In addition to pottery making, the Indians did some weaving and basket making. They were acquainted with cotton textiles, and since cotton would not mature at this elevation, they must have traded for raw cotton or the finished products. We do not know the full details of what style clothes these people wore, but we are sure they liked shell beads, pendants, armlets, paint of several colors, and jet buttons. Turquoise was possessed by some. The nearest known sources are several miles distant, where it was mined from solid rock with stone and wooden tools. Some shells were imported from points as distant as the Gulf of Lower California over trade routes that have been well defined. Petroglyphs are rare in the region, perhaps because of the absence of flat sandstone on which to work. The rock pictures have been found at only one spot in the bottom of the canyon and are few. Some families may have possessed Macaws, since such bones were |