According to the use made of them, perfumes for fumigation may be divided into two groups: those which develop their fragrance on being burned, and those which do so on being merely heated. The former group includes pastils and ribbons, the latter fumigating powders and waters. Fumigating Pastils. |
Charcoal | 1½ lb. |
Saltpetre | 3½ oz. |
Benzoin | ½ lb. |
Powdered amber | 3½ oz. |
Tolu balsam | 2¾ oz. |
The charcoal for this and all other pastils should be made from soft woods (willow, poplar, etc.). The characteristic of these pastils is the amber they contain (the offal from manufactories is used) and which on ignition gives off a peculiar
Pastilles du SÉrail.
Charcoal | 1½ lb. |
Saltpetre | 3½ oz. |
Benzoin | ½ lb. |
Santal wood | 5½ oz. |
Opium | 1¾ oz. |
Tolu balsam | 2¾ oz. |
This formula is here given as usually quoted. It may be stated, however, that the opium may be omitted entirely, as it neither contributes to the fragrance, nor produces, by being burned in this manner, any of the supposed exhilarating or intoxicating effects which it may produce when used in other forms or employed in other ways.
Baguettes Encensoires (Fumigating Pencils).
Benzoin | 14 oz. |
Charcoal | 1¾ oz. |
Peru balsam | 1 oz. |
Storax | 2 oz. |
Shellac | 3½ oz. |
Olibanum | 5½ oz. |
Civet | 75 grains. |
Oil of bergamot | 1 oz. |
Oil of orange peel | 1 oz. |
Oil of santal | ¾ oz. |
Melt the benzoin, charcoal, shellac, and olibanum in a bright iron pan at the lowest possible heat; take the pan from the fire and add the other ingredients, heat being again applied from time to time to keep the mass in a liquid state. The plastic mass is rolled out on a marble slab into rods the thickness of a lead pencil. Such a pencil need be but lightly passed over a hot surface to volatilize the aromatics it contains.
Pastilles OdorifÉrantes.
Charcoal | 2 lb. |
Saltpetre | 3½ oz. |
Benzoin | 1½ lb. |
Cloves | 7 oz. |
Tolu balsam | 7 oz. |
Vanilla | 7 oz. |
Vetiver root | 7 oz. |
Cinnamon | 3½ oz. |
Oil of neroli | 150 grains. |
Oil of santal | ¾ oz. |
This and the following formula give the finest mixtures for pastils.
Pastilles EnbaumÉes.
Charcoal | 2 lb. |
Saltpetre | 2¾ oz. |
Benzoic acid, sublimed | 1 lb. |
Musk | 15 grains. |
Civet | 15 grains. |
Oil of lemon grass | 30 grains. |
Oil of lavender | 15 grains. |
Oil of clove | 15 grains. |
Oil of thyme | 30 grains. |
Oil of cinnamon | 30 grains. |
Poudre d’Encens (Incense Powder).
Benzoin | ½ lb. |
Cascarilla | ½ lb. |
Musk | 15 grains. |
Santal wood | 1 lb. |
Saltpetre | 3½ oz. |
Vetiver root | 5½ oz. |
Olibanum | 1 lb. |
Cinnamon | 5½ oz. |
Dissolve the saltpetre in water, saturate the powders with the solution, dry the mass, and again reduce it to powder.
Fumigating Papers and Wicks (Bruges Ribbons).
French—Papier À fumigations. Ruban de Bruges; German—RÄucherpapiere. RÄucherbÄnder.
Fumigating papers are strips impregnated with substances which become fragrant on being heated; such a strip need merely be placed on a stove or held over a flame in order to perfume a whole room. Fumigating papers are divided into two groups: those meant to be burned, and those meant to be used repeatedly. The former, before being treated with aromatics, are dipped into saltpetre solution; the latter, in order to render them incombustible, are first dipped into a hot alum solution so that they are only charred by a strong heat, but not entirely consumed.
A. Inflammable Fumigating Paper.
Papier Fumigatoire Inflammable.
The paper is dipped into a solution of 3½ to 5½ ounces of saltpetre in water; after drying it is immersed in a strong tincture of benzoin or olibanum and again dried. An excellent paper is made according to the following formula:
Benzoin | 5½ oz. |
Santal wood | 3½ oz. |
Olibanum | 3½ oz. |
Oil of lemon grass | 150 grains. |
Essence of vetiver | 1¾ oz. |
Alcohol. | 1 qt. |
For use, the paper is touched with a red-hot substance, not a flame. It begins to glow at once without bursting into flame, giving off numerous sparks and a pleasant odor.
B. Non-inflammable Fumigating Paper.
Papier Fumigatoire Permanent.
This paper is prepared by dipping it in a hot solution of 3½ oz. of alum in one quart of water; after drying, it is saturated with the following mixture:
Benzoin | 7 oz. |
Tolu balsam | 7 oz. |
Tincture of tonka | 7 oz. |
Essence of vetiver | 7 oz. |
Alcohol | 20 fl. oz. |
This paper, when heated, diffuses a very pleasant odor and can be used repeatedly. It does not burn, and strong heat only chars it. Some manufacturers make inferior fumigating papers by dipping the alum paper simply in melted benzoin or olibanum.
C. Fumigating Ribbons
are nothing but fine flat lamp wicks treated first with saltpetre solution and then with the preceding mixture. The wick is rolled up and placed in a vessel provided with a lamp burner. It is inserted in the burner like any other wick and when lighted burns down to the metal and goes out unless screwed up higher. Fumigating vessels provided with these wicks are very practical because, if artistic in form, they form quite an ornament to the room and can be instantly set in operation. A French formula gives the following mixture for saturating the wicks:
Benzoin | 1 lb. |
Musk | ¾ oz. |
Myrrh | 3½ oz. |
Tolu balsam | 3½ oz. |
Tincture of orris root | 1 pint. |
Oil of rose | 15 grains. |
Fumigating Waters and Vinegars (Eaux Encensoires, Vinaigres Encensoires).
These fluids are nothing but strong solutions of various aromatics in alcohol, a few drops of which suffice, if evaporated on a warm plate, to perfume a large room. The following is a good formula for fumigating water.
Benzoin | 7 oz. |
Cascarilla | 3½ oz. |
Cardamoms | 3½ oz. |
Mace | 1¾ oz. |
Musk | 150 grains. |
Peru balsam | 1¾ oz. |
Storax | 1¾ oz. |
Tolu balsam | 1¾ oz. |
Olibanum | 3½ oz. |
Orris root | 14 oz. |
Civet | 150 grains. |
Cinnamon | 7 oz. |
Oil of bergamot | 1½ oz. |
Oil of lemon | 1½ oz. |
Oil of geranium | ¾ oz. |
Oil of lavender | ¾ oz. |
Oil of neroli | 150 grains. |
Alcohol | 2 qts. |
Of course, this liquid must be filtered after prolonged maceration. By adding to it 1½ oz. of glacial acetic acid we obtain the so-called fumigating vinegar which is very useful for expelling bad odors.
Fumigating Powders (Poudres Encensoires).
These powders which need only to be heated in order to diffuse one of the most pleasant odors, are easily prepared by intimately mixing the ground solids with the oils by means of a spatula. We add three renowned formulas for the manufacture of such powders.
A. Poudre ImpÉriale.
Benzoin | 3½ oz. |
Cascarilla | 1¾ oz. |
Lavender | 1¾ oz. |
Rose leaves | 1¾ oz. |
Santal wood | 1¾ oz. |
Olibanum | 3½ oz. |
Orris root | 3½ oz. |
Cinnamon | 1¾ oz. |
Oil of lemon | 75 grains. |
Oil of clove | 30 grains. |
Oil of patchouly | 15 grains. |
B. Poudre de la Reine.
Benzoin | 7 oz. |
Cedar wood | 1 lb. |
Cinnamon | 14 oz. |
Lavender | 10½ oz. |
Rose leaves | 10½ oz. |
Patchouly herb | 3½ oz. |
Vetiver root | 3½ oz. |
Civet | 150 grains. |
Oil of bergamot | ¾ oz. |
Oil of lemon | ¾ oz. |
Oil of neroli | 150 grains. |
Oil of clove | 150 grains. |
C. Poudre Royale.
Cinnamon | ½ lb. |
Cloves | ½ lb. |
Orris root | 12½ oz. |
Storax | 12½ oz. |
Lavender | 1 lb. |
Oil of clove | ? oz. |
Oil of lavender | ? oz. |
Oil of bergamot | ? oz. |
Oil of lemon | ? oz. |
Some Specialties.
Besides the preparations enumerated in the preceding pages, we find in perfumery some products which are in favor on account of their fragrance and are suitable for scenting ladies’ writing-desks, sewing-baskets, boxes, and similar objects. They find their most appropriate use in places where an aromatic odor is desired, while there is no room for keeping the substances themselves. These must therefore be put into a small compass, and the aromatics chosen should be distinguished by great intensity and permanence of odor.
We subjoin a few formulas for the manufacture of such specialties, and add the remark that besides the aromatics there given other substances may be used in their preparation; but that the presence of benzoin, musk, or civet, even in small amount, is always necessary, since these substances, as above stated, not only possess an intense and permanent odor, but have the valuable property of imparting lasting qualities to more volatile odors.
It is a good plan, too, to keep on hand two kinds of these specialties—one containing musk, the other none—for the reason that the musk odor is as disagreeable to some persons as it is pleasant to others.
Spanish Skin (Peau d’Espagne, Spanisch Leder).
The article sold under this name resembles in some respects sachets or scent bags and is made as follows.
Take a piece of wash-leather (chamois), trim it to a square shape, and leave it for three or four days in the following mixture:
Benzoin | ½ lb. |
Oil of bergamot | ¾ oz. |
Oil of lemon | ¾ oz. |
Oil of lemon grass | ¾ oz. |
Oil of lavender | ¾ oz. |
Oil of nutmeg | 150 grains. |
Oil of clove | 150 grains. |
Oil of neroli | 1½ oz. |
Oil of rose | 1½ oz. |
Oil of santal | 1½ oz. |
Tincture of tonka | ¾ oz. |
Oil of cinnamon | 150 grains. |
Alcohol | 1 qt. |
At the end of the time named remove the leather from the liquid, let it drain, spread it on a glass plate, and when dry coat it on the rough side, by means of a brush, with a paste prepared in a mortar from the following ingredients:
Benzoic acid, sublimed | 150 grains. |
Musk | 15 grains. |
Civet | 15 grains. |
Gum acacia | 1 oz. |
Glycerin | ¾ oz. |
Water | 1¾ oz. |
The leather is then folded in the centre, smoothed with a paper-knife, put under a weight, and allowed to dry. The dried leather forms the so-called perfume skin which retains its fine odor for years. Instead of the above alcoholic liquids any desired alcoholic perfume may be used; especially suitable are those containing oils of lemon grass, lavender, and rose, since they are not very volatile, and when combined with musk and civet remain fragrant for a long time. A sufficiently large piece of perfume skin inserted in a desk pad or placed among the paper will make the latter very fragrant. Spanish skin is chiefly used for this purpose, as well as for work, glove, and handkerchief boxes, etc. It is generally inclosed in a heavy silk cover.
If leather be thought too expensive, four to six layers of blotting-paper may be perfumed in the same way and properly inclosed. Thin layers of cotton wadding between paper can also be thus perfumed and used for filling pin cushions, etc.
Spanish Paste.
Mix the following substances intimately in a porcelain mortar, and add water drop by drop until a doughy mass results.
Ambergris | ¾ oz. |
Benzoin | 1½ oz. |
Musk | ¾ oz. |
Vanilla | ¾ oz. |
Orris root | ¾ oz. |
Cinnamon | ¾ oz. |
Oil of bergamot | 1½ oz. |
Oil of rose | ¾ oz. |
Gum acacia | 1½ oz. |
Glycerin | 1½ oz. |
This paste, divided into pieces about the size of a hazelnut, is used for filling the so-called cassolettes or scent boxes which are carried in the pocket, etc., like smelling bottles. Owing to its pasty consistence this preparation can be used for perfuming jewelry (small quantities are inserted within the diamond settings), fine leather goods, belts, and other articles. It is unnecessary to lengthen the list; every practical perfumer will know what objects need perfuming.