The illustrations are indexed in italics. - Alcatraz, 112
- Alviso, 112
- Angels, 138
- Antioch, 112, 119
- Arbolado, 84
- "Arroya," definition of, 30
- Bakersfield, 129, 132, 133
- Berkeley Hills, 108, 114
- Blue Lake, Lake County, 155
- Buena Vista, 122
- Cabrillo, 49, 108
- Cahuenga, 47, 48, 67
- Calaveras, 139
- Camulas, 41
- CaÑon in the Sierra Madres, 49
- Carmel, 74, 77, 80, 83
- Carmel River, 76
- Carmel Valley, 78
- Carquinez, 112
- Carquinez Strait, 107, 119
- Castle Crag, Rattlesnake CaÑon, 136
- Castro, 66
- Catalina, 49
- Cemetery, The, Santa Barbara Mission, 56
- Cession of California from Mexico, 48
- Clear Lake, Lake County, 134
- "Coasts of Adventure, The," 47-60
- Colorado River, 166
- Contra Costa, 117
- Coronado, 23
- Coronel, Don Antonio, 48
- Corta Madero, 116
- Coso, 165
- Coulterville, 139
- Cypress Point, near Carmel, 75
- Death Valley, 166, 172
- Donner Lake, 142
- Donner Lake, 140
- Drake, Sir Francis, 9, 43, 108
- Eagle Rock, 47
- Emigrant Gap, 140
- Eucalyptus Grove, A, 33
- Exeter, 135
- Faralones, The, 113
- Farmington, 139
- Fort Point, 67
- Francis of Assisi, 10, 108
- Franciscan "Frailes," 9, 12
- FrÉmont, 66
- Fresno, 135
- Fuca, Juan de, 108
- Glendale, Valley of the San Gabriel, 40
- Golden Gate, 107
- Golden Gate and Black Point, 107
- Gulf of California, 161, 171
- Half Dome, The, Yosemite, 166
- Hamlin, Jack, 137
- Harte, Bret, 137, 138
- Hetch Hetchy Valley, 159
- "High Sierras and the Sage-Brush Country, The" 149-174
- HÔtel Del Monte, 76
- Humboldt Mountain, 170
- Indian Wells, 166
- Inyo Valley, 162
- Jackass Hill, 139
- Jimtown, 139
- Jumping Frog, the, 139
- Kaweah Mountain, 133
- Kaweah River, 129
- Kern River, 129, 132, 134, 155
- King's Mountain, 159
- King's River, 129
- King's River CaÑon, 137
- Klamath River, 143
- Kuro-Siwa Current, 49, 172
- Laboratory Point, 68
- Lake Mono, 165
- Lake Tahoe, 165
- Lake Tahoe, 158
- "Land of the Little Duck, The," 107-124
- Laurel Lake, Upper Sacramento, 145
- Lindsay, 135
- Looking down on Monterey and the Bay, 65
- Lopez, Francisco, 47
- Los Angeles, 29, 35
- Los Angeles River, 30
- McCloud River, 139
- Madera, 135
- Maldonado, 108
- Mare Island, 116
- Mendocino Country, 141
- Merced River, 129, 135
- Mill Valley, 113
- Mirror Lake, Yosemite, 129
- Mission Dolores, 108
- Mission Point, 69, 81
- Mission River, 17
- Mission of San Carlos Borromeo, 76, 78
- Mission San Fernando, 47
- Missions, ruins of, 19
- Mokelumne River, 140
- Monterey, 11, 18, 35, 55, 60
- "Monterey, the Port of," 63-84
- Monterey Cypress, 72
- "Mothering Mountains," 27-24
- Mount Oppapago, 160, 162
- Mount Shasta, 5, 143, 150
- Mount Shasta, 161
- Mount Whitney, 6, 137, 150, 159, 162
- Mount Williamson, 159
- Napa, 118
- Noriega's, 134
- Olancha, 165
- "Old Spanish Gardens," 87-103
- Pacific Grove, 75
- Padre Jayme Bravo, 7, 17, 18
- Padre Lausan, 66
- Padre Serra (Junipero Serra), 11, 76, 78
- Paiute Indians, 96
- Pajaro, 54, 93
- Pajaro river, 64
- Pala, 19
- "Palatingwas," 20
- Palo Corona, 80
- Panamint, 165
- Pasadena, 34
- Paso Robles, 56
- Patio, The, Old Spanish Residence, 88
- Pescadero, Monterey Bay, 72
- Pieoras Blancos, 83
- Point Conception, 67
- Point Lobos, 71, 81, 84
- Point of Pines, 67
- Point Pinos, 70, 81
- Point Sur, 70
- Portersville, 135
- Portola, Don Gaspar de, 11, 55, 93, 108
- Redlands, 16
- Redwoods, 131
- "Rio," A, 30
- Riverside, 33, 39
- Sacramento, 112, 123
- Sacramento River, 107, 127, 135, 140
- "Sage-Brush country," meaning of term, 163
- Salinas, 83
- Salinas River, 64
- Salton Sea, 166
- Sausalito, 116
- San Antonio, 57
- "San Antonio," the, 10
- San Bernardino, 7, 33, 39, 149, 166
- San Carlos, 79
- San Clemente, 48
- San Diego, 22, 78
- San Diego, Bay of, 9
- San Diego, looking towards Point Loma, 9
- San Emigdio, 128
- San Fernando, 41, 128
- San Francisco, 67, 107, 108, 110
- San Francisco, Bay of, 112
- San Gabriel, 36
- San Gabriel Valley, 27, 33, 40
- San Gorgiono, 41, 172
- San Gorgiono, Pass of, 6
- San Jacinto, 5, 27, 149, 166, 170
- San Joaquin, 128, 13