
Officers and Committees of the Association 3

State Vice-Presidents 4

Members of the Association 5

Constitution and By-Laws 11

Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Convention 15

Report of the Secretary 19

Some Further Notes on Nut Culture in Canada, Jas. A. Neilson 24

Address by Dr. L. C. Corbett 28

Address by C. A. Reed 33

Commercial Nut Culture, T. P. Littlepage 36

Notes by Mr. Bixby 39

Address, Mrs. W. N. Hutt 41

Report of Chairman of the Committee on Incorporation 47

Minutes of First Meeting of Directors 50

Report of the Finance Committee 51

Address by Dr. Oswald Schreiner 51

Address by Dr. W. E. Safford 54

Extension Work in Nut Growing, Professor C. P. Close 60

Roadside Planting vs. Reforestation, Hon. W. S. Linton 61

Encouragement from Failures in Grafting, Dr. G. A. Zimmerman 64

Letter from F. H. Wielandy 76

The Chestnut, C. A. Reed 77

Report of the Committee on Nomenclature 81

Notes from an Experimental Nut Orchard 81

Appendix 88


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