- A
- Accidents, in mining, 72, 73;
- in steel-mills, 85, 86;
- on railroads, 99–101
- Actors, Church Alliance and Fund, 130;
- off the stage, 128
- Anthony, Susan B., referred to, 162
- Anthracite coal areas, 69
- Anti-loafer laws, 152
- Apathy of mill workers, 91
- Arbitration in clothing industry, 60, 61
- Architecture and present use of steel, 79–81
- Artificial flowers, 132
- B
- Bag and hemp factory conditions, 165
- Baker Manufacturing Company, 93
- Banana boat and rush unloading, 137
- Baptist East Side churches in New York City, 205
- Bargains in ready-made clothing, 55
- Bathtubs and buttons, 114
- Beet, culture, 20, 174, 175;
- sugar, 20;
- use of child labor, 20, 21, 174, 175, 185
- Bessemer steel, 82–84
- Bible, study class members, Y.W.C.A., 4, 5;
- unopened to Jewish radicals, 62
- Billy Sunday meetings, 195
- Bituminous coal-fields, 69
- Booth, Maud Ballington, referred to, 162
- Brakeman, accident to a, 100
- Brick and mortar not the soul of the city, 33
- Bridge cables, steel, 82
- Burley tobacco, 173
- C
- Canada, western grain-belt, 17
- Cane-sugar makers, 18, 19
- Casual workers and the common man, 153
- Casualty lists. See Accidents
- Catholics, 90, 120, 194, 196
- Cemeteries, well-tended Western, 27
- Chaplain beloved, a, 203
- Chicago, Industrial Exhibition, picture of a mother, 58;
- stock-yards, 150
- Child labor, in agriculture, 174–185;
- in home work, 58;
- reasons for, 176;
- task of the church, 187–189
lass="indx">Institutional churches, 203
- Interdependence, 10
- International Seamen’s Union, 108
- Interstate Commerce Commission, 105
- Iron, 69, 80–83
- Italians, 49, 56, 57, 63, 67
- J
- Jesus Christ, 12, 187, 200–202, 204, 209
- Jewelry industry, 132
- Jewish characteristics, 54
- Jews, 49, 53–56, 62, 63, 194
- Johnstown, Pennsylvania, mill workers, 89
- Judson Memorial Baptist Church, New York City, 63
- Juvenile court case in Tampa, Florida, 122
- K
- Kelly, Mrs. Florence, referred to, 52
- Kerensky, mistake of, 22
- King, Henry Churchill, quoted, 6
- L
- Landlord and tenant, 25
- Lawrence, Massachusetts, cotton-mills, 34
- Lead and zinc, 68, 69
- Life in the Southern mill village, 40–44, 47
- Livermore, California, railroad wreck, 99
- Loom, contrast between earlier and later, 36–38
- Lovejoy, Owen R., quoted, 186;
- referred to, 188
- Lowell, Massachusetts, cotton-mills, 34
- Loyalty, labor’s lack of, 7
- Lumber companies of the Northwest, bad conditions for laborers, 144, 145
- Luxuries, defined, 114, 115;
- examples of producers of, 116–134;
- harmless and hurtful, 115
- M
- Machinery, 37;
- has subordinated man, 46
- McIntire, Miss Ruth, quoted, 175
- Manufacture of clothing materials, 35, 36
- Maverick Church in East Boston, 205
- Men, as users of clothes, 34;
- as creators of things, 15
- Metal mine workers, 74;
- wages, 75
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, picture referred to, 84
- Michigan Central Railroad accident, for the Burley demands, 173;
- “worming” done by children, 173, 174
- Trade Union Woman, The, quoted, 162, 166
- Tramp as a product of labor conditions, 143–150
- Transportation, 96;
- and progress, 97;
- other than railways, 107;
- workers largely unknown to us, 109–111
- Trappers, 126
- Triangle Shirt Waist Company fire, 50
- Trotzky’s success turned on supplying food, 22
- Tuberculosis statistics, 124
- Typical life of busy women illustrated, 5
- U
- Unemployed, problem of, 56, 137;
- regulation of industry, 146;
- war changes, 145, 152
- Union Garment Makers’, 50
- United States, Bulletin of Labor, quoted, 124;
- Bureau of Labor, statistics from, 39;
- coal-mine statistics, 65, 66;
- Public Health Service, report quoted, 56;
- Steel Corporation, concessions, 92
- Urge of work, the, 1
- V
- Vagabond workers, in Seattle, 139;
- poem, 141
- Valuable non-essentials, 115
- W
- Wales, singing by miners a means of progress, 141
- War, asking the employment of childhood, 186, 187;
- requirements in communities, 207;
- talks in New York City churches, 205
- Washington state, a parish in, 144
- Watered stock, 105
- Welfare of the American seaman cared for by Act of Congress, 109
- Welfare work in mining communities, 75, 76;
- plan for Colorado, 77
- Wetz, James E., Chicago egg-king, 178
- Wheat, 17
- Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, referred to, 27
- Willard, Frances E., referred to, 162
- Williamsburg Bridge, cost and materials, 82
- Winnipeg, prosperity of, 17
- Wisconsin townships, survey of three, 26
- Woman, former disadvantages, 155, 156;
- present opportunities, 156–164
- Women, needed service of the church for, 169–171;
- organization of, 165–169
- Women’s National Trade Union League, the,