[The numbers refer to pages.] - Aclea, 4
- Adam, 2
- Æglea, 78
- Ælfthryth, 37, 38
- Ælla, 16
- Æthelbald, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12
- Æthelbert, 12, 13
- ÆthelflÆd, 37
- Æthelgivu, 37, 58
- Æthelhelm, 48
- Æthelred (King of Wessex), 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
- Æthelred (Alfred’s father-in-law), 17
- Æthelred (Alfred’s son-in-law), 37, 44, 45, 47
- Æthelstan (under-king of Kent), 4
- Æthelstan (priest), 41
- Æthelward, 37
- Æthelwulf (King of Wessex), 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 33
- Æthelwulf (Ealdorman of Berkshire), 12, 19
- Alemanni, 34
- Alfred, 1, and passim
- Aller, 29
- Anarawd, 45
- Angles, 19, 47, 72.
- See also East Angles
- Anglo-Saxons, 1, 8, 13, 31, 32, 34, 35, 47, 48.
- See also East Saxons, Saxons, South Saxons, West Saxons
- Anwind, 25
- Armorica, 34.
- See also Brittany
- Arnolf, 47, 48
- Ashdown, 20, 22
- Ash’s Hill, 20
- Asser, 1, [8, 10, 13–15, 17, 20, 21, 27, 34, 35, 42–46, 48, 49, 51, 52], 71
- Athelney, 28, 29, 54
- Augustine, 73
- Avon, 26
- Bagsecg, 22
- Banwell, 46
- Barnabas, 73
- Basing, 22
- Beaw, 2
- Bedwig, 2
- Beldeag, 2
- Beorhtric, 8, 9
- Beorhtwulf, 3
- Berengar, 48
- Berkshire, 1, 12, 19
- Berroc Wood, 1
- Brecknock, 44
- Bretons, 39
- Britain, 1, 13, 26, 31, 32
- British, 3
- Brittany, 60.
- See also Armorica
- Brockmail, 44
- Brond, 2
- Burgred, 4, 5, 18, 24
- CÆrwent, 43
- Cairceri, 30
- Cairwisc, 26
- Cambridge, 25
- Canterbury, 3, 18, 41
- Carloman, 33
- Ceawlin, 1
- Ceolnoth, 18
- Ceolwald, 1
- Ceolwulf, 25, 26
- Ceorl, 3
- Cerdic, 1, 3
- Charlemagne, Charles (the Great), 9, 34
- Charles (the Bald), 6, 11, 33, 34, 67
- Charles (the Fat), 47, 48
- Charles (son of Louis the German), 34
- ChÉzy, 47, 48
- Chippenham, 5, 26, 30
- Cirencester, 30, 31
- Coenred, 1
- Coit Maur, 28
- CondÉ, 32
- Congresbury, 46
- Cornwall, 35, 46, 60
- Creoda, 1
- Cutha, 1
- Cuthwine, 1
- Cynric, 1, 3
- Cynwit, 27
- Danes, [3–5, 12, 13, 15–34, 39, 46, 47, 55]
- Danube, 13
- David, 2
- Dene, 42, 62
- Devon, 3, 27
- Dorubernia, 3
- Durugueir, 25
- Dyfed, 27, 44
- Eadburh, 8, 9, 17
- Eafa, 1
- Eald-Seaxum, 33
- Ealhere, 4, 5
- Ealhmund, 1
- Ealhstan, 6, 17
- Eanwulf, 6
- East Angles, 18
- East Anglia, 13, 16, 18, 19, 31, 32, 33, 34
- East Frankland, 31, 32.
- See also Frankland
- East Saxons, 13.
- See also Anglo-Saxons, Saxons, South Saxons, West Saxons
- Edington, 28
- Edmund, 18
- Edward, 37, 38
- Egbert, 1
- Egbert’s Stone, 28
- Elesa, 1
- Elias, 52
- England, 69, 70
- Englefield, 19
- English, 19, 69, 70, 71
- Enoch, 2
- Enosh, 2
- Eoppa, 1
- Esla, 1
- Essex, 3
- Exanceastre, 26
- Exeter, 26, 46
- Fernmail, 44
- Finn, 2
- FrÆna, 22
- Frankland, 31, 32, 60.
- See also East Frankland
- Franks, 6, 7, 9, 11, 31, 33, 34, 39, 47, 68, 72, 73, 77.
- See also West Franks
- Frealaf, 2
- Freawine, 1
- Freothegar, 1
- Frisians, 33, 39
- Frithowald, 2
- Frithuwulf, 2
- Froom, 25
- Fulco, 72
- Fulham, 31
- Gaini, 17
- Gallic, 55, 56
- Gaul, 26, 28, 42, 60, 74
- Gauls, 34, 39, 56
- Geata, 2
- Germanic, 8
- Germany, 33
- Geta, 2
- Gewis, 1
- Ghent, 31
- Glywyssing, 44
- Godwulf, 2
- Goths, 3
- Great Forest, 28
- Greeks, 70
- Gregory (the Great), 41, 60, 73
- Grimbald, 42, 71, 75
- Gueriir, 35
- Guthrum, 25
- Gwent, 44
- Halfdene, 25, 26, 27
- Hampshire, 12, 28
- Harold, 22
- Hathra, 2
- Hebrew, 70
- Hebrews, 40
- Helised, 44
- Hemeid, 44
- Heremod, 2
- Hingwar. See Inwar
- Howel, West Saxons
- Sceaf, 2
- Sceldwea,