul), B?bur at 196;
- Qar?-b?gh-meadow (Qandah?r), flood-waters of 240;
- spoils shared out at 339;
- ? a rebel of 687.
- Qar?-b?gh (Samarkand), B?bur at 147.
- Qar?-b?l?q (Samarkand), B?bur at 66-7;
- Qar?-dary? (s. arm of Sai??n), now supplies Andij?n 3 n. 6;
- Qar?-k?l (Samarkand), mentioned 84;
- irrigation of 76-7;
- a governor of 40;
- lost and regained by A?zbegs 135-7.
- Qar?-k?pa pass, ? Malakand (N.W.F.P. India), B?bur on 376.
- Qar?-nakar?q ? (K?bul), a route through 209.
- Q?rl?q wil?yat (Panj-?b), a governor of 403.
- Qarsh?, Nashaf, Nakhsh?b (Samarkand), described 84;
- Tarkh?ns in 62, 88, 135 (here ? Kesh, p. 135);
- A?zbegs and 135, *353-4;
- B?bur’s wish to spare and Najm S??n?’s massacre 359-60, 361.
- Qar?-rab?t? (n. of Her?t), B??-qar? defeat at 327.
- Qar?-s?, Siy?h-?b (K?bul), B?bur fords 396;
- (N.W.F.P. India), he crosses 450;
- (s. arm of Zar-afsh?n, Samarkand) 78;
- course of 82;
- a meadow on 81;
- known as ?b-i-ra?mat 78.
- Qar?-t?g?n (n. of ?i??r-sh?dm?n), passers through 58, 112, *349;
- B?bur plans to go through to K?shghar 129;
- *his Mugh?l assailants retire to 362.
- Qar?-t? (K?bul), located 208-9;
- Qargh?-y?l?q (K?bul), low hills of 320.
- Q??q-t? (Ghazn? ?), B?bur at 323.
- Q?bch?q road and pass (Hind?-kush), described 205;
- Q?lagh? (K?bul), B?bur at 413.
- Q?r?q-ar?q (K?bul), B?bur at 410, 448.
- Qila‘-i-Ikhtiy?ru’d-d?n, ?l?-q?rgh?n (Her?t), B?bur rumoured captive in 313;
- B??-qar? families abandoned in 327.
- Qila‘-i-z?afar, Sh?f-tiw?r (Badakhsh?n), former name Sh?f-tiw?r 242;
- sends an envoy to B?bur 618;
- a rapid journey from 621;
- offered to M?rz? Kh?n 21, *349;
- a Chaghat?? fugitive through 349;
- opposes the A?zbegs 242;
- —Hum?y?n’s departures from (932 AH.) 545,
- *(935 AH.) 1, 2, 25, 44-9, 136, 150-1-2, 244, 284, 289;
- Corps of Braves 28, App. H, xxvii;
- t?ghch?s 28;
- rulers of 13, 35, 41-6, 52, 65, 74, 90, 111, 121-7, 147, 152, 479, 622;
- governors of 37, 131;
- comings and goings to and from 15, 20-2-4, 64, 88, 136-7, 148-9, 256, 300, 402-3;
- refugees to 46, 51, 58, 95 (plan for), 271;
- an execution in 51, 196;
- a raid near 16;
- ‘Umar Shaikh and 12, 15;
- Tarkh?n revolt in 61-3;
- besieged for a bride 64;
- Ab?-sa‘?d takes 20-8;
- Ma?m?d Chaghat?? and 23, 88, 122;
- — B?bur Æt. 5, taken to 35-7;
- his desire for 97-8, *706;
- desired by others 64, 111-2;
- his attempts on 64-6-8, 72-4, 92-3-7, 112-5-9, 131-2, *354;
- invited to 122-3-4;
- captures of 18, 35-9, 40, 74, 88, 132-4, 266, 277-9, and 5, 191;
- a governor of 74;
- B?q? Chagh?n??n?’s 188, 249;
- a sayyid of *704-5;
- Najm S??n? at 359;
- entered for B?bur 640.
- T?r-m?h?n? (Bih?r, India), mentioned 679, 675 n. 1, 687 and n. 2;
- the ?ab?bu’s-siyar finished at 687 n. 2.
- T?z?n-dara (K?bul), 208 n. 4.
- Toch?-valley (N.W.F.P. India), ? to be traversed by B?bur 231.
- Toda-bh?m (R?jp?t?na), B?bur at 581;
- Sang? at 545 (where “?gra district” is wrong).
- Tons-river, T?s-s? (U.P. India), B?bur on 656, 683.
- Tramontana (between the Oxus and Hind?-kush), army of 447; *706.
- T?ghl?q?b?d (Dihl?), B?bur at 476.
- T??l-pass and road (Hind?-kush), account of 205;
- T?n (Khur?s?n), a B??-qar? holder of 296, 301.
- T?p (K?bul-Her?t road), B?bur at 295.
- T?q?z-a?l?m (Oxus), a defence question 191.
- T?urf?n (Chinese Turkist?n), B?bur plans going to 158.
- Turkist?n, course of the Sai??n in 2-3;
- trade with K?bul 202;
- gold-cloth of 641 n. 5;
- Shaib?n? and 65 n. 3, 73-4, 135;
- his vow in ?a?rat Turkist?n 356;
- *‘Ubaid in 354.
- Turn?k, Tarnak (Qandah?r), 332 n. 3;
- T?s-s? (U.P. India), see Tons.
- T??s (‘Ir?q), an astronomer of 79;
- T?ta (U.P. India), Begims from K?bul pass 616.
- T?tl?q-y?l, Mulberry-road (Fargh?na), B?bur on 165.
- T?t?n-dara (K?bul), water taken from 647.
- Udy?nap?ra (K?bul), App. E, xxi;
- Ujjain (M?lwa, C. India), an observatory in 79.
- ‘Um?n-sea, receives the Indus 485.
- ‘Umar?b?d (Khur?s?n), an ascribed site of the battle of J?m 635 n. 4.
- ?nj?-t?p? (Fargh?na), see A?nj?-t?p?.
- ‘Uq?bain (K?bul), site of the B?l?-?i??r 201.
- ?rgenj (Khw?rizm), see A?rg?nj.
- ?rgh?n (K?bul), see A?rgh?n.
- Ur?s-s? (W. Turkist?n), see Ar?s.
- ?sh (Fargh?na), see A?sh.
- Ushtur-shahr (K?bul), B?bur in 195, 294, 314.
- ‘Ut?r?r, Otr?r, A?t?r?r (W. Turkist?n), see Y?ng?.
- Varsak (Badakhsh?n), position of 523 n. 1, B?bur’s gifts to 523.
- Vierney, Vernoe (E. Turkist?n), position on site of old ?lm?t? 2 n. 1.
- Wakhsh (?i??r-sh?dm?n), A?zbegs at 352, 362.
- Wal??n pass (Hind?-kush), account of 205;
- War?kh (Fargh?na), account of