CHAPTER II The World of the Rural Workers CHAPTER III The World of the Spinners and Weavers CHAPTER IV The World of the Garment Makers CHAPTER V The World of the Miners CHAPTER VI The World of the Steel Workers CHAPTER VII The World of the Transportation Men CHAPTER VIII The World of the Makers of Luxuries CHAPTER IX The World of Seasonal Labor and the Casual Workers CHAPTER X The World of Industrial Women CHAPTER XI The World of the Child Workers CHAPTER XII The Message and Ministry of the Church to a World of Work BIBLIOGRAPHY A BRIEF READING LIST The Rural Problem LIST OF MISSION BOARDS AND CORRESPONDENTS Press Illustrating Service. CUTTING STEEL FOR SHIPS WITH GIGANTIC SHEARS. These workers are the servants of civilization and without them we would have no such trade as we have to-day. MEN AND THINGSBY NEW YORK MISSIONARY EDUCATION MOVEMENT COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING MISSION STUDY Send the proper one of the following blanks to the secretary of your denominational mission board whose address is in the “List of Mission Boards and Correspondents” at the end of this book. ================================================================= We expect to form a mission study class, and desire to have any suggestions that you can send that will help in organizing and conducting it. Name ............................................................ Street and Number ............................................... City or Town ..................... State ........................ Denomination ..................... Church ....................... Text-book to be used ............................................ ================================================================= We have organized a mission study class and secured our books. Below is the enrolment. Name of City or Town .................... State ................. Text-book ......................... Underline auspices under which class is held: Denomination ...................... Church Y. P. Soc. Church ............................ Men Senior Women’s Soc. Intermediate Name of Leader .................... Y. W. Soc. Junior Sunday School Address ........................... Name of Pastor .................... Date of starting ............ State whether Mission Study Class, Frequency of Meetings ....... Lecture Course, Program Meetings, or Reading Circle ............... Number of Members ........... ................................. Does Leader desire Helps? ... Chairman, Missionary Committee, Young People’s Society ........... ............................................................ Address .................................................... Chairman, Missionary Committee, Sunday School .................... ............................................................ Address .................................................... TO MY FATHER |