Officers, Directors and Committees 3
State Vice-Presidents 4
List of Members 5
Constitution 8
By-Laws 9
My Butternut, A Poem, by J. H. Helmick 10
Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Annual Convention 11
Address of Rev. G. Paul Musselman 11
Report of the Treasurer 13
J. F. Jones' Experimental Work in Hybridizing Filberts and Hazels—Miss Mildred Jones 14
Commercial Cracking of the Black Walnut—H. F. Stoke 16
Walnut Notes for 1933—C. A. Reed 20
Is Information of General Orchard Fertility of Value in the Nut Grove—Prof. F. N. Fagan 25
Forward March of the Nut Cultural Project in Michigan—Prof. James A. Neilson 28
Notes on the Filbert Orchard at Geneva, N. Y.—Prof. G. L. Slate 34
Developing a Walnut Grove as a Side Line by a Bee-keeper—L. K. Hostetter 37
Nut Trees as Used in Landscaping—Dr. Lewis E. Theiss 39
My Experience in Growing Nut Trees on the Home Lawn—M. Glen Kirkpatrick 42
Developing a Thousand Tree Improved Black Walnut Grove—C. F. Hostetter 43
Tribute to Mr. Bixby 45
Message to Dr. Morris 46
A Black Walnut Grove and Why—Dr. Frank L. Baum 47
Nut Contests 48
Filbert Pollinization 48
Green Shoot Grafting of Trees—Dr. R. T. Morris 49
Communications from:
Robert T. Morris, M.D. 49
Prof. A. S. Colby 53
J. U. Gellatly 54
Notes on the "Tour," Tuesday, September 12, 1933 55
Notes on the Banquet, Tuesday evening, September 12, 1933 56
Address of Al. Bergstrom 57
Reports of Standing Committees 57
Reports of the Resolutions Committee 57
List of member nurserymen having budded and grafted stock 58
Exhibits at the Convention 59
Attendance 60
Books and Bulletins on Northern Nut Growing 62
Advertisements—"Hobbies Magazine" 63


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