Black Walnuts


The black walnuts sent into the 1926 contest were the best that had been seen up to that time, yet those received in the 1929 contest are so far ahead of those as to make us wonder if we shall again find a contest where the black walnuts received equal those received in 1929.

Most remarkable was the case of Mrs. E. W. Freel of Pleasantville, Iowa, who sent in black walnuts from four different trees, each one of which took a prize, No. 1 the first, No. 2 the second, No. 3 the eighth, and No. 4 the tenth, the first time in the history of the nut contests that anything approaching this record has occurred. This is also the first contest where a nut of any other black walnut species than Juglans nigra has come anywhere near the prize winners.

The score card used in the 1929 contest was the same as that used in the 1926 contest but with the constants recalculated as required because of nuts received in the meantime which made this necessary.

The prizes awarded are noted below:

Name and Address Species Score Prize Amount
Mrs. E. W. Freel, Pleasantville, Ia., Nut. No. 1 nigra 81 1 $ 50.00
Mrs. E. W. Freel, Pleasantville, Ia., Nut No. 2 nigra 74 2 15.00
Mrs. J. A. Stillman, Mackeys, N. C. nigra 73 3 10.00
Annie M. Wetzel, New Berlin, Pa. nigra 72 4 5.00
John Rohwer, Grundy Center, Ia., The Iowa nigra 71 5 5.00
Mrs. Irwin Haag, New Castle, Ind. nigra 70 6 3.00
Dane Learn, % Harley Learn, Aylmer, Ont., R. R. No. 6 nigra 69 7 3.00
Mrs. E. W. Freel, Pleasantville, Ia., Nut No. 3 nigra 68 8 3.00
A. F. Weltner, Point Marion, Pa., R. F. D. 1 nigra 67 9 3.00
Mrs. E. W. Freel, Pleasantville, Ia., Nut No. 4 nigra 64 10 3.00

There are some 32 other black walnuts worthy of honorable mention which were awarded from 55 points to 63 and which it is believed are worthy of experimental propagation. One of these is from A. E. Grobe, Chico, Cal., species, hindsii, total award 61 points, which is the only California black walnut of value sent in to the contests up to this time.

Nut notable for size were received from:

Mrs. R. F. Frye, Carthage, N. C., R. No. 1, Box 22, Wt, 38.0g, nigra, score 57.

C. T. Baker, Grandview, Ind., Wt. 31.8g, nigra, score 57.

A. P. Stockman, Lecompte, La., Wt. 36.7g, nigra, score 56.

Nuts notable for cracking quality were received from:

Mrs. E. W. Freel, Pleasantville, Ia., CQC 100%, CQA 67.3%, total 38 points, nigra, 81 points total.

Mrs. J. A. Stillman, Mackeys, N. C., CQC 100%, CQA 65.3%, total 38 points, nigra, 81 points total.

J. U. Gellatly, Gellatly, B. C., Cold Stream No. 14, CQC 100%, CQA 40.0%, total 33 points, nigra, 55 points total.

Annie W. Wetzel, New Berlin, Pa., CQC 100%, CQA 37.8%, total 32 points, nigra, 72 points total.

A. F. Weltner, Point Marion, Pa., R. F. No. 1, CQC 100%, CQA 38.0%, total 32 points, nigra, 67 points total.

Mrs. A. Sim, Rodney, Ont., CQC 100%, CQA 39.3%, total 32 points, nigra, 55 points total.

Nut notable for high percentage of kernel:

Ferdinand Huber, Cochrane, Wis., 32.8% 12 points, species nigra, total award 49 points.

Mrs. E. W. Freel, Pleasantville, Ia., Nut. No. 1, 31.6% 11 points, species nigra, total award 81 points.

Attractive color of kernel:

While a number were awarded four points out of a possible 5, none of the black walnuts sent in were especially notable in this respect.


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