| Page | Acadian Owl, | 567 | Acer spicatum, | 207 | Alauda alpestris, | 570 | Almond, Wild, | 340, 521 | American Crow, | 317 | — Golden-crested Wren, | 476 | — Robin, | 190 | — Sparrow Hawk, | 246 | — Starling, | 216 | — Swift, | 329 | Anona, Purple-flowered, | 359 | Apple, Seven years', | 391 | Arbutus uva-ursi, | 454 | Azalea, calendulacea, | 566 | — Orange-leaved, | 566 | — viscosa, | 96 | Bachman's Finch, | 366 | — Warbler, | 483 | Ball in Newfoundland, | 211 | Balsam Fir, | 426 | Barberry, Canadian, | 514 | Barbicue, Kentucky, | 576 | Barn Owl, | 403 | Barn Swallow, | 413 | Bay of Fundy, | 485 | Bignonia capreolata, | 83 | — radicans, | 16 | Black and Yellow Warbler, | 145 | Blackberry, | 175 | Blackbird, Great Crow, | 504 | Blackburnian Warbler, | 208 | Black-cap Titmouse, | 343 | Black-poll Warbler, | 201 | Black-throated Blue Warbler, | 309 | Black Gum Tree, | 204 | Black Haw, | 328 | Black Jack Oak, | 107 | Black Larch, | 459 | Black Locust, | 23 | Black Snake, | 107 | Black Vulture, | 33 | Black Walnut, | 324 | Blue Bird, | 84 | Blue Grosbeak, | 140 | Blue-headed Pigeon, | 411 | Blue Jay, | 11 | Boat-tailed Grakle, | 504 | Brown-headed Nuthatch, | 151 | Bunting, Townsend's, | 183 | — Snow, | 515 | Bu
0" class="pginternal">80 | — Summer, | 92 | Great Cinereous Shrike, | 534 | — Crested Flycatcher, | 176 | — Crow Blackbird, | 504 | — Laurel, | 20 | Green Black-capped Flycatcher, | 148 | Grosbeak, Blue, | 140 | — Cardinal, | 336 | — Rose-breasted, | 166 | Ground Dove, | 471 | — Ground Hemlock, | 170 | — Squirrel, | 410 | Grous, Canada, | 437 | — Pinnated, | 490 | — Spotted or Canada, | 437 | — Willow, | 528 | Habenaria lacera, | 365 | Hare, Northern, | 469 | Haw, Black, | 328 | Hawk, Black, | 381 | — Sparrow, | 246 | Helenium quadridentatum, | 262 | Hemlock, Ground, | 170 | — Spruce, | 562 | — Warbler, | 205 | Hickory, Thick shell-bark, | 10 | Hirundo rustica, | 413 | Hobble Bush, | 260 | Honey Locust, | 272, 290 | Honeysuckle, Swamp, | 96 | Hooded Warbler, | 66 | Huckleberry, | 451 | — Dwarf, | 231 | Hudson's Bay Titmouse, | 543 | Humming Bird, Mango, | 480 | Hydrangea quercifolia, | 121 | Iceland Falcon, | 552 | Icteria viridis, | 223 | Ilex laxiflora, | 308 | Indian Pink-root, | 65 | Iris versicolor, | 306 | Jay, Blue, | 11 | — Canada, | 53 | Jer Falcon, | 552 | Journey in New Brunswick and Maine, | 459 | Juglans cinerea, | 252 | — sulcata, | 10 | Kalmia angustifolia, | 548 | — glauca, | 542 | — narrow-leaved, | 534 | Sharp-tailed Finch, | 281 | Shore Lark, | 570 | Short-billed Marsh Wren, | 427 | Silver Fir, | 426 | Sitta carolinensis, | 299 | — canadensis, | 24 | — pusilla, | 151 | Small Green Crested Flycatcher, | 256 | Smilacina borealis, | 454 | Snake, Black, | 107 | Snake's Head, | 160 | Snow Bunting, | 515 | Snowy Owl, | 135 | Snowball, Swamp, | 121 | Solanum Dulcamara, | 255 | Sparrow, Chipping, | 21 | — Field, | 229 | — Fox-coloured, | 58 | — Tree, | 511 | — White-crowned, | 88 | — Yellow-winged, | 180 | — Hawk, American, | 246 | Spigelia marilandica, | 65 | Spotted Grous, | 437 | Spring Garden, | 263 | Spruce, Hemlock, | 562 | Squatters of the Mississippi, | 131 | — of Labrador, | 154 | Squirrel, Ground, | 410 | Strix flammea, | 403 | — nyctea, | 135 | Stanley Hawk, | 245 | Streptopus distortus, | 442 | Sturnus ludovicianus, | 216 | St John's River in Florida, | 291 | Swainson's Warbler, | 563 | Swallow, Barn, | 413 | — Chimney, | 329 | Swamp Honeysuckle, | 96 | — Magnolia, | 118 | — Snowball, | 121 | Swedish Cornel, | 541 | Sweet Briar, | 225 | Swift, American, | 329 | Supple Jack, | 344 | Summer Grape, | 92 | Sylvia agilis, | 227 | — Bachmanii, | 483 | — BlackburniÆ, | 208 | — canadensis, | 309 | — celata, | PRINTED BY NEILL & CO. OLD FISHMARKET, EDINBURGH.
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