He was borne the first howse over the bridge on the right hand in St. Nicholas parish <Guildford>. He was the sonne of a sherman His godfather and godmothers sent him to the University, his father not being able. This long inscription is in copper:— M. S. Clarissimi, omnigenaque virtute et eruditione (presertim poesi) ornatissimi equitis, Domini Roberti Aitoni, ex antiqua et illustri gente Aitona ad Castrum Kinnadinum apud Scotos oriundi: qui a serenissimo rege Jacobo in cubicula interiora admissus; in Germaniam ad imperatorem imperiique principes, cum libello regio regiae authoritatis vindice, legatus; ac primum Annae, demum Mariae, serenissimis Britanniarum reginis, ab epistolis, consiliis, et libellis supplicibus; necnon Xenodochio S'ae Catharinae praefectus; anima Creatori reddita, hic, depositis mortalibus exuviis, secundum redemptoris adventum expectat. Carolum linquens, repetit Parentem; Et valedicens Mariae, revisit Annam; et Aulaei decus alto Olympi Mutat honore. Obiit coelebs in Regi AlbaulÂ, non sine maximo bonorum omnium luctu et moerore: Aetat. suae LXVIII, Salut. humanae MDCXXXVIII. Hoc devoti gratique animi testimonium optimo patruo, Jo. Aitonus, M.L.P. In white marble at the bottome of the monument:— Musarum decus hÎc, patriaeque, aulaeque, domique Et foris exemplar, sed non imitabile, honesti. His bust is of copper, curiously cast, with a laurell held over it by two figures of white marble. That Sir Robert was one of the best poets of his time—Mr. John Dreyden sayes he has seen verses of his, some of the best of that age, printed with some other verses—quaere. He was acquainted with all the witts of his time in England. He was a great acquaintance of Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, whom Mr. Hobbes told me he made use of (together with Ben Johnson) for an Aris Note.'Et decerpta dabunt odorem.' He encircles the coat of arms with a laurel wreath, as is his custom when it is a poet whose life he is writing. Mr. Thomas Allen Mr. Theodore Haak, a German, Regiae Societatis Socius, was of Glocester Hall, 1626, and knew this learned worthy old gentleman, whom he takes to have been about ninety-six yeares old when he dyed, which was about 1630 (vide). The learned <Edmund> Reynolds, who was turned Catholique Bella inter ... plusquam civilia fratres. He sayes that Mr. Allen was a very cheerfull, facetious man, and that every body loved his company, and every howse on their Gaudie-dayes were wont to invite him. His picture was drawne at the request of Dr. Ralph Kettle, and hangs in the dining roome of the President of Trin. Coll. Oxon. (of which house he first was, and had his education there) by which it appeares that he was a handsome sanguine man, and of an excellent habit of bodie. There is mention of him in Leicester's Commonwealth In those darke times astrologer, mathematician, and conjurer, were accounted the same things; and the vulgar did verily beleeve him to be a conjurer. He had a great many mathematicall instruments and glasses in his chamber, which did also confirme the ignorant in their opinion, and his servitor (to impose on freshmen and simple people) would tell them that sometimes he should meet the spirits comeing up his staires like bees. One He was generally acquainted, and every long vacation, he rode into the countrey to visitt his old acquaintance and patrones, to whom his great learning, mixt with much sweetnes of humour, rendred him very welcome. One time being at Hom Lacy Sir Kenelm Digby loved him much (vide Sir K. Digby's Life <p.> 69 Queen Elizabeth sent for him to have his advice about the new star that appeared in the Swan or Cassiopeia (but I think the Swan), to which he gave his judgment very learnedly. He was great-uncle to Mr. <Henry> Dudley, the minister of Broadhinton in Wilts <1665>. Notes.Old Mr. Sutton, a very learned man of those dayes, of Blandford St. Maries, Dorset, was his school fellowe, and sayd that Lancelot Andrewes was a great long boy of 18 yeares old at least before he went to the university. He was a fellowe The Puritan faction did begin to increase in those dayes, and especially at Emanuel College. That party had a great mind to drawe in this learned young man, whom if they could make theirs, they knew would be a great honour to them. They carried themselves outwardly with great sanctity and strictnesse, so that 'twas very hard matter to——as to their lives. They preached up very strict keeping and observing the Lord's day; made, upon the matter, damnation to breake it, and that 'twas lesse sin to kill a man then.... Yet these hypocrites did bowle in a private green at their colledge every Sunday after There was then at Cambridge a good fatt alderman that was wont to sleep at church, which the alderman endeavoured to prevent but could not. Well! this was preached against as a signe of reprobation. The good man was exceedingly troubled at it, and went to Andrewes his chamber to be satisfied in point of conscience. Mr. Andrewes told him that <it> was an ill habit of body not of mind, and that it was against his will; advised him on Sundays to make a more sparing meale and to mend it at supper. The alderman did so, but sleepe comes upon <him> again for all that, and was preached at. <He> comes againe to be resolved, with tears in his eies; Andrewes then told him he would have him make a good heartie meale as he was wont to doe, and presently take out his full sleep. He did so His great learning quickly made him known in the university, and also to King James, who much valued him for it, and advanced him, and at last His Life is before his Sermons, and also his epitaph, which see. He dyed at Winchester house, in Southwark, and lies buried in a chapell at St. Mary Overies, where his executors ... Salmon M. D. and Mr. John Saintlowe, merchant of London, have erected (but I beleeve according to his lordship's will, els they would not have layed out 1000 li.) a sumptuose monument for him. He had not that smooth way of oratory as now. It was a shrewd and severe animadversion of a Scotish lord, who, when king James asked him how he liked bp. A.'s sermon, sayd that he was learned, but he did play with his text, as a Jack-an-apes does, who takes up a thing and tosses and playes with it, and then he takes up another, and playes a little with it. Here's a pretty thing, and there's a pretty thing! Notes.Quaere A<nthony> W<ood> if of Oxon or Cambridge Scripsit 2 libros, viz.:—Aurum potabile, and his Defense against Dr. <Matthew> Gwyn (who wrote a booke called Aurum non Aurum). This is all that Mr. Littlebury, bookeseller, remembers. He lived in St. Bartholomew's close, London, where he dyed, and is, I suppose, buried there, about 30 yeares since Vide his nativity in Catalogue He had a sonne who wrote something, I thinke (quaere Mr. Littlebury); and a daughter maried to ... Montague, a bookeseller in Duck-lane, who in Oliver's time was a soldier in Scotland. Notes.He had two thick 4to MSS. of his own collection; one, joci and tales etc., and discourses at dinners; the other, of the weather. I have desired parson Poynter Amongst many other rarities he haz a thin folio MS. of Alkindus in Latin. In a letter from my mother, dated Febru. 3d, 1679/80, she tells me she was seaventie yeares old the last Thursday [29 Januarii]—quod N. B. Her accidents.My mother was maried at 15 yeares old. She fell sick of a burning feaver at Langford, Somerset. She was taken on the 6th June 1675; feaver there againe in July 1675. She was borne Jan. 29th, morning, scil. the day before the anniversary-day of the king's decollation. She was 15 yeares old and as much as from January to June when she was maried. She fell from her horse and brake her ... arme the last day of Aprill (1649 or 50) when I was a suitor to Mris Jane Codrington. Lettre, Aug. 8, 1681:—she was lately ill three weekes and now her eies are a little sore. Memorandum: 6 Januarie 1682/3, my mother writes to me that she is 73 yeares of age. Note.She died at Chalk in Jan. 1685/6, and was buried at Kingston S. Michael; so in a letter by Aubrey to Anthony Wood, May 11, 1686, in MS. Ballard 14, fol. 139. <These autobiographical jottings are found in MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 3-5. They have been printed, with a few slips and slight omissions, in John Britton's Memoir of J. Aubrey, London, 1845, pp. 12-17. Aubrey (fol. 3) directs that the paper is 'to be interposed as a sheet of wast paper only in the binding of a booke'; and appends to this direction the motto:— 'I presse not to the choire Thus devout penitents of old were wont, Some without dore, and some beneath the font. Mr. Thomas Carew.' Aubrey gives (fol. 3) an (incomplete) drawing of his own horoscope, on the scheme:— ' natus 1625/6, March 11th, 17h 14´ 44? P.M. ... In MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 110, is Charles Snell's calculation of Aubrey's nativity, on the scheme 'Sunday, 12 Martii 1626, 5h 13´ 40? A.M., natus Johannes Aubreius, armiger, sub polo 51° 06´. The astrologers of the time used sometimes the English, and sometimes the Italian, enumeration of the hours.> His life He was borne (longaevous, healthy kindred I gott not strength till I was 11 or 12 yeares old; but had sicknesse When a boy, bred at Eston, an 1634 Here I recovered my health, and gott my Latin and Greeke, best of any of my contemporaries. The I Blandfordiae, horis vacuis, I drew and painted Bates's ... (quaere nomen libri I was wont (I remember) much to lament with my selfe that I lived not in a city, e.g. Bristoll, where I might have accesse to watchmakers, locksmiths, etc. <I did> not very much care for grammar. <I had> apprehension enough, but my memorie not tenacious. So that then Peace Lookt through Logique and some Ethiques. 1642, Religio Medici printed, which first opened my understanding, which I carryed to Eston, with Sir K. D. But now In August In February ... following, with much adoe I gott Mr. Hesketh, Mr. Dobson's man, a priest, to drawe the ruines of Osney 2 or 3 wayes before 'twas pulld downe In Aprill I fell sick of the small pox at Trinity College; and when I recovered, after Trinity weeke 24 June following, Oxon was surrendred, and then came to London many of the king's party, with whom I Novemb. 6, I returned to Trinity College in Oxon again to my great joy; was much made of by the fellowes; had their learned conversation, lookt on bookes, musique. Here and at Middle Temple (off and on) I (for the most part) enjoyd the greatest felicity of my life (ingeniose youths, as Anno 165-, Octob. ..., my father dyed, leaving me debts 1800 li. and bro<thers'> portions 1000 li. Quid digni feci, hÎc process. viam? Truly nothing; only umbrages, sc. Osney abbey ruines, etc., antiquities. Cos, a wheatstone, exors ipse secandi, e.g. <my> universall character He began to enter into pocket memorandum bookes philosophicall and antiquarian remarques, Anno Domini 1654, at Llantrithid. Anno 16—I began my lawe-suite on the entaile in Brecon Anno —— I was to have maried Mris K. Ryves, who died when to be maried, 2000 li. + Anno —— I made my will Diis aliter visum est superis, my mother, to my inexpressible griefe and ruine, hindred this Then debts and lawe-suites, opus et usus, borrowing of money and perpetuall riding. To my prayse, <I had> wonderfull credit in the countrey for money. Anno ... sold manor of Bushelton in Herefordshire to Dr. T<homas> Willis. Anno ... sold the manor of Stratford in the same county to Herbert <Croft> lord bishop of Hereford. Then anno 1664, June 11, went into France. Oct. ... returned. Then Joan Sumner. Then In monte Dei videbitur I was in as much affliction as a mortall could bee, and never quiet till all was gone, <and I> wholly Monastery I wished monastrys had not been putt downe, that the reformers would have been more moderate as to that point. Nay, the Turkes have monasteries. Why should our reformers be so severe? Convenience of religious houses—Sir Christopher Wren—fitt there should be receptacles and provision for contemplative men; if of 500, but one or two But notwithstanding all these embarasments I did pian piano (as they occur'd) take <The> earl of Thanet <I Anno 1671, having sold all and disappointed as afore A man's spirit rises and falls with his ? A strange fate that I have laboured under never My studies (geometry) were on horse back His Tacit. lib. IV § xx:—Cneus Lentulus <I was> never riotous or prodigall; but (as Sir E. Leech said) sloath and carelesnesse My fancy lay most to geometrie. If ever I had been good for anything, 'twould have been a painter, I could fancy a thing so strongly and had so cleare an idaea of it. When a boy, he did ever love to converse with old men, as living histories. He cared not for play, but on play-dayes Reall character, <things Wheras very sickly in youth; Deo gratias, healthy from 16. Amici.
Scripsit |
u | u | u | u |
t | t | t | t |
s | s | s | s |
r | r | r | r |
o | o | o | o |
n | n | n | n |
m | m | m | m |
x | x | x | x |
u | u | u | u |
t | t | t | t |
s | s | s | s |
r | r | r | r |
o | o | o | o |
n | n | n | n |
m | m | m | m |
x | x | x | x |
u | u | u | u |
t | t | t | t |
s | s | s | s |
r | r | r | r |
o | o | o | o |
n | n | n | n |
m | m | m | m |
If a poor bodie had brought his lordship halfe a dozen pebbles of a curious colour, he would give them a shilling, so curious was he in perfecting his fish-ponds, which I guesse doe containe four acres. In the middle of the
(a) = cutt hedge about the island.
(b) = walke between the hedge and banquetting-howse.
Memorandum:—about the mid-way from Verolam-house to Gorambery, on the right hand, on the side of a hill which faces the passer-by, are sett in artificiall manner the afore-named trees, whose diversity of greens on the side of the hill are exceeding pleasant. These delicate walkes and prospects entertaine the eie to Gorambery-howse, which is a large, well-built Gothique howse, built (I thinke) by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, father to this Lord Chancellor, to whom it descended by the death of Anthony Bacon, his middle brother, who died sans issue.
Over this portico is a stately gallerie, whose glasse-windowes are all painted; and every pane with severall figures of beast, bird, or flower: perhaps his lordship might use them as topiques for locall memory. The windowes looke into the garden, the side opposite to them no window, but that side is hung all with pictures at length, as of King James, his lordship, and severall illustrious persons of his time. At the end you enter is no windowe, but there is a very large picture, thus:—in the middle on a rock in the sea stands King James in armour, with his regall ornaments; on his right hand stands (but whither or no on a rock I have forgott), King Henry 4 of France, in armour; and on his left hand, the King of Spaine, in like manner. These figures are (at least) as big as the life, they are donne only with umbre and shell gold: all the heightning and illuminated part being burnisht gold, and the shadowed umbre, as in the pictures of the gods on the dores of Verolam-house. The roofe of this gallerie is semi-cylindrique, and painted by the same hand and same manner, with heads and busts of Greek and Roman emperours and heroes.
In the hall (which is of the auncient building) is a large storie very well painted of the feastes of the gods, where Mars is caught in a nett by Vulcan. On the wall, over the chimney, is painted an oake with akornes falling from it; the word, Nisi quid potius. And on the wall, over the table, is painted Ceres teaching the soweing of corne; the word, Moniti meliora.
The garden is large, which was (no doubt) rarely planted and kept in his lordship's time: vide vitam Peireskii de domino Bacon. Here is a handsome dore, which opens
From this wood a dore opens into ..., a place as big as an ordinary parke, the west part wherof is coppice-wood, where are walkes cutt-out as straight as a line, and broade enoug for a coach, a quarter of a mile long or better.—Here his lordship much
The east of this parquet (which extends to Veralam-howse) was heretofore, in his lordship's prosperitie, a paradise; now is a large ploughed field. This eastern division consisted of severall parts; some thicketts of plumme-trees with delicate walkes; some of rasberies. Here was all manner of fruit-trees that would grow in England; and a great number of choice forest-trees; as the whitti-tree, sorbe-, cervice-, etc., eugh
His lordship was wont to say, I will lay my mannor of Gorambery on't, to which Judge ... made a spightfull reply, saying he would not hold a wager against that, but against any other mannour of his lordship's he would. Now this illustrious Lord Chancellor had only this mannor of Gorambery.
Sir Thomas Bad's
He was a king's scholar at Westminster schole, then student of Christ Church. Scripsit severall treatises.
Obiit on St. Innocents day, 28 Dec., 1671, in Tuttle street, Westminster, a prisoner to Newgate 22 weekes for running into a praemunire for refusing to take the oath of allegiance (he boggled at the word 'willingly' in the oath): aetatis 42. Sepult., Newyeares day, in the fanatique burying-place by the Artillery-ground in Moorfields, where his sorrowfull widdowe will place his epitaph.
1500 or 2000 people were at his funerall.
In MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 119v, is this jotting:—
'Dr. Mat. Skinner. Resp. 'tis archbishop Bancroft's picture—quod N.B., and inscribe.'
This is probably to be interpreted as meaning—'Enquire whether the portrait,' in a certain place, 'is that of Dr. Matthew Skinner.' Finding that it is the portrait of Richard Bancroft, 'see that the name is inscribed on it,' for future identification.
Dr. John Pell tells me, that his last employment was Library-Keeper of the Vatican, and that he was there poysoned.
Memorandum:—this John Barclay haz a sonne
His father, Thomas Barrow, was the second son of Isaac Barrow of Spinney Abbey in the countie of Cambridge, esq., who was a Justice of the Peace there above fourtie yeares. The father of Thomas never designed him for a tradesman, but he was so severe to him <that> he could not endure to live with him and so came to London and was apprentice to a linnen-draper. He kept shop at the signe of the White-horse in Forster lane near St. Forster's church in St. Leonard's parish; and <his son
He went to schoole, first to Mr. Brookes at Charterhouse two yeares. His father gave to Mr. Brookes 4 li. per annum, wheras his pay was but 2 li., to be carefull of him; but Mr. Brokes was negligent of him, which the captain of the school acquainted his father (his kinsman) and sayd that he would not have him stay there any longer than he
Afterwards to one Mr. Holbitch, about fower years, at
Quaere whose daughter his mother was.
His mother was Anne, daughter of William Buggin of North Cray in Kent, esq. She died when her sonne Isaac was about fower yeares old.
Anno Domini ... he travelled, and returned, anno Domini....
He wrote.... What MSS.?—quaere Dr. Tillotson, and quaere Mr. Brabazon Aylmer, bookseller, nere Exchange Alley.
His humour when a boy and after:—merry and cheerfull and beloved where ever he came. His grandfather kept him till he was 7 years old: his father was faine to force him away, for there he would have been good for nothing there.
A good poet, English and Latin. He spake 8 severall languages.
This viscount Fairfax
During this time old Mr. Thomas Barrow was shutt-up at Oxford and could not heare of his sonne. But young Isaac's master, Holbitch, found him out in London and courted him to come to his schoole and that he would make him his heire. But he did not care to goe to schoole again.
When my lord Fairfax faild and that he sawe he grew heavy upon him, he went to see one of his schoolfellowes, one Mr. Walpole, a Norfolke gent., who asked him 'What he would doe?' He replyed he 'knew not what to doe; he could not goe to his father at Oxford.' Mr. Walpole then told him 'I am goeing to Cambridge to Trinity College and I will maintaine you there'; and so he did for halfe a yeare till the surrender of Oxford; and then his father enquired after him and found him at Cambridge. And the very next day after old Mr. Barrow came to Cambridge, Mr. Walpole was leaving the University and (hearing nothing of Isaac's father) resolved to take Isaac along with him to his howse. His father then asked him what profession he would be of, a merchant or etc.? He begd of his father to lett him continue in the University. His father then asked what would maintain him. He told him 20 li. per annum: 'I warrant you,' sayd he, 'I will maintaine myselfe with it.' His father replyed 'I'le make a shift to allow you that.' So his father then went to his tutor and acquainted him of, etc. His tutor, Dr. Duport, told him that he would take nothing for his reading to him, for that he was likely to make a brave scholar, and he would helpe him to halfe a chamber for nothing. And the next newes his father heard of him was that he was chosen in to the howse.
He was a strong and a stowt man and feared not any man. He would fight with the butchers' boyes in St. Nicholas' shambles, and be hard enough for any of them.
He went to travell 3 or 4 yeares after the king was beheaded, upon the colledge account
He was abroad 5 yeares
As he went to Constantinople, two men of warre (Turkish shippes) attacqued the vessell wherin he was. In which engagement he shewed much valour in defending the vessell; which the men that were in that engagement often testifye, for he never told his father of it himselfe.
Upon his returne, he came in <a> ship to Venice, which was stowed with cotton-wooll, and as soon as ever they came on shore the ship fell on fire, and was utterly consumed, and not a man lost, but not any goods saved—a wonderfull preservation.
His personall valour—At Constantinople, being in company with the English merchants, there was a Rhadamontade that would fight with any man and bragged of his valour, and dared any man there to try him. So no man accepting his challenge, said Isaac (not then a divine), 'Why, if none els will try you I will'; and fell upon him and chastised him handsomely that he vaunted no more amongst them.
After he had been 3 years beyond sea, his correspondent dyed, so that he had no more supply; yet he was so well beloved that he never wanted.
At Constantinople he wayted on the consul Sir Thomas Bendish, who made him stay with him and kept him there a yeare and a halfe, whether he would or no.
At Constantinople, Mr. Dawes (afterwards Sir Jonathan Dawes, who dyed sherif of London), a Turkey merchant, desired Mr. Barrow to stay but such a time and he would returne with him, but when that time came he could not goe, some businesse stayd him. Mr. Barrow could stay no longer; so Mr. Dawes would have had Mr. Barrow have C
As he lay expiring
I have heard Mr. Wilson say that when he was at study, was so intent at it that when the bed was made, or so, he heeded it not nor perceived it, was so totus in hoc; and would sometimes be goeing out without his hatt on.
He was by no meanes a spruce man
He was a strong man but pale as the candle he studyed by.
His stature was....
The first booke he printed was Euclid's Elements in Latin, printed at Cambridge, impensis Gulielmi Nealand, bibliopolae, Anno Domini MDCLV.
Euclidis data succincte demonstrata, printed at Cambridge ex officina Joannis Field, impensis Gulielmi Nealand, bibliopolae, anno Domini 1657.
Euclid's Elements in English.
Euclid's Elements in Latin—in the last impressions of this is an appendix about the sphaere itselfe, it's segments and their surfaces, most admirably derived and demonstrated by the doctrine of infinite arithmetique and indivisibles.
Now printing, 22 initiating lectures about mathematics
Bookes writ by the learned Dr. Isaac Barrow and printed for Brabazon Aylmer at the Three Pidgeons over against the Royall Exchange in Cornhill:—
12 Sermons preached upon severall occasions; in 8vo, being the first volume.
10 Sermons against evil speaking; in 8vo, being the second volume.
8 Sermons of the love of God and our neighbour; in 8vo, being the third volume.
The duty and reward of bounty to the poor, in a sermon, much enlarged, preached at the Spittall upon Wednesday in Easter weeke anno Domini 1671, in 8vo.
A sermon upon the Passion of our blessed Saviour preached at Guildhall chapell on Good Fryday the 13th day of April 1677, in 8vo.
A learned treatise of the Pope's supremacy, to which is added a discourse concerning the unity of the church; in 4to.
The sayd discourse concerning the Unity of the Church is also printed alone in 8vo.
An exposition of the Lord's Prayer, of the Ten Commandments, of the doctrine of the Sacraments; in 8vo.
All the sayd books of the learned Dr. Isaac Barrow (except the sermon of bounty to the poor) are since the author's death published by Dr. Tillotson, deane of Canterbury.
'The true and lively effigies of Dr. Isaac Barrow' in a large print, ingraven from the life by the excellent artist D. Loggan; price, without frame, 6d.
Isaacus Barrow
S.T.P. Regi Carolo IIº a sacris
Pietas, probitas, fides, summa eruditio, par modestia,
Mores sanctissimi undiquaque et suavissimi.
Geometriae professor Londini Greshamensis,
Graecae linguae et Matheseos apud Cantabrigienses suos,
Cathedras omnes, ecclesiam, gentem ornavit.
Collegium SS. Trinitatis praeses illustravit,
Jactis bibliothecae vere regiae fundamentis auxit.
Opes, honores, et universum vitae ambitum,
Deum quem a teneris coluit cum primis imitatus est,
Paucissimis egendo, beneficiendo quam plurimis,
Etiam posteris quibus vel mortuus concionari non desinit.
Caetera et poene majora ex scriptis peti possunt.
Abi lector et aemulare.
Obiit IVto die Maii anno Domini MDCLXXVII
aetatis suae XLVII.
Monumentum hoc Amici posuere.
This epitaph was contrived by Dr. John Mapletoft and perfected by Dr. <Thomas> Gale.
He was the ... son of ... Barrow, <who> was a brewer at Lambith; a King's Scholar at Westminster.
Anno 1655 he printed at Cambridge Euclidis Elementorum libri XV breviter demonstrati.
Anno ..., he travelled; was at Constantinople; sawe part of Graece, Italie, France.
He was a good poet, of great modestie and humanity, careles of his dresse.
One sent this Doctor a pidgeon-pye from New-market or thereabout, and he askt the bearer whither 'twas hott, or cold? He did out-doe Dr. Kettle.
Spe resurrectionis felicis
heic juxta sita est
conjux lectissima
Georgii Bate, M.D.,
Car. 2 medici primarii,
Qui cineres suos adjacere curavit
ut qui unanimes convixerant
quasi unicorpores condormientes
una resurgant.
Mortem obiit 17 Apr., 1667, aet. 46
ex hydro-pulmon.,
funesta Londini conflagratione
Obiit ille 19 Apr., 1668
aetatis suae 60.
I thinke they were both of Queen's College in Cambridge.
I have heard Dr. John Earles (since bishop of Sarum),
They lived together on the Banke side, not far from the Play-house, both batchelors; lay together—from Sir James Hales, etc.; had one wench in the house between them, which they did so admire; the same cloathes and cloake, &c., betweene them.
He writt (amongst many other) an admirable elegie on the countesse of Rutland, which is printed with verses before Sir Thomas Overburie's Characters. John Earles, in his verses on him, speaking of them,
When all her marble is more dust then shee.'
Ex registro:—he was buryed at the entrance of St. Benedict's chapell where <is> the earl of Middlesex' monument, in Westminster Abbey, March 9, 1615/6
I searched, severall yeares since, in the Register-booke of St. Mary Overies, for the obiit of Mr. John Fletcher, which I sent to Mr. Anthony À Wood.
He hath a very good prefatory letter before Mr. Speght's edition of Sir Geofrey Chaucer's Workes printed by Adam Islip, 1602, London, where he haz judicious observations of his writing.
W. Shakespeare—quaere Mr. Beeston, who knowes most of him from Mr. Lacy. He lives in Shoreditch at Hoglane within 6 dores north of Folgate. Quaere etiam for Ben Jonson.
Arsmetrie, or the Art of numbring:
printed in an old black letter about Henry VIII. The author's name I doe not remember—quaere in Duck lane.
The next old mathematicall booke in English that I have seen hath this title, viz:—
This booke sheweth the manner of measuring of all manner of land, as well of woodland as of lande in the felde, and comptinge the true nombre of acres of the same.
Newlye invented and compiled by Syr Rycharde Benese, chanon of Marton Abbay besyde London.
¶ Printed in Southwarke in Saint Thomas hospital by me James Nicolson.
'Tis a quarto.
: quaere Absolom Leech for it—'tis about physick.
Here lieth buried the body of Elizabeth, late the wife of Henry Billingsley, one of the Queene's majestie's customers of her port of London, who dyed the 29th day of July in the yeare of our Lord God 1577.
In obitum ejus.
Cum Deus hinc et mors invidiosa vocant;
Nec tibi nec pietas tua vel forma, Elizabetha,
Praesidium leto
Occidis exactis ternis cum conjuge lustris,
At septem vitae lustra fuere tuae.
Fecerat et proles jam te numerosa parentem,
Filiolae trinae, caetera turba mares.
Undecimo partu cum mors accessit et una
Matrem te et partum sustulit undecimum—
Scilicet ex mundo, terrena ex fece, malisque,
Sustulit; at superis reddidit atque Deo.
Est testis sincera fides, testis tua virtus,
Grata viro virtus, grata fidesque Deo.
* * * * * * *
Quem posuit tumulum tibi conjux charus, eodem
In tumulo condi mortuus ipse petit.
<Vide> the Register book <of the church>.
Memorandum:—Billingsley (a village) is in the countie of Salop. 'Tis a Shropshire familie; but the village now is one Mr. Norton's.
This Sir Henry Billingsley was one of the learnedst
'The Translator to the Reader—Wherfore considering the want and lack of such good authors hitherto in our English tongue, lamenting also the negligence and lacke of zeale to their countrey in those of our nation to whom God hath given both knowledge and also abilitie to translate into our tongue and to publish abroad such good authors and bookes: Seeing moreover that many good witts, both of gentlemen and others of all degrees, much desirous and studious of these artes,—I have for their sakes with some chardge and great travaile faithfully translated into our vulgar tounge and set abroad in print this booke of Euclid wherunto I have added plaine declarations and examples, manifold additions, scholies, annotations, and inventions which I have gathered.'—He promises (here) some more translations and sayes that in religion he hath alreadie don, quaere.
Memorandum P. Ramus in his Scholia's sayes that the reason why mathematiques did most flourish in Germanie was that the best authors were rendred into their mother tongue, and that publique lectures of it were also read in their owne tongue—quod nota bene.
Memorandum when I was a boy, one Sir ... Billingsley had a very pleasant seate with a faire
Vide de Sir Thomas Billingsley, pag. <44b>
In those dayes
R. B., i.e. Robert
'1603 {Dame Elizabeth} Billingsley did will to the poor 1s. per
{Sir Henry }
weeke for ever and 200li. which their heires etc. have not payd'—
The minister here, Mr. Dodson, sayes that it was not payd because the parish did not find-out in due time land to make a purchase of.
Many yeares since Mr. Abraham Hill, Regiae Societatis Socius, citizen, told me that Sir Henry Billingsley was of the Goldsmiths' Company, and that his picture was in Goldsmiths' Hall, which I went lately to see. No picture of him, and besides the clarke of the Company told me that he is sure he was never of that Company. But Mr. Hill tells me since that in Stowe's Survey you may see of what Company all the Lord Mayers were, which see
Memorandum his house (which is a very faire one), which is neer the church, is still remayning untoucht by the fire. In the parlour windowe are scutchions of his family, which gett. There now lives Mr. Lucy
He was sheriff of the citie of London anno Domini <1584>, reginae Elizabethae 26; he was Lord Mayor of the city of London anno Domini <1596>, reginae Elizabethae 38—Sir Thomas Skinner served one part and Sir Henry Billingsley the other:—Baker's Chronicle, reigne queen Elizabeth.
Lord Mayer "
" " "
1. Sir Henry Billingsley, 2. William Billingsley, m. ... 3. Thomas
Glocestershire, "
filius et haeres. +--------------+--------------+
" "
1. Henry Billingsley, m. ... 2. Thomas
of Graye's Inne "
" "
1. Blanch 2. Elizabeth
'An Idea of Arithmetick, at first designed for the use of the free-schoole at Thurlow in Suffolk, by R. B. schoolmaster there': stitch't 8vo, 3 sheetes, London, 'printed by J. Flesher, and are to be sold by W. Morden booke-seller in Cambridge, 1655.'
He taught this
He ended his dayes at the countesse of Thanet's (daughter and co-heire of Richard, earl of Dorset) ... 167-; dyed praying on his knees.
He went to Oxford university at ... old, and was first a servitor of Oriall colledge: vide Antiq. Oxon.
After Edgehill fight, when King Charles I first had his court at Oxford, he was pitched upon as one fitt to write the Newes, which Oxford Newes was called Mercurius Aulicus, which he writt wittily enough, till the surrender of the towne (which was June 24, 1646). He left a collection of all his Mercurius Aulicus's and all his other pamphletts, which his executors (Sir Richard Mason and Sir Muddiford Bramston) were ordered by the king to give to the Archbishop of Canterbury's library.
After the surrender of Oxford, he was putt out of his fellowship by the Visitors, and was faine to shift for himselfe as well as he could. Most part of his time he spent at London, where he mett with severall persons of quality that loved his company, and made much of him.
He went over into France, where he stayed some time, I thinke not long. He received grace there from the dutches of Newcastle, I remember he tolde me.
He gott many a fourty shillings (I beleeve) by pamphletts, such as that of 'Col. Pride,' and 'The Last Will and Testament of Philip earle of Pembroke,' &c.
At the restauration of his majestie he was made Master of the Facultees, and afterwards one of the Masters of Requests. He was exceedingly confident
He was chosen a burghes of Parliament at Wilton in Wiltshire, anno Domini 166<1>, i.e. of the King's long parliament. Anno 167<9> upon the choosing of this Parliament
Imposuit; leges fixit pretio atque refixit.
Virg. Aeneid, lib. vi. 621.
—This was Curio: vide Servium de hoc]—he went not to the borough where he intended to stand; but returned to London, and tooke it so to heart that he insensibly decayed and pined away; and so, December ...
He had the art of locall memory; and his topiques were the chambers, &c., in All Soules colledge (about 100), so that for 100 errands, &c., he would easily remember.
He had his schoole education under Mr. Farnary
He died at the Bird-cage (at his sister's, Mris Knight, the famous singer) in St. James's parke, <on> Michaelmas-eve 1696, aged about 80.
He was borne in London <at the> Paul-head tavern (which his father kept) in Paule's chaine <in> St. Paul's church-yard anno 1617, baptized the 25 of September. John Gadbury haz his nativity from him.
I will aske his sister (Mris Knight) for a very ingeniose diatribe that he wrote on Martialis epigram. lib. <xi. 94. 8>,
jura, verpe, per Anchialum,
which he haz cleared beyond his master Farnaby, Scaliger, or any other. 'Scaliger,' he sayd, 'speakes the truth, but not the whole truth.' 'Tis pity it should be lost, and I would reposit it in the Museum.
I gave my Holyoke's dictionary to the Museum. Pray looke on the blank leaves at the end of it, and you will find a thundering copie of verses that he gave me, in the praise of this king
In MS. Aubr. 8 (Aubrey's Lives of English Mathematicians), fol. 76, 'Mr. John Blagrave of Reding' is noted as a life to be written, and the coat is given in trick 'or, on a bend sable, 3 greaves argent.' In the Index (fol. 8) at the beginning of the same volume he is noted:—
'John Blagrave of Reding, vide his will, quaere Mr. Morden.'
He served in the House of Commons for....
... Blake obiit anno Domini <1657> and was buried in King Henry 7th's chapell; but upon the returne of the king, his body was taken up again and removed by Mr. Wells' occasion, and where it is now, I know not. Quaere Mr. Wells of Bridgewater.
Vide Diurnalls, and Rushworth's History; vide Anthony Wood's Hist. <et Antiq. Oxon.>.
He was of Trinity College in Oxford
He was pretty wild when young, especially addicted to common wenches. He was a 2d brother.
He was a gentleman pensioner to King Charles I, on whom he wayted (as it was his turne) to Yorke (when the King deserted the Parliament); was with him at Edge-hill fight; came with him to Oxford; and so returned to London; walkt
In these dayes he dined most commonly at the Heycock's
Memorandum:—there was about 164.. a pamphlet (writt by Henry Nevill, esq., ???????) called The Parliament of Ladies, 3 or 4 sheets in 4to, wherin Sir Henry Blount was first to be called to the barre for spreading abroad that abominable and dangerous doctrine that it was far cheaper and safer to lye with common wenches
? His estate left him by his father was 500 li. per annum, which he sold to ... (quaere) for an annuitie of 1000 li. per annum in anno Domini 16..; and since his elder brother dyed.
Anno Domini 165<[*½]> he was made one of the comittee for regulating the lawes. He was severe against tythes, and for the abolishing them, and that every minister should have 100 li. per annum and no more.
Since he was ... year old he dranke nothing but water or coffee. 1647 or therabout, he maryed to Mris [Hester[d]] Wase, [daughter of Christopher Wase
I remember twenty yeares since he inveighed much against sending youths to the universities—quaere if his sons there—because they learnt there to be debaucht; and that the learning that they learned there
? The first coffee house in London
He is a gentleman of a very clear judgement, great experience, much contemplation, not of very much reading, of great foresight into government. His conversation is admirable. When he was young, he was a great collector of bookes, as his sonne is now.
He was heretofore a great shammer, i.e. one that tells falsities not to doe any body any injury, but to impose on their understanding:—e.g. at Mr. Farre's; that at an inne (nameing the signe) in St. Alban's, the inkeeper had made a hogs-trough of a free-stone coffin; but the pigges, after that, grew leane, dancing and skipping, and would run up on the topps of the houses like goates. Two young gentlemen that heard Sir H. tell this sham so gravely, rode the next day to St. Alban's to enquire: comeing there, nobody had heard of any such thing, 'twas altogether false. The next night as soon as the<y> allighted, they came to the Rainbowe and found Sir H., looked louringly on him, and told him they wonderd he was not ashamed to tell such storys as, &c., 'Why, gentlemen,' (sayd Sir H.) 'have you been there to make
He was wont to say that he did not care to have his servants goe to church, for there servants infected one another to goe to the alehouse and learne debauchery; but he did bid them goe to see the executions at Tyburne, which worke more upon them then all the oratory in the sermons.
His motto over his printed picture is that which I have many yeares ago heard him speake of, viz.:—Loquendum est cum vulgo, sentiendum cum sapientibus.
He is now (1680) neer or altogether 80 yeares, his intellectualls good still, and body pretty strong.
This last weeke
When the shrill scirocco blowes.'
When he came to his greatnes, in acknowledgement from whence he had his rise, he gave
James Bovey, esq., was the youngest son of Andrew Bovey, merchant, cash-keeper to Sir Peter Vanore, in London.
He was borne in the middle of Mincing Lane, in the parish of Saint Dunstan's in the East, London, anno 1622, May 7th, at six a clock in the morning. Went to schoole at Mercers Chapell, under Mr. Augur. At 9 sent into the Lowe Countreys; then returned, and perfected himselfe in the Latin and Greeke. <At> 14, travelled into France and Italie, Switzerland, Germany, and the Lowe Countreys. Returned into England at 19; then lived with one Hoste, a banquier, 8 yeares, was his cashier 8 or 9 yeares. Then traded for himselfe (27) till he was 31; then maried the only daughter of William de Vischer, a merchant; lived 18 yeares with her, then continued single. Left off trade at 32, and retired to a countrey life, by reason of his indisposition, the ayre of the citie not agreing with him. Then in these retirements he wrote Active
Whilest he lived with Mr. Hoste, he kept the cash of the ambassadors of Spaine that were here; and of the farmers, called by them Assentistes, that did furnish the Spanish and Imperiall armies of the Low-Countreys and Germany; and also many other great cashes, as of Sir Theodore Mayern, etc.; his dealing being altogether in money-matters: by which meanes he became acquainted with the ministers of state both here and abroad.
When he was abroad, his chiefe employment was to observe the affaires of state and their judicatures, and to take the politique surveys in the countreys he travelled thorough, more especially in relation to trade. He speakes
When he retired from businesse he studied the Lawe-Merchant, and admitted himselfe of the Inner Temple, London, about 1660. His judgment haz been taken in most of the great causes of his time in points concerning the Lawe-Merchant. As to his person he is about 5 foot high, slender
In rufa pelle non est animus sine felle.
In all his travells he was never robbed.
He has one son, and one daughter who resembles him.
From 14 he began to take notice of all prudentiall rules as came in his way, and wrote them downe, and so continued till this day, Sept. 28, 1680, being now in his 59th yeare.
For his health he never had it very well, but indifferently, alwaies a weake stomach, which proceeded from the agitation of the braine. His dyet was alwayes fine diet: much chicken
He wrote a Table of all the Exchanges in Europe.
1. The Characters, or Index Rerum <etc.
- The Characters, or Index Rerum: in 4 tomes.
- The Introduction to Active Philosophy.
- The Art of Building a Man: or Education.
- The Art of Conversation.
- The Art of Complyance.
- The Art of Governing the Tongue.
- The Art of Governing the Penn.
- The Government of Action.
- The Government of Resolution.
- The Government of Reputation.
- The Government of Power: in 2 tomes.
- The Government of Servients.
- The Government of Subserviency.
- The Government of Friendshipp.
- The Government of Enmities.
- The Government of Law-suites.
- The Art of Gaining Wealth.
- The Art of Buying and Selling
[459]. - The Art of Preserving Wealth.
- The Art of Expending Wealth.
- The Government of Secresy.
- The Government of Amor Conjugalis: in 2 tomes.
- Of Amor Concupiscentiae.
- The Government of Felicity.
- The Lives of Atticus, Sejanus, Augustus.
- The Causes of the Diseases of the Mind.
- The Cures of the Mind, vizt. Passions, Diseases, Vices, Errours, Defects.
- The Art of Discerning of Men.
- The Art of Discerning a Man's selfe.
- Religion from Reason: in 3 tomes.
- The Life of Cum-fu-zu, soe farr wrote by J. B.
- The Life of Mahomett, wrot by Sir Walter Raleigh's papers, with some small addition for methodizing the same.
He made it his businesse
Earl of Corke bought of captaine Horsey fourtie plough
The queen gave Lismore to Sir Walter Raleigh, and ... to Sir John Anderson, etc. to etc., e intentione to plant them, which they did not; and were not planted till since the last rebellion—quaere Mr. Anderson, who sayes that Ireland could not be secure till it was enough peopled with English.
My lady Petty sayes he had a wife or two before, and that he maried Mris. Fenton
<Excerpts from Anthony Walker's Sermon.>
'The Virtuous Woman found: Being a Sermon preached at Felsted, in Essex, at the Funerall of the most excellent and religious lady, the Right honourable MARY Countesse Dowager of Warwick. By Anthony Walker, D.D. rector of Fyfield, in the sayd countie. The 2d Edition corrected. Printed at London, for Nath. Ranew, at the King's Arms, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1680.' (The Epistle dedicatory is dated May 27, 1678.)
Pag. 44.—'She was truly excellent and great in all respects: great in the honour of her birth, being born a lady and a virtuosa both; seventh daughter of that eminently honourable, Richard, the first earle of Cork; who being born a private gentleman, and younger brother of a younger
God's Providence, mine Inheritance;
by that Providence, and his diligent and wise industry, raised such an honour and estate, and left such a familie, as never any subject of these three kingdomes did, and that with so unspotted a reputation of integrity that the most invidious scrutiny could find no blott, though it winnowed all the methods of his rising most severely, which our good lady hath often told me with great content and satisfaction.
This noble lord, by his prudent and pious consort, no lesse an ornament and honour to their descendants than himself, was blessed with five sonnes, (of which he lived to see four lords and peeres of the kingdome of Ireland,
Nor did she derive less honour from the collateral, than the descending line, being sister by soul and genius, as well as bloud, to these great personages, whose illustrious, unspotted, and resplendent honour and virtue, and whose usefull learning and accurate pens, may attone and
(1), Richard, the truly right honourable, loyal, wise, and virtuous, earl of Burlington and Cork, whose life is his fairest and most laudable character;
(2), the right honourable Roger earle of Orery, that great poet, great statesman, great soldier, and great every-thing which merits the name of great or good;
(3), Francis lord Shannon, whose Pocket Pistol, as he stiles his book, may make as wide breaches in the walls of the Capitol, as many canons;
(4), and that honourable and well known name Robert Boyl, esquier, that profound philosopher, accomplished humanist, and excellent divine, I had almost sayd lay-bishop, as one hath stiled Sir Henry Savil; whose works alone may make a librarie
The female branches also (if it be lawfull so to call them whose virtues were so masculine, souls knowing no difference of sex) by their honours and graces (by mutuall reflections) gave, and received lustre, to, and from, her:—
the eldest of which, the lady Alice, was married to the lord Baramore;
the second, the lady Sarah, to the lord Digby, of Ireland;
the third, the lady Laetitia, to the eldest son of the lord Goring, who died earle of Norwich;
the fourth, the lady Joan, to the earle of Kildare, not only primier earle of Ireland, but the ancientest house in Christendome of that degree, the present earle being the six and twentieth, or the seaven and twentieth, of lineal descent: and, as I have heard, it was that great antiquary King Charles the First his observation, that the three ancientest families of Europe for nobility, were the Veres in England, earls of Oxford, and the Fitz-Geralds in Ireland, earls of Kildare, and Momorancy in France: 'tis observable
the fifth, the lady Katharine, who was married to the lord viscount Ranelaugh
the sixth, the lady Dorothy Loftus;
the seaventh, (the number of perfection) which shutt-up and crown'd this noble train (for the eighth, the lady Margaret, died unmaried), was our excellent lady Mary, married to Charles, earle of Warwick; of whom, if I should use the language of my text, I should neither
----But shee
great by her tongue, for never woman used one better, speaking so gracefully, promptly, discreetly, pertinently, holily, that I have often admired the edifying words that proceeded from her mouth;
great by her pen, as you may (ex pede Herculem) discover by that little
great by being the greatest mistresse and promotress, not to say the foundress and inventress, of a new science—the art of obliging; in which she attain'd that sovereign perfection, that she reigned over all their hearts with whom she did converse;
great in her nobleness of living and hospitality;
great in the unparallelld sincerity of constant, faithfull, condescending friendship, and for that law of kindness which dwelt in her lips and heart;
great in her dexterity of management;
great in her quick apprehension of the difficulties of her affaires, and where the stress and pinch lay, to untie the knot, and loose and ease them;
great in the conquest of herselfe;
great in a thousand things beside, which the world admires as such: but she despised them all, and counted them but loss and dung in comparison of the feare of God, and the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus.'
A leaf containing an earlier draft of this life (as shown by the coat tricked in the inner margin) has been cut out between fol. 14 and fol. 15 of MS. Aubr. 6. The excision was made by Aubrey himself, a line being drawn by him across the excision from fol. 14v to fol. 15, to mark the transposition of a passage. The reason for the cutting out of this leaf is suggested in a letter of Aubrey to Anthony Wood (MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 360, July 14, 1681), where he says his 'Lives' contain 'severe touches on the earl of Corke, Dr. Wallis, etc.' In the margin of the excised leaf a note, given on the authority of 'Mr. A. E.' i.e. Anthony Ettrick, seems to speak of amours and bastards of the earl.
He was nursed by an Irish nurse, after the Irish manner, wher they putt the child into a pendulous satchell (insted of a cradle), with a slitt for the child's head to peepe out.
He learn't his Latin.... Went to the university of Leyden. Travelled France, Italy, Switzerland. I have oftentimes heard him say that after he had seen the antiquities and architecture of Rome, he esteemed none
He speakes Latin very well, and very readily, as most men I have mett with. I have heard him say that when he was young, he read over Cowper's dictionary: wherin I thinke he did very well, and I beleeve he is much beholding to him for his mastership of that language.
His father in his will, when he comes to the settlement and provision for his son Robert, thus,—
Item, to my son Robert, whom I beseech God to blesse with a particular blessing, I bequeath, &c.
Mr. R. H.
He is very tall (about six foot high) and streight, very temperate, and vertuouse, and frugall: a batcheler; keepes a coach; sojournes with his sister, the lady Ranulagh. His greatest delight is chymistrey. He haz at his sister's a noble laboratory, and severall servants (prentices to him) to looke to it. He is charitable to ingeniose men that are in want, and foreigne chymists have had large proofe of his bountie, for he will not spare for cost to gett any rare secret. At his owne costs and chardges he gott translated and printed the New Testament in Arabique
He hath wrote a poem called Origines Moriens, a MS.
Obiit March 17, 1679/80, London, and is buried at St Martin's church in the fields.
He was an excellent musitian, and also a good composer.
He was of Brasen-nose College in Oxon. My old cosen Whitney
He writ his Logica, and ..., de meteoris, de ponderibus et nummis (which he dedicates to his countryman, Lord Chancellor Egerton, who was no doubt his patron).
He was astronomie professor at Gresham College, London, where he died anno 1613, and was buried in Great Saint Helen's chancell: so Hist. and Antiq. of Oxon., lib. 2. pag. 219 b.
'Tis pity I can pick-up no more of him.
<In MS. Aubr. 22 (Aubrey's Collection of Grammars) is a tract of 6 pp.
'A demonstration how the Latine tonge may be learn't'; Lond. 1669; 'by Arthur Bret, M.A. of Ch. Ch. in Oxford and of Westminster Schoole.'>
He was first of St. John's College in Cambridge. Sir Henry Savill sent for him and made him his geometrie professor. He lived at Merton College in Oxon, where he made the dialls at the buttresses of the east end of the chapell with a bullet for the axis.
He travelled into Scotland to comune with the honourable ... lord Nepier
? Looking one time on the mappe of England he observed that the
Insert his letter to Dr. John Pell de logarithmis written anno Dni 1628.
Mr. William Oughtred calls him the English Archimedes in....
An epitaph on H. Briggs among H. Burched's poems
Since you have desired and have been put into an expectation of receiving some information concerning Mr. Brightman, tho I have litle or nothing to serve you and your freind with, I send this to let you know that I find nothing of his arms; that upon the stone is engraven
'Here lyeth the body of Thomas Brightman, deceased, minister of this parish, who dyed Aug. 24, 1607.'
Over his head are these sad rimes (I hope they are Oxford, tho not much for the honour of it).—
Altho the candlesticks but the candles hold.
The lights on them hee calleth angels pure,
Not barely candles, for those must endure.
Candles when burn't out are soon forgott,
But ministers, as angels, must not rot.
Sith God doth ministers so eternize,
And specially to Brightman's recommendacion
And bee entomed a light to th' revelation
Wee must, wee ought, to make such saints last
In whom wee know the times to come and past.
I am, Sir, Yours to serve you,
Edw. Gibson.
Dr. Fuller, amongst his Worthies, hath something of Mr. Brightman.
In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 48v, opposite Gibson's letter Wood notes an odd omission in it:—'Quaere in what church Mr. Thomas Brightman was buried?'
This C. B. printed
of Kington, eldest " Rafe Beeston, of
son, 1634 " Warwickshire.
Mris. Elizabeth Broughton was daughter of ... Broughton of ... in Herefordshire, an ancient family. Her father lived at the mannour-house at Canon-Peon. Whether she was borne there or no, I know not: but there she lost her mayden-head to a poor young fellow, then I beleeve handsome, but, in 1660, a pittifull poor old weaver, clarke of the parish. He had fine curled haire, but gray. Her father at length discoverd her inclinations and locked her up in the turret of the house, but she (like a ...) getts downe by a rope; and away she gott to London, and did sett-up for her selfe.
She was a most exquisite beautie, as finely shaped as nature could frame; and had a delicate witt. She was soon taken notice of at London, and her price was very deare—a second Thais. Richard, earle of Dorset, kept her (whether before or after Venetia
I remember thus much of an old song of those dayes,
In Ben Johnson's execrations against Vulcan, he concludes thus:—
And all the ills that flew out of her box
Light on thee. And if those plagues will not doe
Thy wive's pox take thee, and Bess Broughton's too.
—In the first edition in 8vo her name is thus at length.
I see that there have been famous woemen before our times.
Multi, etc.
Horace, lib. 4, ode 9.
I doe remember her father (1646), neer 80, the handsomest shaped man that ever my eies beheld, a very wise man and of an admirable elocution. He was a committee-man in Herefordshire and Glocestershire. He was commissary to colonel Massey. He was of the Puritan party heretofore; had a great guift in praying, etc. His wife (I have heard my grandmother say, who was her neighbor) had as great parts as he. He was the first that used the improvement of land by soape-ashes when he lived at Bristowe, where they then threw it away.
His mother was an extraordinary great gamester, and playd all, gold play; she kept the box herselfe. Mr. ... Arundall (brother of the lord Wardour) made a song in characters of the nobility. Among others, I remember this,
And a health to my lord her husband, with ne're a foot of land.
He was president of the Royall Society about 15 yeares
He was ... of the Navy office
He dyed April the 5th, 1684; buried the 14th following in the vault which he caused to be made (8 foot long, 4 foot broad, and about 4 foot high) in the middle of the quire of Saint Katharine's, neer the Tower, of which convent he was governour. He gave a fine organ to this church a little before his death; and whereas it was a noble and large choire, he divided <it> in the middle with a good skreen (at his owne chardge), which haz spoiled <it>.
<A note written by him [BK].>
These are to give notice that on Friday next the thirtieth day of this instant November, 1677, being St. Andrew's day, the council and officers of the Royal Society are to be elected for the year ensuing. At which election your presence is expected in Gresham Colledge at nine of the clock in the forenoon precisely.
(For John Aubrey, esq.)
Brouncker, P. R. S.
He was one of the gentlemen that wayted on the Lord Chancellour Bacon. 'Twas the fashion in those dayes for gentlemen to have their suites of clothes garnished with buttons. My Lord Bacon was then in disgrace, and his man Bushell having more buttons then usuall on his cloake, etc., they sayd that his lord's breech made buttons and Bushell wore them—from whence he was called buttond Bushell.
He was only an English scholar, but had a good witt and a working and contemplative head. His lord much loved him.
His genius lay most towards naturall philosophy, and particularly towards the discovery, drayning, and improvement of the silver mines in Cardiganshire
He had the strangest bewitching way to drawe-in people (yea, discreet and wary men) into his projects that ever I heard of. His tongue was a chaine and drewe in so many to be bound for him and to be ingaged in his designes that he ruined a number. Mr. Goodyere of ... in Oxfordshire was undon by him among others; see
He was master of the art of running in debt, and lived so long that his depts were forgott, so that they were the great-grandchildren of the creditors.
He wrote a stich't treatise of mines and improving of the adits to them and bellowes to drive-in wind, which Sir John Danvers, his acquaintance, had, and nayled it
During the time of the civill warres, he lived in Lundy island.
Anno 1647 or 8, he came over into England; and when he landed at Chester, and had but one Spanish threepence (this I had then from ... of Great Tew, to whom he told it), and, sayd he, 'I
? Memorandum, after his master the lord chancellor dyed, he maried ..., and lived at Enston, Oxon; where having some land lyeing on the hanging of a hill faceing the south, at the foot wherof runnes a fine cleare stream which petrifies, and where is a pleasant solitude, he spake to his servant
Here in fine weather he would walke all night. Jack Sydenham sang rarely: so did his other servant, Mr. Batty. They went very gent. in cloathes, and he loved them as his children.
He did not encumber him selfe with his wife, but here enjoyed himselfe thus in this paradise till the war brake out, and then retired to Lundy isle.
He had donne something (I have forgott what) that made him obnoxious to the Parliament or Oliver Cromwell, about 1650; would have been hangd if taken; printed severall letters to the Parliament, etc., dated from beyond sea, and all that time lay privately in his howse in Lambeth marsh where the
He dyed about 1676 or 1677—quaere where—he was 80 yeares of age. [He
His entertainment to Queen Henrietta Marie at Enston was in anno 163<6, 23 August>. Insert, i.e. sowe
He was a handsome proper gentleman when I sawe him at his house aforesayd at Lambith. He was about 70 but I should have not guessed him hardly 60. He had a perfect healthy constitution; fresh, ruddy face; hawke-nosed, and was temperate.
As he had the art of running in dept, so sometimes he was attacqued and throwen into prison; but he would extricate him selfe again straingely.
Memorandum:—in the time of the civill warres his
Memorandum:—the grotto
Vide Plea for Irish cattle.
Quaere his servant John Sydenham for the collection of remarques of severall partes of England, by the said Mr. Bushell.
Quaere Dr. Plott (<author of> Antiquities of Oxonshire) of the booke I gave him some yeares since of the songs and entertainment of Mr. Bushell to queen Henrietta Marie at his rocks. If he had it not, perhaps Anthony Wood had it. Mr. E<dmund> W<yld> sayes that he tap't the mountaine of Snowdon in ... in Wales, which was like to have drowned all the countrey; and they were like to knock him and his men in the head.
Mr. Thomas Bushell lay some time (perhaps yeares) at Capt. Norton's, in the gate at Scotland-yard, where he dyed seven yeares since (now, 1684), about 80 aetat. Buried in the little cloysters at Westminster Abbey: vide the Register. Somebody putt
Anthony Wood says the music was composed by Samuel Ives. Aubrey's copy of these poems is now among Anthony Wood's books in the Bodleian.
He went to schoole at Worcester—from Mr. Hill.
His father <was> a man but of slender fortune, and to breed him at schoole was as much education as he was able to reach to. When
He came when a young man to be a servant to the countesse of Kent, whom he served severall yeares. Here, besides his study, he employed his time much in painting and drawing, and also in musique. He was thinking once to have made painting his profession—from Dr. Duke. His love to and skill in painting made a great friendship
He then studyed the Common Lawes of England, but did not practise. He maried a good jointuresse, the relict of ... Morgan, by which meanes he lives comfortably.
After the restauration of his majestie when the court at Ludlowe was againe sett-up, he was then the king's steward at the castle there.
He printed a witty Poeme called Hudibras, the first part anno 166.. which tooke extremely
He is of a middle stature, strong sett, high coloured, a head of sorrell haire, a severe and sound judgement: a good fellowe. He haz often sayd that way (e.g. Mr. Edmund Waller's) of quibling with sence will hereafter growe as much out of fashion and be as ridicule as quibling with words—quod N.B. He haz been much troubled with the gowt, and particularly 1679, he stirred not out of his chamber from October till Easter.
Obiit Anno {Domini 1680}.
{circiter 70. }
He dyed of a consumption September 25; and buried 27, according to his appointment
About 25 of his old acquaintance at his funerall. I myself being one [of
S. B. 1680
[533]Hudibras unprinted.
To plant a church in barren land;
Or ever thought it worth his while
A Swede or Russe to reconcile;
For where there is not store of wealth,
Souls are not worth the charge of health
Spaine and[d] America had two designes
To sell their
For had the Mexicans been poore,
No Spaniard twice had landed on their shore.
'Twas gold the Catholick Religion planted,
Which, had they wanted gold, they still had wanted.
He had made very sharp reflexions upon the court in his last part
To prove true subjects traytors straine hard?
He painted well and made it (sometime) his profession.
He wayted some yeares on the countess of Kent: she gave her gentlemen 20li. per annum a-piece. Mr. John Selden tooke notice of his partes and would many times make him write or translate for him.
Obiit sine prole.
Memorandum:—satyricall witts disoblige whom they converse with, etc.; and consequently make to themselves many enemies and few friends; and this was his manner and case. He was of a leonine-coloured haire, sanguino-cholerique, middle sized, strong.
The occasion of his being first taken notice of was thus
Memorandum:—there is a parallell storie to this in Machiavell's Florentiac History, where 'tis sayd that one of the Cosmo's being poysoned was putt into a mule's belly, sowed up, with a place only for his head to come out.
He was a humorist
I thinke he was never maried. He lived in an apothecary's shop, in Cambridge, <John> Crane, to whom he left his estate; and he in gratitude erected the monument
He would many times (I have heard say) sitt among the boyes at St. Maries church in Cambridge ( ? and just so would the famous attorney-generall Noy, in Lincoln's Inne, who had many such froliques and humours).
I remember Mr. Wodenoth, of King's College, told me, that being sent for to ... ... he told him that his disease was not to be found in Galen or Hippocrates, but in Tullie's Epistles, Cum non sis ubi fueris, non est cur velis vivere.
I thinke he left his estate to the apothecarie. He gave to the chapell of Clare-hall, a bowle
He lies buried in the south side of St. Marie's chancell, in Cambridge, wher is a decent monument, with his body halfe way, and an inscription, which gett.
He was much addicted to his humours, and would suffer persons of quality to wayte sometimes some houres at his dore, with coaches, before he would recieve them. Once, on the rode from Cambridge to London, he tooke a fancy to a chamberlayn or tapster in his inne, and tooke him with him, and made him his favourite, by whom only accession was to be had to him, and thus enriched him. Dr. Gale
He kept an old mayd whose name was Nell. Dr. Butler would many times goe to the taverne, but drinke by himselfe. About 9 or 10 at night old Nell comes for him with a candle and lanthorne, and sayes 'Come you home, you drunken beast.' By and by Nell would stumble; then her master calls her 'drunken beast'; and so they did drunken beast one another all the way till they came home.
A gent. lying a-dyeing, sent his servant with a horse for the doctor. The horse being exceeding dry, ducks downe his head strongly into the water, and plucks downe the Dr. over his head, who was plunged in the water over head and eares. The Dr. was madded, and would returne home. The man swore he should not; drew his sword, and gave him ever and anon (when he would returne) a little prick, and so drove him before him—<from> Mr. ... Godfrey.
A gentleman with a red, ugly, pumpled face came to him for a cure. Said the Dr., 'I must hang you.' So presently he had a device made ready to hang him from a beame in the roome; and when he was e'en almost dead, he cutts the veines that fed these pumples, and lett-out the black ugly bloud, and cured him.
Another time one came to him for the cure of a cancer (or ulcer) in the bowells. Said the Dr., 'can ye——?' 'Yes,' said the patient. So the Dr. ordered a bason for him to——, and when he had so donne the Dr. commanded him to eate it up. This did the cure.
[553]Inscription on his monument [554].
This inscription was sent to me by my learned and honoured friend, Dr. Henry More, of Cambridge.
Nunc positis novus exuviis
quondam Socius, Medicorum omnium
quos praesens aetas vidit facile princeps,
hoc sub marmore secundum Christi adventum
expectat, et monumentum hoc
privata pietas statuit, quod debuit
publica. Abi, viator, et ad tuos reversus,
narra te vidisse locum in quo salus
Si splendore tuo nomen habere putas.
Ille tibi monumentum est, tu diceris ab illo:
Butleri vivis munere, marmor iners.
Sic homines vivus, mira sic mortuus arte,
Phoebo chare senex, vivere saxa facis.
Hei! quid agam, exclamas et palles, Lector? At unum
Quod miseris superesse potest, locus hic monet: ora.
Obiit CI?I?CXVII. Janua. XXIX.
Aeta. suae LXXXIII.
Who dyed in the yeare that the Devill was Proctor
Memorandum:—There is now in use
From Dr. H. More:—More's father was a very strong bodyed man. 'Twas forty stooles he gave his father; he
That he was chymical I know by this token that his mayd came running-in to him one time, like a slutt and a furie, with her haire about her eares, and cries
I could be able I believe to carry a colony of rogues; another, of ingeniose artificers; and I doubt not one might make a shift to have 5 or 6 ingeniose companions, which is enough.
Mr. Edward Bagshawe (who had been second schoole-master of Westminster schoole) haz told me that Mr. Camden had first his place and his lodgeings (which is the gate-house by the Queen's Scholars' chamber in Deanes-yard), and was after made the head schoole-master of that schoole, where he writt and taught Institutio GrÆcae Grammatices Compendiaria: in usum Regiae Scholae Westmonasteriensis, which is now the common Greeke grammar of England, but his name is not sett to it. Before, they learned the prolix Greeke Grammar of Cleonard.
He writt his Britannia first in a large 8º.
Annales reg. Elizabethae.
There is a little booke in 16mo. of his printed, viz.: A Collection of all the Inscriptions then on the Tombes in Westminster Abbey.
'Tis reported, that he had bad eies
Mr. Nicholas Mercator has Stadius's Ephemerides, which had been one of Mr. Camden's; his name is there (I knowe his hand) and there are some notes by which I find he was astrologically given.
In his Britannia he haz a remarkable astrologicall observation, that when Saturn is in Capricornus a great plague is certainly in London. He had observed it all his time, and setts downe the like made by others before his time. Saturn was so posited in the great plague 1625, and also in the last great plague 1665. He likewise delivers that when an eclipse happens in ... that 'tis fatall to the towne of Shrewsbury, for....
He was basted by a courtier of the queene's in the cloysters at Westminster for ... queen Elizabeth in his history—from Dr. John Earle, dean of Westminster.
My honoured and learned friend, Thomas Fludd, esq., a Kentish gentleman, (<aged> 75, 1680) was neighbour and an acquaintance to Sir Robert Filmore, in Kent, who was very intimately acquainted with Mr. Camden, who told Sir Robert that he was not suffered to print many things in his Elizabetha, which he sent over to his acquaintance and correspondent Thuanus, who printed it all faithfully in his Annalls without altering a word—quod N. B.
He lies buried in the South cross-aisle of Westminster Abbey, his effigies ½ on an altar, with this inscription:—
Qui fide antiqua et opera assidua
Britannicam antiquitatem indagavit
Simplicitatem innatam
honestis studiis excoluit
Animi solertiam candore illustravit
Gulielmus Camdenius
ab Elizabetha regina ad regis armorum
(Clarentii titulo) dignitatem evocatus
Spe certa resurgendi in Christo
Qui obiit anno Domini 1623, 9 Novembris,
Aetatis suae 74:
in his hand a booke, on the leaves wherof is writt BRITANNIA.
Mr. Camden much studied the Welsh language, and
Anthony Wood's lettre sayth that some of them are in Sir Henry St. George's hands
Ratliff church (which was intended
This alderman Canning did also build and well endow the religious house at Westbury or Henbury (vide Speede's mappe and chronicle); 'tis about two or three miles from Bristowe in the rode to Aust-passage.
In his old age he retired to this house and entred into that order. He built his owne monument at his church at Ratcliff where is an inscription, which gett
He writt a treatise of metaphysique—quaere Dr. <Thomas> Barlowe, etc., de hoc: as also of his sermons, particularly the sermon that by the king's command he preached at his returne from Edge-hill fight.
'Tis not to be forgott that king Charles 1st dropt a teare at the newes of his death.
William Cartwright was buried in the south aisle in Christ Church, Oxon. Pitty 'tis so famous a bard should lye without an inscription.
His father was a gentleman of 300 li. per annum. He kept his inne at Cirencester, but a year or therabout, where he declined and lost by it too. He had by his wife 100 li. per annum, in Wiltshire, an impropriation, which his son has now (but having many children, lives not handsomely and haz lost his learning: he was by the second wife, whose estate this was). Old Mr. Cartwright lived sometime at Leckhampton, Gloc., wher his daughters now live.
His mother was daughter and heir of Sir <Laurence> Tanfield, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, by whom he had Great Tue, in Oxfordshire (formerly the Rainesfords), and the Priory of Burford, in Oxfordshire, which he sold to <William> Lenthall, the Speaker of the Long Parliament.
He was borne ... (quaere); had his University education at the University of Dublin, in Ireland. He travelled, and had one Mr. ... (a very discreet gentleman) to be his governor
He maried Letice, the daughter of Sir <Richard> Morison, by whom he had two sonnes: the eldest lived to be a man, died sine prole; the second was father to this lord Falkland now living.
This lady Letice was a good and pious lady, as you may see by her life writt about 1649, or 50, by ... Duncomb, D.D. But I will tell you a pretty story from William Hawes, of Trin. Coll., who was well acquainted with the governor aforesaid, who told him that my lady was (after the manner of woemen) much governed by, and indulgent to, the nursery; when she had a mind to beg any thing of my lord for one of her woemen
Quam, oculos terendo misere, vix vi expresserit,
Terent. Eunuch. Act 1, Scene 1.
N.B.:—my lord in his youth was very wild, and also mischievous, as being apt to stabbe and doe bloudy mischiefs; but 'twas not long before he tooke-up to be serious, and then grew to be an extraordinary hard student. I have heard Dr. Ralph Bathurst
The studies in fashion in those dayes (in England) were poetry, and controversie with the church of Rome. My lord's mother was a zealous papist, who being very earnest to have her son of her religion, and her son upon that occasion, labouring hard to find the
My lord much lived at Tue, which is a pleasant seat, and about 12 miles from Oxford; his lordship was acquainted with the best witts of that University, and his house was like a Colledge, full of learned men
In the civill warres he adhered to King Charles I, who after Edge-hill fight made him Principall Secretary of Estate (with Sir Edward Nicholas), which he dischardged with a great deale of witt and prudence, only his advice was very unlucky to his Majestie, in perswading him (after the victory
The next day, when they went to bury the dead, they could not find his lordship's body, it was stript, trod-upon, and mangled; so there was one that had wayted on him in his chamber would undertake to know it from all other bodyes, by a certaine mole his lordship had in his neck, and by that marke did find it. He lies interred in the ... at Great Tue aforesaid, but, I thinke, yet without any monument; quaere if any inscription.
In the dining roome there is a picture of his at length, and like him ('twas donne by Jacob de Valke, who taught me to paint). He was but a little man, and of no great strength of body; he had blackish haire, something flaggy, and I thinke his eies black. Dr. Earles would not allow him to be a good poet, though a great witt; he writt not a smoth verse, but a greate deal of sense. He hath writt....
He had an estate in Hertfordshire, at ..., which came by Morrison (as I take it); sold not long before the late civill warres.
He had collected in Italie, France, &c., with no small chardge, as many manuscript mathematicall bookes as filled a hoggeshead, which he intended to have printed; which if he had live<d> to have donne, the growth of mathematicall learning had been 30 yeares or more forwarder then 'tis. But he died of the scurvey, contracted by hard study, about 1652 (quaere), and left one Mr. ..., an attorney of Clifford's Inne, his executor, who shortly after died, and left his wife executrix, who sold this incomparable collection aforesaid by weight to the past-board makers for wast paper. ? A good caution for those that have good MSS. to take care to see them printed in their life-times.
He dyed ... and was buried in the vault of the family of the duke of Newcastle, at Bolsover, in the countie of <Derby>.
He is mentioned by Mersennus. Dr. John Pell (who knew him, and made him one of his XII jurymen contra Longomontanum) tells me that he writt severall things in mathematiques for his owne pleasure.
He was borne at ... anno.... He was well educated, and then travelled into France, Italie, &c.; but was so extremely delighted in travelling, that he went into Greece, all over; and that would not serve his turne but he would goe to Babylon, and then his governour would not adventure to goe any further with him; but to see Babylon he was to march in the Turks' armie. This account I had many yeares since, scilicet 1642, from my cosen Edmund Lyte, who was then gentleman usher to his mother the countesse dowager.
Mr. Thomas Hobbes told me that this Mr. Cavendish told him that the Greekes doe sing their Greeke.—In Herefordshire they have a touch of this singing; our old divines had. Our old vicar of Kington St. Michael, Mr. Hynd, did sing his sermons rather then reade them. You may find in Erasmus that the monkes used this fashion, who mocks them, that sometimes they would be very lowe, and by and by they would be mighty high, quando nihil opus est.—Anno 1660 comeing one morning to Mr. Hobbes, his Greeke Xenophon lay open on the board: sayd he, 'Had you come but a little sooner you had found a Greeke here that came to see me, who understands the old Greeke; I spake to him to read here in this booke, and he sang
????? ?e?de ?e? ??????de? ??????? ? ?????p??.
Grantham, in Lincolnshire, taken by col. Cavendish for the king, 23 March, 1642/3, and after demolished.—Young Hotham routed at Ancaster by col. Cavendish, 11 Apr. 1643.—Parliament forces routed or defeated at Dunnington by col. Cavendish, 13 June, 1643.
Mercurius Aulicus, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 1643; 'It was advertised from Newarke that his majestie's forces having planted themselves at the siege of Gainsborough in com. Linc., were sett upon by the united powers of Cromwell, Nottingham, and Lincolne, the garrisons of these townes being almost totally drawn-out to make-up this army, which consisted of 24 troupes of horse and dragoons. Against this force, col. Cavendish having the command of 30 troupes of horse and dragoons, drawes out 16 only, and leaving all the rest for a reserve, advanced towards them, and engaged himselfe with this small partie against all their strength. Which being observed by the rebells, they gott between him and his reserve, routed his 16 troupes, being forespent with often watches, killed lievetenant-colonel Markam, most valiantly fighting in defence of his king and countrey. The most noble and gallant colonel himselfe, whilest he omitted no part of a brave commander, being cutt most dangerously in the head, was struck-off his horse, and so unfortunately shott with a brace of bullets after he was on the ground, whose life was most pretious to all noble and valiant gentlemen. Wherupon the reserve coming, routed and cutt downe the partie.'
This was donne either the 28 or 29 of July, 1643, for upon this terrible rout, the lord Willoughby of Parham
His body was first buried at ...,
Funerall Sermon, by William Naylour, her chaplain, preached at Darby, Feb. 18, 1674. Lond. for Henry Broome. Texte, 2 Sam. iii. 38th verse.—page 16:
'He was the souldiers' mignion, and his majestie's darling, designed by him generall of the northern horse (and his commission was given him), a great marke of honour for one of about five and twenty: "thus shall it be donne to the man whom the king delights to honour."
'Col. Cavendish was a princely person, and all his actions were agreable to that character: he had in an eminent degree that which the Greekes call e?d?? ????? t??a???d??, the semblance and appearance of a man made to governe. Methinkes he gave cleare this indication, the king's cause lived with him, the king's cause died with him—when Cromwell heard that he was slaine, he cried upon it We have donne our businesse.
'And yet two things (I must confess) this commander knew not, pardon his ignorance,—he knew not to flie away—he knew not how to aske quarter—though an older did, I meane ... Henderson; for when this bold person entred Grantham on the one side, that wary gentleman, who should have attaqued it, fled away on the other. If Cato thought it usurpation in Caesar to give him his life, Cavendish thought it a greater for traytors and rebells of a common size to give him his. This brave hero might be opprest, (as he was at last by numbers) but he could not be conquered; the dying words of Epaminondas will fitt him, Satis vixi, invictus etiam morior.
'Secondly, consider the noble Charles Cavendish in his extraction, and so he is a branch of that family, of which some descended that are kings of Scotland: this the word Fuimus joyned to his maternall
'Consider Abner in the manner of his fall, that was by a treacherous hand, and so fell Cavendish. II Sam. iii. 27, "and when Abner was returned to Hebron, Joab tooke him aside in the gate to speake with him quietly, and smote him there under the fifth rib, that he died, for the bloud of Asahel
'Thirdly and lastly, the place of his fall, that was in Israel.... Here Abner fell in his, and Cavendish fell in our Israel—the Church of England.... In this Church brave Cavendish fell, and what is more then that, in this Churches quarrel....
'Thus I have compared colonel Cavendish with Abner, a fighting and a famous man in Israel; you see how he does equal, how he does exceed him.'
The first lord Burley (who was Secretary of Estate) was at first but <a> country-schoole-master, and (I thinke Dr. Thomas Fuller sayes, vide Holy State) borne in Wales.
I remember (when I was a schooleboy at Blandford) Mr. Basket, a reverend divine, who was wont to beg us play-dayes, would alwayes be
'He made Cicero's Epistles his glasse, his rule, his oracle, and ordinarie pocket-booke' (Dr. J. Web in preface of his translation of Cicero's Familiar Epistles).
He was a well-bred gentleman, and of very good naturall parts, and of an agreable humour. He had the accomplishments of studies at home, and travells in France, Italie, and Germanie.
About anno ... (quaere John Collins) riding a hunting in Yorkeshire (where the allum workes now are), on a common, he
He was as far from a puritan as the East from the West. He was of the naturall religion, and of Henry Martyn's gang, and one who loved to enjoy the pleasures of this life. He was (they say) a good scholar, but he wrote nothing that I heare of, onely an anonymous pamphlett, 8vo, scil. An account of the Discovery of Moyses's Tombe; which was written very wittily. It was about 1652. It did sett the witts of all the Rabbis of the
He had a trick sometimes to goe into Westminster hall in a morning in Terme time, and tell some strange story
After the restauration of King Charles the Second, he
D. O. M.
Georgius Chapmannus
Poeta Homericus Philosophus
. . . . . . o (etsi Christianus
. . . . . . otus) per quam celeriter
. . . V: LXXVII fatis concessit
. . . die Maii anno Salutis
Humanae M D C XXXIV
H. S. E.
Ignatius Jones architectus
regius ob honorem bonarum
literarum familiari suo
hoc monumentum
D. S. P. F. C.
In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6v, Aubrey asks, 'quaere if ... Chapman is in the first part?' i.e. in MS. Aubr. 6 (Lives, Part i.): but no life of Chapman is found in that volume.
[621]Concerning Mr. Charnocke.
Mr. Wells of Bridgewater performed his promise. He writes that the house was lately pulled down, and is new built from the ground, all except the wall at the east end. He could make nothing of what was only left over the chimney; but he found the little dore that led out of the lodging-chamber into the little Athanor roome. Of that you have an account in the enclosed draught.
The two roses I take to be the white and red, termes common with Charnocke for the two magisteries. The two animals over them I suppose are wolves, denoting the
I obliged a painter to goe over soon after I had been there and take all he could find exactly. He was there, but I could never get anything from him: an ingeniose man, but egregiously carelesse.
Looking back I find this noted by me—June 22, 1681; the place in the Athanor roome in which he kept his
I find this added:—'Twas painted about the chimney thus:—on the left side of the chimney proceeded from a red stalk streaked with white, first, a paire of red branches, then a paire of white, then of red, then one of white to the top; something like a rabbit's head painted looking from the chimney to the foot of the sayd stalk.—The next picture separated as by a pillar on the chimney:—from one stalke, two white branches, of either side one; then two red, above; then two white; then at the top this , the balls of a dusky yellow.—The next picture is also distinguished by a pillar on the chimney to the right side: this <is> quite obscured by smoake.
In the left corner of the roome another picture described, with double branches, white, then red, then white, then one on the top red.
This is all I can say of that place, of which I wish I were capable of sending a better account.
The other side of Mr. Wells's paper gives you one of the schemes in the middle of the roll, which is now by me.
The transcription of the thing, said to be Ripley's, should cost Mr. Ashmole nothing, were I not under an obligation not to impart it to any. It may be greatly to his losse who did communicate it to me, if the owner should know I have it. If I can contrive a way to send it with leave I shall be ambitious to gratify that worthy person.
your etc.
And. Paschall.
I received and returne thankes for yours.
Since my last I got leave to transcribe what Mr. Charnocke wrote on the backside of the rolle, which I heer send you. I kept as neare as I could to the very errours of his pen, by which it may in part be seen that he was, as he professes, an unlettered scholar. The inside of the rolle (which is all in Latine, and perhaps the same with the scrowle mentioned in Theatrum Chemicum, p. 375) was composed by a great master in the Hermetic philosophy and written by a master of his pen. Some notes written in void spaces of it by Mr. Charnocke's hand shew he did not (at least throughly) understand it. But it seemes to me that this rolle was a kind of Vade mecum or manuall that the students in that wisdome carryed about with them. I presume 'twas drawn out of Raymund Lully, of which I shall be able to gaine fuller satisfaction when I have his workes come down.
I was also, since my last, at Mr. Charnocke's house in Comag, where the rolle was found; and saw the place where 'twas hid. I saw the litle roome and contrivance he had for keeping his worke, and found it ingeniosely ordered so as to prevent a like accident to that which befell him New Yeare's day, 1555; and this pretty place joining as a closet to his chamber was to make a servant needlesse and the worke of giving attendance more easy to himselfe. I have also a litle iron instrument found there which he made use of about his fire. I sawe on the doore of his little Athanor-room, if I may so call it, drawn by his own hand, with course colours and work, but ingeniously, an embleme of his worke, at which I gave some guesses, and so about the walls of his chamber. I thinke
As I was taking horse to come home from this pleasant entertainment, I see a pretty ancient man come forth of the next doore. I asked him how long he had lived there. Finding that it was the place of his birth, I inquired if he had ever heard anything of that Mr. Charnocke. He told me he had heard his mother (who dyed about 12 or 14 yeares since and was 80 yeares of age at her decease) often speake of him; that he kept a fire in, divers yeares; that his daughter lived with him; that once he was gone forth, and by her neglect (whome he trusted it with in his absence) the fire went out and so all his worke was lost; the brazen head was very neare comeing to speake, but so was he disappointed.
I suppose the pleasant-humoured man—for that he was so appeares by his breviary—alludeing to Frier Bacon's story, did so put off the inquisitivenes of his simple neighbours, and thence it is come down there by tradition till now.
Indeed it appeares by the inclosed lines that when he wrote the rolle he had attained but to the white stone, which is perhaps not half the way to the red,
('Put me to my sister Mercury, I congeale into silver'); and, if the old woman's tale were true, he might afterwards be going on and be come neare to the red and then that vexing accident might befall him; and this might be, notwithstanding what is sayd in the fragment, referred to the yeare 1574, for (being so neare the red as the traditionall story sayes he was) he might see in that 50th yeare of his age that the white was ferment to the red.
You may observe my calculation differs in one thing from Mr. Ashmole's in his notes upon Theatrum Chemicum,
I thought when I set pen to paper to have given you an account of some conversation I have had with a person who is a zealous friend and admirer of this sort of knowledge, but I see I have already gone beyound bounds. I shal onely say he hath almost convinced me that it is not so hidden and obscure, so difficult and unaccountable, as men commonly seeme to beleeve. I am in hopes to receive, by Mr. Hooke's and Mr. Lodwick's favour, the lamp for which he was pleased to give directions some time since.
I have not yet seen my miller and his invention, though he promised to bring it to me; I presume 'tis not yet ready. I expect him dayly.
Pray give my humble service to our worthy friend, and to Mr. Pigott.
I am sure I now need the
At Stockeland, Bristowe, iiii myles from Brigewater, 1566.
The principall rules of naturall philosophy figuratively set fourth to the obtayning of the philosopher's stone, collectyd out of xl auctors by the unletteryd scholer Thomas Charnocke, studient in the sciencis off astronomie, physick, and naturall philosophie, the same year that he dedicatyd a booke off the science to queene Elizabeth of Englande which was Anno Domini 1566, and the viii yere off her raigne.
<MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 56v, gives the rest of the writing on the back of the roll; but the outer edge of the leaf is torn off, and the writing consequently imperfect>
. . . . . on the white and red rose
. . . . black appere sartayne
. . . xx or it wax bright
. . . lx after to black againe
. . . xx or it be perfet
. . . it or all quick things be dedd
. . . . . or this rose be redd
Thomas Charnocke [in
Beinge famisshed in a doungen of glas and all for my prevayle
<Ma>ny yeres I keapt this dragon in pryson strounge.
<Bef>ore I coulde mortiffy him I thought it lounge
<But> at the lenght by God's grace yff ye beleve my worde
<I> vanquished him wythe a fyrie sword.
The dragon speketh:—
. . . <n>ot have kylled me in fyelde in fighte
. . . <Cha>rnock nother for all his philosophie
. . . <pr>yson and famyne he had not famysshed me
<Guy of W>arwicke nor Bevys of Southehampton
. . . . fowght with Hidra the serpent
. . . . . e cowlde not have his intent
. . . . n the wyse inclose too in a toonne off brasse
. . . . d shutt up in a doungeon of glasse
. . . . lyffe was so quick and my poyson so strounge
. . . . e cowlde kyll me it was full lounge
. . . . he hyld me in prison day and nyght
. . <k>eapt me from sustenance to mynishe me myght
. . . When I saw none other remedye
. . . very hunger I eate myne one bodye
. . . . . by corruption I became black and dedd
<Th>at precious stone which is in my hedd
. . . be worth a Mli to him that hath skyll
<F>or that stone's sake he wysely dyd me kyll
<In d>eath I dyd hym forgyve even at the very hower
<Se>inge that he wylbe beneficiall unto the poore
When I was alyve I was but stronge poyson
Profitable for few things in conclusion
<Now th>at I ame now dying in myne owne blood
<N>ow I do excell all other wordeley good
<A> new name is given me of those that be wysse
<No>w I ame named the elixer off great price
<If y>ou wyll make prouff, put to me my sister mercury
<I will co>ngoyle hir into sylver in the twinkling off an eye
. . . . . . qualites I have many mo
. . . <foo>lyshe and ingenorant shall never kno
Few prelates and Masters of art within this reame
Do knowe aryght what I do meane
My great grawnt-father was killyd by Ravnde Lulli, knight of Spayne
And my g<r>awnt-father by Syr Gorge Rippley, a chanon of Yenglande sartayne
And my father by a chanon of Lechefelde was kylled truly
Who gave hym to his man Thomas Davton when he dyd dye
And my mother by Mr. Thomas Norton off Bristow slayn was
And each of these were able to make
And now I ame made the great and riche elixer allso
That my master shall never lack whether he ryde or go
But he and all other must have great feare and aye
As secrettely as they can to exchaunge my increase awaye.
* * * * * * *
Here Charnock changeth to a better cheere
For the sorrow that he hath sufferyd many a yere
Or that he could accomplish the regiment of his fyre
Wherefore in thy hartt now prease God allway
And do good deeds with it whatsoever thou may
Therefore thy god gave this science unto thee
To be his stuarde and refresh the poore and needie.
Anno D. 1526—Thomas Charnocke borne at Feversham in Kent.
He travailed all England over to gain his knowledge.
1554/5—He attained the secret from his master of Salisbury close, who dying left his worke with him.
He lost it by fireing his tabernacle on a New Yeare's day.
About this time being 28 yeares of age, he learned the secret againe of the prior of Bathe.
He began anew with a servant, and againe by himselfe alone without a servant.
He continued it nine monthes; was within a month of his reckoning; the crowe's head began to appear black.
1557—He, pressed on a warre proclaimed against the French (Burnet's History, part 2, p. 355), broke and cast all away. January 1, he began; July 20, he ended, his Breviary.
1562—He marryed Agnes Norden at Stockland, Bristoll.
1563—He buryed Absolon his son.
1566—He dedicated a booke to Queen Elizabeth 9 yeares after the Breviary was penned.
He dated the rolle at Stockland.
1572—He wrote the posy on the rolle.
1573—the fragment
1574—that he never saw the white ferment to the red till that 50th yeare of his age.
1576—the difficulty of the philosophick number in the roll.
1581—Buryed at Otterhampton neare Stockland out of his house at Comage where he kept his worke.
1587—Bridget Charnock (probably his daughter that kept his house when his fire was sayd to go out), marryed to one ... Thatcher in Stockland.
Collected out of the Roll, the register, and Theatrum Chemicum.
He taught his sonne the use of <the> astrolabe at 10; prout per his treatise of the Astrolabe.
Dunnington Castle, neer Newbury, was his; a noble seate and strong castle, which was held by the King (Charles Ist) (who governour?) but since dismanteled.
Memorandum:—neer this castle was an oake, under which Sir Jeofrey was wont to sitt, called Chaucer's-oake, which was cutt downe by ... ... tempore Caroli Imi; and so it was, that ... ... was called into the starre chamber, and was fined for it.... Judge Richardson
His picture is at his old howse at Woodstock (neer the parke-gate), a foot high, halfe way: has passed from proprietor to proprietor.
About anno ... he was acquainted with one ... who drew him and some other scholars over to Doway, where he was not so well entertained as he thought he merited for his great disputative witt. They made him the porter (which was to trye his temper, and exercise his obedience): so he stole over and came to Trinity College againe, where he was fellowe.
William Laud, A. B. C.
Qui non defendit alio culpante, solutos
Qui captat risus hominum famamque dicacis,
Fingere qui non visa potest, commissa tacere
Qui nequit: hic niger est; hunc tu, Romane, caveto.
Horat. lib. I, sat. iv.
He was a little man, blackish haire, of a saturnine complexion.
The lord Falkland (vide <life of> lord Falkland) and he had such extraordinary clear reasons, that they were wont to say at Oxon that if the great Turke were to be converted by naturall reason, these two were the persons to convert him.
He lies buried in the south side of the cloysters at Chichester, where he dyed of the morbus castrensis after the taking of Arundel castle by the parliament: wherin he was very much blamed by the king's soldiers for his advice in military affaires there, and they curst that little priest and imputed the losse of the castle to his advice. In his sicknesse he was inhumanely treated by Dr. Cheynell
This following inscription was made and set-up by Mr. Oliver Whitby
Virtuti sacrum.
Spe certissimae resurrectionis
Hic reducem expectat animam
Gulielmvs Chillingworth,
S. T. P.
Oxonii natus et educatus,
Collegii Stae Trinitatis olim
Socius, Decus et Gloria.
Omni Literarum genere celeberrimus,
Ecclesiae Anglicanae adversus Romano-Catholicam
Propugnator invictissimus,
Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis Praecentor
Sine Exequiis,
Furentis cujusdam Theologastri,
Doctoris Cheynell
Diris et maledictione sepultus:
Honoris et Amicitiae ergo,
Ab Olivero Whitby,
Brevi hoc monimento,
Posterorum memoriae consecratus,
Anno Salutis,
My tutor, W. Browne
I have heard Mr. Thomas Hobbes, Malmesb. (who knew him), say, that he was like a lusty fighting fellow that did drive his enimies before him, but would often give his owne party smart
When Doctor Kettle, (the president of Trin. Coll. Oxon.) dyed
The best account of his expedition with his fleet to America is to be found in Purchas's Pilgrim. He tooke from the Spaniards to the value of seaven or 8 hundred thousand poundes. When he returned with this riche
Virtutis comes Invidia)
layed their heads together and concluded 'twas too much for a subject to have, and confiscated it all to the queen, even shippes and all, and to make restauration to the Spaniard, that he was forced to sell fifteene thousand pounds per annum. My lady Thanet told me she sawe the accounts in writing. The armada of the Argonautes was but a trifle to this.
As I take it, Sir Walter Ralegh went this brave voyage with his lordship; and Mr. Edmund Wright, the excellent navigator; and, not unlikely, Mr. Harriot too.
This was the breaking of that ancient and noble family; but Robert, earl of Salisbury (who was the chiefest enemie) afterwards maried his daughter, as above, as he might well be touch't in conscience, to make some recompence after he had donne so much mischiefe.
That he was an acquaintance of Sir Walter Raleigh, I remember by this token, that Sir James Long told me that one time he came to Draycot with Sir Walter Raleigh from Bathe, and, hunting a buck in the parke there, his horse made a false step in a conie-borough and threw him and brake the kennell-bone of his shoulder.
George, <third> earl of Cumberland, had seaven
Vide epistle to George, earl of Cumberland, before the History of the Massacre.
Henry, <fifth> earl of Cumberland, was a poet; the countesse of Corke and Burlington haz still his verses. He was of Christ Church, Oxon
obiit 34 Henry VIII <1542>; sepult. in ecclesia
Skippon. Knight of the Garter.
Henry, lord Clifford, second earle m. Anne, daughter of William, lord
of Cumberland, obiit 12 Eliz., 8 " Dacres of Gillesland, his second
Januarii 1570 <i.e. 69/70>. He " wife. She died in Skipton Castle
was knight of the most noble order " in July 1581, and was buryed in
of the Garter, and lord of " the vault of that Church.
Westmorland and Vesse. Buried in "
Skippon Church. "
" "
1. George, third m. Margaret, 2. Francis, m. Mris Grizell Hughes
earl of Cumberland, " daughter erearl of " of Uxbridge, widow
knight of the " of Francis, Cumberland. " to Thomas
the famous " Bedford. " Abergavenny.
expedition to " "
America. Obiit " +------+
1605 in the Savoy " "
at London. Sepult. " "
in Skippon Church. " "
" "
Richard, m. Lady Anne m. Philip, Henry, lord m. Frances Cecill,
earle of " Clifford earl of Clifford; " only daughter of
Dorset. " (quaere Pembroke, last earl of " Robert, earl of
Obiit at " obiit). etc. Cumberland " Salisbury, Lord
Dorset " of that line. " High Treasurer.
house, " Obiit in " Obiit 14 Feb.
28 March, " Yorke, 1643. " 1643.
1624. " "
" +---+
" "
had issue only Elizabeth maried Richard
two daughters. Clifford, (1635) Boyle,
borne in earle of
Skipton Corke and
Castle. 1613. Burlington.
Quaere Roger Coke of what house he was in Cambridge, or if ever at the University.
Old John Tussell (that was my attorney) haz told me that he gott a hundred thousand pounds in one yeare, viz. 1º Jacobi, being then attorney-generall. His advice was that every man of estate (right or wrong) should sue-out his pardon, which cost 5 li. which
He left an estate of eleaven thousand pounds per annum. Sir John Danvers
He was chamber-fellow to the Lord Chiefe Baron Wyld's father (Serjeant Wyld
After he was putt out of his place of Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench
He maried, his second wife, ..., the relickt of Sir ... Hatton, who was with child when he maried her
He dyed at Stoke-poges in com. Bucks ... 1638
For his moralls, see Sir W. Raleigh's Tryall.
He shewed himselfe too clownish and bitter in his carriage to Sir Walter Ralegh at his triall, where he sayes 'Thou traytor,' at every word, and 'thou lyest like a traytor.' See it in Sir Walter Ralegh's life, Lond. 1678, 8vo.
His rule:—
Quatuor orabis, des epulisque duas,
Quod reliquum est tempus sacris largire Camenis.
He playes
'Dominum cognoscite vestrum';
Cuff replied,'My lord, you leave out the former part of the verse
Acteon ego sum'—
reflecting on his being a cuckold.
Sir Edward Coke did envie
Memorandum:—he was of Clifford's Inne before he was of the Inner Temple, as the fashion then was first to be of an Inne of Chancery.
Memorandum:—when the play called Ignoramus (made by one Ruggle of Clare-hall) was acted with great applause before King James, they dressed Sir Ignoramus like Chief Justice Coke and cutt his beard like him and feigned his voyce. Mr. Peyton, our vicar of Chalke, was then a scholar at Kings College and sawe it. This drollery did ducere in seria mala: it sett all the lawyers against the clergie, and shortly upon this Mr. Selden wrote of Tythes not jure divino.
Cardinal Mezarin found that his stables were very chardgeable to him, and was imposed upon in accompts. He hearing of this merchant Colbert to be a great master in this art, sends for him and desires him to make inspection into his accounts and putt him into a better method to avoyd being abused. Which he did, and that so well that he imployed him in ordering the accounts of all his estate and found him so usefull that he also made use of him to methodize and settle the accompts of the king. This was his rise.—From Dr. John Pell.
He is a tayler in Graies Inne lane.
He hath published an ingeniose discourse called Clavis Astrologiae, in English, 1669.
He is a man of admirable parts, and more to be expected from him every day: and as good a natured man as can be. And comes by his learning meerly by the strong impulse of his genius. He understands Latin and French: yet never learned out his grammar.
He was a woman's tayler: tooke to the love of astrologie, in which he grew in a short time a good proficient; and in Mr. W. Lilly's later time, when his sight grew dimme, was his amanuensis.
He hath great practise in astrologie, and teacheth mathematiques. He hath published Clavis Astrologiae, 1675, a thick octavo, the second edition, wherein he has compiled clearly the whole science out of the best authors.
'Henry Coley, astrologer, born at Oxon, 1633, October 18, 2h 15´ 4? P.M., latit. 51° 42´.'
Dr. Edward Davenant told me that this learned man had a shrew to his wife, who was irreconcileably angrie with him for sitting-up late at night so, compileing
He dyed <29 Apr. 1594>.
In Thesaurum Thomae Cooper, Magdalenensis, hexasticon Richardi Stephani.
Hermus, et auriferi nobilis unda Tagi,
Vilescant Croesi gemmae Midaeque talenta,
Major apud Britones
Hoc, Wainflete, tuo gens Anglica debet alumno,
Qui vigili nobis tanta labore dedit.
By Poynter's name then by his owne
Here lies engaged till the day
Of raysing bones and quickning clay:
No wonder, reader, that he hath
Two sirnames in one epitaph,
For this one doth comprehend
All that both families could lend—
who was a gardner at Twicknam, as I have heard my old cosen Whitney say. Vide in B. Johnson's Underwoods an epitaph on this Vincent Corbet, where he speakes of his nurseries etc., p. 177.
He was a Westminster scholar; old parson Bussey, of Alscott in Warwickshire, went to schoole with him—he would say that he was a very handsome man, but something apt to abuse, and a coward.
He was a student (vide Anthony Wood's Antiq. Oxon.) of Christ-church in Oxford. He was very facetious, and a good fellowe. One time he and some of his acquaintance being merry at Fryar Bacon's study (where was good liquor sold), they were drinking on the leads of the house, and one of the scholars was asleepe, and had a paire of good silke stockings on. Dr. Corbet (then M.A., if not B.D.) gott a paire of cizers and cutt them full of little holes, but when the other awaked, and percieved how and by whom he was abused, he did chastise him, and made him pay for them.
After he was D. of Divinity, he sang ballads at the Crosse at Abingdon on a market-day. He and some of
After the death of Dr. <William Goodwyn>, he was made deane of Christ-church (quaere if ever canon); vide
He had a good interest with great men, as you may find in his poems, and with the then great favourite, the duke of Bucks; his excellent witt was lettres of recommendation to him. I have forgott the story, but at the same time that Dr. <Samuel> Fell thought to have carried it, Dr. Corbet putt a pretty trick on <him> to lett him take a journey on purpose to London for it, when he had already the graunt of it.
He preacht a sermon before the king at Woodstock (I suppose king James, quaere) and no doubt with a very good grace; but it happened that he was out, on which occasion there were made these verses:—
With his band
Did preach before the King;
In his band string was spied
A ring that was tied
Was not that a pretty thing?
If then without doubt,
In his text he was out
. . . . . . next,
The ring without doubt
For all that were there,
On my conscience, dare sweare,
That he handled it more than his text:—
vide the verses.
Anno Domini <1628> he was made bishop of Oxford, and I have heard that he had an admirable, grave, and venerable aspect.
One time, as he was confirming, the country people pressing in to see
His chaplain, Dr. Lushington
He built a pretty house (quaere) neer the cawsey beyond Friar Bacon's studie.
He married
He was made bishop of Norwich, Anno Domini <1632>. He dyed <28 July, 1635>. The last words he sayd were, 'Good night, Lushington.' He lyes buried in the upper end of the choire at Norwich, [on the south side of the monument of bishop Herbert, the founder, under a faire gravestone of free-stone, from whence the inscription
His poems are pure naturall witt, delightfull and easie.
Quaere what he hath writt besides his poems: vide part iii, p.
It appeares by his verses to Master Ailesbury
As Rauleigh from his voyage, and no more.
In his band-string tyed.'
This was when Sherburne castle was besieged, and when the fight was at Babell hills, between Sherburn and Yeovill: the first fight in the civill warres that was considerable. But the first brush was between the earle of Northampton (father to Henry, the lord bishop of London) and the lord Brooke, neer Banbury: which was the later end of July, or the beginning of August, 1642. I
But to returne to T. Coryat: had he lived to returne into England, his travells had been most estimable, for though he was not a wise man, he wrote faithfully matter of fact.
He was secretarie to the earle of St. Alban's (then lord Jermyn) at Paris. When his majestie returned, the duke of Buckingham hearing that at Chertsey was a good farme of about ... li. per annum, belonging to the queene-mother, goes to the earl of St. Alban's and the commissioners to
He lies interred at Westminster Abbey, next to Sir Jeffrey Chaucer, N., where the duke of Bucks has putt a neate monument of white marble, viz. a faire pedestall, wheron the inscription:—
Anglorum Pindarus, Flaccus, Maro,
Deliciae, Decus, Desiderium aevi sui,
Hic juxta situs est.
Et fam aeternÙm vivis, divine Poeta,
Hic placid jaceas requie; custodiat urnam
Cana Fides, vigilentque perenni lampade Musae;
Sit sacer iste locus. Nec quis temerarius ausit
Sacrileg turbare manu venerabile bustum.
Intacti maneant, maneant per secula, dulcis
Coulei cineres serventque immobile saxum.
Sic vovet,
Votumque suum apud posteros sacratum esse voluit, qui viro incomparabili posuit sepulcrale marmor, GEORGIUS dux BUCKINGHAMIAE.
Abraham Cowley excessit e vit anno aetatis suae 49; et, honorific pomp elatus ex Aedibus Buckinghamianis, viris
Above that a very faire urne, with a kind of ghirland of ivy about it.
The inscription was made by Dr. <Thomas> Spratt, his grace's chapellane: the Latin verses were made, or mended, by Dr. <Thomas> Gale.
On his very noble gravestone, his scutcheon, and
Abrahamus Couleius
H. S. E.
Memorandum:—this George, duke of Bucks, came to the earl of St. Albans and told him he would buy such a lease in Chertsey belonging to the queen mother. Said the earle to him, 'that is beneath your grace, to take a lease.' 'That is all one,' qd. he, 'I desire to have the favour to buy it for my money.' He bought it, and then freely bestowed it on his beloved Cowley: which ought not to be forgotten.
By Sir J. Denham:—
They'd both have made a <very> good witt.
—A. C. discoursed very ill and with hesitation.
He writ when a boy at Westminster ... poems and a comedy called Love's Riddle, dedicated to Sir Kenelme Digby; printed, London, ..., 8vo.
The Rev. H. E. D. Blakiston, of Trinity College, suggested to me the transliteration of 'Kenwurth' to 'Carnwarth.' Robert Dalzell succeeded as second earl of Carnwath in 1639, died 1654. He might be in conflict about Scotch matters with William Cecil, second earl of Salisbury, commissioner to treat with the Scots at Ripon, in 1640.
With all their faylings, Wilts cannot shew two such
His familiar acquaintance were ...
Quaere my lady viscountesse Purbec and also the lord Norris for an account of the behaviour and advice of Sir Charles Danvers in the businesse of the earl of Essex, which advice had the earle followed he had saved his life.
A great politician; great witt and spirit, but revengefull
Knew how to manage her estate as well as any man; understood jewells as well as any jeweller.
Very beautifull, but only short-sighted. To obtain pardons for her sonnes
Smyth of Smythcotes—Naboth's vineyard—digitus Dei
The arcanum—'traditio lampadis' in the family of Latimer
Quaere my brother William, and J. Stokes, for the examination order of the murther
'From Turke and Pope,' etc.
R. Wisdome was then lecturer and preacht that day, and Henry Long expired
Physick Garden <at Oxford>: inscriptions there; inscription at Dantesey.
<He> gave to Sir Thomas Overbury cloath.
<He> perfected his Latin when a man by parson Oldham of Dodmerton. <He was a> perfect master of the French; a historian; tall and spare; temperate; sedate and solid; a very great favorite of prince Henry; lived most at Cornbury; a great improver of his estate, to 11000 li. per annum at the least; sold the 7 Downes, and turned the
Richard Atwood, M.A. Oxon, 1576: another instance of 'Digitus Dei.'
He was of a mild and peaceable nature, and his sonnes' sad accident
Find a treasure worth your stay.
What makes a Danvers would you find?
In a faire bodie, a faire mind.
Sir John Danvers' earthly part
Here is copyed out by art:
But his heavenly and divine
In his progenie doth shine.
Had he only brought them forth,
Know that much had been his worth.
Ther's no monument to a sonne:
Reade him there
Dantesey (2500 li. per annum), not entailed, <was> forfeited and given to the duke of Yorke.
His son, John, by his last wife (<Grace> Hughes), has 500 li. per annum (old land) in Oxonshire, which was part of judge
Henry, the eldest son of Sir John Danvers, dyed before his father, and left his two sisters co-heires, viz. Elizabeth
<MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 97, gives 'eight coelestiall schemes
born 19 Oct., 1624, " Tuesday, 7 Aprill, 1629,
11h 48´ P.M. " 5h 26´ P.M.
Mris Frances Danvers, born Friday 12 July 1650, 0h 16´ P.M.
Mris Elizabeth Danvers, born Monday 10 November 1651, 10h 21´ P.M.
Mris Ann Danvers, born Sunday 23 October 1653, 5h 10´ A.M.
Mris Mary Danvers, born Saturday 10 November 1655, 7h 28´ A.M.
Mr. Robert Danvers, born Saturday 14 Martii 1656/7, 5h 30´ A.M.
Mr. Edward Danvers, born Thursday 28 Martii 1661, 4h 9´ A.M.
<Ask Elizabeth, viscountess Purbec> the year and day when her son, the lord Purbec, was killed in a duel at Liege? Respondet: he was killed in a duell at Liege about a year before the death of King Charles IId—I thinke in the month of Aprill.
Literas, lyceo, rerumque usus, emporio, etc.
I will first speake of the father, for he was a rare
Nostris edoctus, ingentis hinc prudentiae
Extulit merces insulas ad Hibernicas;
Ubi annos viginti custos pacis publicae
Populum ditavit inopem, emollivit ferum,
Gratus et charus Anglis et Hibernicis.
Musis dilectus Latiis, nec minus Atticis,
Studiisque fratrem, hujus ecclesiae praesulem,
Fulserunt Gratiae, sed praenituit Pietas,
Quae in egenos tantum non fuit prodiga.
Post varios casus, in vitae actu ultimo
Cum luctu
Quid multis? Scias hoc, lector: vivus memoria
Pollebat mirÂ, mortuus redolet suavi.
{ Aerae Christianae ...
He went to school at Merchant Taylors' school, from thence to Queen's Colledge in Cambridge, of which house his uncle, John Davenant, (afterwards bishop of Sarum), was head, where
When his uncle was preferred to the church of Sarum, he made his nephew treasurer of the church, which is the best dignity, and gave him the vicaridge of Gillingham in com. Dorset, and then Paulsholt parsonage, neer the Devises, which last in the late troubles he resigned to his wive's brother <William> Grove.
He was to his dyeing day of great diligence in study, well versed in all kinds of learning, but his genius did most strongly encline him to the mathematiques, wherin he has written (in a hand as legible as print) MSS. in 4to a foot high at least. I have often heard him say (jestingly) that he would have a man knockt in the head that should write any thing in mathematiques that had been written of before. I have heard Sir Christopher Wren say that he does beleeve he was the best mathematician in the world about 30 or 35 + yeares agoe. But being a divine he was
He very rarely went any farther then the church, which is hard by his house. His wife was a very discreet and excellent huswife, that he troubled himselfe about no mundane affaires, and 'tis a private place, that he was but little diverted with visitts.
I have writt to his executor, that we may have the honour and favour to conserve his MSS. in the Library of the Royal Societie, and to print what is fitt. I hope I shall obtaine my desire. And the bishop of Exon (<Thomas> Lamplugh) maried the Dr's second daughter Katherine, and he was tutor to Sir Joseph Williamson, our President. He had a noble library, which was the aggregate of his father's, the bishop's, and his owne.
He was of middling stature, something spare; and weake, feeble leggs; he had sometimes the goute; was of great temperance, he alwayes dranke his beer at meales with a toast, winter and summer, and sayd it made the beer the better.
He was not only a man of vast learning, but of great goodnes and charity; the parish and all his friends will have a great losse in him. He tooke no use for money upon bond. He was my singular good friend, and to whom I have been more beholding then to any one beside; for I borrowed five hundred pounds of him for a yeare and a halfe, and I could not fasten any interest on him.
He was very ready to teach and instruct. He did
His most familiar learned acquaintance was Lancelot Morehouse, parson of Pertwood. I remember when I was a young Oxford scholar, that he could not endure to heare of the New (Cartesian, or &c.) Philosophy; 'for,' sayd he, 'if a new philosophy is brought-in, a new divinity will shortly follow' (or 'come next'); and he was right.
He dyed at his house at Gillingham aforesaid, where he
He was heire to his uncle, John Davenant, bishop of Sarum. Memorandum:—when bishop Coldwell
He had 6 sonnes and 4 daughters. There was a good schoole at Gillingham: at winter nights he taught his sonnes Arithmetic and Geometric; his 2 eldest daughters, especially Mris Ettrick, was a notable Algebrist.
? Memoria. He had an excellent way of improving
He bought the advowson of Newton-tony, Wilts, which he gave to Queene's College
He hung the choire of Sarum with purple velvet, which was plundered in the sacrilegious times.
His father was John Davenant, a vintner there, a very grave and discreet citizen: his mother was a very beautifull woman, and of a very good witt, and of conversation extremely agreable. They had three sons, viz. 1, Robert
Mr. William Shakespeare was wont to goe into Warwickshire once a yeare, and did commonly in his journey lye at this house in Oxon. where he was exceedingly respected. [I
He went to schoole at Oxon to Mr. Sylvester (Charles Whear, filius Degorii W., was his schoolefellowe), but I feare he was drawne from schoole before he was ripe enough.
He was preferred to the first dutches of Richmond to wayte on her as a page. I remember he told me, she sent him to a famous apothecary for some Unicornes-horne, which he was resolved to try with a spider which he incircled
He was next a servant (as I remember, a page also) to Sir Fulke Grevil
He writt a play or playes, and verses, which he did with so much sweetnesse and grace, that by it he got the love and friendship of his two Mecaenasses, Mr. Endymion Porter, and Mr. Henry Jermyn (since earl of St. Albans), to whom he has dedicated his poem called Madegascar. Sir John Suckling also was his great and intimate friend.
After the death of Ben Johnson he was made in his place Poet Laureat.
He gott a terrible clap of a black handsome wench that lay in Axe-yard, Westminster, whom he thought on when
And markes recieved in countrey's cause:
They flew on him like lyons passant,
And tore his nose as much as was on't,
And call'd him superstitious groome,
And Popish Dog, and Cur of Rome.
. . . . . 'Twas surely the first time
That Will's religion was a crime.'
In the civill warres in England he was in the army of William, marquess of Newcastle (since duke), where he was generall of the ordinance. I have heard his brother Robert say, for that service there was owing to him by King Charles the First 10000 li. During that warre, 'twas his hap to have two aldermen of Yorke his prisoners, who were something stubborne, and would not give the ransome ordered by the councell of warr. Sir William used them civilly, and treated them in his tent, and sate them at the upper end of his table À la mode de France, and having donne so a good while to his chardge, told them (privately and friendly) that he was not able to keepe so chargeable guests, and bad them take an opportunity to escape, which they did; but having been gon a little way they considered with themselves that in gratitude they ought to goe back and give Sir William their thankes; which they did, but it was like to have been to their great danger of being taken by the soldiers; but they happened to gett safe to Yorke.
The King's party being overcome, Sir William Davenant (who received the honour of knighthood from the duke of Newcastle by commision) went into France; resided
And which is more then that, our quiet.'
This last word Mr. Hobs told me was the occasion of their writing.
Here he layd an ingeniose designe to carry a considerable number of artificers (chiefly weavers) from hence to Virginia; and by Mary the queen-mother's meanes, he got favour from the king of France to goe into the prisons and pick and choose. So when the poor dammed wretches understood what the designe was, the<y> cryed uno ore—'Tout tisseran!' i.e. We are all weavers! Will. <took> 36, as I remember, if not
Being freed from imprisonment, (because playes, scil. Tragedies and Comoedies, were in those Presbyterian times scandalous) he contrives to set-up an Opera stylo recitativo, wherein serjeant Maynard and severall citizens were engagers. It began at Rutland-house, in Charter-house-yard; next, (scil. anno ...) at the Cock-pitt in Drury-lane, where were acted very well stylo recitativo, Sir Francis Drake's ..., and the Siege of Rhodes (1st and 2d part). It did affect the eie and eare extremely. This first brought scenes in fashion in England; before, at playes, was only a hanging.
Anno Domini 1660 was the happy restauration of his majestie Charles II. Then was Sir Wm. made ...; and the Tennis court in Little Lincolnes-Inne fielde was turn'd into a play-house for the duke of Yorke's players, where Sir William had lodgeings, and where he dyed, April the <7th> 166<8>
I was at his funerall. He had a coffin of walnutt-tree; Sir
His first lady was Dr. ...'s daughter, physitian,
Sir William hath writt about 25 (quaere) playes; the romance called Gondibert; and a little poeme called Madagascar.
His private opinion was that Religion at last,—e.g. a hundred yeares hence,—would come to settlement, and that in a kind of ingeniose Quakerisme.
Sir William was Poet Laureat; and Mr. John Dryden hath his place. But me thought it had been proper that a laurell should have been sett on his coffin—which was not donne.
He hath writt above 20 playes; besides his Gondibert and Madagascar.
Obiit Norwychi about 1650.
Memorandum:—Mr. Meredith Lloyd tells me that his father was Roland Dee
My great-grandfather, William Aubrey (LL.Dr.), and he were cosins, and intimate acquaintance. Mr. Ashmole hath letters between them, under their owne hands, viz. one of Dr. W. A. to him
Arthur Dee, M.D., his son, lived and practised at Norwich, an intimate friend of Sir Thomas Browne, M.D., who told me that Sir William Boswell, the Dutch ambassador, had all John Dee's MSS.: quaere his executors for his papers. He
Memorandum:—Sir William Boswell's widowe lives at Bradburne, neer Swynoke, in Kent. Memorandum:—Mr. Hake, of the Physitians' Colledge, hath a MS. of Mr. John Dee's, which see or gett.
Quaere A. Wood for the MSS. in the Bodlean library of Doctor Gwyn, wherein
Meredith Lloyd sayes that John Dee's printed booke of Spirits, is not above the third part of what was writt, which were in Sir Robert Cotton's library; many whereof were much perished by being buryed, and Sir Robert Cotton bought the field to digge after it.
Memorandum:—he told me of John Dee, etc., conjuring at a poole
His picture in a wooden cutt is at the end of Billingsley's Euclid, but Mr. Elias Ashmole hath a very good painted copie of him from his sonne Arthur. He had a very fair, clear
Investigatio cinerum ?
Old goodwife Faldo
He is buried (upon the matter) in the middest of the chancell, a little towards the south side. She sayd, he lies buried in the chancell between Mr. Holt and Mr. Miles, both servants to queen Elizabeth, and both have brasse inscriptions on their marble, and that there was on him a marble, but without any inscription, which marble is removed; on which old marble is signe of two or three brasse pinnes. A daughter of his (I thinke, Sarah) maried to a flax-dresser, in Southwarke: quaere nomen.
He dyed within a yeare, if not shortly, after the king of Denmark was here: vide Sir Richard Baker's Chronicle and Capt. Wharton's Almanac.
A stone was on his grave, which is since removed. At the upper end of the chancell then were steppes, which in Oliver's dayes were layd plaine by the minister, and then 'twas removed. The children when they played in the church would runne to Dr. Dee's grave-stone. She told me that he forewarned Q. Elizabeth of Dr. Lopez attempt against her (the Dr. bewrayed, —— himselfe).
He used to distill egge-shells, and 'twas from hence
He was a great peace-maker; if any of the neighbours fell out, he would never lett them alone till he had made them friends.
He was tall and slender. He wore a gowne like an artist's gowne, with hanging sleeves, and a slitt.
A mighty good man he was.
He was sent ambassador for Queen Elizabeth (shee thinkes) into Poland.
Memorandum:—his regayning of the plate for ...'s butler, who comeing from London by water with a basket of plate, mistooke another basket that was like his. Mr. J. Dee bid them goe by water such a day, and looke about, and he should see the man that had his basket, and he did so; but he would not gett the lost horses, though he was offered severall angells. He told a woman (his neighbour) that she laboured under the evill tongue of an ill neighbour (another woman), which came to her howse, who he sayd was a witch.
In J. David Rhesus' British Grammar, p. 60:—'Juxta Crucis amnem (Nant y groes), in agro Maessyuetiano, apud Cambro-brytannos, erat olim illustris quaedam Nigrorum familia, unde Joan Du, id est, Johannes ille cognomento Niger, Londinensis, sui generis ortum traxit: vir certe ornatissimus et doctissimus, et omnium hac nostra aetate tum Philosophorum tum Mathematicorum facile princeps: monadis illius Hieroglyphicae et Propaedeumatum aphoristicorum de praestantioribus quibusdam Naturae virtutibus, aliorumque non paucorum operum insignium autor eximius. Vir praeterea ob tam multam experientiam frequenti sua in tot transmarinas regiones peregrinatione comparatam, rerum quamplurimarum et abditarum peritissimus.'
In MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 36v, he gives in trick the coat for Dee's match '1578, Febr. 5,' with Jane Fromundz, viz.:—'in the 1 and 6, gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or [Dee]; in the 2, or, a lion rampant gules [...]; in the 3, ..., a lion rampant crowned sable [ ...]; in the 4, azure, a lion rampant ... [Dun]; in the 5, argent, on 2 bends gules 6 cross crosslets or [ ...],' as the coat of John Dee; impaling 'per chevron ermines and gules, a chevron between 3 fleur de lys or' [Fromundz], for Jane Fromundz. The motto is 'A Domino factum est istud.'
'From Stackton in parochia de Fordingbridge, die Jovis
The Accydents of the native, etc.
In November 1655, aged 15 yeare 8 moneths, went to London, to a master, a clerke in the Kinge's Bench.
In November followinge, aged 16 yeare 8 moneths, had the small pox.
In February and March 1658, an ague and feavor.
At the same tyme an uncle (the mother's brother) dyed, which gave the native a good legacy.
In 1661, purchased an estate.
In August 1662, hee marryed, which was one of the worst acts that etc.
In July 1663, hee had a sonn born, etc.
In June 1667, another sone.
In the same yeare in September, his father dyed etc., aged 70 etc.
In 1666, a very great feavor; in <16>67, another; in '68, a surfeite which caused another <fever>, etc.
In May '71, another sunn which lived but a fortnight, etc.
Many other accidents there are and remarkeable, but
He was a very wise man, and as a signe
Sir William Davenant was his great acquaintance and told me of him, and that after his returne into England he went to visit him, being then octogenary, and very decrepit with the gowt, but had his sight and understanding. He had a place made for him in the kitchen chimney; and, non obstante he was master of such an estate, Sir William sawe him slighted not only by his daughter-in-lawe, but by the cooke-mayd, which much affected him—misery of old age.
He wrote a booke of prudentiall advice, in quadrans, 8vo, in English verse, which I have seen, and there are good things in it.
Quaere Dr. Buzby if he was a Westminster schollar—I have forgot. Anno ... he was admitted of Trinity Colledge in Oxford, where he stayed.... His tutor there was.... I have heard Mr. Josias Howe say that he was the dreamingst young fellow; he never expected such things from him as he haz left the world. When he was there he would game extremely; when he had played away all his money he would play away his father's wrought rich gold cappes.
His father was Sir John Denham, one of the Barons of the Exchequer. He had been one of the Lords Justices in Ireland: he maried Ellenor
From Trinity Colledge he went to Lincolnes-Inne, where (as judge Wadham Windham
At last, viz. 1640, his play of The Sophy came out, which did take extremely: Mr. Edmund Waller sayd then of him, that he broke-out like the Irish Rebellion
He was much rooked by gamesters, and fell acquainted with that unsanctified crew, to his ruine. His father had some suspition of it, and chid him severely, wherupon his son John (only child) wrot a little essay in 8vo, printed ..., Against
At the beginning of the civill warre he was made governor of Farnham-castle for the king, but he was but a young soldier, and did not keepe it. In 1642/3, after Edghill fight, his poeme called Cowper's Hill was printed at Oxford, in a sort of browne paper, for then they could gett no better.
1646/7 (quaere) he conveyed, or stole away, the two dukes of Yorke and Glocester from St. James's (from the tuition of the earle of Northumberland), and conveyed them into France to the Prince of Wales and Queen-mother. King Charles II sent him and the lord Culpepper envoyes to the king of Poland,....
Anno 1652, he returned into England, and being in some straights was kindly entertayned by the earle of Pembroke at Wilton, where I had the honour to contract an acquaintance with him. Here he translated the ... booke of Vergil's Æneis, and also burlesqu't it
His first wife was the daughter and heire of ... Cotton, of ... in Glocestershire, by whom he had 500 li. per annum, one son and two daughters.
He was much beloved by King Charles the First, who much valued him for his ingenuity. He graunted him the reversion of the surveyor of his majestie's buildings, after
Anno Domini 166.. he maried his 2d wife, <Margaret> Brookes, a very beautifull young lady; Sir John was ancient and limping. The duke of Yorke fell deepely in love with her, though (I have been morally assured) he never had carnall knowledge of her. This occasioned Sir John's distemper of madnesse in 166.., which first appeared when he went from London to see the famous free-stone quarries at Portland in Dorset, and when he came within a mile of it, turned back to London again, and did
At the coronation of King Charles II he was made Knight of the Bath.
He dyed (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.) at the house of his office (which he built, as also the brick-buildings next the street in Scotland-yard), and was buried, anno Domini 1668/9, March the 23, in the south crosse aisle of Westminster Abbey, neer Sir Jeffrey Chaucer's monument, but hitherto (1680) without any memoriall for him.
Memorandum:—the parsonage-house at Egham (vulgarly called The Place) was built by baron Denham; a house very convenient, not great, but pretty, and pleasantly scituated, and in which his son, Sir John, (though he had better seates), did take most delight in. He sold it to John Thynne, esq. In this parish is a place called Cammomill-hill, from the cammomill that growes there
Memorandum:—he delighted much in bowles, and did bowle very well.
He was of the tallest, but a little incurvetting at his shoulders, not very robust. His haire was but thin and flaxen, with a moist curle. His gate was slow, and was rather a stalking (he had long legges), which was wont to putt me in mind of Horace, De Arte Poetica:—
Si veluti merulis intentus decidit auceps
In puteum foveamve:'——
His eie was a kind of light goose-gray, not big; but it had a strange piercingness, not as to shining and glory, but (like a Momus) when he conversed with you he look't into your very thoughts.
He was generally temperate as to drinking; but one time when he was a student of Lincolne's-Inne, having been merry at the taverne with his camerades, late at night, a frolick came into his head, to gett a playsterer's brush and a pott of inke, and blott out all the signes between Temple-barre and Charing-crosse, which made a strange confusion the next day, and 'twas in Terme time. But it happened that they were discovered, and it cost him and them some moneys. This I had from R. Estcott
In the time of the civill warres, George Withers, the poet, begged Sir John Denham's estate at Egham of the Parliament, in whose cause he was a captaine of horse. It <happened> that G. W. was taken prisoner, and was in danger of his life, having written severely against the king, &c. Sir John Denham went to the king, and desired his majestie not to hang him, for that whilest G. W. lived he should not be the worst poet in England.
Scripsit the Sophy: Cowper's Hill: Essay against Gameing: Poems, 8vo, printed anno Domini ...; Cato Major sive De Senectute, translated into English verse, London, printed by H. Heringman, in the New Exchange, 1669.
Memorandum:—in the verses against Gondibert, most of them are Sir John's. He was satyricall when he had a mind to it.
'nobilis Gallus, Perroni dominus, summus mathematicus et philosophus; natus Hagae Turonum pridie Calendas Apriles, 1596; denatus Holmiae Calendis Februarii, 1650'—this inscription I find under his picture graved by C. V. Dalen.
How he spent his time in his youth, and by what method he became so knowing, he tells the world in his treatise entituled Of Method. The Societie of Jesus glorie in that theyr order had the educating of him. He lived severall
From my lady Elizabeth, viscountesse Purbec, repeated by her:—
Who from me estrange your sight,
Whom mine eyes affect to view
And chained eares heare with delight.
In you I all graces find:
Such are the effects of love
To make them happy that are kind.
Only seeme you kind to me,
Still be truly kind and just
For that can't dissembled bee.
That surveighing all your lookes
Endlesse volumnes I may write
And fill the world with envyed bookes.
All shall wonder and despayre,
Women, to find a man so true,
And men, a woeman halfe so faire—
made by Robert, earl of Essex, that was beheaded.
Everardi Dygbei de duplici methodo—
in 8vo, in dialogues.
I have heard Mr. John Digby say (his grandsonne) that he was the handsomest man (accounted) in England.
'Twas his ill fate to suffer in the powder-plott. When
Upon thy birthday, the eleaventh of June.'
[Memorandum:—in the first impression in 8vo it is thus; but in the folio 'tis my, instead of thy.]
Mr. Elias Ashmole assures me, from two or three nativities by Dr. <Richard> Nepier, that Ben: Johnson was mistaken and did it for the ryme-sake.—In Dr. Napier's papers of nativities, with Mr. Ashmole, I find:—'Sir Kenelme Digby natus July 11, 5h 40´ A.M. 1603, 14 Leo ascending,' and another scheme gives it at '4h A.M., 26 Cancer ascending'; and there are two others of Cancer and Leo.
He was the eldest son of Sir Everard Digby, who was accounted the handsomest gentleman in England. Sir Everard sufferd as a traytor in the gunpowder-treason; but king James restored his estate to his son and heire. Mr. Francis Potter told me that Sir Everard wrote a booke De Arte Natandi. I have a Latin booke of his writing in 8vo:—Everardi
It happened in 1647 that a grave was opened next to
Sir Kenelme Digby was held to be the most accomplished cavalier of his time. He went to Glocester hall in Oxon, anno <1618> (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.). The learned Mr. Thomas Allen (then of that house) was wont to say that he was the Mirandula of his age. He did not weare a gowne there
There was a great friendship between him and Mr. Thomas Allen; whether he was his scholar I know not. Mr. Allen was one of the learnedest men of this nation in his time, and a great collector of good bookes, which collection Sir Kenelme bought (Mr. Allen enjoyeing the use of them for his life) to give to the Bodlean Library, after Mr. Allen's decease, where they
He was a great traveller, and understood 10 or 12 languages. He was not only master of a good and gracefull judicious stile, but he also wrote a delicate hand, both fast-hand and Roman. I have seen lettres of his writing to the father
He was such a goodly handsome person, gigantique and great voice, and had so gracefull elocution and noble addresse, etc., that had he been drop't out of the clowdes
He was well versed in all kinds of learning. And he had also this vertue
He was very generous, and liberall to deserving persons. When Abraham Cowley was but 13 yeares old, he dedicated to him a comedy
When he was at Rome one time, (I thinke he was envoyÉ from Mary the Queen-mother to Pope <Innocent X>) he contrasted
Anno ... (quaere the countesse of Thanet) much against his mother's, etc., consent, he maried that celebrated beautie and courtezane, Mrs. Venetia Stanley, whom Richard earle of Dorset kept as his concubine, had children by her, and setled on her an annuity of 500 li. per annum; which after Sir K. D. maried was unpayd by the earle; and for which annuity Sir Kenelme sued the earle, after mariage, and recovered it. He would say that a handsome lusty man that was discreet might make a vertuose wife out of a brothell-house. This lady carried herselfe blamelessly, yet (they say) he was jealous of her
After her death, to avoyd envy and scandall, he retired in to Gresham Colledge at London, where he diverted himselfe with his chymistry, and the professors' good conversation. He wore there a long mourning cloake, a high crowned hatt, his beard unshorne, look't like a hermite, as signes of
The faire howses in Holbourne, between King's street and Southampton street, (which brake-off the continuance of them) were, about 1633, built by Sir Kenelme; where he lived before the civill warres. Since the restauration of Charles II he lived in the last faire house westward in the north portico of Convent garden, where my lord Denzill Hollis lived since. He had a laboratory there. I thinke he dyed in this house—sed quaere.
He was, 164.., prisoner for the king (Charles I) at Winchester-house, where he practised chymistry
Anno 163 ... tempore Caroli Imi he received the sacrament in the chapell at Whitehall, and professed the Protestant religion, which gave great scandal to the Roman Catholiques; but afterwards he looked back.
He was a person of very extraordinary strength. I remember one at
He was of an undaunted courage, yet not apt in the least to give offence. His conversation was both ingeniose and innocent.
Mr. Thomas White, who wrote de Mundo, 1641
As for that great action of his at Scanderoon, see the
There is in print in French, and also in English (translated by Mr. James Howell), a speech that he made at a philosophicall assembly at Montpelier, 165.. Of the sympathetique powder—see it
He was borne to three thousand pounds per annum. His ancient seat (I thinke) is Gote-herst in Buckinghamshire. He had a fair estate also in Rutlandshire. What by reason of the civil warres, and his generous mind, he contracted great debts, and I know not how (there being a great falling out between him and his then only son, John
Mr. J. D. had a good estate of his owne, and lived handsomely then at what time I went to him two or 3 times in order to your Oxon. Antiqu.; and he then brought me a great book, as big as the biggest Church Bible that ever I sawe, and the richliest bound, bossed with silver, engraven with scutchions and crest (an ostrich); it was a curious velame
Vide in ... Lives when Sir Kenelme dyed.
Sir John Hoskyns enformes me that Sir Kenelme Digby did translate Petronius Arbiter into English.
She was a most beautifull desireable creature; and being matura viro was left by her father to live with a tenant and servants at Enston-abbey
In those dayes Richard, earle of Dorset (eldest son
I have now forgott who first brought her to towne, but I have heard my uncle Danvers
The earle of Dorset, aforesayd, was her greatest gallant, who was extremely enamoured of her, and had
Among other young sparkes of that time, Sir Kenelme Digby grew acquainted with her, and fell so much in love with her that he married her, much against the good will of his mother; but he would say that 'a wise man, and lusty, could make an honest woman out of a brothell-house.' Sir Edmund Wyld had her picture
She had a most lovely and sweet-turn'd face, delicate darke-browne haire. She had a perfect healthy constitution; strong; good skin; well proportioned; much enclining to a Bona Roba (near altogether). Her face, a short ovall; darke-browne eie-browe, about which much sweetness, as also in the opening of her eie-lidds. The colour of her
Sir Kenelme had severall pictures of her by Vandyke, &c.
What makes these tiffany, silkes, and lawne,
Embroideries, feathers, fringes, lace,
When every limbe takes like a face!'—&c.
She dyed in her bed suddenly. Some suspected that she was poysoned. When her head
Sir Kenelme erected to her memorie a sumptuouse and stately monument
About 1676 or 5, as I was walking through Newgate-street, I sawe Dame Venetia's bust standing at a stall at the Golden Crosse, a brasier's shop. I perfectly remembred it, but the fire had gott-off the guilding: but taking notice of it to one that was with me, I could never see it afterwards exposed to the street. They melted it downe. How these curiosities would be quite forgott, did not such idle fellowes as I am putt them downe!
Memorandum:—at Goathurst, in Bucks
Her picture drawn by Sir Anthony Vandyke hangs in the queene's draweing-roome, at Windsor-castle, over the chimney.
Venetia Stanley was (first) a miss to Sir Edmund Wyld; who had her picture, which after his death, serjeant Wyld (his executor) had; and since the serjeant's death hangs now in an entertayning-roome at Droitwich in Worcestershire. The serjeant lived at Droitwich.
Mr. Leonard Digges translated Claudian de raptu Proserpinae into English, 4to, 1617 and 1628.
... Prognostication
(A 4to) 'Tectonicon, briefly shewing the exact measuring and speedy reckoning all manner of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillars, globes, etc., for declaring the perfect making and large use of the carpenter's ruler, containing a quadrant geometricall, comprehending also the rare use of the square, and in the end a little treatise opening the composition and appliancie of an instrument called The Profitable Staffe, with other things pleasant and necessarie, most condusible for surveyors, landmeaters, joyners, carpenters, and masons: published by Leonard Digges, gentleman, 1556.'
'L. D. to the Reader—Although many have put forth sufficient and certain rules to measure all manner of superficies, etc., yet in that the art of numbring hath been required, yea, chiefly those rules hid and as it were locked up in strange tongues, they doe profit or have furthered very little, for the most part, yea, nothing at all, the landmeater, carpenter, mason, wanting the aforesayd. For their sakes I am here provoked not to hide but to open the talent I have recieved, yea, to publish in this our tongue very shortly if God give life a volumne containing the flowers of the sciences mathematicall largely applied to our outward practise profitably pleasant to all manner men. Here mine advice shall be to those artificers, that will profit in this or any of my bookes ? now published, or that hereafter shall be, first confusedly to read them through, then with more judgement, read at the third reading wittily to practise. So, few things shall be
The method that carpenters etc. used before this booke was published was very erronious, as he declares.
in 4to, dedicated to Sir Edward Fines, knight of the garter, lord Clinton and Saye, etc. His first impression was in 1553—'not onely your lordship's tasck move<d> of a prognostication seemed then to make that argument fittest, but also the manifest imperfections and manifold errors yearly committed did crave the ayd of some that were both willing and able to performe the truthe in like matters.'
on fol. 11, he gives the coat and motto, but adds that there is a crescent 'in medio scuti.'
'Stratioticos, compendiously teaching the science of nombres as well in fractions as integers, and so much of the rules and aequations algebraicall and art of nombers cossicall as are requisite for the profession of a soldier; together with the modern militarie discipline, offices, lawes and orders in every well-governed camp and armie inviolably to be observed.'
First published by him, 1579, and dedicated 'unto the right honourable Robert, earle of Leicester.' The second edition, 1590.
He was muster-master generall of all her majestie's forces in the Low Countries, as appeares in page 237.
At the end of this booke (the last paragraph) speaking of 'engins and inventions not usual to be thought on and had in readinesse.'—
'Of these and many mo important mattars militare, I shall have occasion at large to dilate in my treatise of great artillerie and pyrotechnie, ? whose publication I have for divers due respects hitherto differred.'
He was the onely sonne of the learned Leonard Digges, esqr, of whom he speakes in the preface to his Stratioticos.
Pliny, Nat. Hist. lib. vii. cap. 51;—'Una familia Curionum in qua tres continua serie Oratores extiterunt.' In this family have been four learned men in an uninterrupted descent—scilicet, two eminent mathematicians (Leonard and Thomas), Sir Dudley Digges, Master of the Rolles, and his sonne Dudley, fellow of Allsoules College, Oxon.
Thoma Diggesio, Cantiensi, stemmatis generosi, autore, Lond. 1573.
'Ad Guliel. Cecilium, praeclariss. ordinis equitem auratum, baronem Burghleium, summumque Angliae Thesaurarium,' etc.
—luce clarius deprehendi longÈ supra lunam ipsam esse. Tum demum antiquorum et recentiorum omnium astronomorum modos cometarum et corporum coelestium distantias et magnitudines metiendi quos unquam legeram in animum sevocare coeperam, nec quenquam reperire poteram qui viam huic subtilissimae parallaxi examinandae convenientem demonstravit. Solus igitur, omnium astronomorum antiquorum et recentiorum ope orbatus, (in fluctuanti dubitationum plurimarum pelago jactatus) ad meipsum redii: brevissimoque spatio (foelicibus mathematicis spirantibus auris) portum optatum assequendi varios cursus expeditissimos hactenus a nemine exploratos atque ab omni erroris scopulo tutissimos inveni. Quos in exigui libelli formam redactos honori tuo exhibere decrevi, mei officii testimonium (nisi me fallit Philautia) haud vulgari genio conscriptum, neque brevi temporum curriculo periturum—
Sed plura de hujus stellae historia scribere non decrevi quia eximius vir Johannes Dee (quum in reliqua philosophia admirandus, tum harum scientiarum peritissimus, quem tanquam mihi parentem alterum mathematicum veneror, quippe qui in tenerrim me aetate plurima harum suavissimarum scientiarum semina menti meae inseruerit, alia a patre meo prius sata amicissime fidelissimeque
To these Alae seu Scalae Mr. Digges hath annexed
Parallaticae commentationis praxeos nucleus quidam, Jo. Day—
writ by John Dee, a small treatise, Lond. 1573; and hath writ thus
Lectori Benevolo.
—Me autem isti meo opusculo annectere et in lucem simul emittere variae impulere causae—Ima ne charissimus mihi illius author debita suae inventionis privaretur laude: cum nonnulli fortassis si postea ederetur suspicari possint a meis methodis derivatum fuisse. Fateor equidem adeo late mea sese extendere fundamina ut tum istiusmodi tum plurimi etiam alii nuclei inde excerpi possint, etc.
In the preface, thus:—
'But to leave things doone of antiquity long ago, my father, by his continuall painfull practises, assisted with
He was a butcher's sonne. Was a squire; viz. one of the esquires to Sir Walter Aston, Knight of the Bath, to whom he dedicated his Poeme. Sir J. Brawne of ... was a great patron of his.
He lived at the bay-windowe house next the east end of St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street. Sepult. in north + of Westminster Abbey. The countesse of Dorset
Sir Edward Bissh, Clarencieux, told me he asked Mr. Selden once (jestingly) whether he wrote the commentary to his 'Polyolbion' and 'Epistles,' or Mr. Drayton made those verses to his notes.
Vide his inscription given by the countess of Dorset.
In Westminster Abbey, neer Spencer.
Michael Drayton, Esquier,
a Crowne of Glorie, Anno 1631.
Doe, pious marble, let thy readers knowe
What they, and what their children owe
To Drayton's name, whose sacred dust
We recommend unto thy trust.
Protecte his mem'ry, and preserve his storie,
Remaine a lasting monument of his glorye.
And when thy ruines shall disclame
To be the treas'rer of his name,
His name, that cannot fade, shall bee
An everlasting monument to thee.
Here is his bust in alablaster. The inscription is on black marble.
Mr. Marshall, the stone-cutter, of Fetter-lane, also told me, that these verses were made by Mr. Francis Quarles, who was his great friend, and whose head he wrought curiously in playster, and valued for his sake. 'Tis pitty it should be lost. Mr. Quarles was a very good man.
And at ..., the seate of the family, is a chamber called 'Erasmus's chamber.'
I ghesse that this coate
Aug. 9°, 5h 53´ P.M.
Latit. 52° North.'
This is the nativity of Mr. John Dreyden, poet laureat, by Mr. John Gadbury, from whom I had it.
Memorandum that Sir William Dugdale did not tell his son or Mr. Gibbons de Edward the Confessor and he laught at it—quod N. B.
The storie of his pulling the devill by the nose with his tongues as he was in his laboratorie
He was a Benedictine monke at Glastonbury, where he was afterwards abbot, and after that was made archbishop of Canterbury. He preached the coronation sermon at Kingston, and crowned king <Edwy>. In his sermon he prophesyed, which the Chronicle mentions.
Mr. Meredith Lloyd tells me that there is a booke in print of his de lapide philosophorum; quaere nomen.
Edwardus Generosus gives a good account of him in a manuscript which Mr. Ashmole haz.
Meredith Lloyd had, about the beginning of the civill warres, a MS. of this Saint's concerning chymistrey, and sayes that there are severall MSS. of his up and downe in England: quaere Mr. Ashmole.
Edwardus Generosus mentions that he could make a fire out of gold, with which he could sett any combustible matter on fire at a great distance. Memorandum:—in Westminster library is an old printed booke, in folio, of the lives of the old English Saints: vide.
Meredith Lloyd tells me that, three or 400 yeares ago, chymistry was in a greater perfection, much, then now; their proces was then more seraphique and universall: now they looke only after medicines.
Severall churches are dedicated to him: two at London: quaere if one at Glastonbury.
'Edmundus, Cant.
He was of Lincoln's-Inne, and I have heard Sir John
My old father, Colonel Sharington Talbot
Dyed ..., and was buried....
He was a great patron to Ben Johnson, as appeares by severall epistles to him.
His son and heire, since earle of Bridgewater, was an indefatigable ringer—vide the ballad.
Tuta frequensque licet sit via, crimen habet.
Ovid <Ars Amat. i. 585>.
Translated by Theophilus Wodinoth:—
But safe and common though it be, 'tis knavery, by your leave.
Quam totus homuncio nil est
In August, 1674, this George Ent came to Oxford, to live there. He brought with him a letter of introduction from Aubrey to Anthony Wood, which is now in MS. Ballard 14. Wood and he did not get on, and Aubrey several times makes excuses for his friend; e.g. Aug. 26, 1674 (MS. Ballard 14, fol. 110), 'he is a very honest gentleman and his rhodomontades you will easily pardon.' The quarrels, however, became fiercer. Aubrey to Wood, March 9, 1674/5, (MS. Ballard 14, fol. 115):—'I am exceeding sorry for Mr. Ent's strangenesse to you; but 'tis confess't his friends must beare with him. I did not shew him your letter; but, expostulating with him, and he being cholerique, etc., I read only that paragraph where he "introduced into your company two boy-bachelors and upbrayded you with dotage"—.'
'Mercurius, Venus, Luna et Leo conjuncti, praesertim in ascendente, faciunt oratores doctissimos. Talis ex parte fuit constitutio Erasmi Roterodami, cujus judicium gravissimum, ingenium acutissimum, et oratio copiosissima, ex scriptis editis eruditissimis, omnibus nota est. Habuit enim Mercurium cum Venere in horoscopo, in signo aereo Libram, et Jovem trigono radio Mercurium et Venerem intuentem'—<from ibid.> pag. 601.
Obiit anno Domini MDXXXVI, mense Julii—vide praefationem de obitu Erasmi ante Epistolas, impressas Antverpiae MDXLV.
His name was 'Gerard Gerard,' which he translated into 'Desiderius Erasmus.'
He was begot (as they say) behind dores—vide an Italian booke in 8vo. de famosi Bastardi: vide Anton. Possevini Apparatus. His father (as he says in his life, writt by himselfe) was the tenth and youngest son of his grandfather: who was therfore designed to be dedicated to
His father tooke great care to send him to an excellent schoole, which was at Dusseldorf, in Cleveland. He was a tender chitt, and his mother would not entruste him at board
He loved not fish, though borne in a fish towne—from Sir George Ent, M.D.
<From> Dr. John Pell:—he was of the order of ..., whose habit was the same that the pest-house master at ... (I thinke, Pisa: quaere Dr. John Pell) in Italie wore; and walking in that towne, people beckoned him to goe out of the way, taking him to be the master of the pest-house; and he not understanding the meaning, and keeping on his way, was there by one well basted. He made his complaint when he came to Rome, and had a dispensation for his habit.
He studied sometime in Queens Colledge in Cambridge: his chamber was over the water. Quaere Mr. Paschal more particularly; and if a fellowe: he
'The staires which rise up to his studie at Queens Colledge in Cambridge doe bring first into two of the fairest chambers in the ancient building; in one of them, which lookes into the hall and chiefe court, the Vice-President kept in my time; in that adjoyning, it was my fortune to be, when fellow. The chambers over are good lodgeing roomes; and to one of them is a square turret adjoyning, in the upper part of which is that study of Erasmus; and over it leades. To that belongs the best prospect about the colledge, viz. upon the river, into the corne-fields, and countrey adjoyning, etc.; ? so that it might very well consist with the civility of the House to
He mentions his being there in one of his Epistles, and blames the beere there. One, long since, wrote, in the margent of the booke in <the> College library in which that is sayd, 'Sicut erat in principio, etc.'; and all Mr. Paschall's time they found fault with the brewer.
He had the parsonage (quaere value) of Aldington in Kent, which is about 3 degrees perhaps a healthier place then Dr. Pell's parsonage in Essex. I wonder they could not find for him
He built a schoole at Roterdam, and endowed it, and ordered the institution
'The last five bookes of Livy nowe extant, found by Symon Grinaeus in the library of a monastery over against the citie of Wormbs, are dedicated by Erasmus Roterodamus unto Charles the son of William lord Montjoy in the reigne of Henry the eight of famous memory, king of England, etc.'—Philemon Holland's translation.
Sir Charles Blount, of Maple-Durham, in com. Oxon. (neer Reding), was his scholar (in his Epistles there are some to him), and desired Erasmus to doe him the favour
They were wont to say that Erasmus was interpendent between Heaven and Hell, till, about the year 1655 (quaere Dr. Pell), the Conclave at Rome damned him for a heretique, after he had been dead ... yeares.
Vita Erasmi, Erasmo autore, is before his Colloquia, printed at Amstelodam. MDCXLIV. But there is a good account of his life, and also of his death, scil. at Basil, and where buried, before his Colloquies printed at London.
His deepest divinity is where a man would least expect it: viz. in his Colloquies in a Dialogue between a Butcher and a Fishmonger, ?????fa??a.
Colloquia: dedicated 'optimae spei puero Johanni Erasmio Frobenio.'
Liber utilissimus de conscribendis epistolis: dedicated 'ad Nicolaum Beraldum.'
Liber Adagiorum.
Verborum Copia.
Exhortatio ad pacem ecclesiasticam.
Paraphrasis in quatuor Evangelistas.
Matth.—dedicated Carolo, Imperatori.
Joan.—dedicated Ferdinando, Catholico.
Lucas—to Henr. 8, Rex Angl.
Marcus—to Francisc. I, Gall. Rex.
Novum Testamentum transtulit: memorandum—Henry Standish, bishop of St. Asaph, wrote a booke against his Translation on the New Testament; vide Sir Richard Baker's Chronicle (Henry VIII).
If my memorie failes me not, I have read in the first edition of Sir Richard Baker's Chronicle (quaere) that the Syntaxis in our English Grammar was writt by Erasmus.
Memorandum:—Julius Scaliger contested with Erasmus, but gott nothing by it, for, as Fuller sayth, he was like
His eldest son, Mr. William Ettrick, was borne also on the 15 of November, A.D. 1651.
Maried Aug. 1651.
Reader at the Middle Temple 167-.
He haz a copie of verses before ... in folio.
He was one of the king's chaplaines. 'Twas he caused the 8 bells to be cast there, being a very good ringer.
He hath only one sermon in print that I know of, at the funerall of Mr. <John> Drew of the Devises, called Life's Farwell.
He was demy, if not fellow, of Magdalen College, Oxon.
He treated queen Anne at Wednsdytch in his parish with a pastorall of his owne writing and composing and sung by his neighbours clad in shepherds' weeds, whom he brought-up to musique.
He gave another entertayment in Cote-field to king
This parish would have challenged all England for musique, ringing, and footeball play.
He was one of his Majestie's chaplaines. One sermon is among my grandfather Lyte's old bookes in the country, at the funerall of <John> Drew, esquire, called Life's farewell, printed....
He wrote
Obiit about 20 yeares since and buryed in Convent Garden.
Thomas Flattman, of Red Cross street, Aldersgate, London, at Winchester school from Michaelmas 1648, was admitted probationer of New College (to an Arts fellowship) 11 Sept. 1654, and fellow in 1656; but resigned in 1657, betaking himself to the study of Law.
He was a very severe
One day goeing on foote to Yield-hall, with his clarke behind him, he was surprised in Cheapside with a sudden and violent looseness neer the Standard. He
His seate was at Missenden in the county of Bucks, where his descendents still remaine.
He is buried at ... in com. Bucks.
King Edward dying, upon the persecution of queen Mary, they fled back again into their owne countrey, where he was educated.
Afterwards he came into England, and was by king James made 'informator' to prince Henry for the Italian and French tongues, and clarke to the closet to queen Anne.
First and second fruits, being two books of the instruction to learne the Italian tongue:
and translated Montagne's Essayes.
He dyed of the great plague at Fulham anno 1625.
'A designe for bringing a river from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire to St. Gyles in the fields, the benefits of it declared and the objections against it answered, by Edward Ford of Harting in Sussex, esq., London, printed for John Clarke, 1641.' Memorandum that now (1681/2) London is growne so populous and big that the new river of Middleton can serve the pipes to private houses but twice a weeke, quod N. B.
I beleeve this was afterwards Sir Edward Ford, quondam a gentleman commoner of Trinity College, Oxon: de quo vide in prima parte A. W.
Vide in my trunke of papers a printed sheet of his of....
His brother tells me that this August he is 65 years old and that Sir Edward was borne in Aprill and one yeare and a half older then he.
Sir Edward Ford first proposed his invention, the way of farthings for this nation, and was opposed. He could not gett a patent here: prince Rupert would have it, if he could. So then he went into Ireland and dyed fortnight before he had effected the getting of his patent.
Christo S. S.
Johanni Foxo, ecclesiae Anglicanae martyrologo fidelissimo, antiquitatis historicae indagatori sagacissimo, Evangelicae veritatis propugnatori acerrimo, thaumaturgo admirabili qui martyres Marianos
Obiit die xviii mensis April.
Anno Salutis 1587, jam
Vita vitae mortalis est spes
vitae immortalis.
He was a boy of a pregnant witt, and when the bishop and his father were discoursing, he would be by and hearken, and now and then putt in, and sometimes beyond expectation, or his yeares.
He was of a middle stature; strong sett
He was fellow of Sydney College in Cambridge, where he wrote his Divine Poemes. He was first minister of Broad Windsor in Dorset, and prebendary of the church of Sarum. He was sequestred, being a royalist, and was afterwards minister of Waltham Abbey, and preacher of the Savoy, where he died, and is buryed.
He was a pleasant facetious person, and a bonus socius.
Scripsit 'Holy Warre'; 'Holy State'; 'Pisgah Sight'; 'England's Worthies'; severall Sermons, among others, a funerall sermon on Henry Danvers, esq., the eldest son of Sir John Danvers, (and only <son> by his second wife Dantesey), brother to Henry earl of Danby, preached at Lavington in Wilts 1654: obiit 19º Novembr.
He was minister of Waltham Crosse in Essex, and also of the Savoy in the Strand, where he dyed (and lies buryed) not long after the restauracion of his majestie.
Anthony Wood in the Ath. Oxon. gives a more correct version of this story. William Gadbury, a farmer, of Wheatley, co. Oxon, made a stolen marriage with a daughter of Sir John Curson of Waterperry. Their son, John Gadbury, was apprentice to an Oxford tailor, before he set up as an astrologer.
The correspondence between Aubrey and Wood in MS. Wood F. 51, shows that the publication of this story in Wood's Athenae was, very naturally, resented by Gadbury. Aubrey to Wood, Aug. 20, 1692, Gadbury is 'extremely incens't against you: ... he sayes that you have printed lyes concerning him.' Aubrey to Wood, Oct. 21, 1693, 'I shewed your letter to Mr. Gadbury, wherin you tell him that what he desires should be amended as to himselfe shall be donne in the Appendix,' i.e. the third volume of the Athenae, on which Wood was then at work, 'to be printed: but he huft and pish't, saying that your copies are flown abroad and the scandalls are irrevocable and that he will have a fling at you in print to vindicate himselfe.' Wood was blind to the indiscretion he had committed: Wood to Aubrey, Nov. 1692, MS. Ballard 14, fol. 153:—'I wonder at nothing more then that Mr. Gadbury should take it amiss of those things that I say of him: for whereas the generality of scholars did formerly take him to have been bred an academian, because he was borne at Oxon, and so, consequently, not to be much admird, now their eyes being opend and knowing that his education hath been mechanical they esteem him a prodigie of parts and therfore are much desirous that his picture may hang in the public gallery at the schooles.'
<MS. Aubr. 6, foll. 3, 4. This catalogue is not in Aubrey's hand: perhaps it is Gale's autograph, sent to Aubrey in answer to a request for a list of his books.>
Libri editi cur et oper Tho. Gale.
Psalterium juxta exemplar Alexandrinum bibliothecae regiae: GraecÈ, 8vo.
Scriptores mythologici; Palaephatus, Cornutus, etc.: GraecÈ, 8vo.
Historiae poeticae scriptores; Apollodorus, Eratosthenes, etc.; GraecÈ, 8vo.
Rhetores antiqui; Demetrius, Phalereus, Tiberius, etc.: GraecÈ, 8vo.
Iamblichus Chalcidensis de mysteriis Aegyptiorum, etc.: GraecÈ, folio.
Johannes Eriugenan, cum notis: Lat., fol.
S. Maximi expositiones in S. Gregorium Nazianzenum: GraecÈ, fol.
Historiae Britannicae, Anglo-Saxonicae, Anglo-Danicae, etc., scriptores XX nunquam prius editi, 2bus voluminibus, ffol.
Libri Graeci et Latini praelo parati.
Pentateuchus juxta exemplar Alexandrinum bibliothecae regiae, cum notis, etc.: GraecÈ, fol.
Liber prophetae Isaiae juxta exemplar Alexandrinum: GraecÈ, cum commentario, folio.
Basilii, Chrysostomi, Andreae Cretensis, aliorumque Graecorum patrum Homiliae, nondum editae magno numero, GraecÈ, fol.
Iamblichus de vita Pythagorae et ejusdem ad philosophiam protreptici, ex codicibus MSS. emendatus et nova versione donatus: 8vo.
Iamblichus de mathematica secundum Pythagoricos nunc primum ex MSS. Codd. editus, cum versione Latina: 8vo.
Leonis imperatoris et Basilii cubicularii de re navali Graecorum opuscula, nunc primum ex codd. Graecis eruta cum versione Latina: accedit his Appendix eorum omnium locorum quae apud Graecos et Latinos scriptores extant de re navali: 8vo.
Tertium et ultimum volumen Historicorum gentis Angliae ab Henrico IIIº usque ad Henricum VIIum nunquam hactenus editorum: fol.
Antonini Itinerarium per Britanniam, cum commentario in quo multa ad chorographiam Britanniae explicandam adducuntur: 8vo.
Venerabilis Bedae Historia ecclesiastica, ad antiquissimos codices emaculata et multis locis restituta: fol.
Matthaei Paris Historia, ad codices antiquos emendata et multis repurgata erroribus, una cum copiosis notis et monumentis coaevis: fol.
Codex legum antiquarum gentis Anglicanae ab Ethelberto rege Cantii ad Edvardum primum: in hac collectione continentur quam plurimae leges Saxonicae et aliae nondum editae praeter eas quas Lambertus edidit: fol.
The History of Edward the 2d and of the troubles which happen'd in his reigne, extracted out of the rolls of the Tower, together with those rolls and other authentick evidences at large: ffol.
The Baronage of England in III parts: 1st, of its original; 2d, of its continuance and alteration; 3d, of its rights and privilidges.
Mr. <Richard> Towneley, of Towneley, in Lancashire, esq., haz his papers.—From Mr. Edmund Flamsted, who sayes he found out the way of improveing telescopes before Des Cartes.
Mr. Edmund Flamsted tells me, Sept. 1682, that 'twas at Yorke fight he was slaine.
Vide Canterbury's Doome
This Adrian Gilbert was an excellent chymist, and a great favourite of Mary, countesse of Pembroke, with whom he lived and was her operator. He was a man of great parts, but the greatest buffoon in England; cared not what he said to man or woman of what quality soever. Some curious ladies of our country have rare receipts of his. 'Twas he that made the curious wall about Rollington parke at Wilton.
doe clawe and curry their owne itches
Hudibras, part ... canto ...
This Dr. Gill whipped ... Duncomb, who was not long after a colonel of dragoons at Edgehill-fight, taken pissing against the wall. He had his sword by his side, but the boyes surprized him: somebody had throwen a stone in at the windowe; and they seised on the first man they lighted on.
Dr. Triplet came to give his master a visit, and he whip't him. The Dr. gott ... Pitcher, of Oxford, who had a strong
There dwells a noble firker;
Take heed you that pass
Lest you tast of his lash
* * * * * * *
Still doth he cry
Take him up, take him up, Sir,
Untrusse with expedition.
Oh the birchen tool
That he winds i' th' school
Frights worse than an inquisition.
As doth the man of blacking;
He insults like a puttock
O're the prey of the buttock
With a whip't a ... sends him packing.
Still doth he cry, etc.
Into the school doth enter
With his napkin at his nose
And his orange stuft with cloves
On any ... he'l venter.
Still doth, etc.
Enquiring for Paul's steeple
His Pardonnez-moy
He counted a toy,
For he whip't him before all people.
Still doth he cry, etc.
Untill he did bes... him
His Cuds-pluttera-nail
Could not prevail
For he whip't the Cambro-Britan.
Still doth he cry, etc.
He whip't him so sore
Both behind and before
He notch't his .... like tallyes.
Still doth he cry, etc.
Neglected, with a cabbage,
He took up the pillion
Of his bouncing mayd Jillian;
And sowc't her like a baggage.
Still doth he cry, etc.
And disturb'd the humming concord,
He took-up his frock
And he payd his nock
And sawc't him with his owne cord.
Still doth he cry, etc.
Gill upon Gill [979], or Gill's ... uncas'd, unstript, unbound.
Did you me this epistle send,
Which is so vile and lewdly pen'd,
In which no line I can espie
Of sense or true orthographie?
So slovenly it goes,
In verse and prose,
For which I must pull down your hose.'
'O good sir!' then cry'd he,
'In private let it be,
And doe not sawce me openly.'
'Yes, sir, I'le sawce you openly
Before Sound
And that none of thee may take heart
Though thou art a batchelour of Art,
Though thou hast payd thy fees
For thy degrees:
Yet I will make thy ... to sneeze.
And now I doe begin
To thresh it on thy skin
For now my hand is in, is in.
First, for the themes which thou me sent
Wherin much nonsense thou didst vent,
And for that barbarous piece of Greek
For which in Gartheus
And for thy faults not few,
In tongue Hebrew,
For which a grove of birch is due.
Therfore me not beseech
To pardon now thy breech
For I will be thy ...-leech, ...-leech.
Next for the offense that thou didst give
When as in Trinity thou didst live,
And hadst thy ... in Wadham College mult
And for thy blanketting
And many such a thing
For which thy name in towne doth ring
And none deserves so ill
To heare as bad as Gill—
Thy name it is a proverb still,
Thou vented
Next thou a preacher were.
For which the French-men all cry Fie!
To heare such pulpitt-ribauldrie
And sorry were to see
So worthy a degree
So ill bestowed on thee.
But glad am I to say
The Masters made the<e> stay
Till thou in quarto
But now remaines the vilest thing,
The alehouse barking 'gainst the king
And all his brave and noble peeres;
For which thou ventredst for thy eares.
And if thou hadst thy right,
Cutt off they had been quite
And thou hadst been a rogue in sight.
But though thou mercy find
Yet I'le not be so kind
But I'le jerke thee behind, behind.'
He was author of The zealous and impartiall Protestant, 4to, stitch't, printed by Henry Brome, London, 16<81>: his name is not to it. Had he lived the Parliament would have questioned him for it.
... Skydmore of Kenchurch married his sister, and ... Vaughan of Hergest was his kinsman; and these two mayntayned him secretly in the ebbe of his fortune.
I have heard Sir Wm. Dugdale say, that though Mr. Camden had the name, yet Mr. Glover was the best herald that did ever belong to the office. He tooke a great deale of paines in searching the antiquities of severall counties. He wrote a most delicate hand, and pourtrayed finely.
There is (or late was) at a coffee-house at the upper end of Bell-yard (or Shier-lane), under his owne hand, a Visitation of Cheshire, a most curious piece, which Sir Wm. Dugdale wish't me to see; and he told me that at York, at some ordinary house (I thinke a house of entertainment) he sawe such an elaborate piece of Yorkshire. But severall counties he surveyd, and that with
He lies interred neer Mr. Foxe's monument (who wrote the Martyrologie) in St. Giles' Cripplegate Chancell, but I could not find any inscription concerning him. ? Quaere the register when he was buried. 'Twas Mr. John Gibbons
He was of Magdalen hall, Oxon. He was one of the College of Physitians, in London; Warden of Merton College, Oxon, durante perduellione; physitian to Oliver Cromwell, Protector; went with him into Ireland. Quaere if not also sent to him into Scotland, when he was so dangerously ill there of a kind of calenture or high fever, which made him mad that he pistolled one or two of his commanders that came to visit him in his delirious rage.
Collegii Greshamensis Praelector
He had three or fower medicines wherwith he did all his cures: a great ingredient was Radix Serpentaria.—From Mr. Mich. Weekes, who looked to his stills.
He intended to have left his library and papers to the Royall Societie, had he made his will, and had not dyed so suddainly
He was fellowe of the Royall Societie, and a zealous member for the improvement of naturall knowledge amongst them. They made him their drudge, for when any curious experiment was to be donne they would lay
He loved wine and was most curious in his wines, was hospitable, but dranke not to excesse, but it happened that comeing from his club at the Crowne taverne in Bloomesbery, a foote, 11 at night, he fell downe dead of an apoplexie in Cheapside, at Wood-street end, March 24, Anno Domini 1674/5, aetat. 56. Sepult. in the church of Great St. Helen, Londini.
He was afterwards of Grayes Inne, and chamber-fellow to my counsell, Thomas Corbet, esq. I thinke Mr. Corbet told me he was called to the barre. But by match, or &c. he concieved he should gaine more by turning woodmonger.
The rest of his life and death is lippis et tonsoribus notum.
He was ... of the court of Ludlowe (in which place Jack Butts was his successor).
He maried first Barbara ... daughter of Sir W. Long, of Draycot-Cerne, in Wilts: 2d, ... Brabazon, of ... Hereffordshire; obiit sine prole.
He was a generall scolar, and had a delicate witt; was a great historian, and an excellent poet. He wrote, among other things, ..., a Pastorall, acted at Ludlowe about 1637, an exquisite piece. The Journey into France, crept in bishop Corbet's poems, was made by him, by the same token it made him misse of the preferment of ... at court, Mary the queen-mother remembring how he had abused her brother, the king of France; which made him to accept of the place at Ludlowe, out of the view of the world.
When he sat in court there, he was wont to have Thuanus, or Tacitus, or etc. before him. He was as fine a gentleman as any in England, though now forgott. Obiit, at or about Ludlowe, circiter ... (quaere Sir J. H. and Sir James Long).
The Journey into France was made by Mr. Thomas Goodwyn, of Ludlowe, ...; certaine.
'Tuesday, 20mo Martii 1631/2, 11h 00´ P.M. tempus aestimatum geneseos Thomae Gore, de Alderton <Wilts>, armigeri.'
This Thomas Gore, a writer on heraldry, was a correspondent of Anthony Wood: see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 140, iv. 229. Aubrey habitually, in his letters to Wood, refers contemptuously to him as 'the cuckold of Alderton.'
In obitum illustrissimi viri Di. Arthuri Gorges, equitis aurati, epicedium.
Te dolet argutae magna caterva scholae.
At Lucanus
Arthurum Gorges: transtulit ipse decus.
Aethereas cupiens Arthurus adire per auras
Et nonus ex ejus nomine natus adest.
In the aisle of the Gorges, viz. south side of the church of Chelsey on an altar monument made for his father or grandfather—'Ds. Arthur Gorge, eq. aur., filius ejus natu maximus.'
meriti, etc.—
and a silver collar of SSS about his neck.
Vide iterum, and also his booke.
He was the sonne of Henry Graunt, who was borne 18 January 1592
His son John was borne at the 7 Starres in Burchin Lane, London, in the parish of St. Michael's Cornhill.
He wrote Observations on the bills of mortality very ingeniosely (but I beleeve, and partly know, that he had his hint from his intimate and familiar friend Sir William Petty), to which he made some Additions, since printed. And he intended, had he lived, to have writt more on the subject.
He writt also some Observations on the advance of excise, not printed: quaere his widowe for them.
To give him his due prayse, he was a very ingeniose and studious person, and generally beloved, and rose early in the morning to his study before shop-time. He understood Latin and French. He was a pleasant facetious companion, and very hospitable.
He was bred-up (as the fashion then was) in the Puritan way; wrote short-hand dextrously; and after many yeares constant hearing and writing sermon-notes, he fell to buying and reading of the best Socinian bookes, and for severall yeares continued of that opinion. At last, about ..., he turned a Roman Catholique, of which religion he dyed a great zealot.
He was free of the drapers' company, and by profession was a haberdasher of small-wares. He had gone through all the offices
He was admitted a fellowe of the Royall Societie, anno 16.. (about 1663).
He broke
He had one son, a man, who dyed in Persia; one daughter, a nunne at ... (I thinke, Gaunt). His widowe yet alive.
Was borne in Burchin lane, at the 7 Starres, in St. Michael's Cornhill parish, at which place he continued his trade till about 2 yeares since.
{1. Political}
His 'Observations on the bills of mortality {2. . . . . . }'
{3. . . . . . }
hath been printed more then once; and now very scarce.
He wrott some 'Observations on the advance of the excise,' not printed; and intended to have writt more of the bills of mortality; and also intended to have written something of religion.
He was by trade a haberdasher of small wares, but was free of the drapers' company. A man generally beloved; a faythfull friend. Often chosen for his prudence and justnes to be an arbitrator; and he was a great peace-maker. He had an excellent working head, and was very facetious and fluent in his conversation.
Ex MSS. patris ejus:—'My son, John Graunt, was borne 24th day of April halfe an howre before 8 a clock on a Monday morning anno Domini 1620.'
He was my honoured and worthy friend—cujus animae propitietur Deus, Amen.
His death is lamented by all good men that had the
Scripsit Morbus epidemicus, or the new desease, 4to, stitch't, printed at Oxford about 1643.
Port<avit> 'gules, an eagle displayed or, crowned argent.'
Vide Cotgrave's french dictionary ubi peruqes are called Gregorians.
Poems, in folio, London, printed....
'The life
Vide in Sir William Dugdale's Warwickshire his noble castle
<Robert Greville, second> lord Brookes, was maried to <Catherine Russell> daughter of the earle of Bedford. He was killed at the siege of Lichfield, March the 2d (St. Chad's day, to whom the Church is dedicated) <1642/3> by a minister's sonne, borne deafe and dumbe, out of the church. He was armed cap À pied; only his bever was open. I was then at Trinity College in Oxon. and doe perfectly remember the story.
The lord Brookes, that was killed at Lichfield, printed a booke about Religion, a little before the civill warres, by
Captain Ralph Gretorex, mathematical instrument maker in London, sayd that he was the first that brought mathematicall instruments to perfection. His booke of the quadrant, sector, and crosse-staffe did open men's understandings and made young men in love with that studie. Before, the mathematical sciences were lock't up in the Greeke and Latin tongues and so
When he was a student at Christ Church, it fell to his lott to preach the Passion sermon, which some old divines that I knew did heare, but they sayd that 'twas sayd of him then in the University that our Saviour never suffered so much since his passion as in that sermon, it was such a lamentable one—
Non omnia possumus omnes.
The world is much beholding to him for what he hath donne well.
Gunter is originally a Brecknockshire family, of Tregunter. They came thither under the conduct of Sir Bernard Newmarch when he made the conquest of that county (Camden).—'Aubrey, Gunter, Waldbeof, Havard, Pichard' (which is falsely express'd in all Mr. Camden's bookes, scil. Prichard, which is non-sense).
'Twas he that brought in the <bill> for lowering of interest from ten in the hundred to eight per centum.
A better instance of a squeamish and disobligeing, slighting, insolent, proud, fellow
He was a very learned gentleman, author of a poem called Castara. He wrote a live of one of the kings of England.
Aubrey gives in trick the coat:—'argent, on a bend gules 3 eagles displayed, or; impaling, party per pale argent and gules 3 lions rampant counterchanged, within a bordure gobony, or and ..., a crescent for difference.'
1609, natus, November 1st, in the evening, his father then being at his prayers.
1612, death of his mother, April 23.
1614, his father dyed, moneth not known.
1625, went to Oxon to Magdalen Hall; vide A. Wood's History of Oxon when matriculated.
1628, admitted of the society of Lincolne's Inne, November 8.
1636, this yeare called to the barre, quaere in what terme.
1640, maried the first time. He was a great cuckold.
1656, his second mariage to his servant mayd, Mary.
1660, made Lord Chief Baron.
1671, Lord Chiefe Justice of England, 18 May.
1676, Christmas day, he dyed.
His father was a steward to the family of the Horners:—
When abbots went out, they came in
Went to school, at Bath (as I take it). Fellow of Merton Colledge. Assisted Sir Henry Savill in his edition of Chrysostome (cum aliis). Afterwards fellow of Eaton College.
Went chaplain to Sir Dudley Carlton (ambassador to ...). I thinke was at the Synod of Dort.
When the Court was at Windsor, the learned courtiers much delighted <in> his company, and were wont to grace him with their company.
I have heard his nephew, Mr. Sloper, say, that he much loved to read ... Stephanus, who was a familist, I thinke that first wrote of that sect of the Familie of Love: he was mightily taken with it, and was wont to say that sometime or other those fine notions would take in the world. He was one of the first Socinians in England, I thinke the first.
He was a generall scolar, and I beleeve a good poet: for Sir John Suckling brings him into the Session of the Poets:
To see them, about nothing, keepe such a coile.'
He had a noble librarie of bookes, and those judicially chosen, which cost him ... li. (quaere Mr. Sloper); and which he sold to Cornelius Bee, bookeseller, in Little Britaine, (as I take it, for 1000 li.) which was his maintenance after he was ejected out of his fellowship at Eaton College. He had then only reserved some few for his private use, to wind-up his last dayes withall.
The ladie Salter (neer Eaton) was very kind to him after the sequestration; he was very welcome to her ladyship, and spent much of his time there. At Eaton he lodged (after his sequestration) at the next house <to> the Christopher (inne), where I sawe him, a prettie little man,
He had a bountifull mind. I remember in 1647, a little after the Visitation
He lies buried in the church yard at Eaton, under an altar monument of black marble, erected at the sole chardge of Mr. ... Curwyn, with a too long epitaph. He was no kiff or kin to him.
She is a very good woman and of a gratefull spirit. She told me that when she was maried, Mr. Hales was very bountifull to them in helping them
She told me that Mr. Hales was the common godfather there, and 'twas pretty to see, as he walked to Windsor, how his godchildren asked him blessing
This Mris Powney assures me that the poor were more
Cornelius Bee bought his library for 700 li., which cost him not lesse then 2,500 li. Mris Powney told me that she was much against the sale of 'em, because she knew it was his life and joy.
He might have been restored to his fellowship again, but he would not accept the offer. He was not at all covetous, and desired only to leave x li. to bury him.
He bred-up our vicar, [Sloper
She is a woman primitively good, and deserves to be remembred. I wish I had her Christian name. Her husband has an inscription on a gravestone in Eaton College chapel towards the south wall.
She has a handsome darke old-fashioned howse. The hall, after the old fashion, above the wainscot, painted cloath, with godly sentences out of the Psalmes, etc., according to the pious custome of old times; a convenient garden and orchard. She has been handsome: a good understanding, and cleanlie.
He wrote most of his fine discourses at Worcester, when he was deane there.—From Mr. Francis Potter, who went to schole there.
Monsieur Balzac exceedingly admired him and often quotes him: vide Balzac's Apologie.
He was born in Shoreditch parish, at a place called Haggerston, the backside of Hogsdon.
At 9 yeares old, his father's apprentice taught him to write, and arithmetique. He went to Paule's schoole to Dr. Gale: while he was there he was very perfect in the Caelestiall Globes insomuch that I heard Mr. Moxon (the globe-maker) say that if a star were misplaced in the globe, he would presently find it.
At ... he studyed Geometry, and at 16 could make a dyall, and then, he said, thought himselfe a brave fellow.
At <16> went to Queen's Colledge in Oxon, well versed in Latin, Greeke, and Hebrew: where, at the age of nineteen, he solved this useful probleme in astronomie, never donne before, ? viz. 'from 3 distances given from the sun, and angles between, to find the orbe' (mentioned in the Philosophicall Transactions, Aug. or Sept. 1676, No. 115), for which his name will be ever famous.
Anno Domini ... tooke his degree of Bacc. Art.; Anno Domini ... tooke his degree of Master of Arts
Anno ... left Oxon, and lived at London with his father till <1676>; at which time he gott leave, and a viaticum of his father, to goe to the Island of Sancta
I have often heard him say that if his majestie would be but only at the chardge of sending out a ship, he would take the longitude and latitude, right ascensions and declinations of ... southern fixed starres.
Anno 1678, he added a spectacle-glasse to the shadowe-vane of the lesser arch of the sea-quadrant (or back-staffe); which is of great use, for that that spott of light will be manifest when you cannot see any shadowe.
He went to Dantzick to visit Hevelius, Anno 167-.
December 1st, 1680, went to Paris.
He returned into England, Januarii 24º, 1681/2.
Quaere Mr. Partridge of his Directio mortis, scilicet about 35 aetatis.
<David> Loggan informes me that one ... Edwards, the manciple of ... College Oxon, doth cut in wood very well.
In the earl of Macclesfield's library at Shirburne Castle, Oxon., are several MSS. by Halley; among them a common-place book.
The return of Baldwin Hamey, Dr. of Physick, on the 14 of May being Whitsunday in the yeare of our Lord 1676 and in the 76th yeare of his age.
Psalm 146, vers. 4.
His breath goeth, etc.
He thinkes he dyed about the time he (Dr. Pell) went to Cambridge. He sayes my lord John Vaughan can enforme me, and haz a copie of his will: which vide.
Dr. Pell tells me that he finds amongst his papers (which are now, 1684, in Dr. Busby's hands), an alphabet that he had contrived for the American language, like Devills
He wrote a Description of Virginia, which is since printed in Mr. Purchas's Pilgrims.
Vide Mr. Glanvill's Moderne Improvement of Usefull Knowledge, where he makes mention of Mr. Thomas Harriot, pag. 33.
When <Henry Percy, ninth> earle of Northumberland, and Sir Walter Ralegh were both prisoners in the Tower, they grew acquainted, and Sir Walter Raleigh recommended
He was a great acquaintance of Master ... Ailesbury, to whom Dr. Corbet sent a letter in verse, Dec. 9, 1618, when the great blazing starre appeared,—
(Thou that hast wherwithall to make us wise),
Thine owne rich studies and deepe Harriot's mine,
In which there is no drosse but all refine.'
<Vide> Dr. Corbet's poems.
The bishop of Sarum (Seth Ward) told me that one Mr. Haggar (a countryman of his), a gentleman and good mathematician, was well acquainted with Mr. Thomas Hariot, and was wont to say, that he did not like (or valued not) the old storie of the Creation of the World. He could not beleeve the old position; he would say ex nihilo nihil fit. But sayd Mr. Haggar, a nihilum killed him at last: for in the top of his nose came a little red speck (exceeding small), which grew bigger and bigger, and at last killed him. I suppose it was that which the chirurgians call a noli me tangere.
The Workes of Dr. Alexander Reade, printed, London, 1650; in the treatise of Ulcers, p. 248. 'Cancrous ulcers (ozana) also seise on this part. This griefe hastened the end of that famous mathematician Mr. Hariot with whom I was acquainted but short time before his death; whom
He made a philosophicall theologie, wherin he castoff the Old Testament, and then the New one would (consequently) have no foundation. He was a Deist. His doctrine he taught to Sir Walter Raleigh, Henry, earle of Northumberland, and some others. The divines of those times look't on his manner of death as a judgement upon him for nullifying the Scripture.
Ex Catalogo librorum impressorum bibl. Bodleianae in Academia Oxoniensi, Oxon., MDCLXXIV:—
Thomas Hariot:—Historia Virginiae, cum iconibus, Lat. per C. C. A. edita per Th. de Bry, Franc. 1590 (A. 8. 7. Art).
—Same in English, Lond. 1588 (E. 1. 25. Art. Seld.).
Thomas Hariotus:—Artis analyticae praxis ad aequationes Algebraicas resolvendas, Lond. 1631 (F. 2. 12. Art. Seld.).
He maried....
He dyed at Brampton-Brian 16 Nov. Sunday, 6h A.M., anno Domini 1673.
..., daughter of Sir ... Samuel
(Sir ... Samuel's house in Northamptonshire) anno....
He was a <gentleman> commoner of Trinity Colledge in Oxford. He travelled France, Italie, and the Netherlands. His genius lay chiefly towards the politiques and democraticall goverment.
He was much respected by the queen of Bohemia
Anno 1647, if not 6, he was by order of Parliament made one of his Majestie's Bedchamber, at Holmeby, &c. The king loved his company; only he would not endure to heare of a Commonwealth: and Mr. Harington passionately loved his majestie. Mr. Harrington and the king often disputed about goverment. He was on the scaffold
He made severall essayes in Poetry, viz. love-verses, &c., and translated ... booke of Virgill's Æn.; but his muse was rough, and Mr. Henry Nevill, an ingeniose and well-bred gentleman, a member of the House of Commons, and an excellent (but concealed) poet, was his great familiar and confident friend, and disswaded him from tampering in poetrie which he did invit MinervÂ, and to improve his proper talent, viz. Politicall Reflections.
Whereupon he writ his Oceana, printed London <1656>. Mr. T. Hobbes was wont to say that Henry Nevill had a finger in that pye; and 'tis like enough. That ingeniose tractat, together with his and H. Nevill's smart discourses and inculcations, dayly at coffee-houses, made many proselytes.
In so much that, anno 1659, the beginning of Michaelmas-terme, he had every night a meeting at the (then) Turke's head, in the New Pallace-yard, where they take water, the next house to the staires, at one Miles's, where was made purposely a large ovall-table, with a passage in the middle for Miles to deliver his Coffee. About it sate his disciples, and the virtuosi. The discourses in this kind were the most ingeniose, and smart, that ever I heard, or expect to heare, and ban<i>ed with great eagernesse: the arguments in the Parliament howse were but flatt to it.
He now printed a little pamphlet (4to) called Divers modells of Popular Government, printed by Daniel Jakeman; and then his partie desired him to print another little pamphlet called The Rota, 4to.
Mr. Cyriack Skinner, an ingeniose young gentleman, scholar to John Milton, was chaire-man. There was Mr. Henry Nevill; major John Wildman; Mr. <Charles> Woo<l>seley, of ..., Staffordshire; Mr. <Roger> Coke, grandson of Sir Edward; Sir
<Besides> which
... Stafford, esq., as antagonists
Several officers
We many times adjourned to the Rhenish-wine howse. One time Mr. Stafford and his gang came in, in drink, from the taverne
The doctrine was very taking, and the more because, as to human foresight, there was no possibility of the king's
Pride of senators for life is insufferable; and they were able to grind any one they owed ill will to to powder; they were hated by the armie and their countrey they represented, and their name and memorie stinkes—'twas worse then tyranny. Now this modell upon rotation was:—that the third part of the Senate
Well: this meeting continued Novemb., Dec., Jan., till Febr. 20 or 21; and then, upon the unexpected turne upon generall Monke's comeing-in, all these aierie modells vanished. Then 'twas not fitt, nay treason, to have donne such; but I well remember, he
He was wont to find fault with the constitution of our goverment, that 'twas by jumps, and told a story of a cavaliero he sawe at the Carnival in Italie, who rode on an excellent managed horse that with a touch of his toe would jumpe quite round. One side of his habit was Spanish, the other French; which sudden alteration of the same person pleasantly surprized the spectators. 'Just so,' said he, ''tis with us. When no Parliament, then absolute monarchie; when a Parliament, then it runnes to Commonwealth.'
Anno ... he married to his old sweet-heart Mris ... Dayrell
... Dayrell.
Round about his seale, which was party per pale baron and femme
He was of a middling stature, well-trussed man, strong and thick, well-sett, sanguine, quick-hott-fiery hazell eie, thick moyst curled haire, as you may see by his picture. In his conversation very friendly, and facetious, and hospitable.
For above twenty yeares before he died (except his imprisonment) he lived in the Little-Ambry (a faire house on the left hand), which lookes into the Deane's-yard in Westminster. In the upper story he had a pretty gallery, which looked into the yard (over ... court) where he commonly dined, and meditated, and tooke his tobacco.
His amici were:—Henry Nevill, esq., who never forsooke him to his dyeing day. Though
—His uncle, ... Samuel, esq.;
—his son, Mr. ... Samuel, an excellent architect, that has built severall delicate howses (Sir Robert Henley's, Sir Thomas Grosvenor's in Cheshire);
—Sir Thomas Dolman;
—Mr. Roger L'Estrange;
—Dr. John Pell;
—J. A.
He was wont to say that 'Right reason in contemplation is vertue in action, et vice versa. Vivere secundum naturam is to live vertuously, the Divines will not have it so'; and that 'when the Divines would have us be an inch above vertue, we fall an ell belowe it.'
These verses he made, about anno ..., ....
[1102][Upon [1103] the state of nature.
But oakes bore acornes and ther was a law
By which the spider and the silkeworme span;
Each creature had her birthright, and must man
Be illegitimate! have no child's parte!
If reason had no wit, how came in arte?
ingenium i.e. quoddam ingenitum.]
By Mr. James Harrington, esq., autor Oceanae, whose handwriting this is.
author of the Oceana—he lyes buried in the chancell of St. Margarite's Church at Westminster, the next grave to the illustrious Sir Walter Raleigh, under the south side of the altar where the priest stands.
Sir John Hoskyns, etc., deane Arderne
In MS. Aubr. 22 (Aubrey's collection of Grammars) is a tract:—
'The true and ready way to learne the Latine tongue,' by Samuel Hartlib, esq., Lond. 1654, with the inscription 'Jo. Aubrey, dedit S. Hartlib, 1654.'
Over Dr. Harvey's picture in the great parlour under the library at the Physitians' College at Amen-corner (burnt):—
Gul. Harveus, an. aetat. 10, in Schola Cantuar. primis doctrinae rudimentis imbutus; 14, Col. Gonvil. et Caii alumnus; 19, peragravit Galliam et Italiam; 23, Patavii praeceptores habuit Eust. Rudium, Tho. Minad., H. Fab. ab Aquapend., Consul Anglor. 16 fit; 24, Doctor Med. et Chirurg. Reversus Lond. praxin exercuit, et uxorem
—(But I well remember that Dr. Alsop, at his funerall, sayd that he was 80, wanting one; and that he was the eldest of 9 brethren.)
He lies buried in a vault at Hempsted in Essex, which his brother Eliab Harvey built; he is lapt in lead, and on his brest in great letters
Dr. William Harvey.
I was at his funerall, and helpt to carry him into the vault.
In the library at the Physitians' Colledge was the following inscription above his statue (which was in his doctorall robes):—
Gul. Harveus, natus A.D. 1578, Apr. 2. Folkston, in Com. Cantii, primogenitus Thomae Harvei et Joannae Halk: fratres germani, Tho. Jo. Dan. Eliab. Mich. Mat.: sorores, Sarah, Amey.
Under his white marble statue, on the pedestall, thus,
Gulielmo Harveo,
Monumentis suis immortali,
Hoc insuper
Coll. Med. Lond.
Qui enim Sanguin. Motum
(ut et Animal. Ortum) dedit
meruit esse
Stator Perpetuus.
Suasu et Cura Fran. Prujeani, PrÆsidis, et Edmundi Smith, Elect., inchoata et perfecta est hÆc fabrica. An. MI?DCLIII.
All these remembrances and building was destroyed by the generall fire.
He was alwayes very contemplative, and the first that I heare of that was curious in anatomie in England. He had made dissections of frogges, toades, and a number of other animals, and had curious observations on them, which papers, together with his goods, in his lodgings at Whitehall, were plundered at the beginning of the Rebellion, he being for the king, and with him at Oxon; but he often sayd, that of all the losses he sustained, no greife was so crucifying to him as the losse of these papers, which for love or money he could never retrive or obtaine. When Charles I
After Oxford was surrendred, which was 24 July
His brother Eliab bought, about 1654, Cockaine-house, now
He did delight to be in the darke, and told me he could then best contemplate. He had a house heretofore at Combe, in Surrey, a good aire and prospect, where he had caves made in the earth, in which in summer time he delighted to meditate.—He was pretty well versed in the Mathematiques, and had made himselfe master of Mr. Oughtred's Clavis Math. in his old age; and I have seen him perusing it, and working problems, not long before he dyed, and that booke was alwayes in his meditating apartment.
His chamber was that roome that is now the office of Elias Ashmole, esq.; where he dyed, being taken with the dead palsye, which tooke away his speech. As soone as he sawe he was attaqued, he presently sent for his brother, and nephews, and gave one a watch, another another thing, etc., as remembrances of him. He dyed worth 20,000 li. which he left to his brother Eliab. In his will he left
His sayings.—He was wont to say that man was but a great mischievous baboon.
He would say, that we Europaeans knew not how to order or governe our woemen, and that the Turkes were the only people used them wisely.
He was far from bigotry.
He had been physitian to the Lord Chancellor Bacon, whom he esteemed much for his witt and style, but would not allow him to be a great philosopher. 'He writes philosophy like a Lord Chancelor,' said he to me, speaking in derision; 'I have cured him.'
About 1649 he travelled again into Italy, Dr. George (now Sir George) Ent, then accompanying him.
At Oxford, he grew acquainted with Dr. Charles Scarborough, then a young physitian (since by king Charles II knighted), in whose conversation he much delighted; and wheras before, he
I remember he kept a pretty young wench to wayte on him, which I guesse he made use of for warmeth-sake as king David did, and tooke care of her in his will, as also of his man servant.
For 20 yeares before he dyed he tooke no manner of care about his worldly concernes, but his brother Eliab, who was a very wise and prudent menager, ordered all not only faithfully, but better then he could have donne himselfe.
He was, as all the rest of the brothers, very cholerique; and in his young days wore a dagger (as the fashion then was, nay I remember my old schoolemaster, old Mr. Latimer, at 70, wore a dudgeon, with a knife, and bodkin, as also my old grandfather Lyte, and alderman Whitson of Bristowe, which I suppose was the common fashion in
He was not tall; but of the lowest stature, round faced, olivaster
I first sawe him at Oxford, 1642, after Edgehill fight, but was then too young to be acquainted with so great a Doctor. I remember he came severall times to Trin.
I have heard him say, that after his booke of the Circulation of the Blood
He understood Greek and Latin pretty well, but was no critique, and he wrote very bad Latin. The Circuitus Sanguinis was, as I take it, donne into Latin by Sir George Ent (quaere), as also his booke de Generatione Animalium, but a little book in 12mo against Riolani (I thinke), wherein he makes-out his doctrine clearer, was writt by himselfe, and that, as I take it, at Oxford.
His majestie king Charles I gave him the Wardenship of Merton Colledge in Oxford, as a reward for his service, but the times suffered him not to recieve or injoy any benefitt by it.
He was physitian, and a great favorite of the Lord High Marshall of England, Thomas
He was much and often troubled with the gowte, and his way of cure was thus; he would then sitt with his legges bare, if it were frost, on the leads of Cockaine house, putt them into a payle of water, till he was almost dead with cold, and betake himselfe to his stove, and so 'twas gonne.
He was hott-headed, and his thoughts working would many times keepe him from sleepinge; he told me that then his way was to rise out of his bed and walke about his chamber in his shirt till he was pretty coole, i.e. till he began to have a horror, and then returne to bed, and sleepe very comfortably.
I remember he was wont to drinke coffee; which he and
He did not care for chymistrey, and was wont to speake against them with an undervalue.
It is now fitt, and but just, that I should endeavour to undecieve the world in a scandall that I find strongly runnes of him, which I have mett amongst some learned young men: viz. that he made himselfe a way to putt himselfe out of his paine, by opium; not but that, had he laboured under great paines, he had been readie enough to have donne it; I doe not deny that it was not according to his principles upon certain occasions to ...: but the manner of his dyeing was really, and bon fide, thus, viz. the morning of his death about 10 a clock, he went to speake, and found he had the dead palsey in his tongue; then he sawe what was to become of him, he knew there was then no hopes of his recovery, so presently sends for his young nephewes to come-up to him, to whom he gives one his watch ('twas a minute watch with which he made his experiments); to another, another remembrance, etc.; made signe to ... Sambroke, his apothecary (in Black-Fryars), to lett him blood in the tongue, which did little or no good; and so he ended his dayes. His practise was not very great towards his later end; he declined it, unlesse to a speciall friend,—e.g. my lady Howland, who had a cancer in her breast, which he did cutt-off and seared, but at last she dyed of it.
He rode on horseback with a foot-cloath to visitt his patients
Lettres on naturalls: <quaere> Mr. Samb<roke>.
The scandall aforesaid is from Sir Charles Scarborough's saying that he had, towards his latter end, a preparation of opium and I know not what, which he kept in his study to take, if occasion should serve, to putt him out of his paine, and which Sir Charles promised to give him; this I beleeve to be true; but doe not at all beleeve that he really did give it him. The palsey did give him an easie passe-port.
I remember I have heard him say he wrote a booke De insectis, which he had been many yeares about, and had made curious researches and anatomicall observations on them. This booke was lost when his lodgings at Whitehall were plundered in the time of the rebellion. He could never for love nor money retrive them or heare what became of them and sayd 'twas the greatest crucifying to him that ever he had in all his life.
Sir John. Thou dost talke, me thinks, more understandingly of these matters then any one I have mett with.
Sowgelder. Ah! my old friend Dr. Harvey—I knew him right well—he made me sitt by him 2 or 3 hours together discoursing. Why! had he been stiffe, starcht
{ Bantinus
{ Anthocologia
J. Riolani.
de oculo
Julius Placentinus: de oculo et
de oculo et visione
Fabricius Aquapendente.
Ad legendos hosce bonos autores cohortatus sum a doctore Gulielmo Harveo.'
He was the sonne of Thomas Hawles, esq., and borne at his father's house in the close in Salisbury. He went to school at Winton College, and was a gentleman commoner of Queen's College, Oxon. He is an exceeding ingeniose young gentleman.
He had been amongst the gipsies. He looked like a knave with his gogling eies. He could transforme
He was drowned goeing to Plymouth by long sea about 1676, being about 50 yeares of age.
Ex registro St. Bartholomew the lesse, London, Anno Dom. 1664. 'James Heath, gent., dyed the 16th, and was buryed the 19th of August, consumption and dropsey, in the church neere the skreene dore.'
The clarke here told me that once he had a pretty good estate, but in his later time maintained him selfe much by writing bookes
The lady Hele of Devon gave by her will 800 li. per annum to be layd out for charitable uses and by the advice and prudence of serjeant Maynard
Sir Robert Henley, of Bramswell, Hants, baronet, decubuit
<James> Usher, Lord Primate of Ireland, was sent for by him, when in his death-bed, and he would have received the sacrament. He sayd indifferently of it that 'if there was good in any-thing 'twas in that,' or 'if it did no good 'twould doe no hurt.' The primate refused it, for which many blamed him. He dyed at his house in Queen street, very serenely; asked what was a clock, answer so ...: 'then,' sayd he, 'an houre hence I shall depart.' He then turned his head to the other side and expired. In his will he gave speciall order to have his white stone-horse (which he loved) to be well fed and carefully looked after as long as he lived. He had two libraries, one at London, the other at Montgomery; one
Vide his mother's, the
Verses. Poemes.
Vide more of this lord in Lloyd's State-Worthies, 8vo. 1679.
Amici:—John Donne, D.D.; Sir John Danvers, etc.
Mr. <Thomas> Fludd tells me he had constantly prayers twice a day in his howse, and Sundayes would have his chaplayne read one of Smyth's sermons. Vide Mr. Davys, attorney.
On a black marble grave-stone thus:
Heic inhumatur corpus
Edvardi Herbert, Equitis
Balnei, Baronis de Cherbury
et Castle-Island. Auctoris Libri
cui titulus est De Veritate.
Reddor ut herbae,
Vicessimo die Augusti,
Anno Domini 1648.
I have seem him severall times with Sir John Danvers: he was a black man.
Memorandum:—the castle of Montgomery was a most romancy seate. It stood upon a high promontory, the north side 30+ feete high. From hence is a most delightsome prospect, 4 severall wayes. Southwards, without the castle, is Prim-rose hill: vide Donne's Poems, p. 53.
Where, if Heaven would distill
A showre of raine, each severall drop might goe
To his owne prim-rose, and grow manna so;
And where their forme and their infinitie
Make a terrestriall galaxie,
As the small starres doe in the skie;
I walke to find a true-love, and I see
That 'tis not a meer woman that is shee,
But most, or more, or lesse than woman be, etc.
In this pleasant solitude did this noble lord enjoy his muse. Here he wrote his De Veritate. Dr. Coote (a Cambridge scholar and a learned) was one of his chaplains. Mr. Thomas Masters, of New College, Oxon, lived with him till 1642.
This stately castle was demolished since the late warres at the chardge of the countrey.
Scripsit:—Sacred Poems, called The Church, printed, Cambridge, 1633; a booke entituled The Country Parson, not printed till about 1650, 8vo. He also writt a folio in Latin, which because the parson
He was buryed (according to his owne desire) with the singing service for the buriall of dead, by the singing men of Sarum. Fr<ancis> Sambroke (attorney) then assisted as a chorister boy; my uncle, Thomas
Memorandum:—in the chancell are many apt sentences of the Scripture. At his wive's seate, My life is hid with Christ in God, Coloss. iii. 3 (he hath verses on this text in his poËms). Above, in a little windowe blinded, within a veile (ill painted), Thou art my hideing place, Psalm xxxii. 7.
He maried Jane, the third daughter of Charles Danvers, of Bayntun, in com. Wilts, esq. but had no issue by her. He was a very fine complexion and consumptive. His mariage, I suppose, hastened his death. My kinswoman was a handsome bona roba and ingeniose.
When he was first maried he lived a yeare or better at Dantesey house. H. Allen, of Dantesey, was well acquainted with him, who has told me that he had a very good hand on the lute, and that he sett his own lyricks or sacred poems. 'Tis an honour to the place, to have had the heavenly and ingeniose contemplation of this good man, who was pious even to prophesie;—e.g.
Ready to goe to the American strands.'
She was a beautifull ladie and had an excellent witt, and had the best breeding that that age could afford. Shee
She was very salacious, and she had a contrivance that in the spring of the yeare
In her time Wilton house was like a College, there were so many learned and ingeniose persons. She was the greatest patronesse of witt and learning of any lady in her time. She was a great chymist and spent yearly a great deale in that study. She kept for her laborator
At Wilton is a good library which Mr. Christopher Wase can give you the best account of of any one; which was collected in this learned ladie's time. There is a manuscript very elegantly written, viz. all the Psalmes of David translated by Sir Philip Sydney, curiously bound in crimson velvet. There is a MS. writt by Dame Marian
This curious seate of Wilton and the adjacent countrey is an Arcadian place and a paradise. Sir Philip Sydney was much here, and there was
This countesse, after her lord's death, maried
I thinke she was buryed in the vault in the choire at Salisbury, by Henry, earl of Pembroke, her first husband: but there is no memoriall of her, nor of any of the rest, except some penons and scutcheons.
ejus, hendecasyllaba.
Quid virtus, pietas, amorve recti,
Tunc cum vita fugit, juvare possunt?
In coelo relevent perenne nomen,
Hoc saxum doceat, duos recludens
Quos uno thalamo fideque junctos
Heic unus tumulus lapisve signat.
Jam longum sape, Lector, et valeto,
Aeternum venerans ubique nomen.
VÔd vinhad yn velinidh
A' vÔd vy mam yn velinidhes
A' mÔd inney yn arglwydhes.
To this sence
O God! Woe is me miserable, my father was a miller, and my mother a milleresse, and I am now a ladie.
That my father is a miller
And that my mother is a miller's wife,
And that I am a peeress.'
He was (as I take it) a younger brother, a mad fighting young fellow. 'Tis certaine he was a servant to the house of Worcester, and wore their blew-coate and badge. My cosen Whitney's great aunt gave him a golden angell
Memorandum:—upon this action of killing the sheriffe, the city ordered the gate to be walled-up, and only a little posterne gate or dore, with a turnestile for a foot-passenger, which continued so till Bristowe was a garrison for the king,
In France he betooke himself into the army, where he shewd so much courage, and readinesse of witt in conduct, that in short time he became eminent, and was favoured by <Francis I> the king, who afterwards recommended him to Henry the VIII of England, who much valued him, and heaped favours and honours upon him.
Upon the dissolution of the abbeys, he gave him the abbey of Wilton, and a country of lands and mannours thereabout belonging to it. He gave him also the abbey of Remesbury in Wilts, with much lands belonging to it. He gave him Cardiff-Castle in Glamorganshire, with the ancient crowne-lands belonging to it.
Almost all the country held of this castle. It was built by Sir Robert Fitzhamond the Norman, who lies buried at Tewkesbury abbey with a memorial: and he built the abbey of Glocester. It afterwards came to Jasper, duke of Bedford, etc.; so to the crowne. I have seen severall writings of Sir John Aubrey's at Llantrithid in Glamorganshire, which beginne
He maried <Anne> Par, sister of queen Katharine Par, daughter and co-heire of <Thomas> Par (I thinke
He was made Privy Councellor and conservator of King Henry the Eight's
In queen Mary's time, upon the returne of the Catholique religion, the nunnes came again to Wilton abbey, and this William, earl of Pembroke, came to the gate (which lookes towards the court by the street, but now is walled-up) with his cappe in hand, and fell upon his knee to the lady abbesse
He being a stranger in our country, and an upstart, was much envyed. And in those dayes (of sword and buckler), noblemen (and also great knights, as the Longs), when they went to the assizes or sessions at Salisbury, etc., had a great number of retainers following them; and there were (you have heard), in those dayes, feudes (i.e. quarrells and animosities) between great neighbours. Particularly this new earle was much envyed by the then lord Sturton of Sturton
From my great-uncles, the Brownes of Broad Chalke:—in queen Elizabeth's time, some bishop (I have forgot who) that had been his chaplain, was sent to him from the queen and council, to take interrogatories of him. So he takes out his pen and inke, examines and writes. When he had writt a good deale, sayd the earle, 'Now lett me see it.' 'Why,' qd the bishop, 'your lordship cannot read it?' 'That's all one: I'le see it,' qd he, and takes it and teares it to pieces: 'Zounds, you rascall,' qd he, 'd'ee thinke I will have my throate cutt with a penknife?' It seemes they had a mind to have pick't a hole in his coate, and to have gott his estate.
'Tis reported that he caused himself to be lett bloud, and bled so much that it was his death, and that he should say as he was expiring, 'They would have Wilton—they would have Wilton,' and so gave up the ghost.
Memorandum:—this William (the founder of this family) had a little cur-dog which loved him, and the earl loved the dog. When the earle dyed the dog would not goe from his master's dead body, but pined away, and dyed under the hearse; the picture of which dog is under his picture, in the Gallery at Wilton. Which putts me in
He was buried in ... of St. Paule's, London, where he had a magnificent monument, which is described, with the epitaph, by Sir William Dugdale, which vide.
Oxon., natus anno MDLXXX, viii Apr.; obiit anno MDCXXX, x Calend. Apr.—His nativity was calculated by old Mr. Thomas Allen: his death was foretold, which happened true at the time foretold. Being well in health, he made a feast; ate and dranke plentifully; went to bed; and found dead in the morning.
Obiit Anno MDCXXX, x Calend. Apr.'—
I find this under his engraved picture.
He dyed of an apoplexy, and it fell-out right according to prediction, because of which he made a great supper, and went to his bed well, but dyed in his sleep.
He was a most magnificent and brave peer, and loved learned men. He was a poet. There is a little booke in 12mo or 16mo which containes his wife's and Sir Benjamin Rudyer's who was his friend and contemporary.
Mr. ... Heyden maried Nicholas Culpepper's widdowe, and lights there
Il port 'sable, 3 horse-heads erased argent.'
Old Serjeant Hoskins (the poet, grandfather to this Sir John Hoskins, baronet, my hond friend) knew him (was
I fancy that his picture, i.e. head, is at the end of the Long Gallery of Pictures at Wilton
He writt 'Philosophia Epicureo-Democritiana, simpliciter proposita, non edocta': printed at Colen, in 8vo or 12mo: Sir John Hoskins hath it.
Thomas Henshawe, of Kensington, esq., R. Soc. Soc., hath a treatise of his in manuscript, which he will not print, viz. 'Of the Essence of God, &c. Light.' It is mighty paradoxicall:—That there is a God; What he is, in 10 or 12 articles: Of the Immortality of the Soule, which he does demonstrate pa?t??s?a and ??t??s?a.
[Fabian Philips, the cursiter, remembers him
He was, as appeares by A. Wood's Historie, of St. John's Colledge in Oxford, where he mentions him to be a great Lullianist.
In his travells with his lord, (I forget whither Italy or Germany, but I thinke the former) a poor man begged him to give him a penny. 'A penny!' said Mr. Hill, 'what dost say to ten pound?' 'Ah! ten pound!' (said the beggar) 'that would make a man happy.' N. Hill gave him immediately 10 li. and putt it downe upon account,—'Item, to a beggar ten pounds, to make him happy.'
About the shore, of ..., but late departed;
White, black, blew, greene; and in more formes out-started
Than all those Atomi ridiculous
Wherof old Democrite and Hill Nicholas,
One sayd, the other swore, the world consists.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . concern us."'
<This, the most elaborate of these 'Brief Lives,' occupies by itself MS. Aubr. 9. For the letters introductory to it, see supra, pp. 17-20.
The various papers of which the MS. is composed are bound up confusedly, and the separate notes are in some cases entered on a page, or a page and its opposite, in no order. Considerable re-arrangement has therefore been necessary; but the exact MS. references have been given throughout. Some few notes relating to Hobbes, found in other Aubrey MSS., have here been brought into their natural place.>
The writers
Why now should that method be omitted in this Historiola of our Malmesbury philosopher? Who though but
" "
1. Francis Hobbes, 2. Thomas Hobbes, m. ... Middleton, of Brokenborough
obiit sine prole. vicar of Westport. " (vide Camden
" " "
1. Edmund Hobbes, m. ... 2. Thomas Hobbes, ..., a daughter, m. ...
" philosophus, obiit
" coelebs Dec. 4, 1679.
" " "
1. Mary, m. ... Tirell. 2. Eleanor, m. ... Harding. Francis m. ...
" " Hobbes, "
" " " " "
1. Thomas, a clothier, 2. <Edmund>. When a child
about 23, 1679. his genius lyes to drawing.
He can engrave and something
resembles the philosopher.
I have a lyon of his
This heraldique way of expressing a genealogie is most intelligible and makes the best impresse in the memory or
My brother
<His father.>
<His father's brother.>
...; vide;
quaere Sir J<ames> Long.
In Hexham's Dutch dictionary Gast signifies 'a guest'; so that Gasten-ground will be 'the ground for the guests'; probably to putt the horses of the guests (that came to lye at the abbey) to grasse. They speake broad in our countrey, and do pronounce guest, gast, etc. Monasterys had their guest-halls; and it should seeme they had likewise their guest-grounds for the strangers' horses: as here.
<His brother and sister.>
<His nephews and nieces.>
This Edmund had only one son named Francis, and two daughters maried to countreymen (renters) in the neighborhood. This Francis pretty well resembled his uncle Thomas, especially about the eie; and probably had he had good education might have been ingeniose; but he drowned his witt
<Description of Malmsbury.>
<As may be seen from his intended preface (supra, p. 19) Aubrey thought of beginning the life of Hobbes with an account of Malmsbury.
For this purpose in MS. Aubr. 9 he has drawn three plans
(a) plan of environs of Malmsbury (a slip at fol. 31v).
(b) plan of Malmsbury (fol. 31v).
(c) a drawing of the house in which Hobbes was born (fol. 31v). These are reproduced in facsimile at the end of this edition.
He gives there (fol. 31v) these dimensions of the town:—'From St. John's Bridge <south limit of the town> to the abbey <north> is about a quarter of a mile; and from the same bridge to Westport church <west limit> is neer about a mile. Height of the borough from the levill belowe is about 100 foot high.'
The references on the plan of Malmsbury (see the facsimile) are:—
- 'a = the house of his birth.
- ? = Westport church.
- W = the West port (olim).
- = the smyth's shop.
- d = the private house where Mr. Latimer taught him.
- ? = Three Tunnes (as I take it), opposite to the smyth's shop.
- = the religious <house> dedicated to Our Lady: the chapell is yet standing.
- H = <Hobbes's> house at the upper <end> faces the Horse fayre.
- = quaere if not a chapell here?'
On fol. 31v of MS. Aubr. 9, Aubrey has these remarks about these plans, etc.:—
'If these notes are not now inserted, probably they will be lost: or should it not be a marginall commentary?'
'I have drawne this rude sketch meerly for your clearer understanding, not that I think it worth while to grave it for 'tis at randome. I intended if it had pleased God that I had prospered in the world to have had taken an exact map
'Whitechurch, about a mile ferÈ off:—quaere ubi stat?' 'Vide Speed's mappe in Wiltshire.'
'Burnevall, quasi Bournevall.'>
<Description of Westport.>
<Place and date of his birth.>
Thomas Hobbes, Malmesburiensis, Philosophus, was borne at his father's house in Westport, being that extreme howse that pointes into, or
The day of his birth was April the fifth, Anno Domini 1588, on a Fryday morning, which that yeare was Good Fryday. His mother fell in labour with him upon the fright of the invasion of the Spaniards—
His horoscope
<His school and college life.>
At four yeares old
I have heard his brother Edmund and Mr. Wayte (his schoolefellowe) say that when he was a boy he was playsome enough, but withall he had even then a contemplative melancholinesse; he would gett him into a corner, and learne his lesson by heart presently. His haire was black, and his schoolfellows
This Mr. Latimer was a good Graecian, and the first that came into our parts hereabout since the Reformation. He was afterwards minister of Malmesbury, and from thence preferred to a better living of 100 li. per annum, or +, at Leigh-de-la-mere within this hundred.
At Oxford Mr. T. H. used, in the summer time especially, to rise very early in the morning, and would tye the leaden-counters (which they used in those dayes at Christmas, at post and payre) with pacthreds
Quos prius edoctus, non bene doctus eram.
Pascebamque animum chartis imitantibus orbem,
Telluris faciem, et sydera picta videns,
Gaudebam soli comes ire, et cernere cunctis
Terricolis justos qua facit arte dies; etc.
<Enters the earl of Devonshire's service.>
By this way of life he had almost forgott his Latin; vide Latin verses. He therefore
<Is servant to Francis Bacon.>
The Lord Chancellour Bacon loved to converse
It is to be remembred that about these times, Mr. T. H. was much addicted to musique, and practised on the base-violl.
<Visits his native county, Wiltshire.>
1634: this summer—I remember 'twas in venison season
<His mathematical studies.>
I have heard Sir Jonas Moore (and others
<Champions the king's cause against the parliament.>
1640: 'when the parliament sate that began in April 1640 and was dissolved in May following, and in which
Horatius ad Asin. Pollionem, ode 1, lib. 2.
Memorandum the parliament was then sitting and runne violently against the king's prerogative.
'He wrote and published the Leviathan far from the intention either of disadvantage to his majestie, or to flatter Oliver (who was not made Protector till three or four yeares after) on purpose to facilitate his returne; for there is scarce a page in it that he does not upbraid him.'—Mr. Hobbes considered, p. 8.
'His majestie was displeased with him' (at Paris) 'for a while, but not very long, by means of some's complayning of and misconstruing his writing. But his majestie had a good opinion of him, and sayd openly that he thought Mr. Hobbes never meant him hurt.'—p. 28.
'Before his booke De Homine came forth, nothing of the optiques writt intelligibly. As for the Optiques of Vitellio
'So also of all other arts; not every one that brings
'The reason given by him, why the drop of glasse so much wondred at shivers into so many pieces by breaking only one small part of it, is approved for probable by the Royall Societie and registred in their colledge:
'As for his selfe-prayse
'Then for his morosity and peevishnesse, with which some asperse him, all that know him familiarly, know the contrary. 'Tis true that when vain and ignorant young scholars, unknowne to him before, come to him on purpose to argue with him, and fall into undiscreet and uncivill expressions, and he then appeare not well contented, 'twas not his morosity, but their vanity, which should be blamed.'—<Mr. Hobbes considered> p. 59.
<Residence in Paris.>
<Return to England.>
<Kindness to his nephew.>
<Residence in London.>
He was much in London till the restauration of his majesty, having here convenience not only of bookes, but of learned conversation, as Mr. John Selden, Dr. William Harvey, John Vaughan, etc., wherof anon in the catalogue of his acquaintance.
I have heard him say, that at his lord's house in the
<Acquaintance and studies.>
Amongst other of his acquaintance I must not forget our common friend, Mr. Samuel Cowper, the prince of limners of this last age, who drew his picture
His place of meditation was then in the portico in the garden.
His manner
There was a report
<Secures the protection of Charles II.>
It happened, about two or three dayes after his majestie's happy returne, that, as he was passing in his coach through the Strand, Mr. Hobbes was standing at Little Salisbury-house gate (where his lord then lived). The king espied him, putt of his hatt very kindly to him, and asked him how he did. About a weeke after he had
The witts at Court were wont to bayte him. But he feared none of them
Repartees. He was marvellous happy and ready in his replies, and that without rancor (except provoked)—but now
<Re-enters the household of the earl of Devonshire.>
<His treatise De Legibus.>
1664. In
'Tis thus, viz., in a letter to me
'I have been told that my booke of the Civill Warr is come abroad and am heartily sorry for it, especially because I could not get his majestie to license it, not because it is ill printed or hath a foolish title set to it, for I beleeve that any ingeniose man may understand the wickednes of that time, notwithstanding the errors of the presse
'The treatise De Legibus (at the end of it) is imperfect. I desire Mr. Horne
'I pray you present my humble thankes to Mr. Sam. Butler.
'The privilege of stationers is, in my opinion, a very great hinderance to the advancement of all humane learning
'I am, sir, your very humble servant,
'Th. Hobbes.'
<Proposed foundation at Malmsbury.>
<Controversy with Dr. John Fell.>
'Vir sane de quo (inter tot prosperae et adversae famae qui de eo sparguntur hominum sermones) hoc verissime pronuntiare fas est, animum ipsi obtigisse, uti omnis scientiae capacissimum et infertum, ita divitiarum, saeculi, et invidiae negligentissimum; erga cognatos et alios pium et beneficum; inter eos quibuscum vixit, hilarem et apertum, et sermone libero; apud exteros in summa semper veneratione habitum,' &c.; this and much more was quite dashed out of the author's copie by the sayd deane.
1674. Hereupon
In the meane time Mr. Hobbes meetes with the king in the Pall-mall, in St. James's parke; tells him how he had been served by the deane of Christ Church, in a booke then in the presse (scilicet the 'History' aforesayd), intituled the History and Antiquities of the Universitie of Oxon, and withall desires his majestie to be pleased to give him leave to vindicate himselfe. The king seeming to be troubled at the dealing of the deane, gave Mr. Hobbes leave, conditionally that he touch no-body but him who had abused him, neither that he should reflect upon the Universitie.
Mr. Hobbes understanding that this History would be published at the common Act at Oxon, about 11 July, the said yeare 1674, prints his Epistle
To this angry
<Withdraws to Derbyshire.>
1675, mense ..., he left London cum animo nunquam revertendi, and spent the remaynder of his dayes in Derbyshire with the earl of Devonshire at Chatsworth and Hardwyck, in contemplation and study. He wrote there
<His death and burial.>
'To his highly honoured friend, Jo. Aubrey, esq., these.'—
(His sicknesse) 'Worthy sir—he fell sick about the middle of October last,' etc.
<Personal characteristics.>
From forty, or better, he grew healthier, and then he had a fresh, ruddy, complexion. He was sanguineo-melancholicus; which the physiologers say is the most ingeniose complexion. He would say that 'there might be good witts of all complexions; but good-natured, impossible.'
Head. In his old age he was very bald
Crassa cutis, crassum cerebrum, crassum ingenium.
Face not very great; ample forehead; whiskers yellowish-redish, which naturally turned up—which is a signe of a brisque witt, e.g. James Howell, Henry Jacob of Merton College.
<Beard.> Belowe he was shaved close, except a little tip under his lip. Not but that nature
Barba non facit philosophum. 'Il consiste tout en la pointe de sa barbe et en ses deux moustaches; et, par consequence, pour le diffaire il ne faut que trois coups de ciseau.'—Balzac, Lettres, tom. 2, p. 242.
Sight; witt. His sight and witt continued to the last. He had a curious sharp sight, as he had a sharpe witt, which was also so sure and steady (and contrary to that men call bro<a>dwittednes) that I have heard him oftentimes say that in
<Habits of body and mind.>
He thought much and with excellent method and stedinesse, which made him seldome make a false step.
His bookes, vide page
Memorandum—Mr. Hobbes was very sick and like to dye at Bristoll-house in Queen Street, about 1668.
He was wont to say that he had rather have the advice, or take physique from an experienced old woman, that had been at many sick people's bed-sides, then from the learnedst but unexperienced physitian.
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.
I have heard him say that he did beleeve he had been in excesse
For his last 30+ yeares, his dyet, etc., was very moderate and regular. After sixty he dranke no wine, his stomach grew weak, and he did eate most fish, especially whitings, for he sayd he digested fish better then flesh. He rose about seaven, had
After dinner he tooke a pipe of tobacco, and then threw himselfe immediately on his bed, with his band off, and slept (tooke a nap of about halfe an howre).
In the afternoon he penned his morning thoughts.
Exercises. Besides his dayly walking, he did twice or thrice a yeare play at tennis
Habit. In cold weather he commonly wore a black velvet coate, lined with furre; if not, some other coate so lined. But all the yeare he wore a kind of bootes
Singing. He had alwayes bookes of prick-song lyeing on his table:—e.g. of H. Lawes' etc. Songs—which at night, when he was abed, and the dores made fast, and was sure nobody heard him, he sang aloud (not that he had a very good voice) but
<His readiness to help with advice and money.>
<Slanders concerning him.>
Aspersions and envy. His work was attended with envy, which threw severall aspersions and false reports on him. For instance, one (common) was that he was afrayd to lye alone at night in his chamber, [I have often heard him say that he was not afrayd of of sprights, but afrayd of being knockt on the head
I have heard some positively affirme that he had a yearly pension from the king of France,—possibly for having asserted such a monarchie as the king of France exercises, but for what other grounds I know not, unles it be for that the present
He would have the worship of God performed with musique (ad me
<Portraits of Hobbes.>
Thomae Hobbes
Malmesburiensis effigiem
ad vivum depictam (1663)
Regiae Societati
Johannes Aubrey
de Easton-Piers
ejusdem Soc.
Gett a brasse wyer to hang it
Qui quaerit de me, forsitan alter erit.
(Sir Charles Scarborough confessed to me that he made this distich.)
En quam modicÈ habitat philosophia.
<His seal.>
..., a bend engrailed between 6 martletts ..., was the seale
Quare whose coate it may be—if Hobbes?
Quaere James Wheldon the executor if this be his coate of armes—for 'tis some seale—and what the colours are.—Respondet that the heralds did offer him a coat of armes but he refused it.
<He was 'plebeius homo.'>
Vide Alexander Broome's poemes:—
Is a herault to himselfe and a godfather too.
<His sayings.>
Here insert the two printed papers of his sayings.
Ne judicate ne judicemini
He told me he had cut thorough him a barre's length, for he durst not write so boldly.
I have heard him say that Aristotle was the worst teacher that ever was, the worst polititian and ethick—a countrey-fellow that could live in the world <would be> as good: but his rhetorique and discourse of animals was rare.
<From> Elizabeth, viscountesse Purbec. When Mr. T. Hobbes was sick in France, the divines came to him, and tormented him (both Roman Catholic, Church of England, and Geneva). Sayd he to them 'Let me alone,
Mr. Edmund Waller sayd to me, when I desired him to write some verses in praise of him, that he was afrayd of the churchmen: he quoted Horace—
Suppositos cineri doloso:
that, what was chiefly to be taken notice of in his elogie was that he, being but one, and a private person, pulled-downe all the churches, dispelled the mists of ignorance, and layd-open their priest-craft.
<His writings.>
<Aubrey several times notes his intention of drawing up a list of Hobbes' writings. In MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 53v, is a memorandum 'An exact Catalogue of all the bookes he wrote,' with a mark showing that it was to be brought in before the notice of Hobbes's death, supra, p. 346. MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 22, is headed 'Catalogus librorum ab autore scriptorum,' and is left blank for their insertion.
In MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 18v, is James Wheldon's answer to the inquiry suggested (ut supra) on fol. 53v:—viz.>
[1511]A Catalogue of his bookes.
His Latine poem of the wonders of the Peake.
His translation of Thucidides out of Greek into English.
His Humane nature, and De corpore politico in English.
His Leviathan in English.
{De corpore }
His philosophy in three parts {De homine } in Latine.
{De cive }
His dialogue of the Civill Warr, in English, printed lately against his will.
Of his disputations with Dr. Wallis and what he has written in philosophy and mathematicks Mr. <William> Crook can best give you the titles with the order and times of their edition, some Latine, some English; as also of
His translation of the Odysses and Iliads of Homer.
There is also a small peece in English called A Breefe of Aristotle's Rhetorick printed by Andrew Crooke, which was his, though his name be not to it.
There is a little booke called Mr. Hobbes considered, wherein there is some passages relating to his life.
<In MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 54v, Aubrey notes the omission of a list of Hobbes's writings, and on fol. 55 he adds a transcript (with some notes of his own) of a list by William Crooke, Hobbes' publisher, supplementary to that given in Anthony Wood's Hist. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. ii. 377.>
The travells of Ulysses, being the translation of the 9, 10, and 11 bookes of Homer's Odysses into English; London, printed 1674.
Epistola ad D. Ant. À Wood, Latin, 1675
A translation of the 24 bookes of Homer's Iliads and the 24 bookes of his Odysses.
Also, his preface about the vertues of heroique poesie, in English, printed 1675, and 1677.
A letter to the duke of Newcastle about liberty and necessity, printed 1676, and 1677. [I have this somewhere among my bookes, printed about 30 yeares since. It was edited first by John Davys of Kidwelly; and there is a preface to it with S. W., i.e. Seth Ward, who then had a high esteeme of him.]
De Mirabilibus Pecci
Decameron Physiologicum, or ten dialogues of naturall philosophy, to which is added the proportion of straight line to halfe the arc of quadrant, English, 1678
Considerations upon the reputation, loyalty, manners, and religion of Thomas Hobbes, written by himselfe, printed 1680, with part of severall of his letters to W. Crooke.—[This
Vita Thomae Hobbes, 4to, printed 1680; in Latin verse; quarto.
Idem, in English, translated by ...; 1680, folio.
An historicall narration concerning heresie and the punishment thereof, English, 1680.
? It ought not to be forgotten that there is before Sir William Davenant's heroique poem called Gondibert, a learned epistle of Mr. Hobbes's concerning poetrie, in answer to Sir William's.
And there is also a shorter letter of Mr. Hobbes's, which the Honourable ... Howard has printed before his heroique poem, 8vo, called I thinke Bonduca, about 1668 or 9.
Mr. Hobbes wrote a letter to ... (a colonell, as I remember) concerning Dr. Scargill's recantation sermon, preached at Cambridge, about 1670, which he putt into Sir John Birkenhead's hands to be licensed, which he
<Notes about his writings.>
<There are several scattered notes about Hobbes' writings dispersed throughout MS. Aubr. 9, which may be most conveniently brought together here.>
His Latin Leviathan is altered in many particulars, e.g. the doctrine of the Trinity, etc., and enlarged with many considerable particulars.—MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 42v.
The Leviathan is translated into Dutch.—MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 7v.
Quaere Ph. Laurence what volume the Dutch Leviathan printed and what volumine.—MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 7.
Humane Nature, London, by Thomas Newcombe, 1650, 12mo.—Anno 1684/5 is printed by Mr. Crooke Humane Nature, and Libertie and Necessity, in 8vo, which they call his 'Tripos.'—MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 7v.
Before Thucydides, he spent two yeares in reading romances and playes, which he haz often repented and sayd that these two yeares were lost of him—wherin perhaps he was mistaken too. For it might furnish him with copie of words.—MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 42v.
Thucydides, London, imprinted for Richard Mynne in Little Brittain at the signe of St. Paul, MDCXXXIV.—MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 7v.
Mr. Henry Birchit of the Middle Temple promised to gett for me Mr. Hobbes' letter to ... of Mr. Scargill's recantation, which he left with Sir John Birkenhead.—MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 54v.
T. Hobbes—quaere Mr. H. Birchet de letter of Scargill's recantation which Sir John Birkenhead would not licence.—MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8.
<In MS. Aubr. 9 at the end are some of the printed tracts issued by Hobbes in his controversy with Dr. John Wallis, viz.:—
(1) A folio sheet
'To the right honorable and others the learned members of the Royal Society for the Advancement of the Sciences, presenteth to your consideration your most humble servant Thomas Hobbes (who hath spent much time upon the same subject) two propositions, whereof the one is lately published by Dr. Wallis, a member of your society....
Dr. Wallis: de motu, cap. 5. prop. 1. " Thomas Hobbes, Roset. prop. 5.'
(2) A quarto sheet
'To the right honourable and others the learned members of the Royal Society for the Advancement of the Sciences, presenteth to your consideration your most humble servant Thomas Hobbes a confutation of a theoreme which hath a long time passed for truth.'
(3) A quarto tract
'Three papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis, together with considerations on Dr. Wallis his answers to them, by Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury; London, printed for the author and are to be had at the Green Dragon without Temple Bar: 1671.'>
With Mr. Hobbes's small tracts inscribed to the Royal Society came a letter offering that some of the small pieces of his might be published in the Transactions; which was
<At the end of MS. Aubr. 9 is a quarto tract of 14 pages, entitled:—
'Thomae Hobbesii Malmesburiensis vita, authore seipso
The last two lines of it are:—
Et prope stans dictat Mors mihi, Ne metue.
On these Aubrey notes (MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 68v)—
'These two last verses Dr. Blackburne altered (because of qu[=a] in quatuor, long) in the copie printed with Mr. Hobbes's life in Latine, and some other alterations he made, but me thinkes the sense is not so brisque.'>
What did he write since he left London? Quaere <his> executor.—MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 22v.
His executor acquaints William Crooke (the author's printer
Mr. Thomas Hobbes <has left> in MSS.
----A dialogue concerning the common lawes.
----An epitome of the Civil Warres of England from 1640 to 1660.
----Answer to The Catching of the Leviathan by Dr. Bramhall.
----A historical narration concerning heresy and the punishment thereof.—MS. Aubr. 9, a slip at fol. 27v.
Translation of 1, 9, 10, 11 and 1<2> bookes of Homer's Odysses in English verse.
Ecclesiastica Historia in Latin verse, Amsterdam.—MS. Aubr. 9, a slip pasted on to fol. 27v.
Quaere Dr. Blackbourn and Mr. Crooke to know where lies or what is become of Mr. Hobbes' Historia Ecclesiastica Romana? Resp.—Dr. Blackbourne haz it; gett copie of it.—MS. Aubr. 7, a slip at fol. 8v.
In May 1688, his Ecclesiastica Historia carmine elegiaco conscripta, in Latin verse, was printed at Augusta Trinobantum, scil. London. The preface was writt by Mr. Thomas Rymer, of Graie's Inne, but ???????.—MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 54v.
Memorandum.—Mr. Hobbes told me he would write, in three columnes, his doctrine, the objections, and his answers, and deposit
<MS. Aubr. 28 is a copy of the tract (63 pages).
'Mr. Hobbes considered in his loyalty, religion, reputation, and manners, by way of letter to Dr. Wallis'; London, printed for Andrew Crooke, 1662.
On the title-page Aubrey has the note:—
'This letter was writt (indeed) by Mr. Thomas Hobbes himselfe—Jo. Aubrey de Easton-Pierse':
and at the end
'The second impression
<Verses by him.>
As fair as can be and as wise as fair;
And yet not, proud, nor anything will doe
To make me of her favour to despair.
But if i' th' character your selfe you find
Thinke not the man a fool thÔ he be old
Who loves in body fair a fairer mind.
Mr. Benjamin Johnson, Poet-Laureat, was his loving and familiar friend and acquaintance.
<Sir Robert> Aiton, Scoto-Britannus, a good poet and critique and good scholar. He was neerly related to his lord's lady (Bruce). And he desired Ben: Johnson, and this gentleman, to give their judgement on his style of his translation of Thucydides.
Memorandum next after ... Ayton should in order be named Sydney Godolphin, esq., who left him, in his will, a legacy of an hundred poundes: and Mr. Hobbes hath left him an eternall
Lucius Carey, lord Falkland was his great friend and admirer, and so was Sir William Petty; both which I have here enrolled amongst those friends I have heard him
Mr. Henry Gellibrand, Astronomy professor at Gresham Colledge.
Henry Stubbes
Mr. Charles Cavendish
Mr. Laurence Rooke, Geometry and Astronomy professor.
Mr. ... Hallely, his intimate friend, an old gent.
As also the like love and friendship was betwixt him and
Marinus ... Mersennus;
Monsr. Renatus Des Cartes
as also—
<Johan. Franc.> Niceron;
Samuel Sorbier, M. D.—vide his epistle and Gassendus's before his De Cive.
... Verdusius, to whom he dedicates his ... Dialogi (
Des Cartes and he were acquainted and mutually respected one another. He would say that had he kept himself to Geometry he had been the best geometer in the world but that his head did not lye for philosophy.
Edmund Waller
Mr. S. Cowper aforesayd
(1651 or 52.) William Harvey, Dr. of Physique and Chirurgery, inventor of the circulation of the bloud, who left him in his will ten poundes, as his brother told me at his funerall. Obiit anno 1657, aetat. 80, sepult. at Hempsted in Essex, in their
Mr. Edmund Waller of Beconsfield was his great friend, and acquainted at Paris—I believe before.
When his Leviathan came out, he sent by his stationer's (Andrew Crooke) man a copie of it, well-bound, to Mr. John Selden in Aedibus Carmeliticis. Mr. Selden told the servant, he did not know Mr. Hobbes, but had heard much of his worth, and that he should be very glad to be acquainted with him. Wherupon Mr. Hobbes wayted on him. From which time there was a strict friendship between <them> to his dyeing day. He left by his will to Mr. Hobbes a legacy of ten poundes.
Sir John Vaughan, Lord Chiefe Justice of the Common Pleas, was his great acquaintance, to whom he made visitts three times or more in a weeke—out of terme in the morning; in terme-time, in the afternoon.
Sir Charles Scarborough, M.D. (physitian to his royal highnesse the duke of Yorke), who hath a very good and like picture (drawne about 1655)
Qui quaerit de me, forsitan alter erit;
and much loved his conversation.
Sir Jonas Moore, mathematicus, surveyor of his majestie's ordinance, who had a great veneration for Mr. Hobbes, and was wont much to lament
Mr. Richard White, who writt Hemispherium Dissectum.
Sir Charles Cavendish
Edward, lord Herbert of Cherbery and Castle Island.
Sir William Davenant, Poet Laureat after B. Johnson, and generall of the ordinance to the duke of Newcastle—at Paris
William Chillingworth, D.D.—he would commend this doctor for a very great witt; 'But by G——' said he, 'he is like some lusty fighters that will give a damnable back-blow now and then on their owne party.'
George Eglionby, D.D. and deane of Canterbury, was also his great acquaintance. He died at Oxford
Mr. Francis Osburne, author of 'Advice
John Pell, Dr. of Divinity, mathematicus, quondam professor ...
Sir George Ent, M.D.—In a letter to Mr. J<ohn> A<ubrey> from Mr. Thomas Hobbes:—
'Worthy Sir,
I have receaved from Mr. Crooke the booke of Sir George Ent of the Use of Respiration. It is a very learned and ingeniose booke full of true and deepe philosophy. I pray you to present unto him my most humble service. Though I recieved it but three dayes since, yet, drawen-on by the easinesse of the style and elegancy of the language, I have read it all over, and I give you most
I am,
Sir, your most obliged and humble servant,
Tho: Hobbes.
March 25,
Ralph Bathurst, S.T.D., now deane of Welles, who hath writt verses before his booke of Humane Nature
Mr. Henry Stubbes, physitian, whom he much esteemed for his great learning and parts, but at latter end Mr. Hobbs differ'd with him for that he wrote against the lord chancellor Bacon, and the Royall Societie. He wrote in Mr. Hobbes' defence—vide librum
Walter Charleton, M.D., physitian to his majestie, and one of the Colledge of Physitians in London, a high admirer of him.
Mr. Samuel Butler, the author of Hudibras.
In his ... Dialogi (vide librum) he haz a noble elogie of Sir Christopher Wren, then a young scholar in Oxon, which quote; but I thinke they were not acquainted.
Mr. <Robert> Hooke loved him, but was never but once in his company.
<Sidney Godolphin
Robert Stevens, serjeant at Lawe, was wont to say of him, and that truly, that 'no man had so much, so deeply, seriously, and profoundly
<Opponents and critics.>
His chiefe antagonists were
—Seth Ward, D.D., now bishop of Sarum, who wrote against him in his Vindiciae Academiarum
—John Wallis, D.D., a great mathematician, and that hath deserved exceedingly of the commonwealth of learning for the great paines etc...., was his great antagonist in the Mathematiques. 'Twas pitty, as is said before, that Mr. Hobbs began so late, els he would <not> have layn so open.
'Theophilus Pike' (<i.e.> [William
Mr. [Richard] Baxter, who wrote....
<Apologists and supporters.>
<A few scattered notes in MS. Aubr. 9 may be conveniently brought together here.>
'In Hobbesii libris eorum quae de cive et civitate agunt (nam reliqua nobis neutiquam curatio est) scopus generalis est e primis principiis naturae rationalis ac vitae socialis res politicas eruere (quo quidem nomine prae caeteris laudandus est cum nemo politicorum ante illum id ausus fuerit), specialis est dirigere principia sua ad monarchiam (qui si genium gentis spectes in qua vixit non minori laude dignus est, licebitque aliis eadem principia ad statum aristocraticum et democraticum applicare, modo sciat istos potius quam monarchiam reipublicae suae congruere).
In aliis scriptis quae publicavit itidem eo nomine laudandus est quod e primis principiis moralibus, licet haud perinde vulgÒ notis, res suas eruere conetur: sed rursus etiam culpandus quod sacra ad
James Harrington, esquire: Oceana, vide.
'Nec parum debere nos profitemur Thomae Hobbes, cujus hypothesis in libro de Cive, etsi quid profani sapiat, pleraque tamen caetera satis arguta ac sana.
Quos heic velut in universum allegasse voluimus, in ipso autem opere quoties eorundem expressa fuit sententia ipsos numerare supersedimus, quia, praeter taedia crebrae citationis, rationes eorum potius quam autoritatem secuti sumus. Nam quando ab iisdem atque aliis veritatis studium dissentire nos subegit, nomina eorundem ideo dissimulavimus ne magnorum virorum naevos vellicando gloriolam captare velle videremur. Et stultum semper judicavimus, cum ipse te hominem noris ab erroribus haudquidquam immunem, aspera in alios censura reliquos ad paria tibi reponenda irritare.'
'Sic et Thomas Hobbius in operibus suis ad civilem scientiam spectantibus plurima habet quantivis pretii et nemo cui rerum ejusmodi est intellectus negaverit tam profunde ipsum societatis humanae et civilis compagem rimatum fuisse ut pauci priorum cum ipso heic comparari queant. Et qua a vero aberrat, occasionem tamen ad talia meditanda suggerit quae fortasse aliÀs nemini in mentem venissent. Sed quod et hic in religione peculiaria sibi et horrida dogmata finxerit, hoc ipso apud multos non citra rationem sui
Tunc suus ex merito quemque tuetur honos.
Ovid. Eleg.
<Copies of letters by, or about, Thomas Hobbes.>
i. Thomas Hobbes to Josias Pullen.
Honour'd Sir,
I understand by a letter from Mr. Aubry that you desire to have the bookes I have published to put them into the library of Magdalen Hall. I have here sent them you, and very willingly, as being glad of the occasion, for I assure you that I owe so much honour and respect to that society that I would have sent them, and desired to have them accepted, long agoe, if I could have donne it as decently as now that you have assured me that your selfe and some others of your house have a good opinion of them so that though the house refuse them they are not lost. You know how much they have been decryed by Dr. Wallis and others of the greatest sway in the University, and therfore to offer them to any Colledge or Hall had been a greater signe of humility than I have yet attained to.
For your owne civility in approving them, I give you many thanks; and remain
Your most humble servant,
Tho. Hobbes.
Febr. 1st.
ii. Thomas Hobbes to John Aubrey.
I am very glad to hear you are well and continue your favours towards me.
'Tis a long time since I have been able to write my selfe, and am now so weake that it is a paine to me to dictate.
But yet I cannot choose but thanke you for this letter of Jan. 25th which I receaved not till the last of ffebruary. I was assured a good while since that Dr. Wallis his learning is no where esteemed but in the Universities by such as have engaged themselves in the defence of his geometry and are now ashamed to recant it. And I wonder not if Dr. Wallis, or any other, that have studyed mathematicks onely to gaine preferment, when his ignorance is discovered, convert his study to jugling and to the gaining of a reputation of conjuring, decyphering, and such arts
As for the matter it selfe, I meane the teaching of a man borne deafe and dumbe to speake, I thinke it impossible. But I doe not count him deafe and indocible that can heare a word spoken as loud as is possible at the very entrance to his eare, for of this I am assured that a man borne absolutely deafe must of necessity be made to heare before he can be made to speake, much lesse to understand. And he that could make him heare (being a great and common good) would well deserve both to be honoured
Sir, I am most heartily
Your most faithfull and most humble servant,
Thomas Hobbes.
March the 5th, 1677
iii. Thomas Hobbes to William Crooke, with an enclosure to John Aubrey.
<Hobbes' letter to Crooke is found as fol. 11 of MS. Aubr. 9: the enclosure to Aubrey, as foll. 12, 13. Both are in James Wheldon's handwriting.
It appears by the post-stamps on the backs of these letters that the charge for a letter was 3d., with 3d. for each enclosure. Thus the letters of Aug. 18, 1679, March 5, 1679/80, Sept. 7, 1680, are all marked as costing 3d. postage (MS. Aubr. 9, foll. 15v, 10v, 21v); while this letter to Crooke, with its enclosure, cost 6d. (ibid., fol. 11v); and the letter of Jan. 16, 1679/80, with its two enclosures, cost 9d. (ibid. fol. 17v).>
I have receaved Sir George Ent's booke and Mr. Aubrey's letter, to which I have written an answer, but I cannot tell how to send it to him without your helpe, and therefore I have sent it to you here inclosed, for I believe he comes now and then to your shop, and I pray you doe me the favour to deliver it to him.
I rest, your humble servant
Tho. Hobbes.
March the 25th 1679.
At the Green Dragon without Temple barr
I have receaved from Will: Crooke the booke of Sir George Ent of the use of respiration. It is a very learned and ingenious booke, full of true and deepe philosophy, and I pray you to present unto him my most humble service. Though I receaved it but three days since, yet drawn on by the easinesse of the style and elegance of the language I have read it all over. And I give you most hearty thankes for sending of it to me, and to Mr. Ent
I knew not how to addresse my letter to you, but at all adventure I sent it inclosed in a letter to Mr. Crooke at whose shop I suppose you sometimes looke in as you passe the street.
I pray you present my service to Mr. Hooke and thanke him for the honour of his salutation.
I am, Sir, your most obliged and humble servant,
Thomas Hobbes.
March the 25th, 1679.
Mr. John Aubrey.
iv. Thomas Hobbes to John Aubrey.
I thanke you for your letter of Aug. 2d, and I pray you present my humble thanks to Sir George Ent that he accepteth of my judgment upon his booke. I fear it is rather his good nature then my merit. I am sorry for the news you write of his son.
I have been told that my booke of the Civill Warr is come abroad, and am sorry for it, especially because I could
The treatise De Legibus, at the end of it, is imperfect. I desire Mr. Horne to pardon me that I consent not to his motion, nor shall Mr. Crooke himselfe get my consent to print it.
I pray you present my humble service to Mr. Butler
The priviledge of stationers is (in my opinion) a very great hinderance to the advancement of all humane learning.
I am, Sir, your very humble servant,
Tho. Hobbes.
Aug. the 18th, 1679.
v. James Wheldon to William Crooke, with enclosure to John Aubrey, and a copy of Hobbes' will.
<Wheldon's letter to Crooke is found as foll. 16 and 17 of MS. Aubr. 9; the enclosure to Aubrey, as foll. 18, 19.>
Three days since I receaved your letter of the 9th instant together with one from Mr. Aubrey, and because they containe both the same particulars I thinke it unnecessary to repeat to you what I have written back to that gentleman.
All that I can add is onely this, that neither Mr. Halleley nor I have anything in either of our hands of Mr. Hobbes's writing, the very little of that kind that he left behind him being disposed of according to his own order before he removed from Chatsworth.
According to Mr. Aubrey's direction I have here inclosed
I am, Sir, your most humble servant,
James Wheldon.
Mr. William Crooke
at the Green Dragon without Templebarr
In London
Worthy Sir,
Having been abroad about businesse for some days, I receaved, at my coming home, your letter of the third of this month, which evidences the great esteeme you have for Mr. Hobbes, for which I returne you my humble thanks, and particularly for the paines you have been pleased to take in the large account of what you your selfe, Mr. Anthony a Wood, and Sir George Ent designe for Mr. Hobbes his honour.
I am glad Mr. Crooke has receaved his Life in Prose, which was the onely thing Mr. Halleley got possession of, and sent it to him
For those Latine verses you mention about Ecclesiasticall Power, I remember them, for I writ them out, but know not what became of them, unlesse he presented them to judge Vaughan, or burned them, as you seem to intimate.
He fell sick about the middle
As to his will, it is sent up to London to be proved there, and by the copy of it, which I here send you, I beleeve you will judge it fitt to make no mention of it in
As for the palsey in his hands, it began in ffrance, before the year 1650, and has grown upon him by degrees ever
Mr. Halleley never heard of a pension from the ffrench king and beleeves there was no such thing ever intended. He desires you to accept of his thanks for your favourable remembrance of him, and of the returne of his respects to you by me. And if hereafter you should want any thing which we know, that might contribute
In the mean time, with much respect, I rest,
Sir, your much obliged and humble servant,
James Wheldon.
[1649]A true copy of Mr. Hobbes's will.
The 25th day of September in the 29th year of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord, King Charles the Second, and in the yeare of our Lord God, 1677.
I, Thomas Hobbes, of Malmesbury, in the county of Wilts, gent. make this my last Will and Testament.
First, I bequeath to Mary Tirell, daughter of my deceased brother, Edmund Hobbes, forty pounds. Item, I bequeath to Elenor Harding, daughter also of my deceased brother, Edmund Hobbes, forty pounds. Item, I bequeath to Elizabeth Alaby, the daughter of Thomas Alaby, two hundred pounds, and because she is an orphan, and committed by me to the tuition of my executor, my will is, that she should be maintained decently by my executor, till she be 16 yeares of age, and that then the said two hundred pounds be delivered into her hands, being intended for her furtherance in marriage, but let her dispose of it as she please; and if it happen that the said Elizabeth Alaby die before she come to the age of 16 yeares, then my will is, that the said 200 li.
Item, whereas it hath pleased my good lord, the earle of Devonshire, to bid me oftentimes heretofore, and now at the making of this my last will, to dispose therein of one hundred pounds, to be paid by his lordship, for which I give him most humble thanks; I doe give and dispose of the same in this manner: There be five grand-children of my brother, Edmund Hobbes, to the eldest whereof, whose name is Thomas Hobbes, I have heretofore given a peece of land, which may and doth, I think, content him, and therefore to the other four that are younger, I dispose of the same 100 li. the gift of my lord of Devonshire, to be divided equally amongst them, as a furtherance to bind them apprentices.
And I make and ordaine James Wheldon, servant to the earle of Devonshire, my executor, to whom I give the residue of my money and goods whatsoever; and because I would have him in some sort contented for the great service he hath done me, I would pray his majestie to what I left him to add the arreare of my pension, or as much of it as it pleases his majestie.
(His name and seale.)
Sealed, signed and published
in the presence of
John Ashton,
Willm. Barker.
Item I give unto Mary Dell the sum of ten pounds.
I pray
vi. James Wheldon to John Aubrey.
Honoured Sir,
Although for these three weekes, since I receaved your letter, I have made all the enquiry I can, yet all
I have sent you underwritten Mr. Hobbes's epitaph written by himselfe, which is but lately come to my hand from a person that copyed it from the originall.
With much respect, I rest, Sir,
Your most humble and obliged servant,
James Wheldon.
My lord of Devonshire has paid the hundred pounds to Mr. Hobbes's kinred, which he bid Mr. Hobbes dispose of in his will.
Condita hic sunt ossa
Thomae Hobbes
Qui per multos annos servivit
duobus comitibus Devoniae
(patri et filio).
Vir probus, et fama eruditionis.
Domi forisque bene cognitus
Obiit Anno Domini 1679, mensis Decis die 4º,
Aetatis suae 91.
vii. William Aubrey to John Aubrey.
Deare brother,
I sopose I shall be here more then a week longer as ... I know not whether Mr. John Stokes or Sir John Knight have the key of the study.
Jo. Tay ... buried 16 of July 1580.
Nicholas Fauckener, vicar, buried 20 July 1612.
Richard Hine
I shall e<n>devour to set the family of the Powers to rights. It was honest parson P<ower's> grandmoth<er I> think and Jonath. Deekes grandmother was Thomas Lyte's sisters. Alderman Lyte's grandm. was a P<ower> of Stanton ..., which James Power, Mr. J. G. nephew might purchase againe with a wife, with 1500 li., but which formerly was worth 360 li. per annum, but he's goeing to creep into one of Jon. Deeks' woolpacks, viz. his daughter.
I was at Malmesbury but did see <neither> the church nor register but desired Mr. Binnion the parson to doe against I come againe; but Francis Hobbes' widow's good memory did give me much satisfaction. The register at Westport is not 80 yeares old (not more): the paving
The old vicar Hobs was a good fellow and had been at cards all Saturday night, and at church in his sleep he cries out 'Trafells is troumps
He <was> a collirice
Mr. William Hobs, a great clothier (old Graye's predisessor in the same house). He had at Cleverton 60 li. or 80 li. per annum, and was first or 2 cousin to the philosipher. But his line is extinct. He was parson Stump's godfather, and brake in his trade. He had 1000 li. left and was 1000 li. in debt; and at London challenged one to throw with him one throw on the dye for 1000 li., and wonn, payd his debt, and afterwards flourished in his trade, and if there
To be left at Mr. Hooks lodgings
in Gresham Colledge
in Bishopsgate Street, London
<The lower part of this letter gave the following pedigree, but a piece has been torn off and is now MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 2.>
<Pedigree of Hobbes.>
" "
1. Francis Hobbes m. Katherine, daughter 2. Thomas m. ... Midleton.
(This Francis lived of ... Phillips, a Hobbes, "
in Burnevall at phisition at vicar. "
Malmsbury, and Malmsbury. She "
died about 40 yeares afterwards maried Mr. "
since, sine prole). Potluck of Cirencester. "
" " "
1. Edmund m. Frances Ludlow, 2. Thomas, Anne Hobs m. Thomas
Hobbes " of Shipton, com. 'of Malmsbury.' (see infra). Laurence.
" Glocester.
" " "
1. Mary m. Roger Elinor m. John Harding, Francis Hobs m. Sarah
Hobbes " Tirell, Hobbes " of Sadlewood (see infra). Alexander.
" of Westport. " in Glouster.
" +--------------------------------+
+--+------+----------+------------+---------+ "
" " " " " "
1. Roger. 2. Isaac 1. Alce
(25 years +---------+-+--------+
old). " " "
1. Roger, 2. James, Mary.
aged 28, 23.
Aprill last.
Anne Hobs (supra: the m. Thomas Laurence.
philosopher's sister) "
" " " " " " "
1. Thomas, 2. William. Henry, John. 1. Frances, 2. Mary 3. Anne
sine prole. " sine " m. Richard maried Laurence
" prole. " Dicks, a William maried +------+------+ " souldier of Povey, of Richard Gay
" " " " the garison, Malmsbury. of Kington.
1. William. " " " and now not " "
2. Thomas. " " heard off. " "
3. Francis. Thomas. (One daughter.) "
" " " "
1. Thomas. 2. Robert, 3. Richard. 4. John.
(R. Wiseman's
Francis Hobs (supra: the m. Sarah Alexander, of
philosopher's nephew). Obiit " Malmsbury.
May 6, 12 yeares agoe: his "
estate 80 li. per annum, "
and more. "
" " " " "
1. Thomas m. Anne 2. Edmund, 3. William. 1. Sarah, 2. Francis
Hobbes, a " Player, aetat. 19, m. James <i.e.
tanner at " of Nov. last. Tyley, Nan Frances>.
Malmsbury, " Malmsbury. Exon<'s> son
aetat. 27, " of the Priory
December last. " of Kington.
His estate, 30 "
li. per "
annum. "
" "
These are the only heires males of the Hobbes.
It is uncertaine whether Anne Gay have any brother or sister living, but it is pitty the poor woman should have somthing if it be but 5 shillings. If you know the executor speak for her.
I was saying to Francis Hobbes's widow (who remembers her service to you) that her son should get one of Mr. Thomas Hobbes's printed pictures.
In hast,
Your very affectionat brother,
William Aubrey.
Keep a copie of Rogers' pedegree
These to my honoured freind,
Mr. John Awbrey
viii. Hon. Charles Hatton to William Crooke.
<MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 26. The letter is written by a secretary, the signature C. Hatton being in a different hand. Crooke has endorsed it (fol. 27v) 'Mr. Hatton's letter about Mr. Hobs': to which Aubrey has added 'scil. the lord Hatton's son.' On fol. 27 is a note, probably by Crooke, of the 'tracts' referred to, viz. 'Life
I thanke you for the perusall of Mr. Hobbs his tracts which wase a civility I did not expect or desire, for
I have cursorily looked over Mr. Hobbs his life in Latine which I beleeve will be a very vendible booke both here and beyond sea, for ther is noe lover of learning but will have the curiosity to be particularly informed of the life of soe eminent a person. And truly the reading of it wase very satisfactory to me, for in my apprehension it is very well writ, but I cou'd have wish'd the author had more dilated upon some particulars; and because you intimate a designe to publish it in English I shall hint to you that the author of the life in Latine hath either not taken notice of at all, or too slightingly, some things very remarkeable relating to the temper of Mr. Hobbs his mind or to the infirmity of his body, as his extraordinary timorousnes which he himself in his Latine poem doth very ingeniously confess and attributes it to the influence of his mother's dread of the Spanish invasion in 88, she being then with child of him. And I have been informed, I think by your self, that Mr. Hobbs wase for severall yeares before he died soe paralyticall that he wase scarce able to write his name, and that in the absence of his amanuensis not being able to write anything he made scrawls on a piece of paper to remind him of the conceptions of his mind he design'd to have committed to writing. But the author
I am, your assured freind,
C. Hatton.
nere Temple-bar.
'Mr. Hobbes' father was minister of Westport, to which Brokenborough and Charlton doe belong as chapells of ease, but all not worth above.... He was one of the clergie of Queen Elizabeth's time—a little learning went a great way with him and many other Sir Johns in those days—he read homilies.'
'As Malmsbury was famous in this respect that it gave death and buriall to that famous philosopher of his time Johannes Scotus alias Erigina who was stabd to death with penknives by his scholars, where there was a statue set up in memory of him (ut in Hist. et Antiq. Oxon. lib. 1, pag. 16 b), so much more famous in later times for the birth of that great philosopher T. H.'
In MS. Aubr. 3, fol. 28, Aubrey begins his sketch of Hobbes' life thus:—'Westport juxta Malmesbury:—This place is for nothing so famous as for the birth of my honoured and learned friend and countryman, Mr. Thomas Hobbes, author of de Corpore, de Homine, de Cive, etc.
He was borne the 5th day of Aprill 1588 at his father's howse, which is the farthest on the left hand as you goe in the way or street called ..., leaving the church on the right hand.'
'T.H. Vita in verse
Digna, sed imprimis Coenobium celebre,
Et castrum (melius nisi sint dua castra vocanda)
Colle sita, et bino flumine cincta fere.
Vide mapp' <perhaps Speed's map of Wiltshire: but on a slip at fol. 31v, Aubrey gives a 'map' of Malmesbury: see supra, pp. 325, 326>.
On this Anthony Wood comments: 'See 1 vol. of Monast. Anglican. concerning the monastery.'
Before the late warres here was a prettie church, where were very good windowes and a faire steeple, higher than the other, which much adorned the towne of Malmesbury. In it were five tuneable bells, which Sir William Waller or his army melted into ordinance, or rather sold. The church was pulled downe that the enimie might not shelter themselves against the garrison of Malmesbury.'
'Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury borne at Westport juxta Malmesbury 1588, April 5, being Good Fryday, 5h 2´ mane, hor solis' <i.e. at sunrise>. 'I had the yeare, and day, and houre from his owne mouth.'
Aubrey in several places recurs to this point, e.g. in MS. Aubr. 3, fol. 28:—
'Mr. Thomas Hobbes told me that he was borne Apr. 5th 1588 on Good Fryday, in the morning between 4 and six.'
'Dr. <Francis> Bernard, physitian, will write a discourse on his nativity. Mr. John Gadbury hath calculated this nativity from my time given, and will print it. Why should not I insert' <dupl. with 'print'> 'the scheme and give a summary of his judgement? It would be gratefull to those that love that art.' Whereon Anthony Wood notes—'You should never ask these questions but do them out of hand forthwith—you have time enough, and if it be done by Easter terme 'tis well.'
MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 28:—'<Send> to Mr. J. Gadbury and Dr. Bernard <T. H.'s> accidents.'
MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8:—'T. Hobbes—Quaere Dr. Bernard pro his nativity: vide my Collection of Genitures ubi from his owne mouth more correct then formerly, viz. 5h 2´ mane.'
This horoscope is given in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 82, and is reproduced in facsimile at the end of this edition.
Pasted on to fol. 1v of MS. Aubr. 9 is the scheme with this note:—'This scheme was erected according to the aestimate time by Mr. Henry Coley, astrologer.—Thomas Hobbes, Malmesburiensis, borne at Westport juxta Malmesbury, 1588, April 5, being Good Fryday, 5h 2´ mane, hora solis
After, he went to Malmesbury to parson Evans.
After him, he had for his schoolemaster, Mr. Robert Latimer
'Take notice of Dr. Blackburne's altering some times and dates,' <in Hobbes' prose Latin life of himself, prefixed to the Auctarium vitae Hobbianae> 'differing from this originall, e.g. of Mr. Hobbes being admitted at Magdalen Hall when Sir James Hussey was principall, which he would doe against my consent because he sayd it "would make a better picture," wheras by the matriculation-booke it appeares that Dr. Wilkinson was then the principall.'
'Memorandum in my Liber B
'Memorandum:—about the time of the King's returne
'The old gent. (T. Hobbes) is strangely vigorous, for his understanding, still; and every morning walkes abroad to meditate.
'He haz writt a treatise concerning lawe, which 8 or 9 yeares since I much importuned him to doe, and, in order to it, gave him the Lord Chancellor Bacon's Maximes of the Lawe. Now every one will doe him the right to acknowledge he is rare for definitions, and the lawyers building on old-fashiond maximes (some right, some wrong) must need fall into severall paralogismes. Upon this consideration I was earnest with him to consider these things. To which he was unwilling, telling me he doubted he should not have dayes enough left to doe it.
'He drives on, in this, the king's prerogative high. Judge <Sir Matthew> Hales, who is no great courtier, has read it and much mislikes it, and is his enemy. Judge Vaughan has read it and much commends it.'
James Wheldon's letter of Jan. 16, 1679/80 (fol. 17v), has a seal bearing a man's bust, with helmet and cuirass.
"If ye talke of skinnes, the best judgment to be made of the fineness of skinnes is at the whipping-post by the stripes. Ah! 'tis the best lechery to see 'em suffer correction. Your London aldermen take great lechery to see the poor wretches whipt at the court at Bridewell."
On which Aubrey goes on to comment: 'Old Justice Hooke gave ... per lash to wenches; as also my old friend George Pott, esq. Vide Animadversions Philosophicall on that ugly kind of pleasure and of crueltie—were it not for the law there were no living; some would take delight in killing of men.'
'Hobbes brought to the investigation of facts an acute intellect and long experience, and carried on, into the next generation, the Baconian spirit.
'He had been Bacon's secretary, and owed much to his master, from whom, in particular, he borrowed his comparative, i.e. inductive, methods. But he had also fine natural gifts.
'He excited the fears, and therefore the hostility, of the clerical party in England, and of the Oxford mathematicians and their supporters. For this reason, Charles II compared him to a bear, worried by mastiffs.
'In his political system, he insisted on the necessity of wisdom in sovereigns. In not meddling with the Creeds of the Churches and in assailing the Presbyterians and the Bishops of England, he is not to be blamed.'
Note that, on fol. 42v of MS. Aubr. 9, is a note 'to the earl of Devon, then in Great Queen Street,' with a mark referring it to the opposite page. The then opposite page is, in the present foliation, fol. 48, but has now nothing to which the note can be attached. There are traces, however, which show that a slip has been torn off it.
<Hobbes' autobiography.>
Cum annum ageret vicesimum commendatus ab amicis, Oxonio relicto, recepit se in domum domini Gulielmi Cavendish, baronis de Hardwick et (paulo post) comitis Devoniae: ubi filio ejus primogenito, adolescenti sibi fere coaetaneo, servivit, placuitque tum filio tum patri, temperans, sedulus, hilaris.
Anno sequente cum domino suo in urbe perpetuo fere degens, quod didicerat linguae Graecae et Latinae magna ex parte amiserat.
Deinde per Italiam et Galliam peregrinantem dominum sequutus, gentium illarum linguas eousque didicit ut intelligere eas mediocriter potuerit. Interea Graecam et Latinam paulatim perire sibi sentiens, Philosophiam autem Logicamque (in quibus praeclare profecisse se arbitrabatur) viris prudentibus derisui esse videns, abjecta Logica et Philosophia illa vana, quantum temporis habebat vacui impendere decrevit linguis Graecae et Latinae.
Itaque cum in Angliam reversus esset, Historias et Poetas (adhibitis grammaticorum celebrium commentariis) versavit diligenter, non ut floride sed ut Latine posset scribere, et vim verborum cogitatis congruentem invenire, itaque verba disponere ut lectio perspicua et facilis esset. Inter Historias Graecas, Thucididem prae caeteris dilexit et vacuis horis in sermonem Anglicum paulatim conversum cum nonnull laude circa annum Christi 1628 in publicum edidit, eo fine ut ineptiae democraticorum Atheniensium concivibus suis patefierent.
Eo anno comes Devoniae, cui jam servierat viginti annos, diem obiit, patre ejus biennio ante defuncto.
Anno sequente, qui erat Christi 1629, cum attigisset annum quadragesimum, rogatus a nobilissimo viro domino Gervasio Clinton ut vellet filium adolescentem suum comitari in Galliam, accepit conditionem. In peregrinatione illa inspicere coepit in elementa Euclidis; et delectatus methodo illius non tam ob theoremata illa quam ob artem rationandi diligentissime perlegit.
Anno Christi 1631 revocatus est in familiam comitissae Devoniae ut filium suum comitem Devoniae, natum annos 13, in literis instrueret; quem etiam circiter triennium post comitatus est in Galliam et Italiam, studiorum ejus et itinerum rector.
Dum moraretur Parisiis, principia scientiae naturalis investigare coepit. Quae cum in natura et varietate motuum contineri sciret, quaesivit inprimis qualis motus is esse posset qui efficit sensionem, intellectum, phantasmata, aliasque proprietates animalium, cogitatis suis cum reverendo patre Marino Mersenno, ordinis Minimorum, in omni genere philosophiae versatissimo viroque optimo, quotidie communicatis.
Anno Christi 1637 cum patrono suo in Angliam rediit et apud illum mansit; unde de rebus naturalibus commercia cum Mersenno per literas continuavit.
Interea Scoti, depulsis episcopis, sumpserunt arma contra regem, faventibus etiam ministris Anglis illis qui vocari solent Presbyteriani. Itaque convocatum est in Anglia Parlamentum illud notissimum quod inceptum est Nov. 3, 1640. Ex iis quae in illo Parlamento tribus quatuorve diebus primis consulta viderat, Bellum Civile ingruere et tantum non adesse sentiens, retulit se rursus in Galliam, scientiarum studio Parisiis tutius vacaturus cum Mersenno, Gassendo, aliisque viris propter eruditionem et vim in rationando celeberrimis—non enim dico philosophis, quia nomen illud, a plurimis nebulonibus jamdiu gestatum, tritum, inquinatum, nunc infame est.
Cum jam Parisiis ageret, libellum scripsit De Cive, quem edidit anno 1646, quo tempore, praevalentibus Parlamentariis, multi eorum qui partes regis sequuti erant, et in illis princeps Walliae (qui nunc est rex Angliae), Parisiis confluxerunt. Statuerat circa idem tempus,
Quod ab hoc munere temporis habuit vacui consumpsit in scribendo librum qui nunc non solum in Anglia sed in vicinis gentibus notissimus est, nomine Leviathan; quem etiam in Anglia edendum curavit, ipse manens adhuc Parisiis, anno 1651, annum agens 63m. In eo opere jus regium tum spirituale tum temporale ita demonstravit tum rationibus tum authoritate scripturae sacrae, ut perspicuum fecerit pacem in orbe Christiano nusquam diuturnam esse posse nisi vel doctrina illa sua recepta fuerit vel satis magnus exercitus cives ad concordiam compulerit: opus ut ille sperabat concivibus suis, praesertim vero illis qui ab episcopis steterant, non ingratum. Quanquam enim unicuique, illo tempore, scribere et edere theologica quae vellet liberum erat, quia regimen ecclesiae (potestate declarandi quae doctrinae essent haereses, ipsius regis authoritate sublata, episcopis exutis, rege ipso trucidato) tum nullum erat, diligenter tamen cavit ne quid scriberet non modo contra sensum scripturae sacrae sed etiam contra doctrinam ecclesiae Anglicanae qualis ante bellum ortum authoritate regia constituta fuerat. Nam et ipse regimen ecclesiae per episcopos prae caeteris formis omnibus semper approbaverat, atque hoc duobus signis manifestum fecit. Primo, cum in oppido Sti. Germani prope Parisios morbo gravissimo lecto affixus esset, venit ad eum Mersennus, rogatus a quodam amico communi ne amicum suum extra ecclesiam Romanam mori pateretur. Is lecto assidens (post exordium consolatorium) de potestate ecclesiae Romanae peccata remittendi aliquantisper disseruit, cui ille 'Mi pater,' inquit. 'haec omnia jamdudum mecum disputavi, eadem disputare nunc molestum erit: habes quod dicas amoeniora,—quando vidisti Gassendum?' Quibus auditis, Mersennus sermonem ad alia transtulit. Paucis post diebus accessit ad illum Dr. Johannes Cosenus, episcopus (post) Dunelmensis, obtulitque se illi comprecatorem ad Deum. Cui ille cum gratias reddidisset, 'Ita,' inquit, 'si precibus praeiveris juxta ritum ecclesiae nostrae.' Magnum hoc erga disciplinam episcopalem signum erat reverentiae.
Anno 1651 exemplaria aliquot illius libri, Londini recens
Rediens in Angliam concionantes quidem invenit in ecclesiis sed seditiosos; etiam preces extemporarias, et illas audaces et nonnunquam blasphemas; symbolum autem fidei nullum, decalogum nullum; adeo ut per tres primos menses non invenerit quibuscum in sacris communicare potuerit. Tandem ab amico ductus ad ecclesiam a suo hospitio
Interea doctrinam ejus academici et ecclesiastici condemnabant fere omnes; laudabant nobiles, et viri docti, ex laicis. Refellebat nemo: conati refellere, confirmabant. Scripsit enim non ex auditione et lectione ut scholaris, sed ex judicio proprio cognita et pensitata omnia, sermone puro et perspicuo, non rhetorico. Stantem inter amicos et inimicos quasi in aequilibrio, fecerunt illi ne ob doctrinam opprimeretur, hi, ne augeretur. Itaque fortuna tenui, fama doctrinae ingenti, in patroni sui, comitis Devoniae, hospitio per caeterum vitae tempus perpetuo delituit, studio vacans geometriae et philosophiae naturalis; ediditque jam senex librum quendam quem inscripsit De Corpore, continentem Logicae, Geometriae, Physicae (tum sublunaris, tum coelestis) fundamenta, deducens Logicam quidem a significatione
Hominis ergo neque genere neque opibus neque negotiis belli aut pacis assueti vitam scribo et in publicum emitto, sed in omni genere scientiae excellentis et fere singularis. Cujus ingenium ut cognoscerent, partim etiam ut sua ostentarent, convenerunt <ad> eum viri innumeri tum nostrates tum exteri, et inter illos nonnulli legati principum aliique viri nobilissimi; adeo ut conjectura inde facta de voluntate hominum eruditorum qui posthac erunt, non ingratum fore posteritati existimavi si quem vidisse voluerunt illius vitam literis posteritati tradiderim, praecipue quidem ut quae scientiis ille primus addidit, deinde etiam caetera vitae ejus quae a lectoribus desiderari posse videbuntur cognoscerent.
Quae scripsit de jure naturali, de constitutione civitatum, de jure eorum qui summam habent potestatem, et de officiis civium, in libris Leviathan et De Cive (quia domi forisque nota et maxime celebrata sunt) praetereunda censeo.
In Physicis causam sensuum, praecipue visus, una cum doctrina omni optica et natura lucis, refractionis reflectionisque causas naturales, ignotas ante, primus demonstravit, in libro De Homine. Item causas qualitatum sensibilium nimirum colorum, soni, caloris, et frigoris. Somnia autem et phantasmata quae antea pro spiritibus et mortuorum animis habebantur et rudi vulgo terriculamenta erant, omnia profligavit. Causam autem aestuum marinorum et descensionis gravium, a motu quodam telluris praecipue derivavit. Nam phaenomena illa omnia ad motum refert, non ad rerum ipsarum potentias intrinsecas neque ad qualitates occultas, ut ante illum omnes physici. De motu autem in libro De Corpore satis fuse scripsit et profundissime. In Ethicis ante illum nihil scriptum est praeter sententias vulgares. At ille mores hominum ab humana natura, virtutes et vitia a lege naturali, et bonitatem
1º. arcui circuli lineam rectam, areae circuli quadratum aequale, exhibere, idque variis methodis—in diversis libris.
2º. datum angulum dividere in data ratione;
3º. cubi ad sphaeram rationem invenire—in Problematibus Geometricis.
4º. inter duas rectas datas medias continue proportionales invenire quotcunque—in Problematibus Geometricis.
5º. polygonum regulare describere quotcunque laterum—in Roseto.
6º. centrum gravitatis invenire quadrantis circuli et bilinei quod continetur arcu quadrantis et subtenta ejus—in Roseto.
7º. centra gravitatis invenire paraboli-formium omnium, in libra De Corpore.
Haec omnia primus construxit et demonstravit, et praeterea alia multa quae (quia legentibus occurrent et minoris sunt) praetereo.
Facient opinor haec ut vita ejus non indigna videatur quae tum ad exteros tum ad posteros scientiarum studiosos transmittatur, praesertim hoc tempore, cum scribuntur vulgo vitae obscurorum hominum nulla virtute insignium, desiderante nemine.
Scripsit praeterea, circa annum aetatis suae octagesimum, historiam belli civilis Anglicani inter regem Carolum primum et parlamentum ejus, anno ...; item ortum et incrementa potestatis pontificiae, carmine Latino, versuum duÛm millium, sed non sinebant tempora ut publicarentur.
Silentibus tandem adversariis, annum agens octagesimum, <pri>mum, Homeri Odyssea edidit a se conversum in versus Anglicanos, ...; deinde, proximo, etiam Iliada; denique Cyclometriam, annum agens <...>gessimum primum, integram nondum editam.
Quod ad formam attinet, vultu erat non specioso sed cum
Natura sua et primis annis ferebatur ad lectionem historiarum et poetarum; et ipse quoque carmen tentavit, nec (ut plurimi judicabant) infoeliciter. Postea autem cum in congressu quodam virorum doctorum, mentione facta de causa sensionis, quaerentem unum quasi per contemptum 'quid esset sensus?' nec quemquam audivisset respondentem, mirabatur quΠfieri potuerit ut qui sapientiae titulo homines caeteros tanto fastu despicerent suos ipsorum sensus quid essent ignorarent. Ex eo tempore de causa sentiendi saepe cogitanti, forte fortun mentem subiit quod si res corporeae et earum partes omnes conquiescerent aut motu simili semper moverentur
In colloquiis familiaribus jucundus erat, praeterquam illorum qui ad illum venerant disputandi causa contra ea quae jam ediderat (nec revocari poterant) de jure summarum potestatum civili aut ecclesiastico; nam cum his vehementius aliquando disputabat quam erat necessarium.
Naturaliter apertus erat, et inter adversarios qui multi potentesque erant innocentia magis quam consilio tutus.
Justiciae erat cum scientissimus, tum tenacissimus. Nec mirum, cum esset pecuniae neglegentissimus, et pro tenui
About 1640, he maried ... the ... daughter of <Christopher> Wren, deane of Windsore and rector of Knowyll in Wiltshire.
Anno Domini 1642, had his institution and induction for the rectorie of Bletchington in com. Oxon.
In the troublesome times he was with his father-in-lawe Wren at the garrison of Bristowe. After the surrender of it to the Parliament, he lived ... year at Knowyll with him.
Anno about 1646
He was very helpfull in the education of his brother-in-law, Mr. Christopher Wren (now knighted), a youth of a prodigious inventive witt, and of whom he was as tender as if he had been his owne child, who
The parsonage-house at Bletchington was Mr. Christopher Wren's home, and retiring-place; here he contemplated, and studied, and found-out a great many curious things
But to returne to this honest worthy gentleman—he is a good poet. I have some very good verses (about 100) in Latin on St. Vincent's-rocks and the hott-well, neere Bristowe. He is very musicall, both theorically and practically, and he had a sweet voyce. He hath writt an excellent treatise of musique, in English, which is writt both doctis et indoctis, and readie for the presse. He is extremely well qualified for his
Anno 16—(vide his ...) ... Popham (the only son of ... Popham, admirall for the Parliament), being borne deafe and dumbe
He has good judgement in painting and drawing.
In anno <1652> he was made a prebendary of Ely. Anno <1663> had the parsonage of <Northwold> in Norfolk.
He is a handsome, gracefull person, and of a delicate
They say that morum similitudo conci<li>at amicitiam; then it will not be found strange that there should be such a conjunct friendship between this worthy gentleman and the right reverend father in God, Seth Ward, lord bishop of Sarum, his coetanean in Cambridge.
It ought not to be forgott the great and exemplary love between this Doctor and his vertuose wife, who is not lesse to be admired, in her sex and station, then her brother Sir Christopher; and (which is rare to be found in a woman) her excellences doe not inflate her. Amongst many other guifts she haz a strange sagacity as to curing of wounds, which she does not doe so much by presedents and reciept bookes, as by her owne excogitancy, considering the causes, effects, and circumstances. His majestie king Charles II, 167-, had hurt his ... hand, which he intrusted his chirurgians to make well; but they ordered him so that they made it much worse, so that it swoll, and pained him up to his shoulder; and pained him so extremely that he could not sleep, and began to be feaverish. ... told the king what a rare shee-surgeon he had in his house; she was presently sent for at eleven clock at night. She presently made ready a pultisse, and applyed it, and gave his majestie sudden ease, and he slept well; next day she dressed him, and in ... perfectly cured him, to the great griefe of all the surgeons, who envy and hate her.
Vir fuit: aut Ill reverentior ulla Deorum.
Ovid. Metam. lib. i.
Sir J<ohn> P<enrudock> asked him his advice as he was dyeing, (or he then gave it) that, the best rule for him to governe his life was to reade St. Hierome's Epistles.
He was buried in Westminster Abbey
He was of a Lancashire family.
Tho. Holland, earl of Kent (his sonnes, dukes of Surrey), tempore Rich. 2.
One made this epigram on him:—
'PhilÊmon with 's translations doeth so fill us, He will not let Suetonius be Tranquillus.'
His father was a Knight of the Empire: which is by lettres patent under the imperiall seale (as our baronets). I have seen it
He told me that when he was a schoole-boy he tooke a delight in draweing of mapps; which draughts he kept, and they were pretty. He was designed by his father to have been a lawyer, and was putt to that profession
I thinke he stayd sometime in Lowe Germany, then he came into England, wher he was very kindly entertained by that great patron of painters and draughts-men <Thomas Howard> Lord High Marshall, earl of Arundell and Surrey, where he spent his time in draweing and copying rarities, which he did etch (i.e. eate with aqua fortis in copper plates). When the Lord Marshall went ambassador to the Emperor of Germany to Vienna, he travelld with much grandeur; and among others, Mr. Hollar went with him (very well clad) to take viewes, landskapes, buildings, etc. remarqueable in their journey, which wee see now at the print shopps.
He hath donne the most in that way that ever any one did, insomuch that I have heard Mr. John Evelyn, R.S.S.,
At Arundel-house he maried with my ladle's wayting woman, Mrs. ... Tracy, by whom he haz a daughter, that was one of the greatest beauties I have seen; his son by her dyed in the plague, an ingeniose youth, drew delicately.
When the civil warres brake-out, the Lord Marshall had leave to goe beyond sea
I remember he told me that when he first came into England, (which was a serene time of peace) that the people, both poore and rich, did looke cheerfully, but at his returne, he found the countenances of the people all changed, melancholy, spightfull, as if bewitched.
I have sayd before that his father was ruined upon the account of the Protestant religion. Winceslaus dyed a Catholique, of which religion, I suppose, he might be ever since he came to Arundel-howse.
He was a very friendly good-natured man as could be, but shiftlesse as to the world, and dyed not rich
At ... yeares old, John Hoskyns, the painter, being at Freshwater, to drawe pictures for ... esqre, Mr. Hooke observed what he did, and, thought he, 'why cannot I doe so too?' So he getts him chalke, and ruddle, and coale, and grinds them, and putts them on a trencher, gott a pencill, and to worke he went, and made a picture: then he copied
When his father dyed, his son Robert was but ... old, to whom he left one hundred pounds, which was sent up to London with him, with an intention to have bound him apprentice to Mr. Lilly
? Quaere when he went to Mr. Busby's, the schoolemaster of Westminster, at whose howse he was; and he made very much of him. With him he lodged his C li.
Anno Domini <1658> (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.) he was sent to Christ Church in Oxford, where he had a chorister's place (in those dayes when the church musique was putt-downe
Anno Domini 166<2> Mr. Robert Boyle recommended Mr. Robert Hooke to be Curator of the Experiments of the Royall Society, wherin he did an admirable good worke to the Common-wealth of Learning, in recommending the fittest person in the world to them. Anno <1664> he was chosen Geometry
Anno Domini 166<6> the great conflagration of London happened, and then he was chosen one of the two surveyors
He is but of midling stature, something crooked, pale faced, and his face but little belowe, but his head is lardge; his eie full and popping, and not quick; a grey eie. He haz a delicate head of haire, browne, and of an excellent moist curle. He is and ever was very temperate, and moderate in dyet, etc.
As he is of prodigious inventive head, so is a person of great vertue and goodnes. Now when I have sayd his inventive faculty is so great, you cannot imagine his memory to be excellent, for they are like two bucketts, as one goes up, the other goes downe. He is certainly the greatest mechanick this day in the world. His head lies much more to Geometry then to Arithmetique. He is (1680) a batchelour, and, I beleeve, will never marie. His elder brother left one faire daughter
'Twas Mr. Robert Hooke that invented the Pendulum-Watches, so much more usefull than the other watches.
He hath invented an engine for the speedie working of division, etc., or for the speedie and immediate finding out the divisor.
An instrument for the Emperor of Germany, 1692/3.
The next moneth he published another little 4to pamphlet,—Discourse of a new instrument he haz invented to make more accurate observations in astronomy then ever was
<In MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 30, 31, is this letter from Aubrey to Anthony Wood, enclosing a communication from Hooke.>
September 15, 1689.
Mr. Wood!
Mr. Robert Hooke, R.S.S. did in anno 1670, write a discourse, called, 'An Attempt to prove the motion of the Earth,' which he then read to the Royal Society; but printed it in the beginning of the yeare 1674, a strena
'I shall only for the present hint that I have in some of my foregoing observations discovered some new motions even in the Earth it self, which perhaps were not dreamt of before, which I shall hereafter more at large describe, when further tryalls have more fully confirmed and compleated these beginnings. At which time also I shall explaine a systeme of the world, differing in many particulars from any yet known, answering in all things to the common rules of mechanicall motions. This depends upon 3 suppositions; first, that all coelestiall bodys whatsoever have an attractive or gravitating power towards their own centers, whereby they attract not only their own parts, and keep them from flying from them, as we may observe the Earth to doe, but that they doe also attract all the other coelestial bodys that are within the sphere of their activity, and consequently that not only the Sun and the Moon have an influence upon the body and motion of the Earth, and the Earth upon them, but that Mercury also, Venus, Mars, Saturne, and Jupiter, by their attractive powers have a considerable influence upon its motion, as, in the same manner, the corresponding attractive power of the Earth hath a considerable influence upon every one of their motions also. The second supposition is this, that all bodys whatsoever, that are putt into direct and simple motion will soe continue to move forwards in a straight line, till they are by some other effectuall powers deflected and bent into a motion describing a circle, ellipsis, or some other uncompounded curve line. The third supposition is, that these attractive powers are soe much the more powerfull in operating, by how much nearer the body wrought upon is to their own centers. Now what these severall degrees are, I have not yet experimentally verified.'—But these degrees and proportions of the power of attraction in the celestiall bodys and motions, were com
About 9 or 10 years ago, Mr. Hooke writt to Mr. Isaac Newton, of Trinity College, Cambridge, to make
Mr. Wood! This is the greatest discovery in nature that ever was since the world's creation. It never was so much as hinted by any man before. I know you will doe him right. I hope you may read his hand. I wish he had writt plainer, and afforded a little more paper.
J. Aubrey.
Before I leave this towne, I will gett of him a catalogue of what he hath wrote; and as much of his inventions as I can. But they are many hundreds; he believes not fewer than a thousand. 'Tis such a hard matter to get people to doe themselves right.
'To his much honoured friend John Awbrey, esqre, these present, at Mr. Hooke's lodgeings in Gresham College, London.'
MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 48, is an envelope addressed—
'For Mr. John Aubrey: leave these at Mr. Hooke's lodging in Gresham College.'
Charles Hoskins, of 'Lenwarne' parish, Hereford, was admitted probationer July 26, 1604, and fellow of New College in 1606; took B.A. April 13, 1608; and died in 1609.
Mounckton belonged to the priory of Llantony juxta Glocester, where his ancestors had the office of cupbearer (or 'pocillator') to the prior. I have heard there was a windowe given by one Hoskyns there, as by the inscription did appeare.
Whither the serjeant were the eldest brother
He was of a strong constitution, and had a prodigious
The Latin verses in the quadrangle at Winton Colledge
When he came to New College, he was Terrae filius; but he was so bitterly satyricall that he was expelled and putt to his shifts.
He went into Somersetshire and taught a schole for about a yeare at Ilchester. He compiled there a Greeke lexicon as far as M, which I have seen. He maried (neer there) a rich widowe, [of Mr. Bourne]; she was a Moyle of Kent; by whome he had only one sonne and one daughter.
His great witt quickly made him be taken notice of.
Ben: Johnson called him father. Sir Benet (bishop Benet
Invenies paucos hÎc ut in orbe bonos;)
<Richard> Martyn, recorder of London; Sir Benjamin Ruddyer, with whom it was once his fortune to have a quarrell and fought a duell with him and hurt him in the knee, but they were afterwards friends again; Sir Henry Wotton, provost of Eaton College; cum multis aliis.
His conversation was exceedingly pleasant, and on the roade he would make any one good company to him. He was a great master of the Latin and Greke languages; a great divine. He understood the lawe well, but worst at that.
He was admitted at the Middle Temple anno ...; called to be a serjeant at lawe anno <1623> (vide <Sir William Dugdale's> Origines Juridiciales).
His verses on the fart in the Parliament house are printed in some of the Drolleries. He had a booke of poemes, neatly written by one of his clerkes, bigger then Dr. Donne's poemes, which his sonn Benet lent to he knowes not who, about 1653, and could never heare of it since. Mr. Thomas Henshawe haz an excellent Latin copie in rhythme in the prayse of ale of his.
He was a very strong man and active. He did the pomado in the saddle of the third horse in his armour (which Sir John Hoskins haz still) before William, earle of Pembroke. He was about my heighth.
He had a very readie witt, and would make verses on the roade, where he was the best company in the world. In Sir H. Wotton's Remaynes are verses (dialogue) made on the roade by him and Sir Henry. He made an antheme (gett it) in English to be sung at Hereford Minster at the assizes; but Sir Robert Harley (a great Puritan) was much offended at it. He made the epitaph on <Peter> Woodgate in New College cloysters. He made the best Latin epitaphs of his time; amongst many others an excellent one on <Sir Moyle> Finch, this earl of Winchelsey's grandfather, who haz a noble monument at Eastwell in Kent.
I will now describe his seate at Morhampton (Hereff.), which he bought of....
Non decet hos humiles mensa superba Lares.
By the porch of the howse, on the wall, is the picture in the margent:—
Noverint universi
et douch et gallante
?roviso sem?
hec est finalis concordia
Above it are these verses:—
Et mutant dominos tecta rotata suos.
In the chapelle, over the altar, are these two Hebrewe words
?????????????? ????????????
and underneath this distich (1 Reg. 8. 30):—
Nec pereant servis irrita vota tuis.
Here is an organ that was queen Elizabeth's.
In the gallery <is> the picture of his brother (<the> Doctor) in the pulpit, <of the> serjeant in his robes, the howse, parke, etc.; and underneath are these verses:—
In the garden, the picture of the gardiner, on the wall of the howse, with his rake, spade, and water-pott in his left hand. By it, this distich:—
Istud opus nondum lapsus amaret Adam.
In the first leafe of his fee-booke he drew the picture of a purse as in the margent, and wrote
?a? d?e? ?s???d?.
underneath, out of Theocritus.
On his picture in the low gallery are writt on his deske these verses, viz.:—
Jam veniet nullo mors inopina die;
Quae dixi, scripsi, gessive negotia, lusus,
Obruat aeterno pax taciturna sinu.
Si quid jure petunt homines, respondeat haeres,
Dissipet ut cineres nulla querela meos.
Quodque Deo, decoctor iniquus, debeo, solve,
Quaeso, Fidejussor, {sanguine}, Christe, {tuo}.
{ nomine } {meo}
These verses with a little alteration are sett on his monument.
Under severall venerable and shady oakes in the parke, he had seates made; and where was a fine purling spring, he did curbe it with stone.
This putts me in mind of Fr. Petrarch's villa in Italie, which is not long since printed, where were such devises—vide Tomasini Petrarcha redivivus, Lat., Amsterdam, 12mo.
Besides his excellent naturall memorie, he acquired the artificiall way of memorie.
He wrote his owne life (which his grandsonne Sir John Hoskyns, knight and baronet, haz), which was to shew that wheras Plutarch, ..., ..., etc., had wrote the lives of many generalles, etc., grandees, that he, or an active man might, from a private fortune by his witt and industrie attained to the dignity of a serjeant-at-lawe—but he should have said that they must have parts like his too.—This life I cannot borrowe.
He wrote severall treatises. Amongst others:—
- a booke of style;
- a method of the lawe (imperfect).
His familiar letters were admirable.
He was a close prisoner in the Tower, tempore regis Jacobi, for speaking too boldly in the Parliament house of the king's profuse liberality to the Scotts. He made a comparison of a conduit, whereinto water came, and
Vincula da linguae, vel tibi vincla dabit.
Thus Englished by him:—
And know'st not how to rule thy tongue,
Make it thy slave whil'st thou art free,
Least it, as mine, imprison thee.
Not many moneths before his death (being at the assises or sessions at Hereford) a massive countrey fellowe trod on his toe, which caused a gangrene which was the cause of his death. One Mr. Dighton
Sir Robert Pye, attorney of the court of wardes, was his neighbour, but there was no great goodwill between them—Sir Robert was haughty. He happened to dye on Christmas day: the newes being brought to the serjeant, said he 'The devill haz a Christmas pye.'
He was a very strong man, and valiant, and an early riser in the morning (scil., at four in the morning). He was black-eyed and had black hayre.
He lies buried under an altar monument on the north side of the choire of Dowr abbey in Herefordshire.
(In this abbey church of Dowre are two frustum's or remaynders of mayled and crosse-legged monuments, one sayd to be of a lord Chandois, th' other, the lord of Ewyas-lacy. A little before I sawe them a mower had taken one of the armes to whett his syth.)
On his monument is this inscription:—
Hoskinus, humani prodigium ingenii,
Usque adeo excoluit duo pugnacissima rerum
Et quae non subeunt numina
Pieridum Legumque potens, jucundus honesto
Mixtus, Liticulans Musa, forense melos,
Orando causas pariter pariterque canendo,
Captavit merito clarus utrumque sophos.
Sic dum jura tenens Solymorum et gentis Idumae,
Narratur cythar percrepuisse David;
Sic indefessa personuisse chely,
Sic populos traxisse truces et agrestibus antris
Exutos homines consociasse lyrÂ;
Sic magni pectus divinum arsisse Platonis,
Tum, cum deplorans Astera, jura daret;
Talem credibile est vixisse Solona poËtam
Et queiscunque datum est et sapere et furere
Sed tu, magne, peris, dum lis certatur utrinque,
Te Astraea suum vultque Thalia suum.
Haec habitat coelis, sed et haec terrestribus oris,
Ipse tui judex poneris ante Deos;
Scilicet in partes se dividit Hoskinus ambo,
Haec coelo potitur particula, illa solo.
{ Parentis pii, memoriae ergo,
Obiit Aug. 27 { hunc posuit cippum conscriptum marmoreum
1638 { flens Benettus, sequiturque Patrem
{ non passibus aequis.
This epitaph was made by Thomas Bonham, of Essex, esquier.
The serjeant's epitaph on his wife at Bowe church, Heriff.:—
Cui genus aut virtus vel pia lingua potest:
Bournii et Hoskinii conjux et prolis utrique
Mater erat, Moyli filia, serva Dei.
On Mr. Bourne, his sonne-in-lawe
Multa legens, callens plurima, pauca loquens.
Juridicus causis neque se ditavit
Non in habendo locans sed moriendo lucrum.
Tuendis paradoxis clarus.
Mortuus est, ut hic apparet:
At si loqui posset, hoc negaret.
Was wont to say that all those that came to London were either carrion or crowes.
John Hoskins, of 'Mownton in Lanwarne parish,' Hereford, was admitted probationer of New College, Aug. 24, 1599, and fellow Aug. 24, 1601, and resigned his fellowship in 1613. He took D.C.L. in 1613. He died in 1631 (buried at Ledbury, on August 9). This was 'the Doctor.'
'At Winton College is the picture of a servant with asses eares and hind's feet, a lock on mouth, etc., very good hi<er>oglyphick, with a hexastique in Latin underneath.... It was done by the serjeant when he went to school there; but now finely painted. It is at the fountain where the boyes wash their hands.'
Aug. 3rd, 1671, the native maryed.
Aug. 20, 1667, the native broke his thigh; Oct. 1671, the native had another fall which was no lesse dangerous then the former.
Sir John Hoskyns' eldest son John
Mris Jane Hoskyns, daughter of Sir John Hoskyns of Morhamton, Hereff., borne at Harwood in com. praedict. March the 2nd, about 6 a clock in the morning, A.D. 1677/8.
Henry Howard, second son, borne 1668, between 8 and
Thomas Howard, 3rd son, born 12 of July, between one and 2 in the morning, 1670, being Thursday. Obiit, All Saints (day), twelvemonth after his birth.
Elizabeth Teresa Howard borne the 6 of April, being Easter Eve, 22 minutes after 9 of the clock in the evening. Obiit August 12-moneth after her birth.
Laurence Hyde,
of Robert Hyde, prout per inscription at Tisbury Church.
" " " "
... Hyde, Sir Laurence 3. Sir Nicholas 4. ... (I thinke, Robert) Hyde of
of Hatch. Hyde, of Hyde, Lord Chief Purton neer Highworth: he then " Hele, Wilts. Justice of the rented this estate at Dinton of
... " King's Bench. his brother Sir Laurence.
" " "
Edward. " Lord Chancellor Hyde.
" "
" +-------+--+-------------+-------------+---------+-----------+
" " " " " " "
" 1. ...; 2. Sir Robert 3. <Alexander 4. ..., 5. ..., 6. <James
" sine Hyde, Lord Hyde>, LL. Dr.; consul; Hyde>, M.D.,
" prole. Chief Justice bishop of sine beheaded; principal of
" of the King's Sarum. prole. sine Magdalen
No sonn: Bench; sine " prole. Hall.
a daughter prole. Robert. "
and heire. " +---+---+
No child living. " "