
AARON and his sons, Numbers, 32.
---- and Moses meet, Exodus, 87.
---- begins the Tabernacle service, Leviticus, 219.
---- Character of, Numbers, 29.
---- Close of his life, Numbers, 235.
---- complains of the marriage of Moses, Numbers, 137.
---- Consecration of, Leviticus, 181.
---- Consecration of, Hebrews, 185.
---- Intercession of, Numbers, 207.
---- Priesthood of, Hebrews, 79, 128.
---- Rod of, Numbers, 198, 207.
---- suggested as Moses' Helper, Exodus, 74.
AARONITES, Support of the, Numbers, 25.
ABBA, Genesis, 165; Galatians, 254.
ABBOTT, Dr. Ezra, Biblical Essays, Acts II., 12, 43.
ABECEDARIANS, Pastoral Epistles, 70.
ABEL, Genesis, 28-41.
---- compared with Christ, Genesis, 40, 41.
---- Faith of, Genesis, 35, 36; Hebrews, 223-225.
ABERCIUS, St., Acts I., VI.
ABGAR, King, Acts II., 53.
ABIATHAR deposed, Kings, 110, 111.
ABIEZER, Conversion of, Judges 159.
ABIGAIL, wife of Nabal, I. Samuel, 384; II. Samuel, 39.
---- marries David, I. Samuel, 388.
ABIHU, Strange fire of Nadaband, Leviticus, 237-255; Numbers, 29.
ABIJAH, son of Jeroboam.
---- Sickness and death of, I. Kings, 302-308.
ABIJAH, king of Judah, I. Kings, 318-321; Chronicles, 325-337.
ABIMELECH, Judges, 210-223.
ABIRAM, Dathan and, Numbers, 195, 205.
ABISHAG, the Shunemite, I. Kings, 62, 106; Songs of Solomon, 4.
ABISHAI, II. Samuel, 245, 345.
ABOMINABLE, Altogether become, Peter, 313-324.
ABNER assassinated by Joab, II. Samuel, 52.
---- sets up Ishbosheth, II. Samuel, 23.
---- wars against David, II. Samuel, 26-49.
ABRAHAM and the "cities of the plain," Genesis, 186-197.
---- and Ishmael, Genesis, 147-158, 212-225.
---- and Melchizedek, Hebrews, 118.
---- Blessings of, Galatians, 180-188.
---- The call of, Genesis, 81-95.
---- Change of name, Genesis, 165.
---- Faith of, Job, 27; Hebrews, 223.
---- Friend of God, James, 160, 162.
---- God's covenant with, Genesis, 134-146.
---- God's oath to, Hebrews, 101.
---- in Egypt, Genesis, 96-107.
---- intercedes for Sodom, Genesis, 172-185.
---- Justification of, Romans, 103-109, 117-127.
---- Legend of, Daniel, 44.
---- Lot's separation from, Genesis, 108-120.
---- Promise to, Hebrews, 9.
---- purchases Macphelah, Genesis, 226-239.
---- rescues Lot, Genesis, 121-133.
---- sacrifices Isaac, Genesis, 198-211.
---- Seed of, Hebrews, 45.
ABSALOM and Amnon, II. Samuel, 193-204; I. Kings, 76.
---- Balaam like, Numbers, 322.
---- banished and brought back, II. Samuel, 205-216; I. Kings, 77.
---- Burial of, II. Samuel, 273.
---- David flees before, II. Samuel, 229-252.
---- David's grief for, II. Samuel, 277-288.
---- Defeat and death of, II. Samuel, 265-276.
---- in Council, II. Samuel, 253-264.
---- Pride of, II. Samuel, 211.
---- Revolt of, II. Samuel, 217-228; 1. Kings, 79.
---- Samson like, Judges, 286.
ABSOLUTION, Forms of, James, 342.
ABSTINENCE, Pledge of, Numbers, 60.
ACCEPTANCE of God's forgiveness, Genesis, 38.
---- of offering and offerer, Genesis, 35.
---- The one way of Divine, Romans, 90-99.
ACHAIA, The province, Acts II., 326.
ACHAN, Punishment of, Joshua, 177-188.
---- Trespass of, Joshua, 165-176.
ACHISH, king of Gath, I. Samuel, 336-340, 396-403.
ACHSAH, Judges, 21.
ACOIMETAE, or watching monks, Acts II., 176.
ACTA SANCTORUM, Acts I., 111, 162; II., 56, 141, 200, 213, 247.
ACTION a primal necessity, Judges, 295.
ACTS, The book, Apocryphal, Acts I., 2.
---- Inspiration of, Acts I., 28.
---- not by Paul, Pastoral Epistles, 360-362.
---- not by Titus, Pastoral Epistles, 207.
---- Object of the first part of, Acts I., 346.
---- Origin and authority, Acts I., 1-22.
---- Title, Acts I., 1.
ACTS I., 1, Romans, 275.
---- 2, 9, Mark, 444.
---- 4, 5, Galatians, 253.
---- 7, Daniel, 151; Romans, 363; Galatians, 247.
---- 8, Leviticus, 216; Matthew, 67; Hebrews, 269.
---- 11, Romans, 313, 362; Peter, 164; John Epistles, 82.
---- 13, James, 26, 28; John Epistles, 6.
---- 14, Ephesians, 423; James, 35, 374; Peter, 108.
---- 15, Matthew, 441.
---- 17, Peter, 237.
---- 19, Luke, 3.
---- John Epistles, 125.
ACTS II., Leviticus, 461.
---- 5-11 James, 51.
---- 10, Romans, 3.
---- 16-21, Revelation, 105.
---- 17, 18, Ephesians, 357.
---- 19, Peter, 340.
---- 22, Peter, 183.
---- 23, 24, Mark, 427; Romans, 237; Peter, 8; Revelation, 202.
---- 27, John Epistles, 309.
---- 29, I. Kings, 103; Chronicles, 144.
---- 30, II. Samuel, 107; Chronicles, 251; Hebrews, 35.
---- 31, Peter, 140.
---- 34, 35, Ephesians, 91.
---- 38, II. Corinthians, 52; Pastoral Epistles, 287.
---- 44, 45, Leviticus, 396.
ACTS III., 4, John Epistles, 6, 7.
---- 13, 26; Isaiah II., 287.
---- 14, Isaiah II., 287; James, 285.
---- 16, James, 67, 116.
---- 19-21, Leviticus, 472, 511.
---- 21, Revelation, 354.
---- 21-25, Romans, 14.
ACTS IV., 13, John Epistles, 7.
---- 19, Peter, 128.
---- 24, Revelation, 99.
---- 27-30, Isaiah II., 287; Mark, 407.
ACTS V., 13, John Epistles, 6.
---- 17, James, 198.
---- 24, 29; Jeremiah I., 412.
---- 28, John Epistles, 293.
---- 31, Songs of Solomon, 310.
---- 40, Jeremiah I., 412.
---- 41, James, 65, 130; Peter, 137, 183.
ACTS VI., 1, Peter, 165, 170.
---- 3, Peter, 120.
---- 4-6, Pastoral Epistles, 116.
---- 6, Pastoral Epistles, 315.
---- 10, James, 193.
---- 13, 14, Jeremiah II., 17.
ACTS VII., 5, Colossians, 387; Hebrews, 216.
---- 6, Exodus, 198.
---- 20, II. Corinthians, 294.
---- 20, Hebrews, 239.
---- 22, Exodus, 73; Ephesians, 385; Hebrews, 244.
---- 26, James, 251.
---- 37, Hebrews, 235.
---- 38, Peter, 173.
---- 42, Romans, 49.
---- 47, Chronicles, 172.
---- 48, Jeremiah II., 17.
---- 49, Isaiah II., 460.
---- 52, Isaiah II., 287.
---- 52, James, 286, 294.
---- 53, Galatians, 217; Hebrews, 23.
---- 56, Daniel, 248; Mark, 52.
---- 58, Galatians, 62.
ACTS VIII., 1-3, Galatians, 62.
---- 4, Romans, 346.
---- 14, John Epistles, 6, 7.
---- 17, Pastoral Epistles, 167, 315.
---- 20-22, Galatians, 49.
---- 22, Peter, 62.
---- 26, Psalms III., 161; Ephesians, 239.
---- 28, Isaiah II., 6.
---- 30, Isaiah II., 287.
---- 39, II. Corinthians, 347.
ACTS IX., 1, Galatians, 62; James, 126.
---- 1-19, Galatians, 58.
---- 2, James, 48, 127.
---- 4, Daniel, 262.
---- 7, Daniel, 294.
---- 10-19, Galatians, 71.
---- 15, Romans, 12.
---- 16, II. Corinthians, 231.
---- 17, Pastoral Epistles, 315.
---- 19-25, Galatians, 79.
---- 25, Mark, 206.
---- 26, 27, Galatians, 81; James, 35.
---- 30, Peter, 120.
---- 34, James, 329.
---- 39, 41, Pastoral Epistles, 163.
---- 43, Peter, 169.
ACTS X., 2, 8, Romans, 19.
---- 4, Leviticus, 77.
---- 10, II. Corinthians, 191.
---- 14, Daniel, 133.
---- 20, James, 32, 122.
---- 34, 35, Ezra, 22; Daniel, 323.
---- 38, Leviticus, 202; John I., 41.
---- 41, 42, John Epistles, 243.
---- 42, Peter, 183.
---- 43, Romans, 14.
---- 44, Galatians, 171-173.
---- 45, Twelve Prophets II., 428.
---- 47, Ephesians, 55.
ACTS XI., 5, II. Corinthians, 191.
---- 8, Twelve Prophets II., 495.
---- 15-18, Galatians, 171, 173; Ephesians, 59.
---- 17, Galatians, 121, 204, 255.
---- 19, 21, Galatians, 91.
---- 25, 26, Galatians, 91.
---- 26, Peter, 169, 190.
---- 27-30, Galatians, 93, 102.
---- 28, Hebrews, 318.
---- 29, Peter, 120.
ACTS XII., 2, Matthew, 240; James, 26.
---- 11, Daniel, 228.
---- 17, James, 26, 35.
---- 20, I. Kings, 152.
---- 20-23, Daniel, 198.
---- 22, 23, Daniel, 51.
---- 24, Peter, 58.
---- 33, Luke, 346.
ACTS XIII., 1-4, Exodus, 409; Romans, 434.
---- 2, 3, Mark, 63; Galatians, 100.
---- 3, Exodus, 67; Pastoral Epistles, 167, 315.
---- 10, James, 184.
---- 15, Mark, 21.
---- 21, Joshua, 320.
---- 26, Ephesians, 6; Peter, 65.
---- 32, Ephesians, 55.
---- 33, Psalms I., 1, 18; Ephesians, 93.
---- 36, Romans, 243.
---- 39, Revelation, 101.
---- 43, 45, 46, Galatians, 100.
---- 47, Isaiah II., 288.
---- 50, Thessalonians, 163.
ACTS XIV., 4, 14, II. Corinthians, 331; Galatians, 12; Ephesians, 239.
---- 11, 12, Daniel, 50.
---- 12, Galatians, 100.
---- 14, 15, Daniel, 165.
---- 15, 17, Galatians, 267; Peter, 49.
---- 17, Ephesians, 271.
---- 23, Pastoral Epistles, 59; Peter, 202.
ACTS XV., 2, 12, Galatians, 100, 102.
---- 3, Galatians, 93.
---- 7, Galatians, 123.
---- 10, Galatians, 307.
---- 11, Galatians, 151.
---- 12, II. Corinthians, 362.
---- 13, James, 26, 35.
---- 15-17, Peter, 74.
---- 21, James, 103.
---- 22, Pastoral Epistles, 394.
---- 23, 24, Galatians, 91, 110.
---- 24, Philippians, 176.
---- 28, Galatians, 106.
---- 29, Daniel, 165.
---- 32, Peter, 230.
---- 36-40, Galatians, 100.
---- 39, Philippians, 3.
---- 41, Galatians, 91.
ACTS XVI., 1-3, Galatians, 305, 319.
---- 3, Galatians, 62.
---- 6, Galatians, 17; Thessalonians, 38.
---- 6-10, Romans, 30; Peter, 229.
---- 9, II. Corinthians, 348; Galatians, 67; Pastoral Epistles, 242.
---- 15, Philippians, 358; Peter, 169.
---- 17, Daniel, 179.
---- 23, 24, Jeremiah I., 412.
ACTS XVII., 4, Thessalonians, 3.
---- 5, Romans, 434.
---- 6, Galatians, 329.
---- 7, Peter, 169.
---- 12, Thessalonians, 163.
---- 18, II. Kings, 303; Peter, 183.
---- 19, John Epistles, 293.
---- 22-31, Galatians, 267.
---- 26, Chronicles, 49; Daniel, 28, 151; Ephesians, 28; Thessalonians, 187.
---- 27, John Epistles, 107.
---- 28, Pastoral Epistles, 224.
---- 29, Exodus, 296.
---- 30, I. Kings, 101; Galatians, 258; Ephesians, 269.
ACTS XVIII., 2, Pastoral Epistles, 414.
---- 9, II. Corinthians, 348; Galatians, 67.
---- 18, Leviticus, 551; Galatians, 320; John Epistles, 18.
---- 22, 23, Galatians, 91, 132, 327.
---- 25, Ephesians, 277.
---- 26, Romans, 427; Peter, 108.
ACTS XIX., 1-7, Ephesians, 277.
---- 6, Pastoral Epistles, 167, 315.
---- 10, Ephesians, 15.
---- 13-20, Pastoral Epistles, 383.
---- 15, Luke, 155.
---- 18, 19, Ephesians, 342.
---- 19, 20, John Epistles, 21.
---- 20, Peter, 58; John Epistles, 15.
---- 21, Romans II.
---- 22, Pastoral Epistles, 415.
---- 24, 38, John Epistles, 18.
---- 26, 27, John Epistles, 275, 303.
---- 29, John Epistles, 301.
---- 33, Pastoral Epistles, 413.
---- 34, Pastoral Epistles, 394.
---- 55, Pastoral Epistles, 84.
ACTS XX., 2, 6, Philippians, 4.
---- 4, Romans, 434;
Ephesians, 433;
Colossians, 387;
Pastoral Epistles, 415.
---- John Epistles, 301.
---- 17, Peter, 202.
---- 18-35, Ephesians, 277.
---- 28, Exodus, 175;
Romans, 261;
Ephesians, 368.
---- 29, 30, Ephesians, 412;
Thessalonians, 309;
Pastoral Epistles, 302, 376.
---- 30, John Epistles, 42.
---- 31, Romans, 278;
Ephesians, 14;
John Epistles, 19.
ACTS XXI., 8, Ephesians, 239.
---- 9, Peter, 108.
---- 13, Romans, 419.
---- 15, 16, Galatians, 93.
---- 17, James, 35;
John Epistles, 7.
---- 17-25, Galatians, 130.
---- 18, James, 26.
---- 20, 26, Galatians, 62, 320.
---- 21, Ephesians, 65.
---- 24-26, Leviticus, 551.
---- 27-30, Jeremiah II., 16;
Galatians, 106;
Ephesians, 404.
---- 28, 29, Ephesians, 433.
---- 29, Colossians, 373;
Pastoral Epistles, 415.
---- 38, Galatians, 328.
ACTS XXII., 3, Galatians, 63;
Ephesians, 385.
---- 4, Pastoral Epistles, 55.
---- 5-16, Galatians, 58.
---- 6, Galatians, 311.
---- 12-21, Galatians, 71.
---- 14, Pastoral Epistles, 59.
---- 16, Pastoral Epistles, 287.
---- 17, II. Corinthians, 348; Galatians, 67.
---- 21, Galatians, 90.
---- 22, Galatians, 455.
ACTS XXIII., 2-5, Galatians, 278.
---- 6, Romans, 84; Galatians, 62; Peter, 182.
---- 11, Romans, 37.
ACTS XXIV., 15, Galatians, 311.
---- 20, 21, Romans, 84.
ACTS XXVI., 5, Philippians, 186.
---- 6-8, Galatians, 311.
---- 7, Twelve Prophets II., 408; John Epistles, 19.
---- 11, James, 127.
---- 12-18, Galatians, 58.
---- 13, Revelation, 304.
---- 14, Jeremiah I., 95; Romans, 428; Galatians, 64.
---- 18, Ephesians, 43, 402.
---- 20, Romans, 412; Galatians, 93.
ACTS XXVII., 11, Colossians, 373, 387.
---- 3, John Epistles, 309.
---- 23, Pastoral Epistles, 242.
---- 24, Pastoral Epistles, 68.
---- 26, 29, Peter, 374.
ACTS XXVIII., 6, Daniel, 50.
---- 16, Philippians, 47.
---- 17, Romans, 69.
---- 21, Galatians, 421.
---- 22, Philippians, 49.
---- 23, Daniel, 98; Romans, 15.
---- 28, Ephesians, 52.
---- 30, Pastoral Epistles, 361.
ACTS OF PAUL AND THECLA, John Epistles, 91.
ADAM, Genesis, 16-27; Hebrews, 220.
---- Christ and, Romans, 143-155; Hebrews, 36.
ADAM OF SAINT VICTOR, John Epistles, 5, 69, 78, 184.
ADONIZAH and Abishag, I. Kings, 105.
---- Rebellion of, I. Kings, 81, 93.
---- slain, I. Kings, 109.
ADONIZEDEK, king of Jerusalem, Joshua, 223; Judges, 12.
ADORAM, I. Kings, 143.
ADORNMENT, Nature of, Pastoral Epistles, 251, 252.
ADULLAM, The cave of, David in, I. Samuel, 341-344.
ADULTERY, Eyes full of, Peter, 305.
---- a form of murder, Leviticus, 426.
---- Prohibition of, Exodus, 319, 321; Leviticus, 386; Deuteronomy, 95, 400; Matthew, 75.
---- Spiritual, James, 227.
ADVENTURER, The, Judges, 211.
ADVICE of Samuel, I. Samuel, 182.
AELIUS GALLUS, James, 328.
AENEAS, Acts II., 97.
AESCHYLUS, Ecclesiastes, 46; Jeremiah I., 288; David, 224.
AFFECTION Natural, right, Leviticus, 249.
AFFLICTION, The man that hath seen, Song of Solomon, 180-193.
AFRICA, Mission in, Thessalonians, 157, 158.
AFRICAN SLAVERY and Hebrew compared, Exodus, 342.
AGABUS, the Prophet, Acts II., 162, 426, 434.
AGAPE, The, Acts II., 399, 400;
Ephesians, 342;
James, 427, 432;
Peter, 304.
AGAG, Numbers, 307.
---- killed by Samuel, I. Samuel, 250.
AGASSIZ, Proverbs, 144.
AGED, The, Beautiful life of, I. Kings, 61.
---- Joshua the, Joshua, 250.
---- Reverence for, Leviticus, 412.
AGES OF FAITH, Joshua, 139.
AGNOSTICISM, Judges, 346;
Job, 117;
Matthew, 164;
Ephesians, 255;
Hebrews, 235.
AGRICULTURE, Proverbs, 140, 269.
AGRIPPA II., Acts II., 432, 448.
AGUR SON OF JAKEH quoted, Genesis, 150.
---- Words of, Proverbs, 386-395.
AHAB, King of Israel, and Benhadad, I. Kings, 451-462.
---- and Elijah, I. Kings, 377-382.
---- and Herod compared, Mark, 171.
---- and Jehosaphat, I. Kings, 485.
---- and Jezebel, I. Kings, 347-356.
---- and Naboth's vineyard, I. Kings, 473-483.
---- and the rain, I. Kings, 399-403.
---- Death of, I. Kings, 494, 495.
---- Infatuation of, I. Kings, 462.
AHASUERUS, Ezra, 153, 155, 352, 361, 370, 382, 396, 399.
AHAZ, king of Judah, II. Kings, 260-264;
Isaiah I., 98.
---- Apostasies of, II. Kings, 272-285.
---- compared with Charles I., Isaiah, 99, 103, 113.
---- Isaiah and, II. Kings, 265-272.
---- the Judas of the Old Testament, Isaiah I., 118.
---- a wicked king, Chronicles, 200-220.
AHAZIAH, king of Israel, II. Kings, 3-18.
AHAZIAH, king of Judah, II. Kings, 102-105, 118-120.
---- Chronicles, 399-401.
AHIJAH of Shiloh and Jeroboam, I. Kings, 252-259.
---- and the wife of Jeroboam, I. Kings, 302.
AHIMAAZ, messenger to David, II. Samuel, 278.
AHIMELECK and David, I. Samuel, 332-340;
II. Samuel, 129.
---- slain by Saul, I. Samuel, 346-353.
AHINOAM the Jezreelitess, II. Samuel, 39.
AHITHOPHEL and Absalom, II. Samuel, 225, 236, 256.
---- counsellor of David, II. Samuel, 131;
Psalm II., 32, 159.
---- Suicide of, II. Samuel, 261.
AHOLIAB, Exodus, 426 sq.
AI, Joshua defeated at, Joshua, 168.
---- captured, Joshua, 189-200.
ALABARCH, Acts II., 81, 153.
ALARIC, Hebrews, 272.
ALBINUS, James, 40.
ALEXANDER the Coppersmith, Acts II., 378.
ALEXANDER and Hymenaeus, Pastoral Epistles, 75, 76, 373, 413.
ALEXANDER the Great, Daniel, 156; James, 163.
---- and Jaddua, Daniel, 103-106.
ALFORD, Henry, Ephesians, 439;
Thessalonians, 74, 316;
Pastoral Epistles, 392;
James, 32, 399, 418;
Revelation, 351.
ALFRED the Great influenced by Moses, Exodus, 262.
ALLEGORICAL INTERPRETATION of the Song of Solomon, Song of Solomon, 42.
ALMOND TREE, Fruit of, Ecclesiastes, 268;
Jeremiah I., 62.
ALPHEUS, James, 27.
ALMS-GIVING, Matthew, 80-82.
ALTAR, The, in Judaism, Ezra, 51;
Hebrews, 323.
ALTAR ED, Joshua, 365-375.
Joshua, 206.
ALTUS, centurion, Acts I., 110.
AMALEK, Exodus, 252-258;
Numbers, 312;
Joshua, 25;
Judges, 78, 79;
I. Samuel, 245;
I. Samuel, 425.
AMASA killed by Joab, II. Samuel, 320.
---- supersedes Joab, II. Samuel, 292.
AMASIS, James, 173.
AMAZIAH the priest, and Amos, Twelve Prophets I., 115-120.
AMAZIAH, king of Judah, II. Kings, 167-174;
Chronicles, 412-417.
AMBITION disclaimed by Paul, Thessalonians, 74.
AMBROSE, Pastoral Epistles, 230.
AMEN, Eucharistic, Acts II., 396;
James, 470.
AMIEL, Henri Frederic, quoted, Job, 88, 288;
John Epistles, 158.
AMMIEL of Lo-debar, II. Samuel, 249.
AMMONITES, Judges, 230, 240-245;
I. Samuel, 170, 175;
II. Samuel, 146-157;
Jeremiah II., 242;
Ezekiel, 169, 170, 224, 226;
Twelve Prophets I., 131.
AMNON, Absalom and, II. Samuel, 193, 204;
I. Kings, 76, 77.
AMON, king of Judah, II. Kings, 371-373.
AMORITES, Numbers, 157, 253;
Judges, 64.
---- Israel defeats the, Numbers, 255.
AMOS the prophet and his ministry, Twelve Prophets I., 106-120.
---- and Israel, II. Kings, 193-203.
---- the man and the prophet, Twelve Prophets I., 73-120.
---- Problem left by, Twelve Prophets I., 227-231.
AMOS the Book, Twelve Prophets I., 61-231.
---- contents, authority, etc., Twelve Prophets I., 61-72.
---- Period of, Twelve Prophets I., 65.
AMOS I., 1, II. Kings, 194, 196.
---- 2, Jeremiah I., 76.
---- 3, 4, II. Kings, 142.
---- 6-15, II. Kings, 143.
---- 7, 8, II. Kings, 194.
---- 11, II. Kings, 139, 171;
Twelve Prophets II., 176.
---- 13, II. Kings, 221.
AMOS II., 1, II. Kings, 37, 39, 139;
Jeremiah I., 315.
---- 4-8, Jeremiah II., 276.
---- 5, II. Kings, 194.
---- 6-13, II. Kings, 194.
---- 7, Ezekiel, 312.
---- 8, Deuteronomy, 415.
---- 11, II. Kings, 134.
---- 14, Psalms III., 407.
AMOS III., 1, Jeremiah I., 79;
Ezekiel, 190.
---- 2, Leviticus, 246;
II. Kings, 198;
Jeremiah II., 214;
Romans, 283.
---- 6, Twelve Prophets II., 137, 316.
---- 8, Ezekiel, 50.
---- 9-15, II. Kings, 196.
---- 14, II. Kings, 194.
---- 15, I. Kings, 495.
AMOS IV., 1, Ezekiel, 312.
---- 1-3, II. Kings, 218.
---- 1-13, II. Kings, 196.
---- 13, Jeremiah II., 288.
---- 6, II. Kings, 193.
---- 7, 8, II. Kings, 193.
---- 9, II. Kings, 193;
Jeremiah I., 180.
---- 10, II. Kings, 193;
Jeremiah I., 102.
---- 11, II. Kings, 193, 194.
---- 12, II. Kings, 200.
AMOS V., 2, Song of Solomon, 65.
---- 8, Jeremiah I., 233, 287.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 184.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 392.
---- 11, I. Kings, 279.

---- 15, Genesis, 212.
---- 18, 20, Jeremiah II., 308;
Peter, 328.
---- 19, Ecclesiastes, 242.
---- 21-23, I. Kings, 212.
---- 25, 26, Acts I., 310.
---- 26, II. Kings, 256.
AMOS VI., 1-14, II. Kings, 197.
---- 2, II. Kings, 191.
---- 4, Twelve Prophets II., 371.
---- 4-6, I. Kings, 279.
---- 7, Twelve Prophets II., 155.
---- 14, II. Kings, 191, 414.
AMOS VII., 1, II. Kings, 193, 197.
---- 4, II. Kings, 193.
---- 9, II. Kings, 200.
---- 12, II. Kings, 426.
---- 16, Jeremiah I., 414.
AMOS VIII., 1, II. Kings, 203.
---- 2, II. Kings, 217;
Ezekiel, 72.
---- 5, Leviticus, 415;
Numbers, 35;
Isaiah II., 420;
Jeremiah I., 368, 370;
Ezekiel, 450.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 84.
---- 8, II. Kings, 194.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 293.
AMOS IX., 1-3, Revelation, 115.
---- 3, Joshua, 177; I. Kings, 379.
---- 5, 6, Jeremiah I., 233.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 126.
---- 9, 10, II. Kings, 203.
---- 11, Ezekiel, 314;
Acts II., 242.
---- 11-15, II. Kings, 201, 203;
Chronicles, 144;
Peter, 74.
---- 12, James, 129.
---- 13, Ezekiel, 486.
---- 14, Jeremiah II., 329.
AMUSEMENT QUESTION, The, Genesis, 22, 64, 324;
Deuteronomy, 195-196;
Judges, 310;
Jeremiah I., 322;
I. Corinthians, 188;
Pastoral Epistles, 102.
ANACLETUS, Pastoral Epistles, 416.
ANAK, Sons of, Numbers, 157;
Joshua, 246, 247, 273.
ANANIAS AND SAPHIRA, Acts I., 211-228;
Pastoral Epistles, 73. 75.
ANANIAS OF DAMASCUS, Acts II., 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 68.
ANANIAS the High priest, Acts II., 431, 440-443.
ANARCHY in the church, Pastoral Epistles, 73, 271.
ANATHEMA, Meaning of, Exodus, 224;
I. Corinthians, 398.
---- of Galatians, 34-49.
ANCYRA, Acts II., 339, 367.
AND, Many books of the Old Testament begin with, Exodus, 1.
ANDREE, M. Tony, Twelve Prophets II., 225, 227, 229.
ANDREW, Mark, 86;
John I., 61.
ANGEL OF JEHOVAH, Exodus, 363;
Numbers, 281.
---- and Gideon, Judges, 145-148.
---- and Jacob, Joshua, 133.
---- and Zecharias, Luke, 26.
---- announces the birth of Samson, Judges, 266-271.
---- captain of the Lord's host, Joshua, 128-139.
ANGELS, Pastoral Epistles, 138.
---- and Moses, Exodus, 47.
---- as emanations, Hebrews, 22.
---- as witnesses, Ephesians, 173.
---- assembly of, Hebrews, 301.
---- in the book of Daniel, Daniel, 67, 68.
---- in the book of Zechariah, Twelve Prophets II., 310-319.
---- Jesus Christ and the, Hebrews, 21-46.
---- Man inferior to, Hebrews, 34.
---- mediators, Colossians, 233-238.
---- Ministry of, Hebrews, 27, 316.
---- Sinful, James, 408-412;
Peter, 289.
---- visit Abraham, Genesis, 172.
---- visit Lot, Genesis, 176, 188.
ANGER, Proverbs, 204-207;
Ephesians, 294-295.
---- of God, Song of Solomon, 142;
Isaiah I., 47-56.
ANIMALS, The lower, Isaiah I., 190-194.
---- Our mediatorship to, Isaiah I., 193.
---- Treatment of, Deuteronomy, 430-432.
ANNANUS, James, 40.
ANNAS, Acts II., 30.
ANOINTING OIL for the sick, James, 326.
---- for the Tabernacle, Exodus, 423.
---- used for priests, Leviticus, 201.
ANSELM of Canterbury, Order for visitation of the sick, Leviticus, 45, 46.
ANSHAN, Isaiah II., 163.
ANT, The, Proverbs, 83, 87, 88.
Numbers, 169;
Isaiah, 144;
Jeremiah I., 383.
ANTICHRIST, Thessalonians, 317;
John Epistles, 167-172.
ANTIGONOUS, Rabbi, Ecclesiastes, 294.
ANTINOMIAN BELIEF, Acts I., 134, II., 62;
Pastoral Epistles, 44, 49, 298, 299;
Hebrews, 148, 201.
---- Results of, Exodus, 315.
ANTIOCH-Syrian, Church of, Acts II., 146, 154.
---- City of, Acts II., 150-153.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 157.
---- People and nicknames of, Acts II., 159.
---- Synagogue of, Acts II., 155.
---- Synod at, James, 360.
ANTIOCH of Pisidia, Acts II., 198.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 206-210;
Galatians, 129-162.
ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES, Psalms II., 349, 353, 400;
Daniel, 13, 55, 162, 245, 261, 299-318;
Acts II., 6; Hebrews, 264.
AORIST, as used by John, John Epistles, 77.
APHRAATES, James, 22.
APOCRYPHA, James, 145, 156, 204, 424.
---- Jude's use of, James, 424.
---- Value of the, James, 76-79.
APPOLLONIUS OF TYANA, John Epistles, 189.
APOLLOS, Acts II., 341-343, 347;
I. Corinthians 34;
Pastoral Epistles, 203, 208, 214.
APOSTASY, Hebrews, 95.
APOSTLE, Meaning of, Acts II., 83, 84, 193;
Galatians, 12.
---- Paul's claim to be an, Colossians, 9.
---- The sign of an, II. Corinthians, 224-236.
---- The title, Acts I., 348;
Pastoral Epistles, 69, 70.
APOSTLES' CREED, Acts I., 417.
Acts II., 344;
Pastoral Epistles, 125, 156, 232.
APPEARANCES deceitful, I. Samuel, 258;
II. Samuel, 215.
---- Idolatry of, I. Samuel, 259.
APPHIA, Colossians, 423.
APPULEIUS, Pastoral Epistles, 379.
AQUILA AND PRISCILLA, Acts II., 322, 323, 332, 333, 337, 341, 347;
Pastoral Epistles, 413, 414.
AQUILEIA, Church of, Acts II., 247.
AQUINAS, Thomas, John Epistles, 41.
ARABAH wady, Numbers, 244.
ARABIA, Isaiah I., 277.
---- Paul in, Acts II., 72-77;
Galatians, 78-82.
ARAD, King of, Numbers, 178, 243.
ARAM, Isaiah I., 94, 103 sq.
ARATUS, Acts II., 11, 315;
Pastoral Epistles, 225.
ARCHAEOLOGY, The study of Chronicles, 112, 113.
ARCHIPPUS, Colossians, 407, 410, 425-427.
ARCHITECTURE, Massive ancient, Ezra, 92-94.
AREOPAGUS, Court of the, Acts II., 309-317.
ARETAS, Acts II., 30, 81.
ARGUMENT FROM DESIGN and evolution, Genesis, 9.
ARIAN HERESY, Acts I., 124.
ARISTARCHUS, Colossians, 373, 387, 388.
ARISTIDES, Apology of, Acts I., IX., 400, 418, 419;
II., 35, 214, 318-320.
ARISTOTLE, Galatians, 378;
Pastoral Epistles, 240.
---- Logic, Acts I., 132, 298.
---- on friendship, Proverbs, 227.
---- on habit, Hebrews, 85.
---- on locusts, Ecclesiastes, 107.
ARK, The, The animals in, Genesis, 56.
---- where stranded, Genesis, 71.
Numbers, 44;
Jeremiah I., 124.
---- among the Philistines, I. Samuel, 73-84.
---- at the house of Obed-edom, II. Samuel, 89;
Psalms III., 349.
---- borne before the host, Numbers, 116;
Joshua, 98.
---- brought to Jerusalem, II. Samuel, 84-96.
---- of the Temple, I. Kings, 177-180.
---- taken by the Philistines, I. Samuel, 61-72.
ARMOUR, The Christian, Ephesians, 410-424;
Colossians, 318.
ARNOLD, Matthew, quoted, Job, 95;
Proverbs, 359;
Ecclesiastes, 300; Acts I., 151, 178;
I. Corinthians, 334;
Ephesians, 84, 126, 281;
John Epistles, 122, 262.
---- and Balaam;
Numbers, 304.
ARNOLD, Thomas, Daniel, 75;
Acts I., 306.
ARRIAN, James, 182.
ART claimed for God, Numbers, 95.
ARTAXERXES, Ezra, 110, 119, 122, 153, 157, 194, 259, 341.
ARTEMAS, bishop of Lystra, Acts II., 213.
ARTEMIS, see Diana.
ARTEMISIUS, Month of, Acts II., 362.
ASA, king of Judah, I. Kings, 321-326;
Chronicles, 338-365.
---- Jehosaphat succeeds, I. Kings, 327.
ASAHEL, brother of Joab, II. Samuel, 29.
---- Death of, II. Samuel, 30.
ASENATH, wife of Joseph, Genesis, 371.
ASCENSION, The, of Christ, Matthew, 446-450;
Mark, 442-445;
Acts I., 43-60.
ASCETICISM, Pastoral Epistles, 44, 142, 143.
---- absent from the teaching of Christ, Matthew, 98.
---- and luxury, Colossians, 249, 250.
---- not to be neglected, Philippians, 255.
ASHDOD, Isaiah I., 198.
---- The ark at, I. Samuel, 75.
ASHER, the tribe, Inheritance of, Joshua, 322.
---- Moses blessing, Deuteronomy, 470.
ASHTORETH, Worship of, Leviticus, 387;
Jeremiah I., 155.
ASIARCHS, Acts II., 375-378.
ASSEMBLIES, Calling of, Numbers, 96.
James, 419-423.
ASSURANCE, Hebrews, 174.
---- Paul's doctrine of Ephesians, 113-115.
ASSUR-BANI-PAL, Twelve Prophets II., 12, 85.
---- Inscription, II. Kings, 492.
---- See Asur-Bani-Pal.
ASSYRIA, Isaiah I., 53, 92-95, 97, 103, 122.
---- and Ahaz, II. Kings, 230.
---- and Azariah, II. Kings, 210, 211.
---- and Egypt, II. Kings, 251, 276, 298.
---- and Hezekiah, II. Kings, 296-298, 319-350.
---- and Jehu, II. Kings, 141.
---- and Joash, II. Kings, 183.
---- and Menahem, II. Kings, 224.
---- and the siege of Samaria, II. Kings, 240.
---- and Syria, II. Kings, 189.
---- Kings of, Table, II. Kings, 487-489.
---- Penitential Psalms of, Deuteronomy, 134.
---- The prophets and, Twelve Prophets I., 44-58.
---- Religion of, Deuteronomy, 132-135.
ASTROLOGY neglected, Job, 317.
ASTRONOMY and unbelief, Psalm I., 72.
ASUR-BANI-PAL, Ezra, 158;
Daniel, 188.
---- See Assur-Bani-Pal.
ATHALIAH of Judah, II. Kings, 146-153;
Chronicles, 401, 402.
ATHANASIUS, St., Acts I., 270, 291, 416;
II., 301;
James, 7, 16, 369;
John Epistles, 283, 302.
ATHEISM of force and fear, Isaiah I., 168-178.
---- a product of the city, Jeremiah I., 189.
---- unknown to Israel, Proverbs 11, 18.
ATHENAGORAS, Pastoral Epistles, 125.
---- apology, Acts II., 282.
ATHENS, Church of, Acts II., 321.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 305-321.
---- Topography of, Acts II., 312.
ATHLETE, Hebrews, 194.
---- as a type of Christian, Pastoral Epistles, 348-349.
ATONEMENT, Exodus, 379;
Ephesians, 318-320.
---- An aspect of, Proverbs, 362-374.
---- the center of Christianity, Galatians, 25.
---- Christ's, Hebrews, 38.
---- Extent of the, John Epistles, 102-105.
---- for omissions, Numbers, 184.
---- Great day of, Leviticus, 256-263, 463;
Numbers, 356; I. Kings, 188;
Hebrews, 296.
---- meaning of, Proverbs, 362-371;
Romans, 142.
---- Missions and the, John Epistles, 106-116.
---- Sacrificial, Ezekiel, 476-484.
---- Theory of substitution, I. Kings, 203.
---- The word, Leviticus, 45.
ATTALIA, Acts II., 201, 276.
AUGUSTINE, St., John I., 331;
Romans, 100;
Galatians, 154;
Ephesians, 240;
Pastoral Epistles, 229, 373;
Hebrews, 142;
John Epistles, 41, 62, 148, 177, 181.
---- and the law, Exodus, 277.
---- Christ in the storm, Mark, 137.
---- City of God, Ezekiel, 497;
Twelve Prophets II., 157.
---- Confessions, Song of Solomon, 237;
Acts II., 29, 286; Romans, 233, 373;
Thessalonians, 187;
John Epistles, 112, 144.
---- Letters, Acts I., 195, 242, 386;
II., 398, 401;
James, 4.
---- on the resurrection, Mark, 335.
---- on seeing God, Exodus, 373.
---- use of heathen learning, Exodus, 195.
AUSTIN, St., John Epistles, 116.
AUSTRALIAN, The native, not without ideas of morality, Deuteronomy, 89.
AUTHORITY, Divine origin of, Pastoral Epistles, 273-275.
---- of Christ, Ephesians, 375.
---- of our High priest, Hebrews, 77.
---- The question of, Colossians, 174.
AUTHORS possess a variety in style, Joshua, 16, 17.
AUTHORITY rejected, Genesis, 88.
AVARICE, Dangers of, Pastoral Epistles, 196-198.
AZARIAH, I. Kings, 141.
AZARIAH, king of Judah, II. Kings, 209-214;
Chronicles, 418-424.
AZAZEL, Leviticus, 264-276;
Numbers, 355;
I. Kings, 210;
James, 411.
BAAL-PEOR, Judges, 51;
Psalms III., 147.
---- Festival of, Numbers, 314.
BAAL-WORSHIP and Elijah, I. Kings, 383-398.
---- extirpated, II. Kings, 131-145.
BAAL-ZEBUT, Ahaziah worships, II. Kings, 8-10.
BAALS, The, Numbers, 295;
Judges, 51, 52.
---- names from, I. Kings, 350.
BAANAH AND RECHAB, II. Samuel, 58-60.
BAASHA, king of Israel, I. Kings, 310.
BABYLON, Isaiah I., 93, 201, 405-415;
II., 55, 189-204.
---- Call to leave, Isaiah II., 211, 396.
---- Captivity in, Psalms III., 370-375;
Ecclesiastes, 32-43.
---- Isaiah I., 201, 402.
---- Capture of, Isaiah II., 146.
---- compared with Rome, Isaiah II., 189-199.
---- Cruelty of, Isaiah II., 201.
---- Early history of, Isaiah II., 192.
---- The fall of, Revelation, 303-315.
---- in the modern world, Isaiah II., 200 sq.
---- its pride, Isaiah II., 191.
---- Jeremiah and, Jeremiah II., 258-263.
---- Jews return from, Ezra, 36-47.
---- Meaning of the name, Isaiah II., 191.
---- of John, Revelation, 274-276.
---- Persian period in, Ecclesiastes, 43-66.
---- Religion of, Isaiah II., 193.
---- Ruin of, Isaiah II., 199-204.
---- yields to Cyrus, Isai

---- critical, Numbers, 283.
---- End of, Numbers, 320.
---- First parable of, Numbers, 292.
---- Fourth parable of, Numbers, 309.
---- his error, Numbers, 273.
---- his knowledge of Jehorab, Numbers, 267;
refuses to go to Moab, Numbers, 268.
---- like Absalom, Numbers, 322.
---- Name of, Numbers, 262.
---- Prayer of, Numbers, 296.
---- Reputation of, Numbers, 261.
---- Second parable of, Numbers, 300.
---- Third parable of, Numbers, 305.
---- used by Jude, James, 442-449.
BALAK and Balaam, Numbers, 288.
---- bewildered, Numbers, 305.
---- his sacrifices, Numbers, 290.
---- in anxiety, Numbers, 261.
BALBILLUS, John Epistles, 19.
BALJON, II. Corinthians, 134.
BALM OF GILEAD, Jeremiah I., 186-188.
BAN, Cherem the word for, Deuteronomy, 169-171;
Galatians, 44.
---- Law of the, Leviticus, 554-558;
Deuteronomy, 168-201.
BAPTISM, Pastoral Epistles, 284-293;
Hebrews, 87, 186, 240.
---- Buried with Christ in, Colossians, 205-208.
---- Formula of, Acts II., 345.
---- of Christ, Matthew, 31-38;
Mark, 6-13.
---- of Cornelius, Acts II., 140.
---- of the Ethiopian Eunuch, Acts I., 416.
---- of John, Luke, 96.
---- of John, whence was it? Mark, 310-317.
---- of Paul, Acts II., 72-77.
---- preached by Peter, Acts I., 137-146.
---- Red Sea passage a type of, Pastoral Epistles, 289.
BARAK, Judges, 98 sq.
---- agreement with Deborah, Judges, 140.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 26.
BARCLAY, Robert, Acts II., 122.
BARCOCHBA, Acts I., 157.
BARNABAS, Acts II., 7, 8, 81, 155, 258;
Galatians, 91.
---- and Paul; Acts I., 218-221; II., 248-251.
---- Early life of, Acts I., 216, 218.
---- Epistle of, James, 18, 23, 76.
BARONIUS, Caesar, Annals, Acts II., 259.
BARTIMAEUS healed, Mark, 295-298.
BARTOLOCCI, William, Bibl. Rabbin, Acts II., 13.
BARUCH, The recorder, II. Kings, 426.
BARUCH, son of Neriah, Jeremiah I., 36;
II., 33, 37, 54-62.
BARZILLAI, the Gileadite, II. Samuel, 249.
---- David and, II. Samuel, 301-313.
BASHAN reduced, Numbers, 255.
BASILIDES, Pastoral Epistles, 8, 42.
BASNAGE, Jacob, History of the Jews, Acts II., 13, 19.
BATHSHEBA and Adonijah, I. Kings, 107.
---- and David, II. Samuel, 162 sq.
---- and the succession of Solomon, I. Kings, 85.
---- became the wife of David, II. Samuel, 170.
---- name not in Chronicles, Chronicles, 147.
BAUDISSIN, W. W. F., Isaiah II., 463;
Twelve Prophets II., 483.
BAUR, F. C., Acts II., 1;
II. Corinthians, 117;
Galatians, 125;
Ephesians, 4;
Pastoral Epistles, 8, 10, 12, 33;
James, 138, 140.
BAXTER, R., Acts I., 134, 137.
BAYET, C., De Titulis Attica Christ, Acts II., 308, 321.
BEATITUDES, The, Matthew, 58-69.
---- See Sermon on the Mount.
BEAUTY, moral and aesthetic, Deuteronomy, 104.
BECK, J. T., Ephesians, 103, 107.
BEDE, Venerable, Eccles. Hist., Acts I., 294;
James, 6, 8, 84, 103, 153, 172, 267, 268, 282, 285, 331, 351.
BEELZEBUB, Jesus Christ and, Mark, 91-95.
BEET, J. A., II. Corinthians, 95, 137, 151, 233;
Galatians, 143, 309, 328;
Ephesians, 4, 66, 99, 345.
BEETHOVEN, Ludwig Von, Funeral march of, Exodus, 387.
BELLARMINE, Robert F. R., James, 338.
BELLS on high priests robe, Leviticus, 196.
BELSHAZZAR, Isaiah II., 113, Daniel, 54, 203-217.
BENAIAH, II. Samuel, 345;
I. Kings, 87.
---- slays Adonijah, I. Kings, 109.
---- slays Joab, I. Kings, 113.
---- slays Shimei, I. Kings, 114.
BENE-KEDEM, Job, 23.
BENEDICTION, The Apostolic, Hebrews, 329.
---- The double, of the Tabernacle, Leviticus, 231.
BENEDICTUS, The, Luke, 28, 42-44.
BENEDICTUS, The lesser, Luke, 36-39.
BENGEL, J. A., II. Corinthians, 121, 155, 179, 235, 310, 311, 318, 350;
Galatians, 148;
Ephesians, 322;
Thessalonians, 117;
Hebrews, 100;
James, 115, 285, 325, 418;
John Epistles, 21, 105, 119, 181, 219.
BENHADAD and Ahab, I. Kings, 451-472.
---- and the siege of Samaria, II. Kings, 76-86.
BENHADAD III., II. Kings, 183.
BENJAMIN, Jacob and, Genesis, 405.
---- Joseph and, Genesis, 388.
BENJAMIN, the tribe, Inheritance of, Joshua, 316-319.
---- Moses blesses, Deuteronomy, 467.
BENT, J. T., Acts II., 374.
BENTLEY, Sir Richard, John Epistles, 137, 240.
BENZINGER, J., Ezekiel, 407.
BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, Song of Solomon, 43;
Acts II., 417;
Romans, 75;
Peter, 66;
John Epistles, 71, 115, 154, 203.
BERNICE, Acts II., 432, 448.
BEROEA, Acts II., 296, 302.
BETHEL, Jacob at, Genesis, 282.
BETHHORON, Battles at, Joshua, 319.
---- Battles of, Joshua, 223-235.
BETHLEHEM, Judges, 364, 386;
I. Samuel, 254, 272.
---- Christ born in, Luke, 62.
---- lacking in hospitality, Genesis, 175.
BETHSHEAN, Joshua, 303.
BETHSHEMESH, Ark at, I. Samuel, 81-82.
---- Curiosity of the men of, I. Samuel, 82.
BEVERIDGE, William, Acts I., 134.
BEYSCHLAG, Willibald, James, 60.
BEZA, Ephesians, 15, 275;
James, 159, 222, 387, 418, 432, 454, 457.
BEZALEEL, Exodus, 426 sq.
BIAS, the sage, James, 173.
BIBLE, The, Accuracy of the, Jeremiah I., 177.
---- the bread of life, Deuteronomy, 213, 214.
---- its character, Proverbs, 382.
---- not a fetish, I. Kings, 4.
---- nothing in it without purpose, Joshua, 376.
---- Statements of, Numbers, 281.
---- Study of, Joshua, 64-66.
---- Universality of the, Job, 17.
---- the word of God, Numbers, 163.
BIBLE HISTORY, the history of Redemption, Genesis, 28.
BIGOTRY of Zophar, Job, 244.
BILDAD, Bitterness of, Job, 216.
---- Character of, Job, 102.
---- his first speech, Job, 135.
---- second speech, Job, 215.
BINGHAM, Richard, Antiquities, Acts I., 67, 386;
II., 176, 396;
John Epistles, 170.
BISHOPS, Origin of, Acts II., 416-418.
BITHIAH, Chronicles, 76.
BITTERNESS of soul, Proverbs, 194.
BLAMELESS, Christians to be, Philippians, 143.
BLANDINA, Pastoral Epistles, 257.
BLASPHEMY, Penalty of, Leviticus, 480-486.
BLESSED in the Psalms, Psalms I., 2;
II., 436, 445, 447.
---- They who bless are, Peter, 119-132.
BLESSING OF MOSES, Deuteronomy, 460-470.
BLESSINGS OF GOD, Hebrews, 89.
---- Catalogue of, Psalms III., 430.
---- dwelling with Him, Psalms II., 250.
---- The meaning of the, Genesis, 238.
---- of Aaron, Numbers, 67.
---- of Moses, Numbers, 116.
---- Spiritual and temporal, Joshua, 126.
---- willingly bestowed, Genesis, 248.
BLOMFIELD, Bishop, Acts II., 229.
BLOOD of the Passover, Exodus, 189, 190.
---- The plague of, Exodus, 129-132.
---- Prohibition of, Leviticus, 99.
---- Revenge, Numbers, 400.
---- Sprinkling of, Leviticus, 136.
BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST cries for pardon, Genesis, 39.
---- See Atonement.
BOASTING, Foolish, II. Corinthians, 325-341.
BOAZ, Judges, 389-416.
BOCHIM, Judges, 35-44.
BODENSTEIN, Andrew Rudolph, James, 24.
BODY and the Christian life, Philippians, 310-314.
---- and spirit, Exodus, 105.
---- compare with society, I. Corinthians, 283.
---- for the Lord, I. Corinthians, 152-155.
---- influences the higher nature, Exodus, 320.
---- The spiritual, in the resurrection, I. Corinthians, 371-386.
---- to be kept under, I. Samuel, 55;
I. Corinthians, 223.
BOECKH, Augustus, Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, Acts II., 205, 278, 300, 363, 366.
BOEHME, Jacob, on the Divine shining, Numbers, 69.
BOETHIUS quoted, Job, 288.
BOILS, The plague of, Exodus, 144-146.
BOLLANDISTS, Acts I., 111, 162;
Pastoral Epistles, 248.
BONDAGE, Return to spiritual, Galatians, 256-271.
"BOOK OF THE DEAD," Job, 213.
BOOK OF ENOCH, Acts I., 25, 28, 119;
James, 409, 432-447.
BOOK OF JUBILEES, Acts I., 25, 28.
BOOK OF THE LAW found by Hilkiah, II. Kings, 386, 399-401.
BOOTH, Wm., John Epistles, 231.
"BORROWED JEWELS," Exodus, 69, 167.
BOSSUET, Jacob B., John Epistles, 136.
BRADFORD, John, Romans, 54.
BRAVERY, Disinterested, Exodus, 40.
BRAZEN SERPENT, The, Numbers, 248.
---- and Jesus Christ, John I., 117-128.
---- Symbolism of, Numbers, 249.
BREAD and faith, Deuteronomy, 207.
---- of life, John I., 207-222.
---- of the soul, Deuteronomy, 202-217.
BREDENKAMP, Conrad J., Isaiah I., 237;
II., 130, 178, 205, 211, 226, 435, 457, 458;
Twelve Prophets II., 134.
BRETHREN, Colossians, 15, 385.
---- Love of the, Thessalonians, 151-158;
Peter, 249.
BRETSCHNEIDER, Karl T., Pastoral Epistles, 125;
John Epistles, 125, 307.
BRIBERY, Isaiah I., 47.
BRICK MAKING in Egypt, Exodus, 92-94.
BRIGGS, C. A., Isaiah II., 18, 336, 345, 412, 435.
BRIGHT, John, Twelve Prophets I., 241.
BROOKS, Phillips, Luke, 315.
BROTHER OF THE LORD, James, 28, 31, 374.
BROTHERHOOD, Genesis, 40, 41;
Numbers, 408.
---- Christian, Peter, 55-68.
---- Christ's, Hebrews, 39, 41.
---- in the church, Joshua, 77;
Colossians, 476, 477.
---- of man, Twelve Prophets I., 406;
Galatians, 234.
---- of nations, Joshua, 76.
BROWN, David, The Book of Revelation, Revelation, 205.
---- Epistle to the Romans, Romans, 207.
---- The Second advent, Revelation, 130.
BROWNING, Robert, quoted, Numbers, 275, 294;
Deuteronomy, 115;
Judges, 379;
II. Kings, 319;
Chronicles, 443;
Proverbs, 351;
Ecclesiastes, 16;
Song of Solomon, 172, 181;
Isaiah I., 63, 220, 354;
Ezekiel, 120, 231;
John I., 27;
Romans, 88;
I. Corinthians, 119, 278;
Ephesians, 234.
BROWNLOW AND NORTHCOTE, Roma Sotteranea, Acts I., 112.
BRUCE, A. B., John I., 233;
Thessalonians, 176;
Hebrews, 44, 45;
James, 410.
BRÜCKNER, Benno B., James, 60, 378, 390, 418.
BRUGSCH, Heinrich, Jeremiah II., 221;
Ezekiel, 281.
BRYCE, James, Locusts in South Africa, Twelve Prophets II., 400.
BUCKLAND, F., John Epistles, 131, 132.
BUCKLE, Thomas, Ecclesiastes, 144.
BUDDE, Karl, Twelve Prophets II., 119, 121, 124, 125, 128, 134, 498, 505.
BUDDHA, Doctrine of Karma, Proverbs, 71.
---- Early life of, John Epistles, 155-157.
BUDDHISM, Acts I., 400;
John Epistles, 110.
BULL, George, Acts I., 134.
BUNTING, Jabez, Acts I., 3.
BUNYAN, John, quoted, Job, 144;
Song of Solomon, 237;
Ephesians, 75;
Colossians, 269;
Thessalonians, 77, 144.
Galatians, 390-404.
BURGER, Johann G., Revelation, 330.
BURNET, Bishop Gilbert, Commentary on the thirty-nine articles, Acts I., 192.
BURNS, Robert, Proverbs, 293;
Isaiah I., 192;
Thessalonians, 143, 144.
BURNT OFFERING, Leviticus, 29, 62.
BUSHNELL, Horace, quoted, Job, 259;
John I., 359.
BUSINESS, Twelve Prophets I., 430.
---- The highest good in, Ecclesiastes, 142-186.
BUTLER, Alfred J., Coptic Churches, Acts II., 256.
BUTLER, Archer, James, 383, 386.
BUTLER, Joseph, James, 99, 443.
---- The analogy, Acts I., 18;
II., 133, 413;
John Epistles, 71, 249.
---- Durham charge, Pastoral Epistles, 368.
BUTLER, Samuel, Hudibras quoted, Proverbs, 266.
BUXTORF, Johann, Lexicon, Acts II., 16.
BYRON, Lord, Jeremiah II., 217;
John Epistles, 158.
BZOVIUS, Abraham, Continuation of Baronius' annals, Acts I., 415.
CAESAR, Augustus, Acts II., 273.
---- Claudius, Acts II., 323.
---- Julius, Acts II., 31;
James, 287.
---- Tiberius, Acts II., 36, 166, 185.
CAESAREA-ON-THE-SEA, Acts II., 101, 147.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 4.
CAIN, Genesis, 28-41.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 223.
---- Punishment of, Genesis, 43.
---- Rejection of his offering, Genesis, 32.
CAIPHAS, Acts II., 30.
---- and Christ's popularity, John I., 371, 372.
---- and the trial of Christ, Matthew, 409;
Mark, 407-413;
John II., 299.
CAJETAN, Cardinal, James, 332, 336.
CALEB, Descendants of, Chronicles, 50.
---- honoured, Numbers, 173.
---- Inheritance of, Joshua, 262-274, 291-294.
---- one of the spies, Numbers, 151.
CALIGULA, the Emperor, and the Alexandrian Jews, Ecclesiastes, 240;
Acts II., 82, 94, 166, 167;
James, 349.
CALL OF GOD, Belief in the, Genesis, 91.
---- Christ and the first disciples, Matthew, 52-56;
Mark, 17-23;
Luke, 162-176.
---- difficulties which interpose, Numbers, 110.
---- for Moses, Exodus, 65-69.
---- of Elisha, I. Kings, 445-450.
---- ripens life into power, Judges, 148.
---- Surrender and, Jeremiah I., 270.
---- to Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 42-55.
---- to Isaiah, Isaiah I., 57-90.
---- to Jeremiah, Jeremiah I., 58-73.
---- to Levi, Mark, 56-61;
Luke, 162-176.
---- to the merchant, Isaiah I., 296.
---- to the ministry, Isaiah I., 76-78;
I. Corinthians, 104, 105.
---- to service, Joshua, 50.
CALVIN, John, Psalms II., 55, 59, 167, 283, 350, 405;
Isaiah I., 79;
II., 15, 215, 217, 218, 397;
Twelve Prophets II., 153, 159, 172;
John I., 342, 349;
Acts I., 384;
II., 128, 383;
Romans 151, 226;
I. Corinthians, 268;
II. Corinthians, 93, 129, 167, 189, 216, 239, 251, 260, 373, 376;
Galatians, 142, 273;
Ephesians, 98, 322;
Thessalonians, 177;
Hebrews, 100, 250;
James, 222, 283, 319, 325, 360, 417, 432;
Peter XVII.
CAMP, Arrangement of the, Numbers, 27.
CANA, The marriage in, John I., 69.
CANAAN, Degeneracy of its people, Judges, 8.
---- Gods of, Judges, 52.
---- promised to Israel, Joshua, 5.
---- reported on, Numbers, 157.
---- Rest of, Hebrews, 61.
---- suited for its purpose, Judges, 7.
---- to be explored, Numbers, 152.
CANAANITES admitted to fellowship, Numbers, 183.
---- Bad influence of the, Joshua, 357.
---- Extermination of the, Deuteronomy, 175-183.
---- Low moral tone of, Leviticus, 381.
---- Religion of the, Deuteronomy, 129;
Joshua, 382.
---- Remnant of, Joshua, 246.
---- to be driven out, Numbers, 389.
CANDACE, Acts I., 411, 412.
CANDELABRUM, Numbers, 78.
---- Symbolism of, Numbers, 79.
CAPER-BERRY, Ecclesiastes, 267, 268.
CAPERNAUM, Christ at, Luke, 196.
---- Last words of Christ at, Matthew, 249-266.
---- Synagogues at, Luke, 203.
CAPES, W. W., The age of the Antonines, Acts I., 154.
---- The early empire, Acts II., 109.
---- in Christendom, Leviticus, 424.
CAPTIVITY, The, in Babylon, Psalms III., 370-375;
Ecclesiastes, 32-43;
Isaiah I., 128.
---- The Jews return from, Ezra, 36-47;
Song of Solomon, 230-241.
---- Persian period of, Ecclesiastes, 43-66;
Isaiah I., 148.
---- Results of, Matthew, 6, 7.
---- See EXILE.
CARDINALS, College of, Acts I., 280.
CARLYLE, Thomas, quoted, Job, 68, 223;
Psalms I., 190;
III., 295;
Proverbs, 305;
Song of Solomon, 207;
Isaiah I., 413;
Twelve Prophets II., 51;
John II., 194;
Ephesians, 273;
James, 166.
---- and the Hebrew laws, Exodus, 276.
---- Sadness of, Ecclesiastes, 130.
CARMEL, Mount, Elijah on, I. Kings, 393-398.
CARMEL, of Judah, I. Samuel, 382.
CARPOCRATES, James, 389.
CARPUS, Pastoral Epistles, 11, 411.
CASSIAN, John, James, 7.
CASSIODORUS, James, 2, 285, 369.
CASTE, Leviticus, 151;
Galatians, 238.
CATHARI, Pastoral Epistles, 127.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, The, The idea of unity in, Proverbs, 246.
CATHOLIC EPISTLES, Introduction, James, 1-12.
CATO, Acts I., 58.
CATULLUS, Thessalonians, 170.
CAVE, William, Historia Literaria, James, 6.
---- Lives of the Apostles, Acts II., 256, 259, 263.
---- Lives of the Fathers, Acts I., 219.
CELEBRATIONS, Evening, Acts II., 398-401.
CELLINI, Benvenuto, Pastoral Epistles, 50.
CELSUS, Pastoral Epistles, 229, 253;
James, 328;
John Epistles, 244.
CENCHREAE, Acts II., 332.
CENSERS, The two hundred and fifty, Numbers, 198, 205.
CENSURE, Love of, of others, James, 250-260.
CENSUS OF ISRAEL, Exodus, 420-422;
Numbers, 18.
---- David's, II. Samuel, 376-387.
---- the second, Numbers, 323.
---- of all men, Numbers, 20.
---- Results of the, Numbers, 22.
CENTURION, The, Faith of, Luke, 195-208.
CEREMONIAL DUTIES, The use of, Numbers, 47.
CERIANI, Antonio Maria, James, 422.
CERINTHUS, John Epistles, 49.
CERTAINTY, Nature of historical, Pastoral Epistles, 105.
CESNOLA, General Alexander P., Acts II., 205.
CHANGE and vicissitude help us to fear God, Deuteronomy, 155.
CHANNING, W. E., James, 381.
CHAOS no moral, Job, 273.
CHARACTER and glorying, Philippians, 288.
---- and ritual, Galatians, 435, 447.
---- and the understanding of truth, Hebrews, 90.
---- attracts character, Judges, 392.
---- benefited by delay, Genesis, 137.
---- capacity to distinguish, Isaiah I., 257-261.
---- Decision of, Judges, 378.
---- Effect of change on, Deuteronomy, 155.
---- Fountain of Christian, Colossians, 39-53.
---- Love and, Philippians, 31, 35.
---- National, Judges, 205.
---- of Jacob analyzed, Genesis, 260.
---- of Lot, Genesis, 188.
---- Salvation aims at perfection of, Genesis, 221.
---- a secret in the growth of, Genesis, 288.
---- tested by power, Genesis, 125.
CHARITY and independence, Thessalonians, 151-168.
---- characteristic of Christianity, Thessalonians, 158-160.
---- for the suffering, Job, 129.
---- The giving of, Judges, 400.
---- in judgment, Genesis, 79;
Joshua, 338.
---- See giving.
CHARLES II. of England, and Cromwell, Isaiah I., 162, 163.
CHARRAN, Abraham leaves, Genesis, 85 sq.
CHARTERIS, Dr. Archibald H., Acts I., 11.
CHASTITY, Law of, Leviticus, 379-390;
Deuteronomy, 396-401.
CHAUCER, Geoffry, Peter, 209.
CHEDORLAOMER, Expedition of, Genesis, 121 sq.
CHEREM, The word for ban, Deuteronomy, 169-171.
CHERITH, The brook, I. Kings, 363.
CHERUBIM, The, in the Tabernacle, Exodus, 380.
---- in the Temple, I. Kings, 180-185.
CHEYNE, T. K., Psalm I., 21, 23, 33, 51, 59, 64, 103, 114, 151, 161, 166, 178, 195, 202, 265, 277, 286, 296, 303, 343;
II., 15, 31, 49, 59, 65, 69, 75, 76, 101, 105, 110, 121, 126, 127, 132, 143, 160, 167, 175, 185, 190, 195, 212, 214, 224, 227, 228, 230, 233, 240, 248, 256, 257, 261, 272, 280, 288, 291, 316, 345, 350, 360, 363, 377, 405, 415, 419, 426, 427, 441, 447, 480, 486, 499, 502;
III., 4, 17, 24, 30, 32, 59, 63, 65, 88, 90, 92, 120, 134, 145, 147, 164, 175, 188, 189, 190, 223, 226, 233, 248, 319, 349, 372, 391, 398, 407, 414, 431;
Proverbs, 1;
Isaiah I., 3, 13, 196, 198, 199, 211, 223, 375, 440;
II., 19, 121, 211, 299, 333, 343, 383, 412, 414, 435, 457, 459, 464;
Jeremiah II., 4, 30, 33, 72, 75, 176, 182, 204, 289, 314, 338;
Twelve Prophets I., 264, 311, 360, 365;
II., 60, 65, 176, 209, 215, 312, 319, 354, 359, 380, 444, 446, 498, 504, 525.
CHILDBEARING, Purification after, Leviticus, 320-344.
---- Uncleanness of, Leviticus, 327-344.
CHILDREN, and parents, Colossians, 340-345.
---- and religion, Exodus, 25.
---- Care of, Pastoral Epistles, 256.
---- commanded to honour parents, Exodus, 312-314.
---- Early influence for, Proverbs, 53-56.
---- growing up bad, Jeremiah II., 351.
---- have a sense of incompleteness, Genesis, 22.
---- Jesus Christ and the, Matthew, 252-258, 270-273;
Mark, 254, 268, 273.
---- Mosaic view of the education of, Deuteronomy, 146-167.
---- of Godly parents bad, I. Samuel, 44.
---- represent fresh hopes, Genesis, 29.
---- sacrificed, II. Kings, 354.
---- Scant religious instruction of, Exodus, 191.
---- Suffering of, Song of Solomon, 149.
---- Training of, II. Samuel, 204;
Proverbs, 56-64, 303-313.
---- unable to understand the full truth, Genesis, 7.
CHITTIM, Numbers, 306, 312.
CHOICE and appearance, I. Samuel, 258.
---- between living and dying, Philippians, 65-76.
---- made by God the best, Genesis, 244.
---- No escape from personal, Judges, 379.
---- of the good, Genesis, 22;
Psalms II., 448;
Proverbs, 258-261.
---- of Lot, Genesis, 111 sq.
---- of Moses, Exodus, 34-38.
---- of occupation reveals disposition, Genesis, 22.
---- of Solomon, I. Kings, 124.
---- A right, Joshua, 156.
---- Temptation to a wrong, Genesis, 113.
CHOSROES, king, Acts II., 159.
CHRISTIAN, as an athlete, Pastoral Epistles, 348, 349.
---- as a husbandman, Pastoral Epistles, 350-352.
---- as a soldier, Pastoral Epistles, 344-347.
---- The incomplete, Philippians, 97.
---- law, Rejection of, Numbers, 187.
---- life criticised, Numbers, 158.
---- Limitations of the, Numbers, 393.
---- nation, Duty of, Numbers, 160.
---- Right conception of the life, Philippians, 95.
---- The title, Acts II., 159-162, 211.
CHRISTIAN COUNTRY, A, Jeremiah I., 194-196.
CHRISTIAN WORK and money, Chronicles, 414.
---- Continuity of, Chronicles, 194, 195.
---- Shrinking from, I. Samuel, 166.
---- Variety of, Leviticus, 57, 363.
CHRISTIANITY, Alliances with, Numbers, 114.
---- Freedom under, Numbers, 209.
---- practiced, Acts I., 31.
---- secularised, Judges, 330.
---- Sympathy with, Numbers, 112.
---- What is? John II., 406.
CHRISTIANS always need help, Joshua, 62.
---- armor, Ephesians, 410-424.
---- as pilgrims in the world, Peter, 355-364.
---- death with Christ, Colossians, 243-251.
---- The garments of the renewed soul, Colossians, 305-319.
---- growth, Colossians, 238-241.
---- Ideal and the steps thereunto, Peter, 41-54.
---- in public life, Deuteronomy, 201.
---- In what sense are we? I. Corinthians, 60.
---- the light of the world, Matthew, 66-69.
---- Kings to God, I. Samuel, 263.
---- living epistles, II. Corinthians, 99-111;
Colossians, 493.
---- The new nature and the new life, Colossians, 290-304.
---- not free from the law, Exodus, 280.
---- not exempt from calamity, Genesis, 97.
---- precepts for the innermost life, Colossians, 354-370.
---- present life a risen life, Colossians, 257-270.
---- the salt of the earth, Matthew, 63-66.
---- slaying self, Colossians, 271-289.
---- what kind ought we to be? Peter, 355-364.
CHRISTOPHER, The legend of, Hebrews, 317.
CHRONICLES, The Book of, Age of, Chronicles, 92-110.
---- and Ezra and Nehemiah, Ezra, 2-4.
---- Date and authorship, Chronicles, 3-6.
---- Historical setting, Chronicles, 6-12.
---- Importance of, Chronicles, 22-28.
---- Omissions of, Chronicles, 146.
---- sources and mode of composition, Chronicles, 13-21.
I. CHRONICLES II., 55, Jeremiah II., 45.
I. CHRONICLES III., 5, Proverbs, 52.
---- 15, Jeremiah I., 27.
---- 11, Jeremiah II., 92.
I. CHRONICLES IV., 13, 15, Joshua, 263.
---- 18, Joshua, 22.
---- 43, Psalms II., 435.
I. CHRONICLES VI., 28, 34, Joshua, 350.
I. CHRONICLES VII., 5, Psalms I., 274.
---- 20-27, Joshua, 22.
---- 22-27, Deuteronomy, 23.
---- 26, Joshua, 22.
---- 29, Joshua, 304.
I. CHRONICLES IX., 19, Psalms II., 42.
---- 33, Psalms III., 359.
I. CHRONICLES XII., 6, Psalms II., 42.
I. CHRONICLES XV., 2, II. Samuel, 91.
---- 13, II. Samuel, 88.
I. CHRONICLES XVI., 34, 41, Joshua, 105.
I. CHRONICLES XVII., 23, Thessalonians, 288.
I. CHRONICLES XX., 1, Jeremiah II., 32.
I CHRONICLES XXI., 1, Song of Solomon, 220.
---- 25, Jeremiah II., 312.
I. CHRONICLES XXIII., 5, II. Samuel, 217.
---- 24, 27, Numbers, 41.
I. CHRONICLES XXV., 1-3, Daniel, 30.
I. CHRONICLES XXVIII., 1, I. Kings, 143.
---- 4, Revelation, 78.
I. CHRONICLES XXIX., 5, Leviticus, 208.
II. CHRONICLES I., 9, Thessalonians, 288.
II. CHRONICLES VII., 1-3, Ezekiel, 37.
---- 14, James, 129.
II. CHRONICLES IX., 15, 16, Psalms, 335.
---- 17, Pastoral Epistles, 369.
II. CHRONICLES XI., 15, Leviticus, 370.
II. CHRONICLES XIV., 11, Joshua, 144.
---- 27, John Epistles, 183.
II. CHRONICLES XIX., 5, Deuteronomy, 387.
---- 9, Twelve Prophets II., 140.
II. CHRONICLES XX., 2, Psalms II., 433.
---- 3, Ezra, 128.
---- 7, Proverbs, 235;
Romans, 104;
Galatians, 186.
---- 20, Twelve Prophets I., 75.
II. CHRONICLES XXIII., 17, Jeremiah I., 97.
II. CHRONICLES XXIV., 21, Hebrews, 264.
---- 22, Jeremiah I., 159.
---- 27, Twelve Prophets, 505.
II. CHRONICLES XXV., 12, Psalms III., 402.
II. CHRONICLES XXVI., 16, Jeremiah I., 92.
II. CHRONICLES XXVIII., 23, Isaiah I., 99.
II. CHRONICLES XXIX., 23, Psalms III., 186.
---- 31, Leviticus, 208.
II. CHRONICLES XXX., 6, 11, Jeremiah I., 129.
---- 8, Jeremiah II., 291.
---- 11, 18, Jeremiah I., 120.
II. CHRONICLES XXXII., 1, Isaiah I., 304.
---- 7, 8, Revelation, 66.
---- 9-23, Isaiah I., 304.
II. CHRONICLES XXXIII., 7, Ezekiel, 84.
---- 11, Twelve Prophets II., 11.
---- 13-17, Daniel, 175.
II. CHRONICLES XXXIV., 3, Jeremiah I., 15, 97, 108.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 24, 77, 120.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 77, 120.
---- 33, Jeremiah I., 132.
II. CHRONICLES XXXV., 20, Jeremiah I., 289.
---- 22, Twelve Prophets II., 482;
Revelation, 272.
---- 24, Jeremiah I., 27.
---- 25, Song of Solomon, 77;
Jeremiah I., 25.
II. CHRONICLES XXXVI., 23, Twelve Prophets II., 69.
CHRYSOSTOM, John, Ecclesiastes, 204;
Acts I., 113;
II., 46, 55, 84, 251, 276, 352;
II. Corinthians, 13, 93, 123, 129, 137, 281, 317, 373;
Galatians, 143, 225, 457;
Pastoral Epistles, 34, 56, 95, 101, 249, 349, 369, 382, 397, 429;
James, 292, 331, 338, 368;
John Epistles, 9, 26, 50, 57, 58, 82, 202.
CHURCH, The, and the body, Ephesians, 143-154.
---- and infidelity, Judges, 168.
---- and the irresolute, Numbers, 107.
---- and poverty, Job, 294.
---- and state, Chronicles, 166, 167.
---- Anticipations of the victory of, Revelation, 65-85.
---- attacked, Judges, 186.
---- based on fellowship, Exodus, 77, 359.
---- Basis for unity of, I. Corinthians, 41.
---- Catholic, I. Corinthians, 23.
---- Christ and the, Ephesians, 366-379,;
Colossians, 81-84, 94-99.
---- Coldness of, Exodus, 106.
---- Community of goods in, Acts I., 193-210.
---- Complaints against, Job, 264.
---- Consciousness of, Hebrews, 187.
---- customs, Hebrews, 187.
---- discipline, II. Corinthians, 72-83.
---- ever in Paul's thought, Ephesians, 193.
---- Fellowship in, Joshua, 163.
---- First great enemy of, Revelation, 196-216.
---- First persecution of, Acts I., 173-192.
---- Foes of, Ephesians, 317-409.
---- Growth of, Ephesians, 244-258.
---- Helpers of, Numbers, 113.
---- Honesty and pretence in the primitive, Acts I., 211-228.
---- Idea of, Hebrews, 185.
---- Ideal, Pastoral Epistles, 116.
---- Life, Ephesians, 211-258.
---- Membership in, Ezra, 326.
---- Mistaken claims of, Numbers, 176.
---- must be filled with the Spirit, Judges, 152.
---- National, Numbers, 21.
---- Need of machinery in, Pastoral Epistles, 331-342.
---- Never in danger, Judges, 187.
---- on the field of history, Revelation, 21-64.
---- one foundation, II. Corinthians, 35-46.
---- Opposition to, Judges, 79, 82.
---- Origin of the idea, Isaiah I., 126.
---- Perils of, Numbers, 115.
---- Perpetual duty of, Judges, 353.
---- Position of, Numbers, 20.
---- Primitive discussions in, Acts I., 246-267.
---- Real work of, Thessalonians, 277.
---- Right spirit of, Judges, 152.
---- Second and third great enemies of, Revelation, 217-237.
---- should keep close to its ideal, Deuteronomy, 188.
---- True, I. Corinthians, 21.
---- Unity of, Numbers, 203;
I. Corinthians, 23-25, 284-286.
---- Union of, Acts I., 86-89.
---- World in, Judges, 133.
CHURCH, Dean R. W., Ezekiel, 255;
John I., 281.
CICERO, Ecclesiastes, 137, 253;
Daniel, 216;
Acts I., 56, 298;
II., 275, 304, 327.
CIRCUMCISION, Genesis, 166.
---- and uncircumcision, Romans, 72, 73.
---- Controversy about, Acts II., 222-228, 392, 425;
Philippians, 178-180.
---- of the Galatians, Galatians, 301, 315.
---- of the heart, Genesis, 167.
---- of Israel at the Jordan, Joshua, 117-121.
---- of Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 22.
---- Ordinance of, Leviticus, 315-319.
---- The true, Colossians, 199-212.
CISTERCIANS, Acts I., 174;
II., 227.
CITIES OF REFUGE, Numbers, 400;
Joshua, 326-339.
CIVILIZATION and Christianity, Twelve Prophets, 151;
Mark, 94.
---- and judgment, Twelve Prophets, 141-155.
---- of the Akkadians, Deuteronomy, 208, 209.
---- without morality, Numbers, 372.
CLARKE, Adam, Acts I., 3.
CLAUDIA, Pastoral Epistles, 415.
CLAUDIUS, Pastoral Epistles, 414, 425.
CLAUDIUS, the Emperor, II. Corinthians, 88;
Hebrews, 318.
CLEANTHES' hymn to Zeus, Ecclesiastes, 199;
Acts II., 315;
Pastoral Epistles, 225.
II., 180, 356, 446;
Pastoral Epistles, 6, 97, 100, 228, 339, 373;
James, 4, 5, 21, 36, 76, 213, 307, 362, 369, 422;
Peter VI.;
John Epistles, 283.
CLEMENT OF ROME, Acts I., 3, 273, 280, 400;
II., 259, 344;
Pastoral Epistles, 5, 14, 97, 110, 416;
James, 18, 20, 23, 160, 215, 245, 292, 295;
Peter XII.
CLEMENT IV., Jeremiah II., 91.
CLERGY and laity, James, 324.
---- and laity distinct, Pastoral Epistles, 109.
CLOKE, Pastoral Epistles, 412.
CLOPAS, James, 26, 27.
CLOTHING, Symbolism of, Genesis, 24.
CLOUD as a symbol, Numbers, 93.
---- in Isaiah, Numbers, 90.
---- The pillar of the, Numbers, 89.
COCCEIUS, Hebrews, 126.
COLERIDGE, S. T., Proverbs, 16;
Hebrews. 304.
COLLECTION for Jewish Christians, Pastoral Epistles, 205.
COLOSSE, The church, Colossians, 2-4.
---- The city, Colossians, 3.
---- Errors of the church at, Colossians, 185-198;
Hebrews, 22.
COLOSSIANS, The people, Paul striving for, Colossians, 151-167.
COLOSSIANS, The Epistle, Hebrews, 22.
---- closing messages, Colossians, 402-416.
---- The prayer of, Colossians, 38-54.
---- The prelude to, Colossians, 21-37.
---- Transition to Polemics in, Colossians, 168-184.
---- Writers and readers of, Colossians, 1-20.
COLOSSIANS I., 2, Ephesians, 18;
Revelation, 369.
---- 4, Galatians, 229;
Ephesians, 13, 66.
---- 6, Ephesians, 56.
---- 8, Ephesians, 432;
James, 455.
---- 9, 27, Ephesians, 341.

---- 10, Romans, 395.
---- 11, Ephesians, 398;
Philippians, 357;
James, 292.
---- 12-14, Ephesians, 43.
---- 13, Ephesians, 402.
---- 14, 15, Ephesians, 27, 61, 376;
Hebrews, 176;
John Epistles, 114.
---- 15, 16, Romans, 227;
Galatians, 23, 157, 233, 250;
Ephesians, 93, 146, 288, 354;
Hebrews, 22;
Revelation, 81.
---- 16, Romans, 318;
Ephesians, 90, 378;
Hebrews, 16;
Peter, 301.
---- 18, Ephesians, 86, 87.
---- 19, Ephesians, 93.
---- 20, Leviticus, 189, 198, 207;
I. Kings, 220.
---- 22, 28, 29, Ephesians, 246.
---- 23, Romans, 226;
Ephesians, 115, 410.
---- 24, Mark, 291;
II. Corinthians, 13;
Galatians, 455;
Ephesians, 427.
---- 25, Ephesians, 45, 157.
---- 26, Ephesians, 21, 129, 162;
Pastoral Epistles, 132.
---- 26, 27, Pastoral Epistles, 132;
Revelation, 78.
---- 27, Pastoral Epistles, 134;
James, 115;
Revelation, 322, 369.
COLOSSIANS II., 1, Ephesians, 13, 15, 427
---- 2, Romans, 17, 368;
Ephesians, 45, 157, 414;
Pastoral Epistles, 132, 134.
---- 4, Ephesians, 41;
James, 104.
---- 5, Ephesians, 410;
Thessalonians, 209.
---- 7, James, 456.
---- 8, 20, Galatians, 246;
Ephesians, 250, 279, 408.
---- 9, Mark, 354;
Galatians, 250;
Ephesians, 345.
---- 10, 11, Leviticus, 316;
Ephesians, 113.
---- 11, Leviticus, 320;
Galatians, 173, 232, 352;
Ephesians, 371.
---- 13, Ephesians, 312.
---- 15, II. Corinthians, 87;
Galatians, 218;
Ephesians, 12.
---- 16, Leviticus, 281.
---- 18, Exodus, 145.
---- 19, Mark, 382;
Ephesians, 249, 257.
---- 20, Ephesians, 262.
---- 23, Romans, 222.
COLOSSIANS III., 1, Ephesians, 91, 408.
---- 3, 4, Romans, 139;
Ephesians, 25.
---- 4, Galatians, 256;
Ephesians, 262;
Pastoral Epistles, 404;
Revelation, 19.
---- 5, Galatians, 352.
---- 5, 8, 9, Numbers, 41;
Peter, 155.
---- 7, John Epistles, 125.
---- 10, II. Corinthians, 168;
Galatians, 233.
---- 11, Chronicles, 49;
Luke, 3;
Galatians, 160;
Ephesians, 135;
Revelation, 80.
---- 13, Ephesians, 312.
---- 14, Ephesians, 216.
---- 16, Ephesians, 217, 347, 385;
Pastoral Epistles, 394.
---- 18, Ephesians, 355, 360.
---- 22, Peter, 96.
---- 24, Ephesians, 389.
---- 25, Galatians, 114.
COLOSSIANS IV., 2, Ephesians, 423;
Thessalonians, 225.
---- 3, Ephesians, 428, 429;
Pastoral Epistles, 132.
---- 5, Ephesians, 339.
---- 7-9, Ephesians, 15, 431;
Pastoral Epistles, 411.
---- 8, Ephesians, 432.
---- 9, Ephesians, 434.
---- 10, Acts II., 252, 255;
James, 28.
---- 12, Ephesians, 341;
Philippians, 166.
---- 14, Pastoral Epistles, 410.
---- 17, Colossians, 422.
---- 18, Thessalonians, 395.
COMFORT for hearts, Colossians, 156-158.
---- in Christ, Philippians, 99, 100.
---- in the death of children, II. Samuel, 287.
COMMERCE, Isaiah I., 290-297.
---- among the Israelites, Deuteronomy, 360.
---- Competition of, Proverbs, 226;
Ecclesiastes, 168.
---- of Solomon, I. Kings, 224, 233.
COMMISSION, The great, Matthew, 137-141, 443.
---- of Paul, Galatians, 68-82.
COMMUNION OFFICE, Evening, Acts II., 398-401.
---- Rubrics of, Acts II., 335, 336.
COMMUNITY OF GOOS, Acts I., 193-228.
COMPARISONS, Paul on, II. Corinthians, 300-311.
COMPASSION, A heart of, Colossians, 307, 308.
---- of Christ, Luke, 266.
---- of God, Numbers, 213;
Song of Solomon, 311-323.
COMPETITION, Proverbs, 226;
Ecclesiastes, 168;
Twelve Prophets I., 395.
COMPLAINTS against Providence, Numbers, 119.
---- of the Israelites, Numbers, 119.
COMPROMISE not allowable, II. Kings, 57.
---- The tendency to, Joshua, 274;
Judges, 88, 92, 404.
COMTE Auguste, Ephesians, 315.
---- and breadth, Judges, 275.
CONCUBINAGE recognized, Leviticus, 404.
CONDUCT, Christian, based on truth, Romans, 320-335.
---- Details of personal, Romans, 336-347.
---- Worship and, James, 320-322.
CONFESSION and forgiveness, Ezra, 141;
Proverbs, 364;
Romans, 272.
---- of sins, James, 335-343.
CONFIRMATION, The Rite, Acts I., 375 sq., 385 sq.
CONFLICT of faith, Hebrews, 272-289.
CONFUCIUS, Ecclesiastes, 315.
CONSCIENCE, Proverbs, 225, 252, 343;
Isaiah I., 8-14.
---- as a revelation of God, Hebrews, 3.
---- Birth of, Genesis, 19.
---- Compromise with, Ecclesiastes, 200, 222.
---- the correlative power, Judges, 303.
---- enfeebled by Judaism, Hebrews, 156.
---- enlightened, Hebrews, 158, 227, 248.
---- its threefold character, Isaiah I., 12.
---- Natural, Hebrews, 152, 155.
---- not satisfied under the law, Hebrews, 123.
---- of Cain, Genesis, 39.
---- of service, Isaiah II., 292-298.
---- the oracle of life, Judges, 353.
---- Peace of, Genesis, 25.
---- Public, Jeremiah II., 219.
---- Rekindling of the Civic, Isaiah II., 408-427.
---- Simplicity of, Isaiah I., 151.
---- stifled, Genesis, 127;
Numbers, 278.
---- Supremacy of, I. Corinthians, 190.
CONSCIOUSNESS, The Divine, Numbers, 327.
CONSECRATION, Complete, Leviticus, 225.
---- the condition of fellowship with God, Leviticus, 224.
---- Priestly, Hebrews, 185.
---- Self, Numbers, 23.
---- not the only gift of God, Thessalonians, 353.
---- Suffering and, II. Corinthians, 10-22.
CONSTANCY of Jacob, Genesis, 261.
CONSTANTINE, The Emperor, Acts II., 238, 273.
CONTEMPORARY, Acts I., 199, 359, 417;
II., 468.
CONTENTMENT, Pastoral Epistles, 192-196;
Proverbs, 356.
CONTROVERSY not Christ like, Joshua, 415.
---- Religious, John Epistles, 40-42.
---- Spirit of, Pastoral Epistles, 280, 364, 368.
CONYBEARE AND HOWSON, Life and Epistles of Paul, Acts I., 217;
II., 46, 47.
CONVERSATION, James, 194-196.
CONVERSION, Thessalonians, 53-68.
---- and the new life, Colossians, 290-304.
---- and the victory of faith, Judges, 27.
---- Immediate, Hebrews, 242.
---- The kind we need, Judges, 160.
---- not always the same, Judges, 159.
---- of Paul, Acts II., 22-47;
Galatians, 53-82.
---- of sinners conditions and rewards, James, 350-362.
---- Results of, Proverbs, 368.
---- Ruth's, Judges, 381.
CONVICTION, Individual, I. Samuel, 226.
---- Power of, Exodus, 90.
CONVOCATION, Holy, Numbers, 352.
CO-OPERATION, Ecclesiastes, 184;
Ephesians, 148.
COPTIC CHURCH, Acts I., 416.
CORBAN, Matthew, 203.
CORINTH, Abuse of the Lord's Supper at, I. Corinthians, 259-272.
---- Church discipline in, II. Corinthians, 72-83.
---- The church in, I. Corinthians, 15-29.
---- The city of, I. Corinthians, 3.
---- Excommunication at, I. Corinthians, 113-128.
---- Factions in the church at, I. Corinthians, 31-45.
---- Fornication at, I. Corinthians, 145-159.
---- Incest at, Pastoral Epistles, 73, 265.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 301-330;
Romans, 5;
I. Corinthians, 3 sq.
---- Paul's trouble at, Romans, 5.
---- Religious services at, I. Corinthians, 319.
---- Ruins of, I. Corinthians, 87.
---- Timothy at, Pastoral Epistles, 23, 24, 29.
---- Titus at, Pastoral Epistles, 204-206.
---- Vice of, I. Corinthians, 4.
CORINTHIANS, First Epistle, Acts II., 359, 387.
---- Introduction, I. Corinthians, 3-14.
I. CORINTHIANS I., 2, Acts I., 339;
II., 60;
Ephesians, 18;
John Epistles, 116;
Revelation, 369
---- 4-9, Ephesians, 115.
---- 6, Thessalonians, 288.
---- 7, Galatians, 57.
---- 8, Philippians, 25.
---- 10, Galatians, 394.
---- 11, 16, Pastoral Epistles, 361.
---- 12, Galatians, 57.
---- 14, 17, Acts II., 326;
John Epistles, 301.
---- 17, Acts II., 340.
---- 18, 23;
II. Corinthians, 152.
---- 23, Galatians, 323, 380.
---- 26-28, I. Kings, 51.
---- 27-31, Galatians, 114.
---- 28, Ephesians, 18.
---- 30, Ephesians, 40;
Revelation, 369, 383.
---- 33, Romans, 242.
I. CORINTHIANS II., 1, 7, Pastoral Epistles, 132;
Peter, 262.
---- 2, Peter, 183.
---- 3, Galatians, 276, 277;
Philippians, 132.
---- 4, II. Corinthians, 231.
---- 6-9, Ephesians, 45, 253;
James, 170.
---- 8, Acts II., 419;
Galatians, 380.
---- 9, Daniel, 102;
II. Corinthians,169;
James, 233.
---- 12, Galatians, 246;
Ephesians, 25;
James, 230;
Revelation, 224.
---- 14, Mark, 108;
James, 200.
---- 15, Ephesians, 96.
---- 16, Hebrews, 201.
I. CORINTHIANS III., 1-3, Galatians, 246;
Ephesians, 253.
---- 5-11, Galatians, 38.
---- 10-15, Galatians, 401.
---- 11-15, Romans, 386;
James, 456.
---- 13, Ezra, 216;
Jeremiah I., 239;
Peter, 340.
---- 15, Romans, 386.
---- 16, Leviticus, 186;
Ephesians, 9.
---- 17, II. Corinthians, 250;
Pastoral Epistles, 131.
---- 19, James, 295.
---- 20, James, 123.

---- 21-23, Galatians, 241.
---- 22, Romans, 241;
Galatians, 25, 57.
I. CORINTHIANS IV., 1-5, Galatians, 401;
Ephesians, 45.
---- 2, Daniel, 223;
Hebrews, 54.
---- 3, 4, Galatians, 14, 36.
---- 4, II. Corinthians, 175.
---- 5, Pastoral Epistles, 424.
---- 9, Galatians, 30, 57;
Philippians, 356.
---- 14-16, Galatians, 281, 408.
---- 15, II. Corinthians, 364.
---- 17, Acts II., 359;
Pastoral Epistles, 20.
---- 18-21, Galatians, 45.
---- 21, II. Corinthians, 60;
Galatians, 394.
I. CORINTHIANS V., 1, Leviticus, 381;
Pastoral Epistles, 361;
Revelation, 54.
---- 3, Romans, 375.
---- 5, James, 184.
---- 6-8, Galatians, 328;
Revelation, 51.
---- 7, Leviticus, 73, 458;
Ezra, 105.
---- 9-11, Galatians, 364;
Pastoral Epistles, 337;
James, 378.
---- 10, Thessalonians, 142.
I. CORINTHIANS VI., 1, Acts I., 270;
Romans, 81.
---- 2, Daniel, 102;
James, 126.
---- 7, Romans, 345.
---- 9, Galatians, 185, 355;
Ephesians, 295;
James, 56.
---- 10, Thessalonians, 142.
---- 11, Pastoral Epistles, 287;
Revelation, 323.
---- 13, Romans, 221;
Galatians, 363;
Pastoral Epistles, 424.
---- 15, Romans, 160.
---- 16, 17, Exodus, 293.
---- 17, Romans, 162, 181, 182, 337;
Galatians, 160;
Ephesians, 71.
---- 19, Acts I., 384;
Galatians, 252;
Ephesians, 53.
---- 20, Leviticus, 302;
Romans, 221.
I. CORINTHIANS VII., 1, 7, Pastoral Epistles, 123, 157.
---- 2, 9, Pastoral Epistles, 124.
---- 5, Mark, 64.
---- 10, 12, 34, Pastoral Epistles, 424.
---- 16, Peter, 115.
---- 17, Acts I., 383.
---- 17, 19, Galatians, 160.
---- 18, 20, Acts II., 435;
Galatians, 440.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 207.
---- 21, Peter, 97.
---- 22, James, 82.
---- 26, Matthew, 270.
---- 28, 36, Pastoral Epistles, 123.
---- 29, Revelation, 341.
---- 31, Leviticus, 366;
Galatians, 30.
---- 35, Thessalonians, 163.
---- 39, Leviticus, 437.
I. CORINTHIANS VIII., 1, Daniel, 165;
Galatians, 380.
---- 4, Jeremiah I., 80;
Galatians, 259.
---- 6, Galatians, 220.
---- 7, Hebrews, 155.
I. CORINTHIANS IX., 1, Galatians, 14, 57.
---- 2, Ephesians, 53.
---- 5, Luke, 157;
James, 28, 374;
Peter IX., 230.
---- 6, Acts II., 258.
---- 9, Twelve Prophets I., 288.
---- 10, Pastoral Epistles, 343;
James, 233.
---- 11, Galatians, 406.
---- 13, Leviticus, 146, 179;
Pastoral Epistles, 390.
---- 14, Peter, 207.
---- 17, Pastoral Epistles, 52.
---- 20, Galatians, 62.
---- 21, Galatians, 281.
---- 22, Romans, 83, 299.
---- 24, Revelation, 257.
---- 25, Pastoral Epistles, 343, 350.
I. CORINTHIANS X., Leviticus, 83.
---- 1, Romans, 29.
---- 1-4, Acts II., 19.
---- 2, Ephesians, 371;
Peter, 159.
---- 3, Exodus, 244;
Revelation, 203.
---- 6-8, Galatians, 366.
---- 11, Galatians, 259;
Ephesians, 385;
Peter, 164;
Revelation, 182.
---- 21, Isaiah II., 457.
---- 26, Pastoral Epistles, 424.
---- 27, Pastoral Epistles, 236.
---- 29, Peter XIV.
---- 31, Leviticus, 68, 301;
Pastoral Epistles, 258.
---- 33, Philippians, 160.
I. CORINTHIANS XI., I. Thessalonians, 44;
Peter, 209, 248, 361.
---- 2, Acts I., 383;
Ephesians, 356;
Pastoral Epistles, 100.
---- 3-12, Ephesians, 377.
---- 7, Peter, 115.
---- 13-15, Ephesians, 358.
---- 17-34, Ephesians, 342.
---- 19, Galatians, 371;
Pastoral Epistles, 294, 297, 298.
---- 21, Peter, 305.
---- 23, Acts II., 49.
---- 24, Matthew, 392.
---- 25, Jeremiah II., 362.
---- 28, Matthew, 389.
---- 29, James, 168;
John Epistles, 175.
---- 30, James, 334.
---- 32, Ephesians, 385;
Pastoral Epistles, 75;
Peter, 192.
---- 30-32, Leviticus, 243;
Pastoral Epistles, 361.
I. CORINTHIANS XII., 1, Romans, 29.
---- 3, Acts II., 27;
Galatians, 44, 56.
---- 4, 9, 28, 30, 31, Romans, 27;
Galatians, 170.
---- 6, Ephesians, 93.
---- 7, Peter, 172.
---- 7, 10, Pastoral Epistles, 242.
---- 10, Thessalonians, 242.
---- 24, Thessalonians, 163.
---- 28, Pastoral Epistles, 66, 69, 115.
I. CORINTHIANS XIII., 1-3, Galatians, 379.
---- 3, Pastoral Epistles, 423.
---- 4, James, 223.
---- 7, Galatians, 384, 385.
---- 8, 11, 12, Galatians, 412.
---- 9, Romans, 144.
---- 11, Ephesians, 246.
---- 12, II. Corinthians, 182.
---- 13, Peter, 167.
I. CORINTHIANS XIV., 6, John Epistles, 293.
---- 14-18, II. Corinthians, 192.
---- 15, James, 319.
---- 16, Acts II., 396.
---- 18, Acts I., 98;
Galatians, 67;
Pastoral Epistles, 242.
---- 20, Ephesians, 253;
Philippians, 269.
---- 23, Peter, 167.
---- 26, Ephesians, 239;
James, 167.
---- 29, Thessalonians, 242.
---- 32, Romans, 331.
---- 33, James, 201.
---- 35, Ephesians, 362.
I. CORINTHIANS XV., 1, Galatians, 56;
Thessalonians, 65.
---- 1-8, Mark, 2.
---- 3, Romans, 95;
Ephesians, 36;
Revelation, 47.
---- 3, 4, Peter, 183.
---- 5-8, Pastoral Epistles, 138;
Peter IX.
---- 6, Matthew, 437;
Romans, 127.
---- 7, Romans, 127;
James, 26, 35.
---- 7, James, 35.
---- 8, Acts II., 44;
Romans, 17;
Galatians, 57, 152;
Pastoral Epistles, 55.
---- 9, Acts II., 26;
James, 126.
---- 9, 10, Galatians, 114.
---- 10, Galatians, 96, 119, 121, 401.
---- 11, Galatians, 118.
---- 15, 2 Corinthians, 304.
---- 20, Leviticus, 458;
Revelation, 244.
---- 20-57, Galatians, 198.
---- 22, Galatians, 157;
Ephesians, 47.
---- 23, 24, Revelation, 346.
---- 24-28, Ephesians, 47, 90, 203.
---- 26, Galatians, 308;
Ephesians, 52.
---- 27, Hebrews, 35.
---- 28, Revelation, 190.
---- 30, 32, Galatians, 30, 451.
---- 31, James, 307.
---- 32, Acts II., 357;
II. Corinthians, 27.
---- 33, Pastoral Epistles, 224;
James, 56.
---- 33, 34, Ephesians, 269.
---- 34, Peter, 90.
---- 35-54, Matthew, 325;
James, 56.
---- 37, 38, Exodus, 72.
---- 40, 48, Ephesians, 49.
---- 41, Daniel, 324.
---- 42, Ephesians, 439.
---- 44, Luke, 337.
---- 44, 46, James, 200;
Revelation, 354.
---- 45, 47, Romans, 148;
Galatians, 157;
Ephesians, 246.
---- 51, Ephesians, 86;
Pastoral Epistles, 132;
James, 297.
---- 53, Pastoral Epistles, 428.
---- 54, 55, 57, John Epistles, 232.
---- 55, Twelve Prophets I., 306.
---- 56, Galatians, 213.
I. CORINTHIANS XVI., 1, 2, Leviticus, 563.
---- 1-4, Romans, 416;
Galatians, 126.
---- 2, Galatians, 269.
---- 9, II. Corinthians, 27.
---- 10, II. Corinthians, 258;
Colossians, 403.
---- 13, Ephesians, 186, 253, 410;
Peter, 330.
---- 15, Thessalonians, 202;
Pastoral Epistles, 361;
Revelation, 244.
---- 19, Acts II., 351;
Romans, 423, 427.
---- 20, Peter, 231.
---- 21, Acts II., 50;
Galatians, 422;
Thessalonians, 395.
---- 22, Pastoral Epistles, 428;
Peter, 163.
CORINTHIANS, Second Epistle, Introduction, II. Corinthians, 1-9.
---- Conclusion of, II. Corinthians, 372-387.
II. CORINTHIANS I., 3, Ephesians, 67, 110;
Peter, 18.
---- 4, Leviticus, 436.
---- 5, Peter, 34.
---- 8, Romans, 29;
Galatians, 36, 451.
---- 10, Galatians, 452.
---- 12, Galatians, 401.
---- 17, 18, 23, Galatians, 88.
---- 18, Ephesians, 292;
James, 307.
---- 21, Leviticus, 216;
Galatians, 204.
---- 22, Ephesians, 64.
---- 23, Exodus, 305;
James, 307.
II. CORINTHIANS II., 2, Colossians, 101.
---- 4, Galatians, 36, 274.
---- 5-11, Galatians, 394.
---- 7, 10, Ephesians, 312.
---- 11, Ephesians, 400;
Thessalonians, 142.
---- 12, 13, Galatians, 36;
Pastoral Epistles, 361.
----13, Acts II., 388;
Galatians, 451.
---- 14, 17, Jeremiah I., 422;
Galatians, 431, 449;
Ephesians, 236.
---- 16, Leviticus, 124.
---- 17, Galatians, 48, 109.
---- 18, Peter, 240.
II. CORINTHIANS III., 1-3, Galatians, 85, 109, 133.
---- 4-8, Romans, 185;
Philippians, 147.
---- 6, Jeremiah II., 362.
---- 12, 18, Exodus, 439;
Galatians, 71.
---- 13-18, Galatians, 218.
---- 14-16, Romans, 299.
---- 17, Hebrews, 201.
---- 18, Galatians, 358;
Ephesians, 89, 308;
John Epistles, 181.
II. CORINTHIANS IV., 2, Galatians, 48, 109.
---- 3, Mark, 108;
Ephesians, 113.
---- 4, Matthew, 167;
Ephesians, 102, 400;
Peter, 224.
---- 5, Ephesians, 389;
Peter, 236.
---- 6, Galatians, 61.
---- 7, Acts II., 415;
Galatians, 276;
Ephesians, 188.
---- 8-11, Galatians, 36.
---- 9, Mark, 433;
Pastoral Epistles, 420.
---- 10, Galatians, 454.
---- 11, Ephesians, 281.
---- 14, Colossians, 102.
---- 16, Romans, 200;
Peter, 113.
---- 18, Galatians, 403.
II. CORINTHIANS V., 1-10, Galatians, 451.
---- 2-4, Ephesians, 287.
---- 4, Revelation, 354.
---- 5, Ephesians, 64.
---- 7, Romans, 385.

---- 9-12, Galatians, 36.
---- 10, Romans, 386;
John Epistles, 214.
---- 10-12, Galatians, 401.
---- 12, Galatians, 119.
---- 13-15, Leviticus, 227;
Pastoral Epistles, 242;
John Epistles, 47.
---- 14, 15, Galatians, 157;
Colossians, 245.
---- 17, Leviticus, 320;
Galatians, 60;
Pastoral Epistles, 288.
---- 18-21, Ephesians, 36;
John Epistles, 105.
---- 19, Ephesians, 127;
Pastoral Epistles, 423.
---- 20, Galatians, 149;
Ephesians, 7.
---- 21, Exodus, 412;
Leviticus, 153, 226;
Isaiah II., 287;
Luke, 371;
Philippians, 218, 221.
II. CORINTHIANS VI., 1, Galatians, 149;
James, 351.
---- 4, 10, Galatians, 30;
Philippians, 356;
James, 292.
---- 9, Pastoral Epistles, 75.
---- 10, Galatians, 383;
Peter, 25.
---- 11-13, Galatians, 408.
---- 13, Galatians, 275.
---- 14, Ezra, 151.
---- 15, Hebrews, 325.
---- 16, Exodus, 376.
---- 17, 18, Isaiah II., 454.
---- 18, Galatians, 229.
II. CORINTHIANS VII., 1, Leviticus, 356.
---- 4, Ephesians, 430.
---- 5-7, Galatians, 36, 451;
Pastoral Epistles, 361.
---- 6-16, Galatians, 452.
---- 8, Galatians, 36, 274.
---- 9, Peter, 25.
---- 10, James, 230.
---- 11, Leviticus, 255.
---- 15, Philippians, 132.
II. CORINTHIANS VIII., 1, 2, Acts II., 293;
Galatians, 56.
---- 7, Leviticus, 166, 565.
---- 9, Romans, 404.
---- 17, Ephesians, 419.
---- 19, Pastoral Epistles, 59.
---- 23, Ephesians, 239, 435.
II. CORINTHIANS IX., 2, Ephesians, 67.
---- 9, Psalms III., 203.
II. CORINTHIANS X., 1, Galatians, 277.
---- 1-11, Galatians, 45.
---- 2, Galatians, 119.
---- 2-5, Ephesians, 404.
---- 3-6, Ephesians, 410.
---- 10, Galatians, 455.
---- 17, Galatians, 122.
---- 18, Pastoral Epistles, 369.
II. CORINTHIANS XI., 1, Galatians, 122, 169.
---- 2, Mark, 63;
Ephesians, 246, 371;
Revelation, 51, 243.
---- 3, Ephesians, 400.
---- 3, 4, 12, 22, 26, Galatians, 109.
---- 6, Galatians, 277.
---- 7, Mark, 329.
---- 10, Ephesians, 293;
James, 307.
---- 13, Galatians, 12, 84, 85;
Ephesians, 239;
Pastoral Epistles, 301.
---- 13, Galatians, 133.
---- 14, Ephesians, 401;
Pastoral Epistles, 78.
---- 16, 33, Galatians, 30.
---- 23-27, Galatians, 453;
Philippians, 356.
---- 24, Acts I., 244;
Galatians, 322;
Pastoral Epistles, 361;
James, 127.
---- 25, Daniel, 263;
Acts II., 285.
---- 26, Galatians, 451.
---- 31, James, 307;
Peter, 18.
---- 32, Acts II., 81.
---- 33, Peter, 182.
II. CORINTHIANS XII., 1, Galatians, 57, 67, 122.
---- 1-7, Pastoral Epistles, 242.
---- 3, 7, 18, Pastoral Epistles, 361.
---- 4, Revelation, 14.
---- 7, Song of Solomon, 220;
Romans, 233;
Galatians, 277, 278;
Pastoral Epistles, 78.
---- 7-9, James, 330.
---- 8, 9, Philippians, 356.
---- 9, 10, Romans, 345;
Galatians, 455;
Revelation, 212.
---- 13, Leviticus, 179.
---- 15, Galatians, 281.
---- 19, Galatians, 36;
James, 307.
---- 20, Peter, 63.
II. CORINTHIANS XIII., 1-10, Galatians, 45.
---- 4, Galatians, 450, 456;
Revelation, 13.
---- 5, Romans, 22;
Philippians, 11.
---- 11, Galatians, 394;
Ephesians, 435;
Philippians, 172.
---- 12, Peter, 231.
CORNELIUS, the Centurion, Acts II., 92-141.
CORNILL, Karl Heinrich, Jeremiah II., 315, 319, 322;
Ezekiel, 60, 72, 109, 123, 133, 201, 248, 269, 374, 451, 466, 491;
Daniel, 73, 116, 266, 272;
Twelve Prophets I., 22, 73, 173, 192, 204, 225, 301, 358;
II., 41, 81, 86, 124, 144, 168, 170, 380, 386, 498.
COSIN, Bishop John, Pastoral Epistles, 328.
James, 35, 61.
COUNCILS, Histories of, Acts II., 219.
COURTESY, The law of, Deuteronomy, 420-424.
COVENANT and mercy, Ezra, 179.
---- broken, Jeremiah I., 248-279;
II., 141-154.
---- Impossibility of failure, Hebrews, 97-108.
---- Nehemiah and the, Ezra, 307-316.
---- New, Jeremiah I., 121;
II., 346-356;
Hebrews, 131-179.
---- of promise, Galatians, 196-210.
---- Old, not renewable, Hebrews, 82-96.
---- Promises and threats of, Leviticus, 519-540.
---- Two, II. Corinthians, 112-126.
---- The two, fundamentally the same, Hebrews, 47-65.
---- with Abraham, Genesis, 134-146, 159-171.
---- with Israel ratified, Exodus, 367-374.
---- with Noah, Genesis, 72-75.
COVETOUSNESS, Numbers, 272, 282;
Deuteronomy, 87;
Joshua, 182, 183;
II. Kings, 61;
Job, 330;
Proverbs, 30;
Ecclesiastes, 169;
Colossians, 278;
Peter, 287.
---- forbidden, Exodus, 328-330.
COWARDICE word, John II., 289-293.
COWPER, William, Romans, 101.
COX, Samuel, Thessalonians, 299.
CRAMER, J. A., Catena, Acts II., 46.
CREATION and Christ, Colossians, 76-81.
---- The Biblical account not new to contemporaries, Genesis, 8.
---- Biblical account not scientific, Genesis, 1-14.
---- difficulties in the two accounts, Genesis, 3.
---- a fact, Genesis, 9.
---- Meaning of, Psalms III., 114.
---- Poem of, Proverbs, 112.
---- a spiritual conception, Genesis, 2, 3.
---- The true theory gradually discovered, Genesis, 7.
---- Two accounts, Genesis, 2, 3.
---- Vastness of, Genesis, 12.
CREDIT in modern commerce, Deuteronomy, 370.
---- to be preserved, Proverbs, 79.
CREDNER, Karl A., Pastoral Epistles, 8.
CREMATION, Daniel, 177.
CREMER, Hermann, Lexicon, Galatians, 199.
CRETE, The church in, Pastoral Epistles, 212-215, 271.
CRIMINOLOGY, Petting criminals, Leviticus, 429.
---- Punishment, Leviticus, 421-431.
CRISP, Dr. Tobias, Sermons, Acts I., 134.
CRISPIN, St., Acts I., 161, 162.
CRISPUS, Acts II., 325, 326.
CRITICISM, Proverbs, 181.
---- and faith, Deuteronomy, 34.
---- and a late hand, Deuteronomy, 119.
---- and morals, Philippians, 341.
---- Dangers of, Deuteronomy, 348.
---- Danites, Judges, 345.
---- Indifference to, Ecclesiastes, 201, 224.
---- of sermons, I. Corinthians, 101.
CROESUS, Isaiah II., 113, 123.
---- and the oracles, Isaiah II., 114.
---- defeated by Cyrus, Isaiah II., 144.
CROMWELL, Oliver, at the storming of Bristol, Judges, 117;
Isaiah I., 160-162, 220.
CROSS, The, Attractive force of, John II., 45-61.
---- the death of law, Colossians, 213-220.
---- Enemies of, Philippians, 281-298.
---- Shadow of, Matthew, 142-172.
---- Symbolism of the inscription, Matthew, 2.
---- Test of, Matthew, 227-233.
---- to be kept in sight, Galatians, 23, 167.
---- the triumph over evil, Colossians, 220-225.
---- use of the word, Hebrews, 281.
CRUCIFIXION, Day of, Matthew, 376-428;
Mark, 424-431;
John II., 319 347.
---- Place of the, Song of Solomon, 75, 76;
Matthew, 422;
Luke, 396.
---- See Jesus Christ.
CRUELTY and vanity, Ezra, 372-378.
CUDWORTH, Ralph, Intellectual System, Acts II., 315.
CULTURE, Judges, 20, 88.
---- afflicting religion, Judges, 228.
---- and humanity, Exodus, 24.
CUNNING of Saul, I. Samuel, 299.
CURIOSITY and temptation, Genesis, 21.
---- dangerous, Genesis, 21.
---- of the men of Bethshemesh, I. Samuel, 82.
CURSE of Cain, Genesis, 44.
CUSH, a Benjamite, Psalm I., 58.
CUSH ANRISHATHAIM, Judges, 69, 72.
CYNICISM, Hebrews, 96, 190;
James, 66, 315.
---- Evils of, Pastoral Epistles, 29-31.
CYNICISM, a form of false witness, Exodus, 327.

CYPRIAN, St., Acts I., 386;
II., 401;
Pastoral Epistles, 295;
Hebrews, 95;
James, 368;
Peter VI.;
John Epistles, 177.
CYPRUS, Acts I., 216.
---- Gospel in, Acts II., 196, 201, 206, 258.
CYRENIACS, James, 265.
II., 396;
Pastoral Epistles, 341;
James, 7, 17.
CYRUS, Ezra, 12-23;
Ecclesiastes, 43;
Isaiah II., 7-12, 162-176.
---- as messiah, Isaiah II., 167-175.
---- Capture of Babylon, Isaiah II., 146, 178.
---- Edict of, Ezra, 24-35.
---- an elect instrument, Isaiah II., 253.
---- Greek and Hebrew account of, Isaiah II., 164, 169.
---- Jehovah's claim on, Isaiah II., 130, 144, 162, 166.
---- not a monotheist, Isaiah II., 40, 165, 179.
---- not a prediction but fulfillment, Isaiah II., 9, 11, 66, 111 sq.
DAILY WORSHIP, Numbers, 345.
DALE, R. W., Ephesians, 38, 49, 192, 356.
DAMASCUS, Isaiah I., 95, 120, 122, 274;
Jeremiah II., 248-250;
Twelve Prophets I., 124;
Acts II., 30, 36.
DAN, son of Jacob, blessed by his father, Genesis, 441.
DAN, the tribe, in the time of Samson, Judges, 339.
---- Inheritance of, Joshua, 322.
---- Moses blesses, Deuteronomy, 469.
---- stealing gods, Judges, 340.
DANIEL, compared with Joseph, Genesis, 326, 366.
---- Historic existence of, Daniel, 3-12.
---- in the lions den, Daniel, 218-230.
DANIEL, the Book, Daniel, 113-122;
Revelation, 176.
---- apocalyptic section, Daniel, 71-77.
---- authorities consulted, Daniel, IX-XII.
---- Chronological tables, Daniel, 333-334.
---- concluding vision, Daniel, 292-318.
---- Epilogue of, Daniel, 319-332.
---- External evidence, Daniel, 98-112.
---- General structure of, Daniel, 63-66.
---- General tone of, Daniel, 27-29.
---- Genuineness not certain, Daniel, 88-97.
---- Internal evidence, Daniel, 78-87.
---- Language of, Daniel, 13-23.
---- Moral element of, Daniel, 34-38.
---- Peculiarities of historical section, Daniel, 39-62.
---- The Ram and the He-goat, Daniel, 252-267.
---- The seventy weeks, Daniel, 268-291.
---- Standpoint of, Daniel, 31-33.
---- Style of, Daniel, 29-30.
---- Theology of, Daniel, 67-70.
---- Unity of, Daniel, 24-26.
DANIEL I., 6, II. Kings, 317, 424.
DANIEL III., 6, II. Kings, 312.
---- 23, Revelation, 181.
---- 27, 28, Hebrews, 263.
DANIEL IV., 30, Jeremiah II., 71.
DANIEL VI., 22, Hebrews, 263.
DANIEL VII., 2-8, Revelation, 219.
---- 7, 8, Revelation, 286.
---- 8, Revelation, 236.
---- 9, Peter, 339.
---- 10, Hebrews, 301.
---- 13, 14, Mark, 411;
Ephesians, 47.
---- 17, 23, Revelation, 284.
---- 25, Revelation, 177.
DANIEL VIII., 10, Revelation, 202.
---- 17, Revelation, 17.
DANIEL IX., 4, Deuteronomy, 123.
---- 5, Psalms III., 142.
---- 25, Isaiah I., 131.
---- 27, Revelation, 177.
DANIEL X., 5, Jeremiah I., 232.
---- 13, 21, Revelation, 205.
DANIEL XI., 7, 20, 21, Ephesians, 416.
---- 29, Jeremiah I., 342.
---- 31, Song of Solomon, 118.
DANIEL XII., 1-3, Revelation, 206.
---- 2, Ezekiel, 350.
---- 4, Revelation, 379.
---- 12, Peter, 332.
DANTE, Daniel, 141, 163;
Matthew, 362;
John Epistles, 3.
---- John Morley on, Deuteronomy, 488.
---- State of, Job, 35.
DAPHNE, Acts II., 157, 158.
DARBY, J. N., Acts I., 382.
DARIUS, Ezra, 72, 95-99;
Ecclesiastes, 52;
Daniel, 57.
DARKNESS, The plague of, Exodus, 161-166.
DARWIN, Charles, Proverbs, 16;
Isaiah I., 191-193;
Matthew, 167;
Pastoral Epistles, 27;
James, 56;
John Epistles, 249.
DATHAN and Abiram, Numbers, 195, 205.
DAVID, Absaloms revolt, II. Samuel, 217-228.
---- Administration of the kingdom of, II. Samuel, 121-133.
---- and Barzillai, II. Samuel, 301-313.
---- and the civil war, II. Samuel, 26-49.
---- and Goliath, I. Samuel, 278-291.
---- and Hanun, II. Samuel, 146-157.
---- and Jonathan, I. Samuel, 292, 317-328, 360.
---- and the king of Tyre, II. Samuel, 78.
---- and Mephibosheth, II. Samuel, 134-145.
---- and Nabal, I. Samuel, 378-390.
---- and Uriah, II. Samuel, 158-168.
---- at Adullam, I. Samuel, 341-344.
---- at Hareth, I. Samuel, 345-351.
---- at Keilah, Ziph and Maon, I. Samuel, 354-365.
---- at Nob and Gath, I. Samuel, 329-340.
---- at Ziklag, I. Samuel, 379.
---- brings the ark to Jerusalem, II. Samuel, 85-96.
---- Burial of, I. Kings, 103-104.
---- compared with Joseph, Genesis, 326.
---- compared with Saul, I. Samuel, 216.
---- Conquests of, Joshua, 254.
---- Court life of, I. Kings, 70-80.
---- Death bed of, I. Kings, 94-104.
---- Decrepitude of, I. Kings, 61-69.
---- Domestic troubles of, II. Samuel, 193-216.
---- Early life of, I. Samuel, 265-277.
---- escapes by the aid of Michal, I. Samuel, 307.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 263.
---- Famine in the reign of, II. Samuel, 326-337.
---- flees from Jerusalem, II. Samuel, 229-240.
---- flees to Mahanaim, II. Samuel, 341-352.
---- flees to Samuel, I. Samuel, 312.
---- Foreign wars of, II. Samuel, 109-120.
---- grief for Absalom, II. Samuel, 277-288.
---- harper to Saul, I. Samuel, 267.
---- Insurrection of Sheba, II. Samuel, 314-325.
---- Jesus Christ the Lord of, Mark, 341-343.
---- Justification of, Romans, 110-114.
---- Last battles of, II. Samuel, 338-349.
---- Last prayer of, Chronicles, 313-319.
---- Last words of, II. Samuel, 362-375.
---- made King of all Israel, II. Samuel, 62-72.
---- marriage of, I. Samuel, 301-304.
---- marries Abigail, I. Samuel, 388.
---- Official dignity of, Chronicles, 161-168.
---- Personal history of, Chronicles, 142-160.
---- proposes to build a temple, II. Samuel, 97-108.
---- Rebellion of Adonijah, I. Kings, 81-93.
---- rebuked by Nathan, II. Samuel, 169-180.
---- reigns at Hebron, II. Samuel, 14-25.
---- repentance of, II. Samuel, 181-192.
---- returns to Jerusalem, II. Samuel, 289-300.
---- Review of the life of, II. Samuel, 395-400.
---- Samuel anoints, I. Samuel, 253-264.
---- Saul jealous of, I. Samuel, 292-299.
---- Saul's efforts against, I. Samuel, 305-316.
---- second flight to Gath, I. Samuel, 391-403.
---- Song of Thanksgiving, II. Samuel, 350-362.
---- spares the life of Saul, I. Samuel, 366-377.
---- The Kingdom established, II. Samuel, 73-84.
---- takes Jerusalem, II. Samuel, 69.
---- Tomb opened, Acts I., 125.
---- Tribe and dynasty, Chronicles, 133-141.
---- typifying Christ, I. Samuel, 261, 426;
II. Samuel, 65, 349.
---- wars with the Philistines, II. Samuel, 79-83.
---- Wives of, II. Samuel, 39.
DAVIDSON, A. B., quoted, Job, 11, 96, 311, 333;
Isaiah II., 15, 17, 121, 206, 239, 299, 317, 342;
Jeremiah II., 84;
Ezekiel, 109, 117, 184, 191, 194, 276, 366, 389, 410, 412, 476;
Twelve Prophets I., 110, 111;
II., 27, 41, 43, 44, 45, 59, 84, 117, 123, 124, 145, 152, 154, 318, 380, 382, 393, 421, 432.
---- on Moses, Deuteronomy, 483.
---- on sacrifices, Deuteronomy, 245.
DAVIDSON, Samuel, quoted, Job, 6;
Daniel, 35;
Ephesians, 4;
James, 45, 55, 112.
DAVIES, T. Ll., Pastoral Epistles, 301.
DAY OF ATONEMENT, Leviticus, 256-263, 463;
Numbers, 356;
I. Kings, 188.
DEACONS elected, Acts I., 252-258.
---- originated in Apostles times, Acts I., 279.
DEACONESSES, Pastoral Epistles, 155, 158.
DEAD, The, in Christ, Thessalonians, 169-184.
---- Prayers for, Pastoral Epistles, 325-330.
DEAD SEA region, Joshua, 297.
DEATH as a penalty, Leviticus, 420.
---- Conception of, Numbers, 3.
---- the curse of Sin, Genesis, 28.
---- Darkness typical of, Exodus, 163.
---- Defilement, Numbers, 53, 220.
---- desired, Numbers, 128.
---- Faith and, Psalms I., 147.
---- Finality of, Job, 187.
---- Hebrew recoil from, Numbers, 4.
---- in the plans of God, Joshua, 45.
---- Influence of a mother's, Genesis, 319.
---- influences life, Genesis, 226.
---- Knowledge of, John Epistles, 150-152.
---- nearness to, Genesis, 418.
---- not the end, Ecclesiastes, 233.
---- not terrible, Proverbs, 41.
---- not to be escaped, Ecclesiastes, 273.
---- of Christ, John I., 326.
---- of the righteous, Numbers, 296.
---- promotes life, Joshua, 44.
---- the punishment of sin, Genesis, 25.
---- Ready for, Philippians, 68.
---- a spiritual conception, Hebrews, 43.
---- tests faith, Numbers, 337.
---- to life, Ephesians, 95-108.
---- The wages of sin, Joshua, 261.
DEATH OF THE FIRSTBORN, Plague of the, Exodus, 167-170, 193-195.
DEBORAH the prophetess, Judges, 91-105.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 261.
---- Judgeship of, Judges, 135.
---- not unmerciful, Judges, 117.
---- Song of, Numbers, 383;
Judges, 106-134.
DEBORAH, nurse of Rebekah, dies, Genesis, 316.
DE BROGLIE, Emilio, L'Eglise et L'Empire, Acts II., 273.
DEBT among the Hebrews, Leviticus, 496-498;
Deuteronomy, 415-417.
DECALOGUE, The, First commandment, Exodus, 289-294.
---- Second commandment, Exodus, 295-302.
---- Third commandment, Exodus, 302-305.
---- Fourth commandment, Exodus, 305-312.
---- Fifth commandment, Exodus, 312-314.
---- Sixth commandment, Exodus, 315-319.
---- Seventh commandment, Exodus, 319-321.
---- Eighth commandment, Exodus, 321-324.
---- Ninth commandment, Exodus, 324-328.
---- Tenth commandment, Exodus, 328-330.
---- its substance, Deuteronomy, 73-105.
---- a moral code, Deuteronomy, 75.
---- Negative form of the, Deuteronomy, 98.
---- Prologue to the, Exodus, 286-289.
---- Structure of the, Exodus, 284;
Deuteronomy, 60-72.
DECISION, Lack of, Luke, 167.
---- a necessity, I. Corinthians, 219.
DECREES OF GOD wrongly used, Exodus, 80.
DEFOE, Daniel, Proverbs, 267.
DE GUERIN, Maurice, Ecclesiastes, 321.
DEISM and positivism, Job, 365.
DELAYED EXPECTATION of Abraham, Genesis, 136, 137.
---- of Christianity, Acts I., 62.
---- of Israel, Luke, 17.
---- of Job, Job, 269.
DELILAH and Samson, Judges, 313 sq.
DELITZSCH, F., Psalms I., 6, 101, 210, 274, 296, 314, 368;
II., 21, 59, 75, 79, 88, 184, 202, 203, 213, 224, 271, 276,
279, 309, 340, 345, 353, 360, 363, 372, 381, 398, 405, 406, 409, 416, 421, 423, 435, 474, 482, 484, 485, 495, 496, 500;
III., 24, 27, 42, 66, 71, 73, 74, 90, 104, 132, 133, 148, 167, 175, 191, 194, 201, 206, 208, 233, 278, 290, 295, 311, 319, 347, 349, 357, 367, 388, 391, 399, 401, 402, 407, 409, 421, 427, 441, 453;
Proverbs, 99, 346;
Ecclesiastes, 8, 13, 20, 52, 90;
Isaiah I., 147;
II., 121, 163, 211, 270, 299, 417, 435, 464;
Ezekiel, 194;
Daniel, 17, 18, 47, 60, 129, 133, 177;
Twelve Prophets II., 39, 154, 452;
John II., 176;
Romans, 262.
---- Hebrews, 114.
---- and the day of Atonement, Numbers, 357.
DELIVERING TO SATAN, Pastoral Epistles, 74.
DELUGE, Genesis, 55-67.
---- Chaldean account of the, Genesis, 63.
---- Extent of the, Genesis, 55.
---- Moral aspects of, Genesis, 57.
---- New Testament use of the, Genesis, 64.
---- Purpose of, Genesis, 72.
---- A type of baptism, Pastoral Epistles, 289.
DE LYRA, Nicholas, Hebrews, 258.
DEMAS, Luke and, Colossians, 398-401;
Pastoral Epistles, 409, 410.
DEMETRIUS, Acts II., 350, 369, 372-375;
John Epistles, 302, 303.
DEMON POSSESSION, Luke, 153-156.
DEMONS, Faith of, James, 149, 156.
DEMOSTHENES, Daniel, 82.
---- easy, II. Corinthians, 69.
---- Oriental, Isaiah II., 416.
DEPENDENCE, Ignoble, Judges, 297.
DEPRECIATION, There must be no, I. Corinthians, 289.
DERBE, Acts II., 200, 216, 260.
DERENBERG AND SAGLIO, Dictionaire des Antiq., Acts II., 361.
DESCARTES, Rene, Proverbs, 16.
DESERTION of Christ, John I., 235.
DESPAIR, Faith born of, II. Corinthians, 23-34.
DESPONDENCY, How God deals with, I. Kings, 424-430.
---- of Elijah, I. Kings, 415-423.
DESTRUCTION not progress, Judges, 156.
DETERMINISM, James, 93, 95.
DEUTERONOMY, Jeremiah I., 18-23;
Ezekiel, 6.
---- Authorship and age of, Deuteronomy, 1-36.
---- found by Hilkiah, II. Kings, 399-401.
---- Historic setting of, Deuteronomy, 37-47.
DEUTERONOMY I., 17, Ezekiel, 440.
---- 27, Psalms III., 146.
---- 44, Psalms III., 236.
DEUTERONOMY II., 5, 8, 12, Twelve Prophets II., 170.
---- 25, I. Samuel, 102.
DEUTERONOMY III., 23, Peter, 218.
DEUTERONOMY IV., 3, Jeremiah I., 200.
---- 7, Psalms II., 361.
---- 18, Jeremiah I., 200.
---- 19, II. Kings, 361;
Jeremiah I., 240.
---- 20, Exodus, 144;
Ephesians, 50.
---- 24, II. Kings, 18.
---- 25, Jeremiah I., 17.
---- 26, Jeremiah I., 85.
---- 34, Psalms III., 368.
---- 40, Psalms III., 421.
DEUTERONOMY V., 1, Psalms II., 420.
---- 11, Twelve Prophets II., 337.
---- 12, Jeremiah I., 372.
---- 15, Leviticus, 455.
---- 22, Galatians, 218.
---- 27, 28, Hebrews, 304.
DEUTERONOMY VI., 3. Jeremiah I., 165.
---- 4, Psalms II., 467;
Galatians, 220.
---- 5, Psalms II., 466;
Jeremiah II., 334.
---- 25, Luke, 335.
DEUTERONOMY VII., 2, Numbers, 137, 182.
---- 3, Chronicles, 77;
Ezra, 138.
---- 9, Ezra, 178;
Psalms III., 108.
---- 16, Jeremiah I., 78.
---- 25, Isaiah I., 420.
DEUTERONOMY IX., 6, Jeremiah II., 291.
---- 7, Twelve Prophets II., 248.
---- 16, 19, Hebrews, 300.
---- 25, Psalms III., 146.
---- 27, Daniel, 97.
DEUTERONOMY X., 12, 13, James, 232.
---- 17, Psalms III., 367.
---- 20, Jeremiah I., 132.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 359.
---- 22, Acts I., 310.
DEUTERONOMY XI., 6, Psalms III., 145.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets I., 402.
---- 14, James, 293.
---- 24, Psalms II., 411.
DEUTERONOMY XII., 11, Twelve Prophets, 336.
---- 13, 14, I. Kings, 121.
---- 15, 16, 20-24, Leviticus, 369.
---- 44, Psalms I., 368.
DEUTERONOMY XIII., 1, Twelve Prophets I., 17.
---- 1-3, Exodus, 352.
---- 1-5, Jeremiah II., 340.
---- 5, 9, 15, Chronicles, 352.
---- 7, Isaiah I., 420.
DEUTERONOMY XIV., 1, Jeremiah I., 335.
---- 28, Twelve Prophets I., 160.
DEUTERONOMY XV., 1-11, Leviticus, 489;
Ezra, 254, 257.
---- 6, 28, Psalms I., 368.
---- 7, 8, Ezra, 258.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 23.
---- 12, Jeremiah II., 146, 347.
---- 16, 17, Romans, 176.
---- 21, Twelve Prophets II., 337.
DEUTERONOMY XVI., 9, Ezekiel, 468.
DEUTERONOMY XVII., 3, II. Kings, 361.
---- 14-20, I. Kings, 242.
---- 16, II. Samuel, 217;
I. Kings, 148;
Chronicles, 171.
---- 20, Jeremiah I., 105.
DEUTERONOMY XVIII., 3, Ezekiel, 442.
---- 4, Matthew, 74.
---- 10, Daniel, 81, 146.
---- 12, Jeremiah I., 23.
---- 15-19, Matthew, 296.
---- 18, Chronicles, 269.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 359.
---- 21, 22, Twelve Prophets II., 536.
DEUTERONOMY XIX., 15, II. Corinthians, 373.
DEUTERONOMY XX., 5-7, Ezra, 331.
---- 13, II. Kings, 73.
---- 19, 20, II. Kings, 34.
DEUTERONOMY XXI., 13, Ezra, 137.
---- 14, Peter, 135.
---- 17, II. Kings, 21.
---- 23, Galatians, 194.
DEUTERONOMY XXII., 10, II. Corinthians, 240.
---- 22, Leviticus, 550.
---- 23, 24, Leviticus, 404, 405.
DEUTERONOMY XXIII., 1, Galatians, 328.
---- 1-8, Ezra, 137.
---- 2, Twelve Prophets II., 153.
---- 22, Leviticus, 540.
DEUTERONOMY XXIV., 1, Matthew, 268.
---- 1-4, Jeremiah I., 107.
---- 14, James, 280.
---- 16, II. Kings, 168;
Ezekiel, 146.
DEUTERONOMY XXV., 1, John Epistles, 183.
---- 4, Twelve Prophets I., 288.
---- 5-10, Leviticus, 381, 384.
---- 13, Leviticus, 414.
---- 17, 18, Joshua, 25.
DEUTERONOMY XXVI., 5, I. Kings, 52;
II. Kings, 246.
DEUTERONOMY XXVII., 4, 8, Joshua, 207.
---- 4-19, Joshua, 203.
---- 6, James, 67.
---- 26, Galatians, 188.
DEUTERONOMY XXVIII., 1-8, II. Kings, 405.
---- 3-5, Ephesians, 24.
---- 6, I. Kings, 125.
---- 15, Jeremiah I., 200;
Galatians, 188.
---- 21-26, Jeremiah I., 314.
---- 25, Jeremiah I., 23, 169.
---- 30, Jeremiah I., 179;
Twelve Prophets II., 39.
---- 34, Twelve Prophets I., 24.
---- 36, Jeremiah I., 201.
---- 44, Jeremiah I., 295.
---- 52-58, II. Kings, 78.
---- 64, Psalms III., 147;
Ezekiel, 178.
DEUTERONOMY XXIX., 17, Jeremiah I., 201.
---- 18, Hebrews, 287.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 121.
---- 22, Romans, 289.
---- 29, Romans, 276.
DEUTERONOMY XXX., 6, Colossians, 200.
---- 12-14, Romans, 268.
DEUTERONOMY XXXI., 14, Joshua, 35.
---- 23, Joshua, 35.
---- 26, Exodus, 377.
---- 2, Psalms II., 282, 424.
---- 4, Psalms III., 32;
Jeremiah I., 79.
---- 8, Jeremiah I., 126.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 240.
---- 10-12, Twelve Prophets I., 228.
---- 11, 12, Revelation, 211.
---- 15, Jeremiah I., 91;
Jeremiah II., 238.
---- 16, Jeremiah I., 162.
---- 17, Psalms III., 150;
James, 153.
---- 21, Romans, 280.
---- 22, Psalms II., 465.
---- 24, Psalms III., 21.
---- 30, Twelve Prophets I., 179.
---- 31, I. Corinthians, 137.
---- 35, Romans, 342.
---- 36, Psalms III., 364;
Jeremiah II., 32;
Hebrews, 192.
---- 39, Jeremiah I., 187.
---- 49, Ezekiel, 374.
DEUTERONOMY, XXXIII., 2, Twelve Prophets II., 151;
Galatians, 217;
Hebrews, 301.
---- 8-11, Joshua, 348.
---- 18, 19, Twelve Prophets I., 271.
---- 26, Peter, 265.
---- 27, Psalms III., 6;
Twelve Prophets, 270.
---- 29, Peter, 218.
DEUTERONOMY XXXIV., 9, Acts I., 284.
---- 10, Exodus, 100.
DEUTERONOMY XXXVI., 1, Daniel, 180.
DEUTSCH, EMMANUEL, Ecclesiastes, 280, 281.
DE VOGUE, Le Temple de Jerusalem, Acts I., 158, 165.
DE WETTE, W. M. L., II. Corinthians, 165;
James, 378.
DIANA, Acts II., 331, 360, 362, 376;
Ephesians, 123;
Pastoral Epistles, 84, 198.
DIDACHE, See Teaching of the Twelve Apostles.
DIDRON, M., Isaiah I., 186, 187, 326.
DIES IRAE, Song of Solomon, 263;
John Epistles, 219.
DILIGENCE, Proverbs, 139, 262 sq.;
Pastoral Epistles, 368-370;
Peter, 246.
DILLMANN, August, quoted, Isaiah II., 338, 349, 387, 392, 435, 436, 457, 459;
Daniel, 77;
James, 438, 440.
---- on ancient Hebrew culture, Leviticus, 390.
---- on blessing and curse, Deuteronomy, 231.
---- on the Day of Atonement, Leviticus, 258.
---- on the law of the Jubilee, Leviticus, 491.
---- on Tithes, Leviticus, 560.
DIOGENES LAERTIUS, Pastoral Epistles, 296.
DIOGNETUS, James, 4.
DION CASSIUS, Acts II., 163, 204.
DION CHRYSOSTOM, Acts II., 276, 377.
DIONYSIUS, the Areopagite, Acts II., 317, 318, 320.
DISCIPLES, The twelve, Call of the first, Matthew, 52-56;
Mark, 17-20;
Luke, 162-176;
John I., 53-66.
---- Characteristics of, Mark, 80-87.
---- Choice of, Mark, 75-80.
---- The commission, Matthew, 137-141.
---- Jesus and, Mark, 247-254.
---- The mission, Matthew, 132-137;
Mark, 167-170.
DISCIPLINE, Acts II., 107.
---- Church, II. Corinthians, 72-83;
Thessalonians, 205-214, 375-387.
---- Doom or, Twelve Prophets I., 181-195.
---- Faith a, Hebrews, 250-253.
---- The finest, Numbers, 238.
---- necessary to the church, Pastoral Epistles, 72, 73.
---- of children of God, Numbers, 59;
I. Kings, 412.
---- of conscience, Hebrews, 175.
---- of humanity, Numbers, 325.
DISCONTENT, The spirit of, Joshua, 305.
DISEASES communicated to men by animals, Leviticus, 291, 375.
---- Jews not subject to, Leviticus, 294.
DISOBEDIENCE, Conscientious, Pastoral Epistles, 278.
DISORDER, Social, Numbers, 165.
DISPERSION, The, Matthew, 6;
James, 50-54;
Peter, 4.
DISPOSITION, A passionate, Proverbs, 203-214.
---- shown in choice of occupation, Genesis, 30.
DISTRIBUTION, Economic, Proverbs, 136.
---- The law of, Joshua, 279-282.
DISTRUST of David, I. Samuel, 395.
DIVINATION forbidden, Leviticus, 408;
Numbers, 263;
Deuteronomy, 335.
Deuteronomy, 48-59;
I. Samuel, 29.
DIVINE GUIDANCE, Numbers, 268;
Joshua, 99.
DIVINE REVELATION, Continuous, Genesis, 134.
---- Method of, Genesis, 88.
---- Progressive, Exodus, 55;
Deuteronomy, 344.
---- Purpose of the, Deuteronomy, 93.
---- uses mind as it is, Deuteronomy, 107.
DIVISION OF LAND, Numbers, 330.
DIVORCE, Pastoral Epistles, 120.
---- Christ on, Matthew, 268-270;
Mark, 263-267.
---- Cruelty of, Twelve Prophets II., 363.
---- in the time of Ezra, Ezra, 150-151.
---- Law of, Deuteronomy, 403.
---- Tendency to, Leviticus, 384.
DOCETISM, John Epistles, 26, 44, 50-52.
DOCTRINE and ethics, Ephesians, 304-320.
---- Continuity of, Pastoral Epistles, 336-340.
---- Development of, James, 380-387.
---- the outgrowth of experience, Philippians, 367.
---- Strange, Hebrews, 317.
Joshua, 15.
DODDRIDGE, Philip, quoted, Ecclesiastes, 262.
DODS, Dr. Marcus, Acts II., 360;
Revelation, 64.
DOEG, THE EDOMITE, I. Samuel, 345-353;
Psalms II., 144.
DOGMATISM, Job, 136.
DOGS, David's enemies compared to, Psalms II., 202.
DÖLLINGER, Dr. Johann J. I., Acts II., 145;
Ephesians, 264;
Pastoral Epistles, 8, 129;
James, 30, 31, 153, 273, 328, 400.
DOMITIAN, Emperor, James, 324;
John Epistles, 11, 163.
DONALDSON, James, Greek Grammar, John Epistles, 77, 103, 217, 301.
DONATELLO, Proverbs, 183.
DORCAS, Acts II., 97.
DORNER, I. A., Ephesians, 372;
James, 116, 390.
DOTHAN, Elisha at, II. Kings, 67-75.
DOUAY VERSION, James, 295.
DOUBT, Lessons of, Psalms II., 335.
---- of God's presence, Genesis, 70;
Numbers, 164;
Judges, 206.
DOUGHTY, C. M., Arabia Deserta, quoted, Job, 20;
Isaiah I., 394;
II., 190, 241;
Twelve Prophets I., 126, 134, 179, 186, 398;
II., 179, 399.
DOULCET, Louis, in Rev. des quest. History, Acts I., VIII.
DOVE, Sending forth of Noah's, Genesis, 71.
DOXOLOGY addressed to Christ, Pastoral Epistles, 249.
---- of Jude, James, 463-470.
DRAMA OF LIFE, Numbers, 330.
DREAM of Jacob, Genesis, 282-292.
---- of Joseph, Genesis, 329.
---- of Pharaoh, Genesis, 361.
---- of Pharaoh's servants interpreted, Genesis, 350.
---- once a revelation of God, Hebrews, 10.
DRESS of women, Pastoral Epistles, 101.
DRIVER, S. R., Isaiah II., 12, 14, 16, 281, 435, 459;
Jeremiah II., 244, 296, 319, 322;
Ezekiel, 402;
Daniel, 18, 21;
Twelve Prophets II., 117, 118, 128, 167, 380, 422, 432, 498, 506.
---- on authorship of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy, 4.
---- on the fundamental truth of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy, 232.
DROUGHT in the time of Jeremiah, Jeremiah I., 300-363.
DRUMMOND, Henry, James, 423;
John Epistles, 131.
DRUNKENNESS, Proverbs, 76, 275, 287;
Isaiah I., 44-47, 152, 153;
Galatians, 372-374.
---- Effects of, Ezra, 364.
DRUSILLA, Acts II., 431, 447.
DUALISM, Job, 166.
DUHM, Bernhard, quoted, Isaiah II., 216;
Ezekiel, 41;
Twelve Prophets I., 135, 202, 366;
II., 380, 451.
---- on Deuteronomy and prophesy, Deuteronomy, 249.
DUHR, J., Journey's of Hadrian, Acts II., 306.
DUUMVIRI, Acts II., 275.
DUTY, Deuteronomy, 141, 143;
Judges, 300, 415;
Job, 88;
Ecclesiastes, 254, 309;
Twelve Prophets II., 522;
Matthew, 85-95.
---- and example, Romans, 389-392.
---- and the Incarnation, John I., 14-17.
---- and the Lord's presence, Romans, 369-373.
---- and the second advent, Romans, 361-373.
---- and tolerance, Romans, 374-388.
---- Civil, Romans, 348-352.
---- The Lord's example and, Romans, 393-402.
---- Love and, Romans, 359-360.
---- Personal conduct and, Romans, 336-347.
---- The state, Romans, 353-358.
DWELLING HOUSES, The Jubilee and, Leviticus, 494-496.
DYER, Sir Edward, Proverbs, 356.
EARNESTNESS, I. Corinthians, 221;
Hebrews, 100.
EARTHQUAKE, Isaiah I., 50;
Twelve Prophets I., 182.
EATIN G, The figure of, John I., 219.
---- Holiness in, Leviticus, 367-378.
EBAL and Gerizim, Joshua, 201-210.
EBED MELECH, the Ethiopian, Jeremiah II., 165.
EBENEZER of Samuel, I. Samuel, 103.
EBIONISM, Acts I., 120;
II., 6;
James, 83.
ECCLESIASTES, The book, Authorship, Ecclesiastes, 7.
---- Date of, Ecclesiastes, 8-19.
---- Design of, Ecclesiastes, 27.
---- Form of, Ecclesiastes, 20-27.
---- Translated, Ecclesiastes, 69-110.
ECCLESIASTES I., 6, 8, Proverbs, 22.
ECCLESIASTES II., 4-6, I. Kings, 225.
---- 8, I. Kings, 131.
ECCLESIASTES V., 5, 6, Leviticus, 550.
ECCLESIASTES VIII., 17, Jeremiah I., 209.
ECCLESIASTES IX., 5, 6, Job, 188.
---- 7, Proverbs, 61.
ECCLESIASTES X., 6, Psalms III., 369.
ECCLESIASTES XII., 14, Joshua, 176;
Peter, 358.
ECCLESIASTICUS, Proverbs, 9, 12, 22, 81, 139, 144, 169, 184, 218, 250, 306, 400;
Jeremiah I., 93, 95, 313;
II., 369;
Daniel, 12, 202;
James, 68-74, 109, 281;
Peter, 348, 350.
ECKHEL, Josephus, On coins, Acts II., 163.
ECSTASY, Pastoral Epistles, 241;
Hebrews, 11, 53.
EDEN, The garden of, Genesis, 15-27.
EDERSHEIM, A., Matthew, 17, 389;
Acts II., 14.
EDOM, Isaiah I., 94, 276, 438, 440.
---- ally of Israel, II. Kings, 31.
---- Amaziah and, II. Kings, 170.
---- Amos and, Twelve Prophets I., 128-131.
---- and Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 227, 228, 327, 332.
---- and Israel, Chronicles, 50;
Psalms II., 209;
Twelve Prophets, II., 177-184.
---- and Jeremiah, Jeremiah II., 243-247.
---- becomes free, II. Kings, 102.
---- David wars against, II. Samuel, 116.
---- Doom of, Song of Solomon, 301-304.
---- Israel debarred from, Numbers, 231.
---- Malachi and, Twelve Prophets II., 349-352.
---- Obadiah and, Twelve Prophets II., 164 sq.
EDUCATION, Judges, 273;
Proverbs, 52-64, 303-313.
---- during the captivity, Ecclesiastes, 283.
---- for life work, Chronicles, 216.
---- Gratitude to teachers, Ecclesiastes, 301.
---- Moral, slow, Judges, 61.
---- Mosaic view of, Deuteronomy, 146-167.
---- of the wilderness, Numbers, 256.
---- prevents lapse, Deuteronomy, 163.
EDWARDS, Jonathan, quoted, Job, 273.
EGYPT, Isaiah I., 92, 96, 197 sq., 222-275.
---- Abraham in, Genesis, 96-107.
---- Administration of Joseph, Genesis, 369-382.
---- and Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 262-283.
---- and her aliens, Exodus, 17.
---- and Hezekiah, II. Kings, 298.
---- and Jeremiah, Jeremiah II., 220-229.
---- Assyria and, II. Kings, 251, 276, 298.
---- defeated at Carchemish, II. Kings, 423.
---- Israel in, Genesis, 323 sq., 383 sq.;
Exodus, 2.
---- Israel under supernatural direction, Joshua, 7.
---- Jeremiah goes to, Jeremiah II., 187-196.
---- Joseph in, Genesis, 341 sq.
---- Religion of, Deuteronomy, 130-132.
---- Shepherd king of, Genesis, 99.
---- Temples of, Chronicles, 109.
---- Trust in, Jeremiah I., 74-113;
Ezekiel, 102-106.
---- Worship of, Exodus, 123;
Numbers, 43.
EHUD, Judges, 76-87.
EKRON, Isaiah I., 308.
---- The ark at, I. Samuel, 76.
ELAH, king of Israel, I. Kings, 311, 336.
ELAM, Genesis, 122 sq.;
Jeremiah II., 255, 257.
ELDAD and Medad, Numbers, 130.
ELDERS (or Presbyters), Pastoral Epistles, 67, 112, 118, 165, 213, 217;
James, 323-327.
---- Four and twenty, Revelation, 69.
ELDERS, Seventy, chosen, Numbers, 128.
---- critics of Moses, Numbers, 200.
ELEAZAR and Ithamar, Numbers, 31.
---- Death of, Joshua, 400, 401.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 264.
---- installed as high priest, Numbers, 241.
ELECTION, Ephesians, 28;
Peter, 7.
---- signs of, Thessalonians, 37-52.
---- Work of the trinity in, Peter, 3-16.
ELI, Laxity of, I. Samuel, 37, 41-45.
---- message to, I. Samuel, 45-48, 56.
---- Samuel brought to, I. Samuel, 22-24.
---- Wickedness of the sons of, I. Samuel, 39-41.
ELIAB rebukes David, I. Samuel, 282.
ELIAKIM, Isaiah I., 317;
Ezekiel, 107.
ELIASHIB, the high priest, Ezra, 218.
ELIHU and Job, Job, 341-377.
ELIJAH and Ahab, I. Kings, 377-382.
---- and Ahaziah, II. Kings, 10-18.
---- and Jereboam, Chronicles, 396.
---- and the rain, I. Kings, 399-403.
---- and Solomon compared, I. Kings, 497-499.
---- appears, I. Kings, 357-371.
---- Ascension of, II. Kings, 19-28.
---- at Sarepta, I. Kings, 372-376.
---- at the transfiguration, Matthew, 238, 243;
Mark, 237.
---- defiled by touching the dead, Hebrews, 155.
---- Despair of, I. Kings, 415-423.
---- Flight of, I. Kings, 404-414.
---- his faith, Hebrews, 263.
---- Legend of, Ecclesiastes, 315.
---- on Mt. Carmel, I. Kings, 383-398.
---- Prayers of, James, 344.
---- Removal of, Hebrews, 220.
---- Return of, Twelve Prophets, 371.
---- sudden appearances, Hebrews, 6.
ELIMELECH goes to Moab, I. Samuel, 366-367.
ELIOT, George, John Epistles, 45, 46.
ELIPHAZ apparently right, Job, 113.
---- Character of, Job, 102.
---- First speech of, Job, 99-116.
---- his religion, Job, 114.
---- his second speech, Job, 187.
---- his third speech, Job, 269.
---- jealous for God, Job, 191.
---- a pure Temanite, Job, 189.
---- Vision of, Job, 106.
ELISHA and the ascension of Elijah, II. Kings, 19-24.
---- and Hazael, II. Kings, 90-98.
---- and John, II. Kings, 110-112.
---- and Naaman, II. Kings, 49-65.
---- and the siege of Samaria, II. Kings, 76-86.
---- and the Syrians, II. Kings, 66-75.
---- The call of, I. Kings, 445-450.

---- compared with Elijah, II. Kings, 41.
---- Death of, II. Kings, 179.
---- Miracles of, II. Kings, 40-49.
---- Stories of, II. Kings, 25-28.
ELIZABETH, mother of John the Baptist, Luke, 34-39.
ELIZABETH, Queen, Last days of, II. Samuel, 308.
ELKANAH, I. Samuel, 3.
---- offering at Shiloh, I. Samuel, 21.
ELKOSH, Twelve Prophets II., 78-80.
ELLICOTT, C. J., Galatians, 229;
Ephesians, 42;
Thessalonians, 43, 117.
ELYMAS, Acts II., 203;
Pastoral Epistles, 75.
EMANATIONS, Doctrine of, Hebrews, 21 sq.
EMANIA, Acts I., 110.
EMERSON, Ralph Waldo, quoted, Job, 257;
Proverbs, 146.
EMIGRATION, causes of, Judges, 366.
EMMAUS, The walk to, Luke, 405;
I. Corinthians, 349.
EMOTION in religion, Pastoral Epistles, 244-247;
John Epistles, 194.
EMPLOYER and employee, Judges, 390.
Thessalonians, 210-211.
---- of Nehemiah, Ezra, 244.
Judges, 104;
I. Kings, 294.
ENDEAVOR, Law of, Numbers, 324.
ENDOR, Joshua, 303.
---- Saul at, I. Samuel, 404-415.
---- Witch of, I. Samuel, 409.
ENDURANCE, Exodus, 227.
ENERGY in disaster, Exodus, 39.
ENGEDI, Genesis, 124;
Ezekiel, 488.
---- David at, I. Samuel, 354, 369.
ENMITY, Hard to escape from, Judges, 71.
ENOCH, Genesis, 51-54;
Psalms II., 101, 346.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 219, 220.
ENTHUSIASM not to be quenched, Thessalonians, 235-238.
---- of Ezra, Ezra, 114, 115.
---- of faith, Numbers, 303.
---- of humanity, James, 231.
---- of the Israelites, Numbers, 353.
---- Power of, Acts II., 269;
I. Corinthians, 110.
EPAPHRAS, Acts II., 350;
Colossians, 21, 35-37, 394-397.
EPAPHRODITUS, Philippians, 157-170.
EPHESIANS, The Epistle, Hebrews, 52.
---- and Colossians, Colossians, 1.
---- conclusion, Ephesians, 425-440.
---- Introduction, Ephesians, 3-18.
EPHESIANS I., 1, Acts II., 60.
---- 3, Revelation, 370.
---- 3-6, Peter, vii., 18.
---- 4-6, Galatians, 151.
---- 5-9, Galatians, 149.
---- 6, Luke, 56.
---- 7, Leviticus, 34;
Colossians, 64;
James, 115.
---- 9, Pastoral Epistles, 132;
Peter, 135.
---- 14, Galatians, 172.
---- 15, Galatians, 229;
Colossians, 434.
---- 18, John Epistles, 218.
---- 19, II. Corinthians, 26.
---- 21, Peter, 145, 301.
---- 22, Revelation, 2.
EPHESIANS II., 2, Colossians, 209;
Peter, 299;
Revelation, 273.
---- 5, 8, Romans, 229.
---- 7, Galatians, 77, 152.
---- 8, Galatians, 151;
Revelation, 322.
---- 10, II. Corinthians, 206;
Peter, 129;
John Epistles, 125;
Hebrews, 268;
Revelation, 83.
---- 11-13, II. Corinthians, 198;
Galatians, 237.
---- 12, Chronicles, 199;
Peter, 73.
---- 13, Peter, 191.
---- 15, Galatians, 239.
---- 20, James, 456.
---- 21, Pastoral Epistles, 392.
---- 22, Exodus, 375;
Romans, 234;
James, 455.
EPHESIANS III., 1-11, Galatians, 74.
---- 2, 8, Romans, 18;
Galatians, 121.
---- 3, 9, Pastoral Epistles, 132.
---- 4-6, Galatians, 237.
---- 7, 8, Galatians, 152.
---- 8, Romans, 298.
---- 15, Exodus, 313;
Leviticus, 385.
---- 16, Romans, 200, 214.
---- 17, Romans, 371.
---- 19, Romans, 15.
EPHESIANS IV., 1, Colossians, 43.
---- 2, Pastoral Epistles, 394;
Peter, 366.
---- 3, Peter, 123.
---- 4-6, Galatians, 125.
---- 8, Acts I., 411;
Peter, 74.
---- 9, 10, Galatians, 250.
---- 11, Romans, 411;
Pastoral Epistles, 66, 115.
---- 13, Galatians, 239.
---- 14, Galatians, 309.
---- 15, James, 256.
---- 17, Peter, 49.
---- 19, Leviticus, 340.
---- 25, Psalms I., 111.
---- 28, Exodus, 324.
---- 32, Peter, 120.
EPHESIANS V., 1, 2, Galatians, 354.
---- 2, Leviticus, 34.
---- 5, Galatians, 355.
---- 6, Philippians, 132;
Colossians, 279.
---- 9, Galatians, 185.
---- 11, Daniel, 102.
---- 13, Romans, 346.
---- 14, II. Corinthians, 246;
James, 233.
---- 15, Romans, 324.
---- 18, Exodus, 293.
---- 19, James, 319, 321.
---- 22, 23, Song of Solomon, 45.
---- 25-27, Revelation, 370.
---- 26, Pastoral Epistles, 285, 286;
Hebrews, 187.
---- 27, Colossians, 101.
---- 29-32, Leviticus, 385.
---- 32, Mark, 63;
Revelation, 321.
EPHESIANS VI., 2, Exodus, 306.
---- 5, Peter, 96.
---- 9, Galatians, 114.
---- 10, Pastoral Epistles, 424.
---- 11, James, 249.
---- 12, Pastoral Epistles, 343;
Revelation, 225.
---- 13, Romans, 372.
---- 15, Thessalonians, 225.
---- 16, Peter, 58.
---- 18, James, 455;
Peter, 129.
---- 19, Pastoral Epistles, 132.
---- 21, Pastoral Epistles, 411.
---- 24, Galatians, 172.
EPHESUS, Church of, Acts II., 331-356;
Revelation, 33, 44, 46.
---- Council of, Acts II., 258.
---- in the time of John, John Epistles, 13-15.
---- John at, John Epistles, 10, 11.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 331-384.
---- Riot of, Acts II., 357-384.
---- Timothy at, Pastoral Epistles, 25, 84, 198, 265, 320, 323.
EPHOD, The, Leviticus, 194.
---- of Gideon, Judges, 200, 201.
EPHRAIM, The tribe, Psalms II., 388;
Twelve Prophets I., 271, 275.
---- and Jephthah, Judges, 254-257.
---- blessed by Moses, Deuteronomy, 467.
EPHRAIM blessed by Jacob, Exodus, 421.
---- born, Genesis, 372.
---- Inheritance of Manassah and, Joshua, 300-311.
EPHREM SYRUS, James, 370;
Peter, xiii.
EPICTETUS, Ecclesiastes, 3, 4, 297;
Thessalonians, 392.
EPICURUS and Epicureans, Daniel, 139;
James, 265, 283.
Pastoral Epistles, 224, 225.
EPIPHANIUS, Acts I., 66;
II., 6;
John Epistles, 52.
EPISCOPACY, Pastoral Epistles, 107, 112, 114, 221.
EQUALITY, Proverbs, 294.
ERASMUS, Desiderius, James, 222, 351, 353, 418;
Peter, xvii.
---- Blunder of, Judges, 133.
ERASTUS, Pastoral Epistles, 414, 415.
ESARHADDON, II., Kings, 343, 366;
Chronicles, 446.
---- Inscription of, II. Kings, 492.
ESAU and Jacob, Genesis, 254-266.
---- hairy, Genesis, 258.
---- Jacob afraid of, Genesis, 295.
---- meets Jacob on his return, Genesis, 310.
---- Repentance of, Genesis, 255-277.
---- Representative of worldly sport, Hebrews, 287.
---- sells his birthright, Genesis, 262.
ESCHATOLOGY of the Gospel, Luke, 352-363.
---- Rose water, Job, 55.
ESDRAELON, Plain of, I. Samuel, 429.
ESSENES, Hebrews, 26, 320 sq.;
James, 306.
ESTEEM of man for man, Deuteronomy, 421.
ESTHER, The Queen, Ezra, 382-391.
ESTHER, The book, Ezra, 351-360.
---- Exposition of, Ezra, 361-404.
ESTHER VII., 8, Mark, 412.
ETERNITY in the heart, Ecclesiastes, 183, 190, 216.
ETHBAAL I., I. Kings, 349.
ETHBAAL II., Ezekiel, 252.
ETHICS, Doctrine and, Ephesians, 305-320.
---- of the Gospel, Luke, 336-351.
---- of the Old Testament, I. Kings, 101-102.
ETHIOPIAN EUNUCH, The, Acts I., 398-419.
ETHIOPIANS, Numbers, 136;
Isaiah I., 93, 222, 275.
ETHUARCH, Acts II., 153.
EUCHARIST, Celebration of, Acts II., 393-401.
EUBULUS, Pastoral Epistles, 415.
EUNICE, Pastoral Epistles, 21, 388.
EUODIA AND SYNTYCHE, Philippians, 320-322.
EUSEBIUS, Jeremiah II., 53;
Daniel, 96;
Acts I., vii., 9, 65, 79, 102, 156, 323, 344, 418, 419;
II., 171, 181, 199, 241, 320;
Pastoral Epistles, 6, 14, 26, 37, 257, 371, 379, 415, 418, 419;
James, 2, 14, 17, 162;
John Epistles, 12, 96, 163.
EUTHALIUS, James, 6, 7.
EUTYCHIANISM, Acts I., 48, 314.
EUTYCHUS, Acts II., 403.
EVANS, T. S., Pastoral Epistles, 287;
John Epistles, ix.
EVE tempted, Genesis, 15 sq.
EVIDENCES, argument from design, Genesis, 9.
EVIL DOERS, their society distasteful, Psalms I., 253, 254.
EVIL MERODACH, Jeremiah II., 85, 86;
Daniel, 203.
EVIL THOUGHT, Deuteronomy. 88.
EVOLUTION and creation, Genesis, 10;
Proverbs, 113.
---- of religion, 180.
---- Physical, completes nothing, Job, 241.
---- reveals Divine wisdom, Job, 318.
---- Spiritual, Judges, 4, 85, 109;
Job, 58.
EWALD, H., Job, 11, 15, 218;
Psalms I., 59, 101, 233, 274, 363;
II., 59, 65, 105, 256, 337, 340, 418;
III., 16, 17, 81, 120, 215, 421;
Isaiah I., 4, 125, 156;
II., 18, 121, 269, 299, 336, 343, 387, 412, 415, 435, 436;
Jeremiah I., 12, 130, 144, 224, 401;
Ezekiel, 71;
Daniel, 20, 24, 31, 81, 85, 93, 115, 130, 131, 171, 188, 205, 239, 297;
Twelve Prophets I., 295, 304, 358, 436;
II., 59, 123, 127, 154, 168, 285, 308, 362, 364, 377, 451, 498;
Luke, 90;
II. Corinthians, 246;
Ephesians, 229;
Philippians, 173;
Pastoral Epistles, 9, 407.
---- on the pillar of the cloud, Numbers, 91.
EXAMPLE and conversion, James, 359.
---- Duty and, Romans, 389-392.
---- of Jesus Christ, Romans, 393-399;
Peter, 100;
John Epistles, 118-132.
EXCITEMENT, Craving for, Judges, 310.
---- Worship and, James, 315-320.
EXCLUSIVENESS and its beginnings, Ezra, 60-68.
---- saved Judaism, Ezra, 10.
EXCOMMUNICATION as taught by Paul, I. Corinthians, 113, 128;
Pastoral Epistles, 74, 303.
EXERCISE, Bodily, profitable, Pastoral Epistles, 143-145.
EXILE, Effects of, Twelve Prophets I., 279-281.
EXILE, The, and the restoration, Jeremiah II., 308-364.
---- The call to return from, Isaiah II., 71-235.
---- Condition of exiles, Isaiah II., 57.
---- Commerce of, Isaiah II., 62.
---- Correspondence with the exiles, Jeremiah II., 131-140.
---- First deportation, Isaiah II., 32.
---- Israel at the end of, Isaiah II., 66.
---- Israel in, Isaiah II., 48-68.
---- Literary efforts of, Isaiah II., 59.
---- March to Babylon, Isaiah II., 48.
---- Reason of, Isaiah II., 28.
---- Religious life of the, Isaiah II., 61.
---- Return from, Ezra, 36-47;
Isaiah I., 195, 401, 429, 440, 443, 450;
II., 381-467.
---- Ruin and, Jeremiah II., 295-307.
---- Second deportation, Isaiah II., 35.
---- Scriptural experience of the, Isaiah II., 63.
---- Traces in Jewish literature, Isaiah II., 63.
EXISTENCE, Meaning of, Genesis, 14.
EXODUS I., 5, Acts I., 310.
EXODUS II., 2, Hebrews, 239.
---- 11, Hebrews, 245.
---- 23, James, 281.
EXODUS III., 5, Jeremiah I., 99.
---- 6, Matthew, 70;
John I., 4.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 159;
Matthew, 70.
---- 14, Matthew, iii., 14;
Ephesians, 18.
---- 15, Psalms III., 364.
EXODUS IV., 6, II. Kings, 63.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 70.
---- 21, Chronicles, 288.
---- 22, Leviticus, 458;
Luke, 115;
Romans, 247.
EXODUS V., 2, Daniel, 175.
EXODUS VI., 8, Psalms III., 147.
---- 18, Chronicles, 430.
---- 20, Leviticus, 381.
EXODUS VII., 11, Daniel, 146.
---- 20, 21, Revelation, 141, 267.
EXODUS IX., 10, Revelation, 267.
---- 15, 16, Peter, 88.
---- 23-25, Revelation, 140.
---- 29, Leviticus, 504.
EXODUS X., 12-15, Revelation, 146.
---- 21-23, Revelation, 144, 268.
---- 29, Jeremiah I., 171.
EXODUS XI., 9, Psalms II., 132.
EXODUS XII., 11, Mark 376.
---- 14, Matthew, 392.
---- 15, Numbers, 84.
---- 27, Jeremiah I., 165.
---- 33, Psalms III., 135.
---- 40, 41, Galatians, 204.
EXODUS XIII., 11, Numbers, 38.
---- 12-15, Leviticus, 554;
Ezekiel, 181.
---- 13, Leviticus, 554.
---- 15, Psalms III., 364.
---- 19, Joshua, 23.
EXODUS XIV., 24, Psalms II, 259.
---- 27, Psalms III., 369.
---- 28, Psalms III., 143.
---- 30, Chronicles, 382.
---- 31, Psalms III., 143.
EXODUS XV, 1, Revelation, 19, 261.
---- 3, Chronicles, 233.
---- 4, 21, Psalms I., 318.
---- 11, Psalms II., 379, 465;
III., 207.
---- 16, Psalms II., 379.
---- 17, Psalms I., 317.
---- 20, Daniel, 30.
---- 23, Revelation, 142.
EXODUS XVI., 3, Jeremiah I., 78.
EXODUS XVII., 1-7, Deuteronomy, 465;
Psalms III., 52.
---- 7, Psalms II., 419.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets II., 140.
---- 13, Joshua, 26.
---- 16, Daniel, 202.
EXODUS XVIII., 11, Daniel, 202.
---- 13, Deuteronomy, 386.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 96.
---- 25, Ezekiel, 440.
EXODUS XIX., 3-5, Matthew, 70;
Ephesians, 50;
Revelation, 211.
---- 5, Psalms I., 235;
Ephesians, 60;
Peter, 77.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 290;
II., 279;
Romans, 411;
Peter, 72.
---- 18, Hebrews, 306;
Revelation, 265.
EXODUS XX., 2, Psalms II., 421.
---- 6, Deuteronomy, 123;
Psalms III., 108.
---- 8, Jeremiah I., 367, 372.
---- 11, Deuteronomy, 67, 68.
---- 12, Ephesians, 382.
---- 17, Romans, 196.
---- 19, Galatians, 218.
---- 20, Deuteronomy, 112.
---- 24, Deuteronomy, 19;
Joshua, 206;
I. Kings, 121;
Ezekiel, 399.
EXODUS XXI., 2, Jeremiah I., 146;
II., 347.
---- 3, 4, Leviticus, 501.
---- 5, 6, Romans, 176.
---- 6, Psalms II., 70.
---- 7, Ezra, 255.
---- 7, 8, Leviticus, 404.
---- 12, 23-36, Leviticus, 483.
---- 14, I. Kings, 91.
---- 22, Deuteronomy, 383.
EXODUS XXII., 2, Jeremiah I., 104.
---- 4, 7, 9, Jeremiah I., 342;
Revelation, 307.
---- 8, Psalms II., 70.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 146.
---- 17, Deuteronomy, 336.
---- 19, Deuteronomy, 171.
---- 20, Chronicles, 352.
---- 25, Ezra, 251.
---- 28, John Epistles, 95.
---- 29, Jeremiah I., 157;
II., 286;
Ezekiel, 181.
EXODUS XXIII., 4, 5, Jeremiah I., 265.
---- 10, Jeremiah II., 146.
---- 11, Deuteronomy, 430.
---- 12, Jeremiah I., 373.
---- 18, Jeremiah I., 165.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 78.
---- 20, Daniel, 180;
John I., 4.
EXODUS XXIV., 1, 9, 10, Leviticus, 241.
---- 6, Philippians, 9.
---- 7, Leviticus, 524; Jeremiah II., 346.
---- 10, Ezekiel, 28.
---- 13, Joshua, 28.
---- 14, Jeremiah I., 146.
---- 20, Deuteronomy, 19.
EXODUS XXV., 10, Jeremiah I., 121.
---- 20, Revelation, 73.
---- 31-40, Leviticus, 475.
EXODUS XXVI., 1, Revelation, 70.
EXODUS XXVII., 20, I. Samuel, 52.
EXODUS XXVIII., Leviticus, 191.
---- 17, 19, Ezekiel, 258.
---- 26, John Epistles, 13.
---- 35, Leviticus, 196.
---- 36-38, Leviticus, 197.
---- 38, Leviticus, 262.
---- 39-42, Ezekiel, 439.
---- 41, Jeremiah I., 67.
---- 42, 43, Leviticus, 201.
EXODUS, XXIX, 30, John Epistles, 13.
---- 36, Jeremiah I., 67.
---- 38-46, Leviticus, 60;
Ezekiel, 473.
EXODUS XXX., 7, 8, I. Samuel, 52;
Chronicles, 422.
---- 11-16, Chronicles, 405;
Ezekiel, 453.
---- 13, Ezekiel, 452;
Mark, 308.
---- 22-23, Leviticus, 201.
---- 39, 40, Leviticus, 80.
EXODUS XXXI., 3, Ephesians, 93.
---- 12-17, Leviticus, 520.
---- 13, Leviticus, 454.
---- 14, 15, Jeremiah I., 367.
---- 17, Deuteronomy, 68.
EXODUS XXXII., 9, Jeremiah II., 291.
---- 15-20, Deuteronomy, 324.
---- 17, Joshua, 28, 29.
---- 26, Joshua, 342.
---- 26-35, Chronicles, 224.
---- 31, 32, Ezra, 141;
Jeremiah I., 358.
EXODUS XXXIII., 11, Joshua, 30;
I. Kings, 125;
Proverbs, 235.
---- 13, Psalms III., 414.
---- 20, Daniel, 262.
---- 23, Ezekiel, 38.
EXODUS XXXIV., 2, I. Kings, 430.
---- 6, Psalms III., 428;
Jeremiah I., 306;
Twelve Prophets I., 435;
Peter, 158, 349.
---- 7, Psalms III., 108;
Revelation, 321.
---- 9, Pastoral Epistles, 325.
---- 11, Numbers, 137.
---- 15, 16, Song of Solomon, 44.
---- 17-26, Ezekiel, 181.
---- 19, Romans, 253.
---- 20, Jeremiah II., 286.
---- 23, Leviticus, 453.
---- 29-35, II. Corinthians, 130.
---- 34, II. Corinthians, 132.
EXODUS XL., 18, Psalms, 75.
---- 35, Revelation, 264.
EXODUS OF THE HEBREWS, Exodus, 195-198.
---- Route of the, Exodus, 196.
EXPEDIENCY condemned, I. Samuel, 215.
---- of Saul, I. Samuel, 214.
EXPERIENCE, Advancement is through, Genesis, 335.
---- Argument of, Colossians, 112.
---- cannot be passed on, Deuteronomy, 164.
---- confirmatory, Psalms I., 369.
---- Personal, Leviticus, 217, 231;
Psalms II., 20.
---- teaches faith, Genesis, 255.
EXPOSITOR, The, Acts I., 395;
II., viii.;
Galatians, 98, 218;
Hebrews, 162;
James, 98, 115;
Revelation, 79, 122, 329, 391.
EXPOSURE a punishment of sin, Song of Solomon, 114.
EXTREME UNCTION, James, 332-334.
EZEKIEL and Isaiah, Ezekiel, 35-38.
---- and Jeremiah, Ezekiel, 13-25.
---- and the Messiah, Isaiah II., 404.
---- attitude towards the heathen world, Ezekiel, 141.
---- Call of, Ezekiel, 42-55.
---- compared with Jeremiah, Isaiah II., 34, 46.
---- conception of salvation, Ezekiel, 357-366.
---- conception of sin, Ezekiel, 139.
---- picture of captivity, Isaiah II., 59.
---- a prophet of the Exile, Ezekiel, 3.
---- relation to the Pentateuch, Ezekiel, 396-403.
---- Sabbath law of, Numbers, 348.
---- sin bearer, Isaiah II., 352.
---- vision of a theocracy, Ezekiel, 381-499.
EZEKIEL I., 13, 14, Revelation, 73.
---- 21, Daniel, 81.
---- 26, Daniel, 248.
---- 28, Revelation, 17.
EZEKIEL II., 6-8, II. Corinthians, 294.
---- 9, 10, Revelation, 76, 158.
---- 18, Isaiah II., 426.
EZEKIEL III., 4, Revelation, 158.
---- 16-21, Song of Solomon, 281.
EZEKIEL IV., 1-3, II. Kings, 447.
---- 13, 14, Daniel, 130.
---- 16, 17, Revelation, 92.
EZEKIEL V., 10, II. Kings, 452.
EZEKIEL VI., 11, Revelation, 90.
EZEKIEL VII., 9, Jeremiah II., 277.
---- 16, II. Kings, 448.
---- 23, Jeremiah II., 277.
EZEKIEL VIII., 14, Twelve Prophets II., 483.
---- 16, Daniel, 226.
---- 17, II. Kings, 440.
EZEKIEL IX., 2, Daniel, 192.
---- 6, Peter, 192.
EZEKIEL XI., 19, II. Corinthians, 109.
---- 22, II. Kings, 453.
EZEKIEL XII., 2, Jeremiah II., 273.
---- 13, II. Kings, 459;
Daniel, 49.
---- 24, Song of Solomon, 82.
II. Kings, 444.
---- 6, 7, Song of Solomon, 82.
---- 10, II. Kings, 450.
EZEKIEL XIV., 14, Jeremiah I., 158.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 314.
EZEKIEL XVI., 8, Jeremiah I., 78.
---- 15-34, II. Kings, 441.
---- 23, Song of Solomon, 44.
---- 25, Jeremiah I., 108.
---- 34, Jeremiah I., 98.
---- 53, Psalms, 131.
EZEKIEL XVII., 1-6, II. Kings, 438.
---- 4, Ecclesiastes, 41.
---- 7-10, II. Kings, 445.
---- 10, James, 86.
---- 12, II. Kings, 424, 437.
---- 13, 14, Jeremiah II., 97.
---- 15, II. Kings, 425, 445.
---- 17, Jeremiah II., 149.
---- 22, Twelve Prophets II., 31.
---- 25, II. Kings, 444.
EZEKIEL XVIII., 2-30, II. Kings, 15.
---- 3, 4, Song of Solomon, 322.
---- 20, Chronicles, 447;
Jeremiah II., 341.
---- 21-23, Chronicles, 449.
EZEKIEL XIX., 1-4, II. Kings, 412.
---- 3, 4, Jeremiah II., 8.
---- 5-7, Jeremiah II., 84.
---- 6-9, II. Kings, 434.
---- 6, 7, 15-18, Leviticus, 370.
---- 11, 12, Exodus, 309.
---- 18, Jeremiah I., 225.
---- 23, Psalms III., 147.
---- 25, Galatians, 219.
---- 32, Acts I., 227.
EZEKIEL XXI., 20-24, II. Kings, 446.
---- 21, Jeremiah II., 143.
---- 28-32, II. Kings, 447.
EZEKIEL XXII., 1-12, Jeremiah II., 277.
---- 25, Peter, 225.
---- 26, Twelve Prophets II., 69.
---- 28, Song of Solomon, 82.
---- 30, Psalms III., 146.
EZEKIEL XXIII., 4, Twelve Prophets II., 238.
---- 15, Ecclesiastes, 41;
Daniel, 206.
---- 27, James, 227.
---- 34, Twelve Prophets II., 68.
EZEKIEL XXV., 4, 5, 10, Twelve Prophets II., 168.
---- 9, Jeremiah II., 237.
---- 12-14, Song of Solomon, 302.
EZEKIEL XXVI., 7, Daniel, 153.
---- 16, Jeremiah I., 293.
---- 31, Jeremiah I., 232.
EZEKIEL XXVII., 3, Song of Solomon, 82.
---- 17, Acts II., 183.
---- 18, Jeremiah I., 248.
EZEKIEL XXVIII., 8, Jeremiah I., 232.
---- 12, Song of Solomon, 82.
---- 13, Revelation, 263.
---- 24, II. Corinthians, 352.
EZEKIEL XXIX., 3, Daniel, 238;
Revelation, 202.
---- 4, II. Kings, 340.
---- 10, II. Kings, 475.
---- 17, Daniel, 10.
EZEKIEL XXX., 3, Peter, 327.
EZEKIEL XXXI., 2-15, Daniel, 219.
---- 3-18, Daniel, 189.
---- 11, Isaiah I., 137.
EZEKIEL XXXII., 2, Daniel, 238.
---- 21, Isaiah I., 137.
EZEKIEL XXXIII., 31, I. Kings, 220.
EZEKIEL XXXIV., 2-5, Jeremiah I., 101.
---- 4, Ephesians, 410.
---- 16, I. Kings, 397.
---- 23, 24, Chronicles, 144;
Isaiah II., 404.
EZEKIEL XXXV., 5, Twelve Prophets II., 180.
---- 10-15, Isaiah I., 439.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets II., 182.
EZEKIEL XXXVI., 20, Romans, 69.
---- 25, Twelve Prophets II., 484.
---- 25-27, Galatians, 351;
Revelation, 101.
---- 26, Psalms, 136;
II. Corinthians, 109.
---- 35, Twelve Prophets II., 415.
EZEKIEL XXXVII., 1-4, Daniel, 324.
---- 9, Daniel, 11, 108.
---- 16, 17, Joshua, 301.
---- 25, Isaiah II., 244.
EZEKIEL XXXVIII., 4, II. Kings, 340.
---- 8, Jeremiah I., 171.
---- 21, Twelve Prophets II., 488.
EZEKIEL XXXIX., 9, Revelation, 338.
---- 14, Revelation, 339.
---- 17-20, Revelation, 328.
EZEKIEL XL., 1, 2, Revelation, 368.
---- 2-5, Revelation, 169, 365.
EZEKIEL XLIII., 2, Revelation, 368.
---- 3, Jeremiah I., 73.
---- 15, 16, Isaiah I., 211.
EZEKIEL XLIV., 1-3, Revelation, 368.
---- 9-16, Ezra, 44;
Jeremiah I., 401.
EZEKIEL XLVIII., 31, Revelation, 365.
---- 35, Isaiah II., 148.
EZER AND ELEAD, Chronicles, 87-90.
EZRA and foreign marriages, Ezra, 131-152.
---- assembles the people at Jerusalem, Judges, 38.
---- Cost of his success, Ezra, 153-162.
---- Expedition of, Ezra, 119-130.
---- Mission of, Ezra, 107-118.
EZRA, The book, Ezra, 1-11;
Twelve Prophets II., 204.
EZRA I., 2, 3, Ecclesiastes, 62;
Twelve Prophets II., 69.
---- 5, Joshua, 317.
EZRA II., 2, Chronicles, 137.
---- 36-39, Chronicles, 103;
Ezekiel, 434.
---- 58, Ezekiel, 434.
---- 61-63, Chronicles, 47.
---- 63, Chronicles, 241.
---- 68, Ephesians, 416.
EZRA III., 3, Ephesians, 416.
---- 11, Psalms III., 234.
EZRA IV., 1-4, Twelve Prophets II., 218.
---- 2, Jeremiah I., 89.
---- 9, 10, Jeremiah II., 255.
EZRA VI., 18, Chronicles, 104.
EZRA VII., 6, Leviticus, 11.
---- 9, Psalms III., 290.
---- 12, Daniel, 153.
---- 15-20, Ezekiel, 435.
EZRA IX., 1, Chronicles, 77.
---- 5, Ezekiel, 472.
FABRICIUS, Acts I., 25, 79;
II., 315, 367.
FAILURE, Apparent, of the Gospel, Pastoral Epistles, 402.
---- Impossibility of, Hebrews, 99.
---- in our day, Judges, 162.
---- Lesson of, Exodus, 85;
Joshua, 190, 191.
---- Samson a type of, Judges, 320.
---- Social, Job, 163.
"FAINT YET PURSUING," Judges, 191, 192.
FAIRBAIRN, A. M., Job, 57;
I. Corinthians, 335.
FAIRBAIRN, Patrick, On prophecy, Revelation, 230.
FAITH, Galatians, 224;
Colossians, 23-25;
Thessalonians, 365-369.
---- Age of, Joshua, 139.
---- Analysed, Genesis, 171.
---- and happiness, Job, 45.
---- and prosperity, Mark, 155.
---- and works, Luther quoted, Exodus, 282.
---- and works, Romans, 115, 116;
James, 135-148.
---- an assurance and a proof, Hebrews, 198-209.
---- Blessedness of, I. Samuel, 12.
---- born of despair, II. Corinthians, 23-34.
---- A clear hope springs from, Genesis, 94.
---- Conflict of, Hebrews, 272-289.
---- Death tests, Numbers, 337.
---- Deficiencies of, Thessalonians, 125-128.
---- delivered to the Saints, James, 378-380.
---- Development of, Judges, 4.
---- Ebb and flow of, Judges, 233.
---- Emot ion helps, Exodus, 30.
---- Enthusiasm of, Numbers, 303.
---- Exultant songs of, Psalms I., 260.
---- for common needs, Genesis, 74.
---- Growth of, Psalms II., 228.
---- hindrance in its decay, Ezekiel, 350, 351.
---- The holiness of Christ and, John I., 234.
---- in Christ tested, John I., 250.
---- in danger, Psalms I., 155.
---- Loss of, Judges, 323.
---- Moral results of, Isaiah I., 106, 163.
---- Necessity of, Matthew, 247.
---- of Abel, Genesis, 35, 36;
Hebrews, 223-225.
---- of Abraham, Genesis, 86, 87, 141-144, 198-211, 242;
Job, 27;
Hebrews, 212-229;
James, 156-161.
---- of the Centurion, Luke, 195-208.
---- of David, I. Samuel, 283-285, 287.
---- of demons, James, 149-156.
---- of Enoch, Hebrews, 219.
---- of Hannah, I. Samuel, 11.
---- of Hebrews deprecated, Judges, 118.
---- of Jacob, Genesis, 419.
---- of Jew and Gentile contrasted, Romans, 264-267.
---- of Job, Job, 67-81.
---- of Jonathan, I. Samuel, 220-224.
---- of Moses, Numbers, 336;
Hebrews, 232-256.
---- of Noah, Hebrews, 215.
---- of Rahab, James, 161-164.
---- of Thomas, John II., 375.
---- Politics and, Isaiah I., 221-237.
---- Power through, Judges, 203.
---- power to shape history, Isaiah I., 109, 302.
---- a principle, Genesis, 133.
---- a principle of the old Testament, Exodus, 10.
---- Rarity of, Genesis, 170.
---- Results of coming of, Galatians, 227-241.
---- Righteousness of, Philippians, 217-236.
---- Righteousness through, Romans, 33, 34.
---- taught by experience, Genesis, 255.
---- taught in the books of Kings, II. Kings, 485.
---- The test of, Genesis, 92, 93, 117.
---- Tests of, Pastoral Epistles, 290.
---- Three barriers of, Job, 235.
---- Toilers furnish the army of the, Judges, 128.
---- True, Joshua, 216.
---- Victory of, Isaiah I., 352-367;
II. Corinthians, 157-172.
---- work of, Thessalonians, 26.
FAITHLESSNESS is foolish, Numbers, 161.
---- of Israel, Judges, 82.
FALL, The, Genesis, 15-27.
---- difficulties of interpretation, Genesis, 16.
FALLEN HUMANITY not to be misjudged, Exodus, 327.
---- Our estrangement from, Exodus, 19.
FALSE REPORTS against reformers, Acts I., 291.
---- in circulation, Thessalonians, 330.
---- to be discredited, Exodus, 358.
FALSE WITNESS abominable to God, Proverbs, 91.
---- forbidden, Exodus, 324-328.
---- in India, Deuteronomy, 86.
FAMILY, The Christian, Colossians, 335-353;
Hebrews, 241.
---- a Divine institution, Leviticus, 430.
---- feast of new moon, Numbers, 350.
---- inheritance of character, I. Kings, 118.
---- life, Ephesians, 351-393.
---- life not unbroken, Joshua, 125.
---- plottings, Genesis, 267.
---- Solidarity of, Psalms I., 370.
---- Unhappiness in the, Genesis, 59.
FAMINE in the reign of David, II. Samuel, 326-337.
---- in Samaria, II. Kings, 76-85.
FANATICISM, Proverbs, 287.
FARRAR, F. W., Thessalonians, 312, 316, 317, 326;
Pastoral Epistles, 412;
James, 32, 70, 393, 399.
---- Darkness and dawn, Romans, 51.
---- St. Paul, Acts II., 15, 16, 19, 20, 50, 51, 152.
FASHION, I. Samuel, 118.
FASTING, Christ, Luke, 111.
---- Controversy concerning, Mark, 61-66.
---- ordered by Saul, I. Samuel, 233.
---- Principle of, Matthew, 83, 84.
FAT, Prohibition of, Leviticus, 99.
FATALISM, Isaiah I., 110.
FATHERHOOD OF GOD, Deuteronomy, 74;
Isaiah II., 453;
Jeremiah I., 279;
Twelve Prophets I., 290-298;
Luke, 136;
Ephesians, 209-312;
Hebrews, 32, 145.
FATHERS, The, and pagan culture, Pastoral Epistles, 227, 230, 232.
---- Back to, Job, 135.
FAULT FINDING, Love of, James, 251.
FEAR, Judges, 296.
---- Atheism of, Isaiah I., 168-178.
---- Influence of, Joshua, 189.
---- Lack of, among prophets, I. Kings, 482.
---- of God, Exodus, 331;
Psalms I., 327.
FAYUM MSS., Acts I., 359;
II., 356.
FEASTS OF THE HEBREWS, Leviticus, 447-473;
Numbers, 351-359.
FECHIN, St., Acts II., 89, 278.

FELIX, Acts II., 430-432.
FELIX OF NOLA, II. Kings, 71.
FELL, Bishop John, on Cyprian, Acts II., 401.
FELLOWSHIP, Consecration and, Leviticus, 224.
---- Human, Exodus, 76.
---- in the church, Joshua, 162, 163.
---- of the spirit, Philippians, 101.
---- Vital to the Passover, Exodus, 172.
---- with Christ, I. Corinthians, 29;
II. Corinthians, 171.
---- with Christ a necessity, Joshua, 69.
---- with God, Leviticus, 123.
FERGUSON, Sir Samuel, Lays of the Western Gael, Acts I., 110.
FERRAR, Nicholas, Acts II., 176.
FESTUS, Acts II., 448.
FIELD, Frederic, John Epistles, 202.
FILL THE HAND, Numbers, 32.
FINDLAY, G. G., Epistles of Paul, Acts II., 60, 295.
---- on Galatians, Acts II., 234.
FIRSTBORN, Law of the, Exodus, 199-204.
---- Number of, Numbers, 36.
---- Sanctity of, Numbers, 37.
FIRST-FRUITS, Day of, Numbers, 354.
FISHER, Edward, Marrow of Modern Divinity, Acts I., 134.
FISKE, John, Destiny of man, quoted, Isaiah I., 390;
John Epistles, 250.
FITZ, Ralph, Archbishop of Armagh, Acts II., 227.
FLATTERY, Proverbs, 168.
FLAVEL, John, concerning his father, I. Samuel, 203.
FLESH, Christ's spirit and, Galatians, 347-360.
---- No confidence in the, Philippians, 170-198.
---- The word, Hebrews, 152.
---- Work of the, Galatians, 361-374.
FLEURY, Claude, Ecclesiastical History, Acts II., 246.
FLIES, The plague of, Exodus, 137-140.
FLOCK, How to tend the, Peter, 201-212.
FOLLY, Proverbs, 67, 92, 122, 131, 205.
FOOD, Spiritual, Exodus, 244-248.
FOOL, The, Proverbs, 337-349.
FOOTWASHING, The, John II., 73-88.
FORBEARANCE, of Christians, Philippians, 326;
Colossians, 311.
---- of God, Numbers, 225.
FORCE, Atheism of, Isaiah I., 168-178.
FORESIGHT, Faith supplies the want of, Genesis, 90.
---- Success depends largely upon, Genesis, 90.
FORGIVENESS, Proverbs, 314-324;
Hebrews, 145 sq.
---- by Moses, Numbers, 148.
---- Confession and, Ezra, 141.
---- Motive of, Colossians, 313-315.
---- of sin, Genesis, 44;
Psalms II., 129;
III., 104;
Isaiah I., 13, 71 sq. 326-330, 361, 381;
Ezekiel, 361-364;
Matthew, 118-121;
John I., 267;
Philippians, 227-232;
Colossians, 66-69, 211.
---- of tresspasses, Matthew, 258-266.
---- Repentance and, Chronicles, 448-454.
FORMALISM, Ecclesiastes, 173, 174;
Isaiah I., 216, 240;
Galatians, 270;
Colossians, 251-256.
FORMS, Use of, Acts II., 121.
FORNICATION at Corinth, I. Corinthians, 145-159;
Galatians, 363-365.
FORTY DAYS after the resurrection, Matthew, 438-446.
---- Conversation of, Acts I., 23-42.
FORWARD, Joshua, 272.
FOX, George, Acts I., 185;
II., 122.
FOXLEY, Joseph, Hulsean Lectures, 371.
FRANCIS OF ASSISSI, St., I. Kings, 421;
Proverbs, 138, 190;
Galatians, 457.
FRANCISCANS, The, and Methodists compared, Acts I., 163.
FRAUD does not pay, Joshua, 220, 221;
I. Samuel, 338.
---- in weight, Proverbs, 218.
---- Pious, Joshua, 219.
---- rebuked in the Bible, Joshua, 222.
---- towards God, Proverbs, 220.
FREEDOM and ordination, I. Samuel, 122.
---- a growth, Judges, 86.
---- Human, Proverbs, 250-261.
---- illusory, Numbers, 110.
---- in the church, II. Corinthians, 62.
---- Moral, Ezekiel, 153-158.
---- of the Gospel, Pastoral Epistles, 362, 363.
---- Perils of, Galatians, 333-346.
---- the practice of truth, Judges, 228.
---- under Christianity, Numbers, 209.
FRENCH REVOLUTION, Its principles adopted, Leviticus, 125.
FRIEND OF GOD, James, 160, 162.
FRIENDS, The Denomination and non-resistance, Chronicles, 389.
---- on inspiration, Acts I., 185, 186.
---- spirituality and rules, Acts II., 122.
---- Women speaking among, I. Corinthians, 255.
FRIENDSHIP, Proverbs, 227-238.
---- of Jesus Christ, I. Samuel, 328.
---- of Jonathan and David, I. Samuel, 292, 317-328.
---- of Paul and Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 26-30.
---- of the young, I. Samuel, 327.
FROGS, The plague of, Exodus, 133-135.
FRONMÜLLER, G. F. C., James, 399, 408.
FRUIT BEARING, John II., 184-190;
Colossians, 47-49.
FRUITS, Known by their, Peter, 297-312.
FRYTH, John, reply to Sir Thomas More, Ecclesiastes, 303.
FULLER, J. M., Acts I., 120.
FUTURE, Our, II. Corinthians, 56;
Ephesians, 316;
Colossians, 473.
---- Presuming upon our, James, 261-272.
FUTURE LIFE, Numbers, 5.
---- The Christian hope of a, II. Corinthians, 173-185.
---- Faith in a, Ecclesiastes, 256.
---- Old Testament faith in a, Psalms II., 101.
---- Right view of, Numbers, 159.
---- seems dim, Numbers, 154.
GAAL, Son of Ebed, Judges, 221.
GAD blessed by Jacob, Genesis, 444.
GAD, the tribe, Moses blesses, Deuteronomy, 469.
---- Reuben and, Numbers, 374.
---- their decay, Numbers, 380.
GAIUS, Acts II., 326.
GALATIA, Church of, Galatians, 16-18.
---- Paul in, Acts II., 263.
GALATIANS, Circumcision of, Galatians, 302-315.
---- Hinderers and troublers of the, Galatians, 316-329.
---- Their folly, Galatians, 163-179.
GALATIANS, The Epistle, Hebrews, 175.
---- The address of, Galatians, 3-18.
---- The Anathema, Galatians, 34-52.
---- and Ephesians, Ephesians, 3.
---- The Benediction, Galatians, 460, 461.
---- Construction, Galatians, 9.
---- Importance of, Galatians, 4.
---- The salutation, Galatians, 19-33.
---- Style, Galatians, 8.
---- written before the Gospels, Acts I., 114, 115.
GALATIANS I., 5, Pastoral Epistles, 429.
---- 6-9, II. Corinthians, 319;
Pastoral Epistles, 332.
---- 7, 8, Pastoral Epistles, 301.
---- 10, Romans, 395;
Ephesians, 389.
---- 13, Acts II., 26;
Pastoral Epistles, 55.
---- 14, Isaiah II., 169.
---- 15, 16, Acts II., 65, 77;
Ephesians, 26.
---- 16, II. Corinthians, 156;
Philippians, 188.
---- 17, Pastoral Epistles, 361.
---- 18, 19, James, 35.
---- 19, James, 26.
---- 20, Romans, 83;
James, 307.
---- 21, Galatians, 110.
---- 23, Peter, 87.
GALATIANS II., 1-3, Pastoral Epistles, 204, 361.
---- 3, Acts II., 227.
---- 4, Peter, xiv.
---- 7-10, Ephesians, 215;
Pastoral Epistles, 52.
---- 9, Romans, 18;
James, 8, 26, 35, 139;
John Epistles, 6, 7.
---- 10, Leviticus, 396.
---- 11, Ephesians, 113.
---- 11-21, Galatians, 132.
---- 12, Acts II., 232;
James, 34.
---- 14, Ephesians, 36.
---- 18, James, 56.
---- 20, Mark, 382;
Romans, 11, 368;
Ephesians, 7.
GALATIANS III., 1, Pastoral Epistles, 301.
---- 2, 5, Ephesians, 56, 59.
---- 6, James, 156.
---- 7, 14, Ephesians, 6, 160.
---- 8, Romans, 253;
Peter, 159.
---- 9, John Epistles, 285.
---- 10-13, Ephesians, 7.
---- 11, Twelve Prophets II., 140;
Acts II., 20.
---- 12, Exodus, 280.
---- 13, Leviticus, 229;
Ephesians, 37;
James, 130.
---- 14, Ephesians, 36, 55.
---- 16, 29, Exodus, 268.
---- 16-19, Matthew, 7.
---- 17, Exodus, 197;
Matthew, 70.
---- 19, Numbers, 87;
Hebrews, 23, 176.
---- 21, Psalms III., 270.
---- 22, Ephesians, 43.
---- 23, Numbers, 87.
---- 28, Leviticus, 324;
Ephesians, 135;
Colossians, 301.
---- 29, Philippians, 178.
GALATIANS IV., 1-5, Leviticus, 564.
---- 3, Exodus, 335;
Ephesians, 113;
Colossians, 191;
Hebrews, 176.
---- 4, Ezra, 19;
Luke, 18;
Peter, 164.
---- 5, Ephesians, 31, 63.
---- 8, 9, Ephesians, 269.
---- 9-11, Acts II., 321.
---- 13, Acts II., 265.
---- 14, Acts I., 44;
II., 50;
II. Corinthians, 352;
Ephesians, 53.
---- 15, Acts II., 50.
---- 19, Ephesians, 253;
Peter, 330.
---- 21-31, Acts II., 19.
---- 24, 25, Jeremiah II., 359.
---- 25, Mark, 376.
GALATIANS V., 5, 6, Ephesians, 53.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 207;
Ephesians, 436;
Thessalonians, 27.
---- 10, James, 168.
---- 13, 14, Deuteronomy, 250, 251;
Peter, xiv.
---- 14, James, 132.
---- 16, 22-25, Ephesians, 25.
---- 17, Romans, 198.
---- 19, 20, Exodus, 145, 233.
---- 20, Pastoral Epistles, 295, 297;
James, 199.
---- 22, 23, Romans, 222;
Ephesians, 323.
GALATIANS VI., 1, Leviticus, 402.
---- 2, Ezra, 258.
---- 7, 9, Pastoral Epistles, 343;
James, 56.
---- 11, Romans, 437.
---- 12-14, Ephesians, 36.
---- 14, Romans, 70;
II. Corinthians, 152;
Ephesians, 262.
---- 15, Jeremiah I., 207;
II. Corinthians, 206.
---- 16, Psalms III., 317;
Ephesians, 435;
Hebrews, 62;
James, 45;
Revelation, 118.
---- 17, Exodus, 340.
GALERIUS, Emperor, Acts II., 273.
GALILEE, Christ appears at the Sea of, John II., 381-396.
---- Christ begins his ministry in, Matthew, 48-56.
---- The crisis in, Matthew, 186-218;
John I., 223-238.
---- A Sabbath in, Luke, 148-161.
GALLIO, Acts II., 327-329;
I. Corinthians, 7-12.
GAMALIEL, Acts I., 229-245;
II., 13-15.
GAMALIEL, Rabbi, Ecclesiastes, 294.
GAMBLING, Evils of, Joshua, 182.
---- Spirit of, Proverbs, 32.
GARRISON, William Lloyd, persecuted, I. Kings, 422.
GATE OF THE TEMPLE, (Chulda), Acts I., 158.
GATH, The ark at, I. Samuel, 76.
---- David at, I. Samuel, 336-340, 391-403;
Psalms II., 171.
GAUTIER, L., Ezekiel, 405.
GAZA, Acts I., 410.
---- Samson in, Judges, 307-318.
GEDALIAH, II. Kings, 468-476;
Jeremiah II., 56, 172-186;
Ezekiel, 290.
GEHAZI, II. Kings, 44, 47, 58-64, 82.
GEIKIE, Cunningham, Acts II., 38, 101, 119.
GENEALOGIES, Numbers, 328;
Pastoral Epistles, 34, 35.
---- of Chronicles, Chronicles, 29-63.
---- Teaching of, Chronicles, 57.
---- of Matthew, Matthew, 5.
GENEROSITY and severity, II. Samuel, 55.
---- and wisdom, Proverbs, 42-47.
---- of Barzillai, II. Samuel, 303.
GENESIS I., 1, 3, Hebrews, 207;
John Epistles, 82, 183.
---- 2, John Epistles, 184.
---- 4, Jeremiah I., 203.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 121.
---- 11, 12, John Epistles, 183.
---- 16, Revelation, 198.
---- 27, Ephesians, 117.
---- 31, John Epistles, 138.
GENESIS II., 2, Deuteronomy, 68.
---- 7, Psalms III., 107;
Acts I., 60.
---- 23, 24, Ephesians, 364, 376.
GENESIS III., 4, 5, Ephesians, 400;
Peter, 225.
---- 5, Twelve Prophets, 322;
John Epistles, 142.
---- 7, John Epistles, 143.
---- 15, John Epistles, 183.
---- 16, Leviticus, 307.
---- 17, 18, Leviticus, 454, 512;
Luke, 374.
---- 19, Psalms III., 7.
---- 24, Revelation, 72.
GENESIS IV., 1-8, John Epistles, 189.
---- 3, Hebrews, 223.
---- 10, Leviticus, 142;
Jeremiah I., 117.
GENESIS V., 3, Leviticus, 307.
---- 24, Psalms II., 111.
GENESIS VI., 2, Daniel, 179.
---- 3, Galatians, 351;
Peter, 289.
---- 7, Hebrews, 300.
---- 14, Jeremiah I., 121.
---- 17, Peter, 141, 159.
GENESIS VII., 11, Ezekiel, 240;
Peter, 338.
GENESIS VIII., 20, James, 159.
---- 22, Jeremiah II., 355.
GENESIS IX., 6, Mark, 329.
---- 9, 10, Hebrews, 300.
---- 11, Peter, 338.
GENESIS X., 10, II. Kings, 315.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets II., 540.
GENESIS XI., 1-9, II. Kings, 315.
---- 7, Psalms III., 421.
GENESIS XII., 2, Jeremiah I., 175;
Matthew, 62, 70;
Galatians, 183.
---- 3, Jeremiah I., 132.
---- 6, 7, Joshua, 205.
GENESIS XIII., 10, Joshua, 96.
GENESIS XIV., 7, Joshua, 25.
---- 14, 15, Joshua, 240;
Jeremiah I., 88.
GENESIS XV., 1, Songs of Solomon, 261.
---- 4-6, James, 158.
---- 6, Psalms III., 148;
Romans, 109;
Galatians, 185.
---- 8, Ephesians, 50.
---- 17, Psalms III., 368.
---- 18, Revelation, 150.
---- 19, Joshua, 263.
GENESIS XVI., 12, Psalms III., 161.
---- 13, Ezra, 87;
John I., 4.
GENESIS XVII., 7, Galatians, 203.
---- 10-14, Leviticus, 315.
---- 13, Leviticus, 317.
---- 18, Galatians, 29.
---- 22, John I., 4.
---- 23-26, Galatians, 292.
GENESIS XVIII., 2, Hebrews, 316.
---- 10, 11, Romans, 249.
---- 12, Peter, 113.
---- 17, James, 161.
---- 25, Songs of Solomon, 216.
GENESIS XIX., 1, Hebrews, 316.
---- 11, Jeremiah I., 191.
---- 16, 17, James, 460.
---- 24, Pastoral Epistles, 325.
GENESIS XX., 7, Psalms III., 131.
GENESIS XXI., 9, Galatians, 293.
---- 12, Romans, 249.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 85.
GENESIS XXII., 2, Peter, 84.
---- 8, Galatians, 201;
Hebrews, 227.
---- 16, Psalms III., 130;
James, 158.
---- 18, Psalms II., 316, 317;
Hebrews, 287.
GENESIS XXIII., 4, Chronicles, 317.
---- 8, Jeremiah I., 8.
GENESIS XXIV., 7, Daniel, 180.
---- 26, Daniel, 226.
---- 42, Jeremiah I., 8.
---- 53, Peter, iii.
GENESIS XXV., 13, Jeremiah I., 205.
---- 23, Romans, 250.
---- 29, Jeremiah I., 192.
---- 32, Hebrews, 287.
GENESIS XXVI., 3, Psalms III., 130.
---- 4, Psalms II., 316, 317.
---- 28, Peter, 87.
GENESIS XXVII., 28, 39, Ezekiel, 328.
---- 36, Hebrews, 288.
---- 41, John Epistles, 183.
GENESIS XXVIII., 11-14, John Epistles, 201.
---- 16, Ezra, 207.
---- 18, Leviticus, 203.
GENESIS XXIX., 26, Jeremiah I., 121.
GENESIS XXX., 14, Song of Solomon, 20.
GENESIS XXXI., 30, Twelve Prophets II., 59.
---- 35, Peter, 113.
---- 42; 53, Jeremiah I., 228.
GENESIS XXXII., 28, Chronicles, 315;
Romans, 247.
GENESIS XXXIV., 25, Joshua, 117, 341.
---- 30, Psalms III., 130.
GENESIS XXXV., 8, I. Samuel, 149.
GENESIS XXXVI., 12, Joshua, 25.
GENESIS XXXVII., 22-24, Jeremiah II., 164.
GENESIS XXXVIII., 14, Jeremiah I., 107.
---- 18, II. Corinthians, 55.
---- 24, Ezekiel, 134.
---- 26, Isaiah II., 217.
---- 28, Jeremiah I., 342.
GENESIS XXXIX., 6, Twelve Prophets I., 322.
GENESIS XLI., 34, Jeremiah I., 72, 121.
---- 42, Daniel, 210.
---- 45, Joshua, 22.
---- 51, II. Kings, 318.
GENESIS XLII., 19, Jeremiah I., 173.
GENESIS XLIII., 8, I. Kings, 125.
---- 30, Peter, 121.
GENESIS XLV., 18, 20, 23, Jeremiah I., 82.
GENESIS XLVI., 2, Hebrews, 254.
---- 27, Acts I., 310.
---- 34, Jeremiah I., 274.
GENESIS XLVII., 31, Hebrews, 260.
GENESIS XLVIII., 5, Joshua, 300.
---- 14, Deuteronomy, 468.
---- 19, Joshua, 300.
GENESIS XLIX., 5, Numbers, 330.
---- 9, Psalms I., 159;
Revelation, 78.
---- 10, Ezekiel, 169;
Luke, 91.
---- 22, Psalms II., 410, 412.
---- 24, Psalms II., 406;
Jeremiah II., 100.
GENEVAN VERSION, James, 372, 454.
GENITIVE, Characterizing, James, 98, 108, 122, 447.
GENIUS, Aberrations of, John Epistles, 263.
GENTILES, Numbers, 266.
---- Conversion of the, Acts II., 142-163.
---- Ignorance of, Thessalonians, 296.
---- Jew and, Ephesians, 131-142.
---- Walk of the, Ephesians, 261-274.
GENTLEMAN defined, James, 202.
GEORGIUS SYNCELLUS, James, 410, 438.
GERIZIM, Ebal and, Joshua, 201.
---- unpractical, Acts I., 12.
GERSHONITES, Numbers, 44.
---- Cities of the, Joshua, 350.
GESHUR in Syria, Absalom in, II. Samuel, 205.
GESHURITES, The, Joshua, 255, 256.
GESSIUS FLORUS, Pastoral Epistles, 276.
GETHSEMANE, Christ in, Matthew, 398-403;
Mark, 389-401;
Luke, 364-376;
John II., 263-270.
GEZER, I. Kings, 136.
GIBBON, Edward, Isaiah I., 361, 362;
Jeremiah II., 67;
Acts I., 57;
II., 150, 158, 273;
John Epistles, 84.
---- and Christianity, Joshua, 4.
GIBEAH, The crime of, Judges, 348-349.
---- of Saul, I. Samuel, 149.
GIBEONITES, The, and David, II. Samuel, 331.
---- attacked by Adonizedek, Joshua, 224.
---- Stratagem of, Joshua, 211-222.
GIBSON, J. Monro, Revelation, 127.
GIDEON and the angel of Jehovah, Judges, 145-148.
---- defeats the Midianites, Judges, 178-194.
---- Death of, Judges, 209.
---- the Ecclesiastic, Judges, 195-208.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 251;
Peter, 31.
---- iconoclast and reformer, Judges, 150-163.
---- threshing, Judges, 144.
GIESBRECHT, Friedrich, Isaiah II., 210;
Jeremiah II., 30, 73, 166, 204, 206, 214, 225, 231, 240, 250, 261, 273, 285, 288, 315, 319, 322, 331, 332, 338;
Twelve Prophets I., 372.
GIFFORD, Archdeacon E. H., John Epistles, 22.
GIFT OF TONGUES, Acts I., 97-106;
I. Corinthians, 314-317.
GIFTS and sacrifices, Philippians, 253-368.
---- Attaining the best, I. Kings, 124.
---- Concerning spiritual, I. Corinthians, 273-291.
---- Nemesis of neglected, Pastoral Epistles, 309-318.
---- of God, Peter, 171.
---- Spiritual, and public worship, I. Corinthians, 309-324.
---- to be proportionate, Numbers, 181.
GILBOA, Saul defeated at, I. Samuel, 414, 429-440.
GILEAD, Judges, 224-226.
GILGAL, Elisha at, II. Kings, 48.
---- kingdom renewed, I. Samuel, 179.
---- The name, Joshua, 120.
---- Samuel and Saul at, I. Samuel, 205-216.
GINSBURG, Christian D., Ecclesiastes, 73, 99, 103, 108, 110, 162, 264.
GIRLS saved alive, Numbers, 366.
GISCHALA, Acts II., 4, 6.
GIVING, Fruits of, II. Corinthians, 274-288.
---- Grace of, II. Corinthians, 262-273.
---- The term, John I., 388.
---- See CHARITY.
GLADIATORS, Paul's use of the figure of, I. Corinthians, 106.
---- Shows of, Pastoral Epistles, 179, 347.
GLOOM, a characteristic of history, I. Kings, 42.
---- of a tortured soul, Psalms I., 376, 377.
GLORIA, The, of the angels, Luke, 71-73.
GLORY and holiness, Isaiah I., 68.
---- Grace and, Psalms II., 449.
---- of Christ analysed, Hebrews, 38-46.
---- of the Son, Colossians, 70-84.
---- of the transfiguration, Matthew, 233-242.
---- Suffering and, Thessalonians, 289-304.
GLORYING, False and true, Galatians, 421-434.
GNOSTICISM, Acts II., 420;
Romans, 432;
Ephesians, 279;
Colossians, 236;
Hebrews, 22;
James, 389;
Peter, 288;
John Epistles, 4, 16, 43.
---- its moral teaching, Pastoral Epistles, 44, 53, 151.
---- its problem, Pastoral Epistles, 38.
---- its rapid progress, Pastoral Epistles, 37.
---- Jewish, Pastoral Epistles, 33, 34.
GOB, II. Samuel, 341.
GOD, The absence of, I. Samuel, 71.
---- Almighty, Genesis, 161.
---- alone to be worshiped, Exodus, 289-294.
---- an evil, Song of Solomon, 218-229.
---- and history, Isaiah II., 87, 100, 106, 157.
---- and holiness, Genesis, 66.
---- and nature, Job, 301.
---- and the idols, Isaiah II., 153.
---- Anthropomorphism, Genesis, 60.
---- as an enemy, Song of Solomon, 132-143.
---- an argument from history, Isaiah II., 106-131.
---- as a lion, Isaiah I., 242-245.
---- as a motherbird, Isaiah I., 245-247.
---- as a potter, Jeremiah I., 377-397.
---- bearing our sins, Isaiah II., 177-188.
---- Belief in the call of, Genesis, 91.
---- bountifulness, Joshua, 54.
---- cares, Joshua, 103.
---- cares for all things, Genesis, 10.
---- Compassion of, Numbers, 213.
---- a consuming fire, Isaiah I., 331-342;
Hebrews, 309.
---- Dependence upon, Deuteronomy, 226.
---- Difficulty of right thinking about, Genesis, 182.
---- faithful to Abraham, Genesis,105.
---- Goodness of, Job, 53.
---- governed, Joshua, 414-416.
---- has an interest in men, Joshua, 286.
---- His existence, Proverbs, 391.
---- Holiness of, I. Samuel, 27.
---- honors those who honor him, I. Samuel, 440.
---- Husbandry and building of, I. Corinthians, 81-96.
---- in history, I. Kings, 39-45;
Exodus, 6-13;
Deuteronomy, 50.
---- In the thought of, Ezra, 349.
---- is love, Exodus, 61;
Isaiah I., 12.
---- is not slack, Peter, 345-354.
---- A jealous, Exodus, 298;
Leviticus, 240.
---- the judge, Psalms I., 15, 16.
---- Justice of, I. Samuel, 29.
---- Knowledge of, I. Samuel, 28;
Twelve Prophets I., 318-342.
---- knows how to deliver, Peter, 283-297.
---- Laughter of, Psalms I., 15, 16.
---- link of the generations, Numbers, 326.
---- The living, I. Samuel, 64.
---- Luther defines, Exodus, 292.
---- manifesting himself to persons, Genesis, 12.
---- Meeting, Genesis, 155.
---- men need Him, Proverbs, 43.
---- Modern doubt of, Numbers, 163.
---- Moses and the vision of, Exodus, 437-439.
---- Name of, Exodus, 54-65;
Daniel, 65.
---- Nearness of, Genesis, 145, 284;
Ezra, 82.
---- no despot, Job, 149.
---- not confined to places, Judges, 337.
---- not impassive, Exodus, 60.
---- not a mechanism, Hebrews, 209.
---- omnipresent, Genesis, 155.
---- omnipotence, Isaiah II., 121, 390.
---- our refuge, Song of Solomon, 346.
---- Passion of, Isaiah II., 106-131.
---- Personality of, Isaiah II., 148.
---- Preparation for the work of, Joshua, 100.
---- present with all that is, Genesis, 12.
---- Providence of, Genesis, 139.
---- Purposes, I. Samuel, 130.
---- Reasoning together with, Isaiah I., 5-7.
---- Rejection of, I. Samuel, 159.
---- relation with human life, Proverbs, 47, 155, 197, 199, 217, 236, 252, 291, 353.
---- The reserve of, Genesis, 307-309.
---- Righteousness of, Isaiah II., 224-229.
---- a rock, Psalms II., 219.
---- a sacrament, Isaiah II., 87-105.
---- the Saviour, Isaiah II., 136.
---- the Saviour of men, Genesis, 106.
---- Saving knowledge of, Peter, 235-244.
---- seems to persecute, Job, 176, 204.
---- seen in Christ, John II., 135-156.
---- Sole allegiance to, Numbers, 274-279.
---- The Son is, Hebrews, 27.
---- the source of wisdom, Proverbs, 18.
---- speaking, Jeremiah I., 303.
---- Spirituality of, Jewish conception, Isaiah II., 137.
---- still speaks to men, Ezra, 113.
---- Strength of, I. Samuel, 28.
---- Sufficient inducement to obey, Genesis, 89.
---- the supreme intelligence, Genesis, 10.
---- sustains, Exodus, 99.
---- temple in humanity, Ephesians, 143-154.
---- The Theophany, I. Kings, 431-444.
---- Treatment of His saints, I. Samuel, 34.
---- true to His word, Joshua, 110.
---- Unity of, I. Samuel, 28;
Mark, 338.
---- Vengeance of, Twelve Prophets II., 90-95.
---- What it is to see, Exodus, 370.
---- Wisdom of, Isaiah I., 238-242.
GOD AND THE WORLD, Genesis, 1;
I. Kings, 444.
GODEFROY, Pierre, Comment on Theodos. Cod. Acts II., 273.
GODET, F., I. Corinthians, 70, 149, 280;
II. Corinthians, 240, 345, 373;
Thessalonians, 43;
Pastoral Epistles, 34.
GODLINESS, Peter, 248.
GODLY, Psalms, 33.
---- living and its results, Psalms I., 109.
GOD'S METHOD harmonious, Genesis, 5.
---- illustrated in Noah's life, Genesis, 69.
---- may involve delay, Genesis, 148.
---- of revealing Himself, Genesis, 399;
Exodus, 102.
---- of teaching by picture, Genesis, 7.
---- to employ means, Exodus, 34.
---- to illuminate, not coerce, Exodus, 203, 204.
---- with Abraham new, Genesis, 82.
GOEL, Leviticus, 514;
Numbers, 55, 400;
Joshua, 329, 330;
Judges, 398;
Job, 234;
Psalms II., 326, 351.
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von, Colossians, 298;
Pastoral Epistles, 79.
---- Faust, Ecclesiastes, 133.
---- on the children of Israel, Exodus, 5.
---- on the dissemination of the Bible, I. Kings, 9.
---- on self-development, Deuteronomy, 113.
---- on the Song of Solomon, Song of Solomon, 24.
---- Sadness of, Ecclesiastes, 130.
GOG, Ezekiel, 369-376;
Revelation, 338.
GOLDEN AGES of the church, Pastoral Epistles, 264.
GOLDEN CALF, The, Exodus, 431-433;
Joshua, 31;
Psalms III., 145.
---- at Dan, II. Kings, 494, 495.
GOLDEN CANDLESTICK, Exodus, 382, 383.
GOLDEN GATE, Acts I., 158.
GOLDEN-MAN, The, Ecclesiastes, 218.
GOLDSMITH, Oliver, Song of Solomon, 14, 48.
GOLIATH, David and, I. Samuel, 278-291.
GOOD, The chief, Ecclesiastes, 27-32, 113-126, 276-335.
---- in devotion to business, Ecclesiastes, 142-186, 237.
---- in pleasure, Ecclesiastes, 133-141, 234-237.
---- in wealth, Ecclesiastes, 187-228.
---- in wisdom, Ecclesiastes, 127-133, 230-234.
---- in the wise use of life, Ecclesiastes, 229-275.
---- invincible, Judges, 115.
---- preferred, Psalms I., 116.
---- produces unexpected good, Colossians, 445.
---- Survival of, Exodus, 301;
Judges, 55.
GOODNESS, Proverbs, 149-169;
Philippians, 339.
---- has one source, Ephesians, 325-328.
---- not apart from God, Jeremiah I., 173.
---- of God unfailing, Song of Solomon, 194-205.
GOSPEL, Isaiah II., 435-441.
---- Apparent failure of the, Pastoral Epistles, 402.
---- as a Gospel of witness, John Epistles, 236-240.
---- and law, Exodus, 302.
---- bears a fixed character, Galatians, 38.
---- defined, II. Corinthians, 144-156.
---- Faith in the, Thessalonians, 403, 404.
---- Freedom of the, Pastoral Epistles, 362, 363.
---- Light of the, Numbers, 82.
---- Meaning of, Romans, 12.
---- Motives for adhering to the, Colossians, 111-115.
---- Need for the, Romans, 38-47.
---- of liberty, Luke, 142-147.
---- of life, Luke, 137-142.
---- of love, Luke, 134-137.
---- of Paul from Christ, Galatians, 53-67.
---- Slow progress of, Acts II., 269.
---- Standing orders of the, Thessalonians, 217-232.
---- Truth and worth of the, Colossians, 27-35.
GOULBURN, Dean Edward M., Acts I., 404;
II., 121.
GOVERNMENT and pious rulers, Chronicles, 370-372.
GRACE and glory, Psalms II., 449.
---- and peace, Ephesians, 435;
Philippians, 15, 16.
---- Bestowment of, Ephesians, 34-49;
Colossians, 427-431.
---- Meaning of, Romans, 22;
Galatians, 19;
Colossians, 412-414.
---- of God received in vain, II. Corinthians, 225.
---- a Pauline word, Thessalonians, 399.
---- Paul's conception of, Galatians, 148.
---- Proclamation of, Isaiah II., 78, 290.
---- Work of saving, Philippians, 25;
Colossians, 17-20;
Thessalonians, 15-17, 278, 279.
GRACES, Christian and Greek compared, Thessalonians, 25, 26.
GRATITUDE and trust, Exodus, 219.
GRATZ, H., Psalms I., 21, 52, 94, 363;
II., 76, 230, 360, 480;
III., 145, 164, 213, 223, 372, 391, 407, 409, 414, 421;
Jeremiah II., 176;
Twelve Prophets I., 176, 211;
II., 352.
GRAY, Asa, Matthew, 167.
GREATNESS and stifled affections, Exodus, 79.
---- finds colleagues, Exodus, 255.
---- Law of, Mark, 292-294.
---- Radical elements the same, Genesis, 91.
GREEK use of the Article, Romans VIII.;
Pastoral Epistles, 89, 189, 392.
---- words in the book of Daniel, Daniel, 33, 51.
GREEK CHURCH, Absolution in the, James, 343.
GREEK TRAGEDY, Numbers, 2, 3.
GREEKS at the feast, John II., 31.
---- Coming of the, Twelve Prophets II., 463-466.
---- God's human, Hebrews, 21.
---- Israel and the, Twelve Prophets II., 439-446.
---- Slaughter of the, Twelve Prophets II., 467-469.
GREGG, W. R., Proverbs, 73.
GREGORY THE GREAT, Song of Solomon, 43;
Pastoral Epistles, 231, 232.
John Epistles, 116.
GREGORY OF TOURS, Pastoral Epistles, 233.
GRIEF before God, Song of Solomon, 242-252.
---- Christian attitude towards, II. Samuel, 285.
---- for the dead, sacred, II. Samuel, 280.
GROTIUS, Hugo, John Epistles, 98.
GUHL, E. Ephesiaca, Acts II., 356, 362, 367.
GUILE, Peter, 63.
GUILT, its debt extinguished, Song of Solomon, 300-310.
---- Jewish responsibility and, Romans, 67-77.
---- Universal, Romans, 56-66.
GUILT-OFFERING, Leviticus, 155-174.
GUINNESS, H. G., The approaching end of the age, Revelation, 294.
GUYON, Madame, Acts II., 446;
Romans, 334.
GWYNN, Dr. George J., Acts I., 2.
HABAKKUK, the Book, Twelve Prophets II., 113-159;
Acts II., 20.
HABAKKUK I., 5, Acts II., 208.
---- 5-10, Revelation, 152.
---- 6-8, Ecclesiastes, 42;
Jeremiah II., 301;
Daniel, 49.
---- 7, 8, II. Kings, 424;
Galatians, 217.
---- 8, Twelve Prophets II., 371.
---- 11, 14-16, Exodus, 293.
---- 12, Ecclesiastes, 120;
Galatians, 186.
HABAKKUK II., 1-19, II. Kings, 383.
---- 2, Galatians, 217.
---- 3, Joshua, 361;
Job, 270.
---- 4, Acts II., 20;
Galatians, 185, 191.
---- 9-11, II. Kings, 418.
HABAKKUK III., Psalms II., 372.
---- 1, Psalms I., 58.
---- 3, 7, Numbers, 384;
Peter, 348.
---- 10-15, Psalms II., 381.
---- 17, Jeremiah I., 180;
Philippians, 326.
HABIT, Aristotle on, Hebrews, 85.

---- evil, Hebrews, 91.
HADAD, King of Edom, I. Kings, 251-253.
HADADEZAR defeated by David, II. Samuel, 1, 4, 154.
HADES, Christ in, Hebrew, 170.
HADRIAN, Emperor, Acts I., 66;
II., 306;
Pastoral Epistles, 89.
HAGAR, Genesis, 147 sq.;
Galatians, 286-301.
---- flees, Genesis, 153.
---- talks with God, Genesis, 155, 218.
HAGGAI, The Book, Twelve Prophets II., 223-252;
Hebrews, 306.
HAGGAI I., 1, Ezra, 75, 77.
---- 5, 7, Ezra, 76.
HAGGAI II., 1, Ezra, 76.
---- 6-8, Ezra, 29;
Daniel, 11;
Hebrews, 307;
Revelation, 105.
---- 7, Daniel, 108;
Ephesians, 93.
---- 9, Ezra, 75, 76.
---- 12-14, Ezekiel, 437.
---- 20-23, Daniel, 108.
---- 23, Chronicles, 144.
HAIL, The plague of, Exodus, 146-153.
HALL, S. C., Acts I., 5.
HAM, Son of Noah, Genesis, 78.
HAMAN, Ezra, 371-381, 396, 399.
HAMATH, Isaiah I., 94.
HANAMEEL, Jeremiah II., 310.
HANANIAH, the prophet, Deuteronomy, 350;
Jeremiah II., 115-130.
HANDS lifted in prayer, Pastoral Epistles, 97, 98.
HANNAH, Faith rewarded, I. Samuel, 14-25.
---- Song of Thanksgiving, I. Samuel, 25-36.
---- Trial and trust of, I. Samuel, 1-13.
---- Vow of, I. Samuel, 10.
HANNINGTON, Bishop James, Thessalonians, 47.
HANUN, David and, II. Samuel, 146-157.
HAPPINESS and pain, Job, 55.
---- Source of, John I., 140;
II., 41.
HARDENING OF HEART, Exodus, 113-121;
Deuteronomy, 59.
HARDY, Nathaniel, John Epistles, 98, 99, 115, 116, 162, 176, 177, 178.
HARETH, David at, I. Samuel, 344.
HARLESS, G. C. A. von, Ephesians, 125, 293.
HARNACK, Adolf, Acts I., xxi.;
James, 20, 370.
HAROUN ALRASCHID, Ecclesiastes, 128.
HARPER, Jesuit, James, 385.
HARRIS, J. Rendal, Acts I., vii., viii., 418;
II., 321.
HARVEST and vintage of the world, Revelation, 245-258.
HASTE, Misery from, Joshua, 372.
HATCH, Dr. Edwin, Thessalonians, 239;
James, 146, 256, 399.
---- on Episcopacy, Acts II., 416.
---- on primitive discipline, Thessalonians, 206, 207.
HAUGHTINESS, Proverbs, 89.
HAURAN, Job, 20.
HAUSRATH, A., II. Corinthians, 290;
Pastoral Epistles, 9, 407.
HAZAEL and Elisha, II. Kings, 90-98.
---- dies, II. Kings, 182.
---- smites Israel, II. Kings, 141.
HAZOR destroyed, Joshua, 243.
---- Jabin, king of, Joshua, 236, 238.
---- Kedar and, Jeremiah II., 251-254.
HEALTH the result of wisdom, Proverbs, 39.
HEARING and doing, James, 99-105.
HEAVE-OFFERING, Numbers, 184.
HEAVEN, Proverbs, 59, 162, 274;
Song of Solomon, 335-346;
Isaiah I., 184;
Philippians, 299-316.
---- a city, Hebrews, 218.
---- Inheritance in, Peter, 17-28.
---- The new Jerusalem, Revelation, 360, 374.
---- no fable, Numbers, 155.
---- Purification of, Hebrews, 163.
---- a sanctuary, Hebrews, 70.
HEBREW POETRY, Isaiah I., 411;
II., 340.
---- Elegies, Song of Solomon, 63-74.
---- Gnomic school of, Ecclesiastes, 20.
HEBREWS, The Epistle, Analysis, Hebrews, ix.-xi.
---- Closing exhortations, Hebrews, 315-329.
HEBREWS I., 1, Ezra, 113;
Romans, 305.
---- 2, Peter, 164;
Ephesians, 45.
---- 3, James, 204;
Peter, 145.
---- 5, II. Samuel, 107.
---- 6, Luke, 70.
---- 7, I. Kings, 432.
---- 10, Peter, 228.
---- 13, Ephesians, 91;
James, 446.
---- 14, Ephesians, 402.
HEBREWS II., 1, Romans, 256;
Galatians, 12.
---- 2-4, Galatians, 218.
---- 3, 4, Galatians, 170.
---- 5, 10, Ephesians, 91;
Revelation, 83.
---- 8, Ephesians, 47.
---- 9, Galatians, 149;
Ephesians, 368, 370.
---- 10, Song of Solomon, 321;
Peter, 145;
Revelation, 39.
---- 12, Ephesians, 208.
---- 13, Matthew, 225.
---- 14, Ephesians, 400;
Revelation, 208, 222.
---- 16, Romans, 305.
---- 18, Exodus, 355;
Leviticus, 436;
Song of Solomon, 201.
HEBREWS III., 1, Peter, 122.
HEBREWS IV., Leviticus, 455.
---- 2, Peter, 143, 159.
---- 8, Joshua, 38.
---- 9, Leviticus, 473, 514;
Song of Solomon, 296;
Galatians, 383.
---- 12, Ephesians, 421;
Peter, 58, 60.
---- 14, Leviticus, 187, 189.
---- 18, Song of Solomon, 201.
HEBREWS V., 1, Pastoral Epistles, 219.
---- 4, Leviticus, 183.
---- 7, Mark, 354.
---- 8, 9, Song of Solomon, 184;
Galatians, 250;
Peter, 145.
---- 9, Peter, 140.
---- 11-14, Ephesians, 253.
---- 14, Philippians, 269.
HEBREWS VI., 2, Acts I., 384;
Pastoral Epistles, 315.
---- 4-6, Mark, 97;
Acts I., 384.
---- 7, Mark, 110.
---- 10, Psalms III., 279.
---- 14, Romans, 122.
---- 17, Galatians, 201.
---- 18, Joshua, 327.
---- 19, 20, Ephesians, 408.
HEBREWS VII., 1-4, Exodus, 408.
---- 14, Exodus, 408;
Chronicles, 305.
---- 26, Peter, 20.
---- 27, Leviticus, 212.
---- 28, Leviticus, 212.
HEBREWS VIII., 1, Mark, 446.
---- 3, Pastoral Epistles, 219.
---- 5, Exodus, 385;
Leviticus, 23;
Ephesians, 89.
---- 6, Leviticus, 198;
Galatians, 218.
---- 8-13, Galatians, 443.
HEBREWS IX., 1, Galatians, 246.
---- 4, Exodus, 377, 418.
---- 5, Exodus, 379.
---- 8, 9, Leviticus, 259, 260;
Ezekiel, 420.
---- 10, Jeremiah II., 359;
Galatians, 219.
---- 11, Leviticus, 187, 189, 198, 273.
---- 14, Luke, 381;
Ephesians, 370;
John Epistles, 114;
Revelation, 244.
---- 15, Galatians, 218;
Ephesians, 61.
---- 16-18, Galatians, 200.
---- 22, Leviticus, 139.
---- 23-26, Leviticus, 23, 189;
Ephesians, 89.
---- 24, Leviticus, 187.
--- 26, Leviticus, 272;
Galatians, 30;
Ephesians, 45;
Peter, 164.
---- 27, John Epistles, 214.
---- 28, Leviticus, 273, 512;
Romans, 314.
HEBREWS X., 1-18, Galatians, 226.
---- 4, 11, I. Kings, 216.
---- 5-10, Leviticus, 56, 120, 213;
Psalms II., 24.
---- 5-22, Ephesians, 370.
---- 8, Romans, 211.
---- 9, Leviticus, 154.
---- 10, Leviticus, 216, 272.
---- 11, Leviticus, 185.
---- 12, Exodus, 408.
---- 12, 13, Galatians, 30.
---- 19, 20, Leviticus, 187, 188, 214;
Ephesians, 369.
---- 20, Exodus, 376;
Mark, 376.
---- 22, Peter, 73.
---- 23, Pastoral Epistles, 287.
---- 26-29, Leviticus, 103;
Peter, 238.
---- 25, Peter, 336.
---- 26-31, Mark, 97.
---- 27, Leviticus, 559;
II. Kings, 18.
---- 31, Romans, 39.
---- 37, 38, Twelve Prophets II., 141;
Peter, 163;
Revelation, 341.
---- 26, Peter, 240.
---- 38, Galatians, 186.
---- 39, Ephesians, 60;
Revelation, 102.
HEBREWS XI., 3, Peter, 228.
---- 4, Genesis, 39.
---- 5, Genesis, 53.
---- 8, Genesis, 89.
---- 11, 12, Galatians, 206, 294.
---- 12, Daniel, 102.
---- 14, Genesis, 235.
---- 16, Ephesians, 89.
---- 17-19, Genesis, 198-211;
James, 156.
---- 20, Genesis, 268.
---- 22, Peter, 261.
---- 24, 25, Exodus, 85.
---- 26, Exodus, 35.
---- 27, Exodus, 369.
---- 29, Exodus, 214.
---- 30, Joshua, 138.
---- 31, James, 20, 163.
---- 32, Judges, 57.
---- 35, II. Kings, 201.
---- 37, Jeremiah I., 54.
---- 40, Pastoral Epistles, 327.
HEBREWS XII., 1, Pastoral Epistles, 328.
---- 3, Matthew, 158.
---- 5, 11, Ephesians, 385;
Pastoral Epistles, 75.
---- 10-13, Mark, 423.
---- 13, Chronicles, 306.
---- 14, Ezekiel, 420.
---- 16, Twelve Prophets II., 181, 350.
---- 18, Revelation, 265.
---- 18-25, Exodus, 278;
Galatians, 294;
Peter, 13.
---- 21, Exodus, 275, 331;
II. Corinthians, 304.
---- 22, Galatians, 295;
Ephesians, 89;
Revelation, 128, 241, 370.
---- 24, Leviticus, 141;
Galatians, 218.
---- 25, Pastoral Epistles, 303;
Revelation, 105.
---- 26, 27, Revelation, 195.
---- 27, Song of Solomon, 337.
---- 28, 29, Revelation, 69, 105.
---- 29, Song of Solomon, 143, 272;
Romans, 39.
HEBREWS XIII., 1, Peter, 56.
---- 2, John Epistles, 293.
---- 7, James, 36.
---- 8, Revelation, 2.
---- 9, Daniel, 165.
---- 11, 12, Exodus, 413;
Leviticus, 148.
---- 12, Ephesians, 370.
---- 13, II. Corinthians, 13;
Galatians, 297.
---- 16, I. Kings, 216;
Philippians, 362.
---- 17, James, 324;
John Epistles, 309.
---- 20, Romans, 125;
Galatians, 203.
HEBREW NATION, Birth of the, Exodus, 171.
---- Exodus of the, Exodus, 195-198.
---- Routes of the exodus, Exodus, 196.
HEBREWS, THE RACE, gradually trained, Genesis, 7.
---- oppressed, Exodus, 13-25.
HEBRON, Joshua, 345;
Judges, 15.
---- David reigns at, II. Samuel, 14-25.
HEFELE, Charles J., Councils, Acts II., 379;
James, 14.
HEGESIPPUS, Acts II., 241;
Pastoral Epistles, 6, 337;
James, 28, 36, 39, 374.
HEIFER, The red, Numbers, 217.
HEINE, Heinrich, Isaiah I., 158, 242, 413.
HEINRICI, Karl F. G., II. Corinthians, 95, 137, 199, 269.
HEIR, The word, Hebrews, 9.
HELENA, Empress, Acts I., 66;
II., 186.
HELIUS, Pastoral Epistles, 275, 427.
HELL, Proverbs, 59, 75;
Isaiah I., 338;
Twelve Prophets I., 353.
HELPERS, I. Samuel, 165.
HELPLESS, The, Care of, Leviticus, 399.
HENGSTENBERG, E. W., Psalms I., 210;
II., 143, 405, 418;
III., 50, 97, 104;
Daniel, 79, 83, 88, 91, 94, 101, 103, 106, 143;
Revelation, 372.
HENRY II., of England, Temper of, Proverbs, 206.
HERBERT, George, Jeremiah I., 409.
HERDER, J. G., Daniel, 35.
HEREDITY and guilt, Exodus, 300.
---- in the case of David, I. Samuel, 271.
---- Influence of, Genesis, 114, 417;
Exodus, 5;
Chronicles, 46-63.
HERESY and magic, Pastoral Epistles, 383.
---- Meaning in the New Testament, Pastoral Epistles, 296-299.
---- Teachers of, Pastoral Epistles, 53, 382;
Peter, 283-287.
HERMAS, Acts II., 434;
Pastoral Epistles, 108, 125;
James, 18, 20, 249;
Peter, 64.
HERMOGENES, Pastoral Epistles, 319-323.
HEROD THE GREAT, Matthew, 18;
Luke, 18;
Acts II., 102, 151, 166;
James, 328.
---- defied, Hebrews, 96.
HEROD ANTIPAS, Matthew, 188;
Mark, 170-176;
Luke, 270, 271;
Acts II., 30, 166.
HEROD AGRIPPA, Acts II., 95, 164, 168, 183-187.
HERODOTUS, quoted, Ecclesiastes, 150;
Isaiah II., 115;
Jeremiah I., 340;
II., 228, 229;
Ezekiel, 5, 373;
Daniel, 189.
---- on the defeat of Sennacherib, II. Kings, 345;
Isaiah I., 360.
---- on the Persians, Ecclesiastes, 46, 48.
---- on the Scythian invasion, II. Kings, 379.
HEROISM demanded in the church, Exodus, 107.
---- The place of, Judges, 58.
---- rare, Judges, 149;
Isaiah II., 173.
---- Worship of, Jeremiah I., 239.
HERZOG, J. J., EncyclopÆdia, Acts I., 137, 181, 278.
HEUZEY, Leon, Mission Archaeol, Acts II., 274, 281.
HEXAMETER in James Epistles, James, 96.
HEZEKIAH abolishes High Places, Jeremiah II., 19.
---- and Assyria, II. Kings, 319-350.
---- and Merodach-Baladan, II. Kings, 314.
--- Reign of, Deuteronomy, 39;
II. Kings, 287-304;
Chronicles, 427-440.
---- Sickness of, II. Kings, 305-318;
Isaiah I., 375-388.
---- succeeded by Hezekiah, II. Kings, 351.
HIERARCHY, Establishment of the, Numbers, 208.
HIEROCRACY, Numbers, 6, 363, 403.
HIGH PRIEST, The, Exodus, 378.
---- Christ our, Mark, 445, 446;
Hebrews, 68-79.
---- Death of, Numbers, 404.
---- Eleazar installed, Numbers, 241.
---- Jesus Christ, Leviticus, 62, 183.
---- Memory of, Numbers, 403.
---- Purified, Exodus, 415.
---- Results from Christ being, Hebrews, 182-195.
II. Kings, 476-486.
HILARY, Acts II., 84.
HILGENFELD, Adolf, James, 49, 375, 399, 423.
HILKIAH finds the book of the law, II. Kings, 386-401.
HILLEL, Rabbi, Ecclesiastes, 294.
HINTON, James, Isaiah II., 355.
HIPPOLYTUS, Acts I., vii.;
Pastoral Epistles, 128;
James, 20, 367.
HIRAM, King of Tyre, Acts II., 183.
---- and Solomon, I. Kings, 152, 231.
---- a friend of David, II. Samuel, 78.
HIRELINGS, Leviticus, 179.
HISTORY fails in accuracy, Chronicles, 119.
---- God in, Exodus, 6-13;
Deuteronomy, 50;
I. Kings, 39-45, 284;
Isaiah II., 87, 100, 106, 160.
---- Imagination in writing, Acts I., 128.
---- Lessons of, I. Kings, 50-57;
II. Kings, 481.
---- a philosophy, Isaiah I., 251-257.
---- Religion of, Ezra, 295-306.
---- strewn with errors, Isaiah II., 150.
---- Value of the study of, Ezra, 320.
---- with a purpose, I. Kings, 46-49.
HISTORY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, Naturalistic method with the, Joshua, 2-3.
---- Supernatural method with the, Joshua, 4.
HITTITES, Joshua, 56;
Judges, 65-67.
HITZIG, Ferdinand, Psalms I., 59, 101, 329;
II., 59, 75, 77, 106, 210, 353;
III., 120, 201;
Isaiah II., 211, 348, 435;
Jeremiah I., 3, 6, 9, 80, 94, 98, 121, 192, 223, 259, 261, 269, 271, 272, 301, 346, 347, 348;
Ezekiel, 72, 242, 374;
Daniel, 28;
Twelve Prophets II., 65, 86, 123, 135, 238, 451, 498, 512;
Pastoral Epistles, 9, 407.
HOBAB THE KENITE, Numbers, 104.
---- his influence, Numbers, 201.
---- refuses to join Israel, Numbers, 109.
---- Second appeal to, Numbers, 111.
HOFMANN, A. G., II. Corinthians, 65, 95, 215;
Galatians, 148, 295;
Ephesians, 17, 33, 194, 417;
Hebrews, 44;
James, 399, 407, 410, 438.
HOGARTH, D. G., Acts II., 261.
HOGARTH, William, The artist, Ecclesiastes, 31.
HOKHMA, Job, 9, 16.
HOLINESS, Building up in, James, 455.
---- by the spirit, Romans, 218-230.
---- Call to, Peter, 45.
---- Chastity, Leviticus, 379-390.
---- The cost of, Genesis, 66.
---- eventually supreme, I. Corinthians, 133.
---- Greeks had no idea of, Deuteronomy, 100.
---- Idea of, Numbers, 46.
---- in eating, Leviticus, 367-378.
---- Justification and, Romans, 156-186.
---- Law of, Leviticus, 379-417.
---- Law of priestly, Leviticus, 432-446.
---- Meaning of, Exodus, 223.
---- of God, I. Samuel, 27;
Isaiah I., 67.
---- Penal sanctions, Leviticus, 418-431.
---- Separation and, Ezekiel, 419.
---- the will of God, Thessalonians, 139, 140, 256-258.
HOLLISTER, John, Lieut., Increase in family of, Exodus, 3.
HOLSTEN, Lucas, Galatians, 122.
HOLTZMANN, Heinrich Julius, II. Corinthians, 1;
Ephesians, 10;
James, 60.
HOLY GHOST, Isaiah I., 185-188;
Thessalonians, 233-250;
Hebrews, 152, 306.
---- and ordination, Acts II., 414.
---- Anointing of the, Leviticus, 202.
---- convinces of sin, II. Samuel, 175.
---- Fruit of the, Galatians, 375-389.
---- Holiness by the, Romans, 218-230.
---- Justified life by the, Romans, 203-217.
---- Manifestations of the, Acts I., 89-106.
---- New wine of the, Ephesians, 336-350.
---- outpoured, Isaiah I., 268-270;
Twelve Prophets II., 422-430.
---- Partaking of, Hebrews, 91.
---- promised, Joshua, 127;
John II., 161-171, 207-225.
---- Sin against the, Hebrews, 95.
---- the transfiguring spirit, II. Corinthians, 127-143.
HOLY PLACE, Symbolism of the, Numbers, 79.
HOLYOAKE, Mr., I. Corinthians, 9.
HOME, Influences of the, Proverbs, 62-64.
---- Religion in the, John II., 330.
HOMEBORN, The, Numbers, 181.
HONESTY, I. Samuel, 188;
Proverbs, 224.
HOOK, Dean W. F., Acts I., 381.
HOOKER, Richard, Ephesians, 379;
Pastoral Epistles, 285, 286;
James, 43, 65, 320, 339, 407, 452, 453;
John Epistles, 228.
---- Discourse of Justification, Romans, 34.
---- Ecclesiastical Policy, Acts II., 29, 74, 238, 396, 419.
---- Perpetuity of faith in the elect, Romans, 306.
HOPE, Colossians, 26, 129, 130.
---- as a motive power, Pastoral Epistles, 259-269.
---- The Christian, II. Corinthians, 173-185.
---- for the church, Psalms, 115.
---- The God of, Romans, 404.
---- of faith, Hebrews, 276.
---- of Job, Job, 210.
---- Ours in God, Ephesians, 71.
---- Patience of, Thessalonians, 30-33.
---- a spiritual thing, Judges, 322.
HOPHNI and Phinehas, Evil example of, I. Samuel, 50.
---- slain, I. Samuel, 69.
---- take the ark to battle, I. Samuel, 63.
HOR, Mount, Numbers, 234.
HORACE, Ecclesiastes, 115, 185;
Daniel, 139;
Acts II., 276;
James, 266.
HOREB, The Mount of God, I. Kings, 426.
HORNEJUS, James, 222.
HORSES of Solomon, I. Kings, 147.
HORT, F. J. A., Thessalonians, 288.
---- See WESTCOTT and HORT.
HOSEA, The prophet, II. Kings, 203-208;
Twelve Prophets I., 212 sq.
---- a prophet of love, Twelve Prophets I., 233.
HOSEA, The Book, Twelve Prophets I., 211-354.
---- Authenticity of, Twelve Prophets I., 223.
---- Story of the prodigal wife, Twelve Prophets I., 232-252.
---- The text, Twelve Prophets I., 220-223.
HOSEA I., 4, II. Kings, 39, 130, 140.
---- 5, II. Kings, 239.
---- 10, Romans, 256;
Peter, 77.
HOSEA II., Joshua, 161, 162.
---- 2, Song of Solomon, 45;
Ezekiel, 314;
James, 227.
---- 6, Proverbs, 39.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 98.
---- 8, II. Corinthians, 352.
---- 11, Jeremiah I., 370.
---- 14, 15, Ezekiel, 185.
---- 15, Joshua, 187;
Jeremiah I., 77.
---- 16, Mark, 63.
---- 18, Jeremiah II., 347;
Ezekiel, 313.
---- 19, Deuteronomy, 405;
Twelve Prophets II., 56;
Revelation, 321.
---- 19, 20, Mark, 62.
---- 22, Twelve Prophets II., 140.
---- 23, Jeremiah II., 340;
Twelve Prophets II., 327;
Romans, 256; Peter, 77.
HOSEA III., 3, Song of Solomon, 45.
---- 4, II. Kings, 255, 290.
---- 5, II. Kings, 201;
Chronicles, 144;
Ezekiel, 313, 314.
HOSEA IV., 1, 2, Jeremiah II., 276.
---- 3, Jeremiah I., 164.
---- 4, II. Kings, 212, 236.
---- 6, Ezekiel, 440.
---- 8, I. Kings, 205.
---- 15, II. Kings, 20, 204.
---- 16, Jeremiah I., 95.
HOSEA V., 1, II. Kings, 236.
---- 11-13, II. Kings, 225.
---- 13, II. Kings, 204;
Mark, 60.
HOSEA VI., 1, Jeremiah II., 233.
---- 1, 7, Jeremiah I., 407.
---- 2, 3, Revelation, 78.
---- 4, Jeremiah II., 152.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 207;
Mark, 59.
---- 7, Jeremiah II., 288, 347.
---- 9, II. Kings, 205, 236;
Jeremiah II., 284.
---- 13, Jeremiah I., 107.
HOSEA VII., 2-7, II. Kings, 206, 207.
---- 8-12, II. Kings, 225.
---- 9, 10, II. Kings, 233.
---- 11, II. Kings, 204.
HOSEA VIII., 1, Jeremiah II., 288, 347.
---- 4, Psalms II., 132.
---- 5, II. Kings, 232.
---- 9, II. Kings, 204, 225.
HOSEA IX., 2, Twelve Prophets II., 247.
---- 3, 4, Ezekiel, 63, 323;
Daniel, 130.
---- 3-6, II. Kings, 204.
---- 3, 12, 17, II. Kings, 237.
---- 7-9, Jeremiah II., 283, 299.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 131.
---- 15, Jeremiah I., 88.
HOSEA X., 1, Ezekiel, 128.
---- 5, II. Kings, 232, 388.
---- 10, II. Kings, 236.
---- 13, 14, II. Kings, 204.
---- 14, II. Kings, 142, 222.
HOSEA XI., 1, Isaiah II., 268;
Jeremiah I., 77, 126.
---- 4, Jeremiah II., 331.
---- 5, II. Kings, 204.
---- 8, Jeremiah II., 330.
---- 8-11, II. Kings, 237.
---- 9, II. Kings, 246;
Isaiah I., 64;
II., 137;
Jeremiah II., 330.
HOSEA XII., 1, II. Kings, 204.
---- 4, Jeremiah I., 192.
---- 7, I. Kings, 233;
II. Kings, 192.
HOSEA XIII., 7-11, II. Kings, 240.
---- 9, Peter, 309.
---- 14, Ephesians, 62.
---- 16, II. Kings, 142, 221.
HOSEA XIV., Jeremiah II., 330.
---- 1, 4, Jeremiah I., 130.
---- 3, II. Kings, 204;
Peter, 72.
---- 5, Ezekiel, 363.
HOSHEA, King of Israel, II. Kings, 235-247.
HOSPITALITY, Duty of, Genesis, 174.
---- its beauty and reward, Genesis, 173.
---- lacking in Bethlehem, Genesis, 175.
---- without murmuring, Peter, 169.
HOURS, Canonical, Acts II., 122.
HOUSE OF GOD, The, a refuge, I. Samuel, 6.
HOW, Song of Solomon, 67-69.
HOWARD, John, Acts I., 291.
HUGO, Victor, Isaiah I., 7;
John Epistles, 94.
HUMAN NATURE, the same, Jeremiah I., 193.
HUMAN PROGRESS, Isaiah I., 259.
HUMANITARIAN relief, Exodus, 33;
John Epistles, 195.
HUMBOLDT, Alexander von, Cosmos, John Epistles, 137.
HUMILIATION of Christ, Hebrews, 37, 44.
HUMILITY and pride, Proverbs, 44, 127, 179-190.
---- Be clothed with, Peter, 213-222.
---- False, Philippians, 92.
---- Love and, Galatians, 377, 378.
---- of Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 44.
---- of the soul, Colossians, 309, 310.
HUNGER, Temptation of, Matthew, 44.
HUPFIELD, Hermann, Psalms I., 6, 21, 59, 179, 205, 206, 263, 274, 286, 321, 363;
II., 59, 75, 106, 107, 117, 168, 184, 186, 190, 234, 260, 274, 307, 377, 381, 405, 424, 427, 445, 471, 490;
III., 4, 20, 44, 52, 65, 103, 120, 188, 222, 242, 372, 401, 414, 442, 457.
HURD, Bp. Richard, Jeremiah I., 409.
HUSBAND and wife, Colossians, 336-340;
Peter, 107-118.
---- of one wife, Pastoral Epistles, 118.
HUSBANDMAN as a type of the Christian, Pastoral Epistles, 350-352.
HUSHAI, The Archite, II. Samuel, 237.
---- Counsel of, II. Samuel, 253.
HUSS, John, persecuted, I. Kings, 422.
HUTCHINSON, Colonel, The Puritan, Deuteronomy, 190-191.
HUTHER, J. E., John Epistles, 58.
HUTTON, R. H., James, 95, 387.
HUXLEY, Professor T. H., Pastoral Epistles, 173.
---- and the necessity of grace, Deuteronomy, 236, 237.
---- and righteousness indeed, Deuteronomy, 165.
---- Evolution and creation, Genesis, 10.
HUXTABLE, Prebendary Edgar, Galatians, 121, 306.
HYMENAEUS, Punishment of, Pastoral Epistles, 74-76, 373.
HYMNS, Ancient Christian, Pastoral Epistles, 134.
---- See PSALMODY.
HYPAEPA, Acts II., 31.
HYPNOTISM, Dr. A. Moll on, Acts I., 100, 123, 230, 360.
HYPOCRISY, Genesis, 281, 401;
Proverbs, 85;
Peter, 63.
---- Corruption of worship by, Psalms II., 122.
---- Danger of, Numbers, 281.
---- in the early church, Acts I., 227.
---- of Absalom, II. Samuel, 222.
---- of Scribes and Pharisees, Matthew, 334.
HYRCANUS, Acts I., 125;
II., 31.
IBLEAM, Joshua, 303.
ICHABOD born, I. Samuel, 70.
ICONIUM, Acts II., 199, 260.
IDEAL, The Christians, Peter, 41-54.
---- The lofty, perilous unless applied, John Epistles, 188-203.
IDEALISM, Job, 65, 79.
---- of Ezra, Ezra, 160.
---- of Isaiah, Isaiah I., 25-27.
IDLENESS, Proverbs, 262-274.
---- not religion, Exodus, 93.
IDOLATRY, Job, 333;
Isaiah II., 91, 94-97, 116, 152, 177;
Jeremiah II., 283-294;
Galatians, 366.
---- and the worship of God, Jeremiah I., 215-247.
---- forbidden, Exodus, 295-302.
---- Laws against, Deuteronomy, 277-294.
---- Modern, Judges, 81.
---- of Ahaz, II. Kings, 274.
---- of Amaziah, II. Kings, 173.
---- of Israel, Judges, 230;
I. Samuel, 88;
II. Kings, 249;
Ezekiel, 172-188.
---- of Jeroboam, I. Kings, 287.
---- of Manassah, Deuteronomy, 121;
II. Kings, 360-363.
---- punished, Leviticus, 425;
Judges, 51.
---- Zephaniah denounces, II. Kings, 375.
IDUMAEA, Religion of, Job, 25.
IGNATIUS, Pastoral Epistles, 5, 10, 33, 69, 113, 114, 378;
Hebrews, 76;
James, 3, 130, 212, 279, 429;
Peter, 263;
John Epistles, 45, 52, 65, 66, 273.
ILLUMINATION, Gift of, Hebrews, 93.
IMAGE of God's substance, Hebrews, 13.
---- Use of the word, Hebrews, 176.
IMAGE-WORSHIP, Leviticus, 444; Deuteronomy, 78, 256.
IMAGINATION, nature's highest gift, Hebrews, 4.
IMMANUEL, Isaiah I., 102, 115, 124 sq., 133 sq.;
Matthew, 10, 11.
IMMER, A., Pastoral Epistles, 9, 407.
IMMORTALITY, Exodus, 50;
Isaiah I., 385, 394, 397, 410, 444-452.
---- and the "Tree of Life," Genesis, 19.
---- Christ and, John I., 365.
---- Conviction of, Psalms I., 141.
---- Principle of, Job, 240.
IMPOTENCE confessed, Numbers, 285.
IMPRISONMENT of Paul, Pastoral Epistles, 13, 24, 28, 362, 401.
---- of Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 24.
IMPULSES not accidents, Exodus, 37.
INCARNATION and reconciliation, Colossians, 96-99.
---- and the tabernacle, Exodus, 375.
---- the crown of creation, Genesis, 13.
---- Delay of, Acts II., 99.
---- Models of, Luke, 49.
---- a necessity, Luke, 48.
---- not incredible, Matthew, 8.
---- of Christ, John I., 3-17;
Philippians, 112-127;
Pastoral Epistles, 44, 353, 363, 389;
Hebrews, 45 sq.
---- O. T. prophesies of, Isaiah II., 135, 141.
INCENSE, Altar of, Hebrews, 151.
---- in the tabernacle, Exodus, 417-419, 423.
INCEST, Leviticus, 381.
---- at Corinth, Pastoral Epistles, 73, 265.
INDEPENDENCE, Charity and, Thessalonians, 151-168.
INDICH, Acts I., 415.
INDIVIDUAL, and the community, Isaiah I., 389.
---- conviction, I. Samuel, 226.
---- effort, I. Samuel, 227.
---- Importance of the, Exodus, 26.
---- instruments in God's hands, I. Samuel, 228.
---- man, Isaiah II., 41-43.
---- Providence to the, Exodus, 66.
---- Religion of the, Ezekiel, 143-158.
INDIVIDUALISM, Hebrews, 141.
INDRA, Drunkenness of, Proverbs, 279.
INDUSTRY commended, Thessalonians, 377-381.
---- A life of quiet, Thessalonians, 160-165.
INFIDELITY, Psalms I., 125.
---- A cause of, Job, 115.
---- prayerless, Psalms I., 128.
INFLUENCE depends on our standing, Judges, 15.
---- of friendship, Proverbs, 230-233.
---- of the home, Proverbs, 58.
---- of music, I. Samuel, 275.
---- of women, I. Corinthians, 252.
---- Wrong, Joshua, 336.
INHERITANCE, The Christian, Colossians, 56-61.
---- The heavenly, Peter, 17-28.
INIQUITY of the priesthood, Numbers, 214.
---- of the tabernacle, Numbers, 212.
INNOCENCE and virtue, Philippians, 144.
---- in the home, II. Samuel, 194.
---- The law defines, Exodus, 281.
---- of circumstance, Genesis, 19;
Exodus, 9.
---- suffering with the guilty, Genesis, 348.
INSCRIPTIONS on the Temple wall, Acts II., 428.
INSINCERITY, Numbers, 270;
Song of Solomon, 164.
INSPIRATION, Numbers, 13;
Isaiah I., 123, 213, 372;
Luke, 2, 12;
James, 298, 344, 405, 424.
---- claimed by Elihu, Job, 342.
---- Doubtful readings and verbal, James, 401-406.
---- the need of the hour, Ezra, 209.
---- of the author of Job, Job, 32, 33.
---- of Moses, Numbers, 144.
---- Poetic, Psalms II., 66.
---- of prophets, Numbers, 143.
---- of the Psalmist, Psalms II., 102.
---- of Scripture, Pastoral Epistles, 381, 393-396.
---- verbal, II. Kings, 476.
INTEGRITY of Job, Job, 72-75.
INTERCESSION, Pastoral Epistles, 83, 86, 326;
James, 325-342.
---- mutual, Thessalonians, 359-374.
INTOLERANCE, Moral, Judges, 354.
INTROSPECTION, Hebrews, 105.
INVESTITURE of Hebrew priests, Leviticus, 191.
IRENAEUS, Acts I., 13, 121, 276, 286;
II., 416-418;
Pastoral Epistles, 6, 112, 113, 294, 338,
373, 415;
James, 4, 20, 434, 438, 444;
Peter, vi.;
John Epistles, 12, 43, 287.
IRENARCH, Acts II., 216.
IRISH ACADEMY, Royal, Acts II., 89.
IRRESOLUTE, The, Numbers, 107.
IRVING, Edward, Song of Solomon, 283;
Acts I., 198.
ISAAC and the fraud of Jacob, Genesis, 267-278.
---- and Ishmael, Genesis, 212-225.
---- Blessing of, Hebrews, 102, 259.
---- born, Genesis, 168.
---- called Wordsworth of the Old Testament, Genesis, 255.
---- Death of, Genesis, 318.
---- Marriage of, Genesis, 240-253.
---- Patience of, Genesis, 242.
---- Resurrection of, Hebrews, 228.
---- Sacrifice of, Genesis, 198-211.
---- Sons of, Genesis, 254-266.
ISAIAH, Numbers, 213.

---- and Ahaz, II. Kings, 265-272.
---- and xl.-lxvi., Isaiah II., 23, 24.
---- and Hezekiah, II. Kings, 287-350.
---- and Moses, Numbers, 146.
---- apprenticeship, Isaiah I., 19.
---- Call and consecration of, Isaiah I., 57 sq.
---- compared with Cromwell, Isaiah I., 160 sq., 220.
---- compared with Job, Job, 10.
---- compared with Mazzini, Isaiah I., 85-87.
---- compared with Moses, Isaiah I., 88.
---- contrasted with crusaders, Isaiah I., 367.
---- contribution to the religious development of Israel, Isaiah I., 101, 284, 288.
---- Death of, Deuteronomy, 43.
---- Ezekiel and, Ezekiel, 35-38.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 261.
---- habit of appealing to the people, Isaiah I., 119.
---- his prophesies of exile, Isaiah II., 23, 29.
---- his reception, Deuteronomy, 39.
---- Humanity of, Isaiah I., 285, 294.
---- Ideal of, Isaiah I., 392.
---- an idealist, Isaiah I., 25.
---- Imagination and conscience of, Isaiah I., 335.
---- Inspiration of, Isaiah I., 213, 372.
---- lesson for all time, Isaiah I., 366.
---- no fatalist, Isaiah I., 110.
---- Patriotism of, Isaiah I., 30 sq.
---- Personal religion of, Isaiah I., 391.
---- Personality of, Isaiah I., 75 sq., 253.
---- a prophet, Isaiah I., 30.
---- a realist, Isaiah I., 27.
---- regard for animals, Isaiah I., 190.
---- Sanity of, Isaiah I., 109, 154 sq., 166, 300.
---- Satire of, Isaiah I., 29, 139, 156.
---- saved from the popular drift, Isaiah I., 121.
---- Scorn of, Isaiah I., 127.
---- Self-control of, Isaiah I., 166.
---- a son of Jerusalem, Isaiah I., 22.
---- Style of, Isaiah I., 281.
---- Threefold vision, Isaiah I., 23-25.
---- Triumph of, Isaiah I., 323 sq.
---- use of the word righteousness, Isaiah II., 216-218.
---- walks stripped for a sign, Isaiah I., 199.
---- working of his imagination, Isaiah I., 234.
---- youth, Isaiah I., 21, 59.
ISAIAH, The Book, Isaiah I., i-xv.;
II., i-xvi.
---- Chronology, Isaiah I., 1; II., 1.
---- composite, Isaiah II., 4, 5.
---- Date of, xl-lxvi, Isaiah II., 2-25, 65-68, 112, 146, 212, 223, 233-235, 290, 313.
---- Post exilic elements in xl-lxvi, Isaiah II., 18, 414, 458, 465.
---- Pre-exilic elements in xl-lxvi, Isaiah II., 18-20, 409.
---- Unity of, xl-lxvi, Isaiah II., 18, 21, 212, 222, 234, 314, 336, 409, 441, 446.
ISAIAH I., 3, Ezra, 207.
---- 5, 6, Psalms I., 379.
---- 6, James, 67, 328.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 79.
---- 9, Romans, 257.
---- 10, 21, Revelation, 184, 292.
---- 10-17, II. Kings, 215;
Song of Solomon, 118.
---- 11-16, I. Kings, 213;
Jeremiah I., 259, 370.
---- 13, Jeremiah I., 298, 368.
---- 13, Revelation, 174.
---- 14, Galatians, 266.
---- 15, Proverbs, 26;
Jeremiah I., 158.
---- 18, Jeremiah I., 96.
---- 19, 20, II. Kings, 348;
Jeremiah I., 82.
---- 26, Jeremiah I., 120.
ISAIAH II., 2, Jeremiah I., 123;
Daniel, 161;
Matthew, 67;
Peter, 33.
---- 2-4, II. Kings, 263;
Jeremiah II., 107;
Ezekiel, 221.
---- 3, Proverbs, 374;
Jeremiah I., 85.
---- 19, Revelation, 106.
ISAIAH III., 1-12, II. Kings, 261.
---- 4, II. Kings, 260;
James, 447.
---- 10, I. Kings, 119.
---- 16, II. Kings, 263.
---- 18-23, Peter, 111.
---- 23, Twelve Prophets II., 294.
---- 26, Jeremiah I., 293.
ISAIAH IV., 1, Jeremiah I., 158.
---- 2, Chronicles, 144;
Jeremiah II., 324;
Twelve Prophets II., 293.
---- 4, Leviticus, 190.
---- 6, Psalms I., 263.
---- 11, Deuteronomy, 430.
ISAIAH V., 1, Jeremiah I., 95;
Ezekiel, 128.
---- 7, II. Kings, 263.
---- 25, Jeremiah I., 116.
---- 26, Daniel, 67.
---- 26-29, II. Kings, 223, 347;
Daniel, 258.
---- 30, Jeremiah I., 293.
ISAIAH VI., 1, 3, Ephesians, 93.
---- 3, Psalms III., 71;
Revelation, 67.
---- 4, Revelation, 264.
---- 5, Revelation, 17.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 230;
Daniel, 262.
---- 7, Luke, 96;
Romans, 15.
---- 13, Jeremiah I., 120;
Ezekiel, 65.
ISAIAH VII., 1-25, II. Kings, 270.
---- 6, Daniel, 200.
---- 8, Jeremiah I., 305;
---- 9, Chronicles, 95.
---- 15, Twelve Prophets I., 322.
---- 17, Chronicles, 355.
---- 18, II. Kings, 347;
Daniel, 67.
ISAIAH VIII., 1, Twelve Prophets I., 58;
II., 266.
---- 2, Chronicles, 201;
Twelve Prophets II., 265.
---- 3, II. Kings, 387.
---- 5-8, Revelation, 151.
---- 6, 7, II. Kings, 229;
Psalms II., 82;
Ezekiel, 484.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 93;
Daniel, 238.
---- 12, 13, Jeremiah I., 228;
Peter, 125.
---- 14, Romans, 258;
Peter, 75.
---- 16-18, Ezekiel, 54.
---- 18, II. Kings, 264;
Hebrews, 40.
---- 19, Leviticus, 411.
---- 20, Jeremiah I., 293.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 230.
ISAIAH IX., 2, Psalms III., 163.
---- 3, Psalms II., 436.
---- 5, Romans, 263.
---- 6, II. Samuel, 120.
---- 7, Chronicles, 143.
---- 8-17, II. Kings, 232.
---- 10, Twelve Prophets I., 33, 41, 68.
---- 11-16, II. Kings, 233.
ISAIAH X., 2, Ezekiel, 312.
---- 5-34, Ezekiel, 372.
---- 7, Ezekiel, 370.
---- 8, II. Kings, 225.
---- 10, 12, Peter, 88.
---- 11, II. Kings, 291.
---- 14, II. Kings, 301.
---- 18, Jeremiah I., 82.
---- 22, 23, Romans, 256.
---- 28, Twelve Prophets I., 379.
---- 28-32, Joshua, 319;
II. Kings, 300.
---- 33, 34, II. Kings, 340, 348;
Daniel, 219.
ISAIAH XI., 1, II. Kings, 340;
Chronicles, 144;
Jeremiah II., 324;
Twelve Prophets II., 293;
Luke, 52;
Revelation, 78, 385.
---- 4, Twelve Prophets II., 154.
---- 5, Twelve Prophets II., 140.
---- 10, Romans, 401;
Revelation, 270.
---- 10-16, Jeremiah II., 329.
---- 12, Jeremiah I., 125.
---- 13, Jeremiah II., 343;
Ezekiel, 314.
ISAIAH XII., 3, Peter, 314;
Revelation, 126.
ISAIAH XIII., 3, Jeremiah I., 68.
---- 6, Peter, 327.
---- 9, 10, Revelation, 106.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 227.
---- 11-16, II. Kings, 142.
---- 13, I. Kings, 440.
---- 16, II. Kings, 222;
Psalms III., 374.
---- 19, II. Kings, 315.
---- 19-22, Revelation, 304.
ISAIAH XIV., 3, Twelve Prophets II., 150.
---- 4, II. Kings, 315;
Daniel, 153;
Song of Solomon, 66.
---- 8, II. Kings, 340.
---- 9, Daniel, 256.
---- 12, Revelation, 142.
---- 14, Psalms I., 67.
---- 16, Ecclesiastes, 42.
---- 18, Twelve Prophets II., 112.
---- 18-20, Ezekiel, 277.
---- 22, John Epistles, 183.
---- 29, II. Kings, 210, 347.
---- 30, John Epistles, 183.
---- 31, Jeremiah II., 299.
ISAIAH XV., 1, 2, II. Kings, 190.
---- 5, Jeremiah II., 234.
---- 7, II. Kings, 191.
---- 9, John Epistles, 183.
ISAIAH XVI., 5, Chronicles, 143.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 171;
II., 239;
Ezekiel, 226;
Peter, 360.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 82.
ISAIAH XVII., 6, Revelation, 58.
---- 12-14, Ezekiel, 372;
Daniel, 238;
Twelve Prophets II., 289.
ISAIAH XIX., 4, II. Kings, 343.
---- 5, Job, 10.
---- 13, Job, 10.
---- 14, 15, Jeremiah I., 292.
---- 19, Twelve Prophets I., 369.
---- 24, 25, II. Kings, 350.
---- 25, Jeremiah II., 228.
ISAIAH XX., 1, II. Kings, 331.
---- 2, 3, II. Kings, 79.
ISAIAH XXI., 2, Daniel, 219.
ISAIAH XXII., 1-13, II. Kings, 333.
---- 5, Twelve Prophets I., 429.
---- 11, Jeremiah I., 68.
---- 12, 13, James, 284.
---- 15, I. Kings, 143.
---- 17, 18, II. Kings, 298.
---- 21, 22, II. Kings, 335;
Revelation, 16, 59.
ISAIAH XXIII., 8, Ezekiel, 232.
---- 13, Daniel, 49.
---- 17, Twelve Prophets I., 367.
ISAIAH XXIV., 10, Revelation, 308.
---- 19, Peter, 356.
---- 21, Daniel, 202;
Twelve Prophets II., 316.
---- 23, Revelation, 56, 359.
ISAIAH XXV., 2, Twelve Prophets I., 33.
---- 7, Acts I., 97.
---- 3, Ephesians, 62;
Revelation, 128.
ISAIAH XXVI., 1, Revelation, 365.
---- 2, Psalms III., 238.
---- 4, Peter, 70.
---- 9, Daniel, 184.
---- 11, II. Kings, 18.
---- 13, Jeremiah I., 119.
---- 19, Ezekiel, 350;
Ephesians, 335.
ISAIAH XXVII., 1, Twelve Prophets II., 504.
---- 9, Romans, 308.
ISAIAH XXVIII., 1, Joshua, 301;
Jeremiah I., 294.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 292.
---- 7-13, II. Kings, 302, 303.
---- 16, Daniel, 161;
Romans, 258, 269;
Peter, 73.
---- 23-29, Proverbs, 218.
---- 29, Job, 10.
ISAIAH XXIX., 4, Jeremiah II., 226.
---- 5-8, II. Kings, 348.
---- 6, I. Kings, 440.
---- 10, Romans, 289.
---- 11, II. Kings, 291.
---- 13, 14, I. Kings, 220;
Jeremiah I., 265;
Colossians, 250.
---- 16, Psalms III., 107.
---- 17, Jeremiah I., 82.
ISAIAH XXX., 1, Jeremiah I., 92.
---- 1-7, II. Kings, 301;
Jeremiah I., 106.
---- 3, Chronicles, 355.
---- 4, Daniel, 68.
---- 9, 22, II. Kings, 291.
---- 14, Jeremiah I., 291.
---- 20-33, II. Kings, 348.
---- 26, Daniel, 178.
---- 28, II. Kings, 340.
---- 29, Peter, 70.
---- 32, Twelve Prophets II., 154.
---- 33, Jeremiah I., 401.
ISAIAH XXXI., 1, Chronicles, 355;
Jeremiah I., 231.
ISAIAH XXXII., 1, Jeremiah I., 190;
Ezekiel, 308.
---- 15, Ezekiel, 363.
---- 17, Jeremiah I., 181.
---- 18, Revelation, 91.
ISAIAH XXXIII., 1, James, 276.
---- 3, II. Kings, 342.
---- 8, II. Kings, 331, 336.
---- 9, Acts I., 408.
---- 13-16, Psalms I., 138.
---- 14, Exodus, 374.
---- 16-21, Jeremiah II., 328.
---- 18, II. Kings, 342.
---- 21, Psalms II., 80.
---- 22, II. Kings, 399-401.
ISAIAH XXXIV., 2, 4, Revelation, 106.
---- 4, Peter, 339, 356.
ISAIAH XXXV., 2, Psalms III., 63.
---- 7, Psalms III., 167.
---- 8, Ecclesiastes, 104.
---- 10, Revelation, 240.
ISAIAH XXXVI., 1, 2, Jeremiah I., 293.
---- 4, Daniel, 153.
---- 6, Song of Solomon, 292;
Ezekiel, 265.
---- 7, Jeremiah II., 18.
---- 20, Daniel, 175.
ISAIAH XXXVII., 2, II. Kings, 299.
---- 8, Joshua, 296.
---- 24, 25, Chronicles, 144;
Twelve Prophets I., 437.
---- 26, Jeremiah I., 68.
---- 29, Twelve Prophets I., 148;
II., 285.
---- 31, Jeremiah I., 120.
---- 33, Jeremiah I., 331.
---- 34, Jeremiah I., 293.
---- 35, Chronicles, 143.
ISAIAH XXXVIII., 5, Chronicles, 143.
---- 6, II. Kings, 349.
---- 10-20, II. Kings, 307, 313.
---- 12, James, 199.
---- 17, I. Kings, 52;
Peter, 152.
---- 18, 19, Psalms I., 287;
III., 220.
ISAIAH XXXIX., 7, Daniel, 9, 127.
ISAIAH XL., 2, Psalms II., 453;
Jeremiah I., 118, 342.
---- 5, Psalms III., 63.
---- 6-8, James, 59, 85;
Peter, 59;
John Epistles, 154.
---- 13, Romans, 317.
---- 15, II. Kings, 350;
Daniel, 202.
---- 17, Jeremiah I., 230.
---- 19-24, Jeremiah I., 223.
---- 20, Jeremiah I., 232.
---- 22, Job, 11.
---- 25, Revelation, 223.
---- 26-29, Psalms III., 443;
Daniel, 202;
Revelation, 124.
---- 27, Jeremiah I., 146.
---- 31, Peter, 195;
Revelation, 211.
ISAIAH XLI., 2, Revelation, 89.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 223.
---- 8, Romans, 104;
Galatians, 186.
---- 14, II. Kings, 246;
Psalms I., 215;
Song of Solomon, 261.
---- 15, Daniel, 153.
---- 18, Psalms III., 167.
---- 23, Jeremiah I., 229.
---- 24, Jeremiah I., 230.
ISAIAH XLII., 1, Song of Solomon, 160.
---- 2, 3, I. Kings, 397.
---- 3, Galatians, 395.
---- 7, Psalms III., 163.
---- 17, Psalms III., 64.
---- 18, Jeremiah II., 273.
---- 21, Leviticus, 173.
---- 25, II. Samuel, 328.
ISAIAH XLIII., 2, 3, Daniel, 52, 219.
---- 8, Jeremiah II., 273.
---- 14, Ecclesiastes, 41.
---- 25, Proverbs, 371;
Hebrews, 146.
ISAIAH XLIV., 2, Daniel, 180.
---- 5, Galatians, 456.
---- 8-20, Jeremiah I., 223.
---- 9, Psalms II., 132;
III., 64, 217;
Daniel, 170.
---- 11, Twelve Prophets I., 259.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets II., 287.
---- 15-17, Exodus, 296.
---- 17, Jeremiah I., 175.
---- 23, Psalms III., 70.
---- 24, Psalms III., 98;
Jeremiah, 67.
---- 28, Ezra, 27;
Ecclesiastes, 43;
Twelve Prophets II., 206.
ISAIAH XLV., 1, Ecclesiastes, 43;
Twelve Prophets II., 206.
---- 2, Psalms III., 163.
---- 7, Chronicles, 288.
---- 13, Jeremiah II., 165.
---- 15, Revelation, 195.
---- 23, Romans, 385.
ISAIAH XLVI., 1, Ecclesiastes, 62.
---- 3, 5, Revelation, 223.
---- 5-7, Jeremiah I., 223.
---- 6, Daniel, 164.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 93, 218.
ISAIAH XLVII., 1-3, Jeremiah I., 296.
---- 1-8, Ecclesiastes, 41.
---- 9, 12, Daniel, 146.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 171.
---- 13, II. Kings, 348;
Jeremiah I., 218, 226;
Daniel, 219.
ISAIAH XLVIII., 1, Jeremiah I., 132.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 197;
II., 240.
---- 13, Psalms III., 98.
ISAIAH XLIX., 1, 2, Galatians, 76.
---- 2, I. Kings, 388;
Psalms III., 69.
---- 6, Chronicles, 140.
---- 8, II. Corinthians, 227.
---- 9, Psalms III., 163.
---- 10, Revelation, 128.
---- 13, Psalms III., 70.
---- 15, Peter, 197.
---- 23, Daniel, 50.
ISAIAH L., 1, Deuteronomy, 405;
James, 239.
---- 2, Psalms, 167.
ISAIAH LI., 2, Ezekiel, 292.
---- 6, Psalms III., 98;
Peter, 339.
---- 9, 10, 15, II. Kings, 301;
Job, 11;
Daniel, 238.
---- 10, Revelation, 270.
---- 15, Jeremiah II., 355.
---- 16, Jeremiah I., 71.
---- 17, Ephesians, 335.
ISAIAH LII., 7, Romans, 274;
Ephesians, 416.
---- 9, Psalms III., 70.
---- 10, Psalms III., 63, 69.
---- 11, Peter, 128.
---- 14, Psalms I., 215.
ISAIAH LIII., Job, 15;
Psalms I., 222, 379.
---- 1, Romans, 279.
---- 2, Twelve Prophets II., 293;
Romans, 16.
---- 4-6, Song of Solomon, 308.
---- 5, Psalms I., 379;
Luke, 371.
---- 7, Psalms I., 382.
---- 10, Psalms I., 218;
Mark, 294;
Peter, 180.
---- 12, Psalms III., 403.
---- 15, Daniel, 165.
ISAIAH LIV., 1, Psalms III., 208.
---- 5, Mark, 62;
Revelation, 321.
---- 8, Numbers, 70.
---- 10, Psalms III., 98.
---- 17, Daniel, 220.
ISAIAH LV., 1, Peter, 314.
---- 3, Acts II., 208.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 383.
---- 12, Psalms III., 70;
Revelation, 245.
ISAIAH LVI., 7, Ezra, 66.
---- 8, Psalms III., 185.
---- 10, James, 416.
ISAIAH LVII., Jeremiah II., 74.
---- 15, Psalms III., 207.
---- 16, Twelve Prophets I., 435.
---- 19, Ephesians, 131.
ISAIAH LVIII., 2-4, Revelation, 255.
---- 3-8, Jeremiah II., 35.
---- 5-11, 13, 14, Exodus, 309;
Mark, 65, 67.
ISAIAH LIX., 7, Proverbs, 26;
Romans, 86.
---- 16, Psalms III., 69.
---- 17, Ephesians, 419;
Thessalonians, 195;
James, 198.
---- 19, Revelation, 213.
---- 20, 21, II. Samuel, 400;
Romans, 308.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 71;
II., 362.
ISAIAH LX., 1, Luke, 132;
Ephesians, 335.
---- 13, Twelve Prophets I., 313.
---- 14, Daniel, 50, 165.
---- 17, Pastoral Epistles, 110.
ISAIAH LXI., 1, Leviticus, 202.
---- 7, Twelve Prophets II., 466.
---- 9, Revelation, 215.
---- 10, Leviticus, 215;
Revelation, 101, 263.
ISAIAH LXII., 4, Ezekiel, 333.
---- 5, Mark, 62.
---- 6, Psalms II., 434.
---- 12, Psalms III., 159.
ISAIAH LXIII., 3, Revelation, 326.
---- 5, Psalms III., 69.
---- 7, Twelve Prophets II., 127.
---- 9, II. Kings, 68;
Song of Solomon, 231;
Jeremiah I., 307.
---- 10, I. Samuel, 412;
Ephesians, 298.
---- 13, Psalms III., 143;
Twelve Prophets I., 295.
ISAIAH LXIV., 1, Revelation, 87.
---- 6, 7, Numbers, 214.
ISAIAH LXV., 1, Romans, 280.
---- 2, Romans, 281.
---- 8, Revelation, 58.
---- 10, Joshua, 187.
---- 16, Jeremiah I., 132;
Revelation, 33.
---- 17, Peter, 361.
ISAIAH LXVI., 3, Galatians, 328.
---- 15, II. Kings, 22.
---- 22, Chronicles, 9.
ISHBI-BENOB, II. Samuel, 339.
ISHBOSHETH murdered, II. Samuel, 58.
---- set up by Abner, II. Samuel, 23.
ISHMAEL, Birth of, Genesis, 147-158.
---- Destiny of, Genesis, 154.
---- loved by Abraham, Genesis, 160.
---- Paul's interpretation of the story, Genesis, 220-225.
---- supplanted by Isaac, Genesis, 212-225.
ISHMAEL, Son of Nethaniah, II. Kings, 469-472;
Jeremiah II., 183.
ISOLATION, The evil of, Proverbs, 239-249.
ISRAEL, After the flesh and after the spirit, Matthew, 202-206.
---- Allotments of the tribes, Joshua, 258-325.
---- and Amalek, Exodus, 252-258.
---- and Greece, Isaiah I., 365.
---- and the Greeks, Twelve Prophets II., 439-446.
---- at Sinai, Exodus, 270-279.
---- called "my people," Exodus, 51.
---- chosen by God, I. Samuel, 201.
---- circumcised at the Jordan, Joshua, 117-121.
---- contrasted with Judah, Jeremiah I., 114-133.
---- Conversion of, Ezekiel, 356-366.
---- crossing the Jordan, Joshua, 106-116.
---- David anointed King, I. Samuel, 253-264.
---- Death of David, I. Kings, 14-104.
---- Defiant advance on Canaan, Numbers, 174.
---- demands a king, I. Samuel, 109-120.
---- disaffected at Kadesh, Numbers, 160.
---- The divided Kingdom, I. Kings, 269-499.
---- Eighth Century in, Twelve Prophets I., 31-43.
---- elected for service, Isaiah II., 237.
---- Fall of, overruled, Romans, 294-306.
---- Formation of the new, Ezekiel, 285-382.
---- From the return to building of the temple, Twelve Prophets II., 198-221.
---- History from Isaiah to fall of Jerusalem, Isaiah II., 26-35.
---- a holy nation, Numbers, 25.
---- idea of Jehovah, Judges, 107, 118.
---- idolatrous in Egypt, Exodus, 20.
---- invaded by the Philistines, I. Samuel, 93.
---- Itinerary of, Numbers, 382.
---- jealous of Jehovah, Twelve Prophets II., 536-541.
---- Jesus a Jew, Isaiah II., 249.
---- justice in, Deuteronomy, 377-395.
---- Kings of, Fable, II. Kings, 495.
---- little mentioned in Chronicles, Chronicles, 207.
---- loses the ark, I. Samuel, 61-72.
---- mission of, Judges, 13.
---- missionary career of, Isaiah II., 44-47.
---- Moses intercedes for, Numbers, 169.
---- motives for faithfulness, Deuteronomy, 218-238.
---- murmuring for food, Exodus, 232-238.
---- no enchantment with, Numbers, 302.
---- not forsaken, Romans, 282-293.
---- not hopeful, Numbers, 156.
---- Oppressions of, Judges, 72, 92, 137.
---- our mother of sorrows, Twelve Prophets I., 435-438.
---- Prominence given to, Isaiah II., 236.
---- Punishment of, Numbers, 171.
---- purity of race, Numbers, 328.
---- qualities of nation, Isaiah II., 244.
---- refused a way through Edom, Numbers, 231.
---- religion of, Numbers, 9.
---- Religious condition of, Isaiah I., 99.
---- Religious enthusiasm of, Numbers, 353.
---- Restoration foretold, Romans, 307-320.
---- Route supernaturally guided, Joshua, 8.
---- Samuel judges, I. Samuel, 106.
---- Saul chosen King, I. Samuel, 157-168.
---- Separateness of, Numbers, 7, 295.
---- Seventh Century in, Twelve Prophets II., 3-32.
---- Solidarity of, Psalms II., 387.
---- Solomon anointed, I. Kings, 89.
---- Solomon dies, I. Kings, 250-265.
---- subdue the Philistines, I. Samuel, 97-108.
---- Superiority of, Judges, 55, 69, 90.
---- supernaturally directed in leaving Egypt, Joshua, 7.
---- tempted to idolatry, Judges, 33.
---- their advantages, Numbers, 324.
---- Thick night of, Twelve Prophets I., 253-298.
---- unable to convert, Numbers, 319.
---- under the Persians, Twelve Prophets II., 187-197.
---- See names of individual kings.
ISSACHAR and his father's blessing, Genesis, 437.
ISSACHAR, The tribe, Inheritance of, Joshua, 321, 322.
---- Moses blesses, Deuteronomy, 468.
ISTHMIAN GAMES, Paul's illustration from the, I. Corinthians, 211-226.
ITALIAN BAND, Acts II., 103.
ITHAMAR, Eleazar and, Numbers, 31.
IYE-ABARIM, Numbers, 250.
JABAL, Genesis, 46.
JABESH-GILEAD, David thanks the men of, II. Samuel, 20.
---- its men slaughtered, Judges, 357.
---- men rescue the body of Saul, I. Samuel, 437, 438.
---- Relief of, I. Samuel, 169-180.
JABEZ, Chronicles, 78.
JABIN, King of Hazor, Joshua, 236, 238;
Judges, 91.
JACOB afraid of Esau, Genesis, 295.
---- and Benjamin, Genesis, 425.
---- and Esau, Genesis, 254-266.
---- and his fraud, Genesis, 267-278.
---- and Joseph, Genesis, 328.
---- and Pharaoh, Genesis, 407.
---- at Peniel, Genesis, 293-306;
Exodus, 7.
---- blesses Joseph's sons, Genesis, 421.
---- blessing his sons, Genesis, 415-445;
Hebrews, 249, 259.
---- Change of name, Genesis, 303.
---- Flight and dream of, Genesis, 279-292.
---- his character analyzed, Genesis, 260.
---- in Egypt, Genesis, 404 sq.
---- in Shechem, Genesis, 313-315.
---- Lameness of, Genesis, 309.
---- married to Leah, Genesis, 291.
---- Prayer of, Genesis, 297.
---- returns, Genesis, 307-320.
---- Wrestling, Genesis, 302.
JAEL, wife of Heber the Kenite, Judges, 102, 133.
JAILOR, The Philippian, Acts II., 286-290.
JAMES, The Apostle, Mark, 82;
Acts II., 168-174;
Galatians, 126.
JAMES THE JUST, James, 31, 36, 41, 47.
JAMES, Bishop of Jerusalem, Acts II., 241, 426, 427;
Galatians, 87;
James, 25-41.
---- on faith, Hebrews, 200.
JAMES, The Epistle, and the sayings of Christ, James, 308-314.
---- and the wisdom literature, James, 68-79.
---- and the writings of Paul and Peter, James, 55-67.
---- Authenticity, James, 13-25.
---- Author of, James, 25-41.
---- Date of, James, 60-62.
---- Improvements by revisers, James, 57, 80, 109, 114, 118, 119, 136, 151, 170, 175, 196, 226, 231, 335, 409, 445, 458, 468.
---- persons addressed in, James, 42-54.
JAMES I., 2, Romans, 229.
---- 5, Ezra, 260;
II. Corinthians, 265.
---- 12, Pastoral Epistles, 369.
---- 13-15, Proverbs, 252.
---- 17, Isaiah I., 449.
---- 18, Leviticus, 461;
Revelation, 245.
---- 21, Peter, 64;
John Epistles, 309.
---- 26, Proverbs, 177.
---- 27, Ezra, 105, 204.
JAMES II., 5, Revelation, 48.
---- 6, 7, Acts II., 27.
---- 7, Ezekiel, 335.
---- 8, Galatians, 341.
---- 11, Exodus, 281.
---- 17, 18, Hebrews, 201.
---- 19, Romans, 115;
Galatians, 220;
Hebrews, 223;
Peter, 289;
Revelation, 248.
---- 23, Galatians, 186.
---- 25, Joshua, 159.
JAMES III., 1, Leviticus, 124.
---- 2, Ephesians, 246.
---- 5, 6, Peter, 123.
---- 6, Proverbs, 166.
---- 9, Mark, 329.
---- 11, Exodus, 229.
---- 17, Philippians, 41.
JAMES IV., 2, Song of Solomon, 208.
---- 3, Peter, 167.
---- 4, Revelation, 224.
---- 5, Galatians, 349.
---- 11, Peter, 63.
---- 13-17, John Epistles, 154.
JAMES V., 5, Peter, 304.
---- 7, Philippians, 327;
John Epistles, 211.
---- 8, Peter, 163.
---- 16, Song of Solomon, 333.
---- 17, Daniel, 237;
Revelation, 182.
---- 20, John Epistles, 309.
JANNES AND JAMBRES, Pastoral Epistles, 379-383.
JASHER, The book, Joshua, 229.
JASHOBEAM, II. Samuel, 343.
JEALOUSY, Genesis, 33;
James, 198.
---- among leaders, Judges, 122-124.
---- Godly, II. Corinthians, 312-324.
---- of Divine love, James, 232-237.
---- of God, Exodus, 298.
---- Ordeal of, Numbers, 57.
---- Saul's, I. Samuel, 292-299.
---- to what it leads, Genesis, 35.
---- Water of, Numbers, 56.
---- when superseded, I. Samuel, 134.
JEBB, Bishop John, Acts II., 99.
JEBUSITES, Judges, 28.
JECONIAH or Jehoiachin, King of Judah, Jeremiah II., 80-95.
---- captured by Nebuchadnezzer, Deuteronomy, 349.
---- Reign of, II. Kings, 431-436.
JEHOAHAZ, King of Israel, II. Kings, 175-178.
JEHOAHAZ, King of Judah, II. Kings, 411-430;
Jeremiah I., 27;
II., 3-9;
Ezekiel, 106.
JEHOIAKIM, II. Kings, 416-430;
Jeremiah I., 28;
II., 65-79;
Daniel, 123.
JEHOIDA and Joash, II. Kings, 149-158;
Chronicle, 406.
JEHORAM, King of Israel, II. Kings, 29, 81.
---- Death of, II. Kings, 118.
JEHORAM, King of Judah, II. Kings, 99-102;
Chronicles, 393-398.
JEHOSAPHAT, King of Judah, I. Kings, 327-336;
Chronicles, 366-392;
Psalms II., 432.
---- alliance with Ahab, II. Kings, 3.
---- visits Ahab, I. Kings, 485-487.
JEHOSAPHAT, The recorder, II. Samuel, 128.
JEHOSHEBA outwits Athaliah, II. Kings, 148.
JEHOVAH, All time dedicated to, Numbers, 347.
---- and the nations, Jeremiah II., 211-219.
---- Authority of, Numbers, 7.
---- the champion of Israel, Joshua, 376-387.
---- Character of, Joshua, 393-395.
---- communicates with Moses, Numbers, 144.
---- Final victory of, Ezekiel, 367-380.
---- Forbearance of, Numbers, 255.
---- Guardian, Numbers, 68.
---- has regard for his name, Ezekiel, 357-360.
---- His call to Israel, Numbers, 123.
---- His "Similitude," Numbers, 146.
---- Ideal worshipper of, Psalms I., 132.
---- in pillar of cloud, Numbers, 91.
---- Israel's jealousy of, Twelve Prophets II., 536-541.
---- King and judge, Numbers, 5.
---- The name, Exodus, 56;
Leviticus, 482;
Chronicles, 37;
Psalms I., 69.
---- pardons but punishes, Numbers, 170.
---- protector of Israel, Numbers, 117.
---- revealed to Moses, Numbers, 335.
---- Worship of, Numbers, 295.
JEHU, son of Hanani, I. Kings, 331;
II. Kings, 39.
---- and Jehosaphat, Chronicles, 371.
---- and Jonadab, Deuteronomy, 322;
II. Kings, 134.
---- anointed, II. Kings, 110.
---- Dynasty of, II. Kings, 175-192.
---- End of the reign of, II. Kings, 145.
---- established on the throne, II. Kings, 125-130.
---- extirpates Baal-worship, II. Kings, 131-145.
---- Revolt of, II. Kings, 106-124.
JELLETT, J. H., James, 211.
JEPHTHAH, Judges, 234.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 261.
---- Lament of, Judges, 265.
---- Vow of, Judges, 239-253;
I. Kings, 116.
JERAHMEEL, Descendants of, Chronicles, 50.
JEREMIAH and Christ, Jeremiah II., 367-372.
---- and Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 13-25.
---- and his prophesies, II. Kings, 449-456.
---- and his work of reform, Deuteronomy, 46.
---- and the Servant of the Lord, Isaiah II., 42, 275, 277.
---- as a sin bearer, Isaiah II., 352, 358.
---- the author of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy, 225.
---- Call and consecration of, Jeremiah I., 58-73.
---- characteristic expressions, Jeremiah II., 269.
---- goes to Egypt, Jeremiah II., 187-196.
---- imprisoned, Jeremiah I., 48, 50.
---- Imprisonment of, Jeremiah II., 155-171.
---- in hiding, II. Kings, 428.
---- in the miry pit, Psalms II., 297.
---- Isaiah and, on the exile, Isaiah II., 27.
---- Life and times of, Jeremiah I., 1-57.
---- persecuted, II. Kings, 474;
Jeremiah I., 411-424.
---- prediction of exile, Isaiah II., 8, 27, 66, 79.
---- predicts a new covenant, Hebrews, 138.
---- a priest, Jeremiah I., 1.
---- rebukes Jehoiakim, II. Kings, 419.
---- remains in Jerusalem, II. Kings, 462.
---- Roll of, Jeremiah II., 28-43.
---- suffering for God's word, Isaiah II., 330.
---- Tenderness of, Jeremiah I., 336.
---- tried for heresy, Jeremiah II., 10-27.
JEREMIAH, Greek Epistle, Jeremiah I., 220.
JEREMIAH I., 5, Galatians, 75.
---- 6, I. Kings, 125;
II. Corinthians, 294.
JEREMIAH II., 1-35, II. Kings, 376.
---- 2, Ezekiel, 185; Mark, 62.
---- 3, Ezekiel, 379.
---- 8, Twelve Prophets II., 69.
---- 10, Twelve Prophets I., 14.
---- 11, Psalms III., 145.
---- 16, II. Kings, 474.
---- 21, Ezekiel, 128.
---- 23, II. Kings, 389.
---- 27, Chronicles, 95.
---- 30, James, 294.
---- 34, Proverbs, 26.
---- 36, Chronicles, 355.
JEREMIAH III., 1, James, 239.

---- 1-11, Song of Solomon, 45.
---- 5, Twelve Prophets I., 435.
---- 6-13, Ezekiel, 190.
---- 12, Psalms III., 431.
---- 15, 16, II. Kings, 441.
---- 19, Psalms III., 146.
JEREMIAH IV., 6, II. Kings, 376.
---- 7-27, II. Kings, 377.
---- 10, 11, Kings, 409.
---- 13, Song of Solomon, 298.
---- 19, Revelation, 313.
JEREMIAH V., 15-17, II. Kings, 377.
---- 24, James, 293.
---- 30, 31, II. Kings, 373.
---- 31, I. Kings, 418.
JEREMIAH VI., 1, 22-24, II. Kings, 377.
---- 13-15, II. Kings, 373;
Song of Solomon, 278.
---- 14, II. Kings, 450;
Song of Solomon, 279.
---- 20, II. Kings, 396.
JEREMIAH VII., 4, 8-15, II. Kings, 397, 441;
Twelve Prophets II., 25.
---- 7, Twelve Prophets, 248.
---- 10, Romans, 198.
---- 12, I. Samuel, 73;
Chronicles, 297.
---- 18, II. Kings, 361;
Twelve Prophets II., 38.
---- 21, II. Kings, 396.
---- 22, I. Kings, 213;
Twelve Prophets I., 104.
---- 23, Exodus, 310;
II. Kings, 396.
---- 31, Leviticus, 387.
JEREMIAH VIII., 1, James, 239.
---- 2, II. Kings, 361.
---- 8, II. Kings, 441;
Twelve Prophets II., 25.
---- 10, Song of Solomon, 278.
---- 11, II. Kings, 450;
Song of Solomon, 279.
---- 18, Song of Solomon, 78.
JEREMIAH IX., 1, Song of Solomon, 78.
---- 2, Psalms II., 160;
Twelve Prophets II., 140.
---- 15, Revelation, 142.
---- 24, Romans, 47.
---- 33, Twelve Prophets II., 111.
JEREMIAH X., 13, Psalms III., 364.
---- 19, Psalms II., 377.
---- 23, Psalms I., 377.
---- 25, Psalms II., 397.
JEREMIAH XI., 3, 4, II. Kings, 393.
---- 19-21, II. Kings, 463.
JEREMIAH XII., 5, II. Kings, 420.
---- 6, II. Kings, 463.
---- 13, Jeremiah, 211.
JEREMIAH XIII., 27, Ezekiel, 209.
JEREMIAH XIV., 7, Song of Solomon, 315.
---- 9, James, 129.
---- 14, Peter, 285.
---- 18, Song of Solomon, 315.
---- 21, Song of Solomon, 204.
JEREMIAH XV., 1-9, II. Kings, 370.
---- 4, Ezekiel, 23.
---- 10-21, II. Kings, 466;
Chronicles, 267.
---- 15, Psalms II., 299.
---- 16, Ezekiel, 48;
James, 129.
JEREMIAH XVI., 5, Twelve Prophets II., 155.
---- 7, Ezekiel, 210.
---- 13, Psalms III., 421.
---- 18, Revelation, 307.
JEREMIAH XVII., 1, II. Corinthians, 110.
---- 1-4, II. Kings, 394.
---- 9, Leviticus, 344;
II. Kings, 394;
Song of Solomon, 332;
Romans, 87, 371.
---- 15, Peter, 331.
---- 21, John I., 183.
---- 24, 25, Exodus, 309.
JEREMIAH XVIII., 23, Proverbs, 315.
JEREMIAH XIX., Matthew, 415.
---- 5, Leviticus, 387.
---- 9, II. Kings, 78.
---- 13, II. Kings, 361.
JEREMIAH XX., 1, Ezekiel, 437.
---- 1-12, I. Kings, 413.
---- 2, II. Kings, 432.
---- 7, 8, II. Kings, 410.
JEREMIAH XXI, 1, Twelve Prophets II., 47.
---- 1-11, II. Kings, 448.
---- 6, Deuteronomy, 430.
JEREMIAH XXII., 10-12, II. Kings, 415;
Ezekiel, 107.
---- 10, 18, II. Kings, 408.
---- 11, II. Kings, 411.
---- 13-17, II. Kings, 419;
Twelve Prophets II., 28, 146;
James, 281.
---- 15, 16, II. Kings, 398;
Twelve Prophets II., 26.
---- 17, Proverbs, 26;
Peter, 306.
---- 23, II. Kings, 419.
---- 24-30, II. Kings, 433.
JEREMIAH XXIII., 1-4, Ezekiel, 309.
---- 5, Isaiah II., 346.
---- 6, II. Kings, 437;
Chronicles, 144;
Romans, 263.
---- 11, 14, Song of Solomon, 278.
---- 18, Romans, 317.
---- 23, II. Kings, 419.
---- 24, Ephesians, 93.
---- 29, II. Kings, 444.
---- 31-33, II. Kings, 441.
JEREMIAH XXIV., 7, Psalms II., 136.
JEREMIAH XXV., 9, II. Kings, 425, 435.
---- 10, Ecclesiastes, 269.
---- 11, 12, Ezra, 19.
---- 12, Daniel, 49; Twelve Prophets II., 283.
---- 22, Ezekiel, 260.
---- 26, Daniel, 200.
---- 35, Psalms III., 407.
JEREMIAH XXVI., 6, II. Kings, 425;
Chronicles, 297.
---- 7, Song of Solomon, 278.
---- 8-24, II. Kings, 300.
---- 9, I. Samuel, 73.
---- 20-23, II Kings, 421.
---- 22, II. Kings, 432.
---- 24, II. Kings, 467;
Song of Solomon, 83.
JEREMIAH XXVII., 1-8, II. Kings, 442.
---- 1-19, Daniel, 81.
---- 3, Ezekiel, 260.
---- 6, II. Kings, 435;
Ezra, 20.
---- 7, Daniel, 151.
JEREMIAH XXVIII., Deuteronomy, 349.
---- 11, II. Kings, 443.
JEREMIAH XXIX., 2, II. Kings, 433.
---- 3, Song of Solomon, 83.
---- 4-7, Ecclesiastes, 37.
---- 9, I. Kings, 418.
---- 10, Ezra, 19.
---- 21-23, II. Kings, 444.
---- 22, Daniel, 44, 180.
---- 25, 29, Twelve Prophets II., 47.
---- 26, II. Kings, 432;
Daniel, 30;
Twelve Prophets I., 28.
JEREMIAH XXX., 4-11, Daniel, 319.
---- 9, Isaiah II., 404.
---- 10, Isaiah II., 244.
JEREMIAH XXXI., 1, 9, II. Corinthians, 247.
---- 1-34, II. Kings, 449.
---- 12, Isaiah II., 420.
---- 15-17, II. Kings, 466.
---- 27, Daniel, 157.
---- 31, 32, II. Kings, 397;
Hebrews, 138.
---- 33, 34, II. Kings, 441;
Ezekiel, 364;
Acts I., 84.
---- 34, John Epistles, 167.
JEREMIAH XXXII., 7, Acts I., 217.
---- 19, Daniel, 151;
Twelve Prophets II., 480.
---- 21, Deuteronomy, 301.
---- 39, Psalms II., 466.
JEREMIAH XXXIII., 14-26, I. Kings, 213.
---- 15, Chronicles, 144.
---- 15-17, Ezekiel, 316.
JEREMIAH XXXIV., 8-11, II. Kings, 438.
JEREMIAH XXXV., 1-19, II. Kings, 133.
---- 6, 7, Deuteronomy, 323.
---- 19, Deuteronomy, 323.
JEREMIAH XXXVI., 1, Daniel, 46.
---- 12, II. Kings, 469.
---- 26, II. Kings, 427.
---- 29, II. Kings, 425.
JEREMIAH XXXVII., 3, II. Kings, 447;
Twelve Prophets II., 47.
---- 5-7, Ezekiel, 264.
---- 7, 8, Song of Solomon, 292.
---- 11-15, II. Kings, 451.
---- 21, II. Kings, 452.
---- 30, Twelve Prophets II., 30.
JEREMIAH XXXVIII., 5, II. Kings, 439, 451.
---- 6, Song of Solomon, 250.
---- 9, II. Kings, 452.
---- 10, II. Kings, 455.
JEREMIAH XXXIX., 2, II. Kings, 468.
---- 3, II. Kings, 331;
Daniel, 51, 127.
---- 4, 5, Song of Solomon, 298.
---- 9, Ezekiel, 287.
JEREMIAH XL., 5, Song of Solomon, 83.
---- 12, II. Kings, 467.
JEREMIAH XLI., 1, II. Kings, 468.
---- 8, II. Kings, 462.
---- 17, Luke, 76.
---- 27, I. Kings, 95.
JEREMIAH XLII., 6, 7, I. Kings, 20.
---- 7, Song of Solomon, 81.
JEREMIAH XLIII., 4, 7, Song of Solomon, 156.
---- 13, II. Kings, 474.
JEREMIAH XLIV., 17, II. Kings, 292.
JEREMIAH XLV., 1-5, II. Kings, 426.
---- 5, Ezra, 193.
JEREMIAH XLVI., 1-12, II. Kings, 423.
---- 2, Daniel, 46.
---- 10, Peter, 327.
---- 27, Isaiah II., 244.
JEREMIAH XLVII., 6, II. Kings, 435.
JEREMIAH XLVIII., 11, Twelve Prophets II., 285.
---- 13, II. Kings, 191.
---- 29, 42, Isaiah I., 274;
Ezekiel, 226.
---- 45, Numbers, 309.
JEREMIAH XLIX., 1, Ezekiel, 225.
---- 7, Ezekiel, 227;
Twelve Prophets II., 182.
---- 9, 16, Twelve Prophets II., 167.
---- 19, II. Kings, 255.
---- 28, Twelve Prophets II., 23.
JEREMIAH L., 2, Ecclesiastes, 62.
---- 16, John Epistles, 183.
---- 20, Twelve Prophets I., 435.
---- 37, Twelve Prophets II., 111.
---- 44, II. Kings, 255.
JEREMIAH LI., 4, Isaiah II., 363.
---- 16, Psalms III., 364.
---- 25, Revelation, 141.
---- 28-57, Daniel, 220.
---- 30, Twelve Prophets II., 111.
---- 33, Daniel, 153.
---- 39, 57, Twelve Prophets II., 112.
---- 58, Twelve Prophets II., 146.
---- 59, II. Kings, 426.
JEREMIAH LII., 2, 3, Song of Solomon, 81.
---- 24, Twelve Prophets, II., 47.
---- 28-30, Daniel, 46.
JERICHO, Character of, Joshua, 133.
---- Christ passes through, Matthew, 292-295.
---- Elisha at, II. Kings, 26.
---- Fate of, Joshua, 140-152.
---- Plan for taking, Joshua, 136.
---- The spies in, Joshua, 82-94.
---- Treatment of, Joshua, 149.
JEROBOAM, Son of Nebat, I. Kings, 254-259.
---- chosen King of the ten tribes, I. Kings, 273.
---- Reign of, I. Kings, 286-308.
JEROBOAM II., II. Kings, 187-192.
JEROME, Acts I., x, xii, 6, 110, 194, 386;
II., 4, 6, 84, 141, 251;
Pastoral Epistles, 230, 260;
James, 7, 31, 366, 369;
John Epistles, viii, 13, 51, 91.
JERUSALEM, Judges, 15;
II. Samuel, 68;
Psalms III., 313;
Isaiah I., 22, 25 sq., 169 sq., 211 sq., 231, 243, 267, 279, 368-374;
II., 30, 43, 47, 72, 382, 395.
---- Appeal of, Song of Solomon, 120-131, 144-155.
---- becomes the Capital, II. Samuel, 70.
---- belongs to all time, I. Kings, 67.
---- besieged by Sennacherib, II. Kings, 341.
---- the bride of God, Isaiah II., 397.
---- Christ goes to, Matthew, 286-304.
---- The church of, Hebrews, 5, 85.
---- City of judgment, Isaiah II., 466.
---- Contrasts, Song of Solomon, 265-279.
---- David flees from, II. Samuel, 229-252.
---- Desolation of, Song of Solomon, 97, 107.
---- destroyed, Ecclesiastes, 35;
Song of Solomon, 87.
---- Destruction of, Mark, 349;
James, 128, 276, 407;
Peter, 124.
---- Fall of, II. Kings, 457-464.
---- Fate of, Jeremiah I., 316.
---- First reception of Christ by, Matthew, 16-18.
---- Heavenly, Hebrews, 153.
---- Holy City, Ezra, 317-327.
---- an ideal history, Ezekiel, 126-142.
---- its destruction prophesied, Ezekiel, 57-214.
---- Jesus discussed in, John I., 239-255.
---- Jesus rejected in, John I., 285-299.
---- Judah versus, Twelve Prophets II., 478-481.
---- Nehemiah rebuilds, Ezra, 210-246.
---- The New, Revelation, 360-374.
---- Paul at, Galatians, 83-90.
---- Paul's collections for the saints, I. Corinthians, 387-399.
---- The results of the deliverance of, Twelve Prophets II., 481-485.
---- The return of David, II. Samuel, 289-300.
---- Royal entry into, Matthew, 295-306;
Mark, 299-303.
---- Taken by David, II. Samuel, 69.
---- Vain hopes of, Song of Solomon, 288-299.
---- Water supply of, I. Kings, 225.
JESHUA, The high priest, Ezra, 41, 43.
JESTING, Foolish, Ephesians, 302, 303.
JESUITS, Acts I., 152.
JESUS CHRIST, Isaiah I., 80, 142 sq., 254 sq., 328, 426.
---- Acceptance of, Genesis, 62;
John I., 292-296.
---- Adoration of the shepherds, Luke, 67-79.
---- All problems solved in, Judges, 418.
---- alone sufficient, Exodus, 294.
---- and Adam, Romans, 143-155.
---- and the angels, Hebrews, 21-46.
---- and the barren fig tree, Mark, 303-307.
---- and Beelzebub, Mark, 91-104.
---- and the children, Matthew, 252-258, 270-273.
---- and the cities of refuge, Joshua, 334-336.
---- and the common people, Twelve Prophets I., 415.
---- and the disciples, Mark, 247-254;
Luke, 190-192, 280-293.
---- and the forty days, Acts I., 23-42.
---- and the Gentiles, Mark, 195-200.
---- and God's purpose concerning the world, Genesis, 14.
---- and His blood a plea for mercy, Genesis, 40.
---- and His bride, Ephesians, 366-379.
---- and Isaiah Iiii, Isaiah II., 366.
---- and Joseph, Genesis, 336, 353.
---- and Joshua, Joshua, 20, 248, 325.
---- and prayer, Luke, 177-194.
---- and purity, Mark, 190-194.
---- and rewards, Matthew, 279-285.
---- and the rich young man, Matthew, 273-279;
Mark, 274-281.
---- and the Sabbath, Mark, 66-70.
---- and the Sadducees, Mark, 330-336.
---- and the sayings of James, James, 308-314.
---- and the shadow of the cross, Matthew, 142-172.
---- and the Syro-phoenician woman, Matthew, 206-210.
---- and tradition, Mark, 184-189.
---- and the tribute money, Mark, 325-330.
---- and the woman of Samaria, John I., 129-143.
---- and the woman taken in adultery, John I., 257-270.
---- announces his departure, John II., 107-119.
---- anointed by Mary, Matthew, 382-284;
Mark, 359-363.
---- Anointed One, Leviticus, 203.
---- anointing of the feet, Luke, 209-224;
John II., 1-16.
---- appears at the sea of Galilee, John II., 381-396.
---- arrest of, Matthew, 403-407;
Mark, 401-406;
Luke, 381;
John II., 261-271.
---- as a bringer of good news, Isaiah II., 439.
---- as creator, Hebrews, 9.
---- as first begotten, Hebrews, 26.
---- as an ideal only, John Epistles, 48.
---- as leader, Hebrews, 38.
---- as theocratic King, Hebrews, 26, 179.
---- Ascension, Matthew, 446-450;
Mark, 442-445.
---- ascension of, Acts I., 43-60.
---- attractive force of the cross, John II., 45-61.
---- authority of, Chronicles, 302.
---- baptized, Matthew, 31-38;
Mark, 6-13;
Luke, 96-104.
---- before Pilate, Matthew, 416-420;
Mark, 418-424;
Luke, 391-393;
John II., 295-317.
---- beginning of the Gospel, Mark, 1-5.
---- begins His Galilean ministry, Matthew, 48-56;
Luke, 128-147.
---- bequest of peace, John II., 157-171.
---- born in Bethlehem, Luke, 62.
---- brand of, Galatians, 448-459.
---- bread of life, Exodus, 247;
John I., 207-222.
---- brother, Exodus, 19.
---- calls the first disciple, Matthew, 52-56;
Mark, 17-20;
Luke, 162-176;
John I., 53-60.
---- Captives of, II. Corinthians, 84-98.
---- Character of, Ephesians, 288.
---- cleanses the temple, John I., 85-98.
---- Coming of, Matthew, 1-12;
Hebrews, 195.
---- comprehension, Ephesians, 183-196.
---- Confession of, Mark, 216-221.
---- conflict in the temple, Matthew, 304-338;
Mark, 307-310.
---- crisis in Galilee, Matthew, 186-218;
John I., 223-238.
---- Crucifixion of, Psalms I., 210-225;
Matthew, 376-428;
Mark, 424-431;
Luke, 376, 396-399;
John, 319-347.
---- Cup and baptism, Mark, 287-292.
---- David's Lord, Mark, 341-343.
---- Day of, Thessalonians, 185-200.
---- Dead in, Thessalonians, 169-184.
---- Death of, Mark, 431-436;
I. Corinthians, 42-45;
Galatians, 153-160;
Hebrews, 37, 93.
---- declares Himself, John I., 145-158.
---- Denial of, I. Samuel, 119.
---- Did Balaam prophesy of? Numbers, 310.
---- Discerning scribe and, Mark, 337-340.
---- disciples sent forth, Matthew, 132-141.
---- discussed in Jerusalem, John I., 239-255.
---- Divinity of, Pastoral Epistles, 268, 269, 283, 429.
---- doctrine of offences, Mark, 254-262.
---- Effects of the peace, word, and name of, Colossians, 320-334.
---- effulgence of God's glory, Hebrews, 12.
---- emancipator, Exodus, 53, 282.
---- emptied Himself, Philippians, 217-220.
---- entry into Jerusalem, John II., 17-28.
---- Epiphanies of, Pastoral Epistles, 260, 269.
---- Example of, Romans, 393-399.
---- exerted personal influence, John Epistles, 118-132.
---- Experience of all culminates in, Exodus, 81.
---- Faith in, fundamental, Matthew, 221-227.
---- The Father seen in, John II., 135-156.
---- The Father's gifts through, Colossians, 54-69.
---- Following, John I., 236-238.
---- foot washing, John II., 73-88.
---- forty days, Matthew, 438-446.
---- foundation of the church, II. Corinthians, 35-46.
---- founding of the church, Matthew, 219-250.
---- Friends of, Mark, 99-104.
---- Friendship of, I. Samuel, 328;
II. Samuel, 65, 349.
---- Fulness of God in, Colossians, 194, 198.
---- Glory of, Colossians, 70-84.
---- God's will first with Him, Isaiah II., 298.
---- goes to Jerusalem, Matthew, 286-304;
Mark, 299-303.
---- good shepherd, John I., 319-334.
---- great high priest, Hebrews, 68-79.
---- great interpreter, Genesis, 353.
---- great shepherd, Hebrews, 328.
---- healer, Numbers, 249.
---- heir of Abraham, Genesis, 163.
---- His example of service, Isaiah II., 284, 285, 305.
---- His reception, Matthew, 13-23.
---- His testimony as to his uniqueness, Isaiah II., 283, 369.
---- His trust in God, Hebrews, 40.
---- historical, Numbers, 88.
---- in Egypt, Matthew, 21.
---- in Gethsemane, Matthew, 398-403;
Mark, 389-401.
---- in solitude, Mark, 38-41.
---- incapable of sin, Hebrews, 72.
---- Incarnation of, John I., 3-17.
---- intercessory prayer, John II., 243-260.
---- James' idea of, James, 111-119.
---- Jeremiah and, Jeremiah II., 367-372.
---- a Jew, Isaiah II., 249.
---- Knowledge of, Philippians, 199-216.
---- Lamb of God, Exodus, 267.
---- Last days in Perea, Matthew, 267-285.
---- Last words at Capernaum, Matthew, 249-266.
---- Last words of, John II., 227-242.
---- life giver and judge, John I., 189-205.
---- light, Numbers, 83.
---- light of the world, John I., 271-283.
---- Lord's supper instituted, Matthew, 392-395;
Mark, 374-383.
---- Martyrs for the word of God, Isaiah II., 285, 331.
---- Measure of the gift of, Ephesians, 227-243.
---- Measure of the love of, II. Corinthians, 186-197.
---- Meditation of, Job, 121.
---- meets our needs, Ecclesiastes, 332-335.
---- Mind of, Philippians, 95-130.
---- Miracles of, Matthew, 105-131;
Mark, 24-38, 129-161;
Luke, 255-280.
---- Miracles of, not creative, Exodus, 125.
---- more worthy than Moses, Hebrews, 55.
---- name, Matthew, 10, 12.
---- New covenant ratified in the death of, Hebrews, 158-178.
---- Not servants but friends of, John II., 191-201.
---- on mount Zion, Revelation, 238-245.
---- our King, Proverbs, 331.
---- our passover, I. Corinthians, 120-127.
---- our thank offering, Leviticus, 148.
---- our wisdom, Proverbs, 22, 128.
---- Parables of, Matthew, 173-185;
Mark, 105-129.
---- Piety of, Hebrews, 77.
---- Preaching of, Job, 276.
---- Pre-existence of, John II., 234, 235.
---- Preparation for, Job, 265, 404.
---- Priesthood of, Mark, 445, 446.
---- Prophecy on the Mount of Olives, Matthew, 339-375;
Mark, 346-358.
---- prophesied by Jacob, Genesis, 434.
---- purpose of reconciliation, Colossians, 100-115.
---- Reception of, John I., 21-31.
---- Reconciliation of, Colossians, 85-99.
---- Redeemer, Job, 242, 404.
---- Rejected in his own country, Mark, 162-166.
---- Rejected in Jerusalem, John I., 285-299.
---- requires submission, Genesis, 380.
---- Results of the high priesthood of, Hebrews, 182-195.
---- Results of the death of, John II., 55-61.
---- Results of his manifestation, John II., 63-71.
---- Resurrection, Matthew, 429-438;
Mark, 437-441;
Luke, 400-415;
John II., 349-362.
---- Resurrection of, I. Corinthians, 325-354.
---- The resurrection and the life, John I., 351-367.
---- Reticence of the records, Matthew, 13-15.
---- Return of, Hebrews, 188.
---- revealed as a son, Hebrews, 3-17.
---- revealer of God, Numbers, 92.
---- Rock, I. Corinthians, 233-235.
---- Sacrifice of, Genesis, 36, 66;
Judges, 251; Job, 62.
---- the scape-goat, John I., 369-386.
---- The Sermon on the Mount, Matthew, 57-104.
---- Servant of the Lord by Paul after, Isaiah II., 287.
---- Servant of the Lord in Acts, Isaiah II., 286.
---- Sin-bearing of, Numbers, 126.
---- slain for us, Leviticus, 44 sq.
---- Sole headship of, Numbers, 210.
---- the Son of God, John I., 335-349.
---- Sonship of, John I., 197.
---- Spirit of, and the flesh, Galatians, 347-360.
---- The Spirit witnesses to, John II., 203-225.
---- Spotless victim, Hebrews, 56.
---- suffered outside the gate, Leviticus, 148.
---- Teaching with authority, Mark, 20-23.
---- Temptation of, Deuteronomy, 205, 206;
Matthew, 39-47;
Mark, 13-16;
Luke, 105-127.
---- Testimony of John the Baptist, John I., 33-52.
---- Testimony to the Pentateuch, Leviticus, 9 sq.
---- Transfiguration of, Matthew, 232-242;
Mark, 228-235;
Luke, 190-192, 280-293.
---- Trial before the Council, Matthew, 407-410, 412;
Mark, 407-413;
Luke, 383, 387-390.
---- The true leader, Numbers, 109.
---- true man, Hebrews, 167.
---- typified by David, I. Samuel, 261, 427;
II. Samuel, 65, 349.
---- typified in Jacob's dream, Genesis, 287.
---- Unchangeable, Hebrews, 164.
---- unites all revelations of God, Hebrews, 8.
---- use of Jonah, Twelve Prophets II., 507-509.
---- Victory of, Ezra, 404.
---- Way, the truth, and the life, John II., 121-133.
---- What God wrought in, Ephesians, 81-94.
JETHRO, Exodus, 259-263; Numbers, 104.
JEWS, and faith of Gentiles, Romans, 264-267.
---- at Athens, Acts II., 308.
---- At Ephesus, Acts II., 427.
---- Claims of the, Romans, 78-83.
---- hospitality to early church, Acts II., 212.
---- not subject to disease, Leviticus, 294.
---- Paul and the conscience of the, Romans, 36-66.
---- Paul's impeachment of the, Thessalonians, 83-98.
---- Responsibility and guilt of the, Romans, 67-77.
---- Unbelief of the, Romans, 244-249.
JEZEBEL and Ahab, I. Kings, 347-356.
---- and Naboth, I. Kings, 478.
---- Death of, II. Kings, 124.
---- Elijah flees from, I. Kings, 404-414.
---- Jehu and, II. Kings, 120.
---- Jehu and the name of, II. Kings, 118.
---- Persecutions of, I. Kings, 356.
JOAB, adheres to David, II. Samuel, 224.
---- and the return of Absalom, II. Samuel, 210, 212.
---- assassinates Abner, II. Samuel, 52.
---- at the head of David's army, II. Samuel, 127.
---- Character of, II. Samuel, 28;
I. Kings, 96-99.
---- defeats Sheba, II. Samuel, 322.
---- defeats the Syrians, II. Samuel, 154.
---- kills Absalom, II. Samuel, 272.
---- kills Amasa, II. Samuel, 320.
---- slain, I. Kings, 111-113.
---- superseded by Amasa, II. Samuel, 292.
JOASH, King of Israel, II. Kings, 178-186.
JOASH, King of Judah, Chronicles, 403-412.
---- comes to the throne, II. Kings, 149.
---- End of the reign of, II. Kings, 166.
JOB, Pastoral Epistles, 76, 77, 192.
---- Elihu and, Job, 341-377.
---- Endurance of, James, 294-301.
---- a historical personage? Job, 22.
---- Home of, Job, 20.
---- made priest, Job, 410.
---- Religion of, Job, 24-28.
---- replies to Eliphaz, Job, 116-134, 201-214, 281-297.
---- replies to Bildad, Job, 141-153, 222-242, 302-312.
---- replies to Zophar, Job, 162-184, 253-265.
---- speaks, Job, 85-98, 320-337.
---- The time of, Job, 31.
---- The trial of, II. Samuel, 4.
---- Trials of, Job, 50-66.
---- Wife of, Job, 75-77.
JOB, The Book, The author and his work, Job, 3-18.
---- Autobiographical, Job, 7, 411.
---- Characters of the book, James, 297.
---- Coincidences with, James, 267, 281, 291.
---- Inspiration of, Job, 122.
---- Logic of, Job, 295.
---- Main controversy of, Job, 101.
---- not pure history, James, 299.
---- a poem of the soul, Job, 3.
---- Poetical art of, Job, 5.
---- place in the canon, Job, 27.
---- Precursors of, Job, 3.
---- prepares for Christ, Job, 265, 404.
---- a protest, Chronicles, 363.
---- Providence and, Deuteronomy, 204.
JOB I., 6, Daniel, 179.
---- 6-12, Song of Solomon, 220.
---- 7, Peter, 224.
---- 9-11, Leviticus, 270.
---- 21, II. Kings, 317.
JOB II., 1-7, Song of Solomon, 220.
---- 4, 5, Leviticus, 270.
---- 13, Jeremiah I., 293.
JOB III., 19, Psalms II., 481.
JOB IV., 16, Psalms II., 418.
JOB V., 13, James, 295.
---- 23, Psalms II., 316.
JOB VII., 1, 2, James, 281.
---- 6, Daniel, 258; James, 291.
---- 10, Psalms III., 107.
---- 17, 18, Psalms I., 73.
JOB VIII., 9, Chronicles, 317.
JOB IX., 9, Twelve Prophets, 167.
---- 12, Daniel, 202.
---- 26, Revelation, 72, 144.
---- 27, Jeremiah I., 184.
JOB X., 3, Psalms III., 294.
---- 8, Twelve Prophets I., 341.
---- 11, Psalms III., 387.
---- 20, Jeremiah I., 184.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 82.
JOB XI., 20, Psalms III., 407.
JOB XII., 11, Jeremiah I., 196.
---- 21, 24, Psalms III., 167, 168.
---- 22, Daniel, 151.
JOB XIII., 15, Peter, 195.
JOB XIV., 1, Galatians, 250;
John Epistles, 153.
---- 3, Twelve Prophets II., 480.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 230.
---- 15, Twelve Prophets II., 59.
JOB XV., 15, Daniel, 191.
JOB XVII., 3, II. Kings, 135.
---- 5, Jeremiah I., 423.
JOB XIX., 13, Twelve Prophets I., 321.
JOB XX., 15, II. Kings, 224.
---- 29, Twelve Prophets II., 56.
JOB XXI, 14, I. Samuel, 79.
---- 33, Jeremiah I., 94.
JOB, XXIV., 5, Jeremiah I., 97;
Twelve Prophets II., 368.
---- 11, Twelve Prophets II., 247.
---- 13, Isaiah II., 420.
---- 22, Psalms I., 270.
JOB XXVI., 12, II. Kings, 301.
JOB XXVII., 12, Jeremiah I., 80.
---- 15, 16, Ecclesiastes, 140;
Twelve Prophets II., 56.
JOB XXVIII., 3, Psalms I., 229.
---- 12, James, 192.
---- 23, 28, I. Kings, 132.
JOB XXIX., 12, Psalms, 316.
---- 14, Twelve Prophets II., 294.
JOB XXX., 9, Psalms II., 299.
JOB XXXI., 30, Jeremiah I., 265.
---- 37, Jeremiah I., 423.
JOB XXXIII., 20-22, Psalms III., 165.
JOB XXXV., 15, Twelve Prophets I., 322.
JOB XXXVII., 2, Twelve Prophets II., 150.
JOB XXXVIII., 1, II. Kings, 22.
---- 4, Jeremiah I., 239.
---- 7, Daniel, 202.
---- 16, 17, Daniel, 238.
---- 22, 23, Exodus, 153.
JOB XXXIX., 25, Jeremiah I., 175.
JOB XL., 4, Romans, 89.
JOB XLI., 5, 6, Romans, 268.
---- 10-13, Psalms I., 172.
JOB XLII., 1-6, Romans, 107.
---- 5, 6, James, 248.
---- 10, Psalms I., 131.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets I., 402.
JOEL, Dr., on Daniel, Daniel, 37, 38, 100.
JOEL, The Book, Twelve Prophets II., 373-436.
---- Text of, Twelve Prophets II., 397.
JOEL II., 1-11, Exodus, 159.
---- 2, Daniel, 320.
---- 2, 10, 30, 31, Jeremiah I., 227.
---- 3, Revelation, 146.
---- 4-10, Revelation, 146.
---- 7, Proverbs, 389.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 203.
---- 11, 32, Peter, 327.
---- 13, Ezekiel, 363.
---- 23, James, 293.
---- 28, Ezra, 75;
Peter, 33.
---- 30, 31, Revelation, 105.
JOEL III., 4, Jeremiah II., 249.
---- 7, Ezekiel, 152.
---- 12, 13, Revelation, 255.
---- 15, Jeremiah I., 227;
Revelation, 105.
---- 18, Jeremiah I., 85.
JOHANAN, Son of Kareah, II. Kings, 469, 470.
---- Jeremiah II., 187-196.
JOHN THE BAPTIST, and the book of Isaiah, Isaiah II., 282.
---- and Herod, Mark, 172;
Luke, 103.
---- baptizes Christ, Matthew, 31-38;
Mark, 6-13.
---- Death of, Matthew, 186-191.
---- Disciples of, Acts II., 342-344.
---- the herald of Christ, Matthew, 24-30;
Luke, 80-104.
---- imprisoned, Matthew, 49.
---- in doubt, Matthew, 143-148.
---- Seeming failure of, Matthew, 52.
---- Success of, analyzed, Luke, 92.
---- Testimony of, John I., 33-52.
JOHN, The evangelist, Mark, 84.
---- and Paul, Galatians, 126.
JOHN, TEACHING, Birth and victory, John Epistles, 223-235.
---- Boldness in the day of judgment, John Epistles, 210-219.
---- extent of the Atonement, John Epistles, 102-105.
---- The Gospel as a Gospel of witness, John Epistles, 236-240.
---- Influence of Christ, John Epistles, 118-132.
---- Knowing all things, John Epistles, 166-178.
---- Lofty ideals perilous unless applied, John Epistles, 188-203.
---- Missions and the Atonement, John Epistles, 106-116.
---- Quietness of true religion, John Epistles, 300-309.
---- sin unto death, John Epistles, 254-259.
---- Theology and life in the second Epistle, John Epistles, 282-296.
---- The truism with no exception, John Epistles, 260-273.
---- Vanity of the world, John Epistles, 149-163.
---- witness of men and the resurrection, John Epistles, 241-253.
---- The world which we must not love, John Epistles, 136-148.
JOHN, The Gospel, Analysis and theory of, John Epistles, 80-87.
---- Coincidences with, James, 313.
---- Conclusion of, John II., 418-427.
---- Historical not Idealogical, John Epistles, 88-99.
---- Purpose of, John I., ix-xiii.
JOHN I., 1, Mark, 354;
Hebrews, 16.
---- 3, John Epistles, 138.
---- 3, 18, Proverbs, 119.
---- 4, John Epistles, 189;
Revelation, 201.
---- 4, 9, 15, 16, Galatians, 157.
---- 5, Revelation, 199, 349.
---- 7, Revelation, 12.
---- 9, Matthew, 71;
Revelation, 12.
---- 10, Ephesians, 125.
---- 12, 13, Twelve Prophets, 292.
---- 13, James, 147;
Revelation, 200.
---- 14, Exodus, 375;
James, 115;
Peter, 239;
John Epistles, 33, 89;
Revelation, 128, 164, 224.
---- 16, Ephesians, 93;
Revelation, 164.
---- 17, Hebrews, 235.
---- 18, John Epistles, 282.
---- 19-27, Matthew, 308;
John Epistles, 28.
---- 23, Isaiah II., 6.
---- 26, John Epistles, 227.
---- 29, Leviticus, 34.
---- 31, Revelation, 234.
---- 36, Revelation, 79.
---- 44, Luke, 157.
---- 45, Revelation, 78.
---- 51, Revelation, 385.
JOHN II., 1-11, Revelation, 322.
---- 2, John Epistles, 17.
---- 4, Revelation, 135.
---- 6, 9, John Epistles, 227.
---- 9, John Epistles, 28.
---- 11, Peter, 239.
---- 12, James, 28, 32.
---- 17, James, 198.
---- 19-21, Leviticus, 187;
Mark, 220;
Pastoral Epistles, 358.
---- 21, Galatians, 252;
John Epistles, 82.
---- 22, Revelation, 164.
JOHN III., 2, John Epistles, 30.
---- 5, Pastoral Epistles, 286;
John Epistles, 28, 184, 226, 227, 239.
---- 8, Chronicles, 69.
---- 13, Mark, 11;
Acts II., 419.
---- 16, Acts I., 257;
Ephesians, 111;
James, 228;
John Epistles, 137.
---- 18, 19, II. Corinthians, 151.
---- 19, Revelation, 381.
---- 20, Leviticus, 114.
---- 21, John Epistles, 55.
---- 23, Joshua, 297.
---- 24, 25, John Epistles, 92.
---- 26, Mark, 17.
---- 27, Pastoral Epistles, 274.

---- 28, 29, Revelation, 322.
---- 29, Song of Solomon, 45;
Matthew, 123;
Revelation, 113.
---- 33, Ephesians, 53.
---- 34, Leviticus, 203.
---- 36, John Epistles, 206.
JOHN IV., 6-16, John Epistles, 227.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 86.
---- 12, II. Kings, 258.
---- 13, 14, Revelation, 128.
---- 14, Revelation, 388.
---- 20, II. Kings, 259.
---- 21, 23, Ezra, 54;
Jeremiah II., 372;
Galatians, 435, 438.
---- 22, Romans, 249.
---- 24, Romans, 301, 305;
Revelation, 355.
---- 26, Pastoral Epistles, 358.
---- 27, II. Kings, 45.
---- 32, Revelation, 234.
---- 34, John Epistles, 127.
---- 39, John Epistles, 206.
---- 46, Luke, 200;
John Epistles, 28.
---- 52, Matthew, 294.
JOHN V., 1, Ezra, 403;
John Epistles, 29.
---- 3, John Epistles, 227.
---- 4, Acts I., 405, 406.
---- 11, John Epistles, 137.
---- 17, Exodus, 311.
---- 18, Galatians, 250.
---- 19, Revelation, 2, 10, 253.
---- 20, Mark, 354;
John Epistles, 62.
---- 21, 29, John Epistles, 213, 214.
---- 24, II. Corinthians, 178;
Ephesians, 106.
---- 25, Ezekiel, 351;
Revelation, 341;
Ephesians, 335.
---- 26, Hebrews, 14.
---- 27, Revelation, 15, 136.
---- 27, 29, Mark, 51;
Romans, 65.
---- 28, Revelation, 341.
---- 30, Revelation, 254.
---- 31, 39. John Epistles, 30.
---- 38, John Epistles, 206.
---- 39, Proverbs, 304;
Pastoral Epistles, 392.
---- 39-46, Romans, 14.
---- 40, Romans, 281.
---- 43, John Epistles, 168.
---- 46, 47, Leviticus, 9, 43;
Romans, 270;
Hebrews, 236.
JOHN VI., 4, Matthew, 192.
---- 15, Matthew, 296.
---- 21, Revelation, 203.
---- 27, Ephesians, 53;
Revelation, 115.
---- 28, 29, 30, John Epistles, 62.
---- 31, Luke, 151;
John Epistles, 137.
---- 32, Exodus, 244.
---- 33, 55, 57, Leviticus, 96;
Mark, 380.
---- 35, John Epistles, 206.
---- 36, 40, John Epistles, 82.
---- 38, Leviticus, 184.
---- 39, 40, 44, Galatians, 311;
Revelation, 346.
---- 45, Hebrews, 139.
---- 51, 52, Leviticus, 96;
Hebrews, 322;
John Epistles, 139.
---- 54, Mark, 220, 226.
---- 62, Peter, 21.
---- 67, 70, Mark, 89.
---- 69, Mark, 32.
---- 70, Matthew, 134;
John Epistles, 183.
JOHN VII., 1, Peter, 182;
John Epistles, 125.
---- 3, 4, James, 34.
---- 4, Revelation, 173.
---- 5, Jeremiah I., 269;
James, 29, 34.
---- 7, James, 230.
---- 10, James, 33, 34.
---- 17, Thessalonians, 43;
Peter, 247.
---- 27, 28, James, 374.
---- 32, Leviticus, 10.
---- 37, Numbers, 358;
John Epistles, 29, 82, 227.
---- 37, 38, Revelation, 128.
---- 47, James, 96;
John Epistles, 293.
---- 48, Peter, 96.
---- 50, 51, Matthew, 408, 431.
---- 70, John Epistles, 183.
JOHN VIII., 1, Proverbs, 133.
---- 12, Matthew, 67;
Revelation, 126, 181.
---- 12-35, John Epistles, 125.
---- 14, James, 334.
---- 18, John Epistles, 30.
---- 23, James, 229.
---- 28, Thessalonians, 45.
---- 31-44, Galatians, 233.
---- 33, Jeremiah I., 124;
Galatians, 181, 295.
---- 35, Galatians, 297.
---- 38, Peter, 71.
---- 41-44, Ephesians, 104.
---- 44, Jeremiah I., 363;
Pastoral Epistles, 78;
Peter, 289;
John Epistles, 189;
Ephesians, 400;
John Epistles, 183;
Revelation, 201.
---- 56, Romans, 107;
Pastoral Epistles, 327;
Hebrews, 229;
Revelation, 102.
---- 58, Proverbs, 119.
---- 59, Peter, 182.
JOHN IX., 5, Matthew, 67.
---- 7, John Epistles, 29, 227.
---- 24, Jeremiah I., 287.
---- 25, Peter, 102.
---- 34, Revelation, 174.
---- 35, Romans, 17;
Revelation, 175, 305.
---- 41, Galatians, 258;
James, 271.
JOHN X., 1, Jeremiah I., 203.
---- 1-18, Leviticus, 55;
Revelation, 167.
---- 4, Peter, 208.
---- 7, Revelation, 305.
---- 10, Romans, 179;
Revelation, 94.
---- 11, James, 130.
---- 16, Ephesians, 135;
Revelation, 298.
---- 17, 18, Pastoral Epistles, 356.
---- 18, Leviticus, 213;
Hebrews, 77.
---- 20, John Epistles, 183.
---- 22, Daniel, 246;
Acts I., 173.
---- 28, Philippians, 25;
James, 465.
---- 34-38, Psalms II., 427.
---- 37, John Epistles, 206.
---- 38, James, 334.
JOHN XI., 1, Luke, 308.
---- 5, Luke, 308.
---- 13, John Epistles, 82.
---- 16, John Epistles, 94, 309.
---- 25, James, 334;
John Epistles, 206;
Revelation, 342.
---- 33, Pastoral Epistles, 136.
---- 34, Mark, 394.
---- 52, Ephesians, 135.
JOHN XII., 1, Matthew, 377.
---- 2, Luke, 308.
---- 6, Luke, 379.
---- 16, Galatians, 12.
---- 24, Leviticus, 459.
---- 20-34, John Epistles, 6.
---- 26, Galatians, 256.
---- 27, Mark, 395;
Pastoral Epistles, 136;
Revelation, 135.
---- 28, John Epistles, 30.
---- 31, Matthew, 420;
Galatians, 434;
James, 229;
Revelation, 208;
Ephesians, 400;
Peter, 224.
---- 32, Matthew, 432;
Peter, 102.
---- 34, Daniel, 248.
---- 35, John Epistles, 131.
---- 36-38, Revelation, 239.
---- 37-40, Exodus, 170.
---- 38, Isaiah I., 6.
---- 41, Romans, 15.
---- 48, Peter, 59.
---- 49, 50, Leviticus, 56;
Philippians, 121.
JOHN XIII., 1-6, John Epistles, 126, 227.
---- 1, 14, John Epistles, 29, 80.
---- 2, John Epistles, 183;
Revelation, 119.
---- 4, Peter, 215.
---- 7, Peter, 258.
---- 8, Peter, 49.
---- 21, Pastoral Epistles, 137.
---- 23, Pastoral Epistles, 58.
---- 25, 26, Matthew, 390.
---- 27, John Epistles, 183.
---- 29, Matthew, 391.
---- 30, Matthew, 391;
John Epistles, 4, 34, 97.
---- 35, Galatians, 354.
JOHN XIV., 1, John Epistles, 139.
---- 3, Hebrews, 296;
Revelation, 253.
---- 6, 9, Hebrews, 14;
Revelation, 193.
---- 12, Acts I., 128.
---- 14, John, 30.
---- 16, Galatians, 253;
John Epistles, 115.
---- 17, Galatians, 254.
---- 18, Revelation, 390.
---- 19-21, John Epistles, 244, 252;
Revelation, 342.
---- 20, Revelation, 370.
---- 23, Romans, 371;
Ephesians, 89;
Philippians, 205;
John Epistles, 177.
---- 26, Peter, 260;
John Epistles, 172.
---- 27, Leviticus, 235;
Song of Solomon, 261;
Galatians, 383;
Revelation, 6, 131.
---- 30, Ephesians, 102, 400;
James, 230;
Peter, 299;
Revelation, 225.
JOHN XV., 2, Revelation, 39.
---- 3, Peter, 367.
---- 5, 6, Galatians, 308;
Revelation, 214.
---- 8-11, Galatians, 381.
---- 12-17, John Epistles, 188.
---- 14, Proverbs, 236;
John Epistles, 309.
---- 15, Galatians, 249;
James, 161.
---- 16, Romans, 325;
Pastoral Epistles, 60, 219.
---- 18, 19, James, 230;
John Epistles, 138.
---- 19, Revelation, 214.
---- 20, Pastoral Epistles, 423;
Revelation, 11, 46.
---- 22, James, 272.
---- 25, Psalms II., 298.
---- 26, John Epistles, 30, 115.
---- 26, 27, Ephesians, 153;
John Epistles, 28;
Revelation, 387.
---- 27, John Epistles, 29.
JOHN XVI., 2, James, 181;
Revelation, 11.
---- 7, Galatians, 253;
John Epistles, 115.
---- 8, Peter, 143.
---- 11, Galatians, 434;
Ephesians, 400;
Revelation, 208.
---- 13, Romans, 310;
Revelation, 165.
---- 14, 15, Peter, 11, 12.
---- 16, Luke, 141.
---- 23, James, 330.
---- 30, II. Corinthians, 175.
---- 32, I. Kings, 419;
Pastoral Epistles, 423.
---- 33, John Epistles, 233;
Revelation, 177, 225.
JOHN XVII., 3, Romans, 45;
Revelation, 377.
---- 4, Peter, 174;
Revelation, 182, 318.
---- 5, Hebrews, 37;
Peter, 71.
---- 6, 10, Romans, 409.
---- 10, Galatians, 11.
---- 11, Revelation, 12.
---- 12, Revelation, 123.
---- 13, Revelation, 131.
---- 14, Ephesians, 428.
---- 15, 16, Revelation, 225.
---- 18, Thessalonians, 45.
---- 19, Leviticus, 57;
Ephesians, 369;
Peter, 151.
---- 20-23, Galatians, 239.
---- 21, Ephesians, 150;
John Epistles, 188.
---- 22, Ephesians, 208;
Revelation, 348, 370.
---- 24, Leviticus, 235;
Galatians, 256;
John Epistles, 137.
JOHN XVIII., 13, Luke, 383.
---- 15, Matthew, 407.
---- 23, Leviticus, 484.
---- 28, Revelation, 328.
---- 29-38, Matthew, 416.
---- 30, Peter, 190.
---- 31, Acts II., 32.
---- 33, Revelation, 33.
---- 38, Matthew, 421.
JOHN XIX., 5, John Epistles, 34, 97.
---- 11, Pastoral Epistles, 274;
James, 255;
Peter, 88.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets I., 115;
Revelation, 231.
---- 23, 24, Matthew, 423.
---- 24, 28, Pastoral Epistles, 392.
---- 25, James, 26, 27.
---- 26, Pastoral Epistles, 58.
---- 27, John Epistles, 26, 29.
---- 30, Revelation, 80, 182.
---- 31, Matthew, 387.
---- 34, John Epistles, 29, 199, 227.
---- 35-37, John Epistles, 30, 89;
Revelation, 377.
---- 36, Exodus, 267;
Revelation, 79.
JOHN XX., 5, 11, Peter, 38.
---- 9, Luke, 405.
---- 10, 11, John Epistles, 251.
---- 11, James, 107.
---- 16, John Epistles, 251.
---- 17, James, 29;
Peter, 18.
---- 20, John Epistles, 26.
---- 21-23, Matthew, 439;
Revelation, 210.
---- 22, Galatians, 70.
---- 23, James, 343.
---- 27, James, 102;
John, 82.
---- 28, Romans, 15, 262.
---- 29, Romans, 345.
---- 30, 31, John Epistles, 242.
JOHN XXI., 1, 8, John Epistles, 29.
---- 7, Pastoral Epistles, 58;
John Epistles, 7.
---- 12, John Epistles, 247.
---- 15-17, Matthew, 437, 439.
---- 17, Peter, 24.
---- 18, Peter, 260.
---- 22, Revelation, 243.
---- 24, John Epistles, 302.
---- 25, James, 185.
JOHN, The Epistles, John Epistle, v-ix.
JOHN, First Epistle, and the Gospel of John, John Epistles, 21-38.
---- General rules for its interpretation, John Epistles, 75-78.
---- Image of St. John's soul in, John Epistles, 54-74.
---- Polemical element in, John Epistles, 39-53.
---- Surroundings, John Epistles, 3-20.
---- Texts and Versions, John Epistles, 79-100, 101, 117, 133, 134, 164, 179, 185, 204, 207, 220, 274.
I. JOHN I., 1, John, 1, 29; Peter, 263.
---- 6, Galatians, 354.
---- 7, Leviticus, 34, 135.
---- 8, Romans, 191;
Pastoral Epistles, 48;
James, 96.
---- 9, Ezra, 141;
Song of Solomon, 241;
James, 339.
I. JOHN II., Philippians, 41.
---- 1, James, 168.
---- 8, Revelation, 78.
---- 14, Peter, 58.
---- 15, 16, Acts I., 257;
James, 229;
Revelation, 225.
---- 17, Jeremiah I., 239;
Galatians, 30;
James, 230.
---- 18, Leviticus, 127;
Pastoral Epistles, 374, 376, 378;
James, 279, 446;
Peter, 164;
Revelation, 215, 236.
---- 19, Mark, 258; Revelation, 215.
---- 20, Leviticus, 203, 216;
II. Corinthians, 50;
Ephesians, 256.
---- 22, 23, Pastoral Epistles, 48, 302.
---- 24, James, 121.
---- 26, James, 96.
---- 29, Proverbs, 159, 162.
I. JOHN III., 2, Galatians, 230.
---- 3, Thessalonians, 31.
---- 4, Leviticus, 444;
Galatians, 150;
Pastoral Epistles, 48.
---- 7, 10, Proverbs, 159;
James, 96.
---- 8, Matthew, 165;
Ephesians, 104, 400;
Pastoral Epistles, 78.
---- 9, Revelation, 348.
---- 10, Ephesians, 400.
---- 12, Hebrews, 223;
Peter, 157;
Revelation, 201.
---- 15, James, 222.
---- 16, Galatians, 380, 397.
---- 19, Ephesians, 248;
Hebrews, 226.
---- 24, Ephesians, 53.
I. JOHN IV., 1, Ezra, 268;
Ephesians, 54;
Revelation, 229.
---- 1, 2, 3, Deuteronomy, 351.
---- 2, 3, Pastoral Epistles, 48.
---- 3, Pastoral Epistles, 376.
---- 7, Romans, 342;
Galatians, 161.
---- 9, 10, Galatians, 380.
---- 10, Leviticus, 227.
---- 14, 16, Galatians, 432;
James, 229.
---- 15, Ephesians, 250.
---- 16, Romans, 137.
---- 20, James, 132, 231;
Peter, 249.
I. JOHN V., 1, 5, Pastoral Epistles, 48.
---- 4, 18, Revelation, 208, 209.
---- 6, Leviticus, 354.
---- 16, Mark, 96.
---- 18, James, 244;
Revelation, 348.
---- 20, 21, Revelation, 243.
II. JOHN, 7, Pastoral Epistles, 48.
---- 8, Matthew, 284;
Romans, 109.
III. JOHN, 2, James, 224.
---- 7, Romans, 347;
James, 130.
---- 9, Pastoral Epistles, 337;
James, 378.
JOHN'S EVE, St., Acts II., 335.
JOHNSON, Dr. Samuel, Colossians, 342.
JONADAB and Amnon, II. Samuel, 195.
---- Jehu and, Deuteronomy, 322.
---- Laws of, Jeremiah II., 46.
JONAH, Numbers, 226; Acts II., 119.
---- and the great fish, Twelve Prophets II., 523.
---- and the repentance of Nineveh, Twelve Prophets II., 529-535.
---- refuses to go to Nineveh, Exodus, 75;
Twelve Prophets II., 514-522.
JONAH, The Book, Twelve Prophets II., 491-541.
---- Character of, Twelve Prophets II., 498-500.
---- Date of, Twelve Prophets II., 496-498.
---- Our Lord's use of, Twelve Prophets II., 507-509.
---- Purpose of, Twelve Prophets II., 500-507.
---- Unity of, Twelve Prophets II., 509-513.
JONAH I., 5, John Epistles, 107.
---- 6, Ephesians, 335.
JONAH III., 3, II. Corinthians, 294.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 293.
JONATHAN, Son of Abiathar, I. Kings, 90.
JONATHAN, Acts II., 30.
---- and David, I. Samuel, 292, 317-328.
---- condemned to death by Saul, I. Samuel, 238.
---- David's lament, II. Samuel, 1-13.
---- eats honey, I. Samuel, 234.
---- exploit at Michmash, I. Samuel, 217-228.
---- Son of Saul attacks Geba, I. Samuel, 207.
---- son of Gershom, Judges, 335-339.
---- true to David, I. Samuel, 306, 360.
JOPPA, Acts II., 118.
JORDAN, Crossing the, Joshua, 49.
---- divided, Joshua, 106-116.
---- reached, Joshua, 95-105.
JORTIN, John, Acts I., 232.
JOSEPH, Genesis, 325-414.
---- Administration of, Genesis, 369-382.
---- and his brethren in Egypt, Genesis, 383-414.
---- and Jacob, Genesis, 328.
---- and Pharaoh's dream, Genesis, 361.
---- Burial of, Joshua, 399.
---- compared with Christ, Genesis, 336.
---- compared with David and Daniel, Genesis, 326.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 260.
---- forgotten, Exodus, 14.
---- friendless and helpless, Genesis, 341.
---- gives his sons to Jacob, Genesis, 421, 422.
---- in Egypt, Exodus, 3.
---- in prison, Genesis, 339-354.
---- interprets dreams, Genesis, 350.
---- marries Asenath, Genesis, 371.
---- Place of burial, Joshua, 203.
---- Preservation of the body of, Genesis, 412;
Exodus, 204.
---- Purity of, Genesis, 346.
---- typical in his life, Genesis, 340.
JOSEPHUS, Flavius, Acts I., 125, 158, 174, 198, 217, 235, 236, 238, 251, 274, 354;
II., 11, 31, 32, 33, 53, 95, 102, 185, 428;
Thessalonians, 326;
Hebrews, 26;
James, 36, 39, 53, 221, 285, 349;
Peter, 124.
JOSHUA, Activity of, Joshua, 198.
---- and Achan, Joshua, 165-188.
---- and the battle of Bethoron, Joshua, 223-235.
---- and the battle of Merom, Joshua, 236-248.
---- and the complaint of Ephraim, Joshua, 306.
---- and the Gibeonites, Joshua, 211-222.
---- and Jesus, Joshua, 21, 248, 325.
---- Antecedents of, Joshua, 22-36.
---- The call of, Joshua, 48-59.
---- Captures Ai, Joshua, 189-200.
---- Change of the name of, Joshua, 32.
---- Charge to the people, Joshua, 70-81.
---- Death of, Judges, 45.
---- defeated at Ai, Joshua, 168.
---- Designation of, Numbers, 39.
---- Encouragement of, Joshua, 60-69.
---- His work continued that of Moses, Joshua, 13.
---- in practical command, Numbers, 244.
---- jealous for Moses, Numbers, 132;
Joshua, 31.
---- Last appeal of, Joshua, 388-401.
---- not a prophet, Joshua, 12.
---- Old age of, Joshua, 249-255.
---- one of the spies, Numbers, 151.
---- Self-sacrifice of, Joshua, 323.
---- a spy, Joshua, 32.
---- a successor to Moses, Joshua, 37-47.
---- work for Israel, Joshua, 402-416.
JOSHUA, The Book, criticism, Joshua, 17.
---- in two parts, Joshua, 14.
---- Revision of the, Joshua, 19.
---- Spiritual lesson of, Joshua, 21.
JOSHUA I., 5, Hebrews, 318.
JOSHUA VII., 19, James, 97.
JOSHUA VIII., 30, Deuteronomy, 435.
---- 32-35, Galatians, 188.
JOSHUA IX., 27, Ezekiel, 428.
JOSHUA X., 10, 11, Psalms II., 438.
JOSHUA XI., 20, Chronicles, 288.
---- 22, Jeremiah II., 232.
JOSHUA XIII., 7, Deuteronomy, 357.
---- 15-28, Jeremiah II., 237.
---- 33, Ephesians, 50.
JOSHUA XVIII., 22, Chronicles, 327.
---- 28, Chronicles, 278.
JOSHUA XX., 4, Numbers, 402.
JOSHUA XXI, 17, Jeremiah II., 120.
JOSHUA XXII., 5, Deuteronomy, 123.
---- 19, Ezekiel, 323.
JOSHUA XXIII., 11, Deuteronomy, 123.
---- 12, Chronicles, 77.
JOSHUA XXIV., 19, Romans, 88.
JOSIAH, King of Judah, Isaiah II., 30;
Jeremiah I., 19-21;
Twelve Prophets II., 12-17.
---- becomes king, Deuteronomy, 45.
---- Death of, II. Kings, 402-410.
---- Reformation of, II. Kings, 385.
---- Reign of, II. Kings, 374-384;
Chronicles, 456-460.
JOTHAM, King of Judah, II. Kings, 214-216.
JOTHAM, Judges, 213-223;
Isaiah I., 20.
JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES, Acts II., 261, 265, 364, 372, 374.
JOURNAL THEORY, Numbers, 11.
JOY, after the return from exile, Ezra, 56, 57.
---- The believers double, Peter, 163-176.
---- for the justified, Romans, 128-137.
---- The fruit of the spirit is, Galatians, 381-383.
---- in the resurrection, John II., 231-232.
---- in suffering, Colossians, 116-131.
---- in temptation, James, 62-67.
---- of the Beatitudes, Matthew, 62.
---- of the Lord, Ezra, 290-294.
---- of the Soul, Proverbs, 193.
---- Peace and, Philippians, 317-336.
---- A religion of, Leviticus, 473.
---- True, I. Samuel, 180;
Psalms I., 48.
JOYCE, James W., Acts of the Church, Acts II., 237.
---- Irish names, Acts II., 88.
JUBAL, Genesis, 46.
JUBILEE OF THE HEBREWS, Leviticus, 487-501.
JUDAIZING, Philippians, 173-187.
JUDAH, son of Jacob, and his speech to Joseph, Genesis, 392.
---- blessed by Jacob, Genesis, 431.
JUDAH THE TRIBE, blessed by Moses, Deuteronomy, 464.
---- Genealogies of, Chronicles, 106.
---- in the van, Numbers, 102.
---- The inheritance of, Joshua, 287-299.
JUDAH, The Kingdom, Chronology of, 745-458 B. C., II. Kings, 286.
---- compared with Israel, I. Kings, 276-285.
---- contrasted with Israel, Jeremiah I., 114-133.
---- Decline and fall of, Ezekiel, 3-12.
---- End of the Monarchy, Ezekiel, 97-111.
---- Exodus from Babylon, Ezra, 36-47.
---- Kings of, Table, II. Kings, 496.
---- Last Kings of, Chronicles, 455-464.
---- Persistent apostacy, Jeremiah II., 283-294.
---- Ruin of, Jeremiah II., 295-307.
---- Social and religious corruption, Jeremiah II., 270-282.
---- Wicked kings of, Chronicles, 198-200.
JUDAS, Acts I., 80, 81;
II., 56.
---- compared with Ahaz, Isaiah I., 118.
---- compared with Haman, Ezra, 371.
---- compared with Lot, Genesis, 190.
---- Remorse of, Matthew, 413-415.
---- the traitor, Matthew, 134, 381, 385, 404;
Mark, 88-91, 364-374;
Luke, 379-381;
John II., 89-105, 263.
JUDAS not Iscariot, James, 372.
JUDAS OF JAMES, James, 372, 376.
JUDE, The Epistle, and II. Peter, James, 391-400.
---- Authenticity of, James, 365-376.
---- Persons denounced in, James, 388-391.
---- Purpose of, James, 377, 378.
JUDE, 4, James, 168;
Revelation, 99.
---- 6, Ephesians, 401;
Revelation, 206.
---- 7, Revelation, 250.
---- 8, 10, Pastoral Epistles, 48, 302;
John Epistles, 120.
---- 9, Peter, 300;
Revelation, 205.
---- 14, Hebrews, 301;
Peter, 156.
---- 16, Peter, 315.
---- 18, Philippians, 281.
---- 20, Romans, 222.
JUDGES, The, Period of the, Joshua, 412.
---- Their vindication, Judges, 57.
JUDGES, The book, consistent, Judges, 56.
---- full of war like ardour, Judges, 3.
---- a second Genesis, Judges, 1.
JUDGES I., 1, Deuteronomy, 464.
---- 8, Chronicles, 278.
---- 17, Chronicles, 82.
JUDGES II., 9, Joshua, 324.
JUDGES IV., 4, Daniel, 30.
---- 11, 17, Joshua, 263.
JUDGES V., 4, Numbers, 383;
Twelve Prophets II., 151, 153.
---- 13, 23, Daniel, 67.
---- 16, Psalms II., 278.
---- 28, Ecclesiastes, 107;
Revelation, 389.
---- 31, Deuteronomy, 123.
JUDGES VII., 2, Jeremiah I., 129;
---- 18, Hebrews, 262.
JUDGES VIII., 21, Psalms II., 437.
JUDGES IX., 8, Chronicles, 327.
---- 17, Psalms III., 421.
---- 28, Jeremiah I., 72.
JUDGES X., 10-14, Jeremiah I., 99.
JUDGES XI., 33, Hebrews, 263.
---- 35, Hebrews, 262.
JUDGES XII., 5, Psalms III., 348.
JUDGES XIII., 7, Hebrews, 262.
---- 22, John I., 4.
JUDGES XVI., 28, Hebrews, 262.
JUDGES XVII., Numbers, 32.
---- 3, Jeremiah I., 67.
---- 4, Jeremiah I., 196.
---- 7, Numbers, 398.
JUDGES XVIII., 7, Joshua, 346.
---- 30, Joshua, 345.
JUDGES XIX., 1, Joshua, 346.
---- 22, Jeremiah II., 283.
---- 30, Twelve Prophets II., 248.
JUDGES XX., 8, Deuteronomy, 464.
---- 12, Joshua, 318.
---- 16, Joshua, 318.
---- 26, Leviticus, 105;
Ezra, 128.
JUDGES XXI., 19, Joshua, 313.
JUDGMENT, and then deliverance, Judges, 74.
---- Boldness in the day of, John Epistles, 210-219.
---- The broken vessel a symbol of, Jeremiah I., 398-410.
---- by Christ, John I., 200;
Hebrews, 188-195.
---- Carefulness after, Leviticus, 250-255.
---- Conviction of, John II., 221.
---- Day of, James, 412.
---- Doctrine of eternal, Hebrews, 87.
---- Fear of the, Deuteronomy, 234.
---- Future, Ecclesiastes, 320;
Twelve Prophets II., 369-371.
---- The impending, Mark, 351-358.
---- of the beast and false prophet, Revelation, 327-334.
---- of God, I. Samuel, 242;
Job, 292;
Psalms I., 62-66;
Jeremiah I., 355.
---- of the heathen, Twelve Prophets II., 431-436.
---- of Israel, Twelve Prophets I., 303-307.
---- of murmurers, Numbers, 120.
---- of Satan, Revelation, 335-359.
---- The righteous have it here, Peter, 189-200.
---- to come, Peter, 335-344.
Pastoral Epistles, 6, 96, 119.
---- compared with Joash, Chronicles, 411.
JULIUS, The Centurion, Acts II., 460.
JUSTICE, and blood revenge, Numbers, 401.
---- Equality of, II. Samuel, 124.
---- God's, Hebrews, 99.
---- Human effort for, Judges, 104;
Job, 237.
---- Impatient, Numbers, 315.
---- in Israel, Deuteronomy, 377-395.
---- in punishment, II. Samuel, 207.
---- Longing for, Isaiah I., 436, 437.
---- of God, I. Samuel, 29;
Psalms II., 190.
---- Passion for, Judges, 58.
---- Right course of, Numbers, 316.
---- should be open, Judges, 412.
---- Wisdom and, Proverbs, 41, 42.
JUSTIFICATION, and holiness, Romans, 156-186.
---- by faith, Joshua, 159-161;
Proverbs, 161;
Romans, 93-99.
---- life by the Holy Spirit, Romans, 203-217.
---- Peace, love and joy in, Romans, 128-137.
JUSTIN MARTYR, Acts I., ix, x, xi, 275, 355, 400, 414, 417;
II., 27, 267, 282, 395, 396;
Pastoral Epistles, 6, 96, 119;
James, 4, 130, 146, 429, 441;
Peter v, 87, 191, 231.
JUSTUS, Acts II., 325.
JUVENAL, Acts II., 132.
KADESH, Mustering at, Numbers, 222.
---- Position of, Numbers, 384.
---- The tribes at, Numbers, 103.
KALISCH, M. M., Galatians, 293;
John Epistles, 268.
KANT, Immanuel, John Epistles, 124.
KAUTSCH, Emil, Jeremiah II., 225, 231, 240, 315, 319, 322, 328, 339, 349;
Twelve Prophets II., 380, 381, 454.
KEATS, John, Song of Solomon, 190.
KEBLE, John, Acts I., 20, 21, 227, 324, 368;
II., 70;
James, 106, 107.
KEDAR and Hazor, Jeremiah II., 251-254.
KEILAH, David at, I. Samuel, 357.
KEIM, T., on the resurrection of Christ, I. Corinthians, 331.
KEMPIS, Thomas a, Song of Solomon, 335; I. Corinthians, 300.
KENITES, The, Numbers, 105, 266, 312.
Psalms II., 391.
KINDNESS, Brotherly, Hebrews, 99.
---- a fruit of the spirit, Galatians, 384.
---- Laws of, Deuteronomy, 411-432.
---- of David, II. Samuel, 135.
---- of the renewed soul, Colossians, 308.
---- to be returned with kindness, II. Samuel, 150.
---- True, II. Samuel, 22, 143.
KING, The, and people of Ezekiel's vision, Ezekiel, 447-461.
KING, called shepherds, Jeremiah II., 100, 102, 324.
---- Dependent upon Jehovah, Deuteronomy, 298-301.
---- Favour of a, Job, 357, 369.
---- Israel demands a, I. Samuel, 109-120.
---- Samuel defines a, I. Samuel, 116.
---- a speaker for God, Deuteronomy, 296-307.
---- Theory of a, Chronicles, 195.
---- Treatment of the, Proverbs, 324-336.
---- Worship of God and the, I. Samuel, 197.
KING, Rev. Robert, The Ruling Elder, Acts II., 417.
KINGDOM OF CHRIST, Luke, 241-254;
John II., 50-55.
---- The Gospel of the, Matthew, 57-104.
---- Invitation to enter the, Matthew, 95-104.
---- The law of the, Matthew, 69-95.
---- Parable of the, Matthew, 173-185.
---- Place in the, Matthew, 287-292;
Mark, 287-295.
---- Signs of the, Matthew, 105-131.
KINGS, The book of, I. Kings, 14-29.
---- Chronology of the first book, I. Kings, 500-503.
---- Historian of the book of, I. Kings, 30-38.
I. KINGS I., 3, Song of Solomon, 4.
I. KINGS II., 7, Luke, 76.
I. KINGS III., 3, Deuteronomy, 123, 382.
---- 4, Joshua, 218.
---- 5, Joshua, 318.
---- 11, Jeremiah I., 265.
---- 25, Psalms III., 368.
---- 26, Peter, 121.
I. KINGS IV., 20, 25, Ecclesiastes, 10.
---- 21, Revelation, 150.
---- 24, Psalms II., 411.
---- 25, Deuteronomy, 364.
---- 33, Proverbs, 12.
I. KINGS V., 10, 11, Acts II., 183.
I. KINGS VI., 2, Ezra, 91.
---- 22, Exodus, 418.
---- 36, Ezra, 93.
I. KINGS VIII., 11, Revelation, 264.
---- 22, Pastoral Epistles, 97.
---- 27, Acts I., 303.
---- 47, Psalms III., 142.
---- 44, Daniel, 226.
---- 50, Psalms III., 151.
---- 41, 53, Ephesians, 50.
---- 63, Ezra, 101.
I. KINGS IX., 3, Jeremiah I., 67.
I. KINGS X., 9, Peter, 135.
I. KINGS XI., 3, Song of Solomon, 11.
---- 4, Ecclesiastes, 18.
---- 26, Psalms III., 348.
---- 29, Joshua, 314;
Jeremiah I., 282;
Twelve Prophets I., 25.
I. KINGS XII., 4-16, Ezekiel, 441.
---- 16, Ezekiel, 316.
---- 21, Joshua, 317.
---- 22, Twelve Prophets I., 25.
I. KINGS XIII., 3, Isaiah I., 113.
---- 6, Twelve Prophets II., 280.
I. KINGS XIV., 17, Song of Solomon, 12.
---- 25, Jeremiah I., 90.
---- 27, 28, Ezekiel, 428.
I. KINGS XV., 4, Psalms, 354.
---- 13, Daniel, 211.
---- 17, Jeremiah II., 335.
I. KINGS XVI., 7, Proverbs, 332.
---- 18, 23, 24, Song of Solomon, 12.
---- 34, Joshua, 151.
I. KINGS XVII., 1, Revelation, 182.
---- 6, Revelation, 204.
---- 22, Hebrews, 263.
I. KINGS XVIII., 21, Jeremiah I., 97.
---- 27, Jeremiah I., 307.

---- 28, Jeremiah I., 99.
---- 29, 36, Ezekiel, 472.
I. KINGS XIX., 1-3, Hebrews, 263.
---- 5, Revelation, 204.
---- 10, Deuteronomy, 20;
Jeremiah I., 102;
Romans, 285;
James, 294.
---- 12, Romans, 90.
---- 18, Romans, 285;
Jeremiah I., 96.
I. KINGS XX., 43, Jeremiah I., 148.
I. KINGS XXI., 3, Jeremiah II., 310.
I. KINGS XXII., 5-28, Ezekiel, 117.
---- 11, Jeremiah I., 282;
II. 124.
---- 19, Daniel, 202;
Revelation, 271.
---- 39, Psalms, 64.
II. Kings I., 10, 12, Revelation, 181.
II. KINGS II., 2, Joshua, 202.
---- 9, John I., 48.
---- 10, Acts I., 125.
II. KINGS III., 4, Leviticus, 161.
---- 15, Daniel, 30.
---- 27, Jeremiah I., 156.
II. KINGS IV., 13, Ezekiel, 348.
---- 23, Numbers, 350.
---- 35, Hebrews, 263.
II. KINGS V., 3, Leviticus, 330.
---- 7, Leviticus, 331.
---- 12, 13, Jeremiah I., 298.
---- 16, Daniel, 212.
II. KINGS VI., 16, Jeremiah I., 424.
---- 17, Hebrews, 263.
II. KINGS IX., 7, James, 294.
---- 11, Daniel, 31.
---- 25, 27, Joshua, 303.
---- 30, Ecclesiastes, 107.
---- 37, Jeremiah I., 203.
II. KINGS X., 15, Deuteronomy, 322.
II. KINGS XI., 12, Psalms I., 87;
III., 70.
II. KINGS XII., 11, Ezekiel, 437.
---- 17, Ezekiel, 474.
II. KINGS XIII., 21, Ezekiel, 348.
II. KINGS XIV., 6, Ezekiel, 146.
---- 22, Twelve Prophets II., 167.
II. KINGS XV., 19, Ezekiel, 192.
---- 35, Jeremiah II., 17.
II. KINGS XVI., 3, Jeremiah II., 285.
---- 9, Jeremiah II., 248.
---- 15, 16, Ezekiel, 455, 472.
II. KINGS XVII., 5, Isaiah I., 148.
---- 6, Twelve Prophets II., 19.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 97.
---- 15, Psalms III., 218;
Jeremiah I., 79.
---- 20, Jeremiah I., 161.
---- 24-41, Ezekiel, 323.
---- 25, Jeremiah I., 89.
---- 31, Leviticus, 387;
Ezra, 66.
---- 32, Jeremiah I., 259.
---- 33, Ezra, 66.
---- 41, Exodus, 293.
II. KINGS XVIII., 2, Isaiah I., 375.
---- 4, Jeremiah II., 18;
Twelve Prophets II., 5;
Galatians, 267.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 106.
---- 13-16, Isaiah I., 321.
---- 16, Isaiah I., 345.
---- 22, Jeremiah I., 97.
---- 26, Jeremiah I., 218.
---- 31, 32, Colossians, 63.
II. KINGS XX., 1, Isaiah I., 375.
---- 5, Hebrews, 263.
---- 12, 13, Romans, 218.
II. KINGS XXI., 4, 5, Jeremiah I., 155.
---- 6, Jeremiah II., 285.
---- 7, Ezekiel, 84.
---- 23, Twelve Prophets II., 12.
II. KINGS XXII., 8, Jeremiah I., 15, 251;
II., 33.
---- 11-20, Twelve Prophets II., 25.
---- 13, Jeremiah I., 198.
---- 14, Jeremiah I., 16.
II. KINGS XXIII., 2, Jeremiah I., 15.
---- 3, Jeremiah I., 16, 252.
---- 9, Ezekiel, 430.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 97.
---- 14, Ezekiel, 437.
---- 15, Jeremiah II., 147.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 24.
---- 24, Twelve Prophets II., 27.
---- 26, Ezekiel, 23, 146.
---- 29, Twelve Prophets II., 21.
---- 30-32, Jeremiah II., 7.
---- 34, Jeremiah I., 28, 43;
II., 63.
---- 36, Jeremiah I., 43.
---- 33-35, Twelve Prophets II., 28.
---- 37, Jeremiah I., 152;
II., 5.
II. KINGS XXIV., 1, Jeremiah I., 152, 204;
II., 44;
Twelve Prophets II., 30.
---- 2, Jeremiah I., 271.
---- 6, Twelve Prophets II., 30.
---- 8-17, Jeremiah II., 85.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 208, 294.
---- 13, Jeremiah I., 124.
---- 14-16, Ezekiel, 3.
---- 18-20, Jeremiah II., 96.
II. KINGS XXV., 4, 5, Song of Solomon, 298.
---- 9, Song of Solomon, 266.
---- 18, Ezekiel, 437;
Twelve Prophets II., 47.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 72.
---- 27-30, Jeremiah II., 86;
Twelve Prophets II., 31.
KINGSLEY, Charles, Acts I., 209.
KISH, Asses of, I. Samuel, 127.
KIRIATH-HUZOTH, Numbers, 290.
KIRIATH-SEPHER, Judges, 18, 20.
KIRKPATRICK, A. F., Psalms I., 222;
Twelve Prophets II., 117, 118.
KIRJATH-JEARIM, The Ark at, I. Samuel, 85;
Psalms III., 349.
KISS, Greet one another with a holy, Thessalonians, 259-261.
KITTO, John, Acts I., 25, 181, 278, 282;
II., 16.
---- The blindness of, Joshua, 126.
KLOSTERMANN, August, Ezekiel, 49, 55;
Twelve Prophets II., 327.
KNOWLEDGE, Increasing in the, of God, Colossians, 49.
---- not the main thing, Job, 390.
---- of all things, John Epistles, 166-178.
---- of Christ, Philippians, 199-216;
Peter, 250.
---- of God, Hebrews, 144.
---- to pass away, I. Corinthians, 303-305.
KNOX, Alexander, Acts II., 100;
Philippians, 199, 200, 202.
KNOX, John, Isaiah II., 95.
KOHATHITES, Duties of, Numbers, 42;
Joshua, 342.
KOHELETH, Job, 38; Ecclesiastes, 14, 23-26, 285.
KOHLER, August, divides Jonah, Twelve Prophets II., 510.
KOLLING, W., Pastoral Epistles, 8.
KORACHITES, Psalms II., 43.
KORAH, his claim, Numbers, 196.
---- his doom, Numbers, 205.
---- Revolt of, Numbers, 195;
Psalms III., 144.
---- used by Jude, James, 450-462.
KOSTERS, Dr. W. H., Twelve Prophets II., 204, 205, 206, 207, 234, 248, 260, 274.
KRENKEL, M., Pastoral Epistles, 9, 207, 407.
KRUGER, Gustav, Isaiah II., 435, 442.
KUENEN, Abraham, Isaiah II., 458;
Jeremiah I., 368;
II., 205, 206;
Ezekiel, 14;
Daniel, 35, 162;
Twelve Prophets I., 19, 203, 238;
II., 81, 86, 117, 126, 192, 203, 213, 280, 451, 457, 458, 498.
KUENEN, on the Commandments, Deuteronomy, 61.
KUHN, W., Journal Comp. Philol., Acts II., 265.
KURTZ, John H., Hebrews, 253.
KYRIA, John Epistles, 283.
LABAN, Genesis, 293-295.
LABOUR, Christian worth of, Thessalonians, 203-205, 375-390.
---- Necessity of, Genesis, 30.
---- Results of, Proverbs, 269.
LACHISH, Nebuchadnezzer at, II. Kings, 458.
---- Sennacherib at, II. Kings, 328.
LACORDAIRE, Pere, quoted, Ecclesiastes, 130, 131.
LACROIX, Paul, Manners of Middle Ages, Acts II., 16.
LACTANTIUS, Jeremiah II., 67.
LAING, Samuel, quoted, Proverbs, 379, 380.
"LAMB OF GOD," Jesus the, John I., 46.
LAMB OF THE PASSOVER, The Exodus, 178, 179, 181, 184, 185.
LAMBETH CONFERENCES, Pastoral Epistles, 266.
LAMECH, The family of, Genesis, 45.
---- Song of, Genesis, 50.
LAMENTATIONS OF JEREMIAH, The date, Song of Solomon, 85.
---- Origin of, Song of Solomon, 75-86.
---- Theme of, Song of Solomon, 87-96.
---- with the, Song of Solomon, 63-346.
LAMENTATIONS I., 5, Jeremiah I., 295.
---- 11, Jeremiah I., 85.
---- 12, Peter, 136.
---- 14, Twelve Prophets II., 56.
LAMENTATIONS II., 10, Jeremiah I., 293, 305.
---- 15-17, Jeremiah I., 316.
---- 18, Psalms II., 374.
LAMENTATIONS III., 6, Psalms III., 412.
---- 14, Psalms II., 299.
---- 19, Isaiah II., 419.
---- 25, Peter, 196.
---- 28, Jeremiah I., 305.
---- 33, Twelve Prophets II., 74.
---- 38, Chronicles, 288;
Jeremiah I., 104.
---- 49, Psalms II., 374.
---- 53, Daniel, 220, 228.
---- 55-57, Daniel, 6.
LAMENTATIONS IV., 2, Jeremiah I., 291;
Twelve Prophets II., 175.
---- 5, II. Kings, 453.
---- 7, 8, II. Kings, 452;
Daniel, 139, 218.
---- 8, Psalms III., 91.
---- 10, II. Kings, 78, 452.
---- 12, Ezekiel, 227.
---- 17, Ezekiel, 105.
---- 20, Jeremiah I., 317;
Ezekiel, 99;
Twelve Prophets II., 31.
---- 21, Job, 19.
---- 22, II. Kings, 461.
LAMENTATIONS V., 4, II. Kings, 452.
---- 7, Isaiah II., 183.
---- 8, Psalms III., 369.
---- 16, Jeremiah I., 294.
---- 19, Psalms III., 93.
LAMMENAIS, M. de, Ecclesiastes, 182.
LAMP, The, shining in the dark place, Peter, 271-282.
LAND, and rents, Deuteronomy, 372, 373.
---- Boundaries of, Numbers, 390.
---- Division of, Numbers, 330.
---- Ezekiel's allotment of the, Ezekiel, 485-499.
---- hunger, Deuteronomy, 158.
---- The Jubilee and, Leviticus, 491-493.
---- law, Numbers, 407;
Isaiah I., 42.
---- Possession of, Deuteronomy, 362;
Joshua, 283.
---- The vowing of, Leviticus, 546-548.
LANDELS, William, True Glory of Woman, I. Corinthians, 253.
LANFRANC, Archbishop of Canterbury, Anecdote of, Proverbs, 205.
LANGE, John P., James, 285, 296, 399.
LANGLAND, William, Piers Plowman quoted, Twelve Prophets I., 145, 162, 393, 399.
LANGUAGE, Abuse of, Isaiah I., 260.
LAOCOON, Song of Solomon, 71.
LAODICEA, Colossians, 402.
---- Church of, Revelation, 61, 62.
---- Council of, James, 7, 14, 17, 24;
Peter, xiii.
LAPIDE, CORNELIUS a, Acts I., 242;
II., 46;
Thessalonians, 177;
John Epistles, 162.
LAPSED, The, Hebrews, 15.
LARDNER, Nathaniel, James, 420.
LAST DAYS, Pastoral Epistles, 377;
James, 278.
LATIMER, Bp. H., Jeremiah II., 113.
LAUGHTER of God, Psalms I., 15.
LAVER, of regeneration, Pastoral Epistles, 285-292.
---- of the Tabernacle, Exodus, 422.
LAW, William, Song of Solomon, 342.
LAW, The, against idolatry, Deuteronomy, 277-294.
---- and religion, Deuteronomy, 239-252.
---- Christian, rejected, Numbers, 187.
---- Contemplation of, Psalms I., 192.
---- contrasted with Salvation, Hebrews, 31.
---- The cross the death of, Colossians, 213-225.
---- Curse of the, Galatians, 188-195.
---- Delight in the, Psalms I., 3.
---- Design of the, Galatians, 211-226.
---- given at Sinai, Exodus, 277.
---- given by the Son, Hebrews, 31.
---- given through angels, Hebrews, 23.
---- how far immutable, Hebrews, 63.
---- in the spiritual life, Romans, 187-202.
---- in the commandments, Exodus, 280-286.
---- The lesser, Exodus, 330-366.
---- moulded into the present form, Ezra, 8.
---- Nehemiah and the, Ezra, 271-283.
---- of the daily life, Leviticus, 277-518.
---- of Hebrews judged harshly, Exodus, 334.
---- of Holiness, Leviticus, 267-446.
---- of kindness, Deuteronomy, 411-432.
---- of the kingdom, Matthew, 69-95.
---- of sacrifices, Deuteronomy, 253-266.
---- of the stranger, Exodus, 353-357.
---- of uncleanness, Leviticus, 277-366.
---- of worship, Exodus, 336-338.
---- our schoolmaster, Exodus, 8.
---- Paul on going to, I. Corinthians, 129-144.
---- Solidarity of the divine, James, 132-134.
---- Supreme excellence of the, Psalms III., 244-289.
LAW OF ACCOMMODATION, in God's revelation, Genesis, 6.
LAWRENCE, Lord, viceroy of India, Deuteronomy, 306.
LAWS OF MANU, Deuteronomy, 30-32, 242, 243, 245, 246.
LAWYER, Work of the, I. Corinthians, 135.
LAYING ON OF HANDS, Leviticus, 41-46;
Acts I., 284, 285;
II., 414;
I. Corinthians, 103;
Pastoral Epistles, 63, 64, 67, 166, 167, 315;
Hebrews, 87.
LAYMEN, Numbers, 202.
---- in Synods, Acts II., 236.
LAZARUS, Feast of, John II., 4-17.
---- raised, John I., 351-367;
Ephesians, 86.
LEADER, God does not approve all the acts of a, Judges, 59.
---- Qualification of a, Numbers, 340;
Judges, 75, 216.
LEAH, Genesis, 291.
LEAVEN, banished from houses, Numbers, 352.
---- of the Pharisees, Mark, 208-212.
---- Prohibition of, Leviticus, 73.
LE BAS AND WADDINGTON, Voyage Archeolog, Acts I., 270;
II., 216.
LE BLANT, M., Acts I., 297.
LEGALISM, Hebrews, 148, 202.
LEGISLATION in Numbers, Numbers, 12.
LEIBNITZ, Gottfried W., Romans, 359.
LEMME, L., Pastoral Epistles, 9, 407.
LEMUEL, King, Word of, Proverbs, 396.
LEO THE GREAT, James, 340.
LEPERS, Song of Solomon, 277-287.
---- Exclusion of, Numbers, 48.
---- no pariahs, Numbers, 51.
---- their condition, Numbers, 48.
LEPROSY, Cases of, Numbers, 50.
---- Cleansing of, Leviticus, 345-357.
---- healed, Matthew, 107-109;
Mark, 42-46.
---- of garment or house, Leviticus, 358-366.
---- of Miriam, Numbers, 147.
---- the type of sin, Leviticus, 336;
Numbers, 49;
Matthew, 108.
---- Uncleanness of, Leviticus, 327-344.
LESLIE, Charles, Short and easy method with the Deists, Acts I., 77.
LEVI, son of Alpheus, Christ's call to, Mark, 56-61.
LEVI, son of Jacob, and Jacob's blessing, Genesis, 429.
---- and the Shecemites, Genesis, 314.
LEVI, the tribe, blessed by Moses, Deuteronomy, 465.
---- in Deuteronomy, Numbers, 33.
---- separate, Numbers, 7.
---- Service of, Numbers, 25.
LEVITES, admitted priests, Numbers, 33.
---- and Hezekiah, Chronicles, 429.
---- Cities of the, Numbers, 396;
Joshua, 340-352.
---- Consecration of, Numbers, 40.
---- Duties of the, Numbers, 42;
Chronicles, 100.
---- given to Aaron, Numbers, 34.
---- returning from Babylon, Ezra, 44.
---- Service of the, Numbers, 39.
---- revolt with Korah, Numbers, 201.
---- Support of the, Numbers, 215.
LEVITICAL LAW, Leviticus, 1;
Numbers, 8.
LEVITICUS, Occasion and plan of, Leviticus, 18.
---- Origin and authority of, Leviticus, 5.
---- Present day use of, Leviticus, 24.
---- Purpose of, Leviticus, 20.
LEVITICUS IV., 3, Isaiah I., 131;
Ezekiel, 438.
---- 7, Revelation, 98.
---- 31, Exodus, 413.
LEVITICUS V., 24, Jeremiah I., 176.
LEVITICUS VI., 13, Ezra, 316.
LEVITICUS VII., 15, Psalms I., 222.
---- 16, Proverbs, 97.
---- 31-34, Deuteronomy, 315.
LEVITICUS VIII., 6, 30, Hebrews, 186.
---- 9, John Epistles, 13.
---- 26, Numbers, 32.
---- 33, Numbers, 32.
LEVITICUS X., 6, Ezekiel, 437.
LEVITICUS XIII., 17, Mark, 43.
---- 45, Song of Solomon, 284.
---- 46, II. Kings, 83.
LEVITICUS XIV., 12, Numbers, 49.
LEVITICUS XV., 31, Chronicles, 435.
LEVITICUS XVI., 2, Exodus, 377.
---- 6, Ezekiel, 438;
Hebrews, 74.
---- 11, 15, Ezekiel, 454.
---- 12, Exodus, 418.
---- 27, Hebrews, 322.
LEVITICUS XVII., 3, Deuteronomy, 259.
---- 11, Exodus, 398.
LEVITICUS XVIII., 3, Jeremiah I., 225.
---- 5, Romans, 268;
Galatians, 191.
---- 18, Ezekiel, 191.
---- 24, Jeremiah I., 82.
---- 25, Jeremiah I., 202.
LEVITICUS XIX., 1, 2, Numbers, 25.
---- 9, Deuteronomy, 358.
---- 12, Exodus, 303.
---- 13, James, 280.
---- 17, Matthew, 74.
---- 18, Galatians, 342.
---- 18, 34, Deuteronomy, 127;
Luke, 295;
Romans, 359.
---- 19, II. Corinthians, 240.
---- 27, Jeremiah I., 205.
---- 33, 36, Proverbs, 218;
Ezekiel, 452.
LEVITICUS XXI., 5, Jeremiah I., 334;
Ezekiel, 437.
---- 9, Revelation, 309.
LEVITICUS XXIII., 6, Numbers, 84.
---- 10, Deuteronomy, 358;
Ezekiel, 468.
---- 17, Numbers, 184;
Acts I., 83.
---- 24, Ezra, 276.
---- 34, 36, Twelve Prophets II., 241.
---- 39, I. Kings, 290.
LEVITICUS XXIV., 14, Acts I., 333.
LEVITICUS XXV., 7, Deuteronomy, 430.
---- 23, Psalms II., 11.
---- 25, Jeremiah II., 311.
---- 42, Exodus, 340.
LEVITICUS XXVI., 11, 12, II. Corinthians, 246.
---- 26, Revelation, 92.
---- 33, Psalms III., 147.
---- 34, 35. Jeremiah I., 347.
---- 36, II. Kings, 406.
---- 39, Psalms III., 150.
---- 41, Proverbs, 311.
LEVITICUS XXVII., 14, Jeremiah I., 67.
---- 25, Ezekiel, 452.
---- 28, 29, Deuteronomy, 170.
LEWIN, Thomas, Acts I., 196, 248;
II., 31, 32, 39, 45, 60, 80, 102, 119, 163, 167, 186, 198, 360.
LIBANIUS, Acts II., 151, 152.
LIBERALITY, Christian, Numbers, 75;
Proverbs, 43, 145.
---- of God, Joshua, 294.
LIBERTY, and license, Peter, 307, 313-322.
---- and love, I. Corinthians, 177-193.
---- Christian, I. Corinthians, 229.
---- Claim for Christian, Philippians, 226-233.
---- Cost of, Exodus, 87.
---- defined, Leviticus, 444.
---- The Gospel of, Luke, 142-147.
---- Law of, Deuteronomy, 128.
---- of the Jubilee, Leviticus, 490.
---- Perils of, Galatians, 333-346.
LICE, Plague of, Exodus, 136, 137.
LICENTIOUSNESS, of oriental religions, Leviticus, 388.
---- of the Paganism of Paul's day, Ephesians, 271-274.
LIDDON, H. P., Acts I., 55, 340;
James, 116, 230.
LIFE, as vigour, Job, 260.
---- a battle, Isaiah I., 339.
---- Brevity of, Psalms II., 4, 7;
III., 12.
---- The chief good in the wise use of, Ecclesiastes, 229-275.
---- Close of, Numbers, 235.
---- conflict, Deuteronomy, 99.
---- Drama of, Numbers, 330.
---- a fire, Isaiah I., 337.
---- From death to, Ephesians, 95-108.
---- The ideal in Christ, Judges, 264.
---- Illusoriness of, Psalms II., 5.
---- Jesus Christ The, John I., 21;
II., 128-131.
---- Loss of a high ideal of, James, 29.
---- Love to God the law of, Deuteronomy, 116-145.
---- Meaning of individual, Genesis, 14;
Job, 61.
---- The new nature and the new, Colossians, 290-304.
---- of wisdom, Proverbs, 39-51.
---- Precepts for the innermost, Colossians, 305-319.
---- The present Christian life a risen, Colossians, 257-270.
---- Principle of man's, Job, 382.
---- Purpose of, Job, 52.
---- rewards life, Job, 409.
---- Sanctity of human, Joshua, 327-329.
---- spirit and character, Jeremiah II., 62.
---- Words of eternal, John I., 227-238.
---- worth living? Ecclesiastes, 4;
Romans, 178.
LIGHT, Children of the, Ephesians, 321-335.
---- The Gospel of, Luke, 137-142.
---- healing, James, 245.
---- of the world, Matthew, 66-69;
John I., 271-283.
LIGHTFOOT, Dr. J., Acts I., 64, 84, 97, 125, 147, 158, 177, 181, 182, 233, 260, 272, 333, 335;
II., 32, 57, 441;
James, 77, 328.
LIGHTFOOT, Bishop J. B., Acts I., 166, 195, 239, 268, 269, 274, 335, 376;
II., 96, 173, 252, 291, 293, 300, 344, 350, 363, 378, 427;
Romans, 423;
II. Corinthians, 87, 374;
Ephesians, 68, 90, 202, 262;
Philippians, 173, 175, 317, 364;
Colossians, 90, 155, 221, 325.
---- on Galatians, Acts II., 19, 20, 50, 79, 84, 247, 251, 264, 266;
Romans, 115;
Galatians, 12, 16, 96, 143, 169, 217, 264, 274, 289, 328, 371, 385;
Pastoral Epistles, 113, 158, 227, 361;
James, 17, 20, 32, 120, 367, 379, 429, 451;
John Epistles, 283.
LINCOLN, Abraham, James, 235.
LINUS, Pastoral Epistles, 113, 338, 415, 416.
LITTLE THINGS, Absorbing power of, Judges, 176.
---- Christianity and, Philippians, 360.
---- Divine concern for, Luke, 278.
---- Importance of, Leviticus, 410.
---- test the quality of men, Judges, 174.
---- Value of, Colossians, 378, 379;
John Epistles, 127.
LIPSIUS, R. A., Acts I., 25;
II., 5, 53.
LITERATURE, Christianity and unchristian, Pastoral Epistles, 224-236.
LITURGICAL FORMS in the New Testament, Pastoral Epistles, 83, 134.
LIVINGSTONE, David, and his religion inseparable, Joshua, 4.
---- begs to be sent forward, Joshua, 272.
---- Faith of, I. Samuel, 421.
---- Story of, Proverbs, 59.
---- Suffering of, I. Kings, 422.
LOAVES AND FISHES, For the sake of the, II. Samuel, 94.
LOCKE, J., Acts I., 402.
LOCUSTS, and the day of the Lord, Twelve Prophets II., 398-417.
---- for good, Ecclesiastes, 267.
---- The plague of, Exodus, 154-160;
Revelation, 146, 147.
LOGOS, The, Doctrine of, John I., 3-70;
John Epistles, 83.
---- doctrine not in the Pentateuch, Exodus, 363.
LOMBARD, Peter, Sententiae, Romans, 76.
LOIS, Pastoral Epistles, 21, 388.
LONG-SUFFERING, Galatians, 384;
Colossians, 310.
LORD, The term when used of Christ, Pastoral Epistles, 424.
LORD'S PRAYER, Luke, 180-185.
---- and the Decalogue, Deuteronomy, 73.
---- and Mohammedan custom, Leviticus, 373.
LORD'S SUPPER, The, Numbers, 86-89;
Hebrews, 322.
---- Abuse of, at Corinth, I. Corinthians, 259-272.
---- Desecration of, Leviticus, 440-442.
---- instituted, Matthew, 392-395;
Mark, 374-383.
LOT, Abraham rescues, Genesis, 121-133.
---- compared to Judas, Genesis, 190.
---- Escape of, Peter, 241, 291, 292.
---- Failure of, Philippians, 39.
---- a hospitable man, Genesis, 176.
---- separates from Abraham, Genesis, 108-120.
---- visited by angels, Genesis, 176, 188.
---- Wife of, Genesis, 194-197.
LOT, The, cast in choosing Saul, I. Samuel, 158.
---- Inquiry by, Joshua, 171;
Proverbs, 217.
---- Saul uses, I. Samuel, 237.
---- used by the Philistines, I. Samuel, 78.
LOTZE, Hermann, Isaiah I., 410.
LOVE, and the absence of faith, Judges, 406.
---- and character, Philippians, 31, 38.
---- and holiness, Romans, 359, 360.
---- and humility, Galatians, 377, 378.
---- and prayers, Thessalonians, 117-134.
---- Attribute of, Isaiah II., 140.
---- the bond of perfectness, Colossians, 315-317.
---- covering sins, Peter, 168.
---- The craving for, Thessalonians, 122.
---- emphasized, Deuteronomy, 412.
---- for the justified, Romans, 128-139.
---- For the sake of, Colossians, 448-451.
---- the fruit of the spirit, Galatians, 379-381.
---- The Gospel of, Luke, 134.
---- Jealousy of Divine, James, 232-237.
---- Labour of, Thessalonians, 27-30.
---- Liberty and, I. Corinthians, 177-193;
Galatians, 340.
---- Measure of Christ's, II. Corinthians, 186-197.
---- No gift like, I. Corinthians, 293-308.
---- of Christ, Ephesians, 200;
John II., 408.
---- of David for Absalom, II. Samuel, 214.
---- of God, Joshua, 104;
Psalms II., 25;
Isaiah II., 76, 399, 451;
Thessalonians, 370-372.
---- of Ruth and Naomi, Judges, 380.
---- our true life, John II., 197.
---- A reserve in, Genesis, 402.
---- Sin against, Isaiah II., 467;
Twelve Prophets I., 346-354.
---- to God the law of life, Deuteronomy, 116-145.
---- True, tested, Song of Solomon, 15-27.
---- Union in, Colossians, 158-162.
---- unquenchable, Song of Solomon, 28-40.
LOVING KINDNESS, Psalms I., 348;
II., 217, 458, 464;
III., 83, 108, 380;
Isaiah I., 436.
LOWLY, Exaltation of the, James, 80-82.
LOYALTY of Barzillai, II. Samuel, 303.
---- of the people to Joshua, Joshua, 79.
---- to Christ, Joshua, 81.
---- to God, Joshua, 367.
LUCIAN, Acts I., 278;
II., 312.
LUCRETIUS, Galatians, 39;
Ephesians, 268.
---- idea of God, Exodus, 60.
LUDOLF, Hiob, History of Ethiopia, Acts I., 415.
LUKE, Pastoral Epistles, 23, 27, 207, 209, 421-423.
---- and Demas, Colossians, 398-401.
---- at Philippi, Acts II., 391.
---- Life of, Luke, 3-7.
LUKE, The Gospel, Authorship of, Acts I., 10.
---- Chronology of, Luke, 130.
---- Coincidences with, James, 313.
---- Genesis of the Gospel, Luke, 1-14.
LUKE I., 1, 2, Pastoral Epistles, 337, 361.
---- 4, Pastoral Epistles, 388.
---- 5, Chronicles, 103.
---- 6, James, 32.
---- 10, Exodus, 419;
Leviticus, 71.
---- 19, Romans, 235.
---- 28, Ephesians, 35.
---- 36, 58, James, 28.
---- 42, 43, Galatians, 364.
---- 53, James, 49.
---- 54, 55, Galatians, 209.
---- 70, Romans, 13.
---- 78, Ephesians, 110;
John Epistles, 197.
LUKE II., 7, James, 31.
---- 9, Revelation, 304.
---- 13, Daniel, 202.
---- 22-24, Leviticus, 314.
---- 25, 26, 38, Daniel, 288;
James, 32.
---- 32, James, 115.
---- 36, Chronicles, 105;
Ezra, 42;
John Epistles, 285.
---- 37, John Epistles, 19.
---- 44, James, 28.
---- 49, Leviticus, 55.
---- 52, Isaiah II., 169;
Mark, 353.
LUKE III., 4, Isaiah II., 6.
---- 14, Acts II., 105.
---- 21, I. Kings, 143.
---- 22, Leviticus, 203;
John I., 41.
---- 27, 31, II. Kings, 435;
Jeremiah II., 92.
---- 31, I. Kings, 105.
LUKE IV., 5-7, Ephesians, 400.
---- 16, Mark, 21.
---- 16-29, Jeremiah I., 7.
---- 17, Isaiah II., 6.
---- 21, Pastoral Epistles, 392.
---- 24, Jeremiah I., 264.
---- 25, Daniel, 237.
---- 26, 27, Galatians, 140.
---- 29, James, 34.
LUKE V., 8, James, 248.
---- 12, Mark, 78.
---- 22, James, 122.
LUKE VI., 12, Jeremiah I., 128.
---- 15, James, 26.
---- 19, Peter, 101.
---- 20, 24, James, 49.
---- 25, 26, James, 83.
---- 34, Ezra, 258.
---- 35, 36, Ephesians, 300.
---- 36, Psalms III., 201.
---- 40, Peter, 228.
---- 48, Peter, 228.
LUKE VII., 35, Proverbs, 119.
---- 39-40, Mark, 240.
---- 41, Leviticus, 171.
---- 42, 43, Ephesians, 312.
---- 47, Peter, 168.
LUKE VIII., 10, Matthew, 178.
---- 19, James, 28, 32.
---- 28, Daniel, 179.
LUKE IX., 22, Peter, 266.
---- 26, Romans, 35.
---- 31, Psalms III., 302;
Peter, 261, 266.
---- 32, Daniel, 262;
Matthew, 237.
---- 49, Galatians, 121.
---- 51-56, II. Kings, 12.
---- 54, Mark, 83;
James, 26.
LUKE X., 3, Jeremiah I., 269.
---- 7, Peter, 207.
---- 14, John Epistles, 211.
---- 15, Jeremiah I., 363.
---- 17-20, Ephesians, 401;
Revelation, 207.
---- 18, James, 242.
---- 21, Revelation, 131.
---- 34, James, 328.
LUKE XI., 13, Galatians, 230, 253;
Ephesians, 54.
---- 14-26, Ephesians, 401.
---- 20, Exodus, 430.
---- 21, 22, Ephesians, 398;
Revelation, 207.
---- 27, 28, James, 374.
---- 28, Peter, 319.
---- 29, 30, Twelve Prophets II., 507.
---- 31, James, 193;
John Epistles, 211.
---- 38, Mark, 240.
---- 46, Galatians, 307.
---- 47, Philippians, 177.
---- 49, Mark, 354;
James, 193.
---- 50, Mark, 220.
LUKE XII., 1, Mark, 376.
---- 4, John Epistles, 309.
---- 5, Romans, 39.
---- 7, Ezra, 87.
---- 8, Revelation, 116.
---- 14-58, Deuteronomy, 389.
---- 19, James, 262.
---- 24, 27, James, 105.
---- 25, Peter, 358.
---- 35-40, Philippians, 304;
Peter, 42.
---- 37, Peter, 215.
---- 39, Peter, 355.
---- 47, James, 271.
LUKE XIII., 1-5, Song of Solomon, 150.
---- 4, Leviticus, 171.
---- 7, Galatians, 298.
---- 14, Mark, 240.
---- 16, Song of Solomon, 220.
---- 20, Song of Solomon, 153.
LUKE XIV., 11, 16, James, 241, 247.
---- 15-24, Leviticus, 90.
---- 26, Leviticus, 249;
Jeremiah I., 270;
Romans, 250.
---- 34, 35, Revelation, 232.
LUKE XV., 10, Revelation, 83.
---- 18, Ezra, 183.
---- 21, Song of Solomon, 241.
---- 23, Leviticus, 90.
---- 29, Galatians, 249.
LUKE XVI., 8, Ephesians, 402.
---- 19-31, Galatians, 181;
Pastoral Epistles, 327;
James, 49.
---- 23, II. Corinthians, 349.
---- 25, Exodus, 293.
LUKE XVII., 2, James, 351.
---- 12, Mark, 44.
---- 18, II. Kings, 258.
---- 26-30, Ezekiel, 72.
---- 28-30, James, 278.
---- 29, Jeremiah I., 271.
LUKE XVIII., 2, John Epistles, 19.
---- 6, Ephesians, 402.
---- 8, Exodus, 106;
Thessalonians, 309;
Peter, 332.
---- 11, Daniel, 226;
Romans, 56, 258.
---- 13, Romans, 54.
---- 16, Leviticus, 318.
---- 29, 30, Proverbs, 38.
---- 31, 32, Isaiah II., 285;
John Epistles, 191, 192.
---- 32, Matthew, 413.
LUKE XIX., 1-10, Matthew, 293.
---- 11, Matthew, 358.
---- 38, Proverbs, 335.
---- 39, 40, Matthew, 299.
---- 41-44, Matthew, 300.
---- 42, Mark, 108.
LUKE XX., 35, Philippians, 245;
Hebrews, 264.
---- 36, Ephesians, 185.
---- 38, Hebrews, 228.
---- 42, Peter, 194.
---- 47, James, 168.
LUKE XXI., 4, John Epistles, 193.
---- 20, Daniel, 101, 283.
---- 24, Leviticus, 538.
---- 25, Peter, 356.
---- 27, Revelation, 160.
---- 28, Ephesians, 61.
---- 34, Philippians, 284.
---- 36, Twelve Prophets II., 314.
LUKE XXII., 4, Acts I., 177.
---- 13, James, 241.
---- 18, Colossians, 62.
---- 20, Jeremiah II., 362.
---- 24, Matthew, 387;
John II., 77;
James, 202.
---- 26, Ephesians, 275.
---- 31, 32, Mark, 414;
Galatians, 136;
Ephesians, 401.
---- 32, Peter, 3, 373.
---- 43, Matthew, 404;
Hebrews, 28.
---- 44, Hebrews, 76.
---- 51, Matthew, 405;
John II., 265.
LUKE XXIII., 12, Revelation, 185.
---- 16, 22, Pastoral Epistles, 75.
---- 28, Song of Solomon, 122.
---- 34, Jeremiah I., 4.
---- 35, Psalms, 216.
---- 43, Acts I., 124;
II. Corinthians, 349;
Pastoral Epistles, 327.
---- 46, Peter, 195.
---- 50, James, 32.
---- 51, Matthew, 408, 431.
LUKE XXIV., 12, James, 107;
Peter, 38.
---- 22, Peter, 108.
---- 25-27, Romans, 14.
---- 27, Leviticus, 23.
---- 34, 37, Mark, 441.
---- 37, Matthew, 199;

John Epistles, 245.
---- 39, Mark, 354;
John Epistles, 82.
---- 41, Mark, 438;
John Epistles, 246.
---- 44, Leviticus, 7;
Daniel, 98;
Acts I., 76.
---- 47, Ephesians, 37;
James, 4.
---- 48, Matthew, 439.
---- 51, Mark, 444.
LUSTS, as the causes of strife, James, 214-223.
---- their effect on prayer, James, 223-225.
LUTHER, Martin, Romans, 229;
II. Corinthians, 80, 189;
Galatians, 3, 290;
Ephesians, 244;
Colossians, 230, 418, 446;
James, 23, 147, 159, 203, 427, 454, 457;
Peter xvii;
John Epistles, 70.
---- and the book of Daniel, Daniel, 36.
---- and the book of Esther, Ezra, 351.
---- and the Epistle of James, Proverbs, 148.
---- defines God, Exodus, 292.
---- humbles himself, I. Samuel, 94.
---- Justification, Romans, 172.
---- on the care of God, Mark, 286.
---- on faith and works, Exodus, 282.
---- on sin, Psalms II., 131.
---- persecuted, I. Kings, 422.
---- Prayer of Jonah, Twelve Prophets II., 512.
LUZ, Judges, 28.
LYCAONIA, Acts II., 212, 265.
LYDIA, Acts II., 278.
LYING, Ephesians, 292.
---- acted, Acts I., 226.
---- David, I. Samuel, 399.
---- not needed for the attainment of God's ends, Genesis, 103.
---- Results of Jacob's, Genesis, 274.
---- to save life, Joshua, 89.
---- tongue, Proverbs, 89, 167, 168.
LYSIAS, Claudius, Acts II., 429.
LYSTRA, Acts II., 200, 212-217, 260;
Pastoral Epistles, 21, 22, 24.
LYTTLETON, Lord George, on the Conversion of Paul, Acts II., 40.
LYTTON, Bulwer, Ecclesiastes, 215.
MAACHAH, daughter of Talmai, wife of David, II. Samuel, 39.
MACEDONIA, St. Paul in, Acts II., 271-300.
MACHPELAH, Purchase of, Genesis, 229 sq.
MACKNIGHT, James, Hebrews, 248.
MAGIC, Pastoral Epistles, 383.
---- at Ephesus, Acts II., 352.
---- Books of, destroyed, Acts II., 355.
MAGNIFICAT, The, Luke, 39-42;
James, 236, 237.
MAHANAIM, David flees to, II. Samuel, 241-252;
Psalms I., 325.
---- the residence of Ishbosheth, II. Samuel, 24.
MAINE, Sir Henry, Pastoral Epistles, 159.
---- "Ancient Law," quoted, Jeremiah I., 282.
MALACHI, The Book, Twelve Prophets II., 329-372.
MALACHI I., 2, 3, Romans, 250.
---- 6, 13, Leviticus, 38.
---- 8, Chronicles, 232.
---- 14, Leviticus, 443.
MALACHI II., 4, Twelve Prophets I., 259.
---- 5, Jeremiah I., 227.
MALACHI II., 8, Twelve Prophets II., 56.
---- 12, Deuteronomy, 405;
Daniel, 190.
---- 15, John Epistles, 183.
MALACHI III., 1, Daniel, 11, 108;
Matthew, 305;
Peter, 276.
---- 2, 3, Jeremiah I., 148.
---- 4, 10, Chronicles, 232.
---- 5, James, 281.
---- 8, 9, Leviticus, 166.
---- 8-12, Ezra, 316.
---- 16, Daniel, 322.
---- 17, Ephesians, 60.
---- 24, Twelve Prophets I., 372.
MALACHI IV., 1, 5, Revelation, 105.
---- 2, Revelation, 385.
---- 4-6, II. Kings, 24.
---- 5, Peter, 328.
MALALAS, John, Acts I., 342;
II., 157.
MALCHION, James, 370.
MALEBRANCHE, Nicolas, Hebrews, 205.
MALICE, Colossians, 286.
MALTA, Acts II., 462.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 450-471.
MAN, alone able to approve God's purpose, Genesis, 13.
---- becomes heir of God through death, Genesis, 235.
---- the chief work of God, Genesis, 11.
---- the crowning work of God, Genesis, 13.
---- to cultivate the curse of sin out of the world, Genesis, 31.
---- faculty for worship, Genesis, 11.
---- given up to his own way, Romans, 48-55.
---- Greek and Roman idea of, Acts I., 55-66.
---- The ideal, Genesis, 64.
---- inferior to angels, Hebrews, 34.
---- not a tool, Exodus, 429.
---- of sin, Thessalonians, 305-322.
---- Pagan view of, Deuteronomy, 101-104.
---- Primitive condition of, Genesis, 17.
---- subject to more than one sin, Genesis, 77.
---- versus "the Time spirit," Exodus, 27.
---- What is? Psalms I., 72-74.
---- without God, Psalms I., 119.
MANASSEH, King of Judah, his reign reactionary, Deuteronomy, 41.
---- Idolatry, Deuteronomy, 121;
II. Kings, 360-363.
---- Reign of, Chronicles, 444-454;
Twelve Prophets II., 4-12.
---- succeeds Hezekiah, II. Kings, 351-370.
MANASSEH, son of Joseph, blessed by Jacob, Genesis, 421.
---- born, Genesis, 372.
MANASSEH, The tribe, blessed by Moses, Deuteronomy, 467.
---- Inheritance of Ephraim and, Joshua, 300-311.
MANDEANS, Acts II., 344.
MANLINESS, Genesis, 22;
Numbers, 258.
MANNA, Exodus, 238-244.
---- Complained of, Numbers, 121.
---- glorified, Numbers, 122.
---- withdrawn, Joshua, 123.
MANOAH, Prayer of, Judges, 273-276.
MANSEL, H. L., James, 392.
MANSI, Giovanni D., Councils, Acts II., 220, 259, 279.
MANUFACTURING among the Israelites, Deuteronomy, 362.
MAPS, Use of, Acts II., 100.
MARAH, Exodus, 226.
MARATHON, The battle, and that of Bethoron, Joshua, 228.
MARCELLINUS, Pope, Acts II., 144.
MARCH, in the wilderness, Numbers, 101.
---- of humanity, Numbers, 98.
---- Order of Israelites, Numbers, 97.
MARCION, and the Pastoral Epistles, Pastoral Epistles, 4, 5, 8, 10.
---- and St. Luke's Gospel, Acts I., 10, 270.
MARCUS AURELIUS, Ecclesiastes, 119;
Thessalonians, 392;
Pastoral Epistles, 89, 257.
MARGOLIOUTH, D. S., James, 79.
MARIA THERESA, of Voltaire, John Epistles, 96.
MARK, Acts II., 252, 254, 256;
Colossians, 388, 389;
Pastoral Epistles, 409, 410.
---- Coincidences with the Gospel of, James, 312.
MARK I., 12, Joshua, 297;
Luke, 107;
Peter, 180.
---- 15, Romans, 93.
---- 18, Twelve Prophets I., 79.
---- 24, John I., 233.
---- 31, Luke, 158;
James, 329.
---- 34, James, 184.
MARK II., 19, Song of Solomon, 45.
---- 27, Exodus, 310;
Jeremiah I., 372.
MARK III., 8, Twelve Prophets II., 169.
---- 14, Pastoral Epistles, 59, 219.
---- 18, James, 26.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 269;
II. Corinthians, 191;
James, 34, 313.
---- 26, Proverbs, 73.
---- 31, Jeremiah I., 270.
---- 32, James, 28, 32.
MARK IV., 12, Matthew, 178.
---- 13, James, 241.
---- 15, James, 241.
---- 26, Acts II., 434.
---- 38, Jeremiah I., 307.
MARK V., 3, Daniel, 193.
---- 7, Daniel, 179.
---- 23, James, 329.
---- 25-34, Leviticus, 311.
---- 30, Peter, 101.
MARK VI., 2, John II., 75;
James, 193.
---- 3, James, 26, 29, 32.
---- 4, James, 35.
---- 8, 9, Pastoral Epistles, 394.
---- 11, John Epistles, 211.
---- 13, James, 329.
---- 19, 20, Matthew, 188.
---- 26, Daniel, 227.
---- 50, Song of Solomon, 261.
MARK VII., 8, Colossians, 188.
---- 15, 20, 23, James, 177.
---- 19, I. Kings, 218.
---- 21, John Epistles, 145.
MARK VIII., 12, Matthew, 168.
---- 13, Matthew, 217.
---- 15, Exodus, 187.
---- 31, Peter, 266.
---- 34, Jeremiah I., 270.
---- 38, James, 227.
MARK IX., 6, II. Corinthians, 304.
---- 10, Matthew, 234.
---- 11-13, Revelation, 105.
---- 14, Matthew, 245.
---- 15, Matthew, 246.
---- 38-42, Matthew, 257;
Galatians, 121.
---- 42, James, 351.
---- 49, I. Kings, 203.
MARK X., 21, Leviticus, 338.
---- 29, 30, James, 236.
---- 33, Matthew, 413.
---- 35, James, 26.
---- 39, Revelation, 317.
MARK XI., 1-10, John II., 23.
---- 12-23, James, 185, 228.
---- 23, James, 122.
---- 24, James, 330.
---- 25, Daniel, 226.
---- 32, Matthew, 195.
MARK XII., 10, Pastoral Epistles, 392.
---- 24, Pastoral Epistles, 392.
---- 26, Chronicles, 15.
---- 27, Pastoral Epistles, 326.
---- 29, 30, Galatians, 220.
---- 30, 31, Luke, 295.
---- 32, 33, I. Kings, 215.
---- 37, Peter, 96.
---- 38, John Epistles, 293.
---- 40, James, 168.
---- 44, John Epistles, 193.
MARK XIII., 3, James, 26.
---- 11, Revelation, 389.
---- 9, Deuteronomy, 389.
---- 14, Song of Solomon, 118;
Daniel, 12, 101.
---- 32, 33, James, 280;
John Epistles, 168;
Revelation, 253.
---- 35, Romans, 362.
MARK XIV., 14, Luke, 76.
---- 26, Psalms III., 206.
---- 33, Luke, 367.
---- 34, Pastoral Epistles, 136.
---- 37, 38, Peter, 224.
---- 58, Jeremiah II., 17;
Luke, 388.
---- 62, Daniel, 248.
---- 65, Luke, 389;
Peter, xi.
---- 71, Luke, 384.
MARK XV., 1, Acts I., 233.
---- 6, Acts II., 382.
---- 12, John II., 312.
---- 21, Matthew, 422.
---- 34, Song of Solomon, 131.
---- 40, James, 26.
---- 42, Matthew, 387.
MARK XVI., 8, John Epistles, 245.
---- 15, Matthew, 439;
Luke, 403;
Romans, 226.
---- 16, Acts II., 73.
---- 17, Acts I., 100.
---- 18, John Epistles, 69.
---- 19, 20, Psalms III., 186.
MARKLAND, J. H., Thessalonians, 288.
MARNAS, God of Gaza, Acts I., 410.
MARQUARDT, Joachim, Acts II., 104, 458.
MARRIAGE, Abnormal, Genesis, 57, 58.
---- as an illustration, Romans, 183-186.
---- Christ on, Matthew, 268-270.
---- Christian, Ephesians, 353-365.
---- Ezra and foreign, Ezra, 131-152.
---- figure of religion, Isaiah II., 398.
---- laws, Numbers, 58.
---- Loveless, Genesis, 59;
Proverbs, 45.
---- Nehemiah and foreign, Ezra, 347.
---- of expedience, Numbers, 280.
---- of Isaac, Genesis, 240-253.
---- of Ruth and Boaz, Judges, 408-420.
---- Paul on, I. Corinthians, 161-176.
---- purified and exalted in the Old Testament, Isaiah II., 400.
---- a safeguard, Proverbs, 69-71.
---- Second, Pastoral Epistles, 122, 125.
---- a serious undertaking, Judges, 285.
---- a test of the uniqueness of Hebrew prophecy, Isaiah II., 76, 398.
---- with unbelievers, Joshua, 385;
Chronicles, 402;
II. Corinthians, 240-246.
MARSEILLES, Acts II., 374, 390.
MARTHA AND MARY, Luke, 306-316.
MARTIAL, Epigrams, Acts I., 312.
MARTYRS, Revelation, 98-104.
---- Three classes of, Acts I., 323.
MARY, Sister of Lazarus, anoints Christ, Matthew, 382-384;
Mark, 359-363;
John II., 1-17.
---- commended, John II., 10-16.
MARY, The Virgin, Luke, 47-66.
---- Annunciation to, Luke, 50, 55, 59.
---- at Cana, Luke, 64.
---- at Capernaum, Luke, 65.
---- at the Cross, Luke, 66;
John II., 319-331.
---- interrupts Christ, Matthew, 168-172.
---- Reticence of, Luke, 58.
---- Song of, Luke, 39-42.
---- Song of Hannah and of, I. Samuel, 31.
---- undue exaltation of, Luke, 53.
---- visits Elizabeth, Luke, 36.
MASON, Arthur James, Diocletian Persecution, Acts II., 367.
MASS, Sacrifices of the, Hebrews, 134.
MASSUTIUS, Acts II., 11, 55, 60.
---- and religious faith, Judges, 114;
Isaiah I., 175.
---- in France, Deuteronomy, 213, 214.
---- Christ's call to, Mark, 56-61.
MATTHEW, The Gospel, Coincidences with, James, 310.
---- for the Jew, Matthew, 3.
---- the Genesis of the New Testament, Matthew, 4.
---- in its natural order, Matthew, 3.
MATTHEW I., 1, Romans, 16.
---- 5, Joshua, 154;
Hebrews, 261;
James, 157.
---- 12, II. Kings, 435;
Jeremiah II., 92.
---- 19, James, 32.
---- 20, Revelation, 200.
---- 21, Romans, 372.
---- 23, Revelation, 385.
---- 25, James, 31.
MATTHEW II., 15, Isaiah II., 268.
---- 16, Revelation, 202.
---- 18, Jeremiah II., 335.
MATTHEW III., 1, Joshua, 297.
---- 3, Isaiah II., 6;
Luke, 215.
---- 6, Acts I., 146.
---- 8, 9, Leviticus, 166.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 124;
Ezekiel, 292;
Galatians, 181.
---- 15, Luke, 98.
---- 17, Leviticus, 172;
Luke, 215.
MATTHEW IV., 1, Joshua, 297.
---- 4, Revelation, 204.
---- 5, Daniel, 284.
---- 8, James, 229.
---- 13, Jeremiah I., 7.
---- 21, James, 26.
---- 23, Acts I., 272.
MATTHEW V., 3, Romans, 345.
---- 8, Revelation, 195.
---- 11, 12, James, 64, 294.
---- 14, 16, Leviticus, 476;
Revelation, 181, 365.
---- 17, 18, Hebrews, 63.
---- 18, Leviticus, 9.
---- 20, Galatians, 343.
---- 21, 22, James, 222.
---- 22, Deuteronomy, 389;
James, 155.
---- 28, James, 222.
---- 32, Exodus, 303.
---- 33-37, Luke, 384.
---- 38-42, Leviticus, 483.
---- 42, Pastoral Epistles, 320.
---- 43, 44, I. Kings, 101;
Luke, 343;
James, 67.
---- 45, Exodus, 104;
Song of Solomon, 208.
MATTHEW VI., 1, Daniel, 195;
II. Corinthians, 283;
Peter, 71.
---- 2, 5, 16, James, 84.
---- 7, Ezra, 181.
---- 14, James, 352.
---- 22, Proverbs, 47.
---- 23, Revelation, 232.
---- 24, Exodus, 293;
Romans, 250.
---- 28, 30, James, 85.
---- 29, Chronicles, 172;
Ezra, 50.
---- 33, Leviticus, 224;
I. Kings, 125.
---- 45, John Epistles, 119.
MATTHEW VII., 1, James, 293.
---- 1-5, Galatians, 395;
James, 251.
---- 5, James, 352.
---- 6, Proverbs, 126;
Revelation, 384.
---- 15, Revelation, 228.
---- 16-18, James, 183.
---- 21-23, James, 137.
---- 24-27, James, 101.
---- 27, Peter, 228.
MATTHEW VIII., 4, Leviticus, 9.
---- 5-13, Acts II., 105.
---- 10, Mark, 353.
---- 17, Isaiah II., 6, 352;
Peter, 101.
MATTHEW IX., 13, I. Kings, 215;
Mark, 59.
---- 23, Jeremiah I., 202.
---- 37, 38, Revelation, 253.
MATTHEW X., 2, James, 26.
---- 3, James, 26.
---- 16, James, 102.
---- 17, Deuteronomy, 389.
---- 18-20, Ephesians, 428.
---- 19, Acts I., 183.
---- 20, Galatians, 253.
---- 21, 25, Mark, 220.
---- 22, II. Corinthians, 20.
---- 28, John Epistles, 309.
---- 34, Song of Solomon, 142.
---- 35, Ezra, 151.
---- 37, Ezra, 151.
---- 40, Revelation, 389.
---- 42, Leviticus, 180.
MATTHEW XI., 5, Leviticus, 331;
James, 49.
---- 11, Galatians, 250;
Revelation, 102.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets I., 230.
---- 19, Proverbs, 119.
---- 21, 22, Jeremiah II., 51.
---- 22, 24, John Epistles, 211.
---- 23, Song of Solomon, 134.
---- 25, Daniel, 202.
---- 27, Revelation, 326.
---- 29, II. Corinthians, 292;
James, 81;
John Epistles, 309.
MATTHEW XII., 4, Exodus, 310;
Leviticus, 10.
---- 7, I. Kings, 215.
---- 17, Isaiah II., 6.
---- 19, 20, I. Kings, 397.
---- 20, Galatians, 395;
John Epistles, 232.
---- 27, Pastoral Epistles, 326.
---- 33, Ephesians, 296;
James, 183.
---- 36, Ephesians, 297;
James, 314.
---- 39, James, 227.
---- 39, 41, Twelve Prophets II., 507;
Pastoral Epistles, 358.
---- 40, Twelve Prophets II., 507.
---- 41, 42, John Epistles, 211.
---- 42, Chronicles, 172;
James, 193.
---- 43, Proverbs, 130.
---- 46, James, 28, 32.
MATTHEW XIII., 26, Revelation, 160.
---- 29, 30, Revelation, 253.
---- 30, Revelation, 154.
---- 32, Revelation, 253.
---- 35, Ephesians, 129.
---- 38, Mark, 111.
---- 39, Leviticus, 460, 470.
---- 41, Galatians, 299;
Revelation, 258.
---- 43, Daniel, 324.
---- 48, Ephesians, 296.
---- 49, 50, Revelation, 258.
---- 54, James, 193.
---- 55, James, 26, 29, 32.
MATTHEW XIV., 3-6, Leviticus, 10.
---- 11, 12, Luke, 104.
MATTHEW XV., 1-9, Acts II., 15.
---- 3-6, Leviticus, 14.
---- 5, 6, Leviticus, 551.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 176.
---- 7-9, I. Kings, 220.
---- 18, Proverbs, 166.
---- 19, Proverbs, 58.
MATTHEW XVI., 4, James, 227.
---- 13, Daniel, 248.
---- 13-16, Acts II., 101.
---- 15-18, Ephesians, 11.
---- 18, Peter, 70;
Revelation, 357.
---- 19, Acts I., 147.
---- 21, Peter, 266.
---- 22, John Epistles, 293.
---- 24, Philippians, 284;
Peter, 99.
---- 26, Joshua, 260.
---- 27, Proverbs, 159.
MATTHEW XVII., 5, James, 26.
---- 20, James, 330.
---- 24, Mark, 240.
MATTHEW XVIII., 6, James, 351.
---- 7, Leviticus, 442.
---- 9, Galatians, 278.
---- 16, II. Corinthians, 373.
---- 17, Mark, 158.
---- 19, Daniel, 151.
---- 22, Peter, 169.
---- 23-35, Leviticus, 171.
---- 25, II. Kings, 43.
---- 35, Proverbs, 319.
MATTHEW XIX., 8, Leviticus, 404;
Deuteronomy, 404;
II. Corinthians, 128;
Galatians, 219.
---- 23, 24, James, 49, 83.
---- 29, Leviticus, 224;
Daniel, 222.
MATTHEW XX., 2, Revelation, 92.
---- 3, 6, James, 156.
---- 20, Mark, 83.
MATTHEW XXI., 13, Jeremiah I., 159.
---- 16, Peter, 74.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 180.
---- 21, James, 122;
Revelation, 141.
---- 33, Hebrews, 32.
---- 42-44, Daniel, 161;
Pastoral Epistles, 392.
MATTHEW XXII., 1-14, Leviticus, 91;
Song of Solomon, 45.
---- 2, Revelation, 322.
---- 3, Proverbs, 124.
---- 12, Revelation, 353.
---- 14, Revelation, 175.
---- 32, Pastoral Epistles, 326.
---- 34-40, Acts II., 15;
Peter, 90.
---- 41-46, Psalms III., 183;
Ephesians, 91.
---- 43, Psalms III., 185.
---- 45, Hebrews, 114;
Revelation, 385.
MATTHEW XXIII., 3, James, 168.
---- 8, Peter, 120.
---- 10, Peter, 236.
---- 11, Peter, 121.
---- 12, James, 247.
---- 13-36, James, 276.
---- 23, Leviticus, 563.
---- 29, Jeremiah I., 314.
---- 32, Romans, 290.
---- 33-35. Jeremiah I., 363;
Romans, 292.
---- 34, James, 193;
Revelation, 291.
---- 35, Psalms II., 401;
Jeremiah II., 304;
James, 32;
Revelation, 310.
---- 37, Jeremiah I., 102;
James, 294.
---- 38, Galatians, 297.
MATTHEW XXIV., 1, 2, Peter, 193.
---- 3-27, John Epistles, 211.
---- 5, 8-12, Ephesians, 412.
---- 6, 7, Daniel, 320;
Revelation, 90.
---- 11, Thessalonians, 309.
---- 13, Revelation, 127.
---- 14, Leviticus, 472.
---- 15, Daniel, 12, 101, 283, 286.
---- 21, 22, Ephesians, 340.
---- 22, Numbers, 40;
Daniel, 264.
---- 24, Thessalonians, 309;
Revelation, 229.
---- 27, Hebrews, 188.
---- 29, Peter, 356;
Revelation, 106.
---- 30, Daniel, 248;
Revelation, 160.
---- 31, Thessalonians, 174.
---- 35, Hebrews, 63, Peter, 357.
---- 36, Leviticus, 15.
---- 37-39, James, 278;
Peter, 332.
---- 42, Peter, 329.
---- 44, James, 102.
MATTHEW XXV., 10, Revelation, 384.
---- 19, Romans, 362, 386.
---- 31, Hebrews, 26.
---- 31-46, Revelation, 346.
---- 34, Ephesians, 27.
---- 41, Leviticus, 559;
Ephesians, 401;
Peter, 289.
MATTHEW XXVI., 2, Mark, 360.
---- 3, Acts II., 32.
---- 12, Mark, 363.
---- 26, 27, Revelation, 324.
---- 28, II. Corinthians, 116.
---- 30, Psalms III., 206.
---- 36, I. Kings, 406.
---- 38, Pastoral Epistles, 136.
---- 39, Leviticus, 56.
---- 41, Romans, 222.
---- 46, Luke, 381.
---- 53, John II., 272.
---- 63, 64, James, 308.
---- 64, Mark, 53, 352.
---- 64, John Epistles, 211.
---- 67, Isaiah II., 285;
Peter, xi.
---- 74, Luke, 384.
MATTHEW XXVII., 9, Twelve Prophets II., 450.
---- 18, Peter, 63.
---- 25, Romans, 296.
---- 54, Acts II., 106.
---- 55, Peter, 108.
---- 56, James, 26.
---- 59, John Epistles, 245.
---- 63, John Epistles, 293.
---- 66, Ephesians, 53.
MATTHEW XXVIII., 10, James, 4, 29.
---- 13, John Epistles, 247.
---- 18, Leviticus, 199;
Peter, 145.
---- 19, Acts II., 73;
II. Corinthians, 87.
---- 20, Pastoral Epistles, 333;
Revelation, 44, 131.
MATTHIAS, Election of, Acts I., 61-81.
MAURICE, F. D., Acts II., 206;
James, 64.
MAYOR, J. B., James, 115.
MAZZINI, Giuseppe, Isaiah I., 84-86;
II., 259;
Twelve Prophets I., 89.
M'CAUL, A., Old Paths, Romans, 69.
MEAT-OFFERING, Leviticus, 63-81;
Numbers, 180.
MEATH, Lord, John Epistles, 200, 201.
MECHITARITES, Acts I., viii.
MEDAD, Eldad and, Numbers, 130.
MEDE, Joseph, Acts I., 64, 67, 84.
MEDIA, Isaiah II., 107.
MEDIATOR, Christ a, Hebrews, 137.
---- Desire for a, Job, 147.
---- Idea of a, Deuteronomy, 109, 110.
---- of the New Covenant, Hebrews, 302.
MEEKNESS, Proverbs, 172, 210;
Galatians, 387;
Colossians, 311;
James, 196-198.
MEGIDDO, Joshua, 303;
Jeremiah I., 317.
MELCHISEDEK, Genesis, 128-131;
Hebrews, 75, 79, 88, 135, 156.
---- Allegory of, Hebrews, 109-130.
---- a title, Genesis, 131.
MELITO, Bishop of Sardis, Peter, xiii.
MELVILLE, Henry, Acts II., 114.
MEMORY and life, Colossians, 474.
MENAHEM, King of Israel, II. Kings, 221-226.
MENANDER, Acts II., 11.
MENEPHTAH, Death of the son of, Exodus, 193.
---- the Pharaoh of the Exodus, Exodus, 90.
---- Tomb of, Exodus, 161-166.
MEPHIBOSHETH, David and, II. Samuel, 134-145, 297.
---- Zibah and, II. Samuel, 242.
MERAB, daughter of Saul, I. Samuel, 302.
MERARITES, Duties of the, Numbers, 44.
MERCHANT, The, has an honorable career, Deuteronomy, 369.
---- Vocation of the, Isaiah I., 296, 297.
MERCIES of God, I. Samuel, 105;
Psalms III., 159.
MERCY, and faithfulness, Psalms I., 348.
---- Covenant and, Ezra, 178.
---- Peace and, Galatians, 447.
---- Trust in God's, Psalms I., 121.
MERCY SEAT, The, Exodus, 377;
Hebrews, 154.
MERIBAH, Exodus, 249-252;
Psalms III., 148.
MERIT, No hope in human, Romans, 78-83.
MERIVALE, Dean C., Hebrews, 96, 195.
MERODACH-BALADAN, Isaiah I., 200, 376.
---- and Hezekiah, II. Kings, 315.
---- defeated, II. Kings, 323.
MEROE, Acts I., 412.
MEROM, Battle of, Joshua, 236-248.
MERX, Adalbert, on Joel, Twelve Prophets II., 394-396, 436.
MESOPOTAMIA, Isaiah II., 51, 56.
MESSAGE, The Divine, Numbers, 219.
MESSIAH, Isaiah I., 89, 90, 115 sq., 129, 131-144, 180 sq., 249;
Ezekiel, 304-321;
Daniel, 69;
Twelve Prophets I., 408-418;
Hebrews, 35, 114.
---- the anointed, I. Samuel, 147.
---- Conspiracy against, Psalms I., 13.
---- Hope for a, Chronicles, 299-310.
---- in type, Chronicles, 131.
---- Kingdom of, Acts I., 27.
---- of David, II. Samuel, 366-375.
---- of Isaiah, II. Kings, 269.
---- of the Psalmist, Psalms II., 90, 329.
---- prophesied, Deuteronomy, 339.
---- referred to by Balaam? Numbers, 311.
---- referred to by Hannah, I. Samuel, 35.
---- universal dominion, Psalms I., 18.
METAPHORS of James, James, 86, 88.
METAPHRASTES, Simeon, Acts I., vi., 218.
MEYER, H. A. W., Acts I., 98, 217, 230;
II., 342;
Romans, 261;
II. Corinthians, 65, 137, 139, 149, 165, 239, 267, 317, 374;
Galatians, 95, 116, 217, 229, 274, 328;
Ephesians, 4, 42, 48, 359, 416;
Philippians, 117, 173;
James, 32, 390.
MICAH OF MT. EPHRAIM, Judges, 336.
MICAH, the prophet, of the reign of Manasseh, II. Kings, 364.
MICAH, the book, Twelve Prophets, 357-438.
MICAH I., 4, Psalms III., 63;
Peter, 357.
---- 7, Revelation, 290.
---- 10-16, II. Kings, 299.
---- 12, Jeremiah II., 329.
MICAH II., 9, Ezekiel, 312.
---- 12, Ezekiel, 314.
MICAH III., 5, II. Kings, 463.
---- 8, Ezekiel, 120.
---- 10, Proverbs, 26;
Jeremiah II., 276;
Twelve Prophets II., 146.
---- 11, II. Kings, 397, 463.
---- 12, Psalms II., 399;
Jeremiah II., 23;
Daniel, 81.
MICAH IV., 1, 2, II. Kings, 263;
Jeremiah II., 107;
Peter, 33.
---- 2, Jeremiah I., 85.
---- 4, Deuteronomy, 364.< br/>
---- 6, Twelve Prophets II., 74.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 184.
---- 11-13, Ezekiel, 372.
---- 13, Psalms III., 63.
MICAH V., 1, II. Kings, 239;
Jeremiah I., 119.
---- 1-6, Ezekiel, 311.
---- 2, Chronicles, 144;
John Epistles, 82.
---- 3, Ezekiel, 314.
---- 5, Jeremiah I., 90;
II., 100.
---- 7, Isaiah II., 307.
MICAH VI., 1, Isaiah I., 17.
---- 3, Jeremiah I., 81.
---- 6-8, I. Kings, 212;
Jeremiah II., 35;
Ezekiel, 463.
---- 7, II. Kings, 37.
---- 8, Psalms I., 138;
Jeremiah I., 207.
---- 10, 11, Leviticus, 415.
---- 16, II. Kings, 145.
MICAH VII., 1-20, II. Kings, 356.
---- 5, Jeremiah I., 192.
MICAIAH, son of Imlah, I. Kings, 459, 490-493.
MICHAL, aids David to escape, I. Samuel, 307.
---- David married to, I. Samuel, 303.
---- restored to David, II. Samuel, 44-46.
MICHMASH, Jonathan's exploit at, I. Samuel, 218-228.
MICROCOSM and Macrocosm, Job, 402.
MIDIAN, Moses in, Exodus, 39-88;
Hebrews, 253.
MIDIANITES, Numbers, 261.
---- conquer Israel, Judges, 138.
---- Defeat of the, Judges, 178-194.
---- Modern, Judges, 139.
---- Number of the, Numbers, 368.
---- plot against Israel, Numbers, 313.
---- to be vexed, Numbers, 318.
---- War with the, Numbers, 365.
MIDRASH, James, 420.
MIGRATION of Abraham for a spiritual cause, Genesis, 85.
---- of Israel to Egypt of great importance, Genesis, 321.
---- of nations, Genesis, 83.
MILETUS, Acts II., 405.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 405-421.
MILITARISM in Numbers, Numbers, 17.
MILL, John Stuart, Ezekiel, 340;
Acts I., 132;
I. Corinthians, 208;
Pastoral Epistles, 39;
John Epistles, 119, 123.
---- on creation, Genesis, 9;
Job, 257.
MILLES, Bishop Thomas, Acts I., 67.
MILLIGAN, Wm., Pastoral Epistles, 117.
---- on The Resurrection, Acts II., 134.
MILMAN, Henry, Jeremiah II., 91, 152;
Acts I., 217.
MILTON, John, Proverbs, 59, 69, 111, 133, 316, 367;
Ecclesiastes, 209;
Song of Solomon, 88;
Isaiah II., 259;
Jeremiah II., 102;
Daniel, 139, 140, 163, 197;
Mark, 13, 272;
Galatians, 259;
Colossians, 76, 91;
John Epistles, 227.
MILTON, the Puritan, Deuteronomy, 192-195.
---- Satan of, Job, 35;
Proverbs, 59.
MINING, Job, 314.
MINISTRY and the prophet, Chronicles, 259.
---- Call to the, Isaiah I., 76-78.
---- Duties of the, Numbers, 212.
---- Educational work of, Chronicles, 223.
---- Influence of a high-minded, Deuteronomy, 327.
---- not a profession, Jeremiah II., 104.
---- not to be secluded, Joshua, 308.
---- Objectors to a regular, Deuteronomy, 330.
---- Origin of the Christian, Pastoral Epistles, 104-117.
---- A paid, Chronicles, 238, 263-265.
---- Provision for the, Numbers, 399.
---- St. Paul and the, Acts II., 385-421;
I. Corinthians, 97-112;
Colossians, 132-150.
---- Support of the, I. Corinthians, 195-209.
---- An unworthy, Judges, 344.
MIRACLES, Hebrews, 30 sq., 306.
---- and natural law, I. Samuel, 99, 100.
---- of Christ, Matthew, 105-131;
John II., 142-144, 423-426.
---- of Christ and Moses compared, Exodus, 132.
---- of Christ not creative, Exodus, 125;
Mark, 181.
---- of Moses, Exodus, 72, 121-170.

MIRACLES OF CHRIST, Matthew, 105-131;
Mark, 24-38, 129-161;
Luke, 255-280.
---- At the marriage in Cana, John I., 67-84.
---- Blind man of Bethsaida, Mark, 213-216.
---- The Centurion's servant, Matthew, 109-111;
Luke, 195-208.
---- The deaf and dumb man, Mark, 200-204.
---- Death vanquished, Matthew, 122-128.
---- The demoniac boy, Mark, 238-247.
---- The demoniac of Gadara, Mark, 141-151.
---- Demons cast out, Matthew, 117, 118;
Mark, 28-33.
---- Feeding the five thousand, Matthew, 192, 193;
Mark, 176-183;
Luke, 269-280;
John I., 208.
---- Feeding the four thousand, Mark, 205-208.
---- The fever patient, Matthew, 111-113.
---- Jairus' daughter, Mark, 151-161.
---- Lazarus raised, John I., 351-367.
---- The leper healed, Matthew, 107-109;
Mark, 42-46;
Luke, 260.
---- Lost faculties restored, Matthew, 128-131.
---- The man at Bethsaida, John I., 175-187.
---- The man blind from birth, John I., 301-317.
---- Miraculous draught of fish, Luke, 166-174.
---- The nobleman's son, John I., 159-173.
---- Peter's mother-in-law, Luke, 158.
---- The sick of the palsy, Mark, 47-52.
---- Sins forgiven, Matthew, 118-121.
---- The storm stilled, Matthew, 115-117, 197-202;
Mark, 133-140.
---- The withered hand, Mark, 71-74.
MIRIAM, Death of, Numbers, 223.
---- Jealousy of, Numbers, 136-141.
---- Pharaoh's daughter and, Exodus, 32.
---- Punishment of, Numbers, 147.
MIRTH, Wisdom better than, Ecclesiastes, 139.
MISANTHROPE, The, Proverbs, 240.
MISCHIEF, Proverbs, 169, 170.
MISOPOGON, Acts II., 159.
MISSIONS, Pastoral Epistles, 193-198.
---- and the Atonement, John Epistles, 106-116.
---- Christian generosity and, Proverbs, 45.
---- in Africa, Thessalonians, 157, 158.
---- methods not to be criticised, Thessalonians, 96.
---- Necessity of a healthy independence, Acts I., 200.
---- Principle of work, Romans, 278.
MISTAKES, Education in, John I., 278.
Proverbs, 200;
Twelve Prophets I., 319.
MITHRA, Worship of, Ezra, 35;
Acts I., 32;
II., 35.
MIVART, St. George, Genesis of species, Acts I., 60.
MIXED MULTITUDE, Numbers, 121.
MIZPAH, Judges, 236, 237.
---- Gedaliah murdered at, II. Kings, 470.
---- Samuel calls the people, I. Samuel, 93.
MNASON, Acts II., 426.
MOAB, Isaiah I., 94, 273;
Jeremiah II., 234-241;
Ezekiel, 226, 227;
Twelve Prophets I., 132.
---- David wars against, II. Samuel, 112, 113.
---- Invasion of, II. Kings, 29-39.
---- overrun by Amorites, Numbers, 254.
---- Plains of, Numbers, 260.
---- revolt against Ahaziah, II. Kings, 5-7.
MOABITE STONE, Deuteronomy, 136, 169;
I. Kings, 339, 451;
Ezekiel, 226.
MOHAMMED, on love, I. Corinthians, 300.
MOHAMMEDAN, Acts I., 314, 402.
---- contempt for women, Ecclesiastes, 204.
---- Conversion of the, Twelve Prophets II., 538.
---- Decay, Deuteronomy, 211.
---- method of slaughter, Leviticus, 373.
---- origin and Hebrews, Deuteronomy, 157, 161.
---- prophet, Deuteronomy, 341.
---- religion, John Epistles, 111.
---- slavery, John Epistles, 182.
MOHLER, John A., Symbolism, I. Corinthians, 264.
MOLECH, Worship of, Leviticus, 387;
II. Kings, 362.
MOLINOS, Miguel de, Acts II., 446.
MOLL, Dr. A., on Hypnotism, Acts I., 100, 123, 230, 360.
MOMMSEN, Acts II., 96, 103, 140, 150, 281, 378, 468.
MONASTICISM, Celtic, Acts II., 88.
MONEY and the church, II. Corinthians, 263.
---- and sympathy, John I., 16.
---- Danger in the love of, John II., 102;
Acts I., 227.
MONICA, St., James, 358.
MONOD, Adolph, Ephesians, 68, 107, 138, 344.
MONOTHEISM, Judges, 32;
Isaiah II., 88, 236-251.
---- and the creation, Genesis, 8.
---- and the imagination, Isaiah II., 95.
---- diffused by Abraham, Genesis, 81.
---- growth in Israel, Isaiah I., 357, 363.
---- in the Decalogue, Deuteronomy, 77.
---- moral and political advantages, Isaiah I., 108-110.
---- of Israel defined, Isaiah II., 36-40, 129, 149.
MONTANISTS, Acts I., 154;
Pastoral Epistles, 70, 115.
MONTGOMERY, James, Romans, 235.
MORAL, severity, Numbers, 370.
MORALITY, Civilization without, Numbers, 372.
---- Decay of, Twelve Prophets I., 255-268.
---- Heathen lack of, Ezra, 105.
---- progressive, Exodus, 23.
MORALS, Paul on Christian, Ephesians, 259-351.
MORDECAI, Ezra, 379, 384, 392-404.
MORE, Sir Thomas, Ecclesiastes, 303;
Jeremiah II., 102.
MOREHOUSE, Bishop James, James, 345.
MORINUS, Jean, Exerc. Bibl., Acts II., 13.
MORLEY, John, on Dante, Deuteronomy, 488.
---- on the origin of Christianity, Numbers, 88.
MOSES, Exodus, 26-442.
---- acted for Jehovah, Numbers, 92, 162.
---- and Aaron meet, Exodus, 87.
---- and the burning bush, Exodus, 43-64.
---- and Dathan, Numbers, 205.
---- and his success late in life, Joshua, 11.
---- and his successor, Joshua, 37-47.
---- and Isaiah, Numbers, 146.
---- and Jethro, Exodus, 259-263.
---- and Korah, Numbers, 204.
---- and the vision of God, Exodus, 437-439.
---- at the rock, Numbers, 225.
---- at the transfiguration, Matthew, 238.
---- appeals to Hobab, Numbers, 105.
---- Authority of, Numbers, 203.
---- Blessing of, Deuteronomy, 460-470.
---- career guided by God, Joshua, 9.
---- Character of, Deuteronomy, 474-490.
---- Choice of, Exodus, 34-38.
---- close of his life, Numbers, 313.
---- Coalition against, Numbers, 204.
---- Comeliness of, Hebrews, 239.
---- Commission of, Exodus, 65-69.
---- Death of, Deuteronomy, 490, 491.
---- encouraged by God, Exodus, 99-111.
---- Faith of, Numbers, 336;
Hebrews, 233.
---- Farewell speeches of, Deuteronomy, 433-451.
---- Fear of, Hebrews, 300.
---- Genealogy of, Exodus, 108.
---- Generalship of, Joshua, 10.
---- Great offer to, Numbers, 167.
---- hesitates to return to Egypt, Exodus, 70-79.
---- his communion with God, Numbers, 76.
---- in Midian, Exodus, 39-88.
---- inferior to Christ, Hebrews, 55.
---- Inner life of, Hebrews, 237.
---- intercedes for Israel, Numbers, 206.
---- Judgment of, Numbers, 228.
---- Magnanimity of, Numbers, 133.
---- the man of God, Joshua, 266.
---- mediatorship, Deuteronomy, 106-115.
---- Miracles of, Exodus, 72.
---- Mission of, Hebrews, 236.
---- no priest, Numbers, 6.
---- not the hero of Numbers, Numbers, 2.
---- obeys the call of God, Exodus, 79-88.
---- Parents of, Exodus, 28.
---- Position of, Numbers, 142.
---- prays for death, Numbers, 128.
---- rebukes Reuben and Gad, Numbers, 374.
---- refused by Pharaoh, Exodus, 89.
---- Reverence for, Numbers, 16.
---- Song of, Exodus, 216-225;
Deuteronomy, 452-460.
---- Stephen's account of, Hebrews, 245.
---- steward of Christ, Hebrews, 54.
---- Strain on, as leader, Numbers, 125.
---- with Aaron at the last, Numbers, 240.
---- Work of, Joshua, 58.
MOTHERHOOD, Judges, 268.
MOTIVES, mixture of, Philippians, 53.
---- Paul appeals to high, II. Corinthians, 382.
---- wrongly imputed, II. Corinthians, 32, 33.
MOULE, H. C. G., Ephesians, 403.
MOUNT OF OLIVES, Prophecy of Christ on the, Matthew, 339-375.
MOUNT SEIR, Chronicles, 81.
MOUNT ZION, Psalms II., 93-96, 284, 472, 474;
Hebrews, 153, 292-309.
---- The lamb on, Revelation, 238-245.
MOURNING in silence, Leviticus, 247-249.
MOUSE, The, of Sennacheribs defeat, II. Kings, 345.
MOZLEY, J. B., Lectures, Romans, 189.
MULLER, K. O., Antiquities of Antioch, Acts II., 150.
MULLER, Max, Ecclesiastes, 59, 60.
James, 4.
---- Canon, Pastoral Epistles, 6, 14;
John Epistles, 31, 35.
MURDER, Accidental, Exodus, 343.
---- condemned, Matthew, 73, 74.
---- The first, Genesis, 29-39.
---- forbidden, Exodus, 315-319;
Proverbs, 90.
---- Involuntary, Joshua, 330-332.
---- No satisfaction for, Leviticus, 115, 116.
---- of Abel, Genesis, 29-39.
MURMURING against God, Numbers, 118.
---- at what displeases us, Philippians, 139-142.
MURRAIN, The plague of, Exodus, 141-144.
MUSIC, and praise of the Temple, I. Kings, 197.
---- and worship, James, 320-322.
---- Influence of, I. Samuel, 275.
---- of the Temple, Psalms III., 460.
---- Origin suggested, Genesis, 46.
---- Religious value of, Chronicles, 440-443.
MUSSUS, James, 383.
MUSTERING of Israel, Numbers, 18.
MYSTERIES, Christian, II. Corinthians, 47-58.
---- New Testament, Colossians, 126-131;
Thessalonians, 263;
Pastoral Epistles, 132, 135.
NAAMAN, Leprosy of, Leviticus, 329, 330.
---- Story of, II. Kings, 50-65.
NABAL, David and, I. Samuel, 378-390;
Proverbs, 339.
NABI, or prophet, Numbers, 29.
NABONIDAS, Isaiah II., 65, 113, 193.
---- persecutes the Jews, Ezra, 16.
---- State of, Twelve Prophets II., 22.
---- Terror of, Ezra, 33.
NABOPOLASSAR, II. Kings, 383, 422.
NABOTH, Ahab and the vineyard of, I. Kings, 473-483.
NADAB, King of Israel, I. Kings, 309, 310.
NADAB, Strange fire of, Leviticus, 237-255;
Numbers, 29.
NAHASH, King of the Amorites, I. Samuel, 170, 172.
NASHON, Numbers, 22.
NAHUM, The book, Twelve Prophets II., 77-112.
---- Text of, Twelve Prophets II., 82.
NAHUM I., 3, II. Kings, 22.
NAHUM III., 5, Jeremiah I., 296, 298.
---- 8-11, II. Kings, 382.
---- 10, II. Kings, 142, 222.
NAIOTH, David at, I. Samuel, 313.
NAMES, Christian, Chronicles, 39.
---- foundation of hope, Psalms II., 156.
---- Jesus the allhallowing, Colossians, 332-334.
---- Significance of, Chronicles, 30-33.
NAOMI, and Boaz, Judges, 397 sq.
---- and her burden, Judges, 368.
---- and her daughters-in-law, Judges, 371.
---- returns to Bethlehem, Judges, 387.
NAPHTALI, The tribe, Moses blesses, Deuteronomy, 469.
NAPOLEON, at Leipzig, Exodus, 157.
---- compared with Sennacherib, Isaiah I., 362.
---- leaves Egypt, Isaiah I., 353.
---- on the conquests of Christ, I. Samuel, 263.
---- on his way to St. Helena, Numbers, 285.
---- retreat from Moscow, I. Corinthians, 237.
---- the supreme example of failure, Judges, 149.
NATHAN, The prophet, and David, Chronicles, 242;
Psalms II., 496.
---- and the rebellion of Adonijah, I. Kings, 82-85.
---- rebukes David, II. Samuel, 169-180.
---- tells David not to build a temple, II. Samuel, 100.
NATHAN, son of David, I. Kings, 142.
NATHANIEL and Jacob's dream, Genesis, 285.
---- called, John I., 64.
NATIONALISM of the old covenant, Hebrews, 140-243.
NATIONS, Duty of, Numbers, 160;
Judges, 37.
---- responsible to God, Leviticus, 128.
NATIVITY, The, Luke, 62.
Hebrews, 3.
---- ends with a sigh, Job, 290.
---- Source of, Job, 178.
NATURE, and God, Numbers, 80;
Job, 166, 287, 301;
Psalms II., 253;
Jeremiah I., 235.
---- and the supernatural, Judges, 266.
---- as a revelation of God, Hebrews, 3.
---- Cultus, Numbers, 313;
Judges, 42, 418.
---- Destruction of, Isaiah I., 417, sq.
---- Dissolution of, Hebrews, 307.
---- Fourfold use by the prophets, Isaiah I., 16-18.
---- in the Scripture, Psalms I., 189.
---- Influence of, Exodus, 387.
---- interrogated, Hebrews, 8.
---- Love of, James, 86, 231.
---- Redemption of, Isaiah I., 188-199.
---- the vesture of the Son, Hebrews, 27.
NAZARETH, Christ and, Luke, 51, 61, 131.
NAZIRITE, Samson to be a, Judges, 276.
---- vow, Acts II., 333, 436.
NAZIRITISM, ceremonies of discharge, Numbers, 64.
---- Parallels to, Numbers, 59.
---- Statutes regarding, Numbers, 60.
NEANDER, Augustus, James, 290, 325.
NEBUCHADNEZZAR, II. Kings, 429, 435, 436;
Isaiah II., 32, 34, 54, 107;
Ecclesiastes, 35, 38;
Song of Solomon, 109;
Jeremiah I., 25, 31, 46;
II., 4, 5, 300;
Ezekiel, 101, 160, 242-245, 282;
Daniel, 45, 143.
---- captures Jeconiah, Deuteronomy, 349.
---- Dream of, Daniel, 141-166.
---- Idol of gold, Daniel, 167-183.
---- stricken and restored, Daniel, 184-202.
NEBUZARADAN, Jeremiah II., 173, 175.
NECESSITY, Job, 130.
NECTARIUS, James, 340.
NEGLECT, and its results, Judges, 138.
---- and rejection, Numbers, 186.
---- of God, Deuteronomy, 155.
NEHEMIAH, The patriot, Ezra, 163-350.
---- and the covenant, Ezra, 307-316.
---- and the law, Ezra, 271-290.
---- midnight ride, Ezra, 198-209.
---- on guard, Ezra, 234-246.
---- Prayer of, Ezra, 174-197.
---- rebuilds Jerusalem, Ezra, 210-234.
---- the reformer, Ezra, 339-350.
NEHEMIAH, The book, Ezra, 1-11;
Psalms II., 452.
---- Exposition of, Ezra, 163-350.
NEHEMIAH I., 5, Deuteronomy, 123.
NEHEMIAH II., 2-8, I. Samuel, 139.
---- 3, Song of Solomon, 92.
---- 6, Psalms, 65.
NEHEMIAH III., 16, Acts I., 125.
NEHEMIAH IV., 17, Chronicles, 225.
NEHEMIAH V., 19, Leviticus, 77;
Jeremiah I., 77.
NEHEMIAH VII., 63-65, Chronicles, 47.
NEHEMIAH VIII., 6, Daniel, 226.
---- 10, Revelation, 185.
NEHEMIAH IX., 5, Daniel, 151.
---- 26, Jeremiah I., 102;
James, 294.
NEHEMIAH X., 32, Chronicles, 405;
Ezekiel, 443, 453.
NEHEMIAH XI., 1, 2, Ezekiel, 495.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 72.
---- 19, Psalms II., 43.
---- 36, Chronicles, 104.
NEHEMIAH XIII., 5, Ezekiel, 430.
---- 15, Jeremiah I., 368.
---- 23, Chronicles, 77.
---- 26, Chronicles, 173.
NEHUSHTAN, II. Kings, 293.
NEIGHBOUR, Relations to our, Proverbs, 244.
---- Rights of our, Leviticus, 164.
---- Who is our? Exodus, 315;
Deuteronomy, 127, 145.
NELSON, Robert, Fasts and Festivals, Acts I., 79;
II., 256.
NELSON, Lord, I. Corinthians, 266.
NEO-CAESAREA, Acts I., 266.
NEOCOROS, Acts II., 379, 380.
NEPHESH, Numbers, 53.
NERO, Emperor, Acts II., 433, 470;
Ephesians, 283, 340;
Pastoral Epistles, 14, 89, 275, 414, 419, 422, 426.
II., 258;
Hebrews, 169.
NEW MOON, Numbers, 343, 349.
---- of seventh month, Numbers, 355.
NEW TESTAMENT, canon, Acts I., 16.
---- Puritanism, II. Corinthians, 237-247.
---- quotations in Isaiah, Isaiah II., 6, 282, 284.
NEW TESTAMENT ETHICS, The vow in, Leviticus, 549-552.
NEWMAN, J. H., Isaiah I., 267;
Acts I., 381;
Pastoral Epistles, 39, 40, 233-235, 387;
Hebrews, 13;
James, 202, 266, 380, 383, 443.
NEWTON, Sir Isaac, Daniel, 95.
NEWTON, Robert, Acts, I., 3.
NICANOR, Gate of, Acts I., 158.
NICENE CREED, Hebrews, 29.
NICEPHORUS, James, 422.
NICODEMUS, John I., 99-116;
Acts I., 240.
---- Gospel of, Pastoral Epistles, 380.
NICOLAS, proselyte of Antioch, Acts I., 286.
NINEVEH, Fall of, II. Kings, 381;
Twelve Prophets II., 17, 61-66, 96-112.
---- Repentance of, Twelve Prophets II., 529-535.
NITZSCH, Karl Immanuel, Daniel, 81, 83.
NOAH, Genesis, 63 sq.
---- As were the days of, Peter, 325-334.
---- Covenant with, Genesis, 72, 73.
---- Drunkenness of, Genesis, 75.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 215.
---- Fall of, Genesis, 68-80.
---- Preaching of, Peter, 139.
---- Sons of, Genesis, 78.
NOB, David at, I. Samuel, 331-335.
NON-RESISTANCE, Doctrine of, Chronicles, 378-392.
NORTHCOTE, J. S., Epitaphs of the Catacombs, Acts I., 112.
Hebrews, 95.
NOWACK, Wilhelm G. H., Twelve Prophets II., 128, 144, 380, 432, 436, 487.
NUMBERS, The book, as history, Numbers, 13.
---- Date of, Numbers, 12.
---- like Greek Drama, Numbers, 2.
---- Puritanism of, Numbers, 8.
---- Sources of, Numbers, 10.
---- Spirit of, Numbers, 16.
---- Three main channels in, Numbers, 7.
---- Time covered by, Numbers, 11.
NUMBERS I., 10, Joshua, 22.
NUMBERS II., 18, Joshua, 22.
---- 24, Joshua, 23.
NUMBERS V., 2, 3, II. Kings, 83.
---- 12-27, Leviticus, 156.
NUMBERS VI., 2, Jeremiah II., 46.
---- 9-12, Leviticus, 350.
---- 10, Leviticus, 319.
---- 24-26, Psalms II., 266.
---- 25, Psalms I., 298;
II., 407.
NUMBERS VII., Leviticus, 210.
---- 89, Exodus, 377.
NUMBERS IX., 5, Joshua, 121.
---- 15-22, I. Samuel, 64.
NUMBERS X., 35, I. Samuel, 64;
Psalms I., 28;
II., 273;
III., 350.
NUMBERS XI., 1, II. Kings, 18.
---- 3, Psalms II., 391.
---- 4-6, Exodus, 234;
Leviticus, 369;
Psalms III., 144.
---- 17, John I., 48.
---- 33, Psalms III., 144.
NUMBERS XII., 7, Ephesians, 274.
---- 10, II. Kings, 63.
---- 11, Jeremiah I., 9.
---- 12, Leviticus, 330.
NUMBERS XIII., 16, Matthew, 9.
---- 22, II. Samuel, 19.
---- 30, Joshua, 264.
---- 32, Ezekiel, 332.
---- 33, Joshua, 247.
NUMBERS XIV., 10, Joshua, 34.
---- 24, Joshua, 264.
---- 28, Psalms III., 147.
---- 29, Joshua, 121.
---- 31, Psalms III., 146.
NUMBERS XV., 2-4, Leviticus, 105.
---- 30-32, Ezekiel, 482.
---- 32, Jeremiah I., 373.
---- 39, Leviticus, 195;
Song of Solomon, 44.
NUMBERS XVI., 3, Joshua, 343;
Psalms III., 144.
---- 22, Hebrews, 284.
---- 31-33, Joshua, 185.
---- 35, Psalms, 145.
---- 46, Leviticus, 238.
NUMBERS XVIII., 1, Joshua, 342.
---- 2, Joshua, 342.
---- 7, Chronicles, 422.
---- 12, Deuteronomy, 315.
---- 14, Deuteronomy, 170.
---- 15, 16, Leviticus, 545;
Ezekiel, 181.
---- 19, Chronicles, 327.
---- 20, 24, Deuteronomy, 314;
Ephesians, 50.
---- 21, Leviticus, 559.
NUMBERS XX., 2-13, Psalms III., 148.
NUMBERS XXI., 6, Jeremiah I., 183.
---- 9, II. Kings, 291.
---- 22, Psalms I., 158.
---- 29, Jeremiah I., 306.
NUMBERS XXII., 21, Psalms II., 495.
NUMBERS XXIII., 8, James, 181.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 317;
Twelve Prophets I., 270.
---- 10, John Epistles, 183.
NUMBERS XXIV., 4, Twelve Prophets I., 15.
---- 8, Twelve Prophets II., 68.
---- 9, Psalms I., 159.
---- 13, Song of Solomon, 163.
---- 19, Psalms III., 187.
---- 20, John Epistles, 183.
NUMBERS XXV., 9, Psalms III., 147.
NUMBERS XXVI., 7, 18, 34, Joshua, 73.
---- 33, Joshua, 309.
NUMBERS XXVII., 1-11, Joshua, 309.
---- 17, Psalms II., 426.
---- 18-23, Acts I., 284.
NUMBERS XXVIII., 3-8, Ezekiel, 473.
NUMBERS XXXI., 6, Psalms II., 495.
---- 7, II. Kings, 73.
---- 8, Joshua, 259.
---- 16, Psalms II., 426.
NUMBERS XXXIII., 47, 48, Ezekiel, 374.
---- 55, II. Corinthians, 352.
NUMBERS XXXV., 5, Joshua, 347.
---- 9-34, Joshua, 326.
---- 24, Numbers, 403.
---- 31, Exodus, 345;
Leviticus, 115, 484.
---- 33, Jeremiah I., 108.
NUMBERS XXXVI., 11, Joshua, 309.
NUMENIUS, Pastoral Epistles, 379.
NUNC DIMMITTIS, The, Luke, 44-46.
NYMPHAS, Colossians, 403-406.
OATH, of God to Abraham, Hebrews, 101.
---- of men and God contrasted, Hebrews, 104.
OBADIAH and Elijah, I. Kings, 379.
OBADIAH, The book, Twelve Prophets II., 161-184.
OBADIAH, 4, Jeremiah II., 244.
---- 5, Jeremiah I., 42.
---- 8, Ezekiel, 227.
---- 10-14, Isaiah I., 439;
Jeremiah I., 317.
---- 11-15, Jeremiah II., 244.
---- 21, Jeremiah II., 247.
OBED-EDOM, The ark at the house of, II. Samuel, 89.
OBEDIENCE, Proverbs, 385;
Luke, 168;
John I., 184;
Ephesians, 381;
Thessalonians, 138.
---- and love, Colossians, 487.
---- Children of, Peter, 44.
---- Duty of, Pastoral Epistles, 272, 275.
---- of the Son, Hebrews, 77;
Peter, 12, 13.
---- Prompt, Joshua, 142.
---- Reward of, Job, 42.
OBJECTIONS, Christ's method of dealing with, Matthew, 159.
OBLIGATION, Consciousness of, Philippians, 340.
OBSCURITY may furnish leaders, Judges, 87;
I. Samuel, 32.
James, 285, 399, 418.
OEHLER, G. F., Acts II., 6.
OFFENCES, Christ's doctrine of, Mark, 254-262.
OFFERINGS, See burnt offerings, meal offerings, sin offerings, wave offerings, sacrifices.
OG, King of Bashan, Joshua, 12.
OHOLA and OHOLIBAH, Allegory of Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 189-196.
OIL, for the sacrifice, Leviticus, 68-71.
---- for the sick, James, 327, 331.
OLD TESTAMENT defective in unity, Hebrews, 6.
OLIVE, Imagery, Romans, 303.
OMISSIONS, Numbers, 184.
OMRI, King of Israel, I. Kings, 338-343.
ONESIMUS, Colossians, 382-385, 418, 454-468, 471, 483;
Pastoral Epistles, 411.
ONESIPHORUS, Pastoral Epistles, 313, 319, 320, 323, 414.
OOSTERZEE, J. J. von, Hebrews, 317.
OPPORTUNISM, Judges, 166.
OPPORTUNITY, Colossians, 365.
---- for winning men, Peter, 79.
---- Providence of God and, I. Samuel, 316.
OPTIMISM of Caleb and Joshua, Numbers, 160.
ORDEAL of jealousy, Numbers, 57.
ORDINANCES, No healing in, John I., 180.
ORDINATION, Acts II., 194, 414;
Pastoral Epistles, 60, 63, 220, 314.
ORELLI, C. von, Jeremiah II., 30, 37, 43, 196, 204, 214, 225, 245, 285, 338;
Daniel, 83;
Twelve Prophets II., 117, 127, 287, 451.
ORGANIZATION, Idea of, Numbers, 44;
Deuteronomy, 328.
ORIENTAL SOCIETY, Character, Job, 131.
---- Contrasts of, Job, 72.
---- Ideas of, Job, 50.
ORIGEN, Song of Solomon, 43;
Acts I., 79, 101, 400;
II., 251;
Ephesians, 18;
Pastoral Epistles, 125, 228, 229, 379;
James, 5, 21, 307, 330, 337, 369, 372, 441;
Peter, vi.
ORMAZD, Ecclesiastes, 57-62.
ORNAMENTS, Rubric, Acts II., 239.
ORONTES, Acts II., 151, 196.
ORPAH and Naomi, Judges, 376.
ORTHODOXY uncorrupted, Job, 197.
OTHNIEL, Judges, 22, 73, 74.
OTTO, Karl, Corp. Apologet., Acts II., x.
OUTCOME, The, Bitterness of the latter end, II. Samuel, 35-37.
OVERCROWDING, Numbers, 331.
PAES, James, 105.
PAIN, and evil, Job, 52.
---- and imprudence, Job, 59.
---- Happiness and, Job, 55.
---- Mystery of, Job, 120.
PALESTINE, in the time of Abraham, Genesis, 96, sq.
---- Jehovah's land, Ezekiel, 322-341.
---- the promised land, Joshua, 52.
PALEY, William, Acts II., 291, 360;
I. Corinthians, 352;
John Epistles, 181, 182.
---- on Divine goodness, Job, 53.
PALGRAVE, W. G., quoted, Job, 20, 197.
PALLADIUS, Peter, xiii.
PALMER, William, Acts I., 237.
PAMPHILIUS, James, 6, 7.
PANGAEUS, Mount, Acts II., 276.
PANTAENUS, Acts I., 400.
PAPAL, infallibility, Acts II., 230.
---- Rise of, supremacy, Acts II., 144.
PAPHOS, Acts II., 197, 201.
PAPIAS, Acts I., 80;
Peter, v.
PARABLE, of Nathan, II. Samuel, 173.
---- Use of the word, Hebrews, 228.
PARABLES, of Balaam, Numbers, 292, 300, 305.
---- of the vine, Psalms II., 409.
---- of the vineyard, Isaiah I., 38-47.
PARABLES OF CHRIST, Matthew, 173-185;
Mark, 105-129.
---- The corn of wheat, John II., 29-43.
---- The final separation, Matthew, 366-375.
---- The Good Samaritan, Luke, 294-305.
---- The good shepherd, John I., 319-334.
---- The hid treasure, Matthew, 184.
---- The husbandman, Matthew, 311-314;
Mark, 318-325;
John I., 26.
---- The lamp and stand, Mark, 118-121.
---- The marriage feast, Matthew, 315-322.
---- The mustard seed, Matthew, 183;
Mark, 126-129.
---- The net, Matthew, 184.
---- of judgment, Matthew, 349-375.
---- of the lost and found, Luke, 317-335.
---- Principle of parabolic instruction, Matthew, 175-181;
Mark, 105-109.
---- The prodigal son, Luke, 322-335.
---- Rich man and Lazarus, Luke, 359.
---- The seed growing secretly, Mark, 121-125.
---- The servant and the household, Matthew, 349-352.
---- The sower, Matthew, 176-178, 181-183;
Mark, 109-118;
Luke, 225-240.
---- The talents, Matthew, 357-365.
---- The two sons, Matthew, 310.
---- The unjust judge, Luke, 187, 188.
---- The vine and the branches, John II., 173-190.
---- The virgins, Matthew, 353-357.
PARDON and restoration, Numbers, 171.
PARENTS, Disobedience to, II. Samuel, 275.
---- duty to children, Leviticus, 326;
Deuteronomy, 84;
Proverbs, 303-313;
Colossians, 340-345.
---- honoured, Exodus, 312.
PARTY Shibboleths, Judges, 262.
PASSOVER, The, Numbers, 351;
Hebrews, 320.
---- celebrated at the Jordan, Joshua, 121-122.
---- celebrated by Hezekiah, Chronicles, 434-438.

---- Christ keeps, Matthew, 386-395.
---- Feast of, Leviticus, 455-458.
---- instituted, Exodus, 171-193.
---- Little, Numbers, 84, 86.
PASTORAL EPISTLES, Authenticity of the, Pastoral Epistles, 4-16, 33, 52, 55, 163, 169, 294, 295, 312, 322, 404, 406-417.
---- Changes made by revisers, Pastoral Epistles, 32, 47, 59, 219, 268, 269, 285, 354, 371, 391.
---- Character of the, Pastoral Epistles, 3, 4, 15, 16, 201, 309, 313.
---- Doctrinal statement of the, Pastoral Epistles, 259, 282.
---- Genuineness of, Pastoral Epistles, 4-16, 33, 52, 55, 163, 169, 294, 295, 312, 322, 404, 406, 417, 421.
---- Phraseology of the, Pastoral Epistles, 3, 4, 15, 16, 201, 309, 312.
PATARA, Paul at, Acts II., 424.
PATIENCE, Greek words for, James, 291.
---- in criticism, James, 299.
---- in waiting, James, 289-295.
---- of faith, Isaiah I., 165.
---- of hope, Thessalonians, 30-33.
---- of Isaac, Genesis, 242.
---- of Job, James, 295-301.
---- of Joshua, Joshua, 29.
---- Trust and, Psalms I., 361.
---- Value of, Joshua, 156.
PATMOS, John at, John Epistles, ii.; Revelation, 11.
PATON, John G., Anecdote of, Proverbs, 215.
---- Early life of, Proverbs, 54.
PATRICK, St., Confessions, Acts I., 12.
---- Family of, Acts I., 281.
PATRIOTISM of Isaiah, Isaiah I., 37.
---- of Nehemiah, Ezra, 172.
---- True, Ezra, 212, 213.
PATRIOTISM, A wrong kind of, Numbers, 319.
PATTISON, Mark, James, 208.
PAUL, St., Abraham's blessing, Galatians, 180-188.
---- Absence and longing of, Thessalonians, 99-116.
---- Acts of, Acts I., 2.
---- Anathema of, Galatians, 34-49.
---- and church organization, Acts II., 216.
---- and circumcision, Acts II., 225-228, 392, 435.
---- and the curse of the law, Galatians, 188-195.
---- and false brethren, Galatians, 98-112.
---- and the epistle to the Romans, Romans, 10.
---- and the Galatians folly, Galatians, 163-179.
---- and Gnosticism, Pastoral Epistles, 32-51.
---- and Peter, Galatians, 93.
---- and Peter, James and John, Galatians, 113-128.
---- and the poor, I. Corinthians, 387-399.
---- and the primitive church, Galatians, 83-97.
---- and the Roman see, Acts II., 246.
---- and the Sanhedrin, Acts II., 23, 429, 442.
---- and slavery, Pastoral Epistles, 175-187.
---- and Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 19-31.
---- and Christian literature, Pastoral Epistles, 224-236.
---- Apologia pro vita sua, Thessalonians, 69-82.
---- appeals to lofty motives, II. Corinthians, 382.
---- as a sower, Mark, 115, 116.
---- asks for prayer, Romans, 416-420.
---- at Caesarea, Acts II., 422-449.
---- at Corinth, Acts II., 301-330;
Romans, 5;
I. Corinthians, 3 sq.
---- at Ephesus, Acts II., 331-384.
---- at Jerusalem, Galatians, 83-90.
---- at Malta, Acts II., 450-471.
---- at Miletus, Acts II., 405-421.
---- at Patara, Acts II., 424.
---- at Puteoli, Acts II., 465.
---- at Sidon, Acts II., 461.
---- at Thessalonica, Acts I., 37.
---- at Troas, Acts II., 268, 392-406.
---- at Tyre, Acts II., 425.
---- Authentic writings of, Thessalonians, 395-399.
---- Author of Ephesians, Galatians, 4-13.
---- The bane and the antidote, Colossians, 185-198.
---- Baptism of, Acts II., 72-77.
---- Behaviour in Christian worship, Pastoral Epistles, 94-103.
---- belief in the resurrection and the incarnation, Pastoral Epistles, 353-363.
---- the bestowment of grace, Ephesians, 34-49.
---- Birthplace of, Acts II., 4.
---- Bodily exercise and Godliness, Pastoral Epistles, 141-150.
---- The brand of Jesus, Galatians, 448-459.
---- Burden-bearing, Galatians, 390-404.
---- Charge against controversy, Pastoral Epistles, 364-368.
---- Charity and independence, Thessalonians, 151-168.
---- Children of the light, Ephesians, 321-335.
---- Choice between living and dying, Philippians, 65-76.
---- Christ and the church, Ephesians, 366-379.
---- The Christian family, Colossians, 335-353.
---- The Christian hope, II. Corinthians, 173-185.
---- The Christian household, Ephesians, 380-393.
---- The Christian life, Pastoral Epistles, 343-352.
---- Christian life a race, Philippians, 259-280.
---- The Christian ministry, Colossians, 132-150.
---- Christian mysteries, II. Corinthians, 47-58.
---- Christian worth of labour, Thessalonians, 375-390.
---- Christians, living epistles, II. Corinthians, 99-111.
---- Christ's captive, II. Corinthians, 84-98.
---- Christ's spirit and human flesh, Galatians, 347-360.
---- Church discipline, II. Corinthians, 72-83.
---- The church in Crete, Pastoral Epistles, 212-223.
---- The church's one foundation, II. Corinthians, 35-46.
---- Commission of, Romans, 411.
---- Comprehension of Christ, Ephesians, 183-196.
---- Concerning spiritual gifts, I. Corinthians, 273-291.
---- Conclusion of Colossians, Colossians, 371-416.
---- Conduct and the mystery of Godliness, Pastoral Epistles, 141-150.
---- Conversion of, Acts II., 22-47;
Galatians, 53-82;
Philippians, 188-190;
Thessalonians, 53-68.
---- The covenant of promise, Galatians, 196-210.
---- The cross the death of law, Colossians, 213-225.
---- The Day of the Lord, Thessalonians, 185-200.
---- The dead in Christ, Thessalonians, 169-184.
---- Design of the law, Galatians, 211-226.
---- Discarded vices, Ephesians, 290-304.
---- dispute at Antioch, Acts II., 247.
---- Divine commission of, Galatians, 68-82.
---- The divine panoply, Ephesians, 410-424.
---- Doctrine and, Ephesians, 305-320.
---- Double reconciliation, Ephesians, 131-142.
---- Duty of obedience to authority, Pastoral Epistles, 270-281.
---- Earth teaching heaven, Ephesians, 167-179.
---- Effects of the peace, word and name of Christ, Colossians, 320-334.
---- Elements of worship, Pastoral Epistles, 82-93.
---- Enemies of the cross, Philippians, 281-298.
---- Entreaty of, Galatians, 272-285.
---- Epistle to Philemon, Colossians, 415-493.
---- Epistle to Titus, Pastoral Epistles, 199-306.
---- The eternal purpose, Ephesians, 21-33.
---- Exegesis of, Acts II., 18, 19, 207.
---- Faith born of despair, II. Corinthians, 23-34.
---- False and true glorying, Galatians, 421-434.
---- Family of, Acts II., 7.
---- The far and near, Ephesians, 120-130.
---- The Father's gift through the Son, Colossians, 54-69.

---- Final redemption, Ephesians, 50-64.
---- Foes of the church, Ephesians, 397-409.
---- For the eyes of the heart, Ephesians, 65-78.
---- forsaken by men but strong in the Lord, Pastoral Epistles, 418-430.
---- From death to life, Ephesians, 95-108.
---- The fruit of the spirit, Galatians, 375-389.
---- Fruits of liberality, II. Corinthians, 274-288.
---- Gain of, alone of Godliness, Pastoral Epistles, 188-198.
---- The garments of the renewed soul, Colossians, 305-319.
---- Gifts and sacrifices, Philippians, 353-368.
---- The glory of the Son, Colossians, 70-84.
---- God's temple in humanity, Ephesians, 143-154.
---- The Gospel defined, II. Corinthians, 144-156.
---- Gospel of, Galatians, 53-67.
---- Grace of liberality, II. Corinthians, 262-273.
---- The great test of sincerity, Pastoral Epistles, 397-405.
---- Greetings in the epistle to the Romans, Romans, 427.
---- Growth of the church, Ephesians, 244-258.
---- The heir's coming of age, Galatians, 242-265.
---- Heresy in the New Testament, Pastoral Epistles, 294-306.
---- Hinderers and troublers, Galatians, 316-329.
---- his account of faith, Hebrews, 201.
---- Hope as a motive power, Pastoral Epistles, 259-269.
---- How the Philippians should think about, Philippians, 45-64.
---- Impeachment of the Jews, Thessalonians, 83-98.
---- Imprisonment of, Pastoral Epistles, 13, 24, 28, 362, 401.
---- in Antioch-Pisidia, Acts II., 206-210;
Galatians, 129-162.
---- in Antioch-Syria, Acts II., 157.
---- in Arabia, Acts II., 77-91;
Galatians, 78-82.
---- in Athens, Acts II., 305-321.
---- in Galatia, Acts II., 263.
---- in Macedonia, Acts II., 271-300.
---- Itinerancy of, Romans, 412-415.
---- Jannes and Jambres and errors, Pastoral Epistles, 375-384.
---- Joy in suffering, Colossians, 116-131.
---- Knowing the unknowable, Ephesians, 197-209.
---- Knowledge of Christ, Philippians, 199-216.
---- Language of, Acts II., 9.
---- Liberalism of, Ezra, 70.
---- The Lord's compassion to, Pastoral Epistles, 52-61.
---- Love and prayers, Thessalonians, 117-134.
---- Machinery of the primitive church, Pastoral Epistles, 331-342.
---- The man of sin, Thessalonians, 305-322.
---- Manner of, Hebrews, 29.
---- Martyrdom of, Acts II., 246.
---- The measure of Christ's love, II. Corinthians, 186-197.
---- Measure of the gift of Christ, Ephesians, 227-243.
---- mind about the Philippians, Philippians, 19-44.
---- The mind of Christ, Philippians, 95-130.
---- Moral condition of Slaves, Pastoral Epistles, 248-258.
---- Mutual intercession, Thessalonians, 359-374.
---- The new nature and new life, Colossians, 290-304.
---- New Testament Puritanism, II. Corinthians, 237-247.
---- New wine of the spirit, Ephesians, 336-350.
---- The new world, II. Corinthians, 198-209.
---- No confidence in the flesh, Philippians, 170-198.
---- Not yours but you, II. Corinthians, 359-371.
---- on the atonement, Hebrews, 224.
---- on Christian morals, Ephesians, 259-351.
---- on church life, Ephesians, 211-258.
---- on comparisons, II. Corinthians, 300-311.
---- on family life, Ephesians, 351-393.
---- on foolish boasting, II. Corinthians, 325-341.
---- on the gift of love, I. Corinthians, 293-308.
---- on Godly jealousy, II. Corinthians, 312-324.
---- on going to law, I. Corinthians, 129-144.
---- on liberty and love, I. Corinthians, 177-193.
---- on marriage, I. Corinthians, 161-176.
---- on the ministry, I. Corinthians, 97-112.
---- on ordination, Acts II., 188-218.
---- on the resurrection, I. Corinthians, 325-386.
---- on spiritual gifts and public worship, I. Corinthians, 309-324.
---- on the support of the ministry, I. Corinthians, 195-209.
---- on the use of the veil, I. Corinthians, 241-257.
---- on war, II. Corinthians, 289-299.
---- Origin of the Christian ministry, Pastoral Epistles, 104-117.
---- Our city and our coming king, Philippians, 299-316.
---- The pastor and women, Pastoral Epistles, 151-163.
---- a pastor's heart, II. Corinthians, 59-71.
---- Peace and joy, Philippians, 317-336.
---- The perils of liberty, Galatians, 333-346.
---- Perils of redemption, Pastoral Epistles, 385-396.
---- Personal details, Pastoral Epistles, 406-417.
---- Personal history, Galatians, 53-164.
---- Personal purity, Thessalonians, 135-150.
---- Personality of Satan, Pastoral Epistles, 77-81.
---- Portrait of, Acts II., 51.
---- Prayer for the Colossians, Colossians, 38-53.
---- Precepts for the innermost life, Colossians, 354-370.
---- The present Christian life a risen life, Colossians, 257-270.
---- Prophecies on Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 62-71.
---- Punishment of Hymenaeus, Pastoral Epistles, 72-75.
---- Purpose of reconciliation, Colossians, 100-115.
---- quarrel with Barnabas, Acts II., 248-251.
---- Reconciliation, II. Corinthians, 210-223.
---- The reconciling Son, Colossians, 85-99.
---- Regeneration, Pastoral Epistles, 282-293.
---- Repentance unto life, II. Corinthians, 248-261.
---- The responsibilities of the pastor, Pastoral Epistles, 164-174.
---- Restraint and its removal, Thessalonians, 323-340.
---- Results of the coming of faith, Galatians, 227-241.
---- Results of the imprisonment, Philippians, 47.
---- Resurrection life and daily dying, Philippians, 237-258.
---- Return to bondage, Galatians, 257-271.
---- Righteousness of faith, Philippians, 217-236.
---- Ritual and character, Galatians, 435-447.
---- Rulers and ruled, Thessalonians, 201-216.
---- Saved for an end, Ephesians, 109-119.
---- Second marriage, Pastoral Epistles, 118-129.
---- Second Roman imprisonment of, Pastoral Epistles, 13, 28, 362, 401.
---- Second epistle to Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 307-430.
---- Second tour of, Acts II., 245-470.
---- Secret of the ages, Ephesians, 155-166.
---- Shall the Galatians be circumcised? Galatians, 302-315.
---- The signs of an apostle, II. Corinthians, 224-236.
---- Signs of election, Thessalonians, 37-52.
---- Slaying self, Colossians, 271-289.
---- Sobermindedness, Pastoral Epistles, 237-247.
---- Sowing and reaping, Galatians, 405-418.
---- Speech at Apostolic Council, Acts II., 241.
---- The spirit, Thessalonians, 233-250.
---- Standing orders of the Gospel, Thessalonians, 217-232.
---- Story of Hagar, Galatians, 286-301.
---- Strength and weakness, II. Corinthians, 342-358.
---- striving for the Colossians, Colossians, 151-167.
---- Suffering and consolation of, II. Corinthians, 10-22.
---- Suffering and glory, Thessalonians, 289-304.
---- The Thanksgiving, Thessalonians, 21-36.
---- Theology of, Thessalonians, 341-358.
---- The things to fix upon, Philippians, 337-352.
---- thorn in the flesh, Acts II., 49, 296.
---- Trade of, Acts II., 10, 348.
---- The transfiguring spirit, II. Corinthians, 127-143.
---- The true circumcision, Colossians, 199-212.
---- Transition to Polemics, Colossians, 168-184.
---- The two covenants, II. Corinthians, 112-126.
---- Two final tests of false teaching, Colossians, 242-256.
---- Two human types, Ephesians, 275-289.
---- Undaunted and united steadfastness, Philippians, 77-94.
---- Use of the race course illustrated, I. Corinthians, 211-226.
---- The victory of faith, II. Corinthians, 157-172.
---- voyage to Rome, Acts II., 450-471.
---- warnings against some chief errors, Colossians, 226-241.
---- What God wrought in the Christ, Ephesians, 81-94.
---- Working and shining, Philippians, 131-156.
---- Works of the flesh, Galatians, 361-374.
PAUL III., Pope, Pastoral Epistles, 50.
PAUPERISM, Proverbs, 290.
PAUSANIUS, Acts II., 305, 308, 312, 363, 365.
PEACE, and grace, Ephesians, 435;
Philippians, 15, 16;
Colossians, 17-20;
Thessalonians, 15-17, 278, 279.
---- and joy, Philippians, 317-336.
---- The bequest of, John II., 157-171.
---- Divine, Numbers, 70.
---- for the justified, Romans, 128-138, 140.
---- a fruit of the spirit, Galatians, 383.
---- The God of, Thessalonians, 251, 252.
---- has brief annals, Joshua, 247.
---- Meaning of, Romans, 22.
---- of Christ, Colossians, 321-325;
Thessalonians, 391-394.
PEACE OFFERING, Exodus, 414;
Leviticus, 82-108.
PEDANIUS SECUNDUS, Pastoral Epistles, 179.
PEKAH, King of Israel, II. Kings, 227-234;
Isaiah I., 103.
PEKAHIAH, King of Israel, II. Kings, 226, 227.
PELAGIUS, James, 307.
PENAL SANCTIONS, Leviticus, 418-431.
PENIEL, Jacob at, Genesis, 293-306;
Exodus, 7.
PENINNAH, I. Samuel, 3, 7-9.
PENTATEUCH, Ezekiel and the, Ezekiel, 396-403.
---- Testimony of Christ to the, Leviticus, 9.
PENTECOST, and the Christian church, Ezra, 10.
---- The blessing of, Acts I., 82-106.
---- Feast of the, Leviticus, 459-460;
Numbers, 354.
---- First fruits of, Acts I., 127-147.
PENUEL and Gideon, Judges, 190.
PEOPLE, The, ultimately responsible, Isaiah I., 119, 198, 224.
PEOR, Numbers, 305.
PERAEA, Last days of Christ in, Matthew, 267-285.
PERATH, The river, Jeremiah I., 289.
PERFECTION, Christian, Philippians, 270.
PERGA, Acts II., 197, 201, 364.
PERGAMUM, Church at, Revelation, 49-52.
PERJURY, Matthew, 75.
PEROWNE, J. J. S., Psalms II., 420;
III., 16, 29, 31, 233, 240, 319, 372, 421, 457;
Ecclesiastes, 14, 113, 134.
PERSECUTION OF THE CHURCH, Pastoral Epistles, 54, 275.
---- The first, Acts I., 173-192;
II., 192.
PERSIANS, Israel under the, Twelve Prophets II., 187-197.
PERSEVERANCE, Joshua, 190.
---- of spiritual enemies, Judges, 316.
PERSONAL RIGHTS, Exodus, 339-345.
PERSONALITY, behind phenomena, Romans, 43.
---- Greatness of Christ's, Hebrews, 120.
---- Importance of, in Job, Job, 12.
---- of God, Hebrews, 208.
PERSONS, Worldly respect of, James, 119-123.
PESHITTO VERSION, Pastoral Epistles, 6;
James, 21, 30, 368.
PESSIMISM, Judges, 230;
Job, 39;
Ecclesiastes, 34.
PETER, St., Acts of, Acts I., 2.
---- and Christ at Galilee, John II., 387.
---- and Simon Magus, Acts I., 357, 384-397.
---- and the washing of feet, John II., 82.
---- at Antioch, Galatians, 129-162.
---- at Lydda, Acts I., 322-345.
---- at the tomb of Christ, John II., 352.
---- at the transfiguration, Matthew, 238.
---- attempts to walk upon the water, Matthew, 199-201.
---- Call of, Luke, 173;
John I., 62-64.
---- Character of, Mark, 81;
Acts I., 71.
---- Death of John and, John Epistles, 10.
---- Declaration of, John I., 227-237.
---- Denial by, Matthew, 410-412;
Luke, 384-387;
John II., 279-293.
---- Fall of, Mark, 413-417.
---- First miracle of, Acts I., 148-172.
---- First sermon of, Acts I., 107-126.
---- in Gethsemane, Luke, 373.
---- in prison, Acts II., 174-182.
---- on Baptism, Acts II., 140.
---- on the resurrection, Acts II., 133.
---- Party of in Corinth, Romans, 35.
---- Paul and, Galatians, 93, 126.
---- Prophecy relating to, John II., 413-418.
---- reproved, Matthew, 228-230;
Mark, 221-227;
Luke, 219-223.
---- Restoration of, John II., 397-410.
---- the rock, Matthew, 224;
Luke, 157.
---- Sermon at Caesarea, Acts II., 131-141.
---- the spokesman, Acts I., 71-75.
---- vision at Joppa, Acts II., 115-141.
---- Warning to, Mark, 383-388.
---- Writings of James and, James, 59, 60, 85, 217, 256, 353.
PETER, ST., TEACHING, Altogether become abominable, Peter, 313-324.
---- As were the days of Noah, Peter, 325-334.
---- Be ye steadfast, unmovable, Peter, 365-374.
---- The believers double joy, Peter, 177-188.
---- Bless and blessed, Peter, 119-132.
---- By their fruits ye shall know them, Peter, 297-312.
---- Christian brotherhood, Peter, 55-68.
---- Christian service, Peter, 95-106.
---- Christian service for God's glory, Peter, 163-176.
---- Christian wives and husbands, Peter, 107-118.
---- Christians as pilgrims, Peter, 83-94.
---- The Christian ideal, Peter, 41-54.
---- Clothed with humility, Peter, 213-222.
---- The heavenly inheritance, Peter, 17-28.
---- How to tend the flock, Peter, 201-212.
---- Judgment to come, Peter, 335-344.
---- The lamp shining in a dark place, Peter, 271-282.
---- Lessons of suffering, Peter, 149-162.
---- The Lord is not slack, Peter, 345-354.
---- The Lord knoweth how to deliver, Peter, 283-296.
---- Plan of Redemption, Peter, 29-40.
---- Priesthood of believers, Peter, 69-82.
---- Rewards of suffering for well-doing, Peter, 133-148.
---- The righteous have judgment here, Peter, 189-200.
---- The saving knowledge of God, Peter, 235-244.
---- Through perils to victory, Peter, 223-234.
---- The Trinity and man's salvation, Peter, 3-16.
---- The voice in the Holy Mount, Peter, 257-270.
---- What manner of person ought ye to be? Peter, 355-364.
---- Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Peter, 245-256.
PETER, St., Epistle of, Introduction, Peter, v-xix.
I. PETER I., 2, Leviticus, 142;
Romans, 237, 267.
---- 3, 4, John Epistles, 248.
---- 4, 5, Leviticus, 514;
Ephesians, 160.
---- 5, Romans, 269;
James, 279.
---- 6, Revelation, 49.
---- 6, 7, James, 59, 65;
Revelation, 49.
---- 7, 13, Galatians, 57.
---- 8, Revelation, 102, 371.
---- 9, 22, John Epistles, 309.
---- 10-12, Leviticus, 24;
Jeremiah II., 257;
Daniel, 102.
---- 11, Exodus, 362;
Romans, 18;
Revelation, 80.
---- 12, Exodus, 174;
Ephesians, 173;
James, 107;
Revelation, 83.
---- 15-19, Leviticus, 417;
Ephesians, 146;
Pastoral Epistles, 97.
---- 17, Leviticus, 247.
---- 19, Isaiah II., 287;
John, 114;
Revelation, 244.
---- 18-20, Leviticus, 34.
---- 20, Romans, 237;
Ephesians, 45;
James, 446.
---- 24, James, 59, 85.
---- 25, John Epistles, 154.
I. PETER II., 5, Leviticus, 139, 186, 215;
I. Kings, 216;
Romans, 410.
---- 6, 8, Revelation, 68.
---- 9, James, 44.
---- 9, 10, Ephesians, 60;
James, 379.
---- 10, Twelve Prophets I., 235.
---- 11, James, 217.
---- 13, James, 257.
---- 17, Galatians, 386.
---- 22, 23, Isaiah II., 287.
---- 23, Mark, 411.
---- 24, Song of Solomon, 318;
Luke, 292;
Galatians, 454.
---- 25, Ephesians, 239.
I. PETER III., 1, James, 206.
---- 3, 4, Pastoral Epistles, 100.
---- 6, Galatians, 294.
---- 15, Luke, 245.
---- 18, Isaiah II., 287;
Pastoral Epistles, 137.
---- 19, Pastoral Epistles, 327.
---- 20-22, Genesis, 65, 66;
Hebrews, 215.
---- 21, Ephesians, 373.
I. PETER IV., 1, Philippians, 283.
---- 3, 4, Galatians, 372;
Ephesians, 262.
---- 8, Song of Solomon, 333;
James, 353.
---- 11, Galatians, 402;
Philippians, 284;
James, 466, 467.
---- 13, James, 466.
---- 14, James, 115.
---- 17, James, 168.
---- 18, Chronicles, 448.
---- 19, Romans, 368;
Galatians, 418.
I. PETER V., 1, Galatians, 256;
Ephesians, 239;
John Epistles, 292.
---- 2, Romans, 277.
---- 4, James, 89.
---- 8, Pastoral Epistles, 78.
---- 9, James, 249.
---- 10, Galatians, 30;
Ephesians, 146.
---- 12, John Epistles, 173.
II. PETER I., 1, 18, James, 16.
---- 2, Romans, 330.
---- 8, James, 156.
---- 11, Psalms III., 302.
---- 13-15, John Epistles, 8.
---- 15, Psalms III., 302;
Mark, 232.
---- 16, James, 104;
John Epistles, 211.
---- 17, James, 115.
---- 18, Luke, 283.
II. PETER II., 1, Pastoral Epistles, 297.
---- 3, James, 168.
---- 4, Revelation, 206.
---- 7, James, 32.
---- 9, John Epistles, 211.
---- 10, John Epistles, 120.
---- 10-22, Pastoral Epistles, 48.
---- 11-25, John Epistles, 309.
---- 18-22, Ephesians, 262.
II. PETER III., 2, Pastoral Epistles, 377.
---- 3, James, 447.
---- 4-12, John Epistles, 211.
---- 7, John Epistles, 211.
---- 10, Leviticus, 364;
Jeremiah I., 239;
Hebrews, 308;
Revelation, 354.
---- 12, James, 457.
---- 13, Revelation, 190, 354.
---- 15, John Epistles, 173.
---- 17, Galatians, 309.
---- 18, Romans, 329.
PETHOR, Numbers, 261;
Judges, 70.
PETRIE, W. M. F., Tara, Acts II., 37.
PETRONIUS, Acts II., 95;
James, 349.
PFITZNER, W., Acts II., 104.
PFLEIDERER, Otto, Isaiah II., 127;
Galatians, 101, 158;
Ephesians, 4;
Philippians, 217;
Pastoral Epistles, 8, 10, 11, 217.
PHALERUM, Acts II., 303.
PHANTOMS, Hebrews, 203, 241.
PHARAOH, Hardening of the heart of, Exodus, 112-121.
---- of the Exodus, Exodus, 89-215.
---- of the oppression, Exodus, 22, sq.
PHARAOH-HOPHRA, Jeremiah II., 148, 149, 228;
Ezekiel, 280, 281.
PHARAOH-NECHO, II. Kings, 414, 423.
PHARISAISM, Judges, 39, 356;
Job, 377;
Hebrews, 235.
PHARISEES, Matthew, 215, 327;
Acts II., 33.
---- Leaven of the, Mark, 208-212.
PHILADELPHIA, Church in, Revelation, 40, 58-61.
PHILANTHROPY, Numbers, 373.
---- and faith, Matthew, 373.
PHILEMON, The Epistle to, (bound with Colossians).
---- to a private Christian, Colossians, 417.
PHILEMON, 8, Ephesians, 430.
---- 9, Ephesians, 13.
---- 12, Mark, 376.
---- 16, Ephesians, 388.
---- 19, Galatians, 423.
---- 22, Ephesians, 432.
PHILEMON AND BAUCIS, Story of, Acts II., 213.
PHILETUS, Pastoral Epistles, 373.
PHILIP, The deacon, Acts, 350-356.
---- and the Eunuch, Acts I., 398-419.
PHILIP, Mark, 86;
John I., 32, 138;
Acts II., 143, 426.
PHILIP OF SIDE, James, 325.
PHILIPPI, The city, Acts II., 274.
---- The Gospel at, Acts II., 143, 426.
---- Paul at, Philippians, 4.
PHILIPPIANS, The people, How they should think about Paul, Philippians, 45-64.
---- Paul's mind about the, Philippians, 19-44.
PHILIPPIANS, The Epistle, and Colossians, Colossians, 1.
---- Introductory, Philippians, 3-18.
PHILIPPIANS I., 1, Acts II., 416.
---- 3-7, Galatians, 408;
Ephesians, 282.
---- 5, 12, Romans, 25.
---- 6, Galatians, 318;
Ephesians, 115.
---- 7, Romans, 18.
---- 8, Ephesians, 110;
James, 307.
---- 10, James, 206.
---- 11, James, 56.
---- 12-14, Ephesians, 214;
Pastoral Epistles, 362.
---- 13, Ephesians, 13, 431.
---- 14, Romans, 346.
---- 15, Romans, 393.
---- 16, Galatians, 147.
---- 20, Ephesians, 430.
---- 21, Proverbs, 359;
II. Corinthians, 183.
---- 23, Galatians, 256;
Peter, 154;
Hebrews, 296.
---- 24-26, Ephesians, 432.
---- 25, Acts II., 411;
Ephesians, 428.
---- 27-30, Ephesians, 410;
Colossians, 43.
---- 28-30, Galatians, 177.
---- 29, Peter, 191.
PHILIPPIANS II., 1, Ephesians, 110.
---- 1-8, Galatians, 397.
---- 2-5, Romans, 400.
---- 3, James, 199.
---- 5, II. Corinthians, 268.
---- 6-9, Leviticus, 57;
Psalms III., 192;
Galatians, 250;
Ephesians, 93.
---- 7, Mark, 353;
Ephesians, 389.
---- 8, Leviticus, 230;
Galatians, 109.
---- 9-12, Ephesians, 47.
---- 10, Ephesians, 89.
---- 12, Ephesians, 61, 390.
---- 13, Ephesians, 341.
---- 14, James, 123.
---- 15, 16, Romans, 346;
Galatians, 354.
---- 18, Galatians, 250.
---- 20, Thessalonians, 8.
---- 24, Acts II., 411.
---- 25, Pastoral Epistles, 345.
---- 25, 30, II. Corinthians, 284;
Ephesians, 239.
---- 26, Romans, 27.
---- 27, James, 330.
PHILIPPIANS III., 1, Galatians, 329;
Ephesians, 397.
---- 2, Galatians, 109;
Ephesians, 53, 276;
Revelation, 384.
---- 3, Leviticus, 317;
II. Corinthians, 338;
Galatians, 424.
---- 4, 5, Galatians, 63, 235.
---- 5, Joshua, 319.
---- 6, Acts II., 26;
Pastoral Epistles, 55;
James, 126.
---- 7, Peter, 209.
---- 9, Galatians, 185;
Revelation, 369.
---- 10, Galatians, 359;
Ephesians, 86.
---- 12, Romans, 18.
---- 13, 14, Ephesians, 115.
---- 16, Galatians, 348;
James, 198.
---- 18, Romans, 278.
---- 20, Romans, 364;
Galatians, 160, 310;
Ephesians, 25, 87, 115, 262, 408.
---- 20, James, 239;
Revelation, 370.
---- 21, Romans, 15, Peter, 112.
PHILIPPIANS IV., 1, Ephesians, 410.
---- 5, Thessalonians, 175;
Pastoral Epistles, 428;
Peter, 163.
---- 6, 7, Mark, 35.
---- 7, Mark, 3.
---- 8, Ezra, 115;
Galatians, 376;
Ephesians, 323.
---- 10, 16, Leviticus, 179.
---- 13, Ephesians, 398;
Pastoral Epistles, 424.
---- 15, 16, Thessalonians, 5.
---- 22, Romans, 22, 424.
PHILISTINES, Isaiah I., 94, 272, 283.
---- and Amos, Twelve Prophets I., 125, 126.
---- and Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 228, 229.
---- and the prophecies of Jeremiah, Jeremiah II., 230-233.
---- and Samson, Judges, 294 sq.
---- Art among the, I. Samuel, 73-84.
---- capture the ark, I. Samuel, 61-72.
---- David and Goliath, I. Samuel, 278-291.
---- David wars with the, II. Samuel, 79-83, 111, 112.
---- defeat Saul, I. Samuel, 431.
---- dismay Saul, I. Samuel, 405.
---- invade Israel, I. Samuel, 93, 208.
---- partially conquered, Judges, 26, 62.
---- subdued, I. Samuel, 97-108.
PHILO, Acts I., 30;
II., 14, 19, 23, 96, 307;
II. Corinthians, 138;
Hebrews, 15, 85, 102, 115, 216;
James, 50, 52, 145.
---- on the character of Pilate, John II., 310, 311.
PHILOSOPHY and Christianity, I. Corinthians, 59.
PHILOSTRATUS, Life of Appolonius, Acts II., 312.
PHINEHAS, accompanies the army, Numbers, 365.
---- deals with the two and a half tribes, Joshua, 373-375.
---- Zeal of, Numbers, 315.
PHOEBE, Acts II., 332;
Romans, 2, 422, 423.
PHOENICIANS, Judges, 63, 64;
Isaiah I., 94, 96, 288 sq.;
Ezekiel, 230-259.
PHOENIX, Job, 324.
PHOTIUS, Acts I., vi;
II., 263.
PHYGELUS, Pastoral Epistles, 319, 323.
PIETY, Daring, Job, 133.
---- of Christ, Hebrews, 77.
PILATE, Acts II., 30.
---- Christ before, Matthew, 416-420;
Mark, 418-424;
Luke, 390-395.
PILGRIMS, Christians as, Peter, 83-94.
PIRKE ABOTH, Daniel, 90.
PISGAH, Numbers, 299.
PLAGUES, The, Exodus, 121-170;
Psalms III., 134-135.
PLATO, Twelve Prophets I., 12;
John I., 6;
II. Corinthians, 318;
Ephesians, 266;
Pastoral Epistles, 178, 240, 241;
Hebrews, 222;
James, 67, 103, 218.
---- and John, I. Corinthians, 54;
John Epistles, 217, 275.
---- on the future life, Numbers, 5.
PLAUTUS, Ephesians, 303.
PLEASURE, Highest good not in, Ecclesiastes, 133-141, 234-237.
---- Innocent, Ecclesiastes, 175.
PLINY, The Elder, Natural history, Acts II., 199;
Pastoral Epistles, 379, 380.
PLINY, The younger, Letters, Acts I., 108, 180, 274, 276;
II., 28, 35, 266, 383;
Pastoral Epistles, 83, 134.
PLOTINUS, Colossians, 298.
PLUMPTRE, E. H., Ecclesiastes, 13, 14, 97, 151;
Isaiah I., 182;
James, 32, 349, 399.
PLUTARCH, James, 163;
John Epistles, 136.
PLYMOUTH BRETHREN, Acts I., 133, 198, 382.
POLICE, Roman, Acts II., 216.
POLITARCHS, Acts II., 300.
POLYCARP, Acts I., 3, 14, 274;
II., 367, 446;
Pastoral Epistles, 5, 338;
James, 307;
Peter, 330;
John Epistles, 12, 44, 65.
POLYCRATES, John Epistles, 12.
POLYGAMY, among the Hebrews, Genesis, 7.
---- Deuteronomy, 95, Judges, 21, 351.
---- of David, II. Samuel, 40;
I. Kings, 73.
---- Pastoral Epistles, 119;
Peter, v.
---- Results of, Leviticus, 382.
POLYTHEISM, Isaiah I., 99, 107.
POMEGRANATES of high priests robe, Leviticus, 195.
POMPEII, Acts II., 466.
POOR, The, Proverbs, 43, 141, 143, 176;
Isaiah I., 428-443.
---- Care of, Leviticus, 395;
I. Corinthians, 387-399.
---- Gospel to, Peter, 95.
---- Micah the prophet of, Twelve Prophets, 386-399.
---- Rich and, Joshua, 75;
James, 124-132.
---- Treatment of, Proverbs, 288-302.
POPE, Alexander, Galatians, 445.
POPULARITY of Absalom, II. Samuel, 220.
PORK, Use of, Acts II., 128.
PORPHYRY, Daniel, 86.
"POSI TIVE EVIL," Job, 77.
POSITIVISM, Proverbs, 378;
Isaiah II., 203, 294;
James, 92-94.
POSSESSIONS, Numbers, 325.
POTHINUS, Acts I., 9.
POTIPHAR, Genesis, 343.
POVERTY, Disadvantages of, Proverbs, 138-140.
---- of spirit, Job, 196.
POWER, and service, Isaiah II., 310-312.
---- of God, Psalms II., 466, 494;
III., 437.
---- of the Holy Ghost, Thessalonians, 40-49.
---- of Jesus, Luke, 267.
---- a test of character, Genesis, 125.
POWERSCOURT, Lady, Letters and papers of, Acts I., 198.
PRAISE, Psalms III., 459;
Ephesians, 21-26, 203.
---- and music, I. Kings, 196-198.
PRAYER, Acts II., 66.
---- and answer, Psalms I., 40, 44;
II., 248.
---- and remonstrance, Psalms II., 501.
---- and victory, Psalms II., 154.
---- and waiting, Psalms II., 456.
---- answered without a miracle, I. Samuel, 100.
---- Answers to, Joshua, 361;
Judges, 143;
I. Samuel, 16-18.
---- before battle, Psalms I., 197-200.
---- Call to, Song of Solomon, 168-179.
---- Cautions about, Matthew, 82-83.
---- Christ's intercessory, John II., 243-260.
---- Christ's teaching on, Luke, 177-194.
---- de profundis, Song of Solomon, 253-264.
---- Delays in the answer of, Exodus, 97.
---- Exhortation, Colossians, 355-361.
---- Extempore, Pastoral Epistles, 96.
---- for Philemon, Colossians, 439-444.
---- for rain, James, 344-349.
---- for three needs, Psalms I., 242.
---- Grounds of, Psalms I., 31.
---- in Christ's name, John II., 149.
---- Intercessory, I. Samuel, 95, 203;
Romans, 3.
---- The instinct of, Jeremiah I., 324-331.
---- Love and, Thessalonians, 117-134.
---- Lusts and, James, 223-225.
---- Mutual intercession, Thessalonians, 359-374.
---- Necessity for, Matthew, 248.
---- Necessity of, Judges, 142.
---- of Abraham for Sodom, Genesis, 178.
---- of David, II. Samuel, 106.
---- of faith, Psalms I., 28;
II., 375.
---- of Jacob, Genesis, 297.
---- of Lot, Genesis, 183.
---- of love, Colossians, 395-397.
---- of Moses, Exodus, 432-436.
---- of Nehemiah, Ezra, 174-197, 243, 349.
---- of Paul for the Colossians, Colossians, 38-53.
---- Right use of, Joshua, 124.
---- Saint Paul asks for, Romans, 416-420.
---- Spirit of, in the saints, Romans, 231-243.
---- The trading spirit in, Genesis, 180.
---- True, I. Samuel, 99.
---- Unceasing, Thessalonians, 222-225.
---- without understanding, Genesis, 178.
PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD, Pastoral Epistles, 325-330.
PREACHING, Aim of, Colossians, 144-150.
---- Decline of, Acts II., 409.
---- Demands for better, Colossians, 138.
---- Foolishness of, I. Corinthians, 47-61.
---- Methods of, Colossians, 139-144.
---- Self-consciousness in, Thessalonians, 38.
---- the word, Isaiah I., 82, 83.
James, 397.
PREDICTION, Jehovah's claim to, Isaiah II., 120, 208.
---- New things, Isaiah II., 206.
---- the rishonoth, Isaiah II., 206.
PRE-EXISTENCE OF CHRIST, Hebrews, 126 sq., 248.
Matthew, 27.
PRESUMPTION about the future, James, 262.
PRICE, Has each man his? Numbers, 288;
II. Samuel, 4.
PRIDE, Proverbs, 89, 179-190, 210.
---- Fall of Israel, Jeremiah I., 280-299.
PRIEST, in the time of Solomon, I. Kings, 141.
---- of Chronicles, Chronicles, 221-239.
---- Place of, Numbers, 340, 363.
PRIESTHOOD, Numbers, 29.
---- Aaronic, Numbers, 212.
---- and sacrifice, Philippians, 150, 151.
---- as judges, II. Kings, 247.
---- Consecration of the, Numbers, 32.
---- the foundation of Christ's power, Hebrews, 43.
---- Garments of Hebrew, Exodus, 400-402.
---- Gideon's desire for, Judges, 198.
---- Human, Numbers, 208.
---- Idea of, Pastoral Epistles, 117.
---- instituted, Exodus, 368, 403-408.
---- of Christ, Numbers, 203.
---- of Christ on earth, Hebrews, 169.
---- of Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 424-446.
---- of knowledge, Twelve Prophets II., 360-363.
---- of the Temple, I. Kings, 198-201.
---- Regulation of the, Deuteronomy, 307-333.
---- Representative character of the, Chronicles, 231.
---- Support of the, Numbers, 215.
Peter, 69-82.
PRIESTLY CODE, The, Leviticus, 12;
Numbers, 6, 12, 314, 317, 363, 368;
Deuteronomy, 9, 19, 23-25, 27, 28;
I. Kings, 191;
Ezekiel, 402, 434, 443.
PRIESTS OF THE HEBREWS, Anointing of the, Leviticus, 201.
---- as types, Leviticus, 184.
---- Investiture of the, Leviticus, 191.
---- The law of holiness of the, Leviticus, 432-446.
---- lead across the Jordan, Joshua, 108.
---- Portions for the, Leviticus, 175-180.
PRINCES, Offering of the, Numbers, 73.
PRION, Mount, Acts II., 263.
PRISCA, Pastoral Epistles, 413, 414.
PRISONS, Deuteronomy, 390.
PROBABALISM, James, 272, 273.
PROBATION, after death, Hebrews, 167.
---- a necessity of life, Job, 63.
PROCHORUS, John Epistles, 7, 35.
PROCTOR, Francis, Book of Common Prayer, Acts II., 336.
PROFESSION, not enough, Leviticus, 415.
PROFESSION of religion and true spirituality, Genesis, 34.
PROHIBITION, Principles of, Leviticus, 405.
PROMISED LAND, Exodus, 52.
---- Extent of the, Joshua, 54.
PROMISES OF GOD, and oath of God, Hebrews, 104.
---- believed by Patriarchs, Exodus, 11.
---- do not fail, Joshua, 353-364.
---- do not shrivel, Genesis, 237.
---- implies a threatening, Hebrews, 58.
---- of his coming, Joshua, 241.
---- of the Covenant, Leviticus, 519-521.
PROPERTY, Ethics of, Exodus, 322.
---- Rights of, Exodus, 345-347;
Deuteronomy, 356-359.
PROPHECY, Romans, 269-281;
Thessalonians, 238-247.
---- and the book of Daniel, Daniel, 80-82.
---- and its abuses, Ezekiel, 112-125.
---- and martyrdom, Isaiah II., 328.
---- how defective, Hebrews, 5.

---- in the exile, Isaiah II., 61, 62, 100.
---- its power of vision, Isaiah I., 23-25.
---- its service to religion, Isaiah I., 100.
---- Mission of, Ezra, 72-82.
---- of Christ on the Mount of Olives, Matthew, 339-375.
---- on Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 62-64.
---- Source of, Peter, 277-279.
---- Uniqueness of Hebrew, Isaiah II., 248, 321.
---- Unity of, Jeremiah I., 64.
PROPHESYING, False, Numbers, 133.
---- of the seventy, Numbers, 130.
---- Oracle regarding, Numbers, 142.
PROPHET, and Martyr, Isaiah II., 313-335.
---- a critic, Job, 246.
---- Fallibility of, Jeremiah II., 93.
---- Fate of the, I. Kings, 420.
---- Meanings of the term, Pastoral Epistles, 65.
---- of Chronicles, Chronicles, 240-269.
---- Regulations for, Deuteronomy, 334-355.
---- rises superior to his surroundings, I. Kings, 476.
---- Testing, Deuteronomy, 338.
---- their preparation, Judges, 270.
---- unrecognized, Judges, 162.
---- without a vision, Song of Solomon, 156-167.
PROPHETS, Acts II., 434.
---- as preachers, Hebrews, 147.
---- as sceptics, Twelve Prophets II., 129-142.
---- Book of the twelve, Twelve Prophets I., 3-10.
---- Calling of, Numbers, 45.
---- False, Jeremiah II., 102-114.
---- in early Israel, Twelve Prophets I., 11-30.
---- in the New Testament, Pastoral Epistles, 66, 69.
---- in the primitive church, Pastoral Epistles, 70, 96, 115.
---- of the Old Testament, Numbers, 143.
---- of the Persian period, Twelve Prophets II., 185-197.
---- received their message through the Son, Hebrews, 54.
---- Visions of the, Numbers, 306;
Hebrews, 10.
---- Watchmen, Ezekiel, 287-303.
PROSBOL, Acts II., 16.
PROSELYTES, Acts II., 110, 210.
PROSPERITY, and piety, Deuteronomy, 203, 444.
---- and the spirit, Twelve Prophets II., 418-430.
---- Effects of, Ezra, 386.
---- its dangers, Exodus, 13;
II. Samuel, 160.
---- misunderstood, Judges, 388.
---- not God's best gift, Deuteronomy, 447.
---- offered to Job, Job, 137, 159.
---- unbroken, Psalms II., 338.
PROVERBS, The Book, Proverbs, 1-8, 22, 211, 316, 347.
PROVERBS I., 7, Psalms III., 197.
---- 11-14, Peter, 156.
---- 16, Romans, 86.
---- 32, James, 264.
PROVERBS II., 3-6, James, 203.
PROVERBS III., 6, Pastoral Epistles, 371.
---- 17, James, 204.
---- 28, Romans, 220.
---- 34, James, 59;
Peter, 215.
PROVERBS IV., 7, Psalms III., 197.
---- 18, Romans, 329.
PROVERBS V., 22, Jeremiah I., 177;
James, 449.
PROVERBS VI., 12, Twelve Prophets II., 56.
PROVERBS VII., 3, II. Corinthians, 110.
PROVERBS VIII., 15, 16, Job, 9.
---- 17, Song of Solomon, 203.
---- 23, John Gospel, 82.
PROVERBS IX., 10, Psalms, 197.
---- 13, Twelve Prophets I., 322.
PROVERBS X., 11, Jeremiah I., 85;
Peter, 314.
---- 12, James, 59, 353;
Peter, 169.
---- 20, Psalms III., 130.
PROVERBS XI., 1, Ezekiel, 452.
---- 2, Daniel, 195;
Twelve Prophets I., 424.
---- 4, Daniel, 195.
---- 5, Pastoral Epistles, 371.
---- 7, Twelve Prophets II., 56.
---- 10, II. Kings, 122.
PROVERBS XII., 17, Twelve Prophets II., 140.
---- 22, Twelve Prophets II., 140.
PROVERBS XIV., 5, Twelve Prophets II., 140.
---- 9, James, 448.
PROVERBS XVI., 4, Chronicles, 288.
---- 7, Hebrews, 285.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 212.
---- 18, Daniel, 219.
---- 27, 28, James, 177.
PROVERBS XVIII., 4, Peter, 314.
---- 19, Twelve Prophets I., 33.
PROVERBS XIX., 11, I. Kings, 115.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 212.
PROVERBS XX., 2, 8, 26, I. Kings, 114.
---- 12, Peter, 278.
PROVERBS XXI., 3, I. Kings, 214.
---- 8, Romans, 212.
PROVERBS XXII., 1, Ezra, 217.
---- 13, II. Kings, 255.
---- 21, Psalms II., 212;
Jeremiah I., 232.
---- 26, II. Kings, 135.
---- 32, Twelve Prophets II., 368.
PROVERBS XXV., 18, Jeremiah I., 197.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 266;
Romans, 342.
PROVERBS XXVI., 11, Peter, 321.
PROVERBS XXVII., 1, James, 264.
---- 23, Twelve Prophets I., 322.
PROVERBS XXVIII., 9, Jeremiah I., 259.
---- 13, Joshua, 180;
James, 338.
---- 18, James, 245.
---- 30, Twelve Prophets II., 140.
PROVERBS XXX., 1, II. Samuel, 364.
---- 25, 26, Psalms II., 356.
PROVERBS XXXI., 1-9, Chronicles, 195.
---- 15, Twelve Prophets II., 368.
---- 24, Twelve Prophets I., 80.
PROVIDENCE OF GOD, Genesis, 139;
Philippians, 60.
---- and the book of Job, Deuteronomy, 204.
---- and nations, Deuteronomy, 210.
---- and opportunity, I. Samuel, 316.
---- and socialism, Deuteronomy, 207.
---- Complaints against the, Numbers, 119.
---- continuous, Chronicles, 463.
---- the Divine Potter, Jeremiah I., 377-397.
---- Enigma of the, Job, 207.
---- ever in operation, Joshua, 146.
---- for each one, Genesis, 158;
Judges, 9.
---- illustrated in Isaac, Genesis, 210.
---- in death, II. Samuel, 286.
---- in history, I. Kings, 55;
II. Kings, 245.
---- Imperfect instruments of, Judges, 58, 84.
---- Master strokes of the, Judges, 158.
---- not to be hurried, Joshua, 195.
---- Observing, Ezra, 86.
---- recognized by Joseph, Genesis, 374, 381.
---- rules, Jeremiah I., 212.
---- Seeming injustice of, Jeremiah I., 323.
---- seems casual, I. Samuel, 279.
---- Special, Job, 225.
---- Sterner aspect of, Psalms III., 29.
---- Successive, Joshua, 124, 253.
---- to be acknowledged, II. Samuel, 76.
---- to the individual, Exodus, 66.
---- Trust in the, Ecclesiastes, 161-164.
---- a wonderful scheme, I. Samuel, 121.
PRUDENTIUS, Acts I., 158.
PSALMS, Book of, the hearts echo to the speech of God, Psalms I.
---- Individualism in, Job, 12.
PSALM I, 4, Daniel, 153;
Ephesians, 275.
PSALM II, 6, 7, Revelation, 240.
---- 7, Revelation, 111.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 291;
Daniel, 153.
---- 9-12, Revelation, 17.
---- 12, I. Samuel, 147.
PSALM III, II, Samuel, 250.
PSALM IV, 4, Ephesians, 294.
---- 6, Peter, 72.
PSALM V, 3, Numbers, 345;
Ezekiel, 473.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 153;
Daniel, 226.
---- 9, Romans, 86.
PSALM VI, 1, Jeremiah I., 211.
---- 6, Song of Solomon, 174;
Jeremiah II., 59.
PSALM VII, 4, Jeremiah I., 79.
---- 11, Song of Solomon, 142.
PSALM VIII, 2, Hebrews, 34;
Peter, 74.
---- 4, Hebrews, 34.
PSALM IX, 7, Revelation, 67.
---- 11, Revelation, 240.
---- 11-14, Jeremiah I., 321.
---- 12, Isaiah II., 426.
---- 15, Revelation, 96.
PSALM X, 7, Romans, 86.
PSALM XI, 2, Jeremiah I., 190.
---- 5, Peter, 178.
PSALM XII, 4, Peter, 331.
---- 5, Revelation, 64.
PSALM XIV, 1, I. Samuel, 79;
Romans, 48, 86;
James, 265.
---- 4, Jeremiah I., 79, 273.
---- 3, Romans, 308;
Revelation, 240.
PSALM XV, 4, Jeremiah I., 132.
PSALM XVI, 5, Ephesians, 50.
---- 10, Acts II., 208.
---- 12, Daniel, 180.
PSALM XVII, 12, Twelve Prophets II., 59.
PSALM XVIII, 2, Deuteronomy, 123.
---- 4-16, Revelation, 213.
---- 6-15, II. Kings, 22.
---- 7, Twelve Prophets II., 511.
---- 7-9, I. Kings, 440.
---- 10, Revelation, 74.
---- 14, Peter, 156.
---- 20, Isaiah II., 217.
---- 25, Jeremiah I., 81.
---- 29-50, II. Kings, 406.
PSALM XIX, 4, Romans, 279.
---- 8, Jeremiah I., 85.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 232.
---- 12, Leviticus, 119.
---- 14, Peter, 70.
PSALM XX, II. Samuel, 110, 111.
---- 6, II. Kings, 406;
Song of Solomon, 259.
---- 7, Chronicles, 387.
---- 9, Jeremiah I., 230.
PSALM XXI, 9, II. Kings, 18.
---- 14, Jeremiah I., 230.
PSALM XXII, Matthew, 426.
---- 1, John Epistles, 70.
---- 14, Song of Solomon, 176.
---- 16, 20, Revelation, 384.
---- 21, Pastoral Epistles, 426.
---- 22, Hebrews, 39.
---- 27, II. Samuel, 120.
---- 30, 31, Peter, 35.
PSALM XXIII, 1, I. Samuel, 261;
Philippians, 62.
---- 3, I. Samuel, 336.
---- 5, Leviticus, 90;
Luke, 368;
Revelation, 94.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 174.
PSALM XXIV, 1, Acts I., 257.
---- 2, Jeremiah I., 234.
---- 3, 4, James, 245;
John Epistles, 266.
---- 6, Twelve Prophets II., 238.
---- 14, Hebrews, 106.
PSALM XXV, 3, Peter, 196.
---- 14, Romans, 406.
PSALM XXVII, I. Samuel, 387.
---- 4, Hebrews, 61.
---- 8, Numbers, 70.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 11.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets II., 134.
PSALM XXVIII, 2, Pastoral Epistles, 97.
---- 13, Twelve Prophets I., 235.
PSALM XXX, 1, John Epistles, 181.
---- 4, Twelve Prophets II., 511.
---- 5, Song of Solomon, 202.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 210.
PSALM XXXI, 2, Peter, 70.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 232.
---- 13-15, 18, 19, Jeremiah II., 25.
---- 18, 19, Romans, 342.
---- 20, Revelation, 46.
---- 21, Revelation, 355.
---- 24, Deuteronomy, 123.
PSALM XXXII, 1, 2, Romans, 110.
---- 3, 5, Joshua, 180;
Galatians, 21.
PSALM XXXIII, 4, Daniel, 202.
---- 5, Ephesians, 93.
---- 12, Jeremiah I., 240.
---- 17, I. Kings, 148.
PSALM XXXIV, 7, II. Kings, 68.
---- 7-10, Daniel, 228.
---- 9, Peter, 65.
---- 12-16, Peter, 122.
PSALM XXXV, 19-21, Jeremiah I., 394.
PSALM XXXVI, 1, Romans, 86.
---- 6, Ezekiel, 240.
---- 7, Deuteronomy, 430;
Revelation, 211.
---- 8, Leviticus, 90.
---- 9, Daniel, 151;
John Epistles, 189.
---- 10, Jeremiah I., 85.
PSALM XXXVII, II. Samuel, 48;
James, 85.
---- 23, Jeremiah I., 212.
---- 34, Peter, 196.
PSALM XXXVIII, 1, Jeremiah I., 211.
---- 5, Peter, 219.
---- 11, 12, I. Kings, 418.
---- 20, Jeremiah I., 190.
PSALM XXXIX, 1, II. Kings, 340;
Jeremiah I., 421.
---- 3, Ezra, 115.
---- 13, Chronicles, 317.
---- 14, Jeremiah I., 184.
PSALM XL, 6-8, Leviticus, 56, 119;
I. Kings, 214.
---- 9, 10, Peter, 78.
PSALM XLI, 10, Jeremiah I., 423.
PSALM XLII, 4, II. Kings, 313.
---- 5, Twelve Prophets II., 511.
---- 8, Twelve Prophets II., 511.
---- 10, Ezekiel, 335.
PSALM XLIV, 3, Joshua, 148.
---- 8, Proverbs, 353.
PSALM XLV, I. Kings, 136.
---- 3-5, Revelation, 19.
---- 8, I. Kings, 495.
---- 9-15, Revelation, 321.
PSALM XLVI, II. Kings, 342.
---- 1-7, Revelation, 85.
---- 1-11, II. Kings, 295.
---- 2, Revelation, 141.
---- 4, Jeremiah I., 86;
Twelve Prophets II., 155.
PSALM XLVIII, 2, Revelation, 241.
PSALM XLIX, 11, Peter, 153.
---- 15, Peter, 32.
---- 16, 17, Ecclesiastes, 163.
PSALM L, 3, Daniel, 248.
---- 8-12, Leviticus, 30;
I. Kings, 214.
---- 15, Revelation, 137.
PSALM LI, II. Samuel, 183, 191.
---- 4, Leviticus, 119;
Romans, 81;
Pastoral Epistles, 137.
---- 5, Leviticus, 325.
---- 7, Revelation, 101.
---- 16, 17, I. Kings, 214;
Ezekiel, 483.
PSALM LII, 3, Jeremiah, 197.
---- 8, Romans, 303.
---- 10, Jeremiah, 260.
PSALM LV, 6, Jeremiah I., 188.
---- 12-14, Revelation, 55.
---- 13, 14, Jeremiah I., 192.
---- 15, Daniel, 208.
---- 17, Daniel, 226.
---- 18, Acts II., 121.
PSALM LVII, 4, Jeremiah I., 197;
Daniel, 220.
PSALM LVIII, 6, Daniel, 220.
---- 11, Revelation, 9.
PSALM LIX, I. Samuel, 309-311.
---- 15, James, 293.
PSALM LX, 5, Jeremiah I., 292.
---- 12, Romans, 194.
PSALM LXI, 2, Peter, 70.
PSALM LXII, 11, Jeremiah I., 79.
---- 12, Leviticus, 558.
PSALM LXIII, 1, Joshua, 297.
---- 4, Pastoral Epistles, 97.
PSALM LXIV, 4, Jeremiah I., 190.
PSALM LXVI, 12, Peter, 179.
---- 18, Ezekiel, 124.
PSALM LXVIII, Ephesians, 229.
---- 17, Galatians, 217.
---- 18, Peter, 74.
---- 27, Joshua, 318.
---- 60-64, I. Samuel, 72.
PSALM LXIX, Romans, 397.
---- 2, II. Kings, 454;
Twelve Prophets II., 511.
---- 4, Jeremiah I., 98.
---- 5, Jeremiah I., 190.
---- 6, Peter, 196.
---- 9, Romans, 395.
---- 23, Daniel, 209.
---- 28, Jeremiah I., 358.
---- 30, 31, I. Kings, 215.
PSALM LXXII, 11, Revelation, 9.
---- 15, I. Kings, 229.
---- 16, John I., 215.
PSALM LXXIII, 17, Song of Solomon, 326.
---- 26, Song of Solomon, 204.
---- 44, Song of Solomon, 44.
PSALM LXXIV, 8, 9, Chronicles, 241.
---- 9, Daniel, 116;
Twelve Prophets I., 9.
---- 13, Revelation, 202.
PSALM LXXV, 8, Jeremiah I., 292;
Luke, 370.
PSALM LXXVI, 6, II. Kings, 342.
---- 10, II. Kings, 140.
PSALM LXXVII, 7, I. Samuel, 392.
---- 10, Joshua, 361;
Peter, 196.
---- 18, Jeremiah I., 233.
PSALM LXXVIII, 2, Peter, 32.
---- 20, Jeremiah I., 174.
---- 49, Twelve Prophets II., 316.
---- 59, 60, 67-69, Chronicles, 55.
---- 60, Jeremiah I., 29.
---- 60-64, Joshua, 314;
I. Kings, 149.
---- 68, Revelation, 240.
---- 71, Ephesians, 50.
PSALM LXXIX, 1, II. Kings, 461.
---- 2, 3, II. Kings, 460.
---- 6, 7, Jeremiah I., 211.
PSALM LXXX, 1, Jeremiah I., 91.
---- 7, Numbers, 70.
PSALM LXXXI, Numbers, 350.
---- 12, Romans, 49, 254.
PSALM LXXXIII, 6-8, Chronicles, 85.
---- 8, Twelve Prophets II., 169.
---- 10, II. Kings, 124.
---- 27, James, 227.
PSALM LXXXIV, 3, Twelve Prophets, 59.
PSALM LXXXV, 8, II. Kings, 395.
PSALM LXXXVI, 9, II. Samuel, 120.
PSALM LXXXVII, II. Samuel, 119, 120.
---- 4, 5, II. Kings, 301.
---- 7, John Epistles, 227.
PSALM LXXXVIII, Numbers, 205.
---- 7, Leviticus, 43.
---- 50, Twelve Prophets I., 179.
---- 6, Daniel, 191.
---- 9, 10, II. Kings, 301.
---- 14, Ephesians, 416.
---- 15, Leviticus, 509.
---- 37, Peter, 141.
PSALM XC, 1, John I., 247.
---- 9, John Epistles, 153.
PSALM XCI, 4, II. Kings, 58.
---- 11, II. Kings, 68;
Revelation, 365.
---- 14, Deuteronomy, 123.
PSALM XCII, 4, 5, Thessalonians, 288.
---- 7-9, Revelation, 302.
---- 12-14, II. Samuel, 127.
PSALM XCIV, 9, Jeremiah I., 341.
PSALM XCV, 7, Hebrews, 56.
PSALM XCVI, Ecclesiastes, 258.
---- 5, James, 153.
---- 13, Revelation, 245.
PSALM XCVII, 10, Deuteronomy, 123.
PSALM XCVIII, Ecclesiastes, 258.
PSALM XCIX, 1, Revelation, 70.
---- 8, Numbers, 170.
PSALM C, 1, 4, II. Samuel, 120.
PSALM CII, 6, 8, I. Kings, 418.
---- 13-16, Leviticus, 538.
---- 22, II. Samuel, 120.
---- 25, Peter, 339.
PSALM CIII, 2, 3, 4, 10-12, James, 470.
---- 15, 16, James, 85.
PSALM CIV, 3, II. Kings, 22.
---- 4, I. Kings, 432.
---- 5, Peter, 358.
---- 5, 6, 8, James, 469.
---- 7, Twelve Prophets II., 108.
---- 15, Revelation, 95.
PSALM CV, 9, 10, Twelve Prophets I., 435.
---- 15, Isaiah I., 131.
PSALM CVI, 23, Isaiah II., 358.
---- 30, 31, Chronicles, 224.
---- 38, Jeremiah I., 108, 117.
PSALM CIX, 28, Peter, 122.
PSALM CX, 1, 4, Mark, 445.
---- 4, Hebrews, 113.
---- 7, Revelation, 111.
PSALM CXIII, 5, Revelation, 223.
PSALM CXIV, Joshua, 112, 113.
PSALM CXVI, 1, Deuteronomy, 123.
---- 10, Romans, 273;
II. Corinthians, 165.
---- 16, 17, Leviticus, 105.
PSALM CXVIII, 6, Peter, 216.
---- 8, 9, Ezra, 79.
---- 22, Peter, 75.
---- 27, I. Kings, 91.
PSALM CXIX, 19, Chronicles, 317.
---- 45, Peter, 321.
---- 67, 71, Peter, 152.
---- 78, 86, Jeremiah I., 190.
PSALM CXX, 5, Jeremiah I., 84.
---- 7, Peter, 124.
PSALM CXXI, Numbers, 68.
PSALM CXXII, 2, 3, Ezra, 212.
---- 3-5, I. Kings, 66;
Twelve Prophets II., 290.
PSALM CXXIII, 1, Daniel, 201.
---- 4, Twelve Prophets II., 285.
PSALM CXXIV, 2-6, Revelation, 213.
---- 7, Revelation, 7.
PSALM CXXV, 5, Galatians, 447.
PSALM CXXVI, 1-3, Ezra, 47.
PSALM CXXX, 4, Chronicles, 451.
PSALM CXXXI, 7, Isaiah I., 439.
PSALM CXXXII, 13, 14, Revelation, 184.
PSALM CXXXIII, Ezekiel, 446.
---- 2, Leviticus, 203.
---- 3, Revelation, 240.
PSALM CXXXIV, 2, Pastoral Epistles, 97.
PSALM CXXXV, 6, Daniel, 202;
Peter, 346.
PSALM CXXXVI, I. Kings, 334;
Jeremiah I., 316.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 234.
---- 17-22, Leviticus, 558.
PSALM CXXXVII, 9, II. Kings, 94;
Ezra, 359.
PSALM CXXXIX, 9, Twelve Prophets I., 402.
---- 12, Daniel, 151.
---- 23, 24, Leviticus, 119.
PSALM CXL, 3, Romans, 86.
PSALM CXLI, Numbers, 345.
---- 2, Exodus, 419;
Leviticus, 71;
Ezekiel, 473.
PSALM CXLIII, 2, Romans, 107.
PSALM CXLV, 13, Daniel, 202.
---- 20, Deuteronomy, 123;
Peter, 84.
PSALM CXLVI, 3, Ezra, 195.
---- 8, Peter, 84.
PSALM CXLVII, 1, James, 66.
---- 2, Ezekiel, 311.
---- 19, Revelation, 227.
PSALM CXLVIII, 1-13, Revelation, 75, 76.
PSALMODY, Beginning of Christian, Ephesians, 347-349.
---- Paul's use of, Colossians, 330-332.
PTOLEMAIS, Acts II., 96, 425.
PUBLIC WRONGS, Indifference to, Ecclesiastes, 205, 226.
PUDENS, Pastoral Epistles, 415.
PUNISHMENT, Fear of, John I., 187.
---- of children, Proverbs, 312.
---- of Hymenaeus and Alexander, Pastoral Epistles, 74-76.
---- of sin, Job, 59;
Jeremiah I., 338;
Thessalonians, 335-337.
---- Painful, II. Samuel, 336.
PURIFICATION of heaven, Hebrews, 163.
---- of the tabernacle, Hebrews, 163.
---- Water of, Numbers, 216.
PURIM, Feast of, established, Ezra, 401-403.
PURITANISM, Deuteronomy, 189.
---- and the restoration, Isaiah I., 364, 365.
---- Militant, necessary, Deuteronomy, 200.
---- New Testament, II. Corinthians, 237-247.
PURITY, Judges, 350;
II. Samuel, 167;
Psalms I., 235;
Twelve Prophets I., 282, 284-286;
Mark, 190-194;
Colossians, 103-105;
John Epistles, 181, 182.
---- Christ's, John I., 262.
---- Jesus Christ restores to, Proverbs, 103-105.
---- Laws of, Deuteronomy, 396-410.
---- Loss of, Proverbs, 95-102.
---- of Joseph, Genesis, 346.
---- Personal, Thessalonians, 151-168.
PURVEY, John, James, 200, 212, 447.
PUSEY, Dr. E. B., Daniel, 41, 134, 135;
Twelve Prophets II., 117, 358, 526;
John II., 356.
PUTEOLI, Acts II., 465.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 465.
PYTHAGORAS, John Epistles, 136.
QUADRATUS, Apology of, Acts I., viii;
II., 318.
QUAILS, Numbers, 129.
QUARESMIUS, Terrae Sanctae Elucidatio, Acts I., 67;
II., 57.
QUARRELS and the tongue, Proverbs, 167.
---- Pride the cause of, II. Samuel, 295.
QUEEN OF HEAVEN, The, Jeremiah II., 197-208.
QUIETISM, Acts II., 446.
RAAMSES, Death of, Exodus, 43.
RABSHAKEH of Sennacherib, II. Kings, 332;
Isaiah I., 343-351.
RACE-COURSE, Paul's figure of the, I. Corinthians, 211-226;
Philippians, 259-280.
RACHEL, Death of, Genesis, 317.
---- Tomb of, I. Samuel, 148.
RAHAB, and her life, Joshua, 84.
---- Faith of, Joshua, 87;
Hebrews, 261;
James, 161-164.
---- saved, Joshua, 153-164.
---- The scarlet thread of, Joshua, 92.
---- Speech of, Joshua, 18.
RAILING at dignities, James, 415-418.
RAIN, Elijah and the, I. Kings, 399-403.
RAINBOW, The, symbolical to Noah, Genesis, 73.
RAMAH, Captives for Babylon start from, II. Kings, 466.
RAMAH, fortified by Baasha, I. Kings, 325.
---- Rachel and, Jeremiah II., 335.
RAMOTH-GILEAD captured by Jehoram, II. Kings, 108.
RAMSAY, W. M., Acts I., 103;
II., 100, 198, 200, 213, 260, 261, 363, 364, 374.
RASHNESS, Proverbs, 170.
RATIONALISM, Pastoral Epistles, 387.
---- Perils of, Pastoral Epistles, 385-396.
RAVEN, Sending forth Noah's, Genesis, 70.
RAWLINSON, Sir Henry, Ecclesiastes, 35, 135, 270, 271;
Jeremiah II., 71;
Ezekiel, 230.
REAL and ideal, Job, 152.
REALISM, in art, Proverbs, 66.
---- in moral teaching, Proverbs, 92-105.
---- of Isaiah, Isaiah I., 27-30.
---- of Jeremiah, Jeremiah II., 301.
REBEKAH, Genesis, 243-251;
Peter, 111, 112.
---- aids Jacob to deceive his father, Genesis, 269.
RECHABITES, The, Jeremiah II., 44-53.
RECOMMENDATIONS, II. Corinthians, 105-108.
II. Corinthians, 210-223;
Hebrews, 78.
---- Double, Ephesians, 131-142.
---- The holiest place a symbol, Hebrews, 152.
---- Purpose of, Colossians, 100-115.
---- through Christ, Colossians, 85-99.
RECORDS OF THE PAST, Isaiah I., 198, 308, 309, 448;
II., 59, 62;
Daniel, 22, 59, 148, 169, 192, 193.
RED SEA, Exodus, 208-215;
Numbers, 383;
Psalms III., 142.
---- passage, a type of baptism, Pastoral Epistles, 289.
REDEEMER of Job, Job, 222-242.
REDEMPTION, a cause for thankfulness, Colossians, 64-69.
---- Final, Ephesians, 50-64.
---- of the first born, Numbers, 38.
---- of Israel, Political by Cyrus, Isaiah II., 271.
---- of Israel, spiritual by Servant, Isaiah II., 271, 273.
---- of a nature, Isaiah I., 188-194.
---- signified by the Passover, Numbers, 86.
---- Unity and graciousness of the plan of, Peter, 29-40.
REFORMATION, Character of the, II. Corinthians, 125.
---- of the church, Joshua, 145.
---- of society, John I., 268.
---- The true, Judges, 155.
---- See JOSIAH.
REFORMERS, Judges, 154;
Acts I., 152.
REFUGE, Cities of, Numbers, 400;
Joshua, 326-339.
REGENERATION, Laver of, Pastoral Epistles, 285, 292.
---- Washing of, Pastoral Epistles, 285, 292.
REHOB, King of Zobah, David wars against, II. Samuel, 113, 114.
REHOBOAM, Abijam succeeds, I. Kings, 318.
---- invasion of Shishak, I. Kings, 315.
---- The kingdom divided under, I. Kings, 273-285.
---- Reign of, Chronicles, 320-325.
---- succeeds Solomon, I. Kings, 269.
REITH, George, John I., 56.
REJECTION of God, Thessalonians, 147.
REJOICE, Philippians, 323-326;
Thessalonians, 217-222.
RELIGION, and the child, Exodus, 25.
---- and enjoyment, Genesis, 22, 64.
---- and prosperity, Twelve Prophets II., 425.
---- and the State, Judges, 36, 75.
---- Decay of, Job, 16.
---- Evolution of, Job, 180.
---- Four points of a true, Isaiah II., 143-161.
---- Guardians of, Numbers, 26.
---- In the name of, I. Samuel, 231.
---- is opportunity, Twelve Prophets I., 144.
---- Jewish, hereditary, Chronicles, 54.
---- Law and, Deuteronomy, 239-252.
---- of history, Ezra, 295-306.
---- of the individual, Ezekiel, 143-158.
---- of Israelites, Numbers, 9.
---- of joy, Leviticus, 473.
---- of morality, I. Samuel, 300.
---- of Semites, Job, 180.
---- Popular and true, Jeremiah I., 149-214.
---- Power of, Numbers, 303.
---- Quietness of true, John Epistles, 300-309.
---- Reasonableness of, Twelve Prophets I., 419-425.
---- Shame, James, 180, 192.
---- True, Judges, 314, 315.
---- will not take care of itself, Judges, 223.
REMINISCENCE, Plato's doctrine of, Hebrews, 222.
REMNANT, The, Isaiah I., 31, 87, 126, 129.
REMONSTRANCE, Chronicles, 423.
REMORSE, Proverbs, 77.
---- and free-will, James, 93.
---- Christ never knew, John II., 277.
RENAN, M., Job, 342, 399;
Isaiah I., 350, 351;
II., 149;
Jeremiah I., 61, 65;
II., 70, 76, 162, 360, 361, 372;
Daniel, 72, 161;
Matthew, 443;
Acts I., 53;
II., 215, 369;
I. Corinthians, 263, 346;
Galatians, 65, 277;
Ephesians, 11, 12, 244, 283;
Pastoral Epistles, 8, 11, 79, 276, 355, 407;
James, 50, 122, 128, 371;
John Epistles, 15, 17, 20, 22, 53, 85, 86, 163, 245, 293, 309.
RENAUDOT, Eusebe, Acts II., 256.
RENDALL, Frederic, Hebrews, 320, 323.
REPENTANCE, Numbers, 287;
Twelve Prophets I., 333-345.
---- and forgiveness, Chronicles, 448-454.
---- by tithes, Twelve Prophets II., 367.
---- Foundation of, James, 245-249.
---- Imperfect, Judges, 40.
---- of Abraham, Genesis, 108.
---- of David, II. Samuel, 181-192.
---- of Esau, Genesis, 275-277.
---- of Israel, I. Samuel, 87.
---- of Joseph's brethren, Genesis, 385.
---- Peter taught, Acts I., 132.
---- unto life, II. Corinthians, 248-261.
REPETITIONS, in prayer, Ezra, 181.
REPHAIM, I. Kings, 79.
REPHIDIM, Joshua, 27;
I. Corinthians, 232.
REPRESSION, and development in morals, Deuteronomy, 100.
---- not taming, Colossians, 204.
REPROOF, Proverbs, 175.
RESCH, A., James, 56, 90, 233, 362.
RESIGNATION of Eli, I. Samuel, 57.
RESPONSIBILITY, for our gifts, Exodus, 429.
---- graded, Leviticus, 120-133.
---- in advising, Judges, 370.
---- Neglected, a sin, Exodus, 75.
---- of a leader, Numbers, 126.
--- - of teachers, James, 165-170.
---- Personal, Psalms II., 128;
Proverbs, 128.
---- Samson had a sense of, Judges, 304.
---- to God, Deuteronomy, 204.
---- to law, Exodus, 323.

REVELATION VII., 2, II. Corinthians, 52.
---- 7, Joshua, 320;
John Epistles, 29.
---- 9, Pastoral Epistles, 394.
---- 14, 15, Leviticus, 357.
---- 15, James, 97;
John Epistles, 19;
Revelation, 224.
---- 17, Luke, 399.
---- 24, Peter, 19.
REVELATION VIII., 2, Twelve Prophets II., 316.
---- 3, Exodus, 419.
---- 4-8, James, 44.
REVELATION IX., 1-11, Exodus, 159.
---- 17, Twelve Prophets II., 106.
---- 20, John Epistles, 275.
REVELATION X., 6, Exodus, 303;
Daniel, 327.
REVELATION XI., 8, II. Corinthians, 121;
Galatians, 298.
---- 15, Ephesians, 47.
REVELATION XII., 5, II. Corinthians, 347.
---- 7-10, Ephesians, 400.
---- 9, Song of Solomon, 220;
John Epistles, 183.
---- 10, James, 256;
John Epistles, 19.
---- 14, Daniel, 237, 246.
---- 16, Ezra, 196.
REVELATION XIII., 2, Daniel, 239.
---- 7, Leviticus, 127.
---- 8, Ephesians, 27.
---- 10, John Epistles, 33.
REVELATION XIV., 7, John Epistles, 29, 211.
---- 10, Luke, 370.
---- 11, John Epistles, 19.
---- 12, John Epistles, 234.
REVELATION XVI., 5, John Epistles, 29.
---- 14, Daniel, 320.
---- 15, Thessalonians, 188.
---- 16, Joshua, 303.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 292.
REVELATION XVII., 1, James, 168.
---- 5, Galatians, 363.
---- 6, Revelation, 201.
---- 14, Ephesians, 47.
---- 23, James, 96.
REVELATION XVIII., 9, 18, Peter, 177.
---- 20, James, 168;
John Epistles, 163.
REVELATION XIX., 8, Leviticus, 201;
Romans, 150.
---- 11, Psalms III., 191.
---- 13-15, Ephesians, 421.
---- 19, Daniel, 320.
REVELATION XX., 1-8, John Epistles, 275.
---- 4, John Epistles, 309.
---- 6, Leviticus, 215;
Mark, 333.
---- 7, Ezekiel, 370.
---- 10, John Epistles, 19, 183.
---- 11, Daniel, 153;
John Epistles, 214.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets II., 314;
John Epistles, 210.
---- 14, Daniel, 323.
REVELATION XXI., 3, Exodus, 376;
Hebrews, 153.
---- 6, John Epistles, 29.
---- 8, John Epistles, 89.
---- 9, Song of Solomon, 45;
Mark, 62.
---- 10, Hebrews, 218, 296.
---- 12, James, 44.
---- 17, Mark, 334.
---- 18, 22, John Epistles, 69.
---- 19, 20, John Epistles, 55.
---- 22, I. Kings, 221;
Twelve Prophets I., 313.
---- 24, II. Corinthians, 182.
---- 27, Leviticus, 343;
Galatians, 355;
Peter, 151;
John Epistles, 55.
REVELATION XXII., 1, 2, Ezekiel, 487;
John Epistles, 29.
---- 2-5, Joshua, 188;
Ezekiel, 498.
---- 6, Romans, 16.
---- 8, Luke, 403;
Acts II., 130;
John Epistles, 56.
---- 10, Daniel, 262.
---- 11, Daniel, 329;
Luke, 363;
Galatians, 352.
---- 12, 20, Romans, 363.
---- 13, Matthew, 450.
---- 14, John Epistles, 115.
---- 15, Leviticus, 343;
John Epistles, 55, 275.
---- 17, Peter, 151;
John Epistles, 29.
---- 21, John Epistles, 33.
REVENGE, Proverbs, 316;
Matthew, 76;
Thessalonians, 213.
---- of David, I. Kings, 96-103.
REVERENCE, Exodus, 49, 95;
Deuteronomy, 83.
---- for the aged, Leviticus, 413.
---- for parents, Deuteronomy, 85.
---- taught, Exodus, 424;
Leviticus, 377.
II., 198, 361, 364, 374.
REWARDS, Doctrine of, Philippians, 363.
---- Teaching of Christ concerning, Matthew, 279-285.
REYNOLDS, H. W., Revelation, 350.
REZIN, King of Syria, and Pekah, II. Kings, 227-231;
Isaiah I., 103.
REZON, I. Kings, 253.
RHEMISH VERSION, James, 80, 200, 292, 427, 430, 447, 457.
RICH, and poor, James, 124-132.
---- Follies and iniquities of the, James, 274-284.
---- their end, James, 284-287.
RICH YOUNG MAN, The, Matthew, 273-279;
Mark, 274-281.
RICHES, and poverty, Joshua, 75.
---- Dangers of the, Numbers, 377;
Matthew, 276-279;
Mark, 281-287.
---- Dedication of, Numbers, 75.
---- Obligations of, Judges, 390.
---- Strife for, Joshua, 199, 200;
Proverbs, 144-147.
---- Trust in, Ecclesiastes, 193-195.
---- without work, Joshua, 307.
RIDICULE, Fear of, Joshua, 137.
RIGHTEOUS, Death of the, Numbers, 296.
---- have judgment here, Peter, 189-200.
Isaiah II., 127, 215;
Ezekiel, 151-153;
Matthew, 79;
Ephesians, 328-329.
---- Conviction of, John II., 217.
---- Fruits of, Philippians, 35.
---- Isaiah's doctrine of, Isaiah I., 344;
II., 215-230.
---- Man not saved by, Job, 388.
---- of Abraham, Genesis, 140.
---- of faith, Philippians, 217-236.
---- of Israel, Isaiah II., 217.
---- of Jehovah, Isaiah II., 224, 265, 392, 410, 436.
---- Triumph of, Chronicles, 295.
---- Word of, Hebrews, 88.
RIGHTS, and duties, Judges, 30, 256.
---- of the person, Exodus, 339-345.
---- of property, Exodus, 345-347.
---- of strangers, Exodus, 353-357.
RITSCHL, Albrecht, II. Corinthians, 213.
RITUAL, and character, Galatians, 435-447.
---- and formality, Twelve Prophets I., 156-180.
---- Growth of the Levitical, I. Kings, 186-192.
---- Importance of, Chronicles, 333-337.
---- of Ezekiel's vision, Ezekiel, 462-484.
---- of the Tabernacle, Leviticus, 219-236.
---- Overgrowth of, Ezekiel, 94.
RIZPAH, II. Samuel, 344.
ROADS, Ancient, Acts II., 37, 260, 271.
ROBBERS, and the Apostles, Acts II., 199.
ROBERTSON, F. W., I. Corinthians, 21;
Ephesians, 265, 332.
---- on Balaam, Numbers, 320.
ROBERTSON, J. Craigie, History of the Christian church, Hebrews, 262.
ROBES of the High priests, Leviticus, 192.
ROBESPIERRE, Proverbs, 377.
ROBINSON, J. A., Acts I., 419.
ROCK, God a, Psalms II., 219.
ROD OF AARON, Numbers, 207.
ROD OF MOSES, Exodus, 71, 255.
ROGERS, H., Romans, 283.
ROLL, The sealed, opened, Revelation, 86-110.
ROMAN CHURCH, its neglect of Paul, Pastoral Epistles, 28, 400, 420, 421.
ROMAN FAS, Deuteronomy, 64-66.
ROMANS, John Epistles, 26.
ROMANS, The epistle, and Colossians, Colossians, 1.
---- Coincidences with James, 57, 100, 272.
---- Time, place and occasion, Romans, 1-9.
ROMANS I., 1, Ephesians, 389.
---- 2, Pastoral Epistles, 389.
---- 3, Acts I., 44;
Galatians, 250;
Revelation, 385.
---- 4, Psalms I., 18;
Songs of Solomon, 310;
Ephesians, 61, 88;
Thessalonians, 58.
---- 5, Galatians, 121.
---- 7, Acts II., 60;
Revelation, 369.
---- 15, Ephesians, 416.
---- 16, Ephesians, 9;
Peter, 58.
---- 16-18, II. Corinthians, 212;
Galatians, 130;
Ephesians, 36, 133, 431.
---- 17, Twelve Prophets II., 140;
II. Corinthians, 95;
Galatians, 186;
Ephesians, 12;
Philippians, 218;
James, 167.
---- 18, Galatians, 368;
Hebrews, 287.
---- 19, Ezra, 22;
Ephesians, 125.
---- 20, Ephesians, 270;
Hebrews, 16;
James, 229.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 80;
Ephesians, 263;
James, 123.
---- 23, Psalms III., 145.
---- 24-32, Peter, 155.
---- 26, Jeremiah I., 175.
---- 28, I. Samuel, 79;
Ephesians, 53.
ROMANS II., 2, 3, James, 168.
---- 5, Daniel, 261;
Revelation, 346.
---- 7, Ephesians, 439;
Revelation, 346.
---- 8, James, 199.
---- 9, 10, Galatians, 130.
---- 11, Galatians, 114.
---- 13, James, 102.
---- 15, II. Corinthians, 295.
---- 16, Mark, 3;
Pastoral Epistles, 360.
---- 17-29, Galatians, 427, 439;
James, 167.
---- 20, Ephesians, 385.
---- 23-27, Galatians, 143.
---- 25, Jeremiah I., 207;
Galatians, 130, 306;
James, 56.
---- 27, James, 133.
---- 28, 29, Philippians, 178.
ROMANS III., 1, Galatians, 130, 438.
---- 2, Jeremiah I., 127;
Pastoral Epistles, 52;
Peter, 173.
---- 3, Hebrews, 103.
---- 4, Pastoral Epistles, 137.
---- 7, Galatians, 321.
---- 8, Galatians, 439;
James, 168.
---- 10-18, Galatians, 222.
---- 19, Galatians, 223;
Ephesians, 36, 96.
---- 20, Galatians, 144, 150, 307.
---- 21, II. Corinthians, 119;
Galatians, 324;
James, 23.
---- 22-26, Galatians, 155;
Ephesians, 36;
Philippians, 218.
---- 24, Galatians, 149, 151;
Ephesians, 61;
Philippians, 220;
John Epistles, 105.
---- 25, Exodus, 379;
Hebrews, 165.
---- 26, Galatians, 155.
---- 28, James, 141.
---- 29, Mark, 339;
Galatians, 220;
Ephesians, 249.
---- 31, Galatians, 337.
ROMANS IV., Genesis, 140.
---- 1-4, Galatians, 151, 161.
---- 2, Galatians, 402.
---- 3, 6, Exodus, 280;
James, 156.
---- 6, II. Corinthians, 119.
---- 7, Hebrews, 146.
---- 9-13, Galatians, 183.
---- 11, Leviticus, 317;
II. Corinthians, 52;
Ephesians, 53;
James, 45.
---- 12, Galatians, 348.
---- 13-20, Ephesians, 55;
Hebrews, 319.
---- 14, 15, Galatians, 189.
---- 15, Galatians, 143, 144, 150, 307.
---- 16, Galatians, 151, 310.
---- 17, II. Corinthians, 26;
Galatians, 184, 206, 445.
---- 19, James, 158.
---- 20, Pastoral Epistles, 424;
James, 122.
---- 24, 25, Galatians, 156;
Philippians, 220.
---- 25, Leviticus, 355.
ROMANS V., 1, 2, Galatians, 383;
Philippians, 220.
---- 1-8, Galatians, 149.
---- 2, Peter, 185.
---- 3, James, 57, 65.
---- 5, Galatians, 171.
---- 9, Leviticus, 142;
II. Corinthians, 198;
Ephesians, 61.
---- 10, Leviticus, 227;
II. Corinthians, 212;
Galatians, 251.
---- 11, Leviticus, 98;
Proverbs, 373.
---- 12, Ephesians, 104.
---- 12-21, Galatians, 198.
---- 14, Galatians, 143, 157;
Ephesians, 37.
---- 15-18, Ephesians, 112.
---- 16, James, 168.
---- 17, 18, Galatians, 224;
Philippians, 218.
---- 18, Hebrews, 171.
---- 18-21, Joshua, 186.
---- 19, Leviticus, 57, 230;
Philippians, 220.
---- 20, Numbers, 87;
Galatians, 150, 213, 307;
Ephesians, 111;
Hebrews, 143.
---- 21, II. Corinthians, 91, 122;
Galatians, 149, 224.
ROMANS VI., 1, 2, Galatians, 233;
Ephesians, 371.
---- 2-4, Galatians, 173.
---- 4, Ephesians, 67, 371;
John Epistles, 125.
---- 5, Galatians, 157.
---- 6, 12, Galatians, 352;
Ephesians, 246.
---- 7, Ephesians, 36.
---- 10, Hebrews, 171.
---- 11, Colossians, 245.
---- 12, Galatians, 159.
---- 13, Ephesians, 86.
---- 14, Galatians, 357.
---- 17, II. Corinthians, 120, 316.
---- 19, Numbers, 41.
---- 23, Song of Solomon, 229;
Galatians, 224;
Ephesians, 112.
ROMANS VII., 1-6, Ephesians, 36.
---- 4, 5, 23, 24, Galatians, 352.
---- 5, 24, Galatians, 150.
---- 6, Colossians, 245.
---- 7-24, Galatians, 66, 145, 216.
---- 10, Numbers, 87;
Galatians, 142.
---- 12, 14, Galatians, 150.
---- 13-24, Galatians, 213.
---- 14, II. Corinthians, 119;
Ephesians, 104.
---- 15, II. Corinthians, 319.
---- 16, Ezekiel, 364.
---- 19, Leviticus, 341.
---- 22, 23, Psalms II., 27;
Peter, 113.
---- 23, Galatians, 159;
James, 57, 217.
---- 24, Galatians, 228, 307.
ROMANS VIII., 1, Galatians, 145, 159.
---- 1-4, Ephesians, 36.
---- 2, Ezekiel, 364;
Galatians, 228, 357;
Ephesians, 25.
---- 3, Leviticus, 342;
I. Corinthians, 383;
Galatians, 343, 359, 444;
Ephesians, 282.
---- 4, Ezekiel, 366;
Galatians, 185, 307.
---- 5-11, Matthew, 325;
Galatians, 416.
---- 9, II. Corinthians, 134;
Galatians, 160, 299.
---- 10-13, Galatians, 352.
---- 11, Leviticus, 357;
Ephesians, 205;
Galatians, 160;
Philippians, 246.
---- 14, Ephesians, 160.
---- 15, Galatians, 253;
Ephesians, 31;
Pastoral Epistles, 315.
---- 17, Galatians, 172, 177;
Ephesians, 43.
---- 18, Galatians, 30;
Peter, 35, 120, 229.
---- 19, Galatians, 412;
Ephesians, 28;
Revelation, 187.
---- 19-22, Leviticus, 364, 454, 512.
---- 20, Leviticus, 207, 364, 454.
---- 21, Leviticus, 365;
Revelation, 34, 71, 82, 245, 354.
---- 23, II. Corinthians, 55, 180;
Ephesians, 61, 63.
---- 24-28, Philippians, 356.
---- 26, 27, Ephesians, 205.
---- 27, John Epistles, 233.
---- 28-39, Galatians, 151;
Ephesians, 12, 30.
---- 29, Leviticus, 386;
Ephesians, 29;
Revelation, 200, 323.
---- 30, Philippians, 25;
Peter, 228.
---- 31, Isaiah II., 333.
---- 31-39, Galatians, 44, 255;
Ephesians, 115;
Revelation, 386.
---- 32, II. Corinthians, 39;
Ephesians, 312.
---- 33, 34, Isaiah II., 288;
Galatians, 204.
---- 34, Ephesians, 91.
---- 37, Ephesians, 410;
John Epistles, 232, 235.
ROMANS IX., 1, Galatians, 108;
James, 307.
---- 1-5, Galatians, 319.
---- 4, 5, Galatians, 130, 244, 438.
---- 5, Galatians, 250;
Pastoral Epistles, 429;
Revelation, 81, 324.
---- 6, Revelation, 118.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 96.
---- 11, Ezekiel, 187.
---- 13, Twelve Prophets II., 350.
---- 19, Galatians, 321.
---- 22, Galatians, 56;
Ephesians, 111.
---- 25, Twelve Prophets I., 235.
---- 28, Galatians, 159.
ROMANS X., 2, Pastoral Epistles, 58;
James, 181, 198;
Peter, 238.
---- 3, Philippians, 218.
---- 4, Leviticus, 169;
Galatians, 222.
---- 5, 6, Deuteronomy, 451.
---- 6-8, Hebrews, 12.
---- 7, Ephesians, 86.
---- 8, Ephesians, 372, 373.
---- 9, Galatians, 156;
Ephesians, 61.
---- 10, Acts II., 76.
---- 12, Acts I., 339.
---- 14, Ephesians, 56.
---- 16-20, Isaiah II., 6.
ROMANS XI., 1, 2, Galatians, 130, 319.
---- 2, Chronicles, 15.
---- 2, 26, 29, Leviticus, 537.
---- 5, Galatians, 151;
Revelation, 215.
---- 6, Galatians, 309.
---- 7, 10, Ephesians, 270.
---- 12, 15, Leviticus, 471.
---- 13, Galatians, 101.
---- 13-24, Galatians, 440.
---- 15, Leviticus, 538.
---- 16, Leviticus, 70;
Ephesians, 6;
Revelation, 244.
---- 17, Jeremiah I., 260.
---- 25, Leviticus, 470;
Pastoral Epistles, 132.
---- 26, Jeremiah I., 123.
---- 33-36;
Ephesians, 12, 26.
ROMANS XII., 1, Exodus, 201;
Leviticus, 59;
I. Kings, 216;
Ephesians, 110;
Peter, 72.
---- 4-9, Exodus, 110.
---- 5, I. Kings, 438.
---- 6-8, Peter, 172.
---- 7, 8, Ephesians, 239;
Peter, 173.
---- 8, II. Corinthians, 265.
---- 10, Peter, 56.
---- 12, Ephesians, 423;
Thessalonians, 225.
---- 15, Peter, 120.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 266.
---- 21, Peter, 90;
John Epistles, 232.
ROMANS XIII., 1, James, 257.
---- 2, James, 168;
Peter, 88.
---- 3, Peter, 169.
---- 4, Leviticus, 485.
---- 8, 9, Ephesians, 46.
---- 9, Galatians, 341.
---- 10, Galatians, 342.
---- 11-14, Ephesians, 410;
James, 416.
---- 12, Ephesians, 399.
---- 13, James, 198.
---- 14, Ephesians, 286.
---- 15, Peter, 72.
ROMANS XIV., 4, Song of Solomon, 333;
James, 258.
---- 6-8, Hebrews, 321.
---- 10, Twelve Prophets II., 314;
John Epistles, 214.
---- 12, Galatians, 400.
---- 14, Ezra, 268;
Galatians, 140.
---- 15, Hebrews, 320.
---- 18, Pastoral Epistles, 369.
---- 20, 21, Leviticus, 251.
---- 21, Galatians, 389.
---- 22, Chronicles, 159.
---- 23, Daniel, 165;
James, 122.
ROMANS XV., 1-4, Galatians, 397.
---- 3, Ephesians, 47.
---- 5-7, Galatians, 160.
---- 6, 7, Ephesians, 206.
---- 8, II. Corinthians, 39.
---- 9, II. Samuel, 361;
James, 319.
---- 15, 16, Ephesians, 13.
---- 16, 17, Galatians, 101, 401;
Philippians, 151.
---- 19, II. Corinthians, 362;
Pastoral Epistles, 361.
---- 20, Isaiah II., 287.
---- 24, 28, Pastoral Epistles, 14.
---- 29, Thessalonians, 39.
---- 30-32, Ephesians, 428.
ROMANS XVI., 1, 2, Acts II., 332;
Pastoral Epistles, 361;
John Epistles, 22.
---- 2, Colossians, 43.
---- 3, Pastoral Epistles, 414.
---- 5, Colossians, 403;
Revelation, 244.
---- 7, Galatians, 12;
Ephesians, 239.
---- 7, 11, Acts II., 7.
---- 13, Mark, 426.
---- 16, Peter, 231.
---- 17, 18, Galatians, 109;
John Epistles, 293.
---- 20, Ephesians, 410.
---- 22, Acts II., 50.
---- 23, Pastoral Epistles, 415;
John Epistles, 301, 302.
---- 25, Pastoral Epistles, 132.
---- 25, 26, Galatians, 248;
Ephesians, 12, 45, 129, 157;
Pastoral Epistles, 360.
---- 27, Pastoral Epistles, 429.
ROME, Christianity at, Romans, 408-410.
---- Paul and the fall of, Thessalonians, 324-328.
---- Paul's voyage to, Acts II., 450-471.
---- a world center, John I., 25.
ROUTH, Martin J., Reliquiae Sacrae, Acts I., 81;
John Epistles, 31, 35.
RUBIES, Valley of, Proverbs, 49.
RULERS, and ruled, Thessalonians, 201-216.
---- responsible to God, Leviticus, 129.
RUSKIN, John, nominal and practical religion, Ezekiel, 256.
---- on the flower, Deuteronomy, 94.
---- on gifts to the Temple, Numbers, 75.
---- on the gloom of history, I. Kings, 43.
---- on a thunderstorm, Exodus, 151;
I. Kings, 440.
---- on walls, Song of Solomon, 172.
---- quoted, Job, 372, 374, 396.
RUTH, and David, I. Samuel, 272.
---- The story of, Judges, 363-420.
RUTH, The book, Date of, Judges, 409.
RUTH I., 16, Hebrews, 261.
RUTH II., 1, II. Kings, 224.
---- 10, 19, Psalms III., 407.
---- 19, Jeremiah I., 176.
RUTH IV., 15, Jeremiah I., 85.
RUTHERFORD, Samuel, Song of Solomon, 45;
II. Corinthians, 314;
Ephesians, 243;
Thessalonians, 47.
SABATIER, M., II. Corinthians, 29, 177, 202;
Galatians, 132.
SABBATH, and Nehemiah, Ezra, 344-347.
---- Breach of the, Numbers, 180.
---- Christ and the, Matthew, 157, 159;
Mark, 66-70;
John I., 193.
---- in Chaldea, Numbers, 346.
---- in Galilee, Luke, 148-161.
---- law of Ezekiel, Numbers, 348.
---- a means of unity, Numbers, 191.
---- Obligation for the, Numbers, 348.
---- Observance of the, Acts II., 16, 393-397;
Colossians, 231, 233;
Hebrews, 60, 62, 166.
---- Social aspect of the, Numbers, 189.
---- Social service and the, Isaiah II., 414-422.
---- to be observed, Exodus, 248, 305-312;
Deuteronomy, 71.
---- A warning, Jeremiah I., 364, 376.
SABBATIC YEAR, The, Leviticus, 502-518;
Jeremiah I., 347.
SABEANS, Job, 65; Acts II., 344.
SABELLIUS, Hebrews, 28.
SACERDOTALISM, Numbers, 209;
Deuteronomy, 267, 268-270;
Chronicles, 234.
---- not in the New Testament, Exodus, 408.
SACRAMENTS, Hebrews, 255.
---- Old Testament, Isaiah I., 74.
---- Romish doctrine of, I. Samuel, 65.
SACRED PLACES, Numbers, 391.
SACRED YEAR, Numbers, 343.
SACRIFICE OF JESUS CHRIST for us, Judges, 251;
Job, 62;
John I., 375-386.
---- made to restore holiness, Genesis, 66.
---- of none effect if not accepted, Genesis, 36.
---- Restraining influence of the, Genesis, 67.
----See Jesus Christ, ATONEMENT.
SACRIFICES TO GOD and Christianity, Deuteronomy, 267-276.
---- to be in the spirit, Genesis, 200.
SACRIFICES, Gifts and, Philippians, 353-368.
---- Laws of, Deuteronomy, 253-266.
---- of burnt-offering, Leviticus, 29-62.
---- of guilt offering, Leviticus, 155-174.
---- of meal-offering, Leviticus, 63-81.
---- of peace-offering, Leviticus, 82-108.
---- of sin-offering, Leviticus, 109-154.
---- of the Temple, I. Kings, 196-221.
---- Priests portions of, Leviticus, 175-180.
---- Significances of, Numbers, 360.
SADNESS of Nehemiah, Ezra, 188-190.
SADDUCEES, Matthew, 214, 324;
Mark, 330-336;
Acts II., 33.
SAFETY, Psalms I., 26, 169.
SAINTS, I. Corinthians, 22;
Philippians, 12;
Colossians, 11-14, 58;
Hebrews, 214;
James, 378.
SALMON, Dr. George, Psalms II., 280;
Acts I., 2, 8, 10, 69, 79, 135, 358, 417;
II., 289;
Ephesians, 4;
Pastoral Epistles, 8, 113, 407;
James, 21, 50, 55, 69, 71, 139, 385, 425, 431.
SALT, for the meal-offering, Leviticus, 75.
---- for the speech, Colossians, 367-370.
---- of the earth, Matthew, 63-66.
SALVATION, aims at perfection of character, Genesis, 221.
---- and law, Hebrews, 31.
---- the end of God, Thessalonians, 347, 348.
---- for an end, Ephesians, 109-119.
---- the gift of God, Genesis, 306;
Thessalonians, 344-346.
---- the Idea of God, Thessalonians, 342.
---- in sight, Isaiah II., 428-444.
---- introduced through the affections, Genesis, 252.
---- its execution by God, Thessalonians, 346, 347.
---- Personal, Judges, 151;
Thessalonians, 195-197.
---- to the uttermost, Thessalonians, 65.
---- to be worked out, Philippians, 132-139.
---- Work of the Trinity in, Peter, 3-16.
---- Isaiah I., 95-147, 152-158.
---- besieged by Shalmaneser, II. Kings, 240.
---- Conversion of, Acts I., 355, sq., 366-384.
---- Elisha and the Syrians at, II. Kings, 76-86.
---- Idolatry at, I. Kings, 352, 355.
---- inhabitants deported, II. Kings, 247.
---- Jehu and, II. Kings, 125.
---- Later inhabitants of, II. Kings, 248.
---- Peter and John in, Acts I., 369-384.
---- Shalmaneser IV. and, II. Kings, 279.
---- Tiglath Pileser II. and, II. Kings, 278.
SAMSON, Birth announced by the angel, Judges, 266-271.
---- compared with Abraham, Judges, 281.
---- dauntless in battle, Judges, 293-306.
---- failed in fidelity to God, Judges, 302.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 362.
---- in Gaza, Judges, 307-318.
---- Last days of, Judges, 319-334.
---- plunging into life, Judges, 279-292.
---- Riddle of, Judges, 290.
---- to be a Nazarite, Judges, 276.
SAMUEL, and Saul at Gilgal, I. Samuel, 205, 216, 248.
---- and the witch of Endor, I. Samuel, 409.
---- anoints David, I. Samuel, 252-264.
---- anoints Saul, I. Samuel, 145-156.
---- Arrangements for, I. Samuel, 20.
---- as Judge, I. Samuel, 106.
---- David flees to, I. Samuel, 312.
---- dealings with the people, I. Samuel, 193-204.
---- Death of, I. Samuel, 378-381.
---- First meeting of Saul and, I. Samuel, 133-144.
---- grieved with Saul, I. Samuel, 247.
---- Israel demands a king of, I. Samuel, 109-120.
---- kills Agag, I. Samuel, 250.
---- the last of the Judges, I. Samuel, 1.
---- Message to, I. Samuel, 54.
---- The name, I. Samuel, 18.
---- not jealous of Saul, I. Samuel, 178.
---- recognized as a prophet, I. Samuel, 59.
---- Review of the life of, II. Samuel, 391-393.
---- Saul brought to, I. Samuel, 121-132.
---- Vindication of himself, I. Samuel, 181-192.
---- Vision of, I. Samuel, 49-60.

SAMUEL, Book of, II. Samuel, 388-400.
I. SAMUEL I., 1, Psalms III., 348.
---- 4, 13, Jeremiah I., 165.
---- 9, Psalms I., 37.
---- 26, Daniel, 226.
I. SAMUEL II., 8, Psalms II., 362;
III., 208;
Daniel, 151.
---- 12, Jeremiah I., 83;
Twelve Prophets I., 322.
---- 27-36, I. Kings, 118.
---- 36, Ezekiel, 431.
I. SAMUEL III., 1, Song of Solomon, 157.
---- 3, Psalms I., 38.
I. SAMUEL IV., 1, Joshua, 296.
I. SAMUEL V., 1, 10, Joshua, 296.
---- 5, Ezekiel, 428.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 12.
I. SAMUEL VI., 13, Isaiah II., 363.
---- 20, Isaiah I., 64.
I. SAMUEL VII., 6, Joshua, 350;
Ezra, 128.
---- 14, Joshua, 255.
---- 16, Joshua, 318.
---- 17, Joshua, 318, 350.
I. SAMUEL VIII., 10-18, I. Kings, 241.
---- 15, Deuteronomy, 301;
I. Kings, 143.
I. SAMUEL IX., 9, Twelve Prophets I., 20.
---- 31, Joshua, 318.
I. SAMUEL X., 2, Jeremiah I., 146.
---- 5, Daniel, 30.
---- 26, Joshua, 318.
I. SAMUEL XII., 17, Isaiah I., 113.
---- 19, Psalms III., 75.
---- 23, Jeremiah I., 163;
Hebrews, 263.
I. SAMUEL XIII., 9, Psalms I., 197.
---- 12, Twelve Prophets II., 280.
I. SAMUEL XV., 18, 19, Numbers, 183.
---- 22, Leviticus, 240;
Hebrews, 177.
---- 23, Psalms II., 22.
---- 29, Jeremiah I., 383.
I. SAMUEL XVI., 5, Jeremiah I., 68.
I. SAMUEL XVII., 25, Deuteronomy, 300.
---- 39, Romans, 368.
I. SAMUEL XVIII., 10, Daniel, 30.
---- 19, Joshua, 293.
---- 22, Peter, 135.
I. SAMUEL XIX., 20-24, Twelve Prophets I., 21.
---- 21-24, Daniel, 30.
I. SAMUEL XX., 5, 6, Numbers, 351.
---- 6, Jeremiah I., 121.
I. SAMUEL XXI., 3, 4, Psalms, 266.
I. SAMUEL XXIV., 7, Isaiah I., 131.
---- 15, Psalms I., 334.
I. SAMUEL XXV., 15, Jeremiah I., 121.
---- 21, Jeremiah I., 130.
I. SAMUEL XXVI., 19, Ezekiel, 323.
I. SAMUEL XXVII., 8, Joshua, 255.
I. SAMUEL XXVIII., 7-11, Leviticus, 411.
I. SAMUEL XXIX., 4, Romans, 141.
I. SAMUEL XXX., Psalms I., 23.
II. SAMUEL I., 18, Numbers, 11;
Joshua, 229.
---- 23, Proverbs, 239.
II. SAMUEL II., 15, 16, Joshua, 319.
II. SAMUEL III., 3, Joshua, 257.
---- 35, Ezekiel, 210.
II. SAMUEL IV., 6, I. Kings, 146.
II. SAMUEL V., 25, Hebrews, 263.
II. SAMUEL VI., Psalms I., 234.
---- 9, Psalms III., 84.
---- 11, Twelve Prophets II., 248.
---- 16, Ecclesiastes, 107.
II. SAMUEL VII., Psalms I., 12;
II., 490.
---- 2, Psalms III., 347.
---- 4-17, Isaiah I., 131.
---- 5, 6, Jeremiah II., 326.
---- 12-16, I. Kings, 34, 35.
---- 14, Psalms II., 498;
Galatians, 230.
---- 17, Psalms II., 496.
---- 28, 29, Hebrews, 263.
II. SAMUEL VIII., 1, 12, Joshua, 255.
---- 2, 6, Hebrews, 263.
---- 3, Joshua, 257.
---- 16, I. Kings, 21.
II. SAMUEL XI., Psalms II., 271.
II. SAMUEL XII., 1, Twelve Prophets I., 25.
---- 14, Romans, 110.
II. SAMUEL XIII., 19, Jeremiah I., 105.
---- 37, Joshua, 257.
---- 39, I. Kings, 78.
II. SAMUEL XV., 25, Psalms, 26.
---- 30, Jeremiah I., 99.
---- 32, Jeremiah I., 128.
II. SAMUEL XVI., 8, Psalms I., 25.
II. SAMUEL XVII., 5, Jeremiah I., 71.
---- 12, Psalms III., 188.
---- 13, Jeremiah I., 23.
---- 27, Twelve Prophets II., 82.
II. SAMUEL XVIII., 6, Psalms II., 220.
II. SAMUEL XIX., 33, Jeremiah I., 56.
II. SAMUEL XX., 1, Ezekiel, 316.
---- 3, Jeremiah I., 107.
---- 24, I. Kings, 21.
II. SAMUEL XXII., 11, Psalms II., 276.
II. SAMUEL XXIII., 1-7, Peter, 31.
---- 4, Psalms II., 322.
---- 20, Isaiah I., 211.
II. SAMUEL XXIV., 24, Jeremiah II., 312.
---- 25, Leviticus, 105.
SANBALLAT, The Horonite, Ezra, 236-238, 261, 321.
SANCTIFICATION, Use of the word, Hebrews, 178.
---- what it is, Hebrews, 41.
---- See HOLINESS.
SANCTUARY, The, carefully guarded, Numbers, 43.

---- established, Deuteronomy, 321.
---- Ezekiel and, Ezekiel, 404-423.
---- Iniquity of, Numbers, 402.
---- Nearness of, Psalms II., 442.
---- Outer, has ceased, Hebrews, 150, sq., 158.
---- Right of, Numbers, 402;
I. Kings, 186, 187.
SANHEDRIN, The, Acts I., 181, 188, 233, 234.
SARAH, wife of Abraham, Genesis, 100, sq., 149, sq.;
Peter, 113.
---- Death of, Genesis, 227.
---- jealous of Hagar, Genesis, 214.
---- The laughter of, Genesis, 169.
SARASA, James, 273.
SARCASM, a species of false witness, Exodus, 325.
SARDIS, Church at, Revelation, 56-61.
SAREPTA, Elijah at, I. Kings, 372-382.
SARPI, Paolo, Romans, 100.
SARGON, Isaiah I., 3, 148, 169, 198.
---- and Judah, II. Kings, 320.
---- captures Samaria, II. Kings, 240-243.
---- defeats Merodach-Baladan, II. Kings, 323.
---- Inscription of, II. Kings, 490.
---- replaces the population of Samaria, II. Kings, 254.
SARUM OFFICE, James, 342.
SATAN, as an angel of light, II. Corinthians, 332.
---- as tempter, Hebrews, 72.
---- Atonement not given to, Hebrews, 43.
---- challenged, Job, 40.
---- Deliverance from, Colossians, 61.
---- Delivering unto, Pastoral Epistles, 74.
---- Destruction of, Hebrews, 42.
---- disappears, Job, 71.
---- his question, Job, 42.
---- in Chronicles, 270-298.
---- Judgment of, Revelation, 335-359.
---- of Dante, Job, 35.
---- of Job, Job, 34-49, 68-74.
---- of Milton, Job, 35.
---- Paul's view of, Ephesians, 399-404.
---- Personality of, Pastoral Epistles, 77-80;
James, 150, 240.
---- Power and limits of, James, 238-244.
---- Power of, Job, 36.
---- The scape-goat sent to, Leviticus, 270.
---- The serpent not symbolical of, Genesis, 16.
---- tempts Christ, Matthew, 39-47.
SAUL, among the prophets, I. Samuel, 153.
---- and Samuel at Gilgal, I. Samuel, 204, 248.
---- anointed by Samuel, I. Samuel, 145-156.
---- at Endor, I. Samuel, 404-415.
---- brought to Samuel, I. Samuel, 121-132.
---- Character of, I. Samuel, 439.
---- chosen king, I. Samuel, 157-168.
---- a coward, I. Samuel, 431.
---- David harper to, I. Samuel, 267.
---- David spares the life of, I. Samuel, 366-377.
---- David's lament for, II. Samuel, 1-13.
---- Death of, I. Samuel, 429-440.
---- efforts against David, I. Samuel, 305-316.
---- Final rejection of, I. Samuel, 241-252.
---- First meeting of Samuel and, I. Samuel, 133-144.
---- First offence of, I. Samuel, 212.
---- jealous of David, I. Samuel, 292-299.
---- mutilation of his body, I. Samuel, 436.
---- The people delighted with, I. Samuel, 176.
---- relieves Jabesh-Gilead, I. Samuel, 169-180.
---- Review of the life of, II. Samuel, 393-395.
---- slays Abimelech, I. Samuel, 346.
---- Wilfulness of, I. Samuel, 229-240.
SAVINGS BANKS, Acts I., 204, 205.
SAVANAROLLA persecuted, I. Kings, 422.
SAXONS justified in raiding Britain, Judges, 7.
SAYCE, A. H., Psalms III., 190, 295;
Isaiah I., 411;
II., 165, 179, 457;
Jeremiah II., 206, 259;
Daniel, 56, 58, 60, 61, 172;
Twelve Prophets II., 19, 524.
---- on cities of Canaan destroyed, Numbers, 183.
---- on the origin of the Sabbath, Numbers, 346.
---- on Pethor, Numbers, 262.
SCANDAL, The Greek word for, John Epistles, 131.
---- in the church, II. Corinthians, 81.
SCAPE-GOAT, The, Leviticus, 264-274.
SCEPTICISM, Job, 41, 140; Isaiah I., 15, 16.
---- materialistic, Ecclesiastes, 171-173.
SCEVA'S SONS, Acts II., 355.
SCHAFF, Philip, Pastoral Epistles, 395;
James, 32, 399.
SCHLEIERMACHER, F. E., Pastoral Epistles, 78.
SCHMIDT, P., Thessalonians, 43, 142.
SCHMIEDEL, Paul Wilhelm, II. Corinthians, 13, 65, 163, 177, 179, 182, 213, 218, 250, 253, 267, 304, 311, 345, 374.
SCHOOLS OF THE PROPHETS, David a member? I. Samuel, 271.
SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur, Job, 37, 39;
Ecclesiastes, 4.
SCHOTT, Heinrich August, James, 407, 418.
SCHRADER, Eberhard, Isaiah I., 308, 309, 321;
Daniel, 49, 53, 55, 77, 129, 146, 170;
Twelve Prophets I., 172, 174;
II., 176, 216.
SCHULTZ, Hermann, Isaiah I., 137;
II., 262, 400;
Twelve Prophets I., 99.
SCHÜRER, Emil, Daniel, 76, 291;
Twelve Prophets I., 409;
Acts II., 25, 431;
James, 50, 423, 424. 439.
SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE, and the church, Deuteronomy, 216.
---- cultivating self-interest, Exodus, 317.
---- its lack does not disqualify the teacher of truth, Genesis, 4.
---- not a necessity for the teacher of truth, Genesis, 5.
---- not a possession of ancient times, Genesis, 2.
---- not a revelation, Proverbs, 380.
---- not sufficient, Jeremiah I., 326, 327.
---- tells us what we must believe, Judges, 111-114.
SCORNER, The, Proverbs, 125, 129.
SCOTT, Thomas, Romans, 324;
Hebrews, 248.
SCOTT, Sir Walter, Jeremiah II., 47, 167;
John Epistles, 95.
SCRIBISM, Ezra, 111.
SCRIPTURE, to be used in temptation, Matthew, 46.
SCRIPTURE AND SCIENCE at variance, Genesis, 4.
SCRIVENER, F. H. A., John Epistles, vii.
SCYTHIANS, The, II. Kings, 378;
Jeremiah I., 12-14;
Ezekiel, 4-6;
Twelve Prophets II., 15.
---- as the scourge of God, Jeremiah I., 134-148.
SEALED, The, Revelation, 114-124.
SECOND ADVENT, The, Matthew, 340-349;
Acts I., 33-41;
Philippians, 303-310;
Thessalonians, 60, 184-198.
---- Duty and, Romans, 361-368.
---- Nearness of, Pastoral Epistles, 378, 428.
SECOND BIRTH, The, John I., 105-116.
SECTARIANISM, Folly of, I. Corinthians, 94.
SEEKING A SIGN, Genesis, 135, 246;
Exodus, 120;
Mark, 209, 210;
John I., 165, 277.
SEER, The term, II. Kings, 201;
Twelve Prophets, 17.
SELAH, Psalms I., 25.
SELDEN, John, De Synedriis, Acts I., 181, 278, 295.
SELEUCID KINGS, Daniel, 241.
SELF-CONTROL necessary, Deuteronomy, 197.
SELF-DECEPTION, II. Samuel, 176.
SELF-KNOWLEDGE, Song of Solomon, 233.
SELF-SACRIFICE, Genesis, 119, 207;
Judges, 249, 331, 333.
---- of Joshua, Joshua, 323.
---- understood by God, Genesis, 209.
SELF-SURRENDER, Romans, 168, 169, 333.
SELFISHNESS, Matthew, 77.
---- and its reward, I. Samuel, 384.
---- blind, Proverbs, 297.
---- killed by love, Deuteronomy, 142.
---- not the aim of existence, Judges, 136, 137.
---- not Christian, Deuteronomy, 199.
---- powerful, I. Samuel, 191.
---- refined, Ecclesiastes, 250.
---- slaying, Colossians, 271-289.
---- to be resisted, Philippians, 107, 111-113.
SEMITES, Primitive religion of the, Job, 180.
SENIOR, The title, Acts II., 417.
SENNACHERIB, II. Kings, 324;
Psalms II., 80, 87, 149, 359, 367;
Isaiah I., 209, 302, 308-315, 355-362.
---- and Judea, II, Kings, 325.
---- his defeat at Jerusalem, II. Kings, 331-350.
---- Inscriptions of, II. Kings, 490-492.
SENSUAL, Meaning in the New Testament, James, 200, 453.
SEPHARAD, Twelve Prophets II., 176.
SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, James, 21, 330.
SEPTUAGINT, Hebrews, 35, 139, 309.
SERAIAH, The scribe, II. Samuel, 128.
SERBONIAN BOG, Isaiah I., 361.
SERGIUS PAULUS, Acts II., 201-206.
SERMON ON THE MOUNT, and the law, Exodus, 283.
---- Gospel of the kingdom, Matthew, 57-104;
Luke, 241-254.
---- Secret of the, Proverbs, 359.
SERPENT, the agent of Eve's temptation, Genesis, 15.
---- Fiery, Numbers, 246.
---- not symbolical of Satan, Genesis, 16.
---- Temptation comes like a serpent, Genesis, 20.
SERVANT OF GOD, OF ISRAEL, as prophet and martyr, Isaiah II., 313.
---- as realized by one man, Isaiah II., 276.
---- Chief end, Isaiah II., 317.
---- fulfilled by Christ, Isaiah II., 267, 281, sq., 367.
---- an individual's objections answered, Isaiah II., 270, 272, 274, 405.
SERVANT OF GOD, OF ISAIAH, Deuteronomy, 109;
Job, 15;
Isaiah II., 233-280.
---- as a nation, Isaiah II., 236, 256.
---- as a part of a nation, Isaiah II., 257.
---- Christ's relation to, Isaiah II., 142.
---- God's commission of, Isaiah II., 132.
---- his character, Isaiah II., 254.
---- in the New Testament, Isaiah II., 278-289.
---- Passages on, Isaiah II., 233.
SERVANTS, Indebted to, I. Samuel, 128.
---- Master and, Ephesians, 390-393;
Colossians, 345-353.
---- Treatment of, Proverbs, 387.
SERVICE, Age of, Numbers, 23.
---- Christian, Peter, 95-107.
---- the end of individuality, Judges, 30.
---- Equipment for, Judges, 184.
---- for God's glory, Peter, 163-176.
---- the highest distinction, Joshua, 42, 43.
---- of God and man, Isaiah II., 290-312.
---- of the unmarried, I. Corinthians, 168, 169.
---- Public, II. Samuel, 226.
SETH, Family of, Genesis, 51.
SEVEN, Bowls, Revelation, 259-276.
---- heads of the beast, Revelation, 283-286.
---- Importance of the number, Revelation, 28, 29.
---- Trumpets, Revelation, 132-156, 189-195.
SEVEN CHURCHES, The, Exodus, 384;
Number, 82.
---- Epistle to, Revelation, 21-64.
---- Salutation to, Revelation, 5.
SEVENTY WEEKS of Daniel, Daniel, 268-291.
SHADOW of turning, James, 98.
SHALLUM, King of Israel, II. Kings, 218.
SHAKESPEARE, William, quoted, Proverbs, 73, 86, 234, 241;
Ecclesiastes, 176, 177, 213, 248;
Isaiah I., 53, 56;
Jeremiah I., 288;
Daniel, 139;
Mark, 143;
John II., 68;
Ephesians, 247;
John Epistles, 95, 130, 176.
SHALMANESER II., Inscriptions of, II. Kings, 489.
---- Jehu and, II. Kings, 143-145.
SHALMANESER IV., Ecclesiastes, 35.
---- and Samaria, II. Kings, 279.
SHAME, as the result of sin, Genesis, 23, 24.
---- God relieves man's, Genesis, 26.
---- Sin and, Song of Solomon, 324-334.
SHAMELESSNESS in serving God, Pastoral Epistles, 370.
SHAMGAR, Judges, 88, 89.
SHEBA, Queen of, and Solomon, I. Kings, 227.
SHEBA, Son of David, defeated, II. Samuel, 322.
---- Insurrection of, II. Samuel, 314-325.
SHEBNA, Isaiah I., 317.
SHECANIAH, Ezra, 143-146.
SHECHEM, Judges, 210.
---- becomes the capital of Israel, I. Kings, 340-342.
---- Jacob in, Genesis, 313-315.
---- Joshua and Israel at, Joshua, 388.
SHECHINAH, Numbers, 89.
SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe, quoted, Song of Solomon, 88;
Peter, 10.
---- Skylark quoted, Song of Solomon, 21, 295, 296.
SHEMAIAH, The prophet, Ezra, 265-268;
Jeremiah II., 138.
SHEOL, Life in, Job, 183.
---- No hope in, Job, 211.
---- No penalty in, Job, 255.
---- Redemption from, Psalms II., 110.
---- Semitic conception of, Isaiah I., 411.
SHEPHERD LIFE, Genesis, 46;
I. Samuel, 273.
---- and the good shepherd, Psalms I., 227-232;
John I., 319-334;
Peter, 201-210.
---- and kings, Jeremiah II., 100-102, 324.
SHEPHERD OF HERMAS, Acts I., 97. 382;
II. Corinthians, 52.
SHEPHERDS, Adoration of the, Luke, 67-79.
SHEW-BREAD, Leviticus, 477-479.
SHIBBOLETHS, Judges, 254-265.
SHIGGAION, Psalms I., 58.
SHILOAH, Isaiah I., 122.
SHILOH destroyed, I. Samuel, 73.
---- Elkanah's offering at, I. Samuel, 22.
---- Promise of the, Hebrews, 249.
---- The Tabernacle erected at, Joshua, 312-315.
---- The word, Genesis, 433.
SHIMEI, begs pardon, II. Samuel, 296.
---- Character of, I. Kings, 99-100.
---- denounces the polity of David, II. Samuel, 244.
SHISHAK, King of Egypt, I. Kings, 315;
Chronicles, 324.
SHITTIM, Israel at, Joshua, 96.
SHORTHAND, Ancient use of, Acts I., 108, 312.
SHRINE-MAKERS, Ephesian, Acts II., 369.
SHUNEM, Elisha at, II. Kings, 43.
SHUR, The wilderness, Exodus, 225-231.
SHUSHAN GATE, Acts I., 158.
SIBYL, Fable of the, Hebrews, 59.
SICARII, James, 221.
SICK, The, Anointing of, James, 326-331.
SIDON, Ezekiel, 259-261.
---- Church at, Acts II., 461.
---- Paul at, Acts II., 461.
SIFTING, Psalms I., 8.
SIHON, The Amorite, Numbers, 254;
Deuteronomy, 57.
SILAS, Acts II., 257, 325;
Peter, 229.
SILENCE, and speech, Isaiah II., 322.
---- Argument from, Acts II., 342, 361, 393.
---- under suffering, Isaiah II., 360.
SIMEON, Son of Jacob, and Jacob's blessing, Genesis, 429.
---- and the Schechemites, Genesis, 314.
SIMEON, The tribe, Numbers, 330.
SIMEON, of the New Testament, nunc dimmittis, Luke, 44-46.
SIMON OF CYRENE, Matthew, 422; Mark, 426.
SIMON THE SORCERER, Magnus, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, II. Samuel, 5; Acts I., 357, 385-397.
SIMONY, Acts I., 394.
SIN, Isaiah I., 52, 69, 255.
---- against love, Twelve Prophets I., 346-354.
---- All unrighteousness is, John Epistles, 260-273.
---- and the law, Isaiah II., 388.
---- and shame, Song of Solomon, 324-334.
---- and sickness, Peter, 101.
---- and suffering, Song of Solomon, 108-119.
---- begets sin, I. Samuel, 434.
---- Besetting, Hebrews, 277.
---- borne by God, Isaiah II., 177-188.
---- borne by Jeremiah and Ezekiel, Isaiah II., 352.
---- borne by the servant, Isaiah II., 336-374.
---- the cause of all trouble, Joshua, 169.
---- causes despair, Genesis, 38.
---- Christ incapable of, Hebrews, 72.
---- Confession of, James, 335-343.
---- Continuance in, not a necessity, Genesis, 37.
---- Covering, Joshua, 192.
---- a curse, Joshua, 170, 187, 188, 387;
II. Samuel, 325.
---- Death the curse of, Genesis, 28.
---- Death the punishment of, Genesis, 25;
Joshua, 261.
---- Delight in the discussion of, Genesis, 78.
---- Deliverance from, Luke, 146.
---- a departing from God, I. Samuel, 410.
---- Does it bring suffering? Job, 157.
---- effect on man's material circumstance, Isaiah I., 416-427.
---- The essential demerit of, I. Samuel, 115.
---- Eternal, Mark, 95-99.
---- ever seductive, Genesis, 76.
---- Ezekiel conception of, Ezekiel, 139.
---- Fearlessness in attacking, I. Samuel, 291.
---- Forgiveness of, Genesis, 44;
Matthew, 95-99.
---- God and, Song of Solomon, 218-229.
---- gradual in its approach, I. Samuel, 391;
Psalms I., 3.
---- Grounds of forgiveness, Isaiah II, 79.
---- Its effects, Isaiah II., 387;
John I, 186.
---- Its nature, Proverbs, 363, 367.
---- Its punishment, Isaiah II., 29, 465.
---- Its results, Proverbs, 71, 74, 101.
---- Its seductions, Proverbs, 68.
---- Kinds of, Psalms I., 193.
---- Leprosy the type of, Leviticus, 336.
---- Man of, Thessalonians, 305-322.
---- Method of judging, Joshua, 175.
---- Nemesis of, I. Kings, 63, 118.
---- not as sudden as it seems, Genesis, 35.
---- not confined to the sinner, Genesis, 25.
---- of scant measure, Twelve Prophets I., 426-434.
---- One taste ruins, Genesis, 23.
---- Origin of, Genesis, 17.
---- Pain and, Job, 56.
---- Past, Colossians, 282-284.
---- pertains to being, Leviticus, 310.
---- Shame the first result, Genesis, 23, 24.
---- Source of Israel's, Psalms I., 393.
---- Subtle, Numbers, 247.
---- the supreme apostasy, Chronicles, 357.
---- to be cultivated out of the world, Genesis, 31.
---- to be fought on the knees, I. Samuel, 97.
---- unto death, John Epistles, 254-259.
---- Wages of, I. Samuel, 172;
Psalms I., 66;
II., 10;
Proverbs, 36.
---- A way back to God from all, Genesis, 26.
---- Ways and issues of, Proverbs, 65, 78.
---- We can rise above it only through God, Genesis, 26.
SIN-OFFERING, Exodus, 412, 413;
Leviticus, 109-154;
Numbers, 349;
Hebrews, 322.
---- for a Nazirite, Numbers, 64.
---- a he-goat, Numbers, 354.
---- not for moral guilt, Numbers, 65.
SINAI, Elijah at, I. Kings, 426-430.
---- Israel at, Exodus, 270-279;
Numbers, 383;
Hebrews, 297.
SINAITICUS, Codex, James, 5, 403.
SINCERITY, Philippians, 34;
Pastoral Epistles, 397-405.
---- of mind, Job, 169.
SINGULARITY, I. Samuel, 118.
SINIM, Land of, Isaiah II., 383.
SINUESSA, Council of, Acts II., 144.
SISERA, Judges, 101-105.
"SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX," Revelation, 235.
SKELLIGS, Acts II., 88.
SLANDER forbidden, Leviticus, 400.
---- Warning against, Thessalonians, 79, 80.
SLAVERY, Pastoral Epistles, 175-184, 248-250, 253-257;
Peter, 96-99.
---- and Christianity, Colossians, 459-468.
---- and the spirit of Christ, Deuteronomy, 215.
---- Effects of, Exodus, 94.
---- Hebrew, Exodus, 339;
Deuteronomy, 394, 424-429.
---- The Jubilee and, Leviticus, 497-501.
---- Overthrow of American, Chronicles, 344;
Song of Solomon, 330.
---- Paul and, Colossians, 348-350.
---- Pagan, Acts I., 58;
II., 314;
Ephesians, 387-390.
SLAVES, Manumission of, Pastoral Epistles, 181, 184, 248.
SLOTHFULNESS, Judges, 296;
John Epistles, 257.
SLUGGARD, The, Proverbs, 82-84, 263.
SMEND, Rudolf, quoted, Ezekiel, 191, 276, 410, 412, 466, 476, 493;
Daniel, 67;
Twelve Prophets II., 292, 506.
SMITH, James, Voyage of St. Paul, Acts II., 459.
SMITH, W. Robertson, Expansion of law of covenant, Deuteronomy, 60.
---- on criticism and faith, Deuteronomy, 34.
---- on the sanctity of the firstborn, Numbers, 37.
---- quoted, Job, 43; Song of Solomon, 14;
Isaiah I., 126, 137, 169, 200;
II., 23, 215, 248;
Ezekiel, 85, 322, 390, 402, 436, 462, 464, 477, 484;
Daniel, 48;
Twelve Prophets I., 20, 38, 109, 136, 171, 172, 203, 205, 218, 238, 272, 311, 316,
II., 42, 49, 226, 237, 310, 331, 335, 337, 339, 357, 376, 380, 386, 419, 506.
SMITH, W., Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, Acts I., 144;
II., 176;
Pastoral Epistles, 249.
SMITH, W., Dictionary of Christian Biography, Acts I., xi, 2, 16, 25, 32, 65, 79, 112, 120, 125, 157, 239, 257, 259, 270, 274, 342;
II., 6, 14, 259, 273, 344, 353, 367, 434.
SMITH, W., Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, Acts I., 412.
SMYRNA, The church at, Revelation, 46-49.
SOBRIETY in religion, Pastoral Epistles, 241, 245;
Peter, 42-44, 165, 166.
SOCIAL DISORDER, Numbers, 165;
Deuteronomy, 419, 420;
Job, 331.
SOCIALISM, Proverbs, 137, 147, 395;
Isaiah II., 296;
Jeremiah II., 280;
Mark, 280;
I. Corinthians, 393;
Pastoral Epistles, 185-187.
---- and faith, Deuteronomy, 207, 208.
---- Christian, Acts I., 206.
---- has no Biblical sanction, Exodus, 243.
SOCIETY, compared to the body, I. Corinthians, 283.
---- Composition of, Genesis, 113.
---- Evils of, condemned, Colossians, 276-278.
---- Life in, John Epistles, 146.
SOCINUS, Faustus, Hebrews, 169.
SOCRATES, Ecclesiastes, 299;
Isaiah I., 260;
Hebrews, 76;
James, 340.
SODOM, Genesis, 115, 131;
Ezekiel, 136, 137.
---- Abraham intercedes for, Genesis, 172-185.
---- ripe for punishment, Genesis, 191.
---- visited by angels, Genesis, 176, 186.
SOLDIERS, as a type of Christians, Pastoral Epistles, 344-350.
---- religion, Joshua, 403.
Ephesians, 312-318.
---- of Christendom, Pastoral Epistles, 86.
SOLOMON, and the authorship of the Song of Solomon, Song of Solomon, 4, 11.
---- and Elijah compared, I. Kings, 497-499.
---- and the Queen of Sheba, I. Kings, 227.
---- and the succession, I. Kings, 87.
---- and the Temple, I. Kings, 149-171.
---- Anointing of, I. Kings, 89.
---- Beginning of the reign of, I. Kings, 105-119.
---- the charge of Nathan, I. Kings, 83.
---- Choice of, I. Kings, 124.
---- Commerce of, I. Kings, 224, 233.
---- Court and Kingdom of, I. Kings, 134-148.
---- Harem of, I. Kings, 245-249.
---- Hollow prosperity of, I. Kings, 230-238.
---- in all his glory, I. Kings, 222-229.
---- Judgment of, I. Kings, 127.
---- Last days of, I. Kings, 250-265.
---- Legend of the death of, I. Kings, 262.
---- not the author of all the Proverbs, Proverbs, 2, 106.
---- not the author of Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes, 7-20.
---- Old age of, I. Kings, 239-249.
---- Rehoboam succeeds, I. Kings, 269.
---- Reign of, Chronicles, 169-197.
---- Wisdom of the boy King, I. Kings, 120-133.
"SON," Psalms I., 21.
SON OF MAN, Mark, 52-56.
---- Coming of the, Matthew, 340-349.
---- Sin against, Hebrews, 95.
"SONG OF THE BOW," Joshua, 229;
II. Samuel, 7-13.
SONG OF DEBORAH, Numbers, 383;
Judges, 106-134;
Chronicles, 349;
Psalms II., 275.
SONG OF THE LAMB, Revelation, 261.
SONG OF MOSES, Exodus, 216-225;
Deuteronomy, 452-260;
Joshua, 411.
SONG OF SOLOMON, and Abishag, I. Kings, 109.
---- Canonicity of, Song of Solomon, 53-62.
---- Mystical interpretation of, Song of Solomon, 41-52.
---- Origin, I. Kings, 279.
---- Structure of, Song of Solomon, 3-14.
SONG OF SOLOMON VIII., 3, Revelation, 115.
"SONG OF THE WELL," Numbers, 252.
SONSHIP, and the servile spirit, Genesis, 223.
---- of Christ defined, Hebrews, 28.
---- a revelation of God, Hebrews, 12.
SOOTHSAYING, Chaldean, Numbers, 263.
SOPHOCLES, Ecclesiastes, 151.
SORCERY, Law of, Exodus, 349-353.
SORROW, a help to the pilgrimage, Psalms II., 446.
---- Man's abuse of, Isaiah I., 54.
---- not peculiar to Christians, Philippians, 253.
---- not to be continually indulged, Genesis, 228.
SOSIPATROS, Acts II., 199.
SOSTHENES, I. Corinthians, 19.
SOUL, The word, Thessalonians, 254.
SOUL-LIFE, Proverbs, 191-202.
SOUTH, Robert, John Epistles, 182.
Romans, 252-260.
SOWING AND REAPING, Galatians, 405-418;
Thessalonians, 142-147.
SOZOMEN, James, 340.
SPEECH, Silence and, Isaiah II., 322-327.
SPENCER, Herbert, Philosophy of, Job, 52;
Proverbs, 380.
SPENSER, Edmund, Deuteronomy, 189;
Song of Solomon, 330.
SPERATUS, St., Acts I., 15.
SPIES, The, despatched, Numbers, 151.
---- Doom of the ten, Numbers, 173.
---- Evil report of, Numbers, 158.
---- in Jerico, Joshua, 82-94.
SPIRIT, and body, Exodus, 105.
---- Endowment of the, Numbers, 130.
---- of the Lord and Saul, I. Samuel, 174.
SPIRITUAL, and sensual, Song of Solomon, 52.
---- thirst, John I., 254.
SPIRITUALISM, Leviticus, 411;
Hebrews, 11.
SPIRITUALITY, Numbers, 296.
---- and profession, Genesis, 35.
SPRINGS, mentioned in the Bible, Peter, 313-315.
STADE, Bernhard, Ezekiel, 318, 410;
Twelve Prophets II., 6, 468.
STANDARDS, Numbers, 27.
STANLEY, Dean A. P., Acts I., 354;
II., 57, 301.
STANTON, V. H., Isaiah I., 143;
Thessalonians, 295;
James, 412, 439.
STARS, Wandering, James, 432.
STATISTICS in Chronicles, Chronicles, 64-71.
STEADFASTNESS, Undaunted and united, Philippians, 77-94;
Peter, 365-374.
STEALING forbidden, Exodus, 321-324.
STEPHANAS, Acts II., 326.
STEPHEN, and the ministry, Acts I., 268-292.
---- defence and doctrine of inspiration, Acts I., 293-321.
---- the first martyr, Acts I., 322-345.
---- Martyrdom of, Acts I., 248-251.
---- refers to Moses, Exodus, 73.
---- reproaches the Jews, Hebrews, 23.
STERNHOLD AND HOPKINS, Psalms, Acts I., 381.
STEWARDSHIP, Leviticus, 396.
---- and service, Colossians, 124-125.
STEWART, Canon Dale, Revelation, 356.
STIER, Rudolf, James, 32, 199, 297, 325, 333, 399.
STILLINGFLEET, Edward, Acts I., 134, 137.
STOICISM, James, 66, 133, 315.
STONES erected at the Jordan, Joshua, 115, 116.
STORMS, of more than ordinary import, Judges, 110.
---- their influence in history, Exodus, 153.
---- Thunder, Psalms I., 171-175, 273-279.
STRABO, Acts II., 199, 204.
"STRANGE FIRE," of Nadab and Abihu, Leviticus, 237-255;
Numbers, 31.
STRANGERS, Rights of, Exodus, 353-357;
Numbers, 182;
Deuteronomy, 293, 294, 393, 394.
STRAUSS, David F., I. Corinthians, 335;
Pastoral Epistles, 77;
James, 381;
John Epistles, 45.
STRENGTH and weakness, II. Corinthians, 342-358.
---- Spiritual, Ephesians, 186-188.
STUDENTS, Kinds of, Ecclesiastes, 276.
SUAREZ, James, 322.
SUBMISSION and penitence, James, 238, 246.
---- of David, II. Samuel, 251;
Psalms II., 9.
SUCCESS, depends largely upon foresight, Genesis, 90.
---- Indifferent ones desire to be considered as having, Judges, 189.
---- Paul's ideal of, Philippians, 61.
---- Sanctified, Judges, 80.
SUCCOTH and Gideon, Judges, 190.
SUETONIUS, Acts II., 163, 273, 323, 327;
Romans, 13.
S UFFERING, and consolation, II. Corinthians, 10-22.
---- and glory, Thessalonians, 289-304.
---- and thanksgiving, Thessalonians, 228.
---- as discipline, Job, 59;
Psalms II., 2.
---- Door of hope through, Job, 68.
---- for itself not an end, Judges, 333.
---- for well-doing, Peter, 133-148.
---- The lessons of, Peter, 149-162.
---- of the good, Thessalonians, 112.
---- Sin and, Song of Solomon, 108-119.
---- Use of, Job, 61;
John I., 306, 307.
---- Vicarious, Isaiah II., 64, 272, 331, 355-358, 422.
SUICIDE, I. Samuel, 432-434.
---- Job does not think of, Job, 97, 124.
SUMPTUARY LAWS, Folly of, Deuteronomy, 188.
SUN-WORSHIP, Ezekiel, 86.
SUPEREROGATION, Leviticus, 552.
SUPERNATURAL, Accepting the, I. Kings, 366;
John I., 232.
---- erected in nature, Hebrews, 64.
---- in the scriptures, Joshua, 71.
SUPERSTITION and heresy, Pastoral Epistles, 384.
SURETY for another, Proverbs, 79-82.
SUSA, Ezra, 165-167; Daniel, 253.
SWEARING, forbidden, Exodus, 302-305;
James, 302-308.
---- Habit of, II. Kings, 59.
SWEATING SYSTEM, Proverbs, 31, 296.
SYCOMORE, The, Twelve Prophets, 77.
SYMBOLISM, Christian, Numbers, 193.
---- of Candelabrum, Numbers, 79.
---- of the cloud, Numbers, 93.
---- of the life of David, I. Samuel, 261.
---- of Old Testament sacrifices, Deuteronomy, 268.
---- of Revelation, Revelation, 35.
---- of the Sabbath, Numbers, 191.
SYMPATHY, for the oppressed, Ecclesiastes, 149.
---- in all relations of life, Deuteronomy, 432.
---- Longing for, Proverbs, 196.
---- Money and, John I., 16.
---- of Job's friends, Job, 80.
---- wanting to the angels, Hebrews, 74.
---- with Christianity, Numbers, 112.
SYNAGOGUE, Christian, James, 19, 118, 126.
SYRIAC VERSION, James, 8, 21, 26, 30, 187, 368.
TAANACH, Joshua, 303.
TABERAH, Numbers, 120.
TABERNACLE, The, Exodus, 375-400.
---- Consecration of, Exodus, 409-416;
Leviticus, 204.
---- Curtains of, Exodus, 390.
---- Description of, Hebrews, 150.
---- Entrance to, Exodus, 394.
---- Erected at Shiloh, Joshua, 312-315.
---- Inauguration of the service of, Leviticus, 219-236.
---- Incense in the, Exodus, 417-419.
---- Its structure, Exodus, 389-394.
---- New Covenant symbolized in, Hebrews, 149-158.
---- Outer court of, Exodus, 395-399.
---- The pattern in the mount, Exodus, 385-388.
---- Purification of, Hebrews, 163.
---- worship, Leviticus, 219-236.
TABERNACLES, Feast of, Leviticus, 464-467;
Numbers, 369;
Revelation, 125-127.
TABLE OF SHEWBREAD, Exodus, 381, 282.
TACITUS, Jeremiah II., 218;
Acts I., 58, 130,
II., 352, 363, Romans, 13;
Pastoral Epistles, 179.
TALE-BEARING, Proverbs, 168, 169.
TALENTS, Parable of the, Matthew, 357-365.
TALKATIVENESS, Perils of, James, 186.
TALMUD, The, quoted, Ecclesiastes, 195, 247, 276, 314;
Acts I., 175;
II., 13, 16;
John Epistles, 292.
TAMAR, Amnon and, II. Samuel, 197.
TAMMUZ, Ezekiel, 85, 86.
TANNING, Acts II., 120.
TANTALUS, Hebrews, 221.
TARSUS, Acts II., 1-12.
TASSELS, memorial, Numbers, 192.
TATE AND BRADY, Psalms, Acts I., 381.
TATIAN, Diatessaron, Acts I., vii, 65, 400, 415, 419.
---- rejects the Epistles to Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 8, 202.
TATTENAI, The satrap, Ezra, 84, 99.
TAYLOR, Jeremy, Acts I., 89;
II., 29, 267, 334;
James, 332.
TEACHERS, in the church, Hebrews, 84.
---- Responsibilities of, James, 165-170.
TEACHING OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES, Acts I., 97, 139, sq., 149, 377;
II., 34, 345;
Pastoral Epistles, 69, 96, 108, 115;
Hebrews, 84.
---- by Anachronism, Chronicles, 111.
---- by Types, Chronicles, 125-132.
---- The term used by, John I., 387.
---- Two final tests of false, Colossians, 242-256.
TEARS, of Christ, John I., 358.
---- Significance of, Genesis, 397.
TEKOA, Men of, refuse to work, Ezra, 220.
TELEMACHUS, Acts I., 56.
TEMAN, Job, 15.
TEMPER, Bad, Proverbs, 203, 207;
James, 190.
TEMPERANCE, Proverbs, 280, 286;
I. Corinthians, 217;
Galatians, 387;
Peter, 247, 248.
TEMPLE, Numbers, 75;
I. Kings, 149-171.
---- cleansed by Christ, John I., 85-98.
---- Dedication of the rebuilt, Ezra, 96-106.
---- Defilement of the, I. Kings, 219, 221.
---- Haggai and the building of, Twelve Prophets II., 234-252.
---- Measuring the, of Heaven, Revelation, 168-175.
---- of Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 392.
---- of Heaven, Revelation, 170, 171.
---- partially restored, II. Kings, 154-158;
Chronicles, 404, 428.
---- proposed by David, II. Samuel, 97-108.
---- rebuilt, Ezra, 48-59.
---- sacrifices, I. Kings, 194-221.
---- Significance of the, I. Kings, 172-176.
---- tribute, Matthew, 250, 251.
---- vessels restored by Cyrus, Ezra, 33-35.
---- worship, I. Kings, 193-201;
Chronicles, 97.
TEMPLE, Rev. Frederick, James, 189, 190.
TEMPTATION, Numbers, 371;
John Epistles, 140-143.
---- and safeguards, Proverbs, 67-71.
---- and the will, Judges, 287.
---- comes like a serpent, Genesis, 20.
---- from within more serious, Genesis, 76.
---- Joy in, James, 62-67.
---- of Christ, Deuteronomy, 205, 206;
Matthew, 39-47;
Luke, 105-127;
Hebrews, 72.
---- Overcoming, Peter, 180-182.
---- Process of, Judges, 317.
---- Small ones often more effectual, Genesis, 76.
---- Source of, James, 89-92.
---- Strength and, Isaiah I., 264.
---- succeeds by exciting curiosity, Genesis, 20, 21.
---- Unexpected, John II., 286.
TENNYSON, Alfred, quoted, Job, 164;
Proverbs, 67;
Ecclesiastes, 124;
Song of Solomon, 80, 170;
Jeremiah II., 168;
Twelve Prophets I., 252.
TERAH, Genesis, 84, sq.
TERTULLIAN, Acts I., 3-7, 56, 109, 121, 381, 382, 384, 415;
II., 36, 50, 122-124, 195, 400, 445;
Pastoral Epistles, 6, 10, 89, 90, 98, 101, 128, 166, 227, 294, 295, 300, 339, 346;
Hebrews, 264;
James, 32, 307, 330, 337, 342, 368, 441;
Peter, vi;

John Epistles, 91, 163.
TESTS of the kingdom of Heaven, I. Samuel, 154.
TEXIER, on Galatia, Acts II., 266.
THACKERAY, W. M., Ecclesiastes, 31.
THANKFULNESS, Psalms I., 184, 282;
II., 17;
Colossians, 52;
Hebrews, 309.
THANK-OFFERING, Leviticus, 104.
THANKSGIVING, David's song of, II. Samuel, 350-362.
---- a duty, Thessalonians, 225-230.
---- for all men, Pastoral Epistles, 92.
---- of I. Thessalonians, Thessalonians, 21-36.
---- of II. Thessalonians, Thessalonians, 271-288.
THANKSGIVING DAY and the feast of Tabernacles, Leviticus, 466.
THEBEZ, Abimelech killed at, Judges, 222.
THEFT, Ephesians, 295.
THEOCRACY, for Israel, Judges, 46.
---- The ideal, Ezekiel, 381-499.
---- Jonathan's idea of, Judges, 214, 218.
---- not hierocracy, Numbers, 6.
---- sustained, Numbers, 319.
THEODORET, Acts I., 57;
II., 84;
John Epistles, 51.
II., 370.
"THEOLOGIA GERMANICA," Song of Solomon, 343.
THEOLOGY, Hebrews, 88, sq.
---- and letters, Job, 4.
---- New beginning in, Job, 15.
---- of Paul, Thessalonians, 341-358.
THEOPHILUS, Acts II., 30, 32;
Pastoral Epistles, 6;
Peter, v, xii.
THESSALONIANS, The first epistle, Conclusion of, Thessalonians, 251-265.
---- The first New Testament writing, Thessalonians, 6.
---- The thanksgiving of, Thessalonians, 21-36.
---- To whom written, Thessalonians, 3-20.
I. THESSALONIANS I., 5, II. Corinthians, 231;
Galatians, 274;
Peter, 58.
---- 6, II. Corinthians, 264;
Galatians, 177;
Ephesians, 419.
---- 7-9, Ephesians, 67.
---- 8-10, Romans, 24, 346.
I. THESSALONIANS II., 2, Ephesians, 430.
---- 3, Daniel, 102.
---- 4, Pastoral Epistles, 52.
---- 5, Galatians, 88.
---- 6, Galatians, 12, 13;
Ephesians, 239;
James, 373.
---- 7, 8, Galatians, 274, 281.
---- 12, Colossians, 43.
---- 13, Ephesians, 56.
---- 14, II. Corinthians, 264.
---- 16, Galatians, 298.
---- 17, Galatians, 394.
---- 18, Song of Solomon, 220;
Pastoral Epistles, 78.
---- 19, II. Corinthians, 33.
I. THESSALONIANS III., 5, Peter, 225.
I. THESSALONIANS IV., 1, Romans, 204, 323;
Philippians, 30.
---- 1-8, Galatians, 365.
---- 3, Ephesians, 340, 365.
---- 5, Ephesians, 269.
---- 11, 12, Pastoral Epistles, 348.
---- 13, Leviticus, 409;
Ezekiel, 349;
Romans, 29.
---- 14, II. Corinthians, 79;
Galatians, 156.
---- 15, Romans, 362;
Ephesians, 411;
Pastoral Epistles, 428;
James, 279.
---- 16, Mark, 333;
Revelation, 205, 346.
---- 17, Romans, 314;
II. Corinthians, 347;
Revelation, 160, 346.
I. THESSALONIANS V., 1, Daniel, 151.
---- 2, Peter, 165, 330, 356.
---- 8, Ephesians, 410, 415.
---- 8, 9, Ephesians, 61;
Pastoral Epistles, 344.
---- 9, Ephesians, 60.
---- 10, II. Corinthians, 179.
---- 12, Acts II., 416.
---- 14, Ephesians, 385.
---- 15, Ephesians, 293.
---- 17, Acts II., 324.
---- 18, Ephesians, 348.
---- 19, Ephesians, 298.
---- 25, Ephesians, 428.
---- 26, Peter, 231.
---- 27, Colossians, 407.
THESSALONIANS, SECOND EPISTLE, and the second advent, Acts I., 36-38.
---- Farewell of, Thessalonians, 391-404.
---- salvation and thanksgiving, Thessalonians, 271-288.
II. THESSALONIANS I., 4, 6, Galatians, 177;
Ephesians, 67, 179.
---- 5, 7, Galatians, 30.
---- 6, Romans, 292;
Philippians, 90;
Revelation, 226.
---- 7, Romans, 385;
Galatians, 57;
Revelation, 226, 346.
---- 7, 8, Romans, 41.
---- 8, Ephesians, 269;
Peter, 340.
---- 9, Psalms, 206;
Peter, 341.
---- 10, Revelation, 346.
II. THESSALONIANS II., 1, Leviticus, 514.
---- 2, Romans, 363;
Peter, 165.
---- 3-8, Leviticus, 127, 444;
Galatians, 150;
Ephesians, 412.
---- 3-10, Mark, 97;
Pastoral Epistles, 376.
---- 6, 7, Revelation, 215.
---- 7, Pastoral Epistles, 133;
Revelation, 297.
---- 8, 12, Ephesians, 54, 420;
Pastoral Epistles, 404;
Revelation, 237.
---- 9, 10, Ephesians, 400;
Revelation, 229.
---- 11, Ephesians, 292.
---- 14, Ephesians, 60.
---- 15, Acts I., 383.
II. THESSALONIANS III., 1, Ephesians, 428.
---- 3, 5, Ephesians, 115.
---- 5, Galatians, 384.
---- 9, Acts I., 383;
Peter, 208.
---- 10, 12, Matthew, 358.
---- 11, Peter, 190.
---- 16, Ephesians, 435.
---- 17, 18, Galatians, 422;
Colossians, 410.
THESSALONICA, Acts II., 294-300.
---- Church at, Thessalonians, 3-20.
---- Paul at, Acts I., 37.
THOMAS, St., Mark, 87.
---- Acts of, Acts I., 2.
---- Test of, John II., 363-379.
THOMSON, William, on leprosy, Leviticus, 337.
---- on locusts, Twelve Prophets II., 401.
---- on the Pelican, Psalms III., 91.
THOUGHTLESSNESS and its results, Genesis, 42.
THYATIRA, Church of, Revelation. 53-56.
TIBERIUS, Emperor, Pastoral Epistles, 425.
TIGELLINUS, Pastoral Epistles, 275.
TIGLATH-PILESER I., aids Ahaz, II. Kings, 230-233;
Isaiah I., 96, 103.
TIGLATH-PILESER II., II. Kings, 277, 489, 490.
TIME, Brevity of, Joshua, 401.
---- Ideas of the passage of, Luke, 15.
---- measurement, II. Kings, 312.
---- On the Horizon of, Twelve Prophets I., 400-407.
TIMNAH, Judges, 282, sq., 288.
TIMOTHY, Acts II., 325-347;
Philippians, 157-170;
Thessalonians, 7, 118-121;
Hebrews, 329.
---- and circumcision, Acts II., 227.
---- at Corinth, Pastoral Epistles, 23, 24, 29.
---- compared with John, Pastoral Epistles, 19-21.
---- compared with Titus, Pastoral Epistles, 209.
---- Family of, Acts II., 8, 9.
---- Martyrdom of, Acts II., 263.
---- Ordination of, Acts II., 261.
I. TIMOTHY I., 1, Philippians, 330;
John Epistles, 291.
---- 2, Peter, 231.
---- 3, Acts I., 196;
II., 412;
John Epistles, 43.
---- 4, Galatians, 442;
Ephesians, 45;
Peter, xiv, 262.
---- 5, Peter, 249.
---- 6, Exodus, 410;
Peter, 315.
---- 8, 12, Romans, 35.
---- 9, Galatians, 149, 215;
Ephesians, 289.
---- 11, Galatians, 94, 152.
---- 13, Acts II., 26;
Galatians, 66, 76, 121;
James, 126.
---- 15, Acts II., 28;
Galatians, 74.
---- 16, Galatians, 69;
Peter, 367.
---- 17, Romans, 281;
Ephesians, 217.
---- 18, Exodus, 410;
Acts II., 262.
---- 19, Galatians, 309.
I. TIMOTHY II., 1-7, Ephesians, 58.
---- 4, Peter, 238.
---- 5, Galatians, 157, 218, 220;
Ephesians, 217.
---- 6, 7, Galatians, 120;
Ephesians, 45.
---- 7, Ephesians, 164.
---- 8, Acts I., 381;
Ephesians, 289.
---- 12, 13, Leviticus, 324.
---- 13-15, Galatians, 364.
---- 14, Galatians, 393.
---- 15, Leviticus, 324.
I. TIMOTHY III., 2, Hebrews, 316.
---- 3, Peter, 207.
---- 6, James, 168;
Peter, 289.
---- 13, Galatians, 229.
---- 14, Acts I., 196;
II., 412.
---- 15, 16, Ephesians, 10.
---- 16, Matthew, 377;
Acts I., 44;
Galatians, 250;
Ephesians, 346, 347;
Revelation, 83.
I. TIMOTHY IV., 1, Ephesians, 412;
Thessalonians, 309.
---- 2, Ephesians, 292.
---- 3, James, 84.
---- 7, Peter, xiv, 262.
---- 10, Peter, 196.
---- 12, Peter, 208.
---- 13, Acts I., 196.
---- 14, Acts II., 262.
I. TIMOTHY V., 3, 5, 10, John Epistles, 285.
---- 5, John Epistles, 19.
---- 6-11, John Epistles, 286.
---- 10, Hebrews, 316.
---- 12, James, 168.
---- 13, Thessalonians, 379;
James, 156;
Peter, 190.
---- 17, Ephesians, 239.
---- 18, Twelve Prophets I., 288.
---- 19, II. Corinthians, 373.
I. TIMOTHY VI., 1, Peter, 96.
---- 2, Peter, 98.
---- 3-10, Peter, 287.
---- 5, Peter, xiv.
---- 10, Philippians, 281.
---- 12, Acts II., 262;
Philippians, 265.
---- 15, 16, Ephesians, 217.
---- 17, Luke, 238.
---- 18, James, 81.
---- 19, Romans, 278.
---- 20, Peter, 238;
John Epistles, 43.
II. TIMOTHY I., 2, Peter, 231;
John Epistles, 291.
---- 4, Romans, 27.
---- 5, Exodus, 410;
Acts II., 9.
---- 6, Acts I., 284;
Acts II., 263.
---- 7-12, Ephesians, 431.
---- 8, Galatians, 177.
---- 9-11, Ephesians, 45, 61, 109.
---- 10, Romans, 143;
Ephesians, 439.
---- 12, Romans, 368;
Ephesians, 115.
---- 13, Galatians, 229.
---- 15, Acts II., 420.
---- 18, Acts I., 196;
II., 412.
II. TIMOTHY II., 1, Ephesians, 398.
---- 2, Acts II., 262.
---- 3-10, Ephesians, 431.
---- 8, Romans, 16.
---- 9, Peter, 58.
---- 10, Galatians, 172;
Ephesians, 61, 246.
---- 11-13, Ephesians, 217, 346;
Peter, 316.
---- 15, Peter, 173.
---- 16, Isaiah II., 169.
---- 17, 18, Acts II., 420.
---- 19, Galatians, 334;
Ephesians, 52, 54;
Peter, 226;
Revelation, 115.
---- 20, 21, Galatians, 10.
---- 24, Isaiah II., 288.
---- 25, Ephesians, 385;
Peter, 238.
---- 26, Ephesians, 400.
II. TIMOTHY III., 1, Ephesians, 412;
James, 279, 446.
---- 3, Ephesians, 289.
---- 4, Proverbs, 286.
---- 5, Romans, 68.
---- 7, Peter, 155, 238.
---- 10, James, 292.
---- 11, Galatians, 17.
---- 13, Leviticus, 339.
---- 14, 15, Acts II., 9;
Ephesians, 385.
---- 15, Galatians, 229.
---- 16, Ephesians, 146.
II. TIMOTHY IV., 3, Jeremiah II., 27.
---- 4, Peter, 262.
---- 5, Ephesians, 239;
Peter, 43.
---- 7, Galatians, 449.
---- 8, Galatians, 30;
James, 89.
---- 9-12, Ephesians, 433.
---- 10, Ephesians, 58;
Philippians, 162, 165.
---- 13, John Epistles, 21.
---- 16, 17, Mark, 433.
---- 17, Ephesians, 57, 398, 428, 429.
---- 18, Ephesians, 61, 115.
TIRHAKAH and Sennacherib, II. Kings, 338.
TIRZAH, Song of Solomon, 12.
TISCHENDORF, Constantine, Acts I., 79;
II. Corinthians, 346, 369;
James, 7;
John Epistles, vii, 91, 123, 163, 171.
TITHE, Law of the, Leviticus, 559-566;
Numbers, 215.
---- Repentance by, Twelve Prophets II., 367.
TITUS and Paul, Galatians, 102-112.
---- and Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 209.
---- at Corinth, II. Corinthians, 275-277;
Pastoral Epistles, 204-206.
---- exhortation to aged men, II. Samuel, 312.
---- in Dalmatia, Pastoral Epistles, 410.
TITUS I., 4, Galatians, 103;
Ephesians, 249.
---- 7, Peter, 207.
---- 8, Ephesians, 289.
---- 9, John Epistles, 293.
---- 11, Peter, xiv, 207.
---- 12, James, 156.
---- 14, Peter, 263.
---- 16, Ephesians, 276.
TITUS II., 3-5, Ephesians, 363.
---- 4, 5, Isaiah I., 266.
---- 7, Ephesians, 440;
Peter, 209.
---- 9, 10, Ephesians, 389;
Peter, 96.
---- 10, Thessalonians, 362.
---- 11, Galatians, 74, 149;
Ephesians, 58.
---- 12-14, Galatians, 185.
---- 13, Romans, 261, 262.
TITUS III., 2, Romans, 87.
---- 4, John Epistles, 290.
---- 4-7, Galatians, 149, 232.
---- 5, Leviticus, 190, 215;
Galatians, 173;
Ephesians, 61, 371.
---- 7, Galatians, 151;
Ephesians, 371.
TOBIAH, Ezra, 270, 342.
TOBIT, James, 281, 295.
TOI, King of Hamath, sends an embassy to David, II. Samuel, 115.
TOLERATION, and comprehension, Ezra, 68, 69.
---- and duty, Romans, 374-387.
---- The lesson of, Exodus, 101;
Judges, 124.
---- True and false, I. Kings, 248.
TONGUE, Defilement of the, James, 174-178.
---- Importance of the, Exodus, 325.
---- Moral contradiction in the reckless use of the, James, 179-190.
---- Powers of the, James, 169-174.
---- Sins of the, Psalm I., 111, 137;
II., 144;
Proverbs, 163-178;
Ephesians, 296-298;
Colossians, 288;
Peter, 63.
TORAH, The, Song of Solomon, 145, 146.
TOULOUSE, Council of, James, 341.
TOZER, H. F., Highlands of Turkey, Acts II., 294, 300, 303.
TRADITION, Jesus Christ and, Mark, 184-189.
---- an unpopular word, Thessalonians, 350.
TRADUCIANISM, Hebrews, 222.
TRAJAN, Acts II., 28.
TRANSGRESSORS, High-handed, Numbers, 185.
Mark, 228-235;
Luke, 190-192, 281-293.
TREE OF LIFE, The, Genesis, 18;
Psalm I., 4.
TREFFRY, Richard, On the Eternal Sonship, John I., 346.
TREGELLES, Samuel P., II. Corinthians, 346;
James, 4, 7.
TRENCH, Archbishop R. C., Acts I., 47, 405;
II., 159;
Romans, 327;
Galatians, 143;
Ephesians, 303;
Thessalonians, 187;
James, 120;
John Epistles, 105, 192;
Revelation, 32, 361.
TRENT, Council of, James, 341.
---- Anathemas of, Galatians, 46, 47.
TRESPASS, Leviticus, 154.
---- Atonement for, Numbers, 55.
---- Forgiveness of, Matthew, 258-266.
TRIALS, I. Samuel, 276.
TRIBES, The, in camp, Numbers, 27.
TRINITY, The, Hebrews, 13.
---- in man's election, and salvation, Peter, 3-16.
TROAS, Paul at, Acts, 268, 392-406;
II. Corinthians, 84-86.
TROPHIMUS, Colossians, 373;
Pastoral Epistles, 414, 415, 419.
TROUBLE, Wherefore? Job, 282.
TRULLO, Council of, Pastoral Epistles, 115.
TRUMPETS, at festivals, Numbers, 100, 355.
---- Feast of, Leviticus, 461, 462.
---- First six, of John, Revelation, 132-156.
---- in war time, Numbers, 99.
---- The seventh, Revelation, 189-195.
---- signalled the advance, Numbers, 97.
---- Silver, Numbers, 95.
TRUST in God, Psalms II., 183;
III., 37;
Ecclesiastes, 185;
Jeremiah I., 63, 354;
Galatians, 386.
TRUTH, Ephesians, 329-333.
---- Ascertainment of, I. Kings, 9.
---- Children unable to understand it all, Genesis, 7.
---- Christian conduct the issue of, Romans, 321-335.
---- an essential attribute of God, Genesis, 102.
---- finally triumphs, I. Samuel, 207.
---- Jesus Christ the, John I., 124-128.
---- not discovered in a day, Genesis, 159.
---- revealed gradually to men, Genesis, 6.
---- rules the world, Deuteronomy, 231.
---- will prevail, I. Kings, 441.
TUBAL-CAIN, Genesis, 47.
TUBERCULOSIS and cattle, Leviticus, 297.
Joshua, 299;
Judges, 105.
---- Effects of, Genesis, 304.
---- Jacob's, Genesis, 301.
---- hinge on trivial incidents, John I., 135.
---- must come, Judges, 375.
TWILIGHT, Genesis, 250.
TYCHICUS, Ephesians, 431;
Colossians, 371-382;
Pastoral Epistles, 410, 411.
TYNDALE, Ecclesiastes, 303;
Pastoral Epistles, 412, 413;
James, 200, 222.
TYNDALE, Professor, on creation, Genesis, 9.
---- on religious sentiment, Exodus, 287.
TYPES, Teaching by, Chronicles, 125-132.
TYPICAL SIGNIFICANCE, of the burnt offering, Leviticus, 56, sq.
---- of the Exodus, Exodus, 264-269.
---- of feasts of seven months, Leviticus, 468-473.
---- of garments of high priests, Leviticus, 199.
---- of the Jubilee and Sabbath year, Leviticus, 510-518.
---- of the law, Hebrews, 163.
---- of the peace offering, Leviticus, 84.
---- of the priesthood and tabernacle, Leviticus, 184.
TYRANNY, Cultured, Exodus, 18.
---- has its succession, Psalms III., 42.
---- is suicide, Twelve Prophets II., 143-148.
---- without relief, Ecclesiastes, 149.
TYRANNUS, Acts II., 347.
TYRE, Isaiah I., 288-300;
Ezekiel, 230-259;
Twelve Prophets I., 127, 128;
Acts II., 268, 392-406.
UEBERWEG, F., Isaiah II., 125, 126.
UHLHORN, Gerhard, Christian charity in the ancient church, Hebrews, 316.
UNBELIEF, Doom of, Numbers, 167.
---- in God's goodness, Genesis, 23.
---- of the cities, in Christ, Matthew, 149, 150.
---- of the Jews, John I., 203.
UNCLEANNESS, and lasciviousness, Galatians, 365-366.
---- by the dead, Numbers, 52, 220.
---- Defilement by animals and dead bodies, Leviticus, 277-304;
Deuteronomy, 290, 291.
---- disregarded, Chronicles, 435.
---- Ideas of, Numbers, 46.
---- of childbearing, Leviticus, 313-326.
---- of issues, Leviticus, 305-312.
---- of Leprosy, Leviticus, 327-366;
Numbers, 48.
---- Real, Mark, 190-194.
John II., 256;
Ephesians, 218-226;
Colossians, 303, 304, 408;
Thessalonians, 201;
Hebrews, 41.
UNIVERSALISM of Christ and Paul, Hebrews, 141.
UNLEAVENED BREAD, Feast of, Numbers, 351.
---- of the passover, Exodus, 186.
UNRECORDED SAYINGS OF CHRIST, James, 56, 89, 249, 362.
UNSEEN, Sustained by the, Exodus, 41.
UR OF THE CHALDEES, Genesis, 83, 84.
URIAH, The Hittite, David and, I. Samuel, 303;
II. Samuel, 158-168.
URIM AND THUMMIM, Leviticus, 196;
Numbers, 341;
I. Kings, 122;
Ezra, 45-47.
USSHER, Archbishop James, Acts II., 318, 362;
Ephesians, 15.
USURY, Ezra, 247-258;
Psalms I., 138.
UTTERANCE, The gift of, I. Corinthians, 26-28.
UZ, Job, 19.
UZZAH, Death of, II. Samuel, 88.
UZZIAH, See AZARIAH, King of Israel.
---- Isaiah I., 20, 59, sq., 98.
VAHEB IN SUPHAH, Numbers, 251.
VALENS, Emperor, Acts II., 352.
VALESIUS, Acts II., 439.
VANITY, Feeding of, Ecclesiastes, 190, 214.
---- of Absalom, II. Samuel, 258.
---- of Haman, Ezra, 372-278.
---- Use and abuse of the sense of, John Epistles, 149-163.
VALLEY OF DRY BONES, Ezekiel, 342-355.
"VAS ELECTIONIS," Acts II., 64, 65.
VASHTI, Ezra, 352, 361-370.
II., 238.
VAUGHAN, C. J., Acts I., 226, 317;
Revelation, 107, 258.
VEIL, Paul on the use of the, I. Corinthians, 241-257.
VENGEANCE, Desire for, Joshua, 332, 333.
---- of the Covenant, Leviticus, 522-533.
---- of God, Twelve Prophets II., 90-95.
VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS, The hymn, Isaiah I., 186.
VESPASIAN, Emperor, Acts II., 460.
VIATICUM, James, 332.
VIBIUS SALUTARIUS, Gaius, Acts II., 370, 371.
VICES, Discarded, Ephesians, 290-304.
VICTOR I., Pope, Acts I., 14.
VICTORIA, Queen, Joshua, 80.
VICTORY, Birth and, John Epistles, 223-235.
---- The pause of, Revelation, 316-326.
---- Through perils to, Peter, 223-235.
VINE AND THE BRANCHES, The, John II., 173-190.
VINEYARD, Parable of the, Hebrews, 31.
VIRGIL, Acts II., 70;
Ephesians, 127.
VIRGINITY OF MARY, Perpetual, James, 31.
VIRTUE, Peter, 246, 247.
---- Safety of, Numbers, 279.
VISION, and action, Jeremiah I., 69.
---- of Eliphaz, Job, 106.
---- of the glory of God, Ezekiel, 26-41.
VISIONS, Consolatory, Revelation, 111-156.
---- First consolatory, Revelation, 157-167.
---- Renewed consolatory, Revelation, 238-258.
---- Second consolatory, Revelation, 168-195.
VITELLIUS, Acts II., 30, 33.
VOICE, The human, xl-lxvi. Isaiah II., 302, 406.
VOLTAIRE, John Epistles, 158.
---- Maria Theresa of, John Epistles, 96.
---- on Pascal, II. Corinthians, 147.
VON SODEN, E., Ephesians, 11, 17.
VOWS, Concerning, Leviticus, 541-566;
Numbers, 344, 361.
---- of women, Numbers, 362.
---- Thank offerings and, Leviticus, 104.
---- unfulfilled, Genesis, 313.
WAGES, Leviticus, 398
WAITING, Song of Solomon, 206-217.
WALDSTEIN, C., Acts II., 372.
WALKING WITH GOD, Genesis, 51-53.
WANT, Labour principally to satisfy physical, Genesis, 30.
WAR, Exodus, 254, Isaiah I., 51.
---- Causes of, Chronicles, 83.
---- Civil, Judges, 257.
---- Jesus Christ and, Deuteronomy, 215.
---- Methods of, I. Samuel, 450.
---- not Christ-like, Joshua, 413.
---- Paul on, II. Corinthians, 289-299.
---- Prayer in, Jeremiah I., 396.
---- Ruthlessness of, Joshua, 197.
---- a sad necessity, Judges, 11.
---- settled by champions, II. Samuel, 28.
---- Spiritual, Joshua, 234, 235.
---- Stratagem in, Joshua, 196.
"WARS OF JEHOVAH," Book of the, Numbers, 251;
Deuteronomy, 11.
"WATCH AND PRAY," Genesis, 77.
WATCHFULNESS enforced, Mark, 357.
---- of Nehemiah, Ezra, 243, 244.
WATER, fails, Numbers, 224.
---- of Jordan divided, Joshua, 108.
WATERLAND, Daniel, I. Corinthians 268, 269;
Pastoral Epistles, 293, 306.
WATSON, Richard, Acts I., 3.
WAVE OFFERING, Leviticus, 178.
"THE WAY," Jesus Christ, John II., 131-133.
---- Meaning of, Acts II., 32, 33, 34, 347, 362, 423.
WAY OF THE SOUL, Numbers, 386.
WEAKNESS, Strength and, II. Corinthians, 343-358.
WEALTH, Proverbs, 135-148.
---- and generosity, Genesis, 118.
---- and woe, Matthew, 59.
---- Highest good sought in, Ecclesiastes, 187-228.
---- not a proof of religious acceptance, Job, 137.
---- Pursuit of, Thessalonians, 73;
Pastoral Epistles, 193-198.
---- True, Proverbs, 356.
---- True use of, Luke, 346.
WEISS, Bernard, Thessalonians, 91;
Pastoral Epistles, 7, 15;
James, 32, 50, 70, 76, 399.
WEISSE, Christian H., Pastoral Epistles, 9, 407.
WEIZSACKER, C. von, II. Corinthians, 320.
WELLHAUSEN, J., Isaiah II., 238, 269;
Jeremiah I., 371;
Ezekiel, 400, 437;
Twelve Prophets I., 128, 147, 160, 225, 46, 248,
262, 276, 278, 288, 301, 368, 370, 371, 380, 410, 411;
Twelve Prophets II., 65, 72, 87, 111, 123, 133, 153, 156, 170, 171, 174, 204, 238, 246, 248, 287, 295, 297, 306, 309, 322, 362, 380, 472, 485, 487, 488, 489, 519.
---- and the death of prophecy, Deuteronomy, 248.
---- on Cultus, Numbers, 317.
---- on the Decalogue, Deuteronomy, 61-63, 70.
---- on Korah, Numbers, 199.
---- on the Passover, Exodus, 176, 177;
Leviticus, 450.
---- on slaughter of Midianites, Numbers, 368.
---- on Theocracy, Numbers, 6.
---- on Tithes, Leviticus, 559.
WESLEY, Charles, Acts II., 381.
WESLEY, John, Acts I., 3, 137, 291, 381;
II., 394;
Romans, 63;
Ephesians, 241, 322;
Hebrews, 233.
WESTCOTT, B. F., Daniel, 32, 92;
James, 4, 7, 17, 24, 434, 439, 458;
John Epistles vii., 62, 64, 104, 148, 166, 170, 184, 190, 199, 211, 219, 237, 283, 289.
WESTCOTT AND HORT, II. Corinthians, 36, 110, 253, 279, 301, 311, 315, 346, 351, 364, 369;
Galatians, 300;
Ephesians, 15, 66;
Revelation, 9.
WETSTEIN, Johann Jacob, James, 296, 399.
WHATELY, Archbishop Richard, Acts II., 73.
WHIRLWIND, God in the, I. Kings, 433.
WHITBY, Daniel, Hebrews, 248.
WHITTIER, John G., Proverbs, 322.
WICKED, Psalms I., 7, 45-47, 92-94, 310, 330, 345;
II., 191, 196.
WIDOWS, Pastoral Epistles, 153-155, 158, 163.
WIEDEMANN, Alfred, Ezekiel, 281, 282.
WIESELER, Karl, Die Christenverfolgungen der Caesaren, Acts II., 336;
James, 32.
WIESINGER, A., James, 399, 418.
WIFE, The, Proverbs, 399, sq.
---- and husband, Colossians, 336-340;
Peter, 107-118.
WILBERFORCE, Wm., Acts I., 291.
WILDERNESS, Discipline of the, Numbers, 256.
---- Israel's residence in the, Joshua, 8.
---- near Maan, Numbers, 245.
---- Our life in the, Numbers, 124, 258.
WILL, and work, Philippians, 137.
---- Appeal to the, Deuteronomy, 100.
---- Freedom of, Deuteronomy, 165;
Pastor al Epistles, 40, 41, 57;
James, 93.
---- of God our sanctification, Hebrews, 177.
---- subject to Christ, Psalms I., 14.
WILLIAMS, Dr., Acts I., 134, 135, 137;
II., 64.
WILLIAMS, Isaac, James, 444;
Revelation, 74, 126, 310, 368.
WINE, Proverbs, 275-287;
Jeremiah II., 50.
---- Prohibition of, Leviticus, 251.
---- Use of, I. Corinthians, 187.
WISDOM, as a guide of conduct, Proverbs, 24-36.
---- Beginning of, Proverbs, 9-23.
---- better than mirth, Ecclesiastes, 139.
---- The chief good not in, Ecclesiastes, 127-133, 230-234.
---- Earthly rewards of, Proverbs, 37-51.
---- from above, James, 203-213.
---- from below, James, 191-202.
---- Man's, Psalms III., 11.
---- Meaning of, Proverbs, 10.
---- of God, Isaiah I., 238-242;
I. Corinthians, 63-79.
---- of the past, Job, 138, 192.
---- of the serpent, Ezra, 260.
---- Person of, Proverbs, 92, 108, 123.
---- Quest of, Job, 313;
Proverbs, 35.
---- Rewards of, Proverbs, 37, 109.
---- towards the non-Christian world, Colossians, 361-364.
WISDOM, The book, Proverbs, 9, 10, 118;
Song of Solomon, 219;
Hebrews, 42;
James, 69, 74-76, 287;
Peter, 142;
John Epistles, 137.
James, 68-75.
WISE MEN, Coming of the, Matthew, 18-20.
WITNESSES, A cloud of, Hebrews, 259-269.
---- The two, Revelation, 177-188.
WOLSEY, Cardinal, Fall of, I. Samuel, 32;
II., Samuel, 271.
WOMEN, Proverbs, 96, 132, 396.
---- Attractiveness of, Genesis, 58.
---- Claim of, Numbers, 139, 332.
---- Compromising their purity, Judges, 403.
---- Degradation of, Judges, 351.
---- despised, Ecclesiastes, 203, 225.
---- Dress of, Pastoral Epistles, 101, 102.
---- Good, Proverbs, 396-410.
---- in Jewish history, Ezra, 383.
---- Influence of, Genesis, 48;
Joshua, 158.
---- Isaiah to, Isaiah I., 262-287.
---- Life of, Job, 75.
---- of Corinth, I. Corinthians, 241-257.
---- Place of, Judges, 417.
---- Preaching of, Chronicles, 263.
---- Social position of, Pastoral Epistles, 256.
---- suffer because of Eve's sin, Leviticus, 323.
---- with no vocation, Judges, 373.
WOOD, J. T., Ephesus, Acts II., 281, 362.
WORD, of Christ indwelling, Colossians, 325-328.
---- of God immutable, Hebrews, 63.
---- of God living, Hebrews, 63, 305.
WORDSWORTH, Bp. Christopher, Pastoral Epistles, 134;
James Epistles, 283.
WORDSWORTH, Wm., Ezekiel, 37;
Galatians, 341;
Hebrews, 222;
John Epistles, 234.
WORK, Blessings of, Proverbs, 268.
---- Dead, Hebrews, 88.
---- Not all, Isaiah II., 309.
---- Shining and, Philippians, 131-156.
WORLD, The, better, Galatians, 31.
---- End of, Hebrews, 166.
---- Harvest and vintage of, Revelation, 245-258.
---- Kingdom of, Revelation, 190.
---- Meaning of, James, 229.
---- of Isaiah, Isaiah, 91-102.
---- Seductions of, James, 226-232.
---- The term, Acts I., 257.
---- Vanity of, John Epistles, 149-163.
---- which we must not love, John Epistles, 136-148.
---- without God, Genesis, 11.
WORLDLINESS, and the care of God contradicted, Genesis, 138, 139.
---- and its meaning, John II., 239-242.
---- Modern, Judges, 234.
---- not a real substitute for God's promises, Genesis, 161.
---- not satisfying, Genesis, 115.
---- of Saul, I. Samuel, 152.
---- rebuked, Philippians, 353.
WORSHIP, Aesthetic, Colossians, 192-193.
---- and conduct, James, 320-322.
---- and excitement, James, 315-320.
---- and music, James, 320.
---- Behavior in Christian, Pastoral Epistles, 94-103.
---- Coldness in, Luke, 228.
---- Daily, Numbers, 345.
---- Elements of, Pastoral Epistles, 82-95.
---- an essential function of the Church, Ezekiel, 498.
---- Fine places of, II. Samuel, 99.
---- Forms of, I. Samuel, 80.
---- Hypocrisy and, Psalms II., 122.
---- Instinct for, Exodus, 287.
---- Law of, Exodus, 336-338.
---- Man's faculty for, Genesis, 11.
---- More effective method, Ecclesiastes, 158.
---- New Testament idea of, Leviticus, 444-446.
---- of Israel centralized, Deuteronomy, 20, 262-266.
---- of Israelites, Numbers, 295.
---- Public, Pastoral Epistles, 95, 100.
---- result of revelation, Hebrews, 3.
---- Ritual, I. Samuel, 190;
I. Kings, 186-192.
---- Simplicity of, John I., 154;
Philippians, 183.
---- Spiritual gifts and public, I. Corinthians, 309-324.
---- Temple, I. Kings, 193-201.
WORTHLESSNESS, Proverbs, 84-91.
WRATH OF GOD, Leviticus, 242;
Isaiah I., 47, 55;
Colossians, 278-282;
Thessalonians, 62-64.
WRIGHT, Arthur, Composition of the Four Gospels, Thessalonians, 202.
WRITING, an early accomplishment, Deuteronomy, 472;

Judges, 19.
WRONG, acknowledged, Genesis, 108.
---- can never be the strong, Judges, 182.
---- Right and, Psalms I., 304.
WYCLIFF, John, Acts II., 227.
XENOI TEKMOREIOI, Societies of, Acts II., 364.
XENOPHANES, Isaiah II., 125.
XENOPHON, Isaiah II., 111, 164, 165, 169, 179;
Daniel, 58, 206, 216.
YOUNG, Dangers of the, Proverbs, 34.
---- Hopefulness of the, Numbers, 172.
ZACHAEUS, Proverbs, 367.
ZECHARIAH, King of Israel, II. Kings, 206.
ZADOK, The priest, II. Samuel, 129, 233;
I. Kings, 115.
ZAHN, Theodor, James, 21, 70, 370.
ZALMUNNA, Fate of, Judges, 192-194.
ZARATHUSTRA, Deuteronomy, 473;
Jeremiah I., 243.
ZARED, The valley, Numbers, 251.
ZEAL, Isaiah I., 130.
---- of Christ, Joshua, 198, 199.
ZEALOTS, James, 198, 221, 277, 285;
Peter, 124.
ZEBAH, Fate of, Judges, 192-194.
ZEBUL, Judges, 222.
ZEBULON blessed by Jacob, Genesis, 434.
ZEBULON, The tribe, Inheritance of, Joshua, 320, 321.
---- Moses abuses, Deuteronomy, 468.
ZECHARIAH, Son of Jehoida, II. Kings, 158-164;
Chronicles, 408.
ZECHARIAH, The book, Hebrews, 115, 122.
---- i-viii, Twelve Prophets II., 253-328.
---- ix-xiv, Twelve Prophets II., 447-490.
---- Faith of, Hebrews, 264.
ZECHARIAH I., 3, James, 244.
---- 13, Romans, 283.
---- 18, 19, Daniel, 108.
ZECHARIAH II., 1, 2, Revelation, 168.
---- 4, 5, Psalms III., 315.
---- 5, Revelation, 169.
---- 5-17, Daniel, 11.
---- 6-10, Daniel, 11, 108.
---- 8, Galatians, 450.
---- 10, 11, Isaiah II., 211.
ZECHARIAH III., 1, Chronicles, 290;
Song of Solomon, 220;
Ephesians, 400;
James, 460, 461.
---- 2, Daniel, 180, 181.
---- 8, Chronicles, 144;
Isaiah II., 280.
---- 8-10, Daniel, 11.
---- 10, Deuteronomy, 364.
ZECHARIAH IV., 1, Jeremiah II., 340.
---- 1-14, Leviticus, 475.
---- 2-12, Exodus, 383.
---- 3, Jeremiah I., 260.
---- 6, 7, Ezra, 81;
Isaiah I., 185.
---- 7, Revelation, 141.
---- 10, Chronicles, 95, 356;
Daniel, 191, 325.
ZECHARIAH VI., 1-8, Daniel, 108.
---- 11, 13, Hebrews, 115.
---- 12, Hebrews, 122.
---- 13, Mark, 446.
ZECHARIAH VII., 3, Mark, 65.
---- 5, 6, Mark, 65.
---- 14, Psalms III., 146;
Hebrews, 122.
---- 16, Hebrews, 123.
ZECHARIAH VIII., 16, Ephesians, 293.
---- 19, Ezekiel, 207;
Mark, 65.
ZECHARIAH IX., 8, II. Kings, 68.
---- 9, Daniel, 250;
Matthew, 396.
---- 5, II. Kings, 194.
---- 10, Psalms II., 316.
ZECHARIAH X., 1, James, 293.
---- 3, Jeremiah II., 301.
---- 10-12, Revelation, 270.
ZECHARIAH XI., 1, Jeremiah II., 101.
---- 1-17, II. Kings, 220.
---- 4-17, I. Kings, 280.
---- 7-14, II. Kings, 219.
---- 12, Matthew, 396, 415.
---- 13, Exodus, 345.
ZECHARIAH XII., 1, Psalms III., 185.
---- 8-14, Leviticus, 537;
Chronicles, 144.
---- 9, Peter, 178.
---- 10, Leviticus, 471.
---- 11-13, II. Kings, 408;
Jeremiah I., 24.
---- 12-14, I. Samuel, 92;
I. Kings, 143.
ZECHARIAH XIII., 1, Leviticus, 471, 537.
---- 2-5, Jeremiah II., 113.
---- 4, I. Kings, 361.
---- 7, Matthew, 396;
Mark, 386.
---- 7-9, I. Kings, 280.
ZECHARIAH XIV., Leviticus, 470.
---- 1-7, Daniel, 321.
---- 5, II. Kings, 194;
Daniel, 191;
Twelve Prophets I., 68;
Thessalonians, 131.
---- 8, Jeremiah I., 85.
---- 9, Peter, 328.
---- 16, Revelation, 128.
---- 20, Exodus, 408;
Leviticus, 28;
Revelation, 256.
---- 21, Ezra, 101.
ZECHARIAS, Father of John the Baptist, Benedictus of, Luke, 28, 42-44.
---- The mute priest, Luke, 15-28.
ZEDEKIAH, last king of Judah, Jeremiah II., 166.
---- captured, Song of Solomon, 297;
Isaiah II., 34, 35;
Ezekiel, 101.
---- made king by Nebuchadnezzar, II. Kings, 437;
Jeremiah I., 46;
II., 96.
ZEDEKIAH, The priest of Ahab, I. Kings, 488, 493.
ZELLER, Edward, Acts of the Apostles, Acts I., 230, 326;
II., vi;
Galatians, 124;
James, 138.
ZELOPHEHAD, Daughters of, Numbers, 331, 406;
Joshua, 309.
ZENAS, Pastoral Epistles, 203, 208.
ZEPHANIAH, The book, Twelve Prophets II., 35-75.
---- Date of, Twelve Prophets II., 37.
---- Text of, Twelve Prophets II., 35, 36.
ZEPHANIAH I., 1, II. Kings, 375.
---- 2, 3, Jeremiah I., 180.
---- 4, II. Kings, 233, 388;
Twelve Prophets II., 14.
---- 5, II. Kings, 361, 390.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 68.
---- 8, II. Kings, 427.
---- 9, Ezekiel, 428.
---- 15, 16, Revelation, 313.
ZEPHANIAH II., 3, Peter, 328.
---- 4, II. Kings, 194, 375;
Jeremiah, I., 14.
---- 10, Isaiah I., 274.
---- 12-15, II. Kings, 376.
ZEPHANIAH III., 1-11, II. Kings, 372.
---- 3, 4, Jeremiah II., 277.
---- 7, Jeremiah I., 127.
ZEPHATH, Judges, 25.
ZERACH, The Ethiopian, defeated by Asa, I. Kings, 323.
ZERUBBABEL, Ezra, 6, 40, 84, 107;
Twelve Prophets II., 298.
ZIBA and Mephibosheth, II. Samuel, 137, 242.
ZIKLAG, David at, I. Samuel, 397, 416-418;
Psalms I., 300.
ZIMRI, King of Israel, I. Kings, 337-338.
ZION, The name, Song of Solomon, 104.
ZIPH, Wilderness of, David in the, I. Samuel, 359.
ZIPPOR, Numbers, 262.
ZIPPORAH, wife of Moses, circumcises her son, Exodus, 82.
ZOAN, Psalms II., 389.
ZOLA, M., Proverbs, 66.
ZOPHAR, first speech, Job, 154.
---- his character, Job, 102.
---- no mere echo, Job, 161.
---- second speech, Job, 242.
---- third speech, Job, 309.
ZOPHIM, Numbers, 299.
ZOROASTER, Ecclesiastes, 55.
ZUPH, I. Samuel, 128.
ZWICKAU PROPHETS, Pastoral Epistles, 70.

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