
at the


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Rochester, N. Y., September 7, 8 and 9, 1922

The convention was called to order at 9:40 A. M., Thursday, September 7, 1922, by the President, Mr. James S. McGlennon, of Rochester, New York, at the Osburn House, Rochester, N. Y.

THE PRESIDENT: This is the thirteenth annual convention of the Northern Nut Growers' Association. We have been favored by Rev. Dr. Cushman in consenting to give the invocation.

Invocation by Rev. Ralph S. Cushman.

THE PRESIDENT: I believe I voice the sentiment of all present in saying that we are grateful to Dr. Cushman for his prayer and I personally extend to him my sincere thanks and on behalf of the association.

I have the great honor and the rare privilege of introducing to you our Mayor. He has very kindly consented to come here and make an address of welcome to this association.

MAYOR VAN ZANDT: Mr. President and ladies and gentlemen, members of the Nut Growers' Association: Your President has said I was going to make an address; I never did such a thing in my life. I am glad to welcome you to the city of Rochester; I hope your meeting will be profitable and so pleasant that you will want to come again. I believe there are very few people in Rochester who know anything about nut growing. We have a splendid exhibit here from our parks and one that I am very proud of and we have a man here, Mr. Dunbar, that we are very proud of; he is a wonder; I confess that I didn't know there were so many nuts to be found in the parks myself—that is no joke. It is a wonderful thing, it is a revelation to me, I never dreamed that you could find such things growing around this part of the country at all. I fancy that most people don't know anything about nuts at all, except the five-cent bag of peanuts. I certainly wish you success in every way and particularly with reference to the plantation that I understand has been started here close to Rochester where they are doing some wonderful work. Most of us have the idea that nuts are used by people to put on the table for dessert at Christmas time and but little appreciate their true food value.

I sincerely trust that you will all come again, that you will have pleasant weather and that you will have time after work to see something of our beautiful city. We think it is the most beautiful one in the country. Thank you. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: If you can wait just a minute, I am going to ask for a reply to your address of welcome. Mr. Patterson comes from Albany, Georgia, and is probably the biggest producer of pecans in the world. Mr. Patterson is a member of this association and has very kindly consented to come all the way from Georgia to be with us.

MR. PATTERSON: Mr. President, Mr. Mayor, ladies and gentlemen: I wonder if the President in saying I was the biggest nut grower in the world had any reference to my physical proportions. You have certainly a wonderful exhibit here, Mr. Mayor, of the products of your parks and you have reason to be proud of it, as you have for many other things in the city of Rochester. It has been my privilege to make short visits to the city, my wife having some relatives here. I said to my cousin this morning, if there is any place outside of the South where I would rather live, it would be Rochester.

The nut proposition is in its infancy and we all believe, those of us who are wholly nuts, that it will grow into a giant. We have a little giant in the south in the shape of the paper-shell pecan and we are expecting that this Northern Nut Growers' Association will, within the next few years, develop some varieties of nuts, or discover some varieties of nuts, that are adapted to this northern climate and will do for the northern states, the northern, eastern and western, what the pecan is promising to do and really is doing for the South. While not a native of the South I think I may extend the cordial greeting of the South to you in the North. There was a time when a northerner like myself who moved into the South had just one name and that was a "damned Yankee", and a good many people through the South thought that was one word, but that time has passed and they are welcoming in the South today the northerner who comes with an honest purpose of helping develop that wonderful country. The day of bitterness is fast passing away, so I bring to you not only the greetings of the southern nut growers, but of the South and I bring to the Mayor, and through the Mayor to the citizens of this beautiful city, the greetings of the membership of this association. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: I am very grateful to you for your consideration of my impromptu request.

THE MAYOR: I will promise to give an order to the policemen to crack no nuts while the nut growers' association is in town. As to the 18th amendment, I think that nuts are about the only vegetable that I know of that they are not making hootch out of at the present time.

THE PRESIDENT: I feel that we have been particularly favored not only in receiving an address of welcome from our Mayor, but also in having with us the President of our Chamber of Commerce, who has kindly consented to come and welcome us also. It gives me distinct pleasure to call upon the president of our Chamber of Commerce, Mr. James W. Gleason.

MR. GLEASON: Mr. President and ladies and gentlemen: On behalf of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, I certainly want you to know that we appreciate the honor and privilege of having this convention held in Rochester. I don't know of a convention that has come to Rochester that should be more welcome on account of the scientific nature of your work and the magnificent aims and purposes of your organization in extending the planting of trees and the culture of your product. I know the Mayor has extended to you a welcome for the city but we have one citizen here in Rochester, Mr. George Eastman, of whom we are very proud because of the unselfish work that he has done, and in the work that you are doing you can appreciate what he is doing in a larger way than is given to most of us to be able to do. This week saw the opening of the famous new five million dollar Eastman Theater, dedicated to the public, and I believe the motto over the door is "For the enlargement of community life". Now, Mr. Eastman wants the people to consider this theater as their own, and that means you, that means all of us here. He would like to have the people from Rochester and the people from out of town take advantage of this magnificent structure, the wonderful orchestra, probably the finest thing of its kind in the world.

I won't make an extended address but I can promise that if you can come to the Chamber of Commerce we will make you all welcome. Thank you. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Weber of Cincinnati has kindly consented to make a reply to your address.

MR. WEBER: Mr. President and Mr. Gleason: We really know each other as old friends, for some years ago we had our convention here and we are very glad to have it in your city again. Such bodies as yours, the Chamber of Commerce, can further the activities of the Northern Nut Growers' Association and what it stands for in the North; which is demonstrated by the exhibits shown on the table. I see at both ends of the table exhibits that show what can be done in this community in particular in the way of nut growing. Right out behind us there is one of the largest English walnut groves in this part of the country. I think it has 228 trees. The mistake the gentleman made who planted them was that he didn't plant grafted trees. Had he planted grafted trees he would have had a gold mine right there on his farm; Mr. Vollertsen, one of your citizens, has begun an industry which in time may become another one for your Chamber of Commerce to look after. We appreciate your very fine exhibits, we are glad to be here with you and thank you for your address of welcome. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: According to the program the next feature is your president's address. I feel that it is unnecessary for me to even attempt to add anything to what His Honor, the Mayor and President Gleason have said relative to our wonderful city. It is one of the great cities of the world.

THE SECRETARY: What is the population of Rochester?

THE PRESIDENT: Over 300,000.

To Members of The Northern Nut Growers' Association:


Your President recommends that definite action be taken to the end of increasing our membership, to the still further end of exemplifying the truth of the old saying that "in union there is strength." More members mean the spreading of our gospel over greatly increased areas that should be interested in nut culture. The present membership is approximately 250, an increase of only 24 since the Lancaster Convention in October last year. And while it is also an old and true saying that "self praise is no recommendation," the fact remains that 18 of these new members were secured through my office.

It has been suggested at previous conventions that a systematic campaign for members can be perfected through organized co-operation by our State Vice-Presidents. I believe this to be the most efficacious medium through which the greatly desired results can be obtained. Of many, I am sure, systems that can be employed to such end there are two that always appeal to me as most desirable. Doubtless you all have thought of them at some time or other; in fact I have heard at previous conventions casual mention of the second. But the first I have heard little if anything of, and it is that effort should be exerted to interest women more actively in nut culture. We have a few women members. Why shouldn't there be as many women as men? I can think of no reason why there shouldn't. I believe that women are just as competent as men to conduct any feature of nut culture, with the possible exception of specific manual labor. And I can think of no more delightful vocation for women who love the great and wonderful outdoors—and where is the woman who does not?—than nut culture, the cultivation of nut trees and bushes, beautiful things not only for the grace and beauty of trunk and limb, foliage and flower, but for their real substance, their fruit, nuts, one of the most nutritious foods for human beings. More and more nuts are being consumed every day, and I venture to say that their consumption as a leading item in our dietary is only in its infancy. So I feel that here is another opportunity for our women to demonstrate the justice of her recent acquired suffrage in our national affairs.

The other possible source of membership I have in mind is a systematic campaign to enlist the interest and co-operation of school teachers. Just think of the possibilities of such a campaign. School teachers, every one, being the high-class people they necessarily are, would respond finely, I'm sure, and serve as a most desirable medium through which that very potent additional force can be reached, namely, the pupil. What parent would refuse a child's request to enable him or her to participate in the planting of a tree! Recently I cut out the following little poem, by Charles A. Heath, from my old-home-town Canadian paper:


I like a man who likes a tree,
He's so much more of a man to me;
For when he sees his blessing there,
In some way, too, he wants to share
Whatever gifts his own may be,
In helping others, like a tree.

For trees, you know, are friends indeed,
They satisfy such human need;
In summer shade, in winter fire,
With flower and fruit meet all desire,
And if a friend to man you'd be,
You must befriend him like a tree.

A beautiful sentiment, I know you will agree, and applicable to any tree, but especially so to nut trees, for the reason that they combine all the laudable qualities enumerated plus that of food—food for man—one of the very finest of foods for man.

There are, of course, numerous other ways that can be employed to get new members. Another I might mention is that of offering suitable prizes; but I urge you to action, definite and specific, along this line, that our Association may better ably execute the worthy ambitions in which it was founded in 1910.

Then, again, more members mean more money. With more money we can get along faster. "Procrastination is the thief of time," you know. I trust that real action will be taken at this convention to the end of increasing our membership to at least one thousand by the time of the 1923 convention. It can be done—yes, easily. If only each member would pledge himself or herself to get three new members during the year the 1923 convention would find us with the desired membership; and I am sure that a considerable excess would be found on the roll at that time.

Also, increased membership is desirable to the end of increasing subscriptions to, and widening the scope of our official organ, The American Nut Journal, the only publication of the kind in the country. Under the able editorship of that Roman, one of our most earnest and intelligent members, Mr. Ralph T. Olcott, it is a power for good in the interests of nut culture. It can be made an even greater power with a materially increased subscription list, and I know that I speak for my friend, Olcott, when I say that he is ready and willing to expand the Journal's columns as will be required, of course, by the expansion of nut culture—I believe I voice the general sentiment of our membership when I say that no more welcome messenger comes to us each month than the American Nut Journal.

Another recommendation I am going to offer is, that the association consider the advisability of establishing a nursery at a point agreed on as best adapted for the propagating and nursing of such nut trees and bushes as it endorses as suitable and desirable for the area of country naturally governing the origin of our title—Northern Nut Growers' Association. This recommendation germinated in my thought from a casual remark made to me recently by our esteemed member, Mrs. W. D. Ellwanger, while I was a visitor at her charming summer home, Brooks Grove. Viewing her nursery of several thousand black walnut seedlings she casually mentioned that she would be very happy to present to any one desirous of planting such trees any consistent number he or she desired. As my thought dwelt on the expression of such a splendidly magnanimous nature I began to wonder, if a lady was willing to perform such a noble act, why should not the association elaborate on the worthy plan along the lines I have suggested. And with more members, and, thereby, more money, we can do it. Then The Northern Nut Growers' Association will be doing a real thing, something tangible, something that will attract new members in a way nothing else would, because people would then be able to see the living evidence of the practicability of our ideals. We could start in a small way, and grow. After long and earnest thought on the subject I came to the conclusion that it was worthy of our consideration.

From Mrs. Ellwanger's reference to "Johnny Appleseed" I believe that she found precedent for her nut tree nursery initiative in the work of inestimable value to posterity done by that same worthy. If the legend be true, he worked with much happiness of heart, but not more so than that of Mrs. Ellwanger, I am sure you will agree, when I tell you that many of her nursery trees are growing from nuts she garnered from roadside and field trees manifesting some exceptional trait, or indicating rare strain.

And I cannot refrain from urging action to the end of influencing our other states to pattern after good old Michigan in our effort to enact legislation, as she has done, providing for planting our roadsides with nut-bearing trees. It is something tangible, like this, that really counts. I believe that it is a fundamental of life, and living, that precedent, pro or con, is invaluable as governing subsequent action along similar lines. Here we have, in Michigan's action, a most worthy precedent, and I can think of no good reason why OUR other states should not do likewise. And I believe that this association, functioning efficiently, can exert the necessary influence to bring about a similar condition in OUR other states. My emphasis of the word OUR means The Northern Nut Growers' Association's states, you know.

I just wish to mention in passing that the author and collaborator, respectively, of the Michigan roadside planting of nut trees legislation are our esteemed members, Senator Harvey A. Penny and the Hon. William S. Linton, both of Saginaw, Mich.

In closing I desire to refer to our wealth, as an association, in scientific lore. The association is particularly well equipped in having a faculty, so to speak, than which there is none better in the country—yes, the world—in whose hands our recommendations, to the planter of nut trees, can be entrusted with absolute safety. For genuine scientific research in nut culture of the northern states this association stands singly and alone. This tribute is born of vivid remembrance of the really scientific work done by several of our worthy members, notably, Jones, Bixby, Morris, Deming and Vollertsen. Them, especially, I salute. (Applause.)

* * * * *

MR. OLCOTT: With reference to the suggestions in the President's address, why wouldn't it be desirable to refer them to a committee to report upon and take any action that may be desired?

THE PRESIDENT: I believe, Mr. Olcott, that is a good suggestion.

MR. OLCOTT: I move that the President's address be referred to a special committee to consider and report at a later meeting in respect to the suggestions made and the plans for carrying them out. Motion seconded by the Secretary and carried.

Committee appointed: The President, Mr. Olcott, Dr. Deming, Mr. Bixby and Mr. Jones, to report Friday evening.

THE PRESIDENT: The next feature of our proceeding is the report of our secretary, Dr. William C. Deming of Hartford, Conn.

THE SECRETARY: Mr. President, I beg to say that the secretary has no formal report; but I have a number of items that will be of interest to the association which we can take up at this time if you think best. I think first should be taken up the notices of two members who have died this year, both of whom were very prominently connected with nut growing, Dr. Walter Van Fleet and Col. C. K. Sober. I will read a notice of Dr. Van Fleet's death which has been especially prepared for us by Mr. Mulford of the United States Department of Agriculture.


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