I made the acquaintance of Doctor W. E. Aughinbaugh about eight years ago, when I was in charge of the advertising department of a large concern doing an international business. The doctor came with us to look after the export trade, especially in the West Indies and South America. My work naturally brought me into close association with him, and I soon began to appreciate his unusual ability in many directions and his special fitness for the position he occupied. There seemed to be no phase of merchandising in far-off markets with which he was not fully conversant; nor did this knowledge relate solely to Latin America. He had previously travelled the distant markets of the Orient in the interests of an American house whose products he successfully introduced there and to him the Far East was an open book. He has been in Egypt eight times on business Dr. Aughinbaugh talks about the markets of foreign countries with the authority of long experience for he has been engaged in these special fields for more than twenty years; yet Doctor Aughinbaugh is no such lightweight. He has not written this book because he believes he knows it all. Left to himself he would never have written it. It was only after repeated urgings on the part of some of his friends who appreciated his ability to write an unusual book, that he consented to It may be asked with pertinence how a man could travel in the interest of one line and yet be in possession of so much information relating to every other line; or how one could master the intricacies of foreign banking and credits and still attend to his business. The answer to all of this is that no man can successfully negotiate foreign markets unless he is more than a mere “order taker.” As to the doctor’s ability to measure the requirements of a market all the way from cereals to concrete, that may be accounted for by the fact that he is both a physician and a graduate of the law, and while he never practised at the bar to any great extent he did have considerable experience in medicine, a profession which developed a naturally analytical mind, so that he looked at things with the eyes of a student and from the viewpoint of the trained diagnostician. For six years he followed medicine in Latin America, finally giving it up to accept an offer from a large company Here, then, is a man possessed of a fund of particularly desirable information—especially valuable to-day when Europe is war-mad and, in her sanguinary frenzy, has left open the door of opportunity to peaceful Uncle Sam. Why not put this information in concrete form for the benefit of American commerce? These considerations were put up to the author by some of his friends who knew him to be a keen, accurate, analytical observer, a writer and a raconteur of more than ordinary ability, and this book was the result. Probably never—let us fervently hope never A careful reading of this book—not a difficult matter, for unlike most works on commerce it is full of lively interest—will be profitable to every business man interested in the subject of Latin America. It will be valuable to those who are equipped or willing to prepare themselves to cope with conditions as they really are, and just as valuable to those who are not, for it may save them from the costly mistakes of experimentation in foreign fields. Maurice Switzer. New York, March 20, 1915. |