| Page. | Administration of medicines. By Leonard Pearson | 7 | Diseases of the digestive organs. By A. J. Murray | 12 | Poisons and poisoning. By V. T. Atkinson | 51 | Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics. By W. H. Harbaugh | 73 | Noncontagious diseases of the organs of respiration. By William Herbert Lowe | 87 | Diseases of the nervous system. By W. H. Harbaugh | 101 | Diseases of the urinary organs. By James Law | 113 | Diseases of the generative organs. By James Law | 147 | Diseases following parturition. By James Law | 214 | Diseases of young calves. By James Law | 247 | Bones: Diseases and accidents. By V. T. Atkinson | 264 | Surgical operations. By William Dickson and William Herbert Lowe | 289 | Tumors affecting cattle. By John R. Mohler | 303 | Diseases of the skin. By M. R. Trumbower | 320 | Diseases of the foot. By M. R. Trumbower | 335 | Diseases of the eye and its appendages. By M. R. Trumbower | 340 | Diseases of the ear. By M. R. Trumbower | 355 | Infectious diseases of cattle. Revised by John R. Mohler | 358 | The animal parasites of cattle. By B. H. Ransom | 502 | Mycotic stomatitis of cattle. By John R. Mohler | 532 | Index | 538 |