In a preceding chapter on the chemical properties of the vegetable substances many of their characteristics have been described. In this place we need only describe the physical properties of the essential oils, and with some of them to lay stress on those peculiarities by which they are specially differentiated. This knowledge is of the greatest importance to Oil of Cassie.The oil of Acacia farnesiana is greenish-yellow and viscid; the density and boiling-point, which are of the greatest importance with reference to the genuineness of an essential oil, are not yet accurately known. Moreover, this oil never occurs in commerce as such, but its odor is present in perfumes, fixed oils, and pomades. Oil of Aniseshould be colorless or faintly yellow; a dark yellow color indicates old and inferior quality. The characteristics of this oil are the odor, its aromatic sweet taste, and especially the property of solidifying at a comparatively high temperature, 10-15° C. (50-59° F.), which is due to the separation of a stearopten, anethol. Oil of anise is frequently adulterated with or replaced by oil of star-anise. The easy solidification of the oil of anise is not always proof of its good quality, for the oil from anise chaff, which congeals at a still higher temperature, is sometimes mixed with it, and this has a less fine odor than that distilled from the seed. One part by weight of oil of anise is soluble in an equal weight of alcohol of 94%. Oil of Bergamothas a pale yellow color which becomes greenish when the oil is kept in copper vessels, and a strong agreeable odor. This Oil of Bitter Almond (Oleum Amygdale AmarÆ),when pure, is a colorless, refractive liquid which is heavier than water. The vessels in which this product is preserved must be stoppered air-tight, for in the air the oil very quickly changes into a white, odorless mass of crystals consisting of benzoic acid. Oil of bitter almond is formed by the action of the amygdalin upon the emulsin present in the fruit, bitter-almond meal being deprived of fat and left in contact with water for some hours at from 40-45° C. (104-113° F.). Besides oil of bitter almond, sugar and prussic acid are likewise formed. The crude oil distilled from the meal is freed from the prussic acid by agitation with ferrous chloride and lime-water, and redistillation. Oil of Cajeput (Oleum Cajuputi)has usually a greenish color, and has a burning, camphoraceous and at the same time cooling taste. It has a peculiar odor resembling that of camphor and rosemary. Oil of Calamus (Oleum Calami).This oil, which is very viscid and of a yellow or reddish color, must usually be mixed with other essential oils in order to furnish pleasant perfumes. Oil of Chamomile (Oleum ChamomillÆ).Oil of chamomile, from Matricaria Chamomilla (common chamomile), which is specially characterized by its magnificent dark-blue color, has a marked narcotic odor and is very Camphor (Camphora).This essential oil differs from the others mainly by being firm and crystalline at ordinary temperatures. Chinese or Japanese camphor melts at 175° C. (347° F.) and boils at 205° C. (401° F.). Camphor is seldom used alone, as its odor is hardly fragrant; but it finds frequent application in the preparation of mouth washes, toilet vinegars, etc. In commerce so-called Borneo camphor is also met with (though rarely), which closely resembles the Chinese in appearance and other qualities, but is more friable and melts at 189° C. (388·4° F.). Oil of Cascarillais not used pure in perfumery, the bark being generally employed instead. Oil of Cassia (Oleum CassiÆ)has a yellow color, gradually becoming dark reddish-brown, and an odor resembling that of oil of cinnamon, but the odor is not so fine, nor so strong, as that of the latter. The taste of the oil is of special importance: while that of true oil of cinnamon is burning though sweet, oil of cassia has a sharper taste, and this taste is considered by some a good mark of recognition of the rather common adulteration of true oil of cinnamon which is much more costly. Oil of Cedar.This oil, obtained from the wood of the Juniperus virginiana (not from the true cedar, Cedrus Libani), is clear like water, has a pleasant odor, and differs from most essential oils Oil of Citron.Oil of citron is usually merely a synonym for “oil of lemon.” But in perfumery it has been customary to designate the oil of lemon which was extracted by the Écuelle process, as “oil of citron-zeste” or “oil of citron,” while “oil of lemon” meant the distilled oil. Since there is no difficulty at the present time in obtaining all the hand-pressed oil that may be required, and of the finest quality, there is no longer any necessity for making the before-mentioned distinction. Oil of Lemon (Oleum Limonis, Oleum Citri)is one of the most important essential oils for the perfumer as well as the manufacturer of liqueurs, confectioner, etc. The oil is pale yellow, and of a very strong refreshing odor which it loses rapidly in contact with the air, when it acquires a disagreeable odor of turpentine and gradually resinifies. This change is particularly marked under the influence of light. Its spec. grav. is 0·850 at 20° C. (68° F.). It is soluble in an equal volume of strong alcohol or glacial acetic acid. The hand-pressed oil has a much finer aroma than that obtained by distillation. Oil of Citronella.This oil is hardly ever made in Europe, since it is imported in excellent quality and at low prices from India and especially the island of Ceylon. (See above, p. 29.) Oil of Lemon-Grass.This oil, which is imported in considerable quantities from India (chiefly Ceylon), is colorless and possesses a very pleasant odor of lemon which at the same time recalls that of roses Oil of Coriander (Oleum Coriandri)has a pale yellow color and a burning, sharp, aromatic taste. Like oil of cubebs (oleum cubebÆ), oil of dill (oleum anethi), and oil of fennel (oleum foeniculi) which latter also has a rather low congealing point (-8° C. or +17° F.), this oil is used less in perfumery than for scenting soap and in the manufacture of liqueurs. But it should be noted that these oils, as well as those of bergamot, caraway, star-anise, and some others, could well be employed for cheap perfumes and for scenting soap. Oil of dill also finds application alone in the preparation of some face washes, and the dried fennel herb in cheap sachets. Oil of Lilaccan be made at slight cost from the flowers, as the raw material is obtainable without much trouble; it forms a yellow, strong-scented oil. In perfumery, however, use is generally made only of the pomade made from the fresh flowers or the alcoholic extract prepared from it. Or else the odor is imitated by means of terpineol, which is now on the market under the name of lilacin. Oil of Geranium.It is necessary to distinguish clearly between oil of true geranium distilled in Southern France and Algiers from species of Pelargonium; and Turkish oil of geranium, also known as Palmarosa oil, oil of geranium grass, oil of Rusa grass, etc., which is distilled in India from ginger grass. (See above, p. 33.) The first-mentioned oil has a much finer aroma than the second. The two oils are frequently confounded, even in prominent works of reference. When oil of geranium or of rose geranium is directed to be used, the French (or Algerian, or Spanish) oil should be employed. These cost more than twice as much as the so-called Turkish or palmarosa oil. Oil of Heliotrope.This oil which does not yet occur in commerce (we find merely the pomade and the alcoholic extract of the latter) has been made by the author experimentally; the most suitable method was found to be extraction with petroleum ether. As the plant, Heliotropium peruvianum, the source of this delightful odor, is frequently cultivated in our gardens, the preparation of the oil by this method is to be recommended, being less expensive and more rapid than by the use of fat, while the product obtained with petroleum ether is as fine as that extracted by alcohol from the pomade. Oil of Elder (Oleum Sambuci).The remark made under the head of oil of lilac applies equally to this oil. For the benefit of those who wish to make this oil in its pure form we may add that it is absolutely necessary to select only the freshest flowers, otherwise the odor will be very much impaired. Oil of Jasmine,not to be confounded with the oil of Syringa or German jasmine (Philadelphus coronarius), is colorless or yellowish and has a very strong, almost narcotic odor. It is one of the most valuable and at the same time most expensive aromatic substances employed in perfumery. Genuine oil of jasmine can be obtained only from Southern France at very high prices. What is usually sold as “oil of jasmine” is a fixed oil impregnated with the aroma of jasmine. is not used as such in perfumery; at most cherry-laurel water may be employed. But as this has the odor of oil of bitter almond and as the presence of some prussic acid, on account of which the officinal cherry-laurel water is used, is of no value to the perfumer and is, in fact, undesirable, owing to its poisonous quality, we substitute in all cases a corresponding quantity of oil of bitter almond for cherry-laurel water. Oil of Culilaban (Oleum Culilavani)is light brown, somewhat viscid; the odor recalls that of the oils of cinnamon, sassafras, and clove. It has been used for scenting soap. Oil of Caraway (Oleum Cari)is light yellow and has an aromatic odor and burning taste. In perfumery it is used only for very cheap odors and for scenting soap; it finds its chief application in the manufacture of liqueurs. Oil of Lavender (Oleum LavandulÆ).This oil is of great importance to the perfumer and is imported in unsurpassed quality from England (Mitcham); it is light yellow, has a burning sharp taste, and is exceedingly sensitive to light and air, under the action of which it loses its refreshing odor in a very brief time and acquires a common smell recalling that of turpentine. The buyer of this oil should take care to secure the true oil of lavender (from Lavandula vera); for the oil of spike-lavender is sold under the same name. This, prepared from Lavandula Spica, has a similar odor to the genuine, but cannot be compared with it in delicacy. For this reason, too, the difference in the price between the two is considerable. True Oil of Wallflowermade from the flowers of the well-known garden plant, and Oil of Lilylikewise from the ornamental plant, are, strange to say, not manufactured in any place, to our knowledge. Experiments made by us in this direction prove that the odors of these plants can be obtained either by absorption or, more readily, by extraction. The perfumes thus far occurring under these names are always combinations of different scents which, though pleasant, have but little in common with the plants whose names they bear. In this connection we may say that the perfumes sold under the names of various flowers often have no relation to them, but are mixtures of various odors. While it cannot be denied that perfumes may be made in this manner which resemble those of the respective plants, it is unquestionably an imperfection in the art of perfumery that these odors are not really made from the flowers mentioned. To give another characteristic instance, we may add that the delightful odor of the well-known lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)—a plant which grows wild abundantly in many of our forests—has not yet been produced, and that even imitations of this odor, which in delicacy and fragrance stands next to those of the rose and violet, are seldom met with in commerce. Oil of Lemon (Oleum Limonis),obtained from the fruits of the lemon-tree, is one of the most important products, both statistically and economically, of the Citrus family. In German works there is often a confusion between “oil of citron” and “oil of lemon,” it being supposed by the authors that the “Citronen-Öl” is derived from the citron (Citrus medica), and the “Limonen-Öl” from the lemon (Citrus Limonum). There is, indeed, some oil made, occasionally, from the citron, but it does not figure in price-lists. The oil of the lemon, on the other hand, is very commonly called “Citronen-Öl,” and the fruit itself “Citrone.” Hence, when “Citronen-Öl” is quoted in a formula, it may be assumed at once that oil of lemon is intended. It is very liable to resinify, when it loses its fragrance. Oil of Sweet Bay (Laurel) (Oleum Lauri)is green, and usually mixed with the fixed oil of the same plant. It finds more frequent application in the manufacture of liqueurs than in perfumery; but as it has a pleasant odor it might well be used for cheap perfumes. But in that event it must be freed from the fixed oil by distillation. Oil of Magnolia,likewise, has not yet been prepared as such. The remarks made above under the head of oils of lily and wallflower apply also to this odor. The so-called magnolia perfumes are mixtures of different odors. Oil of Marjoram (Oleum MajoranÆ).Oil of marjoram, which is obtained by distillation from the dried herb, has a strong aromatic odor. It is mentioned as having often been used in perfumery for scenting soap instead of oil of thyme, whose odor, moreover, is very similar to that Oil of Melissa.The oil of Melissa officinalis, owing to the very small yield, is quite expensive. It is used only for the preparation of some perfumes which owe their peculiar qualities to this strong odor. This oil must not be confounded with the spurious oil of melissa, also called oil of citron-melissa, which is identical with oil of lemon grass (see page 30). Oils of Mint.Although all the mints possess an agreeable odor, only three varieties find extensive application. There are the oils from Mentha piperita, peppermint; Mentha viridis, spearmint; and Mentha crispa, crispmint. The oils of English manufacture are highly esteemed, but the United States also produces them of excellent quality. At one time the cultivation of mints, particularly peppermint, was greatly extended, with the expectation of deriving satisfactory profit from the enterprise. It has, however, been conclusively shown that the market cannot absorb more than a certain quantity of these products; and that any over-production brings loss and disappointment to the investor. Beside the three kinds of mint above mentioned, there is another species, Mentha arvensis, a native of Japan, which is extensively cultivated there, and is the chief source of the menthol of commerce, so well known as an efficient remedy for neuralgia, migraine, etc., in form of menthol cones. The three varieties of the mint oils previously mentioned are distinguished, aside from their pleasant odor, by the property True oil of peppermint, Oleum MenthÆ piperitÆ, when pure is colorless, very mobile, of a burning sharp taste which is followed by a peculiar coolness. The commercial product is usually pale green. Oil of crispmint, Oleum MenthÆ crispÆ, which in Europe is often sold to novices as oil of peppermint, has always a more or less yellow color and resembles the oil of peppermint in its properties, but it is less fine and cheaper. The same is true of the oil of spearmint, but this has a very characteristic odor and taste, distinctly different from peppermint. As above stated, the oils of mint are extensively used for mouth washes, also for scenting soap, in liqueurs and pastils, but rarely in handkerchief perfumes. Oils of Mace and Nutmeg (Oleum Macidis and Oleum MyristicÆ).These oils are prepared either from the seed coat (Oleum Macidis) or the nutmeg itself (Oleum MyristicÆ). Oil of mace generally has a yellowish-red color in tint varying from dark to light and even colorless. Its taste is agreeable and mild and the odor exceedingly strong. Like oil of nutmeg, it is extensively used in the manufacture of liqueurs and for scenting soap. The oil prepared by distillation from the nutmeg is, when fresh, almost colorless or at most faintly yellow, of a burning sharp taste, and an aromatic odor. Like oil of mace, it is used in the manufacture of liqueurs and soaps and also in many perfumes. In India a third valuable product is obtained from the nutmeg by expression of the ripe fruits and is called nutmeg butter. This is bright yellow and consists of a true fat and an essential oil. Its odor is very pleasant and a very Oil of Myrtle.This oil is of a greenish color and very mobile, but it is not a commercial product; the manufacturer must prepare the oil himself from the leaves, though the yield is small. The articles sold as so-called essence of myrtle are always mixtures of different odors. Southern France, however, exports at high prices a myrtle water (eau des anges) which is really made by distillation of the leaves with water. Oil of Narcissus.As to the odor to which this flower owes its fragrance we may repeat what we have said just now with reference to the oil of myrtle: we have never succeeded in obtaining this oil in commerce. The so-called essence of narcissus, though a very pleasant mixture, contains no trace of the true oil. As to Oil of Pink,the same remark applies: the compositions sold under the name of essence d’oeillet, however, have a very striking odor of pink. Oil of Clove (Oleum Caryophylli).This oil when fresh is colorless, but soon becomes yellowish or brown. It is heavier than water in which it sinks and is characterized by an exceedingly strong burning taste and a spicy odor. It remains at least partly fluid at a very low temperature, namely,-20° C. (-4° F.). Oil of Orange Flowers (Oleum NaphÆ, Oleum Neroli),commercially known also under the French names huile de fleurs d’oranges, huile nÉroli, huile nÉroli pÉtale, is obtained The French manufacturers of this oil, which is of great importance in perfumery, distinguish several varieties. The most valuable is the oil from the flowers of Citrus vulgaris (or Citrus Bigaradia), the true bitter orange (or Seville orange) tree. This is the so-called nÉroli bigarade. That called nÉroli pÉtale is obtained from the same flowers carefully deprived of their floral envelopes, so that only the petals are subjected to distillation. Much cheaper than these two is the oil of petit grain which is distilled from the leaves and sometimes also unripe fruits of various trees of the Citrus order. All these oils are among the most delicate; when fresh they are colorless and have a peculiar bitter taste; exposed to light and air they assume a reddish tint and undergo rapid resinification. They should, therefore, be preserved in particularly well-closed vessels in a dark, cool place. Not to be confounded with these oils is the Oil of Orange,of which there are two kinds, one from the bitter orange, known also as Oil of Orange, Bigarade, and the other from the sweet orange, also known as Oil of Portugal. Both are extracted from the peel of the fruit by mechanical means. Both oils of orange peel are golden yellow, and have a pleasant, refreshing odor recalling that of the fruit. They find application for scenting soap, in toilet waters, and in some true perfumes. When oil of orange or oil of orange peel is mentioned in any Oil of Patchouly.This oil, which might be manufactured with advantage in India, the home of the plant, is, strange to say, not imported from that country, but is distilled in Europe from the dried herb. Fresh oil of patchouly is brown in color, very viscid, almost like balsam, and surpasses all other essential oils in the intensity of its odor. Owing to the strong odor, pure oil of patchouly must really be called ill-smelling; only when highly diluted does the odor become pleasant, and then forms a useful ingredient of many perfumes as the fundamental odor in the harmony. Oil of Syringa.Oil of false jasmine, from the flowers of Philadelphus coronarius, is not made as such; in Southern France, however, the flowers are frequently used for the preparation of a cheap pomade known commercially as orange-flower pomade. A personal experiment made with the view to obtain the pure odor by extraction of the flowers with petroleum ether has shown that this plant is suitable for making very fine preparations, both handkerchief perfumes and pomades. Oil of Allspice,of a burning sharp taste and odor, is colorless, but is hardly ever used for the purposes of the perfumer—at most for soaps—but all the more frequently in the manufacture of liqueurs, and particularly also in that of artificial bay-rum. Oil of Sweet Peahas not been made thus far, though there is no doubt that this perfume, too, can be prepared pure from the alcoholic Oil of Rue (Oleum RutÆ).This oil, obtained by distillation of the herb, is colorless or pale yellow, of a very strong, penetrating odor; it is used in some washes, but more particularly as an ingredient in the manufacture of artificial cognac, for which purpose the plant is specially cultivated in France. Oil of Reseda (Mignonette).The delightful odor of this plant which formerly could only be fixed by maceration in fat may be readily prepared by extraction with petroleum ether. Yet special precautions should be taken that nothing but portions of the flowers, carefully picked off, and no green leaves are extracted. The oil thus obtained has a yellow color and a disagreeable odor which changes into the well-known pleasant smell of the flower when highly diluted with alcohol. Oil of Rose (Oleum RosÆ),also known as attar or otto of rose. The various species of roses give different odors. The commercial Turkish, Persian, and Indian oils of rose (which latter is never exported)—which, by the way, are very generally adulterated even at their point of production—are derived mainly from Rosa damascena, and when highly diluted yield the pleasant odor of our ordinary garden roses. The rose oils having the odor of the moss rose, tea rose, or dog rose are made almost exclusively in France and in commerce do not appear pure but generally in the form of pomades or alcoholic solutions known as essences de roses. True rose oil is yellowish or yellow, or else greenish, and varying from liquid almost to the consistence of butter. Be Much superior to the oils of rose which are prepared from rose leaves (either fresh or salted) are those obtained by maceration or extraction with petroleum ether. Those perfumes sold under the name of various species of rose, such as moss rose, etc., are combinations of rose oil with other aromatics. Oil of Rhodium.This bright yellow light oil is obtained by distillation of the wood of Convolvulus Scoparius. At times this oil is scarce in commerce. It has a faint but decided odor of rose. Oil of Rosemary (Oleum Rosmarini).This oil is obtained by distillation from the herb of the rosemary plant as a thin, pale green fluid with an aromatic odor and spicy taste. It is used as an ingredient in some old renowned handkerchief perfumes—for instance, Cologne water—also for flavoring soaps and liqueurs. Oil of Sage (Oleum SalviÆ),from the flowers of Salvia officinalis, is yellowish, with an odor somewhat similar to that of oil of peppermint, but far less intense. Like the latter it imparts a pleasant coolness to the mouth and hence is used in some mouth washes. Oil of Santal (Oleum Santali).The oil of santal wood (also called sandal-wood oil) has a thick, honey-like consistence and an agreeable, rose-like odor. Oil of Sassafras (Oleum Sassafras)is yellow, spicy, with a burning odor and taste; in the cold it crystallizes only in part. The odor of this oil recalls that of fennel. The purest form of it, or rather substitute for it, is safrol, its main constituent, which is, however, now extracted more economically from crude oil of camphor, in which it likewise forms an ingredient. Oil of Meadow-sweet (Oleum SpirÆÆ).Several species of SpirÆa, and especially SpirÆa ulmaria, furnish very pleasant odors. This oil consists mainly of salicylic aldehyde. Despite its pleasant odor and the facility of its production, this substance has thus far found little application in perfumery. The natural oil of meadowsweet, owing to its extremely high price, can hardly ever be used. Oil of Star-Anise (Oleum Anisi Stellati; Oleum Illicii)resembles in its properties the oil of anise, even in its odor; but all connoisseurs agree that the odor of the oil of star-anise far surpasses that of the oil of anise, hence the former is used especially for fine perfumes. This preference, however, does not extend to all preparations. For certain liqueurs, such as anisette, the oil obtained from common anise (Saxon anise) is usually preferred. Many also regard the odor of star-anise as inferior to that of fine European anise. Oils of Thyme (Oleum Thymi).The essential oils of thyme (chiefly Thymus vulgaris) and some related plants are very frequently used for scenting Oil of Vanilla,or, more correctly, vanilla camphor, the true odorous constituent of vanilla, also called vanillin, is a crystalline substance with a delightful odor, melting at 76° C. (169° F.). This is now extensively made artificially from the cambium sap of pines, the coniferin being converted by chemical processes into vanillin. One ounce of good vanillin is equivalent to about forty ounces of best Mexican vanilla beans. Oil of Violethas thus far been produced in but very small quantities from the alcoholic extract of the true violet pomade; it has a greenish color and when pure a narcotic odor not to be recognized as that of the flower. The pleasant odor of violets manifests itself only in extreme dilution. Oil of Verbenais yellow, with a very pleasant odor of lemons. Its price being quite high, it is usually adulterated with oil of lemon-grass, or else the latter is sold under the name of oil of verbena (see p. 30). In fact the odors of the two oils are so similar that they are easily confounded. Oil of Vetiver (Oleum IvaranchusÆ),from Andropogon muricatus (see p. 30), is viscid, reddish-brown, with a very strong and lasting odor. Oil of Wintergreen (Oleum GaultheriÆ).This product is obtained by distillation from the leaves and twigs of Gaultheria procumbens or else by distilling the bark Oil of Ylang-Ylang (Oleum UnonÆ odoratissimÆ)is imported from Manilla. It is colorless or yellowish, and has a most delightful characteristic odor, which is rather fugitive if not made resistant by other substances. It forms an important constituent of several of the most favorite and expensive essences. Oil of Hyssop (Oleum Hyssopi)is colorless, but rapidly becomes yellow in the air. It is used in some very cheap perfumes and in the manufacture of liqueurs. Oils of Cinnamon (Oleum Cinnamomi).Commercially we find chiefly three varieties of essential oils which are designated as: oil of Ceylon cinnamon, oil of Chinese cinnamon or oil of cassia, and oil of cinnamon leaves. Oil of Ceylon cinnamon, sometimes called “true oil of cinnamon,” made from the bark of the twigs of the cinnamon laurel and formerly imported mainly from Ceylon but now distilled in large amounts in Germany from imported cinnamon “chips,” is rather viscid, golden yellow to reddish-brown in color, of a burning though sweet taste. In the air it Oil of Chinese cinnamon, or oil of cassia, has for a very long time, up to within a few years, always reached the market in a more or less adulterated state, a regular practice of the Chinese exporters being to dissolve ordinary resin in it (claiming afterward that the “resin” was caused by the oxidation of the oil through age) and often also to add petroleum to it. These frauds have been well shown up by Schimmel & Co., of Leipsic; and in consequence thereof, the quality of oil of cassia exported from China has been greatly improved. Oil of cassia when pure has a specific gravity of 1·060 to 1·065, and should contain not less than seventy-five per cent of cinnamyl aldehyde. Oil of cinnamon leaves is an inferior product, often used for adulterating oil of Ceylon cinnamon. It does not deserve notice by the perfumer. As an appendix we may add in this connection a description of the Oil of Turpentine (Oleum TerebinthinÆ),because it must be called an important substance to know for the perfumer, inasmuch as it is very frequently used for the adulteration of different essential oils. Oil of turpentine, which is obtained from incisions into the bark of different fir and pine trees, the exuding resin being distilled with water, comes into commerce from various sources. Different sorts are distinguished, but to the perfumer only the rectified oil of turpentine, oleum terebinthinÆ rectificatum, is |