| | PAGE | Chapter I. | Form and Characters of the Mushrooms, | 1 | Chapter II. | Development of the Mushroom, | 5 | Chapter III. | Gill Bearing Fungi; AgaricaceÆ, | 17 | Chapter IV. | The Purple-Brown-Spored Agarics, | 18 | Chapter V. | The Black-Spored Agarics, | 32 | Chapter VI. | The White-Spored Agarics, | 52 | Chapter VII. | The Rosy-Spored Agarics, | 138 | Chapter VIII. | The Ochre-Spored Agarics, | 150 | Chapter IX. | The Tube Bearing Fungi; PolyporaceÆ, | 171 | Chapter X. | Hedgehog Fungi; HydnaceÆ, | 195 | Chapter XI. | Coral Fungi; ClavariaceÆ, | 200 | Chapter XII. | The Trembling Fungi; TremellineÆ, | 204 | Chapter XIII. | ThelephoraceÆ, | 208 | Chapter XIV. | Puff-Balls; LycoperdaceÆ, | 209 | Chapter XV. | Stinkhorn Fungi; PhalloideÆ, | 213 | Chapter XVI. | Morels, Cup-Fungi, Helvellas, etc., Discomycetes, | 216 | Chapter XVII. | Collection and Preservation of the Fleshy Fungi, | 222 | Chapter XVIII. | Selection and Preparation of Mushrooms for the Table, | 229 | Chapter XIX. | Uses of Mushrooms, | 231 | | Fungi in the Arts, | 234 | Chapter XX. | Cultivation of Mushrooms, | 237 | | The Cave Culture of Mushrooms in America, | 239 | | The House Culture of Mushrooms, | 241 | | Curing the Manure, | 247 | | Making up the Beds, | 250 | | What Spawn Is, | 255 | | Spawning the Beds, | 263 | Chapter XXI. | Recipes for Cooking Mushrooms (Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer), | 277 | Chapter XXII. | Chemistry and Toxicology of the Fungi (J. F. Clark), | 288 | ChapterXXIII. | Description of Terms applied to Certain Structural Characters of Mushrooms (H. Hasselbring), | 298 | Appendix. | Analytical Keys (The Author), | 307 | | Glossary of Technical Terms (The Author), | 313 | | Index to Genera and Illustrations, | 315 | | Index to Species, | 321 | CORRECTIONS. Page 33, 10th line, for ?????? read ??p???. Page 220, lines 6 and 9, for Gyromytra read Gyromitra.