AN INVENTORY OF THE CHARTS AND PLANS OF THE ISLAND AND TOWN OF MONTREAL UP TO 1760 By the kindness of the archivist of the district of Montreal, Mr. E. Z. Massicotte, we include the following list of plans, etc., of Montreal, up to 1760. It is not offered as a complete list. Such would necessitate a voluminous book. It is, however, a very representative one, and a contribution to history and archaeology. The compiler has consulted the following works: Dionne, "Inventaire Chronologique," Volume IV; Holmden, "Catalogue des Cartes et plans des Archives FedÉrales;" Gagnon, "Essai de Bibliographie;" in addition he has noted the collections in the City Hall, the ChÂteau de Ramezay, the Court House, of Montreal, and finally those in his own collection. [238] - No. 1. 1611. Carte figurative du Saut Saint Louis et d'une partie de la rive sud de l'ile de MontrÉal. DressÉe par Champlain. Morin, Vieux MontrÉal, pl. 1, 6×9.
- No. 2. 1645. MontrÉal vu À vol d'oiseau de 1645 À 1650. Morin, Vieux MontrÉal, pl. 2, 20½×14.
- No. 3. 1650. MontrÉal de 1650 À 1672. Morin, Vieux MontrÉal, pl. 3, 11×12.
- No. 4. 1658. Carte historique de l'ile de MontrÉal indiquant la position des forts, redoutes et chapelles de mission avec la date de leur construction de 1658 À 1758. Morin, Vieux Montreal, pl. 7, 6½×13.
- No. 5. 1665. Plan de Villemarie. "JÉsuit Relations," Cleveland, T 50. Frontispiece, 6×4. Dionne, IV, No. 65.
- No. 6. 1665. Plan of the district of Montreal or Villemarie. "JÉsuit Relations," etc. T 67, p. 52. Dionne IV, No. 66.
- No. 7. 1672. Plan de Villemarie et des rues projetÉes pour l'embellissement de la haute ville. GravÉ par Martin, 8½×12½. Dans Faillon, III, 375. Dionne, IV, No. 57, gives to this plan a date which accords neither with the context nor with the procÈs verbal of the bounds of the streets, which was made in 1672. See, also, Morin, Vieux MontrÉal.
- No. 8. 1672. Plan de Villemarie en 1672. AbbÉ Rousseau, Vie de Maisonneuve, p. 225, 5½×4.
- No. 9. 1672. Plan of Villemarie showing first streets laid out and projected new streets and churches, also the old chÂteau and fort, 6½×3½. Sandham, Fortifications, etc. Dionne, IV, No. 103.
- No. 10. 1673. Plan de MontrÉal de 1673 À 1687. Morin, Vieux MontrÉal, pl. 4, 9-¼×12½.
- No. 11. 1680. The first map of Montreal, from a photograph in the possession of Wm. McLennan, Esq. Semi Centennial.
- No. 12. 1680. Plan de Villemarie dans l'Isle de MontrÉal. Copy from the archives of the Parliament at Quebec. Dionne, IV, No. 115.
- No. 13. 1685. Villemarie dans l'Isle de MontrÉal envoyÉ par M. Denonville, le 13 Novembre, 1685, 13×9½. Manuscript chart in colour. Dionne, IV, No. 145a.
- No. 14. 1685. Plan de Villemarie, Faillon, Vie de Mll. LeBer, p. 102. 8½×4½.
- No. 15. 1686. Deshaies' Map of the Island of Montreal and Vicinity. Copy of A. L. Pinard, deposited in the Parliament Library, Ottawa, Girouard. Supplement to Lake St. Louis, p. 376. This must be an extract of No. 17, below.
- No. 16. 1687. Plan de MontrÉal de 1687 À 1773, Morin Vieux MontrÉal, pl. 5. 13×18½.
- No. 17. 1687. CÔtes du Canada. Cartes des cÔtes habitÉes du Canada par paroisses et par seigneuries. SignÉ: Deshaies, 45½×12. Dionne, IV, 149.
- No. 18. 1703. Carte du gouvernement de MontrÉal, 2¾×5. B. de la Potherie, Hist. de l'AmÉrique Sept. Dionne, IV, No. 234.
- No. 19. 1704. Plan de Villemarie dressÉ en 1704 par Levasseur de NÉrÉ. DÉpÔt des fortifications des colonies À Paris, No. 468. CitÉ par Faillon 11, 25.
- No. 20. 1717. Plan de la ville de MontrÉal en la Nouvelle France dans l'AmÉrique Septentrionale. Fait À MontrÉal, ce 10 aoÛt 1717, par Chaussegros deLery, IngÉnieur du Roy, 5×8¾. Dionne, IV, 260. Copy by P. L. Morin made in Paris in January, 1858, Sulte, H. des C. F. 11, 18.
- No. 21. 1720. Plan de Villemarie ou MontrÉal, au Canada. Deux feuilles de 19-¼×29½ chacune. Dans Pinart, "Recueil de cartes, plans et vues relatifs aux Etats-Unis et au Canada." Paris, 1896. Nos 5 et 6. Dionne, No. 272.
- No. 22. 1721. Carte de l'Ile de MontrÉal indiquant la position de chaque fort, manoir, moulin, fortification, cours d'eau, etc. M. Dionne IV, No. 281.
- No. 23. 1723. Plan de la ville de MontrÉal en Canada, À 46 d., 55 m. de latitude septentrionale. Paris, 1723. Par Moullard Sanson, G. O. D. R. avec Priv. DÉdiÉ À M. de Catalogne. 22×10. Dionne IV, No. 287. Also in L'Opinion Publique.
- No. 24. 1724. Plan de MontrÉal de 1724 À 1760. Morin, Vieux MontrÉal, pl. 6. 12-¼×19½.
- No. 25. 1725. Plan de la ville de MontrÉal, en Canada. Par Moullard Sanson, dÉdiÉ À Catalogne, Nouvelle Édition. Dionne IV, No. 291. Also in Morin, Vieux MontrÉal pl. 12, 8×17¾.
- No. 26. 1729. Plan de la ville de MontrÉal dans la Nouvelle-France fait À MontrÉal ce 21 aoÛt 1729. Chaussegros deLery Avec "Renvoy." 27×19¾. Coloured copy. Ottawa, Holmden, No. 620.
- No. 27. 1733. Carte d'une partie de l'Ile de MontrÉal, depuis la pointe À Cardinal jusqu'au Courant Ste-Marie avec la ville de MontrÉal et le canal commencÉ par MM. du SÉminaire. Dionne IV, No. 310.
- No. 28. 1744. Carte de l'Isle de MontrÉal et de ses Environs DressÉe sur les manuscrits du Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine par N. Bellin IngÉnieur et Hidrographe. 1744. 12×9½. Civic Library at Montreal. Dionne IV, No. 342, says that it is taken from Charlevoix II, p. 227.
- No. 29. 1750. General map of the Parishes of the Island of Montreal and of the Neighbourhood. About 1750, Girouard, Supplmt. to the Lake St. Louis, p. 455.
- No. 30. 1752. Plan de l'enceinte de la ville de MontrÉal et du profil de ses diffÉrentes fortifications. Dionne IV, No. 377.
- No. 31. 1755. Plan de Ville Marie et de Cayenne, 7×3½. Dionne IV, No. 421.
- No. 32. 1758. Plan of the town and fortifications of Montreal or Ville Marie in Canada by Jeffreys, London. 13×19½. Jeffreys, General Topography, 1758, No. 20. Dionne IV, No. 464.
- No. 33. 1758. Same plan. In Jeffreys, Natural and Civil History of the French Domination, etc., London, 1760, p. 12. Dionne IV, 465.
- No. 34. 1758. Plan of the town and fortifications of Montreal or Villemarie in Canada, Montreal. Published by W. Greig and Engraved by P. Christie from a plan published by Thos. Jeffreys, Geographer to His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, January, 1758. In Bosworth, Hochelaga Depicta, p. 90.
- No. 35. 1759. An accurate wholesheet plan of the town and fortifications of Montreal or Ville Marie, in Canada; with an exact description of the same, the manner of the trading therein with the Indian natives and a general idea of the commerce carried on between France and Canada. 14½×9½. Taken from "The Universal Magazine" of November and December, 1759, accompanied by 14 pp. in 8 of descriptive text. Gagnon, Essai de biblio. Can. No. 4469 et Dionne, Inv. IV, No. 478.
- No. 36. 1759. Tabula Cornea being a projection of a map engraved on a powder horn in the possession of Fred W. Lucas, a fac-simile reproduction from a plan on which are seen MontrÉal, Three Rivers, Fort Chambly, Forts George, Niagara. Dionne IV, No. 475.
- No. 37. 1759. A new and correct map of Canada with a perspective view of the town of Montreal on the river St. Lawrence. R. Bennett sculp. 8×9½. In the Grand Magazine, London. Dionne IV, No. 476.
- No. 38. 1759. Plan of the town and fortifications of Montreal or Villemarie, in Canada. Engraved for the London Magazine. About 1759. In folio. Gagnon, Essai de biblio. No. 4470.
- No. 39. 1759. Plan of the town and fortification of Montreal or Villemarie, in Canada. Engraved for the London Magazine. Sandham, Villemarie, 1870, p. 49. Dionne IV, No. 477.
- No. 40. Ibid. 6½×4. Sandham, Fortif. Dionne IV, No. 1040.
- No. 41. Fortifications de MontrÉal, 1860. D. Pomarede Sculp., 6×8½. Sulte. Hist. C. F. III. Dionne IV, No. 521.
- No. 42. 1760. Montreal from an old print, 4×2½. Sandham, Fortif. Dionne IV, No. 1029.
- No. 43. 1760. A perspective view of Montreal in 1760. 9×5¾. Hart, Fall of New France, p. 147. Dionne IV, No. 1129.
- No. 44. 1760. Plan of the town of Montreal at the date of the British occupation. N. M. Hinshelwood, Montreal and vicinity, 1902. p. 20, 7×4¾.
- No. 45. 1760. Plan of the town and fortifications of Montreal, or Villemarie in Canada. Inset. View of Montreal. Engraved for the London Magazine, 1760. Uncoloured print from Atlas F, 10×7-¼. Holmden, No. 623 and 4090.
- No. 46. 1760. A perspective view of the town and fortifications of Montreal, in Canada, Eng. for the Royal Magazine, 1760. B. Cole, Sculp. 9×6. Gagnon, Essai de biblio. No. 4545.
Transcriber's Note: Punctuation and accented words have been standardised. Additional changes have been made as follows: Page(s) | Original | Correction | viii, 173 | PICOTE DE BELESTIE | PICOTE DE BELESTRE | 3 | "... he made preparations for return home...." | "... he made preparations for the return home...." | 8 | Agohama's | Agohanna's | 12, 265 | JOILETTE | JOLIET | 14 | Iroquios | Iroquois | 17 | "... and in manner they go...." | "... and in summer they go...." | 21 | "... the romantic story of Montreal in a sealed book...." | "... the romantic story of Montreal is a sealed book...." | 30 | "... au voyait, qu' il y a fait...." | "... au voyage, qu' il y a fait...." | 33 | ThÉmimes | ThÉmines | 34 | BrÉboeuf | BrÉbeuf | 37 | "... within the the River...." | "... within the River...." | 51 | Hennipin | Hennepin | 126 | Druilletes | Druillettes | 137 | ThubiÈre | ThubiÈres | 141 | harrassed | harassed | 143 | "... foundation of parish of Montreal." | "... foundation of the parish of Montreal." | 145 | d'Avagour | d'Avaugour | 153 | Sabastian Dupuis | SÉbastien Dupuis | 167 | "... at Three Rivers he had Mitiwemeg...." | "... at Three Rivers he had met Mitiwemeg...." | 188, 242 | ChomÉdy | Chomedey | 199 | BarthÉlmy | BarthÉlemy | 204 | Carrignan-SelliÈres | Carignan-SalliÈres | 249 | May 17, 1764 | May 17, 1674 | 249 | Germaine-en-Laye | Germain-en-Laye | 252 | Madelene | Madeleine | 253 | Ojibeways | Ojibways | 257 | GorgondiÈre | GorgendiÈre | 260 | LotbiniÈre | LothbiniÈre | 269 | Kamanistiquia | Kaministiquia | 278 | De La Croix Chevriere | De La Croix de ChevriÈres | 285, 426 | Vandreuil | Vaudreuil | 297 | Perrade | PÉrade | 309 | ChuchliÈre | ChauchetiÈre | 317 | Nicholas Perrott | Nicolas Perrot | 321 | "The following seven missions were founded by Mother Bourgeoys: (1) The Mission of the Mountain--Notre Dames des Neiges. (2) L'enfant JÉsus at Pointe aux Trembles. Ile d'OrlÉans near Quebec. (6) Notre Dame de la Visitation at ChÂteau Richer. (7) Notre (3) Les Saint Anges at Lachine. (4) La Visitation at Champlain. (5) Ste. Famille at the Dame des Victoires at Quebec (Lower Town)." | "The following seven missions were founded by Mother Bourgeoys: (1) The Mission of the Mountain—Notre Dames des Neiges. (2) L'enfant JÉsus at Pointe aux Trembles, Ile d'OrlÉans near Quebec. (3) Les Saint Anges at Lachine. (4) La Visitation at Champlain. (5) Ste. Famille at the Notre Dame des Victoires at Quebec (Lower Town). (6) Notre Dame de la Visitation at ChÂteau Richer." | 352 | Hoquart | Hocquart | 357, 431 | Deschambeault | Deschambault | 378 | Tadousac | Tadoussac | 385 | Longueil | Longueuil | 389, 442 | LagalissoniÈre, le Galissoniere | La GalissoniÈre | 431 | Bourgainville | Bougainville | 436 | Bourlemaque | Bourlamaque | 442 | M. de la JonquiÈre, detained a prisoner in English | M. de la JonquiÈre, detained a prisoner in England | 442 | D'Alleboust | D'Ailleboust | 448 | Moullart Sanson | Moullard Sanson | | Abenaquis, Abenrakis | Abenakis | | Deschesnaux, Duchesnau | Duchesnaux | | DupÉron, Duperron | Duperon | | Galinee, GallinÉe, GalinÈe | GalinÉe | | Groseillers | Groseilliers | | Lauzon | Lauson | | Le Ber | Leber | | Ragenau, Rageneau | Ragueneau | | Tegakwita, Tegakwitha | Tekakwitha | The following variants were retained: - Recollect and RÉcollet
- Lamothe-Cardillac, Lamotte-Cardillac and La Motte-Cadillac
- Duchesnaux and Duchesneau
- AgnÉ and AgnÉe
- Arontal and Aronthal
- BardillÈre and BardilliÈre
- Chauminot and Chaumonot
- Chouart and Chouard des Groseillers
- Cornibotz and Cornibots
- Duchesnaux and Duchesneau
- GaragontiÉ and GaracontiÉ
- Gannensagonas and Gannensagouas
- Gogogouen and Gogogouin
- Irocois and Iroquois
- La Chine and Lachine
- Maillet and MaillÉ
- Maricour and Maricourt
- NougÈre and NouguÈre
- Onneiouts, Onneyouts, Onneyuts and Onneyutus
- Pottawatomies, Pottawattomies and PoutÉouatamies
- RousilliÈre and RoussilliÈre
- Sidzac du GuÉ and Sidrac de GuÉ
- La Valterie and La Valtrie
- Varenne and Varennes
Other notes: - Page 29: "... assassination in August, 1659." Henry III was assassinated on August 2, 1589.
- Page 43: "... if I would make a settlement a Frenchman at the Rapids of St. Louis...." Meaning uncertain. Could it be "... settlement as a Frenchman?..."
- Page 174: Oi8guere are the Cayugas. See this text: "At the gloomiest moment, in July, 1661, 'there appeared above Montreal two canoes of Iroquois, who, bearing a white flag,.... They were sent by the Onondagas and Cayugas, and brought back four French captives....'" William Martin Beauchamp, Past and Present of Syracuse and Onondaga county, New York: From Prehistoric Times to the Beginning of 1908. Vol. 1. New York: S.J. Clarke, 1908, p. 92.