ack on, 140 —— blue, 9 —— cross, 4, 10 —— grey, 10 —— kit, 10 —— red, 4, 5, 10 —— —— dyed imitation silver fox, 137 —— silver, 4, 10 —— —— imitations, 137, 143 —— white, 11, 94 —— —— bleaching of, 179 French seal dye, 138, 144 Furamine dyes, 162 Fur beating machine, 80 Fur dressing, 30 Fur dyeing, 91 —— —— difficulties of, 95 —— —— with aniline black, 144 —— —— with coal tar colors, 171 —— —— with mineral colors, 125 —— —— with oxidation colors, 155 —— —— with vegetable colors, 128 Fur-hair, 24 Furriers’ guilds, 34, 90 Furrol dyes, 166 Furs, colors of, 3 —— description of, 7 —— durability of, 5 —— of carnivorous animals, 37 —— of herbivorous animals, 37 —— quality of, 3, 4 —— uses of, 1 —— valuation of, 6 —— weight of, 5 Fustic, 134 —— shades with, 135 Gall-nuts, 128, 132 Gambier cutch, 65, 135 Gelatine, 1, 25, 47, 48 Genet, 5 Glycerine, 63 Goat, 5, 11 —— logwood black on, 141 Green’s process for aniline black, 152 Grey-blue on white furs, 142 Ground water, 87 Guard-hair, 24 Guilds, furriers’, 34, 60, 63 Pelage, LITERATURE OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIESOn our shelves is the most complete stock of technical, industrial, engineering and scientific books in the United States. The technical literature of every trade is well represented, as is also the literature relating to the various sciences, both the books useful for reference as well as those fitted for students’ use as textbooks. A large number of these we publish and for an ever increasing number we are the sole agents. ALL INQUIRIES MADE OF US ARE CHEERFULLY AND CAREFULLY ANSWERED AND COMPLETE CATALOGS AS WELL AS SPECIAL LISTS SENT FREE ON REQUEST Publisher's logo. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY Publishers and Booksellers 8 WARREN STREET NEW YORK |