GENERAL OUTLINE OF RAIN AND RIVER EROSION.Elements of erosion.—The general process of subaerial erosion is divisible into the several sub-processes of weathering, transportation, and corrasion. Weathering is the term applied to all those processes which disintegrate and disrupt exposed surfaces of rock. It is accomplished chiefly by solution, changes in temperature, the wedge-work of ice and roots, the borings of animals, and such chemical changes as surface water and air effect. The products of weathering are transported by the direct action of gravity, by glaciers, by winds, and by running water. Of these the last is the most important. Corrasion is accomplished chiefly by the mechanical wear of streams, aided by the hard fragments such as sand, gravel and bowlders, which they carry. The solution effected by the waters of a stream may also be regarded as a part of corrasion. Under ordinary circumstances solution by streams is relatively unimportant, but where the rock is relatively soluble, and where conditions are not favorable for abrasion, solution may be more important than mechanical wear. So soon as sea bottom is raised to the estate of land, it is attacked by the several processes of degradation. The processes of weathering at once begin to loosen the material of the surface if it be solid; winds shift the finer particles about, and with the first shower transportation by running water begins. Weathering prepares the material for transportation and transportation leads to corrasion. Since the goal of all material transported by Erosion without valleys.—In the work of degradation the valley becomes the site of greatest activity, and in the following pages especial attention is given to the development of valleys and to the phases of topography to which their development leads. If a new land surface were to come into existence, composed of materials which were perfectly homogeneous, with slopes of absolute uniformity in all directions, and if the rain, the winds and all other surface agencies acted uniformly over the entire area, valleys would not be developed. That portion of the rainfall which was not evaporated and did not sink beneath the surface, would flow off the land in a sheet. The wear which it would effect would be equal in all directions from the center. If the angle of the slope were constant from center to shore, or if it increased shoreward, the wear effected by this sheet of water would be greatest at the shore, because here the sheet of flowing water would be deepest and swiftest, and therefore most effective in corrasion. The beginning of a valley.—But land masses as we know them do not have equal and uniform slopes to the sea in all directions, nor is the material over any considerable area perfectly homogeneous. Departure from these conditions, even in the smallest degree, would lead to very different results. That the surface of newly emerged land masses would, as a rule, not be rough, is evident from the fact that the bottom of the sea is usually rather smooth. Much of it indeed is so nearly plane that if the water were withdrawn, the eye would scarcely detect any departure from planeness. The topography of a land mass newly exposed either by its own elevation or by the withdrawal of the sea, would ordinarily be similar to that which would exist in the vicinity of Necedah and east of Camp Douglas, if the few lone hills were removed, and the very shallow valleys filled. Though such a surface would seem to be moderately uniform as to its slopes, and homogeneous as to its material, Let it be supposed that an area of shallow sea bottom is raised above the sea, and that the elevation proceeds until the land has an altitude of several hundred feet. So soon as it appears above the sea, the rain falling upon it begins to modify its surface. Some of the water evaporates at once, and has little effect on the surface; some of it sinks beneath the surface and finds its way underground to the sea; and some of it runs off over the surface and performs the work characteristic of streams. So far as concerns modifications of the surface, the run-off is the most important part. The run-off of the surface would tend to gather in the depressions of the surface, however slight they may be. This tendency is shown on almost every hillside during and after a considerable shower. The water concentrated in the depressions is in excess of that flowing over other parts of the surface, and therefore flows faster. Flowing faster, it erodes the surface over which it flows more rapidly, and as a result the initial depressions are deepened, and washes or gullies are started. Should the run-off not find irregularities of slope, it would, at the outset, fail of concentration; but should it find the material more easily eroded along certain lines than along others, the lines of easier wear would become the sites of greater erosion. This would lead to the development of gullies, that is, to irregularities of slope. Either inequality of slope or material may therefore determine the location of a gully, and one of these conditions is indispensable. Once started, each wash or gully becomes the cause of its own growth, for the gully developed by the water of one shower, determines greater concentration of water during the next. Greater concentration means faster flow, faster flow means more rapid wear, and this means corresponding enlargement of the depression through which the flow takes place. The enlargement effected by successive showers affects a gully in all dimensions. WISCONSIN GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. BULLETIN NO. V., PL. XIII. FIG. 1. A very young valley. FIG. 1. A very young valley. FIG. 2. A valley in a later stage of development. FIG. 2. A valley in a later stage of development. FIG. 3. The course of a valley.—In the lengthening of a gully or valley headward, the growth will be in the direction of greatest wear. Thus in Plate XIII Fig. 1, if the water coming in at the head of the gully effects most wear in the direction a, the head of the gully will advance in that direction; if there be most wear in the direction b or c, the head will advance toward one of these points. The direction of greatest wear will be determined either by the slope of the surface, or by the nature of the surface material. The slope may lead to the concentration of the entering waters along one line, and the surface material may be less resistant in one direction than in another. If these factors favor the same direction of head-growth, the lengthening will be more rapid than if but one is favorable. If there be more rapid growth along two lines, as b and c, Plate XIII Fig. 1, than between them, two gullies may develop (Plate XIII Fig. 2). The frequent and tortuous windings common to ravines and valleys are therefore to be explained by the inequalities of slope or material which affected the surface while the valley was developing. Tributary valleys.—Following out this simple conception of valley growth, we have to inquire how a valley system (a main valley and its tributaries) is developed. The conditions which determine the location and development of gullies in a new land surface, determine the location and development of tributary gullies. In flowing over the lateral slopes of a gully or ravine, the water finds either slope or surface material failing of uniformity. Both conditions lead to the concentration of the water along certain lines, and concentration of flow on the slope of an erosion depression, be it valley or gully, leads to the development There is one peculiarity of the courses of tributaries which deserves mention. Tributaries, as a rule, join their mains with an acute angle up stream. In general, new land surfaces, such as are now under consideration, slope toward the sea. If a tributary gully were to start back from its main at right angles, more water would come in on the side away from the shore, on account of the seaward slope of the land. This would be true of the head of the gully as well as of other portions, and the effect would be to turn the head more and more toward parallelism with the main valley. Local irregularities of surface may, and frequently do, interfere with these normal relations, so that the general course of a tributary is occasionally at right angles to its main. Still more rarely does the general course of a tributary make an acute angle with its main on the down stream side. Local irregularities of surface determine the windings of a tributary, so that their courses for longer or shorter distances may be in violation of the general rule (c, Fig. 43); but on the whole, the valleys of a system whose history has not been interrupted in a region where the surface material is not notably heterogeneous, follow the course indicated above. This is shown by nearly every drainage system on the Atlantic Coastal plain which represents more nearly than any other portion of our continent, the conditions here under consideration. Fig. 12 represents the drainage system of the Mullica river in southern New Jersey and is a type of the Coastal plain river system. How a valley gets a stream.—Valleys may become somewhat deep and long and wide without possessing permanent streams, though from their inception they have temporary streams, the water for which is furnished by showers or melting snow. Yet Fig. 12. -- A typical river system of the Coastal type. In cultivated regions, wells are of frequent occurrence. In a flat region of uniform structure, the depth at which well water may be obtained is essentially constant at all points. If holes (wells 1 and 2, Fig. 13) be excavated below this level, water seeps into them, and in a series of wells the water stands at a nearly common level. This means that the sub-structure is full of water up to that level. These relations are illustrated by Fig. 13. The diagram represents a vertical section through a flat region from the surface (s s) down below the bottom of wells. The water stands at the same level in the two cells (1 and 2), and the plane through them, at the surface of the water, is the ground water level. If in such a surface a valley were to be cut until its Fig. 13. -- Diagram illustrating the relations of ground water to streams. The level of the ground water fluctuates. It is depressed when the season is dry (A' A'), and raised when precipitation is abundant (A'' A''). When it is raised, the water in the wells rises, and the stream in the valley is swollen. When it falls, the ground water surface is depressed, and the water in the wells becomes lower. If the water surface sinks below the bottom of the wells, the wells "go dry;" if below the bottom of the valley, the valley becomes for the time being, a "dry run." When a well is below the lowest ground-water level its supply of water never fails, and when the valley is sufficiently below the same level, its stream does not cease to flow, even in periods of drought. On account of the free evaporation in the open valley, the valley depression must be somewhat below the level necessary for a well, in order that the flow may be constant. It will be seen that intermittent streams, that is, streams which flow in wet seasons and fail in dry, are intermediate between streams which flow after showers only, and those which flow without interruption. In the figure the stream would become dry if the ground water level sank to A' A'. Limits of a valley.—So soon as a valley acquires a permanent stream, its development goes on without the interruption to which it was subject while the stream was intermittent. The permanent stream, like the temporary one which preceded it, tends to deepen and widen its valley, and, under certain conditions, to lengthen it as well. The means by which these enlargements are affected are the same as before. There are limits, however, in length, depth, and width, beyond which a valley may not go. No stream can cut below the level of the water into which it flows, and it can cut to that level only at its outlet. Up stream from that point, a gentle gradient will be established over which the water will flow without cutting. In this condition the stream is at grade. Its channel has reached baselevel, that is, the level to which the stream can wear its bed. This grade is, however, not necessarily permanent, for what was baselevel for a small stream in an early stage of its development, is not necessarily baselevel for the larger stream which succeeds it at a later time. Weathering, wash, and lateral corrasion of the stream continue to widen the valley after it has reached baselevel. The bluffs of valleys are thus forced to recede, and the valley is widened at the expense of the upland. Two valleys widening on opposite sides of a divide, narrow the divide between them, and may ultimately wear it out. When this is accomplished, the two valleys become one. The limit to which a valley may widen on either side is therefore its neighboring valley, and since, after two valleys have become one by the elimination of the ridge between them, there are still valleys on either hand, the final result of the widening of all valleys must be to reduce There are also limits in length which a valley may not exceed. The head of any valley may recede until some other valley is reached. The recession may not stop even there, for if, on opposite sides of a divide, erosion is unequal, as between 1a and 1b, Fig. 14, the divide will be moved toward the side of less rapid erosion, and it will cease to recede only when erosion on the two sides becomes equal (4a and 4b). In homogeneous material this will be when the slopes on the two sides are equal. Fig. 14. -- Diagram showing the shifting of a divide. The slopes 1A and 1B are unequal. The steeper slope is worn more rapidly and the divide is shifted from 1 to 4, where the two slopes become equal and the migration of the divide ceases. It should be noted that the lengthening of a valley headward is not normally the work of the permanent stream, for the permanent stream begins some distance below the head of the valley. At the head, therefore, erosion goes on as at the beginning, even after a permanent stream is acquired. Under certain circumstances, the valley may be lengthened at its debouchure. If the detritus carried by it is deposited at its mouth, or if the sea bottom beyond that point rise, the land may be extended seaward, and over this extension the stream will find its way. Thus at their lower, as well as at their upper ends, both the stream and its valley may be lengthened. A cycle of erosion.—If, along the borders of a new-born land mass, a series of valleys were developed, essentially parallel to one another, they would constitute depressions separated by elevations, representing the original surface not yet notably affected WISCONSIN GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. BULLETIN NO. V., PL. XIV. FIG. 1. The same valleys as shown in Plate XIII Fig. 3, in a later stage of development. FIG. 1. The same valleys as shown in Plate XIII Fig. 3, in a later stage of development. See larger image FIG. 2. Same valleys as shown in Fig. 1, in a still later stage of development. FIG. 2. Same valleys as shown in Fig. 1, in a still later stage of development. See larger image Even if valleys developed no tributaries, they would, in the course of time, widen to such an extent as to nearly obliterate the intervening ridges. The surface, however, would not easily be reduced to perfect flatness. For a long time at least there would remain something of slope from the central axis of the former inter-stream ridge, toward the streams on either hand; but if the process of erosion went on for a sufficiently long period of time, the inter-stream ridge would be brought very low, and the result would be an essentially flat surface between the streams, much below the level of the old one. The first valleys which started on the land surface (see Plate XIII Fig. 3) would be almost sure to develop numerous tributaries. Into tributary valleys water would flow from their sides and from their heads, and as a result they would widen and deepen and lengthen just as their mains had done before them. By lengthening headward they would work back from their mains some part, or even all of the way across the divides separating the main valleys. By this process, the tributaries cut the divides between the main streams into shorter cross-ridges. With the development of tributary valleys there would be many lines of drainage instead of two, working at the area between two main The same thing is made clear in another way. It will be seen (Plate XIV Figs. 1 and 2) that the tributaries would presently dissect an area of uniform surface, tending to cut it into a series of short ridges or hills. In this way the amount of sloping surface is greatly increased, and as a result, every shower would have much more effect in washing loose materials down to lower levels, whence the streams could carry them to the sea. Fig. 15. -- Cross-sections showing various stages of erosion in one cycle. The successive stages in the process of lowering a surface are suggested by Fig. 15, which represents a series of cross-sections of a land mass in process of degradation. The uppermost section represents a level surface crossed by young valleys. The next lower represents the same surface at a later stage, when the WISCONSIN GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. BULLETIN NO. V., PL. XV. Diagram illustrating how a hard inclined layer of rock becomes a ridge in the process of degradation. In this manner a series of rivers, operating for a sufficiently long period of time, might reduce even a high land mass to a low level, scarcely above the sea. The new level would be developed soonest near the sea, and the areas farthest from it would be the last—other things being equal—to be brought low. The time necessary for the development of such a surface is known as a cycle of erosion, and the resulting surface is a base-level plain, that is, a plain as near sea level as river erosion can bring it. At a stage shortly preceding the base-level stage the surface would be a peneplain. A peneplain, therefore, is a surface which has been brought toward, but not to base-level. Land surfaces are often spoken of as young or old in their erosion history according to the stage of advancement which has been made toward baseleveling. Thus the Colorado canyon, deep and impressive as it is, is, in terms of erosion, a young valley, for the river has done but a small part of the work which must be done in order to bring its basin to baselevel. Effects of unequal hardness.—The process of erosion thus sketched would ultimately bring the surface of the land down to base-level, and in case the material of the land were homogeneous, the last points to be reduced would be those most remote from the axes of the streams doing the work of leveling. But if the material of the land were of unequal hardness, those parts which were hardest would resist the action of erosion most effectively. The areas of softer rock would be brought low, and the outcrops of hard rock (Plate XV) would constitute ridges during the later stages of an erosion cycle. If there were bodies of hard rock, such as the Baraboo quartzite, surrounded by sandstone, such as the Potsdam, the sandstone on either hand would be worn down much more readily than the quartzite, and in the course of degradation the latter would Falls and rapids.—If in lowering its channel a stream crosses one layer of rock much harder than the next underlying, the deepening will go on more rapidly on the less resistant bed. Where the stream crosses from the harder to the less hard, the gradient is likely to become steep, and a rapids is formed. These conditions are suggested in Fig. 16 which represents the successive profiles (a b, a c, d e, f e, g e, and h e) of a stream crossing from a harder to a softer formation. Below the point a the Fig. 16. -- Diagram to illustrate the development of a rapid and fall. The upper layer is harder than the strata below. The successive profiles of the stream below the hard layer are represented by the lines a b, a c, d e, f e, g e, and h e. stream is flowing over rock which is easily eroded, while above that point its course is over a harder formation. Just below a (profile a b) the gradient has become so steep that there are rapids. Under these conditions, erosion is rapid just beyond the crossing of the hard layer, and the gradient becomes higher and higher. When the steep slope of the rapids approaches verticality, the rapids become a fall (profile a c). As the water falls over the precipitous face and strikes upon the softer rock below, part of it rebounds against the base of WISCONSIN GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. BULLETIN NO. V., PL. XVI. Skillett Falls, in the Potsdam formation, three miles southwest of Baraboo. The several small falls are occasioned by slight inequalities in the hardness of the layers. When the effective undercutting ceases because the softer bed is no longer accessible, the point of maximum wear is transferred to the top of the hard bed just where the water begins to fall (g, Fig. 16). The wear here is no greater than before, though it is greater relatively. The relatively greater wear at this point destroys the verticality of the face, converting it into a steep slope. When this happens, the fall is a thing of the past, and rapids succeed. With continued flow the bed of the rapids becomes less and less steep, until it is finally reduced to the normal gradient of the stream (h e), when the rapids disappear. When thin layers of rock in a stream's course vary in hardness, softer beds alternating with harder ones, a series of falls such as shown in Plate XVI, may result. As they work up stream, these falls will be obliterated one by one. Thus it is seen that falls and rapids are not permanent features of the landscape. They belong to the younger period of a valley's history, rather than to the older. They are marks of topographic youth. Narrows.—Where a stream crosses a hard layer or ridge of rock lying between softer ones, the valley will not widen so rapidly in the hard rock as above and below. If the hard beds be vertical, so that their outcrop is not shifted as the degradation of the surface proceeds, a notable constriction of the valley results. Such a constriction is a narrows. The Upper and Lower narrows of the Baraboo (Plate IV) are good examples of the effect of hard rock on the widening of a valley. In regions of folded strata, certain beds are likely to be more resistant than others. Where harder beds alternate with softer, the former finally come to stand out as ridges, while the outcrops of the latter mark the sites of the valleys. Such alternations of beds of unequal resistance give rise to various peculiarities of drainage, particularly in the courses of tributaries. These peculiarities find no illustration in this region and are not here discussed. Base-level plains and peneplains.—It is important to notice that a plane surface (base-level) developed by streams could only be developed at elevations but slightly above the sea, that is, at levels at which running water ceases to be an effective agent of erosion; for so long as a stream is actively deepening its valley, its tendency is to roughen the area which it drains, not to make it smooth. The Colorado river, flowing through high land, makes a deep gorge. All the streams of the western plateaus have deep valleys, and the manifest result of their action is to roughen the surface; but given time enough, and the streams will have cut their beds to low gradients. Then, though deepening of the valleys will cease, widening will not, and inch by inch and shower by shower the elevated lands between WISCONSIN GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. BULLETIN NO. V., PL. XVII. A group of mounds on the plain southwest from Camp Douglas. The base-level surface is well shown, and above it rise the remnants of the higher plain from which the lower was reduced. WISCONSIN GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. BULLETIN NO. V., PL. XVIII. Castle Rock near Camp Douglas. In this view the relation of the erosion remnant to the extensive base-leveled surface is well shown. It is important to notice further that if the original surface on which erosion began is level, there is no stage intermediate between the beginning and the end of an erosion cycle, when the surface is again level, or nearly so, though in the stage of a cycle next preceding the last—the peneplain stage (fourth profile, Fig. 15)—the surface approaches flatness. It is also important to notice that when streams have cut a land surface down to the level at which they cease to erode, that surface will still possess some slight slope, and that to seaward. No definite degree of slope can be fixed upon as marking a base-level. The angle of slope which would practically stop erosion in a region of slight rainfall would be great enough to allow of erosion if the precipitation were greater. All that can be said, therefore, is that the angle of slope must be low. The Mississippi has a fall of less than a foot per mile for some hundreds of miles above the gulf. A small stream in a similar situation would have ceased to lower its channel before so low a gradient was reached. The nearest approach to a base-leveled region within the area here under consideration is in the vicinity of Camp Douglas and Necedah (see Plate I). This is indeed one of the best examples of a base-leveled plain known. Here the broad plain, extending in some directions as far as the eye can reach, is as low as it could be reduced by the streams which developed it. The erosion cycle which produced the plain was, however, not completed, for above the plain rise a few conspicuous hills (Plates XVII and XVIII, and Fig. 17), and to the west of it lie the highlands marking the level from which the low plain was reduced. Where a region has been clearly base-leveled, isolated masses or ridges of resistant rock may still stand out conspicuously above it. The quartzite hill at Necedah is an example. Such hills are known as monadnocks. This name was taken from Fig. 17. -- Sketch, looking northwest from Camp Douglas. CHARACTERISTICS OF VALLEYS AT VARIOUS STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT.In the early stages of its development a depression made by erosion has steep lateral slopes, the exact character of which is determined by many considerations. Its normal cross-section is usually described as V-shaped (Fig. 18). In the early stages Fig. 18. -- Diagrammatic cross-section of a young valley. of its development, especially if in unconsolidated material, the slopes are normally convex inward. If cut in solid rock, the cross section may be the same, though many variations are likely to appear, due especially to the structure of the rock and to inequalities of hardness. If a stream be swift enough to carry Of young valleys in loose material (drift) there are many examples in the eastern portion of the area here described. Shallow canyons or gorges in rock are also found. The gorge of Skillett creek at and above the Pewit's nest about three miles southwest from Baraboo, the gorge of Dell creek two miles south of Kilbourn City, and the Dalles of the Wisconsin at Kilbourn City may serve as illustrations of this type of valley. Fig. 19. -- Diagrammatic profile of a young valley. The profile of a valley at the stage of its development corresponding to the above section is represented diagrammatically by the curve a b in Fig. 19. The sketch (Plate XIX Fig. 1) represents a bird's-eye view of a valley in the same stage of development. Fig. 20. -- Diagrammatic cross-section of a valley at a stage corresponding with that shown in Plate XIX, Fig. 2. At a stage of development later than that represented by the V-shaped cross-section, the corresponding section is U-shaped, as shown in Fig. 20. The same form is sketched in Plate XIX Fig. 2. This represents a stage of development where detritus descending the slopes is not all carried away by the stream, and where the valley is being widened faster than it is deepened. Its Still later the cross section of the valley assumes the shape shown in Fig. 21, and in perspective the form sketched in Plate XX Fig. 1. This transformation is effected partly by erosion, and partly by deposition in the valley. When a stream has cut its valley as low as conditions allow, it becomes sluggish. A sluggish stream is easily turned from side to side, and, directed against its banks, it may undercut them, causing them to recede at the point of undercutting. In its meanderings, it undercuts at various points at various times, and the aggregate result is the widening of the valley. By this process alone the stream would develop a flat grade. At the same time all the drainage which comes in at the sides tends to carry the walls of the valley farther from its axis. Fig. 21. -- Diagrammatic cross-section of a valley at a stage later than that shown in Fig. 20. A sluggish stream is also generally a depositing stream. Its deposits tend to aggrade (build up) the flat which its meanderings develop. When a valley bottom is built up, it becomes wider at the same time, for the valley is, as a rule, wider at any given level than at any lower one. Thus the U-shaped valley is finally converted into a valley with a flat bottom, the flat being due in large part to erosion, and in smaller part to deposition. Under exceptional circumstances the relative importance of these two factors may be reversed. It will be seen that the cross-section of a valley affords a clue to its age. A valley without a flat is young, and increasing age is indicated by increasing width. Valleys illustrating all stages of development are to be found in the Devil's lake region. The valley of Honey creek southwest of Devil's lake may be taken WISCONSIN GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. BULLETIN NO. V., PL. XIX. FIG. 1. Sketch of a valley at the stage of development corresponding to the cross section shown in Fig. 18. FIG. 1. Sketch of a valley at the stage of development corresponding to the cross section shown in Fig. 18. FIG. 2. Sketch of a valley at the stage of development corresponding to the cross section shown in Fig. 20. FIG. 2. Sketch of a valley at the stage of development corresponding to the cross section shown in Fig. 20.
FIG. 1. Sketch of a part of a valley at the stage of development corresponding to the cross section shown in Fig. 21. FIG. 1. Sketch of a part of a valley at the stage of development corresponding to the cross section shown in Fig. 21. FIG. 2. Sketch of a section of the Baraboo valley. FIG. 2. Sketch of a section of the Baraboo valley. as an illustration of a valley at an intermediate stage of development, while examples of old valleys are found in the flat country about Camp Douglas and Necedah. Transportation and Deposition.The transporting power of a stream of given size varies with its velocity. Increase in the declivity or the volume of a stream increases its velocity and therefore its transportive power. The transportation effected by a stream is influenced (1) by its transporting power, and (2) by the size and amount of material available for carriage. Fine material is carried with a less expenditure of energy than an equal amount of coarse. With the same expenditure of energy therefore a stream can carry a greater amount of the former than of the latter. Since the transportation effected by a stream is dependent on its gradient, its size, and the size and amount of material available, it follows that when these conditions change so as to decrease the carrying power of the river, deposition will follow, if the stream was previously fully loaded. In other words, a stream will deposit when it becomes overloaded. Overloading may come about in the following ways: (1) By decrease in gradient, checking velocity and therefore carrying power; (2) by decrease in amount of water, which may result from evaporation, absorption, etc.; (3) by change in the shape of the channel, so that the friction of flow is increased, and therefore the force available for transportation lessened; (4) by lateral drainage bringing in more sediment than the main stream can carry; (5) by change in the character of the material to which the stream has access; for if it becomes finer, the coarse material previously carried will be dropped, and the fine taken; and (6) by the checking of velocity when a stream flows into a Topographic forms resulting from stream deposition.—The topographic forms resulting from stream deposition are various. At the bottoms of steep slopes, temporary streams build alluvial cones or fans. Along its flood-plain portion, a stream deposits more or less sediment on its flats. The part played by deposition in building a river flat has already been alluded to. A depositing stream often wanders about in an apparently aimless way across its flood plain. At the bends in its course, cutting is often taking place on the outside of a curve while deposition is going on in the inside. The valley of the Baraboo illustrates this process of cutting and building. Plate XX Fig. 2 is based upon the features of the valley within the city of Baraboo. Besides depositing on its flood-plain, a stream often deposits in its channel. Any obstruction of a channel which checks the current of a loaded stream occasions deposition. In this way "bars" are formed. Once started, the bar increases in size, for it becomes an obstacle to flow, and so the cause of its own growth. It may be built up nearly to the surface of the stream, and in low water, it may become an island by the depression of the surface water. In some parts of its course, as about Merrimac, the Wisconsin river is marked by such islands at low water, and by a much larger number of bars. At their debouchures, streams give up their loads of sediment. Under favorable conditions deltas are built, but delta-building has not entered into the physical history of this region to any notable extent. Rejuvenation of Streams.After the development of a base-level plain, its surface would suffer little change (except that effected by underground water) so long as it maintained its position. But if, after its development, a base-level plain were elevated, the old surface in a new position would be subject to a new series of changes identical in kind with those which had gone If at some intermediate stage in the development of a second base-level plain, say at a time when the streams, rejuvenated by uplift, had brought half the elevated surface down to a new base-level, another uplift were to occur, the half completed cycle would be brought to an end, and a new one begun. The streams would again be quickened, and as a result they would promptly cut new and deeper channels in the bottoms of the great valleys which had already been developed. The topography which would result is suggested by the following diagram (Fig. 22) Fig. 22. -- Diagram (cross-section), illustrating the topographic effect of rejuvenation by uplift. which illustrates the cross-section which would be found after the following sequence of events: (1) The development of a base-level, a a; (2) uplift, rejuvenation of the streams, and a new cycle of erosion Fig. 23. -- Normal profile of a valley bottom in a non-mountainous region. The rejuvenation of a stream shows itself in another way. The normal profile of a valley bottom in a non-mountainous region is a gentle curve, concave upward with gradient increasing from debouchure to source. Such a profile is shown in Fig. 23. Fig. 24, on the other hand, is the profile of a rejuvenated stream. The valley once had a profile similar to that shown in Fig. 23. Below b its former continuation is marked by the dotted line b c. Since rejuvenation the stream has deepened the lower part of its valley, and established there a profile in harmony with the new conditions. The upper end of the new curve has not yet reached beyond b. Fig. 24. -- Profile of a stream rejuvenated by uplift. Underground Water.In what has preceded, reference has been made only to the results accomplished by the water which runs off over the surface. The water which sinks beneath it is, however, of no small importance in reducing a land surface. The enormous amount of mineral matter in solution in spring water bears witness to the efficiency of the ground water in |