es@44608@44608-h@44608-h-9.htm.html#Page_161" class="pginternal">161; ? at Arch??n 184; [?908 AH.-1502 AD.]. Shaikh Ab?’l-man??r M?tar?d?—his birthplace Samarkand 75, 76; Ab?’l-mu?ammad neza-b?z—in the t?lghuma of the left wing, at P?n?pat (932) 473; Ab?’l-mu?ammad Khujand?—his sextant 74 n. 4. Ab?’l-mu?sin M?rz? B??-qar? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, son of ?usain and Lat??f—particulars 262 (where for “?USAIN” read mu?sin), 269; - serving his father (901) 58;
- defeats his brother Bad?‘u’z-zam?n (902) 69, 70;
- defeated by his father at Halw?-spring (904) 260;
- his men take Qar?k?l from A?zbegs (906) 135;
- co-operates against Shaib?n? (912) 296;
- rides out to meet B?bur 297;
- they share a divan 298;
- presses him to winter in Her? 300;
- returns to his district (Merv) 301;
- his later action and death 329-30, 331;
- [?913 AH.-1507 AD.].
Ab?’l-muslim K?k?ld?sh—brings an Argh?n gift to B?bur (925) 401, 402. Ab?’l-q?sim Jal??r—tells B?bur a parrot story. (935)2866 494. Ab?’l-q?sim—a musician (923) 387, 388 (here Q?sim only). Ab?’l-q?sim, Kohbur Chaghat??, son of ?aidar-i-q?sim—on - service with B?bur (902) 68, (906) 130, 131, 133;
- in the right wing at Sar-i-pul (Khw?ja K?rdzan) 139;
- killed 141;
- [?906 AH.-1501 AD.].
Shaikh Ab?’l-wajd F?righ?, maternal-uncle of Zain Khaw?f?—makes verse on the K?bul-river (932) 448; - his chronogram on Al-am?n’s birth (935) 621;
- [?940 AH.-1533 AD.2867].
Shaikh Ab?-sa‘?d Kh?n Dar-miy?n2868—particulars 276. Sult??n Ab?-sa‘?d M?rz? M?r?n-sh?h? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk—his descent 14; - asserts T?m?rid supremacy over Chaghat?? Kh?q?ns (855) 20, 344, 352;
- takes M?war?’u’n-nahr (855) 86;
- forms his Corps of Braves 28, 50;
- a single combat in his presence (857) 50;
- defeats ?usain B??-qar? (868) 259;
- a swift courier to him 25;
- joined by the Black-sheep Turkm?ns (872) 49;
- orders the Hind?st?n army mobilized 46;
- defeated and killed by the White-sheep Turkm?ns (873) 25
-4.htm.html#Page_46" class="pginternal">46-7.
- Sult??n A?mad qar?wal, father of Q?ch (Q?j) Beg, Tard? Beg and Sher-afg?n Beg q.v.—defends ?i??r (901) 671, 672.
Sayyid ??ghl?qch?, see Mur?d. Auliya Kh?n Ishr?q?—waits on B?bur (935) 677. A?l?gh Beg M?rz? B??-qar? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, son of Mu?ammad Sult??n M?rz?—his (?) journey to Hindustan (933) 265. A?l?gh Beg M?rz? K?bul?, M?r?n-sh?h?, ut supra, son of Ab?-sa‘?d—particulars 95; - his earliest guardians amusingly frustrate his designs against them 270;
- his dealings with the Y?suf-z?? App. K. xxxvi;
- his co-operation with ?usain B??-qar? against the A?zbegs 190;
- his praise of Ist?l?f 216;
- his death (907) 185;
- gardens of his bought by B?bur (perhaps one only) 216, (911) 246;
- another garden 315;
- houses of his 247, 251;
- his Almshouse 315;
- referred to 284;
- his joint-guardians Mu?ammad Barand?q and Jah?ng?r Barl?s, his later one Wais ?t?ka q.v.;
- his sons ‘Abdu’r-razz?q and M?r?n-sh?h, his daughter Bega Beg?m and daughter-in-law Manauwar q.v.;
- [?907 AH.-1501-2 AD.].
A?l?gh Beg M?rz? Sh?h-rukh?, ut supra (?l?gh), son of Sh?h-rukh—his Trans-oxus rule 852879; - receives Y?nas Chaghat?? badly (832-3?) 19-20;
- defeated by Ab?-bikr M?r?n-sh?h? 260;
- his family dissensions 20;
- his constructions, Astronomical and other 74, 77, 78-92880;
- his sportsmanship 342881;
- his murder and its chronograms 85;
- B?bur resides in his College (906) 142;
- his sons ‘Abdu’l-lat??f and ‘Abdu’l-‘az?z q.v.;
- a favoured beg Y?suf A?ghl?qch? q.v.;
- Preface, q.v. On the misnomer “Mugh?l Dynasty”.
- [?853 AH.-1449 AD.].
A?l?s ?gh? (?l?s), daughter of Khw?ja ?usain q.v.—particulars 24. A?rd?-b?gh? Tarkh?n Argh?n (?rd?)—his son-in-law Ab?-sa‘?d M?r?n-sh?h? and son Darwesh-i-mu?ammad q.v. A?rd?-sh?h—murdered as an envoy (923) 463 n. 3. Aurang-z?b P?dsh?h M?r?n-sh?h? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk—? referred to as of B?bur’s line 184; - [?1118 AH.-O.S. 1707 AD.].
Am?r A?r?s—? flees from his post on Shaib?n?’s death (916) 350. A?r?s-i ‘Al? Sayyid Mugh?l, son? of ‘Al? Sayyid—in the centre at Qandah?r (913) 335. A?r?s Argh?n—his son Mu?ammad-i-a?r?s q.v. A?zbeg Bah?dur (?zbeg)—? one of five champions worsted in single combat by B?bur (914) 349 n. 1. A?z?n ?asan Beg ?q-q??l?q Turkm?n—his defeat of the Qar?-q??l?q Turkm?ns and of Ab?-sa‘?d M?r?n-sh?h? 49; Khw?ja A?z?n ?asan (?z?n)2882—negociates for B?bur (899) 30; - his appointment 32;
- confers in B?bur’s interests (900) 43 (where add his name after ‘Al?-dost’s);
- acts for Jah?ng?r against B?bur (903) 87, 88, 91, (904) 100, 101, 102;
- his servant’s mischievous report of B?bur’s illness (903) 89;
- his men defeated by B?bur’s allies 88-9, 135-49-57-58-88,
- —fraternal see Jah?ng?r and N??ir,—T?m?rid 41, 149-57-68,
- Chaghat?? 54, 169-72,
- Mugh?l 27, 119-25,
- A?zbeg 37;
- friendship see N?y?n and Khw. Kal?n;
- good judgment 43, 87, 91, 134-37-55;
- gratitude 99, 633;
- insouciance 150;
- joy at release from stress 99, 134-35-48-81;
- bashfulness and passion 120;
- persistence 92-7 and passim;
- promptitude 117, 170;
- reprobation of vice, tyranny and cruelty 42-5-6, 50, 66, 70, 90-6, 102-10-25-97, 290;
- and of an unmotherly woman 125-28;
- self-reproach 147;
- self-comment on inexperienced action 165-67-73;
- dislike of talkativeness 28, 97, 143-92-93;
- vexation at loss of rule (Æt. 14) 90-1-9, 129-30-57;
- truth for truth sake 135, 318;
- seeking and weighing counsel 73, 100-14-31-41-65-70-73-97-98, 229-30-31-48, 340-76-78, 410-12-69, 524-30-77, 628-39-67-69-82;
- enjoins Hum?y?n to take counsel 627;
Occupations (non-military):—archery i.a. 175; - calligraphy see infra;
- literary composition see infra;
- metrical amusements see verse;
- Natural History passim;
- travel, excursions, sight-seeing, social intercourse passim;
- building 5, 217-9, 375-98,
- in D?lp?r 585, 606-07-42,
- in ?gra 642,
- in K?bul 646-7,
- in S?kr? 588,
- Ajodhy? mosque 656 n. 3, App. U,
- P?n?pat mosque 472 n. 1;
- gardening and garden-making passim;
- —B?bur’s script (B?bur?-khat?t?) devised 910 AH. 228,
- Qor?n transcribed by him in it 228 n. 4;
- studied by an enquirer 285;
- alphabet and specimens sent to B?bur’s sons 642;
- Ab?shqa account of, App. Q, lxii to lxv;
Observance and breaches of Mu?. Law:—signs of his Sunn? mind e.g. 208, 411 (where add “OR PAH?R”), 578; - a chronogram which fixes the date 575.
Bihjat, see Bahjat. Bih-b?d Beg—particulars 277, App. H, and Additional Notes under p. 277. Ust?d Kam?lu’d-d?n Bih-z?d—particulars 291; - his training due to Naw?’? 272;
- is instructed in drawing by Shaib?n? (913) 329.
R?ja of B?j?nagar (V?j?yanagar)—mentioned as ruling in 932 AH. 483. R?ja Bikam-deo, named in the Hind?st?n Revenue List. R?ja B?kam-chand, ut supra. R?ja B?kram?j?t, ut supra. B?-kh?b Sult??n (var. N?- or Na?-kh?b)? A?zbeg-Shaib?n—on B?bur’s service (934) 589, 602, (935) 651, 682; - in the battle of the Ghogr? 669.
R?n? Bikram?j?t, son of Sang? and Padm?wat?—negotiations for him with B?bur (934) ? 603, 612, (935) 612-3, 615, 616; - pact made with him 616-7;
- possessor of Khilj? jewels 613;
- his mother Padm?wat? and her kinsman As?k Mal q.v.
R?j? Bikram?j?t G??l??r?, T?nwar R?jp?t—his ancestral fortress 477; - his Koh-i-n?r (932) 477;
- his buildings 607-610 and nn.;
- his palace B?bur’s quarters (935) 607;
- his death (932) 477;
- [?932 AH.-1526 AD.].
R?ja Bikram?j?t (Vikram?d?tya)—his Observatory and Tables 79. B?r?m Deo Malinh?s—on B?bur’s service (932) 462. R?ja B?r-sing Deo—named in the Revenue List (935) 521; - his force at K?nwa (933) 562;
- serving B?bur 639.
Khal?fa’s B?shka(?)—a woman who leaves Samarkand with B?bur’s mother (907) 147. B?shka M?rz? It?rach? Mugh?l—brings and receives gifts (925) 415, 416. Brethren of B?bur—removal of their opposition to his aim on Hind?st?n 478. Buhl?l-i-ay?b Begch?k, son of Ay?b—B?bur warned against him (910) 190; - joins B?bur 196;
- his misconduct 241, (911) 254.
Sult??n Buhl?l, S?h?-khail L?d?, Afgh?n—grandfather of Ibr?h?m 463; - his treasure 470;
- his tomb visited by B?bur 476;
- his capture of J?np?r and Dihl? 481;
- his sons Sikandar and ‘Alau’u’d-d?n q.v.;
- [?894 AH.-1488 AD.].
Pahlaw?n Buhl?l, tufang-and?z?—receives gifts (935) 633. B?jka, a household bravo—on B?bur’s service (932) 458, 474, 534, (933) 545; - his success at B??na 547.
Malik B? Kh?n Dilah-z?k (Dilaz?k) Afgh?n—receives gifts from B?bur (925) 394;
blic@vhost@g@html@files@44608@44608-h@44608-h-20.htm.html#Page_443" class="pginternal">443; escapes and joins ‘?lam Kh?n 455, 456; joins B?bur 457, 461; location of his mother’s family 462; does not sit in B?bur’s presence 466; entrusted by B?bur with care for the corpse of Ibr?h?m L?d? 474 n. 1; in the right wing at K?nwa (933) 567 (here styled Kh?n-i-kh?n?n); [?946 AH.-1539 AD.]. Dil-d?r Beg?m (? ??l?a-sult??n 3rd daughter of Ma?m?d M?r?n-sh?h? and Pasha), wife of B?bur—her unborn child forcibly adopted (925) 347, and App. L; - her son Alwar (Al?r)’s death (935) 689 n. 5;
- particulars 712-4;
- her sons Hind-?l and Al?r, her daughters Gul-rang, Gul-chihra and Gul-badan q.v.
Dilpat R?o—killed at K?nwa 573; Div Sult??n R?ml? (or Deo)—recaptures Balkh (cir. 919) 363; - particulars 635 n. 2;
- his servant describes the battle of J?m (935) 635-6.
D?wa Hind?, son of S?kt?—waits on B?bur in Bh?ra (925) 382; - made prisoner and ransomed 399.
D?w?na j?ma-b?f—put to retaliatory death 73; B?b? Dost—put in charge of Hum?y?n’s Trans-Indus district (925) 391; - conveys wine to B?bur’s camp (933) 551 (here s?ch?).2896
Dost, son of Mu?ammad B?qir—drunk (925) 415. Dost-anj??2897 Shaikh, son of B?b? ‘Al?—left in charge of Ghazn? (911) 307. Dost Beg Mugh?l, son of B?b? Qashqa and brother (p. 588) of Sh?h Mu?ammad—at a social gathering and sent to Bh?ra 388 (here muhrd?r); - made a d?w?n (932) 476;
- in charge of B??na (933) 539 and made its shiqd?r 579 (here Lord-of-the Gate);
- in the right centre at K?nwa 565, 569;
- waits on B?bur 581;
- pursues rebels (934) 601 (here Dost-i-mu?ammad);
- in the battle of the Ghogr? (935) 673;
- for his kinsmen see s.n. B?b? Qashqa.
- Khw?ja Dost-i-kh?wand—lets himself down over the wall of Qandah?r (913) 343;
- at boat-parties (925) 385, 388;
- comes from K?bul to ?gra (933) 544;
- in the left-centre at K?nwa 565;
- ? sent on B?bur’s family affairs to Hum?y?n in Badakhsh?n (934) 603;
- delayed in K?bul till K?mr?n’s arrival 618 and nn. 2-6;
- his letters reach B?bur (935) 618.
Dost-k?ld? Mugh?l—in the centre at Qandah?r (913) 335. Dost-i-n??ir Beg—Dost Beg—(N??ir’s Dost), son of N??ir—enters B?bur’s service (904) 103; - on service (906) 131, (908) 163, 165;
- one of three standing by B?bur 166, 167, 396;
- with him at Akhs? 174, 396;
- one of the eight in the flight 177, 396;
- at the recapture of K?bul (912) 315;
- in the left
23 n. 3;
- his son N?har q.v.;
- [?933 AH.-1527 AD.].
?asan Nab?ra, grandson of Mu?ammad S?ghal—waits on B?bur (902) 66; - captures his elder brother (903) 72;
- leaves ‘Al? for M?rz? Kh?n (905) 122;
- goes as envoy (?) to B?bur from M?rz? Kh?n (925) 415;
- his elder brother Muhammad Q?sim Nab?ra q.v.
Mull? ?asan ?arr?f—given custody of gifts for K?bul (932) 525. ?asan sharbatch?—helps B??-sunghar M?r?n-sh?h?’s escape (901) 62. ?asan-i-yaq‘?b Beg, son of N?y?n Beg?—particulars 26; - supports B?bur (899) 30, 31;
- his appointments 32;
- shows disloyalty (900) 43;
- his death 44;
- his sobriquet N?y?n’s ?asan 273;
- [?900 AH.-1494 AD.].
Malik Hast Janj?ha—receives an envoy from B?bur (925) 380; - serving B?bur 380, 389;
- his injuries from H?t? Kakar 391.
H?t? Kakar—particulars 387; - his misdeeds provoke punishment (925) 387, 9, 91;
- abandons Parh?la 390;
- sends B?bur tribute and is sent an envoy 391-2;
- referred to 452.
‘Abdu’l-l?h H?tif?, nephew of J?m?—particulars 288. ??t?m q?rch?—promoted to be q?r-beg? (911) 252; - in the centre at Qandah?r (913) 335.
Haz?r?sp?, see P?r-i-mu?ammad. Henry VII of England—his Intercursus malus contemporary with 910 AH. 187 n. 2. Henry of Navarre—? his difficulties, as to creed, less than those of B?bur in 917 AH.-1511 AD., 356. Hil?l?, see Badru’d-d?n Hil?l?. Ab?’l-n??ir Mu?ammad Hind-?l M?rz? M?r?n-sh?h? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, son of B?bur and Dil-d?r—his pre-natal adoption (925) 374; - meaning of his name Hind-?l 385;
- gifts to him or his servants 522, (935) 633, 642;
- the W?lidiyyah-ris?la and Hind?st?n verses sent to him 642;
- under summons to Hind 645, ? 696;
- ? sent by Hum?y?n to Qila‘-i-z?afar (936) 695;
- referred to 697;
- ? waits on his father in L?hor 699;
- ? his dying father’s wish to see him (937) 708;
- his escort of B?bur’s family in 946 AH. referred to 710;
- [?958 AH.-1551 AD.].
Hind?—Mind?,—Mahnd?, see Mahnd?. Hind? Beg q?ch?n—leaves ‘Al? M?r?n-sh?h? for M?rz? Kh?n (905) 122; - sent to raid Panj-k?ra (925) 374;
- in Bh?ra 386-8;
- leaves it 399;
- out with B?bur 403;
- serving under Hum?y?n (932) 465-6, 528<
b>?usain M?rz? M?r?n-sh?h?, son of Ma?m?d and a T?rm?z? wife—his death (Æt. 13) in his father’s lifetime, 47, 110.
- M?r ?usain mu‘amm?’? Nish?p?r?—particulars 288 and n. 7;
- ?usain Kh?n N???n? Afgh?n—holding R?pr? and not submissive to B?bur (932) 523;
- abandons it 530;
- takes it again (933) 557;
- drowned in flight 582;
- [?933 AH.-1527 AD.].
- Sult??n ?usain Q?nj?t, maternal grandfather of ?usain B??-qar?—his T?m?rid descent 256 n. 5.
- Sh?h M?r ?usain Q?rl?q—waits on B?bur (925) 403 (here var. ?asan) 409;
- sent to Bajaur (926) 422;
- meets B?bur on his road 423;
- in charge of impedimenta (932) 458;
- allowed to raid from Milwat 464;
- fighting for B?bur 468, 471;
- in the left wing at P?n?pat 472;
- posted in J?np?r (933) 544.
- ?usain-i Shaikh T?m?r—particulars 273 (where in n. 2 read grand(“father”)).
- Sult??n ?usain Sharq?—rise and fall of his dynasty 481;
- Sh?h ?usain Y?rag? Mugh?l Ghanch?—in the left wing at P?n?pat (932) 472, and at K?nwa (933) 567;
- ?usamu’d-d?n ‘Al? Barl?s, son of Khal?fa—on service (934) 601;
- waits on B?bur (935) 687.
- Ibn-i-?us?in M?rz? B??-qar? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, son of ?usain and P?p?—parentage 265;
- joins his brothers against Shaib?n? (912) 296;
- fails in etiquette when meeting B?bur 297;
- his place at a reception 298;
- goes back to his districts T?n and Q??n 301;
- mentioned 331;
- the poet ?h? his servant 289;
- [?919 AH.-1513 AD.].
- Ibr?h?m ?t? (Father Abraham)—his tomb in Turkist?n 159.
- Ibr?h?m Beg Begch?k, brother of Ay?b—in the right wing at Qandah?r (913) 334.
- M?r Ibr?h?m Begch?k—fights and kills a guardian of ‘Umar Shaikh M?r?n-sh?h? (cir. 870) 25.
- Ibr?h?m Chaghat??—joins ?usain B??-qar? 279,2901 689 n. 4.
- Ibr?h?m chuhra—conveys a quatrain of B?bur’s (925) 401.
- Ibr?h?m D?ld?? Barl?s—particulars 274.
- Sult??n Ibr?h?m Ghaznaw?—his tomb 218;
- Ibr?h?m-i-?usain M?rz? B??-qar? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, son of ?usain—particulars 265;
- on his father’s service (901) 57;
- receives Balkh (902) 70;
- besieged (903) 93-4;
- [?910 AH.-1504-5 AD.].
- Ibr?h?m J?n?—fights for B?bur at Sar-i-pul (906) 139;
- one of three Ibr?h?ms killed there 141, 624 n. 1;
- Karm-chand—acting for ?asan Mewat? (933) 545, 578;
- asks peace from B?bur for ?asan’s son N?har 578.
- K?rm Singh—killed at K?nwa 573;
- R?ja Karna G??l??r?, (or, Kirt?), T?nwar R?jp?t—his buildings in G??l??r 608 n. 3.
- Khad?ja ?gh?, and later, Beg?m, mistress of Ab?-sa‘?d M?r?n-sh?h?, wife of ?usain B??-qar?—particulars 262, 268;
- her dominance 268, 292;
- visited in Her? by B?bur (912) 301;
- at an entertainment to him 302;
- a suspicion against her 302 n. 1;
- captured by Shaib?n? (913) 327;
- given for a traitor to loot 328;
- her daughter ?q Beg?m and sons Sh?h-i-ghar?b and Mu?affar-i-?usain q.v.
- Khadija-sult??n Beg?m M?r?n-sh?h? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, daughter of Ab?’sa‘?d—(probably) seen by B?bur in Her? (912) 301;
- B?bur visits her near ?gra (934) 588 and in ?gra Fort (935) 606, 616.
- Khald?r Y?rag? Mugh?l, son of ?aidar K?k?ld?sh—fights for B?bur at Sar-i-pul (Khw?ja K?rdzan) (906) 139.
- Khal?fa, see Ni?amu’d-d?n ‘Al? Barl?s.
- Khal?l chuhra—a brave who fought well for B?bur (904) 101.
- Khal?l d?w?na—on A?z?n ?asan’s service (904) 102 (where for “D?w?n” read d?w?na).
- Sult??n Khal?l M?rz?, M?r?n-sh?h? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, son of M?r?n-sh?h—mentioned 262 n. 2;
- Sult??n Khal?l M?rz? M?r?n-sh?h? (ut supra), son of Ab?-sa‘?d—his daughter sole wife of B??-sunghar M?r?n-sh?h? 112.
- Khal?l Sult??n Chaghat?? Ch?ng?z-kh?nid, son of A?mad, (Alacha Kh?n), full brother of Sa‘?d—his son B?b? Sult??n q.v.
- Khal?l Sult??n It?raj? Mugh?l, brother of A?mad Ta?bal—holding M??? for Ta?bal (905) 109;
- captured ib., and released 119;
- surprises A?sh 125;
- helps B?bur against Shaib?n? (906) 138;
- killed at Sar-i-pul 141;
- [?906 AH.-1501 AD.].
- Khalw? p??da (or Khalw?)—his spear-head bitten off by a tiger (925) 393.
- The Khat?b of Qarsh?—an envoy to B?bur (910) 188.
- Kh?n-i-jah?n, see Fat? Kh?n Sarw?n?.
- Kh?n-i-jah?n, a “pagan”—opposes B?bur (933) 539.
- Kh?n-qul?, son of B??n-qul?—leaves B?bur in Samarkand (903) 86;
- at a household party (906) 131 (where read Kh?n-qul? for “Kh?n-i-qul?”);
- gives ground for suspicion (907) 156;
- one of eight in the flight from Akhs? (908) 176, 177;
- in the right-centre at Qandah?r (913) 335.
- Kh?n-z?da Beg?m (1), M?r?n-sh?h? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, daughter of Ma?m?d—particulars 48.
- Kh?n-z?da Beg?m (2), ut supra, daughter of Ma?‘?d and Sa‘?dat-bakht—particulars 267;
- visited by B?bur near ?gra (935) 616.
- Kh?n-z?da Beg?m (3), ut supra, daughter of ‘Umar Shaikh and Q?tl?q-nig?r—particulars 17;
- her marriage with Shaib?n? (907) 18, 147, ? 184;
- her divorce and remarriage with Sayyid H?d? Khw?ja 352 [?.S. iii], 364;
- her reunion with B?bur (916) 18, 352, 371-2, 375;
- has Ghazn? wine at Milwat (932) 461;
- urged to renounce wine 648;
- tells B?bur of a fruitful orange-tree (935) 510, cf. 483 n. 2;
- ? quotation from his ode on B?bur’s death 709.
- ‘Abdu’l-l?h Khw?ja Maul?n?-i-q?z?—particulars 29, 89-90;
- supports B?bur (899) 30;
- chases off an invader 32;
- confers with other well-wishers of the boy (900) 43;
- mediates for Ibr?h?m S?r? 53, for A?rg?t?s (902) 68;
- envoy to A?z?n ?asan (903) 87;
- open-handed to B?bur’s followers 88;
- entreats him to save Andij?n 88-9;
- M?r Mugh?l aids him in its defence 122;
- hanged by Ta?bal and A?z?n ?asan 89;
- ‘Al?-dost fears retaliation for his death (905) 119;
- his right guidance recalled by B?bur (912) 303;
- [?903 AH.-1498 AD.].
- Khw?jak? Mull?-i-?adr, son of Maul?n? Mu?ammad ?adru’d-d?n, and elder brother of Khw?ja Kal?n—particulars 67;
- killed near Y?m 67;
- [?902 AH.-1497 AD.].
- Khw?ja M?r-i-m?r?n—speaks boldly at Akhs? (908) 174;
- in charge of baggage camels (925) 376, 377, and of B?bur’s camp 389, 391;
- B?bur halts near his Lamgh?n village (926) 424;
- given charge of Daulat Kh?n Y?suf-khail (932) 459-60;
- in the left-centre at P?n?pat (973);
- entrusted with gifts for K?bul 525.
- Khw?ja M?r Sult??n—he and his son receive gifts (935) 632.
- Khw?nd-am?r, grandson of Kh?wand Sh?h Am?r (“M?rkhond”)—? associated with Mu?ammad-i-zam?n B??-qar? (923) 364-5, 463 n. 3;
- fleeced by Shaib?n?’s order (913) 328 n. 2;
- his discomforts in Her?t 617 n. 2;
- waits on B?bur (935) 605;
- B?bur invites him in verse 693;
- completes the ?ab?bu’s-siyar while at T?r-m?h?n? with B?bur 687 n. 3;
- his omission (or loss) from B?bur’s list of Her?t celebrities 283 n. 1;
- his and B?bur’s varied choice of details 328 n. 2;
- ? his patron Am?r Ghiy?s?u’d-d?n and nephew Ghiy?s?u’d-d?n 436;
- [?942 AH.-1535 AD.].
- Khw?ja Khw?nd-sa‘?d—B?bur visits his tomb (925) 407.
- M?r Kh?wand—Sh?h Am?r (“M?rkhond”)—author of the Rauzatu’?-?af?, grandfather of Khw?nd-am?r—his omission (or loss) from B?bur’s list of Her?t celebrities 283 n. 1;
- K?ch?k ‘Al?—his courage (908) 176;
- made prisoner (933) 557, 576;
- shiqd?r of Koel 176.
- K?ch?k B?q? d?w?na—suspended (911) 248;
- killed at Qal?t-i-ghilz?? 248;
- [?911 AH.-1505 AD.].
?z-kh?nid, eldest son of A?mad, Alacha Kh?n—? defeats his half-brother Sa‘?d (914) 349; - ? mentioned as Kh?q?n of the Mugh?ls, Sa‘?d as Kh?n in K?shghar 427;
- [?950 AH.-1543 AD.].
- Man??r M?rz? B??-qar?, ‘Umar-shaikh? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk—mentioned in his son ?usain’s genealogy 256;
- his not-reigning 256;
- his wife F?r?za and their children 256, 257;
- his beg Wal? q.v.
- Man??r Turkm?n—in the centre at Qandah?r (913) 335.
- Malik Sh?h Man??r Y?suf-z?? Afgh?n, son of Sulaim?n—envoy of his tribe to B?bur (924) 371;
- his daughter’s
- marriage with B?bur (925) 375, App. K;
- waits on him 399, 400;
- his brother T?aus Kh?n and cousin A?mad q.v.;
- a follower 377.
- Maq??d s?ch?, sh?rbatch?, karg—in the left centre at Qandah?r (913) 335, 338;
- his tossing by a rhinoceros (karg) 400.
- Margh?b qul—in Mah?w?n (932) 523.
- M??n Ma‘r?f Farm?l? Afgh?n2909—disaffected to Ibr?h?m and (later) to B?bur (932) 523;
- his opposition 530;
- flees 533-4;
- his son Mu?ammad (?) leaves him (934) 598;
- his sons Mu?ammad and M?sa q.v.
- Ma‘r?f Yaq‘?b-kha?l Dilah-z?k (D?laz?k) Afgh?n—waits on B?bur at ‘Al?-masjid (925) 394.
- Shaikh Ma?la?at Khujand?—his birthplace 8;
- dreamed of by B?bur (906) 132;
- his tomb visited by T?m?r (790) 132 n. 2.
- Mast? chuhra—deals with a drunken man (925) 415;
- intoxicated by beer (926) 423.
- Sult??n Mas‘?d Ghaznaw?—his tomb 218.
- Sult??n Mas‘?d M?rz? M?r?n-sh?h? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, son of Ma?m?d and Kh?n-z?da I—particulars 47, 48;
- holding ?i??r (900) 52;
- opposes ?usain B??-qar? and flees (901) 57-8, 130;
- one of three besieging Samarkand; retires with his desired Barl?s bride 64;
- quarrels with Khusrau Sh?h (902) 71,
- and with the ?i??r begs (903) 93;
- takes refuge with ?usain B??-qar? 93, 95, 261, 265;
- returns to Khusrau and is blinded by him 95, 50;
- goes back to ?usain 95, 266;
- mentioned as older than B??-sunghar 110;
- meets B?bur in ?er?t (912) 302;
- murdered by A?zbegs (913) 267;
- his wives ??li?a-sult??n M?r?n-sh?h?, and Sa‘?dat-bakht B??-qar? q.v.;
- his betrothed (?) K?ch?k Beg?m B??-qar? q.v.;
- [?913 AH.-1507 AD.].
- Sult??n Mas‘?d M?rz? K?bul?, Sh?h-rukh?, ut supra—particulars 382;
- his cherished followers, sons of M?r ‘Al? Beg q.v.;
- his son ‘Al? a?ghar q.v.;
- [deposed 843 AH.-1439-40 AD.].
- Mull? Mas‘?d Sherw?n?, of ?usai
(908) 166, 396;
- fights for him in Akhs? 174-5;
- one of eight in flight 177;
- his horse fails 178;
- at social gatherings (925) 385, 387, 388;
- out with B?bur 403;
- behaves in his own fashion 407.
M??t?k?n Chaghat?? Ch?ng?s-kh?nid—mentioned in Y?n?s Kh?n’s genealogy 19. B?b? Mub?raka Y?suf-z?? Afgh?n, a wife of B?bur—referred to 367 n. 3; - her courtship App. K;
- asked and given in marriage 375, 376;
- a couplet suiting her 411;
- accompanies Mah?m to ?gra (935) 689 n. 5;
- ? her probable charge of conveying B?bur’s body to K?bul 709-10;
- her brother Jam?l App. K, xli;
- [? early under Akbar 963 AH.-1556 AD.].
Mub?rak Kh?n Jilw?n?—killed serving B?ban (935) 685. Mub?rak Sh?h Muz?affar?—rises in Badakhsh?n against Shaib?n? (cir. 910) 242; - invites N??ir M?r?n-sh?h? 242, 243;
- defeats A?zbegs (912) 294-5;
- defeats N??ir 321;
- in force (913)
- Author’s Note 340;
- invites M?rz? Kh?n to Qila‘i-z?afar 21;
- [?cir. 913 AH.-1508 AD.].
Mugh?l Beg, am?r of ?usain B??-qar?—particulars 275. A Mugh?l servant—aims an arrow at B?bur (912) 316. M??ammad, the Prophet—reference to 75; - a saying on travel 184;
- his edicts do not include the imposition of the tamgh? 555;
- on the duty of a waz?r 556;
- mentioned in the farm?n and the fat?-n?ma (933) 553, 559-574.
Khw?ja Mu?ammad, an old tailor of ‘Umar Shaikh’s—allays anxiety for B?bur (899) 30. M?r Mu?ammad-i-Mahd? Khw?ja—on service (925) 381. Pahlaw?n ?aj? Mu?ammad—gifts made to him (935) 633. Ustad Sult??n Mu?ammad, a K?bul builder—orders for his work (935) 646-7. Mu?ammad ‘Al?, son of ?aidar kik?bd?r—brings a gift (925) 418; - summons Hum?y?n (933) 537-8;
- sent out for news (935) 661, 662.
Mu?ammad ‘Al? bakhsh?—on Ab?-sa‘?d’s service and defeated by ?usain B??-qar? (868) 259. Mu?ammad ‘Al? Jang-jang—in the centre at Bajaur (925) 370; Mu?ammad-i-y?suf A?ghl?qch?, elder son of Y?suf—waits on B?bur (905) 125. M?r Mu?ammad-i-y?suf—particulars 285; - waits on B?bur in Her?t (912) 285;
- Shaib?n? instructs him in exposition (913) 329.
Mu?ammad Zait?n2914—opposing B?bur (932) 523; - written to and makes false excuse 529, 530;
- waits on B?bur (933) 540;
- sent out of the way before K?nwa 547.
Khw?ja Mu?ammad ?akariya,2915 son of Ya?y?—murdered 128; Mu?ammad-i-zam?n M?rz? B??-qar? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, grandson and last surviving heir of ?usain—particulars 261, 269 n. 6, 279; - spared by Shaib?n? 263;
- his wanderings and association with Khw?nd-am?r 364-5, 463 n. 3;
- sent to B?bur and married to his daughter Ma‘??ma-sult??n (923-4) 365;
- in Balkh 365, 522;
- dutiful letters and tribute sent by him to B?bur (925) 385, 402, ? 427, ? (926-932) 428;
- with B?bur (935) 606, 631, 639, 659;
- objects to the Bih?r command 661-2;
- does homage for it and is given insignia of royalty 662, ? 706;
- starts for Bih?r but is recalled 663, 664;
- in the battle of the Ghogr? 668, 669, 671;
- ? given J?np?r 682;
- pursues B?ban and B?yaz?d 682;
- grounds for surmising in B?bur the intention to leave him as ruler in Hind?st?n 705-7;
- ? of his later uprisings against Hum?y?n 714 n. 1;
- [?drowned at Chausa 946 AH.-1539 AD.].
Mu?ibb-i-‘al? Kh?n Barl?s Turk, son of Khal?fa—? marries N?hid Begim (930) 443; - in a night-attack (932) 471;
- in the left centre at P?n?pat 472, 473;
- and at K?nwa (933) 565;
- unhorsed in ‘Abdu’l-‘az?z’ discomfiture 549-50;
- on service (934) 601.
Mu?ibb-i-‘al? q?rch?—on Khusrau Sh?h’s service (901) 60, (902) 71; - joins B?bur (910) 188;
- B?bur’s praise of him (912) 307, 308;
- loyal 313, (914) 343, 344;
- ? given K?bul (917) 363;
- ? returns it to B?bur (920) 363;
- dies in Ghazn? (921) 363;
- his sister Mihr-b?n? and wife Qar?-g?z B??-qar? q.v.;
- [?921 AH.-1515 AD.].
Khw?ja Na??ru’d-d?n T??s?—his Astronomical Tables 79; Sult??n N??iru’d-d?n Kh?lj? Turk, Sult??n of Malw?—events following his death 593; - his son Ma?m?d q.v.;
- [?916 AH.-1510 AD.].
Na?rat Sh?h ?usain-sh?h?, Sult??n in Bengal—particulars 482-3; - reported friendly to B?bur (935) 628, 637;
- sends him an envoy 637;
- negociations with him 661, 664, 676;
- referred to as at peace with B?bur 665;
- mentioned 667, 677, 679;
- his troops defeated on the Ghogr? 671-4;
- peace made 676;
- [?939 AH.-1532 AD.].
Na?rat Sh?h T?ghl?q Turk—receives Dihl? from T?m?r 481 n. 4. Naurang Beg—? punishes the Mund?hirs (936) 700, 701. Nau-roz, brother of Mu?ammad-‘al? Jang-jang—at Bajaur (925) 370. Naukar Hind?, see T?ka. Naz?ar-i-‘al? Turk—on B?bur’s service (925) 389; - his relation Min?chihr q.v.
Naz?ar Bah?dur—killed on Khusrau Sh?h’s service 93, 94, 279; Naz?ar Bah?dur A?zbeg—one of five champions worsted by B?bur in single combat (914) 349 n. 1. Sh?h Naz?ar Turkm?n—in the centre at Qandah?r (913) 335; Ni‘amat Argh?n—his defeat 34. Mull? Ni‘amat—killed in a surprise by Sang? 549; Khw?ja Ni‘amatu’l-l?h—his son ??af? 286 n. 2. N?g?rs?, see Dank?s?. Niz??m Kh?n B??na’?—not submissive to B?bur (932) 523; - receives letters and a quatrain from him 529;
- defeats B?bur’s troops (933) 538-9;
- waits on B?bur 539;
- in the left wing at K?nwa 567;
- on service (935) 678.
Khw?j? Niz??mu’d-d?n A??ad, the author of the ?abaq?t-i-akbar?, son of Mu?ammad Muq?m—? discussion of his story of the intended supersession of B?bur’s sons 702-8; Sayyid Niz??mu’d-d?n ‘Al? Khal?fa Margh?l?n?, Barl?s Turk son of Junaid—escapes from prison and death (900) 55; - driven from B?bur’s presence (903) 90, (905) 119;
- defends K?bul (912) 313;
- mediates (914) 345;
- hears rumours of
- Mugh?l revolt 346;
- in the left centre at Bajaur (925) 369
- and at P?n?pat (932) 473;
- given charge of Ibr?h?m’s corpse 474 n. 113;
- his courage at B?shkhar?n 118;
- leaves B?bur for ?i??r (906) 129;
- ? reprieved at Q?sim q?ch?n’s request (914) 345;
- on B?bur’s service (925) 374, (925) 384;
- at Parh?la 390;
- comes on summons to K?bul 409;
- referred to as dead (933) 565;
- his brother Tard? Beg q.v.
- Q?ch Argh?n—allotted in Qal?t to Q?sim q?ch?n (913) 339.
- Q?ch Beg Kohbur Chaghat??, son of ?aidar-i-q?sim—at Sar-i-pul (906) 139;
- Qul-ar?k—drowned in the Sind-water (910) 237.
- Qul-b?yaz?d bak?wal—particulars 237;
- swims the Sind-water (910) 237;
- at Qandah?r (913) 335, 338;
- his son T?zak q.v.;
- his tomb near K?bul 198.
- Qul? Beg Argh?n—known as attached to B?bur (913) 337;
- returns from an embassy to K?shghar (925) 415;
- his brother A?mad-‘al? Tarkh?n q.v.
- Q?lij Bah?dur A?zbeg—mentioned in T?ahm?sp ?afawi’s account of J?m (935) 636 n. 2.
- M?rz? Q?l? K?k?ld?sh, see M?rz?-qul?.
- Qul?-mu?ammad B?ghd? q?ch?n—particulars 40.
- Ust?d Qul-mu?ammad ‘A?d?]—particulars 291;
- his musical training owed to Nawa’? 272.
- Qul-nach?q—holding Balkh for the B??-qar?s (912) 294, 296;
- surrenders it to Shaib?n? 300.
- Qul-naz?ar of T?agh?? Beg—sallies out from Samarkand (906) 142;
- Qurb?n Ch?rkh?—sent into Bh?ra (925) 381;
- a false rumour about him as invited into Balkh (935) 625;
- gifts to his servants 633;
- in the battle of the Ghogr? 669;
- on service 678.
- Qus?am ibn ‘Abb?s, one of the Companions—his tomb at Samarkand 75.
- Qusum-n?? (?)—on service (932) 534.
- Qut?b Kh?n Sarw?n?—not submissive to B?bur (932) 523;
- Mahd? Khw?ja sent against him in Et?wa 530;
- takes Chandw?r (933) 557;
- abandons both places 579, 582;
- defeated 587.
- Khw?ja Qut?bu’d-d?n A?sh? (?sh?)—his birthplace in Fargh?na 475 n. 6;
- B?bur visits his tomb in Dihl? (932) 475;
- [?633 AH.-1235 AD.].
- Q?tl?q Khw?ja K?k?ld?sh—with B?bur in Samarkand (906) 143, 144;
- host to B?bur (925) 398, 407;
- held up as an example 406.
- Q?tl?q-mu?ammad K?k?ld?sh, foster-brother of Daulat-sult??n Kh?n?m—brings B?bur letters from K?shghar (925) 409 (where for “Daulat” read Q?tl?q).
- Q?tl?q-nig?r Kh?n?m Chaghat?? Ch?ng?z-kh?nid, mother of B?bu
>??li?a-sult??n M?r?n-sh?h?—?q Beg?m—daughter of A?mad and Q?t?q—particulars 35;
- gifts from her wedding reach B?bur (900) 43.
- Sal?ma-sult??n Beg?m—? her parentage 713.
- Sult??n S?l?m R?m?—takes Bad?‘u-z-zam?n B??-qar?, a captive, to Constantinople (920) 327 n. 5;
- ? defeats Ism?‘?l ?afaw? at Ch?ldir?n (920) 443, 469;
- [?926 AH.-1520 AD.].
- ?amad M?ngl?gh?—wounded and dies 106;
- Mehtar Sa?bhal, slave of Sh?h Beg Argh?n—particulars 338 n. 2;
- captured at Qandah?r and escapes (913) 338;
- ? Commander in Qandah?r and revictuals it for Sh?h Beg 432.
- Sult??n Sanjar Barl?s Turk, son of ‘Abdu’l-l?h—incites a Mugh?l revolt in K?bul (912) 313-17;
- spared on family grounds 317.
- Sult??n Sanjar M?rz? Merv?—his daughter Bega Sult??n Beg?m’s B??-qar? marriage (cir. 860) 267.
- R?n? Sang? Mew?r?—particulars 483, 558 n. 2;
- his capture of Chander? 593;
- proffers B?bur co-operation against Ibr?h?m L?d? (931?) 426, 529;
- fails him (932) 529;
- takes Kand?r 530, 539;
- B?bur’s attack on him deferred 530-1
- and determined (933) 538;
- his strength and approach 544, 547;
- defeated at K?nwa 559-574;
- escapes 576;
- references to the battle 267, 533, 579, 582, 583, 599, 600, 630 n. 4, 637, 663;
- his lands not invaded, on climatic grounds 577, 578;
- B?bur’s planned attack on him in Ch?tor frustrated (934) 598;
- his wife Padm?wat? and sons Ratan-s? and Bikram?j?t? q.v.;
- his trusted man Medin? R?o q.v.;
- [?934 AH.-1528 AD.].2923
- Sangur Kh?n Janj?ha—waits on B?bur (925) 383;
- on service 389, 419;
- killed in a sally from B??na 548;
- [?933 AH.-1527 AD.].
- M?r Sar-i-barhana, see Shamsu’d-d?n Mu?ammad.
- S?r?gh-b?sh M?rza It?rach?—sent by The Kh?n (Ma?m?d) to help B?bur (908) 161, 170.
- Mull? Sars?n—K?mr?n’s messenger and custodian of Ibr?h?m L?d?’s son (933) 544.
- Sar-u-p? Guj?r—B?bur’s guide to Parh?la (925) 389, 391.
- Satrv? Kach?—his force at K?nwa (933) 562.
- Sult??n S?t?q-b?ghra Kh?n Gh?z? P?dsh?h (b. 384 AH.-994 AD.).—a surmised descendant 29 n. 8;
- his style P?dsh?h 344 n. 23;
- long parted from a half sister (907) 149;
- meets her brother A?mad (908) 159;
- mentioned in B?bur’s reflection on disloyal kinsfolk (912) 318;
- writes to him from K?shghar (932) 446 n. 2;
- her son Wais [M?rz? Kh?n] and grandson Sulaim?n q.v.2931;
- [?934 AH.-1527-8 AD.].
- Sult??n-ni?h?d Beg?m B??-qar? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, daughter of ?usain and P?p?—particulars 266;
- her husband Sikandar B??-qar? q.v.
- Sult?n-qul? and Sult??n ‘Al?, see B?b?-qul? and B?b? ‘Al?.
- Sult??n-qul? ch?n?q, Mugh?l—his fidelity (904)
- and treachery(?) (914 and 921) 105, 109 n. 5;
- falls into a pit outside K?bul (910) 198;
- does a bold deed 236;
- out with B?bur (911) 252-3;
- rejoins B?bur from Her?t (913) 330-1;
- in the Mugh?l rebellion at Ghazn? (921) 364 n. 1.
- Sult??n Suy?rghatm?sh M?rz? Sh?h-rukh? T?m?rid, Barl?s Turk, son of Sh?h-rukh—mentioned in his son Mas‘?d’s genealogy 382.
- T?agh?? Beg, see Sher?m T?agh??.
- T?agh?? Sh?h bakhsh?—put in charge of Sh?h Beg’s treasury (913) 338.
- T?ham-tan Turkm?n—particulars 279;
- his grandson Mu?ammad-i-zam?n q.v.
- T??hir Beg D?ld?? Barl?s Turk, son of ??fi?-i-mu?ammad—joint governor of M?rz? Kh?n (905) 122;
- feeds the famished B?bur (907) 148.
- T??hir t?br?—finds Ibr?h?m L?d?’s body (932) 475;
- surprised by R?jp?ts (933) 549.
- Sh?h-z?da2932 T?ahm?sp ?afaw? ‘Arab, son of Ism?’?l—? mentioned as reigning from 930-932 AH. 427;
- B?bur’s envoy to him (930) returns with gifts (933) 540, 560560 n. 2, 538, ? 712;
- his campaigns against the A?zbegs (934) 618, (935) the battle of J?m 617 n. 3, 622-4 (where on p. 622 n. 1 read 935 for “934”), 625 n. 4, 635-6;
- his own account of the battle 635-6;
- desires peace 639 n. 3;
- his envoys in ?gra 630, 632;
- his friendship enjoined on K?mr?n 645;
- [?984 AH.-1576 AD.].
- T?j Kh?n S?rang-kh?n? Afgh?n—sends B?bur news that Ma?m?d L?d?’s army has broken up (935) 654;
- waits on B?bur 657;
- brings news which prevents hunting 658;
- sent on service 682;
- superseded in Chun?r by Junaid Barl?s 683.
- T?ju’d-d?n Ma?m?d Argh?n—holding Qal?t for Muq?m (913) 339;
- waits on B?bur (925) 418.
- Sult??n A?mad Ta?bal It?rach? Mugh?l—with B?bur at Asfara (900) 53;
- wounded near Samarkand (902) 67;
- promoted (903) 86;
- deserts B?bur under privation 86, 66, (903) 88;
- killed