OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY OF THE ROCK FORMATIONS WHICH SHOW THEMSELVES AT THE SURFACE.I. THE PRE-CAMBRIAN HISTORY OF THE QUARTZITE.From loose sand to quartzite.—To understand the geography of a region it is necessary to understand the nature of the materials, the sculpture of which has made the geography. It has already been indicated (p. 14) that the Huronian quartzite of which the most prominent elevations of this region are composed, was once loose sand. Even at the risk of repetition, the steps in its history are here recounted. The source of the sand was probably the still older rocks of the land in the northern part of Wisconsin. Brought down to the sea by rivers, or washed from the shores of the land by waves, the sand was deposited in horizontal or nearly horizontal beds at the bottom of the shallow water which then covered central and southern Wisconsin. Later, perhaps while it was still beneath the sea, the sand was converted into sandstone, the change being effected partly by compression which made the mass of sand more compact, but chiefly by the cementation of its constituent grains into a coherent mass. The water contained in the sand while consolidation was in progress, held in solution some slight amount of silica, the same material of which the grains of sand themselves are composed. Little by little this silica in solution was deposited on the surfaces of the sand grains, enlarging them, and at the same time binding them together. Thus the sand became sandstone. Continued deposition of silica between and around the grains finally filled the interstitial spaces, and when this process was completed, the sandstone had been converted Uplift and deformation. Dynamic metamorphism.—After the deposition of the sands which later became the quartzite, the beds were uplifted and deformed, as their present positions and relations show (p. 16). It is not possible to say how far the process of transformation of sand into quartzite was carried while the formation was still beneath the shallow sea in which it was deposited. The sand may have been changed to sandstone, and the sandstone to quartzite, before the sea bottom was converted into land, while on the other hand, the formation may have been in any stage of change from sand to quartzite, when that event occurred. If the process of change was then incomplete, it may have been continued after the sea retired, by the percolating waters derived from the rainfall of the region. Either when first converted into land, or at some later time, the beds of rock were folded, and suffered such other changes as attend profound dynamic movements. The conversion of the sandstone into quartzite probably preceded the deformation, since many phenomena indicate that the rock was quartzite and not sandstone when the folding took place. For example, the crushing of the quartzite (now re-cemented into brecciated quartzite) at Ablemans probably dates from the orogenic movements which folded the quartzite, and the fractured bits of rock often have corners and edges so sharp as to show that the rock was thoroughly quartzitic when the crushing took place. The uplift and deformation of the beds was probably accomplished slowly, but the vertical and highly tilted strata show that the changes were profound (see Fig. 4). The dynamic metamorphism which accompanied this profound deformation has already been referred to (p. 15). The folding of the beds involved the slipping of some on others, and this resulted in the development of quartz schist along the lines of severest movement. Changes effected in the texture and structure of the rock under such conditions constitute dynamic At the same time that quartz schist was locally developed from the quartzite, crushing probably occurred in other places. This is demorphism, rather than metamorphism. Erosion of the quartzite.—When the Huronian beds were raised to the estate of land, the processes of erosion immediately began to work on them. The heat and the cold, the plants and the animals, the winds, and especially the rain and the water which came from the melting of the snow, produced their appropriate effects. Under the influence of these agencies the surface of the rock was loosened by weathering, valleys were cut in it by running water, and wear and degradation went on at all points. The antagonistic processes of uplift and degradation went on for unnumbered centuries, long enough for even the slow processes involved to effect stupendous results. Degradation was continuous after the region became land, though uplift may not have been. On the whole, elevation exceeded degradation, for some parts of the quartzite finally came to stand high above the level of the sea,—the level to which all degradation tends. Fig. 4 conveys some notion of the amount of rock which was removed from the quartzite folds about Baraboo during this long period of erosion. The south range would seem to represent the stub of one side of a great anticlinal fold, a large part of which (represented by the dotted lines) was carried away, while the north range may be the core of another fold, now exposed by erosion. Some idea of the geography of the quartzite at the close of this period of erosion may be gained by imagining the work of later times undone. The younger beds covering the quartzite When the extreme hardness of the quartzite is remembered and also the extent of the erosion which affected it (Fig. 4) before the next succeeding formation was deposited, it is safe to conclude that the period of erosion was very long. Thickness of the quartzite.—The thickness of the quartzite is not known, even approximately. The great thickness in the south range suggested by the diagram (Fig. 4) may perhaps be an exaggeration. Faulting which has not been discovered may have occurred, causing repetition of beds at the surface (Fig. 6), and so an exaggerated appearance of thickness. After all allowances have been made, it is still evident that the thickness of the quartzite is very great. II. THE HISTORY OF THE PALEOZOIC STRATA.The subsidence.—Following the long period of erosion, the irregular and almost mountainous area of central Wisconsin was depressed sufficiently to submerge large areas which had been land. The subsidence was probably slow, and as the sea advanced from the south, it covered first the valleys and lowlands, and later the lower hills and ridges, while the higher hills and ridges of the quartzite stood as islands in the rising sea. Still later, the highest ridges of the region were themselves probably submerged. Fig. 6. -- A diagrammatic cross-section, showing how, by faulting, the apparent thickness of the quartzite would be increased. The Potsdam sandstone (and conglomerate).—So soon as the sea began to overspread the region, its bottom became the site of deposition, and the deposition continued as long as the submergence lasted. It is to the sediments deposited during the earlier part of this submergence that the name Potsdam is given. The sources of the sediments are not far to seek. As the former land was depressed beneath the sea, its surface was doubtless covered with the products of rock decay, consisting of earths, sands, small bits and larger masses of quartzite. These materials, or at least the finer parts, were handled by the waves of the shallow waters, for they were at first shallow, and assorted and re-distributed. Thus the residuary products on the submerged surface, were one source of sediments. From the shores also, so long as land areas remained, the waves derived sediments. These were composed in part of the weathered products of the rock, and in part of the undecomposed So long as any part of the older land remained above the water, its streams brought sediments to the sea. These also were shifted by the waves and shore currents, and finally deposited with the others on the eroded surface of the quartzite. Thus sediments derived in various ways, but inherently essentially similar, entered into the new formation. Fig. 7. -- Diagram to illustrate the theoretical disposition of sediments about an island. Fig. 8. -- Same as Fig. 7, except that the land has been depressed. The first material to be deposited on the surface of the quartzite as it was submerged, was the coarsest part of the sediment. Of the sediment derived by the waves from the coasts, and brought down to the sea by rivers, the coarsest would at each stage be left nearest the shore, while the finer was carried progressively farther and farther from it. Thus at each stage the sand was deposited farther from the shore than the gravel, and the mud farther than the sand, where the water was so deep that the bottom was subject to little agitation by waves. The theoretical distribution of sediments about an island as it was depressed, is illustrated by the following diagrams, Figs. 7 and 8. It will be seen that the surface of the quartzite is immediately overlain by conglomerate, but that the conglomerate near its top is younger than that near its base. Fig. 9. -- Sketch showing relation of basal Potsdam conglomerate and sandstone to the quartzite, on the East bluff at Devil's lake, behind the Cliff house. The basal conglomerate may be seen at many places, but nowhere about Devil's lake is it so well exposed as at Parfrey's glen (a, Plate XXXVII), where the rounded stones of which it is composed vary from pebbles, the size of a pea, to bowlders more than three feet in diameter. Other localities where the conglomerates may be seen to advantage are Dorward's glen (b, Plate XXXVII), the East bluff at Devil's lake just above the Cliff house, and at the Upper narrows of the Baraboo, above Ablemans. The first effect of the sedimentation which followed submergence was to even up the irregular surface of the quartzite, for the depressions in the surface were the first to be submerged, and the first to be filled. As the body of sediment thickened, it buried the lower hills and the lower parts of the higher ones. The extent to which the Potsdam formation buried the main ridge may never be known. It may have buried it completely, for as already stated (p. 19) patches of sandstone are found upon the main range. These patches make it clear that some formation younger than the quartzite once covered essentially all of the higher ridge. Other evidence to be adduced later, confirms this conclusion. It has, however, not been demonstrated that the high-level patches of sandstone are Potsdam. There is abundant evidence that the subsidence which let the Potsdam seas in over the eroded surface of the Huronian quartzite was gradual. One line of evidence is found in the cross-bedding of the sandstone (Plate XII) especially well exhibited in the Dalles of the Wisconsin. The beds of sandstone are essentially horizontal, but within the horizontal beds there are often secondary layers which depart many degrees from horizontality, the maximum being about 24°. Plates XXVII and XII give a better idea of the structure here referred to than verbal description can. The explanation of cross-bedding is to be found in the varying conditions under which sand was deposited. Cross-bedding denotes shallow water, where waves and shore currents were effective at the bottom where deposition is in progress. For a time, beds were deposited off shore at a certain angle, much as in the building of a delta (Fig. 10). Then by subsidence of the bottom, other layers with like structure were deposited over the first. By this sequence of events, the dip of the secondary layers should be toward the open water, and in this region their dip is WISCONSIN GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. BULLETIN NO. V., PL. XII. Steamboat rock -- an island in the Dalles of the Wisconsin. Fig. 10. -- A diagrammatic cross-section of a delta. The maximum known thickness of the Potsdam sandstone in Wisconsin is about 1,000 feet, but its thickness in this region is much less. Where not capped by some younger formation, its upper surface has suffered extensive erosion, and the present thickness therefore falls short of the original. The figures given above may not be too great for the latter. The Lower Magnesian limestone.—The conditions of sedimentation finally changed in the area under consideration. When the sand of the sandstone was being deposited, adjacent lands were the source whence the sediments were chiefly derived. The evidence that the region was sinking while the sand was being deposited shows that the land masses which were supplying the sand, were becoming progressively smaller. Ultimately the sand ceased to be washed out to the region here described, either because the water became too deep The deposition of limestone sediments following the deposition of the Potsdam sands, does not necessarily mean that there was more or different marine life while the younger formation was making, but only that the shells, etc., which before had been mingled with the sand, making fossiliferous sandstone, were now accumulated essentially free from land-derived sediment, and therefore made limestone. Like the sandstone beneath, the limestone formation has a wide distribution outside the area here under discussion, showing that conditions similar to those of central Wisconsin were widely distributed at this time. The beds of limestone are conformable on those of the sandstone, and the conformable relations of the two formations indicate that the deposition of the upper followed that of the lower, without interruption. The thickness of the Lower Magnesian limestone varies from less than 100 to more than 200 feet, but in this region its thickness is nearer the lesser figure than the larger. The limestone is now present only in the eastern and southern parts of the area, though it originally covered the whole area. The St. Peters sandstone.—Overlying the Lower Magnesian limestone at a few points, are seen remnants of St. Peters sandstone. The constitution of this formation shows that conditions of sedimentation had again changed, so that sand was again deposited where the conditions had been favorable to the deposition of limestone but a short time before. This formation has been recognized at but two places (d and e) within the area shown on Plate XXXVII, but the relations at these two points are such as to lead to the conclusion that the formation may once have covered the entire region. This sandstone formation is very like The change from the deposition of limestone sediments to sand may well have resulted from the shoaling of the waters, which allowed the sand to be carried farther from shore. Rise of the land may have accompanied the shoaling of the waters, and the higher lands would have furnished more and coarser sediments to the sea. Fig. 11. -- The geological formations of southern Wisconsin in the order of their occurrence. Not all of these are found about Devil's lake. Fig. 11. -- The geological formations of southern Wisconsin in the order of their occurrence. Not all of these are found about Devil's lake. Younger beds.—That formations younger than the St. Peters sandstone once overlaid this part of Wisconsin is almost certain, though no remnants of them now exist. Evidence which cannot be here detailed Finally the long period of submergence, during which several changes in sedimentation had taken place, came to an end, and the area under discussion was again converted into land. Time involved.—Though it cannot be reduced to numerical terms, the time involved in the deposition of these several formations of the Paleozoic must have been very long. It is probably to be reckoned in millions of years, rather than in denominations of a lower order. Climatic conditions.—Little is known concerning the climate of this long period of sedimentation. Theoretical considerations have usually been thought to lead to the conclusion that the climate during this part of the earth's history was uniform, moist, and warm; but the conclusion seems not to be so well founded as to command great confidence. The uplift.—After sedimentation had proceeded to some such extent as indicated, the sea again retired from central Wisconsin. This may have been because the sea bottom of this region rose, or because the sea bottom in other places was depressed, thus drawing off the water. The topography of this new land, like the topography of those portions of the sea bottom which are similarly situated, must have been for the most part level. Low swells and broad undulations may have existed, but no considerable prominences, and no sudden change of slope. The surface was probably so flat that it would have been regarded as a level surface had it been seen. The height to which the uplift carried the new land surface at the outset must ever remain a matter of conjecture. Some estimate may be made of the amount of uplift which the region The new land surface at once became the site of new activities. All processes of land erosion at once attacked the new surface, in the effort to carry its materials back to the sea. The sculpturing of this plain, which, with some interruption, has continued to the present day, has given the region the chief elements of its present topography. But before considering the special history of erosion in this region, it may be well to consider briefly the general principles and processes of land degradation. |