Scrooby: Persecution 7
Escape: Holland 11
Holland: An Alien Peace 15
Historic Decision 16
London: Preparation 20
Articles of Agreement 22
False Accusations 23
The Embarkation 25
Voyage and Arrival 26
Signers of the Compact 28
First Town Meeting 30
Search for Permanent Settlement 30
The Shallop Arrives 32
Historic Landing 33
Permanent Settlement 35
A New Home 37
First Winter Losses 40
Samoset’s Visit 42
Treaty with Massasoit 44
The First Marriage 47
The First Duel 47
Visit to Massasoit 47
Arrival of Hobamock 48
The Fortune Arrives 49
Pierce’s Attempt 49
Preparations for Winter 51
The First Thanksgiving 51
Bradford’s Letter 53
Indian Trouble 56
Consolidation 61
Arrival of the Anne and the Little James 62
The First Cattle 64
The Wollaston Incident 67
The First Settled Minister 69
The First Capital Offence 69
Increase of Obligations 69
Roger Williams 70
Winslow Elected Governor 71
Boundaries Established 71
New England Confederacy 72
Conclusion 73
List of Mayflower Passengers 74
List of Fortune Passengers 75
List of Little James Passengers 75

Index to Illustrations

NOTE—Many well-known pictures of the Pilgrims have grossly misinterpreted their true spirit. A “Signing of the Compact” or a “Departure from Delfthaven,” for example, that employs the sentimental piety, the eyes and arms raised to heaven, of Italian Baroque art, (that Jesuitical, most Catholic art), fails to reflect the real spirit of the Protestant Pilgrims. The use of the gracefully reclining and swooning figures of Italianate renaissance art is likewise inappropriate.

Reacting sharply from this, the illustrations in the book portray in the modern spirit both the activities of the Pilgrims and their settings with strict realism.

Unsparing effort in consulting authorities, old documents, prints, and actual scenes was expended to secure convincing authenticity.

Stock Scene, showing church attended by Brewster and approximate location of the stocks in Scrooby 7
Birdseye view of Brewster Manor in Scrooby 9
Church at Scrooby 10
Capture of escaping Pilgrims by an English mob 11
Love Scene, showing actual bridge and the Cloth Hall in Leyden, headquarters of the guild of woolen workers, of whom the Pilgrims were a part 15
Destruction of Brewster’s printing shop 18
Cushman before the Merchant Adventurers 20
Embarkation, showing buildings and actual wharf from which the Pilgrims departed 24
Sighting of Provincetown, showing deck construction of Mayflower type of boat 26
Signing the Compact 29
The first building, showing position in relation to Town Brook and Pilgrim Spring 37
The First Street, in its true topographical setting 39
Samoset’s Visit 42
The Treaty with Massasoit, in its actual setting, “an unfinished building” 45
A Good Harvest 51
Thanksgiving Feast 54
The Snakeskin Warning 56
Capt. Standish Slays Pecksuot 58
The First Cattle 61

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