CHAP. I. Description of the island, its situation, extent, climate, and other subjects; together with an account of the conquest of it, its cession to Great Britain, and the disposal of the lands by the crown. CHAP. II. Description of the soil, mountains, and woods; of valuable timber, and other trees; also of the birds of the woods peculiar to the island. CHAP. III. Of the rivers and lakes in the island, river and fresh water fish, also of sea fish, land crabs, and a description of the native quadruped, and other animals. CHAP. IV. Of the most remarkable reptiles and insects of the island, their venomous and other qualities, with remarks. CHAP. V. An account of the different articles of West India produce raised in the island; the number of sugar and coffee plantations therein, with remarks. CHAP. VI. Names and descriptions of particular West India fruits which grow in the island; also of European and American fruits, herbs, vegetables, and flowers; with observations on their properties, &c. CHAP. VII. Of the trade of the island, previous to its reduction by the French last war, with a relation of that circumstance; and the articles of capitulation to which it surrendered. CHAP. VIII. Of the government of the island under the French, with a relation of the distressed situation of the English inhabitants, until its restoration to Great Britain; an account of that event, and several other subjects. CHAP. IX. An account of the division of the island into parishes and towns, with a description of its capital, the principal buildings, fortifications, and harbour; together with observations on Prince Rupert’s Bay, and the grand Savannah in that island. CHAP. X. The civil government, officers, courts, and other subjects relative to them; also a description of the militia of that island. CHAP. XI. Description of the white inhabitants, free people of colour, and native Indians of the island; their manners and customs, with observations. CHAP. XII. Of the negro slaves of this island, their rebellion and reduction, the usage, manners, customs, and characters of these people in general in the West Indies. CHAP. XIII. Of the present trade of the island, and the free port of Roseau, with remarks. Conclusion. THE H I S T O R Y OF THE ISLAND OF DOMINICA. |