Abdomen— | Page. | dropsy affecting, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 47 | inflammation, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 224 | of calf, dropsy, description, and treatment | 180 | wounds, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 43 | Abdominal cavity, kinds of parasites affecting | 529 | Abortion— | | contagious— | | description and causes | 165 | treatment and prevention | 170 | noncontagious— | | causes | 165 | treatment | 170 | Abscess— | | bacteria causing | 237 | ear treatment | 355 | lung, description | 99 | navel, cause and treatment | 249 | orbital and periorbital, symptoms and treatment | 352 | Abscesses— | | danger in castration of cattle | 300 | treatment | 295 | Absorbents, description | 75 | Achorion schonleinii, fungus causing Tinea favosa | 332 | Acids— | | mineral, poisoning, description and treatment | 54 | poisoning, description and treatment | 54 | vegetable, poisonous, description and treatment | 61 | Aconite poisoning, description and treatment | 63 | Actinomycosis— | | description and symptoms | 440–449 | jawbone, description and treatment | 442 | lungs | 442 | prevention and treatment | 445–446 | relation to public health | 447 | Adenoma, description | 310 | Administration of medicines, chapter by Leonard Pearson | 7–11 | Afterbirth, retention, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 220 | Air tubes, lung, parasites affecting, description and treatment | 530 | Air under the skin, description, symptoms, and treatment | 334 | Albumin, urine, description and treatment | 121 | Albuminuria, description and treatment | 121 | Alkalies, poisoning, description and treatment | 59 | Amaurosis, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 348 | Anaphrodisia, cause, prevention, and treatment | 149 | Anasarca of the skin, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 330 | Aphtha, calf, description and treatment | 263 | Aphtha parasite (Saccharomyces albicans), cause | 263 | Aphthous fever. See Foot-and-mouth disease. | | Aphthous stomatitis, reference | 532 | Apoplexy— | | cerebral, description and treatment | 106 | parturient, description, symptoms, and treatment | 226 | Appetite— | | depraved, description, causes and treatment | 28 | Loss, symptom of foot-and-mouth disease | 383 | Aqueous humor of eye, description | 341 | Argentina, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Arsenic poisoning, description, symptoms, and treatment | 54 | Arsenical dips— | | for destroying cattle ticks | 488 | use against screw worms | 507 | Arsenical vapor, danger of inhalation in making cattle dip | 489 | Arteries— | | and veins, wounds, description and treatment | 83 | obstruction, description and treatment | 85 | Ascaris vitulorum, intestinal roundworm | | description and treatment | 524 | Ascites— | | causes, symptoms, and treatment | 47 | description and treatment | 180 | Asepsis in surgical operations | 289 | Aseptic periostitis, description and treatment | 266 | Asphyxia electrica, symptoms and treatment | 111 | Atkinson, V. T.— | | chapter on "Bones: Diseases and accidents" | 264–288 | chapter on "Poison and poisoning" | 51–70 | Atrophy, description | 81 | Auscultation, definition | 91 | Austria-Hungary, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | | | Bacillus— | | cyanogenes, causing blue milk | 242 | tuberculosis, (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), (new terminology) causing tuberculosis | 407 | Back, sprain, causes and treatment | 270 | Bacteria— | | causing abscess | 237 | definition | 360 | Bacterium bovisepticum, causing hemorrhagic septicemia | 397 | Balkan countries, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Ball— | | eye, description | 340 | hair, in stomach, description | 29 | Balls, use in administering medicines | 8 | Bee stings, description and treatment | 71 | Beef measles, discussion and management | 529 | Belgium, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Benign tumors, description | 306 | Big jaw. See Actinomycosis. | | Black quarter. See Blackleg. | | Blackleg— | | description, cause and treatment | 459,464 | serum, relation to anthrax | 458 | vaccine, note on distribution by Animal Industry Bureau | 463 | Bladder— | | eversion, description, and treatment | 218 | or rectum, full, as obstruction to parturition | 178 | palsy of neck, cause and treatment | 130 | paralysis, causes and treatment | 128 | rupture, symptoms | 218 | spasms, description and treatment | 128 | stone, symptoms and treatment | 142 |
Bladder worms— | | affecting brain, description and treatment | 528 | thin-necked, description and treatment | 528 | Bleeding— | | description and treatment | 83 | lungs, description and treatment | 99 | navel, cause and treatment | 248 | nose, cause and treatment | 93 | womb, description, symptoms, and treatment | 214 | Blisters, water, symptoms and treatment | 328 | Bloating, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 22 | Blood— | | clots on walls of vagina, description and treatment | 220 | coagulated, under vaginal walls after calving, treatment | 179 | description and influence of food on | 75 | flukes (Schistosoma bovis), note | 526 | parasites affecting, different kinds | 526 | protozoa affecting | 510–536 | vessels— | | functions | 73 | heart, lymphatics, diseases, chapter by W. H. Harbaugh | 73–86 | Bloodsuckers affecting cattle, description and treatment | 519 | Bloody milk, cause and treatment | 241 | Bloody urine— | | caused by blood flukes | 526 | description, symptoms, and treatment | 119 | Blue disease, cause | 253 | Blue lice (HÆmatopinus eurysternus and H. vitali) | | description | 512 | Blue milk, cause and treatment | 242 | Boils, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 328 | Bones— | | broken, description of kinds and treatment | 271–282 | diseases and accidents, chapter by V. T. Atkinson | 264–288 | dislocations, description and treatment | 282 | face, fracture, description, and treatment | 277 | luxations, description and treatment | 282 | manner of nourishment | 264 | number and description | 264 | shape, classes | 265 | Bony tumor, description and treatment | 314 | Boophilus annulatus, Texas fever tick. See Margaropus annulatus. | | Bots affecting cattle, description and treatment | 507 | Bovine tuberculosis and the public health | 429 | Bowel hernia, description and treatment | 39 | Bowels— | | diseases affecting, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 34–43 | obstruction resulting from invagination, symptoms and treatment | 35 | twisting and knotting, symptoms, post-mortem appearance | | and treatment | 35 | Bowel hernia, description and treatment | 39 | Brain— | | and its membranes, inflammation, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 103 | bladder worms affecting, treatment | 527 | Coenurus cerebralis (Multiceps multiceps) affecting, treatment | 527 | concussion, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 107 | congestion, description and treatment | 106 | description | 101 | tumors, description | 112 | Brazil, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Breach— | | navel, symptoms and treatment | 252 | uterus, cause and treatment | 162 | Breathing, suspended in young calves, discussion | 247 | Bronchial tubes, parasites affecting | 530 |
Bronchitis— | description, symptoms, and treatment | 94 | verminous— | description, symptoms, treatment, and prevention | 100 | parasite (Strongylus micrurus), cause | 100 | Brush, report of foot-and-mouth disease in man | 394 | Buffalo gnats, description and remedy | 505 | Bull, ringing, method | 291 | Bulls, susceptibility to sarcoptic mange | 517 | Burns and scalds, causes and treatment | 333 | | | Calculi— | classification | 137 | forms in different situations | 138 | in prepuce or sheath, treatment | 144 | renal, description and treatment | 139 | urethral, description and treatment | 139 | urinary— | classification | 137 | description and causes | 130 | effect of different feeds | 131 | Calculus— | blocking teats, treatment | 243 | prevention | 141 | vesical or urethral, symptoms and treatment | 142 | Calf— | attention necessary at birth | 247 | diphtheria, description, symptoms, and treatment | 464–469 | dropsy— | general, cause and treatment | 180 | of abdomen, description and treatment | 180 | monstrosities, descriptions, causes, and treatment | 182–184 | muscles, rigid contraction, cause and treatment | 181 | slinking, description | 165 | swelling, caused by gas, treatment | 181 | tumors affecting, description and treatment | 181 | Calves— | congenital imperfections, kinds | 263 | indigestion affecting, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 34 | newborn, acute scouring, description, prevention and treatment | 261 | pyemic and septicemic inflammation, symptoms and treatment | 251 | young— | aphtha, or thrush, affecting, description and treatment | 233 | constipation affecting, cause and treatment | 253 | diseases affecting, chapter by James Law | 247–263 | rickets affecting, description and treatment | 263 | ulcers in mouth, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 464 | Calving— | dropping and palsy following, description and treatment | 233 | retarded by nervousness | 179 | symptoms | 173 | Canada, source of foot-and-mouth infection | 386 | Cancer, description and treatment | 315 | Capsule, eye, description | 342 | Capsules, use in administering medicines | 8 | Carbolic-acid poisoning, description and treatment | 60 | Carbon dioxid, formation in preparing cattle dip | 489 | Carbuncle, description | 458 | Carcinoma, description and treatment | 315 | Caries, teeth, description | 16 | Carpus, fracture, description and treatment | 281 | Cartilage, ear, necrosis affecting | 357 | Caruncula lacrimalis of eye, description | 344 | Casein concretions blocking teats, cause and treatment | 343 | Casting the withers, cause and treatment | 215 |
Castration— | | dangers and care | 299–301 | of female, description of operation | 300 | of male, description of operation | 299 | Cataract, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 348 | Catarrh— | description, symptoms, and treatment | 92,93 | gastrointestinal, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 32,33 | malignant, description, symptoms, and treatment | 469–472 | nasal, description, symptoms, and treatment | 92 | Catarrhal fever, infectious, description, symptoms | and treatment | 469–472 | Cats, ear ticks on, note | 518 | Cattle— | animal parasites affecting, chapter by B. H. Ransom | 502–531 | dip, preparation and use | 488–494 | dose of vaccine against anthrax | 459 | drenching, care of lungs | 522 | farcy, description and treatment | 501 | infected with anthrax, description | 458 | infection with sarcoptic mange | 517 | infectious diseases, chapter by John R. Mohler | 358–501 | infestation with tapeworm | 523 | injury by use of petroleum against ticks | 494 | loss of blood by inoculations, limits of safety | 500 | northern, immunization against Texas fever, manner | 498 | parasitic diseases, prevention | 510 | plague. See Rinderpest. | protection from flies, formulas for mixtures | 502–503 | rabies affecting, description, symptoms, etc | 402–406 | southern, injury by ticks | 482 | tick, Margaropus annulatus, as carrier of Texas fever | 480 | ticks— | injurious effects of and losses caused by | 481–485 | methods of ridding cattle of | 485–494 | tumors affecting, chapter by John R. Mohler | 303–319 | Cerebral apoplexy, description and treatment | 106 | Cerebrospinal division, description | 101 | Chapped teats, cause and treatment | 243 | Charbon. See Anthrax. | Chest, dropsy affecting, description and treatment | 99 | Children, infection with foot-and-mouth disease | 394 | China, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Choking, symptoms and treatment | 20 | Chorioptic mange, location and treatment | 517 | Choroid coat of the eye, description | 342 | Chrondroma tumor, description and treatment | 314 | Chronic tympanites, cause and treatment | 25 | Coal-oil poisoning, description and treatment | 59 | Coenurus cerebralis (Multiceps multiceps) affecting brain, treatment | 527 | Coital exanthema, description, symptoms, and treatment | 401 | Cold in the head, description, symptoms, and treatment | 92 | Colic, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 31 | Concussion of the brain, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 107 | Congenital imperfections in calves, kinds | 263 | Congestion— | and inflammation of testicles, description and treatment | 152 | brain, description and treatment | 106 | liver, description, symptoms, and treatment | 45 | spinal cord, description, symptoms, and treatment | 110 | bladder, description and treatment | 233 | Conjunctivitis— | | causes, symptoms, and treatment | 344 | infectious catarrhal, symptoms, treatment and prevention | 345 | Connecticut, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 |
Constipation— | cause and treatment | 36 | young calves, cause and treatment | 253 | Contagious— | abortion— | causes | 165–172 | prevention and treatment | 170 | diseases, disinfection of premises | 363 | inflammation of the udder, description, prevention, and treatment | 237 | mammitis, description, prevention, and treatment | 237 | pleuropneumonia— | cause, incubation, and symptoms | 369 | definition and history | 366 | post-mortem appearance | 373 | prevention and treatment | 377 | scouring, acute, in newborn calves, description, prevention, and treatment | 261 | Contused or lacerated wounds, description and treatment | 298 | Contusion of lips, wounds, and snake bites of mouth, symptoms and treatment | 14 | Copper poisoning, description and treatment | 56 | Cornea— | eye, description | 341 | ulcers, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 347 | Corneal dermatoma, description and treatment | 349 | Corneitis, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 345 | Cough, examination | 89 | Cow, pregnant, hygiene | 160 | Cowpox, description, symptoms, and treatment | 240,438 | Cows, milk, protection from flies | 503 | Cramps of hind limbs during pregnancy, cause | 162 | Cranium, fracture, description and treatment | 278 | Creeps, description, symptoms, and treatment | 267 | Cresol— | compound solution, composition and use | 366 | use in foot-and-mouth disease | 393 | Croupous enteritis, description, symptoms, and treatment | 35 | Crude petroleum— | danger to cattle in use against ticks | 494 | dip for destroying cattle ticks | 491 | Cud, loss, description | 27 | Cuts, barbed-wire, description and treatment | 297 | Cyanosis, cause | 81,253 | Cysts— | dental, description and treatment | 318 | dermoid— | and sebaceous, description and treatment | 330 | description and treatment | 318 | description | 308 | extravasation,description | 317 | mucous, description and treatment | 319 | parasitic, description | 317 | proliferation, description and treatment | 319 | serous, description and treatment | 318 | | | Dairy business, injury by foot-and-mouth disease | 384 | Dandruff, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 329 | Deformities, hoof, causes and treatment | 338 | Dehorning, description | 292 | Delaware, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Demodectic mange, description and treatment | 517 | Denmark, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Dental cysts, description and treatment | 318 | Dermis, description | 320 | Dermoid cysts, description and treatment | 318,330 | Diabetes— | insipidus, cause and treatment | 118 | mellitus, description | 123 |
Diarrhea— | and dysentery, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 34 | calf, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 32 | causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment | 254–261 | See also Gastrointestinal catarrh. | Dickson, William, and William H. Lowe, chapter on "Surgical operations" | 289–302 | Digestive organs, diseases affecting, chapter by A. J. Murray | 14–50 | Dilatation and hypertrophy of heart, description | 82 | Diphtheria, calf, description, cause, treatment, etc | 464–469 | Dipping— | bath, cattle, temperature | 490 | remedy for screw worms | 506 | Dips— | arsenical, protection of hands in use | 493 | cattle, for ticks | 494–498 | mange and scab | 513,514 | Disinfection, house, methods | 363 | Dislocation, eyeball, treatment | 353 | Dislocations, bones, description and treatment | 282 | Diuresis, causes and treatment | 118 | Dogs, ear tick | 518 | Drainage, usefulness in prevention of fluke diseases | 527 | Drenching tube, use in eradicating worms | 522 | Dropping, following calving, description and treatment | 233 | Dropsy— | abdomen, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 47 | abdomen of calf,description and treatment | 180 | chest, description and treatment | 99 | general, of calf, cause and treatment | 180 | hind limbs and between thighs, during pregnancy, cause | 162 | membranes of fetus, description and treatment | 162 | navel, description and treatment | 253 | womb, description and treatment | 162 | Dysentery— | and diarrhea, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 34 | chronic bacterial, description, treatment, etc | 498 | red, note | 531 | See also Gastrointestinal catarrh. | Dyspepsia, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 29 | | | Ear tick, spinose, presence in cattle, horses, dogs, etc | 518 | Ears— | abscess affecting, treatment | 355 | cartilage, necrosis affecting | 357 | diseases affecting, chapter by M. R. Trumbower | 355–357 | enchondroma, description and treatment | 357 | foreign bodies lodging in, symptoms and treatment | 356 | frostbite, symptoms and treatment | 357 | fungoid growths, cause and treatment | 356 | internal inflammation, symptoms and treatment | 355 | lacerations, cause and treatment | 357 | scurvy, cause and treatment | 356 | ticks affecting, treatment | 518 | Echinococcus granulosus, hydatid, description | 528 | Ectropion of the eyelid, description and treatment | 350 | Eczema— | description, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 325 | epizootic, reference | 383 | Edema— | causes, symptoms, and treatment | 330 | malignant, description, symptoms, and treatment | 472–474 | Elephantiasis, description | 330 | Emaciation, symptom of foot-and-mouth disease | 383 | Emphysema, description and treatment | 98,334 | Enchondroma, ear, description and treatment | 357 | Encysted stomach worm, description and treatment | 523 | Endocarditis, description and treatment | 81 |
Enemata, uses and methods | 9 | Enteritis— | causes, symptoms, post-mortem appearance, and treatment | 35 | croupous, description, symptoms, and treatment | 35 | simple. See Gastroenteritis. | Entropion, eyelid, description and treatment | 350 | Epidermis, description | 320 | Epilepsy, description, cause, and treatment | 107 | Epistaxis, cause and treatment | 93 | Epizootic aphtha, reference | 383 | Ergotism— | and mycotic stomatitis, differentiation | 536 | description and treatment | 69 | Eruption, vesicular, of genital organs, description, symptoms, and treatment | 401 | Erythema, description, causes, and treatment | 323 | Eversion— | bladder, description and treatment | 218 | eyelid, description and treatment | 350 | womb, cause and treatment | 215 | Extra-uterine gestation, description and treatment | 163 | Extravasation cysts, description | 317 | Eye— | and its appendages, diseases affecting, chapter by M. R. Trumbower | 340–354 | aqueous humor, description | 341 | capsule, description | 342 | caruncula, lacrimalis affecting | 344 | choroid coat, description | 342 | cornea— | description | 341 | ulcers affecting, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 347 | description | 340 | foreign bodies penetrating, treatment | 351 | lens, description | 342 | muscles, description | 343 | parasites affecting, treatment | 349,531 | puncta lacrimalia, description | 344 | retina, description | 342 | roundworms affecting, treatment | 524 | sclerotic membrane, description | 341 | vitreous humor, description | 342 | Eyeball— | description | 340 | dislocation, cause and treatment | 353 | hairy tumor affecting, description and treatment | 349 | Eyelashes, inversion, treatment | 350 | Eyelids— | description | 343 | ectropion affecting, description and treatment | 350 | entropion, description and treatment | 350 | eversion, description and treatment | 350 | inversion, description and treatment | 350 | laceration, cause and treatment | 351 | tumors affecting, description and treatment | 350 | | | Face bones, fracture, description and treatment | 277 | Farcy, cattle, description and treatment | 501 | Fasciola hepatica, description | 526 | Fasciola magna, description | 526 | Fatty degeneration, heart, description | 82 | Feed, character, analyses, effect on milk | 256–258 | Feeding— | character, effect on digestive organs | 12 | value as remedy for stomach worms | 521–523 |
"Feeding-lot" method of freeing cattle and pastures from ticks | 494–497 | Fetlock— | fracture below, treatment | 282 | sprain, causes and treatment | 269 | Fetus— | developing outside womb, description and treatment | 163 | membranes, dropsy affecting, description and treatment | 162 | prolonged retention, description and treatment | 164 | Fever— | milk, description, symptoms, and treatment | 226–237 | parturition, description, symptoms, and treatment | 226 | southern, splenetic, or Texas. See Texas fever. | Fibroma— | interdigital, description and treatment | 338 | tumor, description and treatment | 311 | Fibrous periostitis, description and treatment | 266 | Filaria cervina, worm found in the eye | 349 | Filaria lablato-papillosa, parasitic roundworm of cattle | 524 | Filaria oculi, description and treatment | 349 | Fissure of the wall of hoof, description and treatment | 338 | Fistula, milk, description and treatment | 245 | Flies— | injurious to cattle | 502–506 | larval, note | 502 | Flooding from womb, description and treatment | 214 | Fluke disease, control by use of lime | 526 | Flukes, prevention by drainage | 526 | Fly— | Spanish, poison, description and treatment | 70 | stable, breeding places | 503 | Fly preventives, injury to cattle by poisoning | 503 | Flytrap, use against stable flies | 503 | Fluke, disease of cattle | 526 | Flukes, liver and lungs, description | 526 | Foods, character, effect on digestive organs | 12 | Foot— | diseases affecting, chapter by M. R. Trumbower | 335–339 | foul, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 336 | soreness, description and treatment | 335 | Foot rot, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 336 | Foot-and-mouth disease— | benign, simple, or noninfectious | 535 | danger to man | 394–395 | description, cause, symptoms, etc. | 383–395 | diagnosis | 391–392 | eradication by slaughter, efficacy | 394 | incubation period | 384 | losses other than by death of animal | 384 | mortality | 384,391 | occurrence in various countries of world | 385–386 | prevention and eradication | 392–394 | similarity to mycotic stomatitis | 536 | symptoms in man | 383,389–391 | incubation period | 394 | United States, outbreaks | 386–389 | Forage, insects on, description of poisonous effect | 70 | Formaldehyde gas, liberation by use of permanganate | 365 | Foul in foot, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 336 | Founder, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 335 | Fractures— | below hock and fetlock, description and treatment | 282 | compound, comminuted, and complicated | 271 | description of different kinds, and treatment | 271–282 | face bones, description and treatment | 277 | general symptoms and treatment | 272,273 | hip point, causes and treatment | 280 |
horns, description and treatment | 277 | limbs, description and appliances for treatment | 281–2 | lower jaw, cause and treatment | 278 | metacarpus and metatarsus, description and treatment | 282 | pelvis, description and treatment | 178,279 | ribs, cause and treatment | 281 | special, descriptions and treatment | 277 | spinal column, description and treatment | 279 | verterbra, description and treatment | 279 | France, foot-and-mouth disease | 385 | Froesch, note on destruction of foot-and-mouth infection | 395 | Frostbites— | ears, symptoms and treatment | 357 | treatment | 334 | Fungi, poisonous, description of poisoning | 70 | Fungoid growth of the ear, cause and treatment | 356 | Fungus hematodes— | cause and treatment | 353 | description | 316 | Furunculus, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 328 | | | Ganglionic division of the nervous system | 103 | Gangrene, danger in castration of cattle | 300 | Gangrenous septicemia, symptoms and treatment | 472 | Garget, description and treatment | 233 | Gas— | cause of swelling in calf, treatment | 181 | under the skin, symptoms and treatment | 334 | Gastroenteritis, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 33 | Gastrointestinal catarrh, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 29,32 | Generative organs— | diseases, chapter by James Law | 147–214 | discussion | 147 | Genital organs, vesicular eruption affecting, description | symptoms, and treatment | 401 | Germany, foot-and-mouth disease | 385–386 | Gestation, extra-uterine, description and treatment | 163 | Gid, parasite of sheep and cattle | 528 | Glands, skin, location and use | 321 | Gnats, buffalo, description and remedy | 505 | Goiter, cause, description, symptoms, and treatment | 310 | Gonorrhea, description and treatment | 156 | Gravel— | description and cause | 130 | effect of different feeds | 132 | in prepuce or sheath, treatment | 144 | Great Britain, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Grubs, cattle, description | 507 | Gullet— | diseases affecting, description, symptoms, and treatment | 17–22 | wounds and injuries, cause and treatment | 22 | Gut tie, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 41 | | | HÆmatopinus eurysternus and H. vituli, description and treatment | 508 | HÆmonchus contortus, description and treatment | 519 | Hair balls, cause | 29 | Hair, description | 320 | Harbaugh, W. H.— | chapter on "Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics" | 73–86 | chapter on "Diseases of the nervous system" | 101–112 | Haw, inflammation and enlargement, description and treatment | 354 | Health, public, relation of actinomycosis | 447 | Heart— | blood vessels and lymphatics, chapter by W. H. Harbaugh | 73–86 | description | 73 | dilation and hypertrophy, description | 82 |
examination of | 77 | fatty degeneration, description | 82 | injury by foreign bodies, description, symptoms, and treatment | 78 | misplacement, description | 83 | palpitation, description | 78 | rupture, description | 82 | valves, diseases affecting, symptoms and treatment | 82 | Heat prostration, symptoms and treatment | 108 | Heaves, description and treatment | 98 | Heel, ulcerations, causes and treatment | 337 | Hemaglobinuria or hematuria, description, symptoms, and treatment | 119 | Hematodes, fungus, description | 316 | Hemoptysis, description and treatment | 99 | Hemorrhage— | danger in castration of cattle | 300 | treatment | 83 | Hemorrhagic septicemia, causes, symptoms, etc | 397–401 | Hepatitis, symptoms and treatment | 45 | Hernia— | bowel, description and treatment | 38 | danger in castration of cattle | 300 | peritoneal, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 41 | rennet, description and treatment | 38 | rumen, description and cause | 37 | stomach, description and treatment | 38 | umbilical, description, causes, and treatment | 41,252 | uterus, cause and treatment | 162 | ventral, description and causes | 37 | Hides, injury by cattle ticks | 484 | Hip point, fracture, causes and treatment | 280 | Hip sprain, cause and treatment | 270 | Hock— | fracture below, description and treatment | 282 | fracture, treatment | 281 | Hollow horn, imaginary disease | 27 | Hoof— | deformities, causes and treatment | 338 | loss, causes and treatment | 336 | split, description and treatment | 338 | wall, fissure affecting, description and treatment | 338 | wounds and pricks, treatment | 338 | Horns, fracture, description and treatment | 277 | Horses— | dose of vaccine against anthrax | 457 | ear tick, note | 518 | Hoven, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 22 | Hydatids— | and flukes affecting the lungs of animals | 526 | description and treatment | 526 | Hydrocephalus, description and treatment | 179 | Hydrophobia. See Rabies. | Hydrothorax, description and treatment | 99 | Hygiene, pregnant cow | 160 | Hygromata, description and treatment | 317 | Hyperplasia, reference | 303 | Hypertrophy— | description | 128 | heart, with dilation, description | 82 | Hypoderma bovis, new warble fly | 507 | Hypoderma lineata, warble fly, description | 507 | | | Illinois, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Immunization, northern cattle against Texas fever, manner | 500 | Impetigo, description, causes, and treatment | 327 | Incised wounds, description and treatment | 295 | Incontinence, urine, cause and treatment | 130 |
Incubation period of infectious diseases | 362 | Indiana, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Indigestion— | calves, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 32,253 | causes, symptoms, and treatment | 26,29,31 | Induration— | tongue.See Actinomycosis. | womb mouth, description and treatment | 176 | Infectious aphtha. See Foot-and-mouth disease. | Infectious catarrhal conjunctivitis, symptoms, treatment, and prevention | 345 | Infectious catarrhal fever, description, symptoms, and treatment | 469–472 | Infectious diseases— | cattle, chapter by John R. Mohler | 358–511 | classification of symptoms and lesions | 359 | general discussion | 358 | incubation periods | 362 | treatment, discussion | 362 | Infectious ophthalmia, or infectious catarrhal conjunctivitis | 345 | Inflammation— | brain and its membranes, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 103 | contagious, of the udder, description, prevention, and treatment | 237 | ear, symptoms and treatment | 355 | haw, description and treatment | 354 | kidneys, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 123 | liver, symptoms and treatment | 45 | mucous membrane of mouth, symptoms and treatment | 17 | navel veins, description, symptoms, and treatment | 249 | parotid gland, symptoms and treatment | 18 | pyemic and septicemic, of joints of calves, symptoms and treatment | 251 | sheath and penis from bruising, prevention and treatment | 155 | sheath, causes and treatment | 153 | spleen, description | 45 | testicles, description and treatment | 152 | traumatic, of the stomach, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 34 | udder, description, symptoms, and treatment | 234 | urachus, causes and treatment | 248 | urethra, description and treatment | 156 | vagina, causesand treatment | 223 | veins, description and treatment | 86 | womb, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 224 | Inflammatory diseases, skin, description, symptoms, and treatment | 320–334 | Inhalation of medicines, manner | 10 | Inoculation, use against hemorrhagic septicemia | 401 | Intercostal muscles, rheumatism affecting, description and treatment | 100 | Interdigital fibroma, description and treatment | 338 | Intestinal parasites, description and treatment | 523 | Intestines, roundworms affecting, kind and treatment | 532 | Intussusception, causes, symptoms, post-mortem appearance, and treatment | 35 | Invagination, cause of obstruction of bowels, symptoms, and treatment | 35 | Inversion— | eyelashes, treatment | 350 | eyelid, description andtreatment | 350 | Iodin, tincture, use in punctured wounds | 297 | Iowa, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Iris, description | 341 | Italy, foot-and-mouth disease | 385 | Itch, scab, mites, and mange, description and treatment | 513 | Itching, cause and treatment | 322 | | | Japan, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Jaundice, description, symptoms and treatment | 44 | Jaw— | | big, lump, or lumpy, See Actinomycosis. | | lower, fracture, cause and treatment | 278 | poverty, caused by twisted wireworms | 520 |
Jawbones, actinomycosis affecting, description and treatment | 440–449 | Jensen, formula for protection of cattle from flies | 503 | Joint-ill, description, symptoms, and treatment | 251 | | | Kansas, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Kelis, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 331 | Kentucky, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Keratitis, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 345 | Kidney— | ox, description | 117 | parasites affecting, discussion | 127 | stone in, description and treatment | 139 | Kidneys— | inflammation, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 123 | tumors affecting, description | 128 | Knee— | fracture below, description and treatment | 282 | fracture, description and treatment | 281 | tumors, description and treatment | 317 | Knotting and twisting of bowels, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 35 | | | Labor pains before relaxation of passages | 175 | Lacerated wounds, description and treatment | 298 | Laceration, eyelid, cause and treatment | 351 | Lacerations— | and ruptures of the vagina, description and treatment | 219 | ear, cause and treatment | 357 | Lacrimal gland of the eye, description | 343 | Lameness, symptom of foot-and-mouth disease | 383 | Laminitis, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 335 | Laryngitis, cause and treatment | 93 | Laurel poisoning, description and treatment | 65 | Law, James— | chapter on "Diseases following parturition" | 214–246 | chapter on "Diseases of the generative organs" | 147–214 | chapter on "Diseases of the urinary organs" | 113–146 | chapter on "Diseases of young calves" | 247–263 | observation of foot-and-mouth disease in man | 395 | Lead poisoning, description, symptoms, and treatment | 55 | Leeches in cattle, description and treatment | 519 | Lens of the eye, description | 342 | Leucorrhea, symptoms and treatment | 224 | Lice— | blue (HÆmatopinus eurysternus and H. vituli), description and treatment | 512 | red, description and treatment | 513 | Lightning stroke, symptoms and treatment | 111 | Limbs, fracture of bones, description | 281 | Lime, use in fluke control | 534 | Lipoma tumor, description and treatment | 314 | Lips, contusions, wounds, and snake bites, symptoms and treatment | 14 | Livestock, immunization against anthrax | 457–458 | Liver— | congestion, description, symptoms, and treatment | 44 | diseases affecting, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 44–45 | flukes, description and treatment | 526 | inflammation affecting, symptoms and treatment | 45 | Lockjaw— | danger in castration of cattle | 300 | reference | 300 | Loco weed poisoning, description and treatment | 67 | Loeffler, note on description of foot-and-mouth infection | 395 | Louse, red (Trichodectes scalaris), description and treatment | 513 | Lowe, William H.— | and William Dickson, chapter on "Surgical operations" | 289–302 | chapter on "Noncontagious diseases of organs of respiration" | 87–100 | Lump, or lumpy jaw. See Actinomycosis. |
Lung— | abscess, description | 99 | tissue, parasites affecting | 526 | Lungs— | actinomycosis affecting | 443 | bleeding from, description and treatment | 99 | bronchial tubes, parasites affecting, description and treatment | 530 | parasites affecting, note | 526 | worms of cattle, description and treatment | 530 | Luxations of bones, description and treatment | 282 | Lymphatics— | description | 75 | heart, and blood vessels, diseases, chapter by W. H. Harbaugh | 73–86 | | | Malignant— | catarrh, description, symptoms, and treatment | 469–472 | edema, description, symptoms, and treatment | 472–474 | pustule, description | 458 | tumors, description | 306 | Mammitis— | contagious, description, prevention, and treatment | 237 | simple, description, symptoms, and treatment | 234 | Man— | relation to beef measles in cattle | 529 | symptoms of foot-and-mouth disease | 394 | treatment with anthrax serum | 459 | Mange— | common, description and treatment | 513 | itch, scab, mites, description and treatment | 513 | psoroptic, description and treatment | 513 | sarcoptic, cause and treatment | 517 | Manure, breeding place for flies | 511 | Margaropus annulatus, Texas fever tick | 480 | Maryland, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Massachusetts, foot-and-mouth disease | 387,388 | Measles, beef, discussion and management | 529 | Measly beef, description and prevention | 529 | Medicines, methods of administration, chapter by Leonard Pearson | 7–11 | Membrana nictitans of eye, description | 343 | Meninges, number and functions | 103 | Mercury poisoning, symptoms and treatment | 57 | Metacarpus, fracture, description and treatment | 282 | Metatarsus, fracture, description, treatment | 282 | Metritis, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 224 | Metroperitonitis, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 224 | Michigan, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Micrococcus prodigiosus, cause of bloody milk | 242 | Microorganisms, transmission | 361 | Milk— | absence, cause and treatment | 241 | bloody and blue, cause and treatment | 239, 240, 241– 242 | diminution, symptom of foot-and-mouth disease | 383 | duct— | closure and thickening of mucous membrane, cause and treatment | 244 | closure by membrane, description and treatment | 245 | effect of different feeds, analyses | 256–258 | fever, description, symptoms, and treatment | 226–237 | fistula, description and treatment | 245 | pasteurization as guard against foot-and-mouth infection | 395 | source of foot-and-mouth disease infection | 394 | stringy, cause and treatment | 242 | Mineral— | acid poisoning, description and treatment | 58 | poisons, description and kinds | 54 | Minnesota, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Misplacement, heart, description | 83 |
Mites— | description | 511 | mange, itch, scab, description and treatment | 513 | Mohler, John R.— | chapter on "Infectious diseases of cattle" | 358–511 | chapter on "Mycotic stomatitis of cattle" | 539–544 | chapter on "Tumors affecting cattle" | 303–320 | Monstrosities, calf, descriptions, causes, and treatment | 182–184 | Montana, foot-and-mouth disease | 384 | Moor-ill, description, symptoms, and treatment | 119 | Morphia, poisoning, description and treatment | 61 | Mouth— | diseases affecting, symptoms and treatment | 14–17 | inflammation of the mucous membrane, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 17 | sore, characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease | 391–392 | ulcers affecting, in young calves. See Necrotic stomatitis. | Mucopurulent discharge from passages, symptoms and treatment | 224 | Mucous cysts, description and treatment | 319 | Mucous membrane— | of mouth, inflammation, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 17 | thickening and closure of milk duct, cause and treatment | 244 | Multiceps multiceps (bladderworm), parasite of brain | 527 | Murray, A. J., chapter on "Diseases of digestive organs" | 12–50 | Muscles— | calf, rigid contraction, cause, and treatment | 181 | eye, description | 343 | intercostal, rheumatism affecting, description and treatment | 100 | Mycotic stomatitis— | cattle, chapter by John R. Mohler | 539–542 | character, cause, symptoms, lesions, etc. | 540 | characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease | 391–392 | differential diagnosis and treatment | 542 | prevalence | 539 | synonyms | 539 | Myocarditis, description, symptoms, and treatment | 81 | Myoma tumor, description and treatment | 309 | Myxoma tumor, description and treatment | 314 | | | Nagana, description, symptoms, and treatment | 510 | Nasal catarrh, description, symptoms, and treatment | 92 | Navel— | abscess affecting, causes and treatment | 99 | bleeding, cause, and treatment | 248 | breach, symptoms, and treatment | 252 | dropsy, description and treatment | 253 | string, constricting member of fetus, description | 179 | urine discharged through, description and treatment | 248 | urine duct, inflammation, cause, and treatment | 248 | veins, inflammation, description, causes, and treatment | 249 | Necrosis— | and diseases of cartilage of the ear, cause and treatment | 357 | bony orbit, cause and treatment | 352 | Necrotic stomatitis— | characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease | 391 | description, symptoms, and treatment | 464–469 | differentiation from foot-and-mouth disease | 391 | Neoformation and neoplasm. See Tumors. | Nephritis, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 123 | Nerves, description | 101–103 | Nervous system, diseases, chapter by W. H. Harbaugh | 101–112 | Nervousness, cause of retarding calving | 179 | Netherlands, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Nettle rash, description, causes, and treatment | 324 | Neurofibroma tumor, description and treatment | 310 | New Hampshire, foot-and-mouth disease | 387–388 | New Jersey, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 |
New York, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Nicotin dip, directions for making | 516 | Nodular disease of intestines due to hookworms, note | 525 | Noncontagious— | abortion— | causes | 165 | treatment | 167 | diseases of organs of respiration, chapter by William H. Lowe | 87–100 | foot-and-mouth disease, reference | 532 | Norway, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Nose bleeding, cause and treatment | 93 | Nymphomania in female, cause and treatment | 148 | | | Obstruction— | arteries, description and treatment | 85 | bowels, resulting from invagination, causes, symptoms, etc | 35 | parturition by full bladder or rectum | 178 | parturition by masses of fat, cause | 178 | Œsophagostomum radiatum, parasite causing nodular disease, treatment | 525 | Ohio, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Oidirum albicans, parasite causing aphtha, or thrush | 263 | Operations— | asepsis, importance of | 289 | surgical— | chapter by William Dickson, William H. Lowe | 289–302 | manner of securing the animals | 289 | uses of anesthesia | 289 | Ophthalmia— | simple, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 344 | specific, symptoms, treatment, and prevention | 345 | Opium poisoning, description and treatmenth | 61 | Orbit— | bony, necrosis affecting, cause and treatment | 352 | fracture, cause and treatment | 352 | tumors, cause and treatment | 353 | Orbital— | and periorbital abscess, symptoms and treatment | 352 | cavity of the eye, description | 342 | Orchitis, description and treatment | 152 | Ornithodoros megnini, ear tick of cattle | 518 | Osteitis, description and treatment | 265 | Osteoma, description and treatment | 314 | Osteomalacia, description, symptoms, and treatment | 267 | Osteomyelitis, description and treatment | 266 | Ostertagia ostertagi, encysted stomach worm of cattle | 523 | Otitis, symptoms and treatment | 355 | Otobius megnini, ear tick | 518 | Ovariotomy, description of the operation | 301 | Ovum, inclosed, description and treatment | 181 | Ox warbles and grubs, treatment | 507 | | | Pains, labor, before relaxation of passages | 175 | Palpitation of heart, description | 76 | Palsy— | following calving, description and treatment | 233 | of neck of bladder, cause and treatment | 130 | Papillary growths and warts on the penis, treatment | 156 | Papilloma, description and treatment | 312 | Paralysis— | bladder, causes and treatment | 130 | description | 109 | hind parts during pregnancy, cause and treatment | 163 | rear parts of body, cause | 109 | Paramphistonum cervi, parasite affecting cattle | 519 | Paraplegia, symptoms and treatment | 110 |
Parasites— | animal, of cattle, chapter by B. H. Ransom | 502–531 | blood, kinds | 530 | bronchial tubes, description and treatment | 530 | ear, kinds and treatment | 518 | eye, kinds and treatment | 531 | intestinal tract, kinds and treatment | 523 | kidney, discussion | 125 | lung, kinds | 530 | stomach, kinds and treatment | 519 | Parasitic— | cysts, description | 317 | diseases of the skin, description and treatment | 332 | Parotid gland, inflammation, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 18 | Parotitis, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 18 | Parturient— | apoplexy, description, symptoms, and treatment | 226 | collapse, description, symptoms, and treatment | 226 | fever, description, symptoms, and treatment | 226 | Parturition— | difficult, suggestions for assisting | 74 | diseases following, chapter by James Law | 214–245 | obstacles, causes | 174 | Pasteurization, value in check of foot-and-mouth infection | 395 | Pastures, how to free from ticks | 490 | Paunch, distention with food, description and treatment | 26 | Pearson, Leonard, chapter on "Administration of medicines" | 7–11 | Pelvis— | fracture, description and treatment | 279 | narrow, fracture, cause of difficult parturition | 178 | Pemphigus, symptoms and treatment | 328 | Penis— | inflammation from bruising, prevention and treatment | 155 | ulcers affecting, cause and treatment | 157 | warts and papillary growths, treatment | 156 | wounds, cause and treatment | 156 | Pennsylvania, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Percussion method of examination | 92 | Pericarditis, symptoms and treatment | 79 | Periorbital and orbital abscess, symptoms and treatment | 352 | Periostitis, aseptic, purulent, and fibrous, description and treatment | 265 | Peritoneal hernia, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 41 | Peritoneum, diseases affecting, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 45–47 | Peritonitis— | causes, symptoms, and treatment | 45,46 | danger in castration of cattle | 300 | Permanganate, use in production of formaldehyde gas | 365 | Persistent urachus, description and treatment | 248 | Pharyngeal polypi, description and treatment | 19 | Pharyngitis, symptoms, causes, and treatment | 17 | Pharynx— | diseases, description, symptoms, and treatment | 19,22 | tumors affecting, description and treatment | 19 | Philippine Islands, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Phlebitis— | description and treatment | 86 | umbilical, description, symptoms, and treatment | 249 | Phosphorus poisoning, symptoms and treatment | 57 | Pica, description, causes, and treatment | 28 | Pink eye. See Ophthalmia. | Piroplasma bigeminum, protozoan causing Texas fever | 530 | Pityriasis, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 329 | Plants, poisonous, description of poisoning | 63–69 | Pleurisy, description, symptoms, and treatment | 95 | Pleurodynia, description and treatment | 100 |
Pleuropneumonia— | cause, incubation, and symptoms | 369 | definition and history | 366 | post-mortem appearance | 373 | prevention and treatment | 377 | Pneumonia, description, symptoms, and treatment | 96 | Pneumothorax, description and treatment | 99 | Poison, definition | 51 | Poisoning— | acid, description and treatment | 58 | aconite, description and treatment | 59 | alkali, description and treatment | 63 | animal products, description and treatment | 69 | arsenic, description, symptoms, and treatment | 54 | carbolic acid, description and treatment | 60 | chapter by V. T. Atkinson | 51–72 | coal oil, description and treatment | 59 | copper, description and treatment | 56 | fungi, description | 70 | laurel, description and treatment | 65 | lead, description, symptoms, and treatment | 55 | loco weed, description and treatment | 67 | mercury, description, symptoms, and treatment | 57 | phosphorus, symptoms and treatment | 57 | plant, description | 63 | salt and saltpeter, description, symptoms, and treatment | 60–61 | sources | 51 | strychnin, description and treatment | 62 | symptoms and treatment | 53 | Poisonous— | fungi, description | 68 | plants, description | 63–69 | Poisons— | chapter by V. T. Atkinson | 51–72 | description of action | 52 | mineral, descriptions | 54–58 | vegetables, uses as medicine | 61–71 | Polydesmus excitans, effect on cattle | 13 | Polypi— | description and treatment | 313 | pharyngeal, description and treatment | 19 | vagina or uterus, description and treatment | 157 | Polyuria, causes and treatment | 118 | Pork measles, note | 536 | Potash, permanganate, use in production of formaldehyde gas | 365 | Poverty jaw and scours, caused by twisted wireworm, treatment | 527 | Pregnancy— | cramps of hind limbs during, cause | 162 | duration | 160 | signs | 157 | Pregnant cow, hygiene | 160 | Prepuce, calculi affecting, treatment | 144 | Presentation of fetus, natural | 173 | Pricks, hoof, treatment | 338 | Probang, use in prevention of choking | 21 | Prolapsus vaginÆ, description and treatment | 162 | Proliferation cysts, description and treatment | 319 | Prostration, heat, symptoms and treatment | 108 | Protozoa— | as intestinal parasites, note | 526 | definition | 359 | Protrusion, vagina, description and treatment | 162 | Pruritis, causes and treatment | 322 | Pseudoplasm. See Tumors. | Psoroptic mange, description and treatment | 513 |
Pucinia arundinacea, P. coronata, P. graminis, P. straminis, effect on cattle | 13 | Pulmonary congestion, treatment | 98 | Pulse— | description | 74 | examination | 90 | Puncta lacrimalia of the eye, description | 344 | Purulent periostitis, description and treatment | 266 | Pustule— | description, causes, and treatment | 327 | malignant, in man, description | 458 | Pterygium, description and treatment | 349 | Pyemia, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 395 | Pyemic inflammation of joints in calves, description, symptoms, and treatment | 251 | | | Quarter-ill. See Blackleg. | | | Rabies, cattle, description, symptoms, etc. | 402–406 | Rachitis. See Rickets. | Ransom, B. H., chapter on "Animal parasites of cattle" | 502–531 | Rauschbrand. See Blackleg. | Rectal injections, uses and methods | 9 | Rectum— | full, obstruction to parturition | 178 | method of administering medicines | 9 | Red dysentery, note | 526 | Red water, description, symptoms, and treatment | 119 | Regulations, sanitary, for controlling Texas fever | 49 | Renal calculi, description and treatment | 139 | Rennet, hernia affecting, description and treatment | 38 | Respiration— | examination | 89 | organs, methods of diagnosis | 37 | organs, noncontagious diseases affecting, chapter by William H. Lowe | 87–100 | Retina, eye, description | 342 | Rheumatism— | articular and muscular, symptoms, prevention, and treatment | 287,288 | intercostal muscles, description and treatment | 101 | Rhode Island, foot-and-mouth disease | 387,388 | Ribs, fracture, cause and treatment | 281 | Rickets— | description and treatment | 267 | in young calves, description and treatment | 263 | Rinderpest, description, cause, symptoms, etc. | 379–383 | Ringing, bull, method | 291 | Ringworm, description, symptoms, and treatment | 332 | Roundworms— | description | 524 | eye, treatment | 531 | intestine, kinds and treatment | 523 | stomach, description | 519 | Rumen— | distention with food, description and treatment | 22 | hernia, description and cause | 37 | Rumenotomy, description | 294 | Rupture— | bladder, symptoms | 218 | danger in castration of cattle | 300 | heart, description | 82 | womb, cause and treatment | 219 | Ruptures— | and lacerations of the vagina, description and treatment | 219–220 | description and cause | 37 |
Russia, foot-and-mouth disease | 382 | | | Saccharomyces albicans, parasite of aphtha, or thrush | 263 | Salivation— | cause, symptoms, and treatment | 15 | symptoms of foot-and-mouth disease | 383 | Salt, common, poisoning, description, symptoms, and treatment | 61 | Saltpeter poisoning, description, symptoms, and treatment | 60 | Salts, medicated, doubtful value against worms | 523 | Sarcoma tumor, description and treatment | 315 | Satyriasis in male, cause and treatment | 148 | Scab, mange, itch, description of kinds and treatment | 513 | Scabby teats, treatment | 243 | Scalds, causes and treatment | 333 | Schistosoma bovis, cause of bloody urine | 530 | Scleroderma, description | 330 | Sclerotic membrane of eye, description | 341 | Scouring— | acute contagious, in newborn calves, description, prevention, and treatment | 261 | causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment | 253–263 | Scours— | and poverty jaw, caused by twisted wireworm, treatment | 519 | causes, symptoms, and treatment | 32 | Screens, use against flies, remarks | 503 | Screwworms— | affecting animals, description and remedy | 506 | control by dipping | 506 | Scurf, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 329 | Scurfy ears, cause and treatment | 356 | Sebaceous cysts, description and treatment | 330 | Sebaceous glands, location | 321 | Seborrhea, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 329 | Septicemia— | causes, symptoms, and treatment | 395 | gangrenous, description, symptoms, and treatment | 472 | hemorrhagic, causes, symptoms,etc. | 397–401 | hemorrhagic, control by vaccination, etc. | 401 | Septicemic inflammation of joints in calves, description, symptoms, and treatment | 251 | Serous cysts, description and treatment | 318 | Serum, use against anthrax | 455 | Setaria labiato-papillosa, embryo in blood, note | 529 | Setoning, description and use | 293 | Sheath— | calculi affecting, treatment | 144 | inflammation, causes and treatment | 153 | penis, inflammation from bruising, prevention and treatment | 155 | Sheep, dose of vaccine against anthrax | 455 | Shoulder joint, sprain, causes and treatment | 269 | Skeleton, number of bones | 264 | Skin— | description | 318 | diseases, chapter by M. R. Trumbower | 320–334 | gas or air under, symptoms and treatment | 334 | glands, location and use | 321 | inflammatory diseases, causes and treatment | 323 | parasites affecting,description and treatment | 502–521 | secretions and growths, descriptions, causes, and treatment | 329–331 | wounds, kinds, description and treatment | 333–334 | Skull, fracture, description and treatment | 278 | Slinking, calf, description | 165 | Snake bites, description, symptoms, and treatment | 14,69 | Sore mouth— | characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease | 391–392 | reference | 532 |
Sore throat, cause and treatment | 17,93 | Sore tongue, reference | 533 | Soreness, foot, description and treatment | 335 | Southern cattle fever. See Texas fever. | Spanish-fly poisoning, description and treatment | 72 | Spasm of the neck of the bladder, description and treatment | 128 | Spavin, description and treatment | 284 | Spaying, description of operation | 301 | Spinal column, fracture, description and treatment | 279 | Spinal cord— | congestion, description, symptom, and treatment | 110 | description | 102 | injuries, description | 109 | Spleen— | diseases, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 44–45 | inflammation, description | 45 | Splenetic fever. See Texas fever. | Splenitis, description | 45 | Split hoof, description and treatment | 338 | Sporadic— | aphthae, reference | 532 | stomatitis aphthosa, reference | 532 | Sprain— | fetlock, causes and treatment | 269 | hip, cause and treatment | 270 | shoulder joint, causes and treatment | 269 | Sprains, description and treatment | 268 | Squinting, description | 349 | Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans), affecting cattle | 503 | Stabling, value against stomach worms | 521–522 | Staggers, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 103,529 | Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus and S. pyogenes citreus, bacteria of abscess | 237 | Staphyloma, description, symptoms, and treatment | 348 | Sterility, causes | 151 | Stings— | venomous. See Snake bites. | wasps and bees, description and treatment | 71 | Stomach— | diseases affecting, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 22–34 | fourth, affected with hernia, description and treatment | 38 | hair balls in | 29 | parasites affecting, treatment | 519, 524,529 | roundworms affecting | 524 | traumatic inflammation, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 34 | worm— | encysted, description and treatment | 523 | sanitary measures for suppression | 521–522 | worms, different kinds affecting cattle | 519 | Stomatitis— | cause, symptoms, and treatment | 17 | characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease | 391–393 | mycotic. See Mycotic stomatitis. | necrotic, description, symptoms, treatment, etc. | 464–469 | Stomoxys calcitrans affecting cattle | 503 | Stone— | bladder, obstruction to parturition | 178 | bladder, symptoms and treatment | 142 | description and causes | 130 | effect of different feeds | 132–134 | kidney, description and treatment | 139 | Strabismus, description | 349 | Straw, breeding place of stable fly | 503 | Streptococcus pyogenes, bacteria of abscess | 237 | String, navel, constricting member of fetus, description | 179 |
Stringy milk, cause and treatment | 242 | Strongylus micrurus, parasite of verminous bronchitis | 100 | Struma, cause, description, symptoms, and treatment | 310 | Strychnin poisoning, description and treatment | 62 | Sudorific glands, location and use | 321 | Sugar in urine, description | 123 | Sunstroke, symptoms and treatment | 108 | Suppression, milk, cause and treatment | 241 | Surfeit, description, causes, and treatment | 324 | Surgery, discussion | 289 | Surgical operations— | asepsis, importance | 289 | chapter by William Dickson and William H. Lowe | 289–302 | manner of securing the animals during | 290 | uses of anethesia | 289 | Swamp lands, drainage as measure against fluke disease | 527 | Sweat glands, location and use | 322 | Sweden, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Swelling of calf with gas, cause and treatment | 181 | Switzerland, foot-and-mouth disease | 385 | Symptomatic anthrax. See Blackleg. | | | TÆnia saginata, tapeworm cysts, presence in cattle | 529 | Tail, wolf in, imaginary disease | 27 | Tapeworm cysts, source of injury to cattle | 529 | Tapeworms— | adult, of small intestine, species and remedy | 523 | cysts in muscles of cattle | 529 | cysts of liver | 527 | Tarsus, fracture, description and treatment | 281 | Teats— | blocked by calculus, treatment | 243 | blocked by concretion of casein, cause and treatment | 243 | blocked by warty and other growth inside, description and treatment | 244 | chapped, cause and treatment | 243 | opening in the side, description and treatment | 245 | scabby, treatment | 243 | warts affecting, treatment | 243 | Teeth— | caries, description | 16 | irregularities, cause and treatment | 16 | Temperature— | how to examine | 90 | limits for dipping bath | 490 | Test, tuberculin. See Tuberculin test. | Testicles, congestion and inflammation, description and treatment | 152 | Tetanus— | danger in castration of cattle | 300 | reference | 405 | Texas fever— | description, symptoms, prevention, etc. | 475–501 | immunization of northern cattle | 495 | infection carried by the cattle tick (Margaropus annulatus) | 480 | injurious effect of ticks | 482 | loss occasioned by cattle ticks | 483 | methods of eradication | 487–500 | nature of the disease | 476 | period of incubation of ticks | 486 | prevention | 487 | quarantine regulations | 495 | symptoms and pathological changes after death | 478–480 | tick eradication, plan of work | 487 | Threadworms in abdominal cavity of cattle | 529 | Throat, sore, symptoms, causes, and treatment | 17 | Thrombosis, description and symptoms | 85 |
Thrush— | calf, description and treatment | 263 | parasite (Saccharomyces albicans), cause | 263 | Ticks— | cattle, time required to kill | 488 | ear | 518 | injury to cattle hides | 484 | parasites of cattle, note | 502 | See also Cattle tick; Texas fever. | Tilletia caries in wheat, effect on cattle | 13 | Tinea favosa, description, symptoms, and treatment | 332 | Tinea tonsurans, description, symptoms, and treatment | 332 | Tracheotomy, description | 294 | Traumatic inflammation of the stomach, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 34 | Trichiasis, treatment | 350 | Trichodectes scalaris (red louse), description and treatment | 513 | Trichophyton tonsurans, fungus causing Tinea tonsurans | 332 | Trumbower, M. R.— | chapter on "Diseases of the ear" | 353–357 | chapter on "Diseases of the eye and its appendages" | 340–354 | chapter on "Diseases of the foot" | 335–339 | chapter on "Diseases of the skin" | 320–334 | Trypanosoma brucei, cause of nagana, or tsetse-fly disease | 500 | Tsetse-fly disease, description, symptoms, and treatment | 500 | Tuberculin test— | description and history | 417 | harmless to healthy animals | 426 | summary of directions for making | 427 | Tuberculosis— | bovine, and public health | 430 | cause and nature of disease | 411 | occurrence | 407 | statistics of tests in United States | 410 | symptoms and diagnosis | 416–417 | transmissibility of human and bovine | 432 | treatment | 428 | Tumor— | bony, description and treatment | 314 | chrondroma, description and treatment | 314 | fibroma, description and treatment | 311 | hairy, on eyeball, description and treatment | 349 | lipoma, description and treatment | 314 | sarcoma, description and treatment | 315 | Tumors— | brain, description | 112 | calf, description and treatment | 181 | cattle, chapter by John R. Mohler | 303–319 | definition and description | 303 | description | 303, 305,307 | description of kinds | 309 | diagnosis | 308 | eyelid, description and treatment | 350 | general treatment | 309 | kidney, description | 128 | malignant and benign, description | 306 | orbit, cause and treatment | 353 | pharynx, description and treatment | 19 | Twisted stomach worms, description and treatment | 519–523 | Twisting— | and knotting of the bowels, causes, symptoms, post-mortem appearance, and treatment | 35 | of the neck of the womb, description and treatment | 176 | Tympanites— | acute, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 22 | chronic, causes and treatment | 25 |
Udder— | congestion, description and treatment | 233 | contagious inflammation affecting, description, prevention, and treatment | 237 | inflammation, description, symptoms, and treatment | 234 | Ulceration, heel, causes and treatment | 337 | Ulcerative stomatitis. See Necrotic stomatitis. | Ulcers— | calves. See Necrotic stomatitis. | cornea, cause, symptoms, and treatment | 347 | penis, cause and treatment | 157 | Umbilical hernia— | description, causes, and treatment | 39 | symptoms and treatment | 252 | Umbilical phlebitis, description, causes, and treatment | 249 | Urachus— | inflammation, causes and treatment | 248 | persistent, description and treatment | 248 | Ureteral calculi, description and treatment | 139 | Urethra, inflammation affecting, description and treatment | 156 | Urethral calculus, symptoms and treatment | 142 | Urinary calculi— | classification | 138 | description and causes | 130,137 | effect of different feeds | 133 | Urinary disorders, symptoms | 118 | Urinary organs— | diseases, chapter by James Law | 113–146 | functions | 113 | Urine— | albumin in, description and treatment | 121 | amount passed daily | 115 | analyses under different rations | 114 | bloody, caused by blood flukes | 526 | bloody, description, symptoms, and treatment | 119 | cow, analysis | 114 | discharged through navel, description and treatment | 248 | excessive secretion, cause and treatment | 118 | incontinence, cause and treatment | 130 | ox, analysis | 115 | retention, effect, cause, and treatment | 128 | sugar in, description | 123 | Urticaria, description, causes and treatment | 124 | Uruguay, foot-and-mouth disease | 386 | Uterus— | hernia affecting, cause and treatment | 162 | polypus affecting, description and treatment | 157 | | | Vaccination, disadvantages in use against anthrax | 457 | Vaccine— | anthrax, care and use | 457 | blackleg, free distribution, note | 463 | preparation and use against hemorrhagic septicemia | 395 | Vagina— | clots of blood on walls, description and treatment | 220 | inflammation, causes and treatment | 223 | lacerations and rupture, description and treatment | 219 | polypus affecting, description and treatment | 157 | VaginÆ prolapsus, description and treatment | 162 | Vaginal walls, affected with coagulated blood after calving, treatment | 179 | Vaginitis, causes and treatment | 223 | Valves, heart, diseases affecting, symptoms and treatment | 80 | Variola, description, symptoms, and treatment | 438 | Vegetable— | acids, poisonous, description and treatment | 58 | poisons— | note | 61 | uses as medicine, description, symptoms, and treatment | 61–69 |
Veins— | inflammation, description and treatment | 86 | wounds, description and treatment | 83 | Venereal desire, diminution or loss, cause, prevention, and treatment | 149 | Venereal excess, cause and treatment | 148 | Venomous stings. See Snake bites. | Ventral hernia, description and causes | 37 | Verminous bronchitis— | description, symptoms, and prevention | 100 | parasites causing | 100 | Vermont, foot-and-mouth disease | 387 | Verruca, description, cause, and treatment | 331 | Vertebra, fracture, description, and treatment | 279 | Vesical calculus, symptoms and treatment | 142 | Vesicular eruption of genital organs, description, symptoms, and treatment | 401 | Vesicular exanthema, symptoms and treatment | 401 | Veterinarians, views on foot-and-mouth disease in man | 395 | Virginia, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Vitreous humor of the eye, description | 342 | Vomiting, symptoms, cause, and treatment | 27 | | | Wall, hoof, fissure, description and treatment | 338 | Warble fly— | damages, estimate | 510 | European species, appearance in United States | 510 | Warbles— | description and treatment | 507 | penetration of skins of cattle | 508 | reference | 333 | Warts— | description, causes, and treatment | 312,331 | penis, treatment | 156 | teats, treatment | 243 | Washington, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Wasp stings, description and treatment | 71 | Water— | blisters, symptoms and treatment | 328 | cold, drinking, a cause of indigestion, symptoms and treatment | 33 | head of calf, description and treatment | 179 | Weather, relation to occurrence of mycotic stomatitis | 392 | Wens, description and treatment | 330 | West Virginia, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Wisconsin, foot-and-mouth disease | 388 | Withers, casting, cause and treatment | 215 | Wolf in the tail, imaginary disease | 27 | Womb— | bleeding from, description, symptoms, and treatment | 214 | dropsy, description and treatment | 162 | eversion, cause and treatment | 215 | fetus developing outside, description and treatment | 163 | inflammation, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 224 | mouth, induration, description and treatment | 176 | rupture, cause and treatment | 219 | twisting of neck, description and treatment | 176 | Wooden tongue. See Actinomycosis. | Wood-ill, description, symptoms, and treatment | 119 | Worm— | encysted stomach, description and treatment | 523 | eye, description and treatment | 349 | Worms— | bladder, description | 528 | lung, of cattle, description and treatment | 530 | screw, description and remedies | 506 | thread, in abdominal cavity of cattle | 529 | twisted stomach, description and treatment | 519–520 |
Wounds— | abdomen, causes, symptoms, and treatment | 43 | arteries and veins, description and treatment | 83 | contused and lacerated, description and treatment | 298 | contusions of the lips and snake bites of mouth, description and treatment | 14 | danger of infection from foot-and-mouth disease | 394 | drainage, necessity | 298 | gullet, description and treatment | 22 | healing, treatment and dressing, description | 298 | hoof, treatment | 338 | incised— | description and treatment | 295 | punctured, and lacerated, description and treatment | 295–299 | mouth, snake bites and contusions of lips, treatment | 14 | penis, cause and treatment | 156 | skin, kinds, description, and treatment | 333–334 | treatment, summary of care after dressing | 298 | | | Yellows, description, symptoms, and treatment | 44 | | | Zinc poisoning, description and treatment | 57 |