Transcriber’s Note: Punctuation has been standardised—in particular, missing periods and quotation marks have been supplied where obviously required. Three entries in the bibliography were located out of alphabetical order, and have been moved accordingly (Fougerat, Lamb, Martin). All other original errors and inconsistencies have been retained, except as follows (the first line is the original text, the second the passage as currently stands): - Page 20:
Kaola or Australian Bear. Koala or Australian Bear. - Page 62:
on the partiular fur treatment on the particular fur treatment - Page 67:
almost 10 degress higher than almost 10 degrees higher than - Page 73:
based on a samewhat different based on a somewhat different - Page 93:
dyeing of imitatations to a great dyeing of imitations to a great - Page 101:
and B shows diagramatically, machines and B shows diagrammatically, machines - Page 128:
which in conjuction with certain which in conjunction with certain - Page 136:
stem of the curcuma tinctoria, stem of the Curcuma tinctoria, - Page 137:
and dye simutaneously; and third and dye simultaneously; and third - Page 140:
aid of the atmopheric oxygen. aid of the atmospheric oxygen. - Page 142:
successively in the followlowing baths successively in the following baths - Page 149:
is also an ozidizing agent and is also an oxidizing agent and - Page 154:
several times, dryig each time at several times, drying each time at - Page 161:
Other manufacurers of coal-tar Other manufacturers of coal-tar - Page 170:
Imitation Skunk on Racoon Imitation Skunk on Raccoon - Page 185:
Halle “Werkstatte der heutigen Halle “WerkstÄtte der heutigen - Page 185:
Geschichte des Gerben und der Geschichte des Gerbens und der - Page 185:
und der Astringentien” 1917 und der Adstringentien” 1917 - Footnote 1:
in Enclyclopedia Britannica, 11th Ed. in Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Ed. |