N.B.--Where there are several references the most important is placed first. A. - Ablution, 259, 83, 171. See Lustration, misogi.
- Abstinence, 271, 273. See Imi.
- Abstractions, Gods of, 62, 169, 186
- Abstractions, few in Japanese, 35
- Accession announced to Gods, 324
- Acupuncture, 334
- Adoption, 45
- Adultery, 91, 244, 246
- Adzuki. See Bean.
- Adzusa bow, 206, 335
- Agamono, 261, 306. See Ransom.
- Agnostic, 13, 78
- Ahidono, 227
- Agriculture in Shinto, Preface, 86, 102, 121, 164, 172
- Ahi-name or Ahimbe, 278
- Ainus, 160, 193, 252
- Akitsu Kami, 41
- Aliases of deities, 22
- Allen, Grant, 36
- Altar, 217, 218, 227. See Kamidana.
- Altro intende, 77
- Ama-gatsu, 263
- Ama no hohi, 110, 258, 274
- Ama no sagume, 109
- Ama-terasu, 125
- Ame (heaven), 96, 142
- Ame no hashidate, 95
- Ame no hiwashi, 136
- Ame no kagase wo, 142
- Ame no minaka nushi, 69, 85, 142, 375
- Ame yudzuru, 85
- Ame waka hiko, 108
- Amulet, 258. See Talisman.
- Ancestor-worship, 44, 36, 95, 116, 177, 279, 374
- Ancestor and ancestress of the Mikado, 271, 296
- Animals, 63
- Animal sacrifices, 212-213
- Animal food, offerings of, 196, 205,
"" impure, 253 - Anthropomorphism, 17
- Ara-mitama, 31, 33, Addenda. See Nigitama.
- Ascetic, 203
- Ashinadzuchi, 103
- Aso, Mount, God of, 147
- Asuha no Kami, 146
- Atago, 159, 365, 369. See Fire-God.
- Augury, 344
- August Grandchild. See Sovran Grandchild.
- Augustine, St., Addenda, 198
- Avatar, 361, 186
- Avoidance of uncleanness. See Imi.
- Axe, sacred, 289
B C - Caird, Dr. E., 46
- Calamities causing uncleanness, 255
- Caldron-divination, 343
- Carriage of God, 222
- Caterpillar worshipped, 70
- Ceremonial, 268
- Chamberlain, Mr. B. H., 2, 24, 232, 305, 326, 344, 357
- Chaos, 84
- Charm, 114, 189, 337. See Magic, Talisman.
- Chiburi no Kami, 197, 315
- Chieftain conception of Gods, 19
- Chimata no Kami, 188
- Childbirth as a source of uncleanness, 251
- Chinese philosophy, 92, 169, 234, 244, 264, 305, 323, 339, 342, 372
- Chinese religion, 1
- Chinese traits in myth, 92, 115
- Chinjiu, 65, 326, 364
- Chinkonsai, 294
- Chi no wa, 264-6
- Chronology, 116
- Church and State, 200, 274
- Circumambulation, 240, 90, 157, 312, 321
- Civilization of ancient Japanese, Preface.
- Clapping hands, 209, 320
- Classes, Gods of, 15, 34
- Classes, deified classes of men, 61
- Classification of Gods, 15
- Clay, God of, 92, 146, 316
- Cleyera japonica, 98, 215-6, 269, 293
- Clothing, offerings of, 213, 237. See Yufu, 270, 287
- Cock, 100
- Communion, 120, 161, 211
- Comte, 62, 63, 142
- Conception of deity, phases of, 16
- Consanguineous unions, 250
- Confucius, 21,
"cult of, 182, 361 - Cooking furnace, 279, 16-17, 280, 322, 329. See also Kamado and Hettsui.
- Corn Maiden, 102
- Coronation, 268
- Cosmogony, 144. See Creation.
- Council of Gods, 98, 124
- Couvade, 251
- Creation, various conceptions of, 84, 87, 89, 144, 170
- Creation of mankind, 82, 171, 174
- Creator-Gods, 27, 85, 351, 376. See also Izanagi, Ohonamochi, Musubi.
- Cremation, 364
- Criminal law, 245
- Crossways, deity of, 111, 188, 197. See also Sahe no Kami.
" sanctity of, 197 " divination, 340 - Curses, 236, 112, 181
- Cyclops, 101
- Czar deified, Addenda.
D - Daidai, 313
- Daiguji, 204
- Daijowe, 268
- Daikoku-bashira, 90, 167
- D'Alviella, Preface, 11, 165
- Dances, sacred, 100, 321. See also Kagura.
- Dante, 18, 76
- Darwin, 261
- Deasil, 90. See also Circumambulation.
- Dead, state of, 53, 55. See Yomi.
" worship of, 208 - Death, 51, 94, 252
- Definition of God, 7, 10
- De Harlez, 38
- Deification, 36, 10, 119
- Deified men, 9, 177, 179
- Deluge, 82
- Demon, 6, 308. See also Oni.
" pacts with, 333 " and diseases identical, 168, 187, 198 - Derivations in myth, 117
- Devil. See Demon, Oni.
- Diseases. See Smallpox, Leprosy, Pestilence.
" personified, 198 " unclean, 252 - Divination, 337, 119, 249, 269, 323
" God of, 184 - Divine country, 126-7
- Divine right of Mikado, 82, 111, 289, 297, 293, 314
- Diviner. See Urabe.
- Divorce, 94
- Dog-deity, 332
- Dolmen, 55, 178
- Dondo, 191, 198, 307, 314
- Dosojin, 191, 193, 197
- Double, 52, 140. See also Mitama.
- Double current of deity-making thought, 10, 185
- Do ut des, 212, 234, 285
- Dragon, 9, 114, 149, 151. See Serpent.
- Dragon-king, 115, 149, 153
- Drama, 238
- Drama and narrative, 83
- Dreams, 345-6, 322, 118, 331
- Dual divinity, 140, 171. See also Ara-mitama.
- Duplication of offerings and ceremonies, 269, 273
- Dwarf-God, 107, 186
E - Earth-fast stones, 147, 260
- Earth-Gods, 142, 283
- Earthquakes, 65, 82, 126, 147, 326
- Eating the God, 160, 102
- Ebisu, 133
- Echo personified, 9, 167
- Effigy in witchcraft, 331
- Ehe, 314
- Eight, 90, 103
- Eight Gods of Ohonihe, 270
"of Jingikwan, 162, 174, 227, 282 - Eighty road-windings, 111
- Elements, Gods of, 92
- Emado, 222, 226
- Emotional basis of religion, 5
- Epidemics, 187
- Esoteric Shinto, 356
- Eternal Land, 98, 117
- Ethics. See Morals.
- Euhemerism, 134, 136
- Even pass of Yomi, 53, 93, 95, 107
- Evergreen trees, 313
- Everlasting world, 52, 70
- Evil deities, 6, 9, 139, 314. See Aratama.
- Exogamy. See Incest.
- Exorcism, 93
- Expiation. See Purification, Ransom.
- Expulsion of winter, 312
F - Fatherhood of Gods, 6, 19, 173
- Festivals. See Ceremonial.
- Fetish, 122, 15, 63, 73, 142
- Figures of men as ransom objects, 262-3
- Fillet, 215
- Fine for purification, 100, 246
- Fine weather, magic producing, 330
- Finger-charms, 354, 362
- Fire, worship of, 159, 315, 92, 156, 184 See also Nihabi, Kagutsuchi, Futsunushi, Homusubi.
- Fire, respect for, 329
- Fire, purity of, 257, 254, 369
- Fire-drill, 257, 273
- Fire-ordeal, 112-3
- Firmament, 96
- First fruits. See Nihiname.
- First Gods, 85
- Fissiparous reproduction of deities, 21
- Flag of Japan, 39
- Flaying alive, 297
- Flesh-eating unclean, 253
- Floating bridge of Heaven, 87
- Florenz, Dr., 3, 65, 263, 294, 296, 297, 300, 303
- Folk-lore, 4
- Food-Goddess, 160, 19, 119, 102, 321
- Food-offerings, 212
- Foot-ball God, 199
- Foreign demons, measures against, 188
- Formula in magic, 336
- Fox attendant of Inari, 63, 163
- Fox divination, 344, 358
- Frazer, Mr. J. G., Preface, 99, 163, 166, 188, 269-70, 309
- Fruit-trees ceremony, 165
- Fujihara family, 184, 320
- Fujiyama deified, 17, 148, 156, 371
- Fukusuke, 48
- Funado, 94, 187. See Kunado.
- Functions of Gods, 65
- Funerals, unclean, 252
- Funeral observances, 109, 55, 96, 43, 59, Addenda. See Burial.
- Furnace. See Kitchen furnace.
- Futami no ura, 130-131
- Futodama, 184, 30, 98, 100, 202
- Futsu no mitama, 118, 155. See also Futsunushi.
- Futsunushi, 155, 1, 34, 92, 109, 317, 275
- Future life, Preface, 235. See also Yomi; Dead, state of
G H - Hachiman, 178, 19, 42, 325
- Hachoji (eight princes), 97
- Hades. See Yomi.
- Hafuri, 204. See Oho-hafuri
- Hafuri-tsu-mono, 205
- Haiden (oratory), 226
- Haigi or Hahiki no kami, 146, 282
- Hair and nails in witchcraft, 332
- Haiten (deification), 41
- Haku, 202
- Hamayumi, 314, 335
- Haniwa (clay rings), 57
- Haniyasu hime, 146
- Harahi (purification), mythic origin, 96; also 264, 303, 317, 365
- Harahi-bako, 304, 343
- Harahi-tsu-mono, 263, 203, 301-2
- Harahi-tsu-tachi, 306
- Hare and Ohonamochi, 105
- Harp divination, 342
- Hartland, Mr. S., 50, 97
- Harvest Gods, 164
- Harvest festival. See Nihi-name.
- Harvest, praying for. See Toshi-gohi.
- Hashira (pillar), 71
- Hatsu no hinode, 128
- Hayato (Imperial Guards), 115
- Haya-aki-tsu-hime, 302
- Haya-sasura-hime, 302
- Haya-tama no wo, 260
- Hearn, Lafcadio, 44, 145
- Heaven. See Ame, Ten, Tien.
- Heaven-and-Earth, 35, 370-1
- Height equivalent to excellence, 8
- Hell, Buddhist, 367, 181-2
- Hemp, offerings of, 213, 264
- Hereditary offices, 183
- Hettsui. See Kitchen furnace.
- Hiko and hime, 20, 38, 132
- Himachi, 128
- Himorogi, 223, 226, 304, 260
- Hirano festival, 279
- Hirata, 373, 4, 22, 25, 168, 235
- Hirose, 321
- Hiruko, 90-1, 132
- Hirume, 116, 125. See Sun-Goddess.
- Hito-bashira, 219
- Hito-dama, 50
- Hito-gata, human figures offered to Gods, 219
- Hito-koto-nushi, 41
- Hitomaro, 48, 183
- Hobby-horses, 222
- Hoben, 360
- Hogmanay, 312
- Hohodemi, 113
- Hokora, 223
- Holly, 313
- Homer, 215; purification in, 295
- Homusubi, 93, 159. See Fire-God.
- Horses as offerings, 310, 322
- House-Gods, 167, 287, 290. See Yabune.
- House-cleaning, 313
- Ho-shidzume, 315. See Fire.
- Huacas of Peru, 9
- Human sacrifice, 56, 151-2, 219-20
- Hyaku-do-ishi, 232
- Hypnotism, 354, 349
I - Ichiko, 206, 357
- Ichi no miya, 144
- Idea of God, 6
- Idols, 71-3, 22
- Idzumo, 108, 105, 103
- Idzumo Fudoki, 3
- Iha-naga-hime, 112
- Ihashimidzu, 178. See Hachiman.
- Ikadzuchi, 157, 155
- Iki (breath, life), 51
- Ikigami (living deity), 44
- Iki mitama (living soul), 52
- Ikudama, 143
- Ikukuni, 143
- Iku-wi, 154
- Imagination, 18, 22, 24, 21, 23, 77
- Imbe, 202, 112, 1, 98, 184
- Imi, 256, 202, 246, 271, 273
- Imi-bashira, 167
- Imi-dono, 205
- Imitative magic, 101, 153, 330, 99
- Immortality, 13-14
- Impersonal habit of Japanese mind, 67
- Impetuous male, 141. See Suma no wo.
- Implements worshipped, 73
- Impurity. See Uncleanness.
- In and Yo. See Yin and Yang.
- Inada hime, 138
- Inao, 193
- Inari, 162, 6, 34, 63, 67, 355
- Inauspicious words, 255
- Incantations, 329, 336
- Incarnation of the God in his prophet or priest, 376, 70, 177
- Incense, 213, 292, 354
- Incest, 300, 64, 91
- Individuals, Gods of, 15
- Individual men deified, 36, 177
- Infinite, 73
- Inspiration, 348, 98. See Oracle.
- Inugami, 332
- Invocation. See Kami-oroshi.
- Iron fish-hooks, 115
- Ishi-kori-dome, 184
- Ishigami, 341
- Ise shrines, 229
" festival on removal of, 287 - Iyeyasu, 183
- Izanagi and Izanami, 86, 171, 69, 96
J - Jevons, 24, 90
- Jewels as offerings, 218
- Jewel-makers, 185, 290
- Jewel-spear of Heaven, 87
- Ji-chin-sai, 143
- Jigoku, 54, 367
- Ji-matsuri, 143
- Jimmu Tenno, 116, 115
- Jingikwan, 200, 202, 162, 184
- Ji no myoho, 376
- Jizo, 189, 191
- Junshi (self-sacrifice at tomb), 59
K - Kadomatsu, 191
- Kadori, 92, 115
- Kaempfer, 36, 41
- Kagami-mochi, 313
- Kagase-wo, 71, 142
- Kage-zen, 52
- Kagura, 227, 238, 101, 184
- Kagutsuchi, 92, 159
- Kaji-so-sha, 48
- Kamado no Kami. See Kitchen furnace.
- Kami, 7-10
- Kami-agari, 340
- Kami-dana, 217, 231, 305
- Kami-gi, 165
- Kami-na-dzuki, 145
- Kami-oroshi, 342, 217, 304, 340
- Kamu-be, 207
- Kamu-image, 279
- Kamu-musubi, 173-4
- Kamu-miso no matsuri, 287
- Kama-naobi, 290
- Kamunoko, 206
- Kamurogi and Kamuromi, 173, 275, 289, 296
- Kaname-ishi, 147, 260
- Kangakari, 349
- Kan-name, 278
- Kannushi, 204
- Kappa, 153
- Kasedori, 331
- Kashihade, 209
- Kashikodokoro, 291
- Kashima, 92, 155, 157, 370
- Kasuga no matsuri, 317
- Kataribe, 2, 273
- Katashiro, 263
- Kaya nu hime, 166
- Kedzurikake, 191-2
- Kega (wound or uncleanness), 253
- Kidzuki, 145
- King-post, 90
- Kiri-bi (sacred fire), 257
- Kiri-nusa, 296
- Kitano, 182
- Kitsune-tsukahi, 344
- Kitchen furnace, God of, 159, 16-17, 73, 146, 272, 280, 322, 329. See Haniyasu.
- Kiu (festival for rain), 286
- Kiujiki, 3
- Kneeling, 209
- Kobodaishi, 361
- Kodama (echo), 9, 67
- Kogoshiui, 3
- Kojiki, 2, 84
- Kojikiden, 373
- Komagata, 222, 67
- Kompira, 230
- Konohana Sakuyahime, 112
- Ko-nusa, 343
- Korea, 1, 102, 156, 305
- Koto-shiro-nushi, 185, 111
- Kowameshi, 194
- Koyane, 183, 20, 46, 100-01, 201, 317, 339
- Kteis, 186, 194, 197, 334
- Kugedachi, 348
- Kuhabara, 337
- Kuji. See Lots.
- Kukunochi, 166-7, 290. See Tree-God.
- Kumaso, 64
- Kunado, 187, 189, 33, 40, 94, 110, 306, 341. See Phallic deities.
- Kunari no kami, 144
- Kunidama, 143-4
- Kunitokotachi, 175, 85, 68, 362, 375
- Kusanagi (name of sword), 104
- Kushi, 216, 297
- Kushi-iha-mado, 168, 308
- Kushinada hime, 103
- Kuyebiko, 71
L M - Mabuchi, 373
- Mayeza. See Medium.
- Magic, 327, 99, 144, 187, 196, 255, 300, 357
- Maine, Sir H., 24
- Majinahi. See Magic.
- Make-believe, 12, 223
- Male who invites, 171
- Mamori. See Charms.
- Maneki-neko, 48
- Man-deities, 36, CHAPTER VIII.
- Manyoshiu, a collection of ancient poetry, 9, 17
- Mari no Kami, 199
- Marriage, 66, 90-1, 137, 140, 248-9. See Nuptial hut, Wedlock.
- Masaya a katsu, 97
- Massha, 227
- Material souls, 50-52
- Materialized feelings, 332-3
- Materials for study of Shinto, 1-4
- Medicine, 144, 327
- Medicine men, 203
- Medium, 354-6. See Ichiko, Miko.
- Menstruation, 251, 340
- Meredith, Mr. Geo., 80
- Metal, God of, 92
- Metamorphosis, 49, 64
- Metaphor, 16-18, 38, 76
- Michiahe, 306, 187-8
- Michi no Omi, 119
- Midzuchi, 150
- Mikado deified, 9, 38
" divine right of, 82, 293 " prayer to, 235, 324 " as high priest, 201, 292 - Mikado matsuri, 308
- Mikage, 51
- Miko, 206, 101, 357
- Mikoshi, 222, 225
- Mikoto, 20, 85
- Mimi, 30
- Minagata, 43, 177
- Mioya, 19
- Miraculous births, 97
- Mirror, 218, 31, 72, 134, 291
- Mirror-makers, 184
- Misasagi, 42-3
- Misogi, 260, 271, 298
- Mitama (spirit), 26-31, 8-9, 49, 188, 197, 293-4
- Mitama furishiki, 292
" shidzumura no matsuri, 292 " shiro, 32. See Shintai. - Mitegura (offerings), 158, 211
- Mitoshi no Kami, 196, 253
- Miwa, 145. See Ohonamochi.
- Miya, 200, 223. See Shrine.
- Miyakko, 205-06
- Modern Shinto, 376
- Mono-imi, 206, 318, 340
- Monotheism, 66, 68-70, 125, 170-1, 349
- Moon-God, 65, 95, 102, 138. See Tsukiyomi, Tsuki-machi.
- Moral code, 241, 129, 367, 374
- Mortuary house, 109
- Mosaic law, 122, 215, 248, 251-2, 302
- Motion and sensation, 11
- MotoÖri, 373, 4, 21, 24-5
- Mountain-Gods, 147, 92, 284, 289
- Mourning. See Funeral.
- Muir, Dr. J., 94
- MÜller, Max, 16, 25
- Multiplication of Gods, 67
- Mushroom, 189, 312
- Music, 56, 93, 238, 270, 273, 292, 321
- Musubi, 172, 20-21, 35, 69, 102, 275
- Mystery, 31-32
- Myth, 75, 17, 2, 16
" and legend, 116 " and ritual, 83 - Mythical narrative, 84
N - Nademono, 220
- Naishidokoro, 291, 43, 135
- Nakatomi, 201, 1, 21, 46, 112, 183
- Nakatsutsu no wo, 20-22. See Sea-Gods.
- Nakatsu-wata-dzumi, 148. See Sea-Gods.
- Nakaza, 354
- Nakisahame, 92, 199
- Nanakusa, 277, 344
- Naru Kami, 9. See Thunder.
- Nature deities, 121
- Nature-Gods and Man-Gods, 15
- Need-fire, 259
- Needles worshipped, 73
- Negi (priest), 205
- Ne no kuni (root-country). See Yomi.
- Nether Land, 104. See Yomi.
- New Year in modern Japan, 312
- Nichirin (the sun), 127
- Nigi-hayahi, 120, 128
- Nigi-tama, 31, 33, 140, 145, 275
- Nihabi, 99, 101, 277
- Nihiname (festival of first-fruits), 277, 109, 119, 124, 161, 268-9
- Nihongi, 2, 84, 169
- Ninigi, 108, 111-2, 116, 185
- No dance, 238
- Nomi no Sukune, 48, 57, 183
- Norito, chap. xii. passim, 3, 42, 98-99, 126, 232, 235, 270, 274, 322
- North the honourable quarter, 56
- North star, 142
- Number neglected in Japanese grammar, 16, 21, 121, 168-9
- Number of Gods, 66, 98
- Numerals, magical use of, 99, 336
- Nuptial hut, 90, 104, 137, 248
- Nusa, 216, 218, 318. See Offerings, Kirinusa, Ohonusa.
- Nusa-bukuro, 197
- Nushi, 20
O - Oaths, 236
- Obeisance, 209, 284, 320
- 'Occult Japan,' 354
- Offences, 297
- Offerings, 210, 98, 193, 280
" deified, 119, 161, 212 " to dead, 60, 211 " consumed by worshippers, 321. See Communion. - Offerings, symbolical, 211, 276
- Oharahi, 305
- Oho-hafuri, 205, 177
- Oho-harahi, 294, 4, 242, 245-6, 270
- Oho-harahi offerings, 301
- Oho-kuni-dama. See Ohonamochi.
- Oho-kuni-nushi. See Ohonamochi.
- Oho-miya no me, 184, 287, 290
- Oho-mono-nushi, 111
- Oho-naobi, 290
- Ohonamochi, 144, 105, 110, 27-30, 46, 69, 200, 274
- Oho-nihe, 268, 364
- Oho-nusa, 213
- Oho-sora, 96
- Oho-toko-nushi, 144, 196, 253. See Ohonamochi.
- Oho-tono hogahi, 287
- Oho-toshi, 105
- Ojin deified, 178. See Hachiman.
- Omens, 119, 126, 325, 345
- Omnipresence of Deity, 27
- Omohi-kane, 199, 98
- Oni (demon), 198
- Oni-yarahi, 189. See Tsuina.
- Onogorojima, 89
- Onyoshi, 365
- Oracles, 367, 178, 350, 361. See Inspiration.
- Ordeal, 347
- O tento sama (sun), 127, 175
P - P'anku, myth of, 129
- Pantheon, 121
- Pairs of deities, 86
- Parturition house, 113, 112, 114, 251, 345
- Patron deity, 326
- Peach, 189, 9, 93, 308
- Penitence, 260
- Perseus and Andromeda, 103-105, 50, 151
- Personality of deities, 22
- Personification, 5
- Personal pronouns rare in Japanese, 23
- Pestilence deities, 187
- Pestle, a male symbol, 189
- Pfleiderer, Dr., Preface, 11, 76, 84
- Phallicism, 186, 72, 363. See Bean, Chiburi no kami, Chimata do kami, Dosojin, Gorioye, Ishigami, Kunado, Kteis, Kedzurikake, Mushroom, Peach, Pestle, Rice, Sahe no kami, Sarutahiko, Shingi, Tamaboko, Tamuke no kami, Tsuji-ura, Yachimata hiko, Yakushin, Wo-bashira. Pheasant as messenger of Gods, 108
- Pictures of Gods, 71
- Piebald colt of Heaven, 97-98
- Pilgrimage, 239
- Pillar of Heaven, 95, 154
" of House, 89-90 - Pious fraud, 360
- Plain of High Heaven, 98, 107, 134
- Poverty, Gods of. See Hitomaro, SotoÖri hime.
- Polar star, 85
- Polytheism, 66
- Positive and negative. See Yin and Yang.
- Possession, 340, 357
- Potsticks, striking women with, to produce pregnancy, 190
- Posthumous honours, 53
- Poverty, God of, 199
- Pradakchina. See Circumambulation.
- Praise, 234, 306
- Prayer, 232, 162. See Norito.
- Prehistoric Shinto, 1
- Priesthood, 200
- Priestess, 205
- Primitive man, 77, 12, 18, 26, 80, 345
- Primitive religion, 13, 26, 121, 160, 166, 211
- Primitive religion, Shinto not a, Preface
- Privy, God of, 167, 289, 314
- Processions, 240, 317
- Procreative power deified. See Phallicism.
- Prophet, 348, 350
- Propitiation of evil deities, 305, 315
- Prophylactic magic, 187
- Providential character of nature Gods, 65, 125, 156, 162
- Properties, Gods of, 15
- Profanity, 237
- Pseudo-ancestor worship, 46
- Pure Shinto, 4, 372
- Purification, 189
- Purity, 247, 343
" of heart, 264, 368, 369, 371 " of language, 271, 255 Q R - Races, 321
- Rain, praying for, 43, 151-2, 180, 286
- Rainbow, 87. See Taikobashi.
- Rain-Gods, 153
- Rain-storm. See Susa no wo.
- Ransom offerings, 262, 220. See Agamono, Katashiro, Nademono, Scape-goat.
- Rank conferred on Gods, 237, 323-4
- Rationalism, 92, 375
- Real presence, 217, 27, 72
- Red colour, 194, 56, 163, 165
- Regalia, 135, 202, 273, 289, 291, 353, 363
- Relic, Buddhist, 361
- Religion, nature and origin of, 5, 13
- Remmonkyo, 375
- Repentance, 102
- RÉville, Preface, 268
- Revival of Pure Shinto, 4, 372
- Rice-God. See Inari.
- Rice in magic and ritual, 189, 288-9, 334, 341
- Risley, Mr. H., 73
- Ritual, 1, 3, 268
- River of Heaven (milky way), 97-98, 100, 110
- River-Gods, 115, 150. See Water, Rain.
- River-weed deified, 316
- Road-Gods. See Sahe no Kami.
- Rock-boat of Heaven, 95, 117
- Rock-cave of Heaven, 97, 101
- Rokkon shojo, 239, 304, 355
- Rudimentary character of Shinto, Preface, 242
- RyÔbu, 360, 373
S - Sacred. See Imi.
- Sacred and Secular, 200
- Sacred tree, 165, 215. See Cleyera.
- Sacrifice, 118. See Human sacrifice, Offerings.
- SagichÔ, 191, 307, 314
- Sagume, 109
- Sahe no Kami, 186, 14, 31, 165, 306, 314, 331
- Sai-in, 280
- Sai no Kami, 191, 195. See also Sahe no Kami.
- Saishu, 204
- Saiwo 205, 352
- Sakaki. See Cleyera.
- Sakamakura, 272, 279
- Sakatsuko, 269
- Sake (rice-beer) not prohibited, 254, 272-3, 320
- Sake God, 162, 227, 273
- Salt, 196, 260, 354
- Sammai. See Rice.
- Saniha, 350
- SannÔ, 145. See Ohonamochi.
- Sarume, 99, 101, 112, 184
- Saruta-hiko, 111, 197, 363
- Satow, Sir E., 3, 257, 268, 280, 305, 317
- Scape-goat, 302. See Ransom.
- Scare-crow God, 71, 142
- Scarf in magic, 334
- Scotus Erigena, 121
- Sea, direct worship of, 9
- Sea-Gods, 20, 92, 95, 114, 148, 315, 323. See Uhatsutsu no wo, Toyotama hiko, Sumiyoshi, Suitengu.
- Sea, old man of, 113
- Sects of Shinto, CHAPTER XIV.
- Secular and sacred little distinguished in early times, 200
- Sensation in inanimate nature, 11
- Seoritsu hime, 302
- Serpent-worship, 63-4, 257. See Dragon.
- Serpent, eight-headed, 103
- Seven generations of Gods, 85
- Sex of Gods, 19, 132-3
- Sexual uncleanness, 248
- Shadow. See Mikage.
- Shaking in magic, 335
- Shakujo, 354
- Shangti, 1, 305
- Shekinah, 26-27
- Shiho-tsuchi, 150
- Shimenaha, 335, 164, 195, 313
- ShimpÔ, 218
- Shinatsu tohe, 20
- Shinatsu hiko, 154. See Wind-Gods.
- Shingaku, 374
- Shingi, 193
- Shingonjiki, 279
- Shintai, 70, 32, 34, 123, 146, 163, 193, 212, 222, 305, 330, 376
- Shintaku (inspiration), 350
- Shitateru hime, 108-9
- Shojiroku, 3, 175
- Shoulder-blade, divination by, 203, 339
- Shotoku Taishi, 244, 359
- Shrine, 223, 366
- Shrines of Ise, 226, 228
- Silk, 213
- Simpson's 'Praying Wheel,' 90
- Sin, 102
- Siva, 173
- Skins, offerings of, 217, 307
- Slaves, 207, 221
- Small-pox, 163, 194
- Smith-God, 99, 101
- Smith, Robertson, 211
- Sokotsutsu no wo, 20, 22
- Sokotsu wata-dzumi, 148
- Sono no Kami, 145
- Sori-bashi. See Taiko-bashi.
- Sorceress. See Uzume, Miko, Ichiko.
- SotoÖri hime, 183
- Soul, 26-27, 374. See Mitama.
- Soul and body, 34
- Soul, Chinese views of, 52
- Sovran Grandchild, 111-13, 127, 289, 296, 306
- Speal, reading the, 339
- Spear as emblem of authority, 89, 111, 144, 278
- Spencer, Herbert, 8, 10, 23, 40, 50, 59, 89, 200, 211, 346
- Spherical souls, 49-50
- Spirit, 48, 7. See Mitama, Soul.
- Spiritism, 25
- Spirituality of deities, 7, 171, 173
- Spitting, 114, 260
- Stars, 98
- Star-God, 142
- Stars, divination by, 344
- Stone as shintai, 71
- Substituted offerings, 211, 213, 216, 219, 221-22, 240, 322
- Sugahara Michizane. See Temmangu.
- Suha, God of, 43, 177, 186
- Suhijini, 146
- Suitengu, 65
- Sukuna-bikona, 186, 107, 124, 145
- Sumera, 20
- Sumiyoshi, Gods of, 149
- Sun-Goddess, 121, 24, 46, 68, 95, 283, 372
- Sun-Goddess's attendants, 183
" address to Ninigi, 111 " unlucky to proceed against, 117 - Sun-Goddess, an avatar of Buddha, 361
- Sun-birds, 136
- Sun-crow. See Yatagarasu.
- Sun-children, 38, 40
- Sun-deities, sex of, 132-3
- Sun-mirror. See Yatakagami.
- Sun-myth, 80
- Sun worship, 1, 41, 83, 99, 128. See Nichirin, O tento sama.
- Supernatural, 38
- Supreme Being, 69-70, 123, 142, 171, 175, 180, 182, 305
- Surnames, 47
- Susa no wo, 136, 96, 1, 14, 19, 21, 95, 106
- Suseri hime, 106
- Susu-harahi, 313
- Suttee, 59
- Sword, 72, 118, 157, 219
- Symbol. See Shintai.
- Symbol in magic, 187, 333
- Sympathetic magic, 330
T - Tabi no miya (reposoir), 222
- Taboos, sexual, 250
- Taikobashi, 87, 232
- Taikyoku (great absolute), 175
- Taisha (great shrine of Idzumo), 66, 145, 353
- Tajikara no wo, 98, 199
- Takama no hara. See Plain of High Heaven.
- Taka-musubi, 108, 110, 116, 119, 173-4, 275, 351, 375
- Take-mika-dzuchi, 155, 92, 109, 118, 317, 370. See Kashima.
- Take-minakata. See Suha.
- Talisman, 334, 114, 292
- Tama, 27, 88, 218. See Mitama.
- Tama-boko, 87
- Tama-dasuki, 45, 235
- Tama-gushi, 216
- TamashiÏ (soul), 49
- Tamashiro, 45
- Tamuke no Kami, 197
- Tanabata, 142
- Ta no Kami, 143
- Tartar religions, 1
- Tatsuta, 322, 370. See Wind-God.
- Temmangu, 179, 65, 153, 369
- Ten (Heaven), 362
- TenrikyÔ, 375
- Tenjin. See Temmangu.
- Tenshi (Son of Heaven), 38
- Tenshodaijin, 14, 125. See Sun Goddess.
- Tentei, 180
- Teri-teri-bozu, 330
- Textile offerings, 213
- Theogony, 85 et seqq.
- Thunder, charm against, 337
- Thunders of Yomi, 187
- Thunder-God, 157, 9, 41
- Tien (Heaven), 21
- Tiger deified, 63 " teaches acupuncture, 335
- Toko yo no Kuni, 52, 54, 70. See Yomi.
- Tomb and shrine, 42-43
- Toothache, cure of, 328-9
- Tori-wi, 231, 233, 43, 128, 165, 309
- Tortoise-shell in divination, 339-40
- Toshi-gohi festival, 280
- Toshi-otoko, 309, 313
- Toshi-toku-jin, 314
- Toso, 313
- Totemism, 64
- Toyo-iha-mado, 168, 308
- Toyo-tama, 185
- Toyo-tama-hiko, 113, 149
- Toyo-tama-hime, 114
- Trade-Gods, 48
- Trance, 351. See Hypnotism
- Tree-Gods, 164, 92, 290
- Tree, sacred, 332. See Kami-gi.
- Trinity of Fire-Gods, 160
" of Susa no wo, 139 " of Sea-Gods, 148 " Buddhist, 361 - Troup, Mr. J., Preface
- Tsuchi, 19
- Tsuchigumo, 334-5
- Tsuina, 308, 190, 295
- Tsuji-ura, 340, 189
- Tsuki-machi, 142
- Tsukinami festival, 285
- Tsukiyomi, 141
- Tsumi (guilt), 247
- Tsutsu, 19
- Tuke, Mr. S., 232
- Tumuli, 55, 57, 157. See Misasagi.
- Turan, 232
- Tylor, Dr., Preface, 24, 82, 96, 257, 259, 333
- Types deified, 61-62, 183
U V - Vairochana, 361
- Van Helmont, 332
- Vejovis, Addenda
- Volcano Gods, 147
- Volition ascribed to inanimate objects, 78
W - Waka-hirume, 128
- Waka-midzu, 313
- Wake (prince), 20
- Wani (sea-monster), 114, 149
- Wa Rongo, 353, 367
- War-God, 157. See Hachiman, Take-mika-dzuchi.
- Water deified, 119
- Water-Gods, 92, 104, 154, 284, 316, 321-2
- Weapons as offerings, 218
- Wedlock, God of, 66
- Weeping Goddess. See Naki-sahame.
- Weipert, Dr., 245
- Well, 322, 257
- Well-God, 153, 227, 272, 282, 313, 322
- Well-worship, 16, 313
- Weston, Mr., 287, 344, 356
- Whirlwind deified, 155
- Whistling, 115, 330
- White an auspicious colour, 196, 222
- Will-of-the-wisp, 50
- Wind-Gods, 154, 20, 92, 322
- Wintry Influences, 312
- Witchcraft, 255, 331, 346
- Wo-bashira (male pillar), 190, 193, 72, 93
- Wolf deified, 9, 63
- Women rulers, 133
- Wool, offerings of; 215
- Wordsworth, 9
- Worship, 208, 37
- Wounds unclean, 252
- Wrestling, God of. See Nomi Sukune.
- Writing, introduction of, 1
Y - Yabune, 167, 287, 290
- Yachimata hiko, 187, 71, 306
- Yakami-hime, 105
- Yakushin, 187
- Yaku-sute, 309
- Yaku-toshi, 309
- Yamato-dake, 36, 49
- Yashiro, 223. See Shrine.
- Yatagarasu (sun-crow), 136, 118, 46
- Yatakagami, 134
- Yebisu, 48
- Yengishiki, 3, 268
- Yihking, 344, 363
- Yin and Yang, 35, 52, 84, 169, 313, 365
- Yomi (Hades), 53, 93, 96, 99, 106, 138, 302, 367. See Ne no kuni, Hades.
- Yo-ori ceremony, 263
- Yoridai, 355
- Yufu, 213, 215
- Yufu-kadzura, 320
- Yui-itsu, 362
- Yuki and suki, 269, 272
- Yu-niha (sacred enclosure), 272
Z - Zembla Bogh, Addenda.
- Zimmern's definition of magic, 327
- Zoni, 313