THIS prison was of great antiquity, and its genealogy, like all respectable ones, dates back to William the Conqueror, at least; for we find, under date 1197, There seems to have been some double dealing in this transaction, in which, as was only natural in those days, money went into the King's pocket. Robert de Leveland, the son of the foregoing Nathaniel, was bitten by the then fashionable craze for Crusading, for he is found, in 1201, petitioning King John for leave to delegate the care of the King's Houses at Westminster, and the Fleet Prison, to Simon FitzRobert, Archdeacon of Wells, for the space of three years, during which time he should be in the Holy Land. His prayer seems to have been granted; but he evidently drew a little money before he went away, for, in the Chancery Rolls of the same year, he was paid £15 10s. by the City of London, on account of the King's Prison of Flete, and he also received other sums of £10 12s. 10d. for the Custody of the King's Houses at Westminster, and £7 12s. 1d. for the Custody of the Robert de Leveland re-entered upon his duties after his three years' leave, and a document is extant It is a moot question, and I put it forward with all reserve, as to whether there was not even an earlier mention of the Fleet before the very authentic case of Nathaniel de Leveland; but as it is open to objection that there were more Fleets than one, I only give the cases, and make no comment. In the Rolls are many cases which mention the Fleet, but, although it was a House of Detention, for debtors, especially to the King, and persons committing minor crimes, it never seems to have been degraded into what we should now term "a Gaol." No felons seem to have been incarcerated there, and there is no mention of gyves or chains, but they were used in after years. It would seem that another "lady" Warden of the Fleet existed in Edward II.'s time, for, in 1316, "Johanne, late Wife of John Schench deceased, who held of the King in chief the Serjeanties of the Custody of the King's Palace of Westminster, and of his Prison of Flete, married Edmund de Cheney, without licence obtained from the King, in that behalf. Whereupon the said serjeanties were taken into the King's hands, and straitway the Treasurer and the Barons committed the Custody of the Palace of Richard Abbot, who was sworn de fideliter, &c., and the Custody of the Flete Prison to John Dymmok, Usher of the Exchequer, who was sworn in the like manner. Afterwards the said Edmund made Fine for the said Trespass, and the said serjeanties were restored." By which we see that thus early "women's rights" were fully recognized, and "employment for females" in occupations hitherto enjoyed exclusively by men, seems to have been in force. Although not in Chronological Order, I may as well add another, and the only other mention that has come under my notice of a female Warden (1677): Without some effective supervision, as is the case with our Prison Commissioners, abuses were bound to creep in, and the Governor or Warden of any Prison, (who doubtless had paid heavily for the appointment) had to recoup himself by squeezing the unfortunate prisoners, and we shall find several examples of this in the Fleet. The earliest seems to have been in the second year of Henry IV. (1400) when a petition was presented to Parliament It is possible that extra fees were taken for a certain amount of liberty allowed to the prisoners by the Warden, who would allow him to go out of gaol on certain conditions, and we may be certain, for a consideration also. The Warden was answerable for his Prisoner, and if he escaped, he had to pay the debt, so that we may be certain that his ephemeral liberty was highly purchased. That this was the case we find in 7 and 8 Hen. IV. (1406) It is impossible to give a list of all the prisoners of note who were committed to the Fleet, and they must only be glanced at, but with the accession of Mary, some illustrious and historical names appear. First, and foremost, and almost immediately after her accession to the throne, we read, thanks to the preservation and collation, of State Papers, Nor were the others kept long in durance, for on the 3rd of Aug., 1553, the Council wrote to the Warden willing him "To set at libertye John Lucas, and John Cocke, Esquiers, giueing them Commaundement withall to repaire to their Mancion Howses and their to make theire aboode vntill they shall here further of the Queene's Pleasure." And even the incarceration of Lord Russell was mollified, for a letter was written on 9th Aug. to Mr. Garret, one of the Sheriffs of London, "whereby the Countesse of Bedforde is licensed to have free access twise or thrise in the week, unto the Lord Russell, her son, remayning in the said sheriff's custodie, so the sheriff be present at their Talke and Conference." I give the above so as not to spoil the continuity of the story, but there is mention of the Fleet prison long before; for instance, in 1355, Edward III. wrote "to his well-beloved and trusty, Simon Fraunceys Mayor of the City of London, Hugh de Appleby, and Robert de Charwaltone, greeting. Whereas we have been given to understand that the Foss This warrant was followed by an Inquest held at the Church of St. Brigid in Fleet Street on Tuesday, the 9th of January, 1356, on the oath of Richard le Cok, (Cook) Nicholas le SporiÈre (Spurrier), and Thomas le Glaswrighte (Glassblower) and nine others. From it we learn that the "Foss of Flete" ought to be ten feet in breadth all round the Prison; that it ought to be so full of water that a boat laden with one tun of wine might easily float round it; and that the shelving banks of the Foss were then covered with trees. Also that it was quite choked up with the filth of laystalls and sewers discharging into it; and that no less than eleven necessary houses (or wardrobes, as they seem very generally to have been called in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries) had been illegally built over it "to the corruption of the Water in the Foss The Acts of the Privy Council throw some light on the Fleet, giving several instances of Committals thereto, one of the first being 9 Hen. V. Oct. 14, 1421. In 1 Henry VI., In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are many notices of committals to the Fleet, so numerous that I can only mention a few, one only of which I give in the original spelling. 32 Hen. VIII. Sept. 9, 1540. "Lr~es was also brought from the Lord Pivey Seale, declaring a certayn affray to be made by Sr Geoffrey Poole in Hampshyre upon one Mr. Gunter a justice of peax, for that (as Poole sayd) one of Gunter's srvants Evidently great interest was made for this naughty Sir Geoffrey, for we learn on Sept. 24th that "It was declared to the Lady Poole, the wife of Sir Geoffrey Poole, that the King's higness had pardoned her husband of his imprisonment," and the Lord Privy Seal was directed to release him. But he seems to have been a very cantankerous knight, for we find him in hot water again next year. April 8, 1541, "Whereas Sir Geoffrey Poole, Knight, had violently and contrary to the King's Highness' peace assaulted and hurt On Nov. 7, 1540, Browne, the son and heir of Sir Matthew Browne of Surrey, was committed to the Fleet, It was also used as a house of detention, for we find Oct. 17, 1541, that Cowley the Master of the Rolls in Ireland, was examined, but because the time was too short to do it thoroughly, the Lord Chancellor sent him to the Fleet "untill syche tyme as the King sholde com~ to London." It seems to have been a refuge for misdemeanants, for April 3, 1542, John Bulmer Esquire, for his wilful disobeying of an order taken between him and his wife by the Council, was committed to the Fleet. And does not Shakespeare make Sir John Falstaff a denizen of this prison? (Second Part King Henry the Fourth, last scene).
Sir Rd. Empson, so well known in Henry the Seventh's time, was indicted for sending, without process, persons accused of murder, and other crimes, "to the late King's Prisons, to wit the Fleet, the Compter, and the Tower of London." And, from the Articles of Impeachment against Cardinal Wolsey, it would seem that he was in the habit of committing to the Fleet, those who thwarted him in his demands. One case (Article 38) is: "Also that the said Lord Cardinal did call before him Sir John Stanley Knt which had taken a Farm by Covent Seal of the Abbot and Covent of Chester, and Here is another example of the Cardinal's highhanded method of dealing with those who did not exactly bend to his will, in Article 41 of his Impeachment: "Also where one Sir Edward Jones, Clerk, parson of Orewly in the County of Bucks, in the 18th year of your most noble reign, let his sd parsonage with all tithes and other profits of the same to one William Johnson, for certain years; within which years, the Dean of the s'd Cardinal's College in
CHAPTER XX.THE Fleet was, evidently, a handy prison, elastic enough to suit all cases, for on Aug. 19, 1553, at the Star Chamber, "Roger Erthe, alias Kinge, servaunt to Therle of Pembroke, and William Ferror, servaunt to the Lord Sturton, were, for making of a Fraye, committed to the Charge of Warden of the Fleete." In September, 1553, the Fleet received a prisoner whose name is historical wherever the English language is read, for the Privy Council being held at Richmond, on the 1st of Sept. "This day appered before the Lordes, John Hooper, Bishop of Gloucester, and Miles Coverdale, Bishop of Exon. And the said Hooper, for Considerations the Councell moving, was sent to the Fleete." Turning from Mary's reign to that of Elizabeth, we find equal religious intolerance, for we read in Strype's Fleet parsons were evidently an institution in the sixteenth century, for besides the above-mentioned Osborn, there was another committed to the Fleet, on May 27, 1584, one Sir R. Stapleton. His fault seems to have been that he had preached against the Archbishop of York, for which he was arraigned in the Star Chamber, and was, with others, ordered to read an apology—which he did—but in such a contemptuous manner, that he was sent to the Fleet. In the seventeenth century, many Puritans were incarcerated here, especially after the Restoration, when their gloomy fanaticism ill accorded with the ideas of the age. The bow had been strung too tightly during the Commonwealth, and when it was unstrung the reaction was great. So many were put into prison for conscience' sake. Even in Elizabeth's reign there were many in prison, and we can hardly wonder at it when we consider it was an age of religious intolerance, and the religion professed by these devotees was of a most unattractive character. Strype, writing of A.D. 1588, says of them:
In January, 1600, Lord Grey of Wilton was committed to the Fleet, by Queen Elizabeth's order, for assaulting the Earl of Southampton, on horseback, in the public street. There is a fair bibliography of the Fleet prison in the seventeenth century. In 1620-1 there was a broadsheet published "A briefe collection of the exactions, extortions, oppressions, tyrannies, and excesses towards the liues, bodies and goods of prisoners, done by Alexander Harris, Warden of the Fleete, in his foure yeares misgouernment, ready to be proued by oath and other testimonies." This was answered by Harris, and Then there was a "Petition to Parliament of the distressed prisoners in the King's Bench, Fleet and other prisons"—but this has no date. In 1647 was published "A Whip for the Marshal's Court by Robert Robins Gent, being his Petition to the House of Commons." The preface to the Reader, is dated from the Author's "Iron Cage in the Fleet." In 1653 there was "A Schedule; or, List of the Prisoners in the Fleet remaining in custody May 25, 1653."Some of them were very bad cases, as "William Gregory committed February 7, 1651, one Outlawry after Judgment, severall other Outlawries and Trespasses, no sums mentioned;" or "Hustwayte Wright committed June 29, 1650, for £31 1s., Execution, besides Outlawries, Latitats and Cap. no sum appearing." "Thomas Keneston committed Nov. 4, 1646, for 51,000 Actions, and severall Orders of the Exchequer." In 1669 appeared "A Companion for Debtors and Prisoners, and advice to Creditors, with a description of Newgate, the Marshalsea, the two Counties, Ludgate, the Fleet, and King's Bench prison." In 1671 was published "A Short Narrative, or Anatomie of the Fleet Prison &c.," by John Knap, M.D. In 1690 there was "A plea for the City Orphans and Prisoners for Debt." In 1691 appeared a soul-harrowing little book, called The Case as made out by the prisoners against the Warden, Alexander Harris, in 1620-1, was, if it could have been thoroughly substantiated, most damaging to him, but they overreached themselves by their manifest exaggeration. A few examples will suffice. There were nineteen counts against him all of grievous weight, but we will only take four as a fair sample. (1) Murder; (2) Felony; (3) Robbery; (4) Excessive Rates for Chambers. First, as to the Charge of Murder, this is the accusation: "After knowne quarrels and fightings between two prisoners, lodging them in one chamber, where, quarrelling and fighting againe, and notice to him thereof giuen, and of likely further mischiefe; this notwithstanding, continuance of them together, vntil the one murthered the other." This referred to two prisoners, Sir John Whitbrooke and another named Boughton. According to the "Then after, two maydes servants (heareing the noyse) And a perfectly proper punishment for any one who ran amuk like Whitbrooke because there was an organized mutiny. "And upon this some three score prisoners breake upp all the strongest prisons and dores of the wards and Tower chamber, assaulting the Warden and his servants with weapons &c., according to a plott and purpose before resolved upon, as appeares by depositions." The poor Warden had no bed of roses, more especially as the female element was afterwards introduced in the shape of Lady Whitbrooke, who of course, was a warm partisan of her husband. Harris writes:
It is almost needless to say that these peculiarly unquiet spirits quarrelled among themselves. We have heard enough of Whitbrooke to know that he was a quarrelsome cur—impatient of restraint, and thoroughly lawless in his habits; but it is evident that he persuaded his wife that he was an injured innocent; for, in poor Harris's "Apologia pro sua vita," a story which he tells so naively, and so nicely, he says: "The lady alledgeth that the Warden (for revenge) "The Warden answeareth that he for governement sake and to suppresse misdemeanours doth thretten to putt prisoners (offending) into Boulton's Wards (Many yeares familiarlie soe called as he thinketh of bolts or irons put on them), where Whitbrooke was put when he wounded the Warden and his servants; he continued there but a small tyme, and was removed to a roome called the Tower Chamber (where Henry Boughton and many others did lye), thence Boughton was removed into the common prison in December, 1618, and Whitbrooke was removed thither June 16, 1619, soe as to that tyme they lay five moneths within one lodging, and six moneths severed in other lodgings and noe quarrell stirred. "The Lady alledgeth that presently at their comeing together Boughton suddenly stabbed and wounded Whitbrooke, whereof he dyed. "The Warden answeareth that over and above the eleaven months aforesaid, yet from June 16th untill September 16, 1619, being 3 moneths, they two combyned in their exploits against the Warden without falling out (for ought the Warden knewe), but 16 September Boughton fell out with Harvey (one of his chamber felowes), whom Boughton assayled with his teeth, and bitt him by the thombe, whereof Whitbrooke, Willis, Harvey, and others there lodged, advised the Warden, wishing him to take some course. The Warden sent divers messages by the gaoler to "The Warden acquainted the Lord Chauncellor of their fortifications, of some other stabbing there, of this particular brawle, and besought his lordshipp to send them to Newgate. The Lord Chauncellor comanded such motion to be made at the tyme of a seale; it was moved by Mr. Woomelayson, as appeares by his briefe, then his lordshipp wished oath to be made of this offence, and called for presidents "When Whitbrooke, Boughton, &c., ymured themselves upp in the wards as aforesaid, a view or survey "After the tyme of the supposed quarrell (which was about Whitbrooke's and Boughton's fortifieing the house) they contynued lyeing where they were before, amongst others. "Wheresoever they had lyen they might quarrell when they mett, as Whitbrooke many moneths before broke Willis his head with a pott or candlestick." These two ill-conditioned animals fell to loggerheads, and Boughton drew upon Whitbrooke, and so wounded him that eventually he died. And this shows the very lax discipline that then obtained in the Fleet. Of course, no weapons should have been allowed, but "It is alsoe alledged that Boughton did provide a sword, and it was brought him by a woeman from whom the porter of the Fleet tooke it, and delivered it to the Warden (as he did indeed) and therefore say their accusers that the Warden knew the same sword was to kill Whitbrooke. "The Warden had it about a yeare and a halfe before this accident (of Whitbrooke's death) happened, and delivered it back againe to the woeman that brought it, with charge not to bring any thither whatsoever. "It was avouched that the sword was Boughton's, and put to dressing to a Cutler, who sent it home againe, so as Boughton might have killed Whitbrooke with it before it went to dressing, if he had intended any such thing. Nay, Boughton had alwayes in his trunck (as appeared afterwards) a stilletto so keene, so cleane and ready, as would soone have done such a fact if he had meant it; yea, swords and other weapons want not in
CHAPTER XXI.THE second count brought against him by his mutinous prisoners was "Remouing a prisoner out of his chamber, hauing 51 lib. 1 s. hid vnder his bed, which the prisoner required he might go to his chamber to dispose of, which was denied, and he thrust vp in another roome close prisoner, vntill the Warden and some of his seruants rifled his bed of that mony." Hear the Warden's defence:— "By this is pretended that one Coppin (who euer did beare the name of a poore fellowe) lost 51 li., with takeing whereof, if he dare charge any person or persons the Lawe is and hath beene open for him theis two yeares past. But his abettors haue putt it here rather to infame, then that they can think it true, as by the ensueing answeare appeares. "For Edward Coppin, liued as a poore prisoner in the Fleete for breach of a decree, and continueing above six yeares, would never be drawen to pay the Warden one Master Coppin was one of Boughton's gang, but even that malfaiseur could not back up his claim, for "A rumour was spredd in the Fleete that Coppin had lost 50 li. The Warden heareing thereof, sent for Coppin, and asked him: he said he would say nothing except Sir Francis Inglefield were present. Then the Warden said, Nay, Coppin, if you have nothing to say to me, you may depart againe. "Then the Warden was informed by Mr. Boughton and Wall, that the day before it happened that Coppin was removed, they had made meanes to borrowe some money upon a pawne, and Coppin professed and swore he had not so much (being fower (4) pounds) as they "About January 1620, Edward Coppin confessed that he never receaved any money since he came to Prison. "Mr. Williams saith that he hath heard that Coppin hath confessed that he lost noe money." So we may acquit the Warden on this count. Poor Man! he had a rough lot to deal with, but it is to our advantage that it was so, for his refutation of the charges brought against him throws a flood of light on the domestic manners of the time, and of the Fleet prison in particular. The third count against the Warden was one of robbery, "11 lib. 6 s. taken out of the Trunk, and by violence, from the person of a close prisoner sicke in his bed, by the Warden and his seruants." And Harris meets this, as all others, fairly and straightforwardly. Says he:— "This toucheth money taken from one Thraske, then a Jewdaiser, or halfe Jewe, committed close prisoner by the Lords of the Councell, from whom, and such like, though in the Gatehouse, King's Bench, Fleete, &c., it hath beene used to take away and keepe their money, yet the Warden tooke not his until he abused it very dangerouslie, and whether this takeing away may be said Robbery, let the answeare followeing decide. "And although the complainte be used with a Circumstance, This prisoner was sent to the Fleet, to be put in the pillory, whipped and branded, and, besides, to suffer solitary confinement, but he found means to write letters to the King and the Lord Chancellor, and the Warden was much blamed for allowing him so to do. But poor Harris, who must have been plagued almost to death by his very recalcitrant charges, could not find out whence his prisoner procured his writing materials, and at last came to the correct conclusion that he was bribing the gaoler who waited upon him. So, with some servants, he personally searched Mr. Thraske's apartment and person, and found his pens, ink, and paper, and also £11 6s. in money, together with a bag and cord with which he used to receive supplies from outside, and by means of which he disseminated his pernicious literature. All of which the Warden very properly confiscated, but the money was kept, and used for the prisoner's benefit. "When Thraske had worne out his cloathes and desired other, the Lord Chauncellor bid the Warden buy for Thraske some cloathes, which was done accordingly, even soe much as Thraske desired; the Warden alsoe gave him money to buy wyne for his comforte at tymes." And, in the long run, the poor Warden declares that he was about £80 out of pocket by his prisoner. The last charge we will investigate, is that of "Excessiue rates of Chambers." (No. 13 on the list "Soe if Prisoners will have more ease than ordinarie, and a Chamber or two for themselves and theirs in the Warden's howse, they are by the orders and Constitutions to Compound with the Warden for it, it being the Warden's freehould, and demyseable.... To such prisoners as lye two in a Bedd, the Warden is to find them Bedd, and for Bedd and Chamber they are to pay. Whether by Bedd is meant all furniture of Bedding, that is to be doubted, for it was never put in practise; but as for those which lye in the Warden's freehould That the Wardenship of the Fleet was an onerous position, may be inferred from Harris's statement that "he hath had at one tyme the King's prisoners for two hundred thowsand That the office of Warden of the Fleet was of very ancient origin we have seen in the case of Nathanael de Leveland, and he also proves that it was heritable, for he, and his family, had held it for 130 years, and more. And it had a far-reaching jurisdiction, for in the 3 Eliz. In course of time, the Wardenship became a position which was openly sold; and our old friend Harris makes no secret of it. "They likewise alledge that Io Elizabeth it was purchased by Tirrell at the rate of 160 li. per annum and that long after it was held at 100 li. per annum, and refused for 200 li. But now that (thorough extortion) there is made 4,000 li. per annum by the relation delivered to one Mr. Shotbolt. "To which is answeared, that the purchase paid by Tirrell, (as appears by the deed inrolled) was 6,000 markes or 4,000 li. which, if it be devided at tenne or twelve yeares purchase, being more than an office of that nature was worth in those dayes (which is above three score yeares past) it will bring 400 li. tenne yeares purchase, and therefore here is sutor ultra crepidam, for 160 li. at that rate would yeild but 1,600 li. in money, and there was not then the fift part of the buildings and lodgings which now are. "Mr. Anslowe (as is credibly informed) held it by fyne (and otherwise) at 600 li. per annum, and had but some part of the benefitts of the prison, nothing of the pallace at Westminster. And as for this Warden's valuation of it at 4000 li. per annum, it might be, supposeing that if the benefitts of the pallace were had This selling of the Office of Warden, led to a great squabble in the early days of Queen Anne's reign, and it seems to have arisen in this way. A Warden of the Fleet, named Ford, in the reign of William and Mary, was found guilty of suffering one Richard Spencer to escape, but was acquitted of some minor charges, and a certain Col. Baldwin Leighton obtained a grant of the Office on April 6, 1690. On June 25, 1691, this grant was quashed, and Leighton soon after died. A Mr. Tilley, in the fifth year of William and Mary purchased the Inheritance of the said Office, together with the Mansion and Gardens thereto appertaining, but on Dec. 23, 1704, judgment was given in the Queen's Bench that the Office be seized into her Majesty's hands, and this was affirmed in Parliament. The discipline in the prison at this time seems to have been very bad, so much so that many witnesses who could have spoken of Tilley's misdeeds were hindered from giving evidence, some by being put into dungeons; others, by violence, bribes, or other artifices. Take a case in point, which happened about this time. The case of Robert Elliot and others. "One Francis Chartyres was Arrested at the several Suits of the said several Persons, about the 4th of May last, all their Debts amounting to 140 l. and upwards, which cost them 20 l. to effect: And the said Francis Chartyres being a stubborn and an obstinate Man, and dangerous to Arrest, he having killed several Persons upon the Hatton, in his "New View of London," 1708, gives, the boundary of the Rules, and also descants on the pleasantness of the Prison, as an abode. "Fleet Prison, situate on the East side of the Ditch, between Ludgate Hill and Fleet Lane, but the Rules extend Southward on the East side of Fleet Canal to Ludgate Hill, and thence Eastward to Cock Ally on the South side of Ludgate Hill, and to the Old Bayly on the North, and thence Northward in the Old Bayley both sides the Street, to Fleet Lane, and all that Lane, and from the West End, southward to the Prison again. It is a Prison for Debtors from any part of the Kingdom, for those that act or speak any thing in contempt of the CHAPTER XXII.THINGS got so bad that Parliament ordered a Committee to inquire into it, and they began their sitting in Feb. 25, 1729. But, previously, the prisoners had petitioned the Lord Chief Justice and other justices without effect, and those petitions with Huggins' (who was the Warden) replies were published in a folio pamphlet, which contains much information.
The eleventh prayer of this Petition was, "And lastly, that for the better suppressing Prophaneness and Immorality among us, and that the Misery of Imprisonment may in some measure be alleviated by the Observance of good Manners, Cleanliness, and Quietude, we humbly pray your Lordships would enable us to regulate our selves in such Manner as the Prisoners in the King's Bench are empowered to do by a Rule of that Court, 20 die post festim SanctÆ Trinitatis. 11 Anne." Huggins replied to all the petition, but his answer to No. 6 was "The Warden saith, That so soon as the Fees were settled by this Honourable Court, he caused a Copy thereof to be framed and hung up in the Common Hall of the House, signed by Sir George Cook; also a Copy of the Rules and Orders of the House, which said copies the Prisoners were pleased to burn, tear to Pieces, and obliterate; and the Warden denies that he has taken or receiv'd, or any for him, to his knowledge, more, or greater, Fees than were contained in the said Copy of Fees hung up in the said Prison." And as to the Eleventh prayer of the Petitioners "The Warden saith, that the Prisoners in general, are so very ungovernable, that they have tore up the Trees around the Bowling Green, and cut down several of the Trees in the back part of the Prison, set by the Warden some years since, for the better Accommodation of the Prisoners; also broke down the Stocks in the said Prison, and the Houses of Easement were fitted up lately by the Warden, they have torn it almost to Pieces, and committed other Outrages, and most of Petition after petition was sent from the Prisoners to the Lord Chief Justice about the oppressions of Huggins and his myrmidons, and duly answered in some shape by the Warden, but there was one, in which the fourteenth Charge is as follows. "That the Warden, on the Death of any Prisoner detains the Body from his Friends and Relations untill they will pay him, what Chamber Rent was due from the Deceased; and in the mean Time his cruel and unchristian like Practice, is to make the best Bargain he can with the poor Family of the Deceased, for the Purchase of the Dead Body, in order to give it Christian Burial, at their own Expence, by which means he often extorts large Sums of Money, for granting the Relations the Liberty of taking away and burying the Dead Body; which tho' a very natural and reasonable Desire, is nevertheless often frustrated by their Inability to purchase it at his Price, and, rather than accept what may be in their Power to give him, he often suffers the Dead Body to lye above Ground seven or eight Days, and often Times eleven or twelve Days, to the great endangering of the Health of the whole Prison, by the nauseous Stench, which being often times the Case, is very offensive all over the House; and when he has refused what he thought not worth his Acceptance, he buries them in the common Burying place for Prisoners, when the Body is often Huggins' reply to this was diabolically insolent. "For Answer thereto, My Lords, the Deputy Warden saith, That scarcely a Prisoner hath died on the Masters-Side, that was not largely indebted to him; and therefore, possibly, he might have used endeavours to get what part of the Money was due to him, as he could fairly from the Deceased's Relations." But the Cup of his iniquities was rapidly filling. He made one Thomas Bambridge "A Newgate Sollicitor, and a Person of abandon'd Credit" (as the petition in the case of Mr. Mackphreadris describes him) his deputy warden, and then, things came to a climax. As we have seen, Parliament took cognizance of the scandal, and issued a Commission to inquire into the matter, and their first sitting was on Feb. 25, 1729. Their report was presented to Parliament on March 20th of the same year—so that no time was lost in looking into the evils complained of. It recites that Huggins by a gift of £5,000 to Lord Clarendon "did by his interest, obtain a grant of the said office (i.e., Warden of the Fleet) for his own and his son's life. "That it appeared to the Committee, That in the Year 1725, one Mr. Arne, an Upholder, was carried into a Stable, which stood where the strong room on the Master's side now is, and was there confined (being Huggins growing old, sold his interest in the Wardenship of the Fleet, and his Son's reversion therein, to Bambridge and Cuthbert, for the sum he had originally given for the place; and then Bambridge, being his own master, went somewhat ahead, and the Committee found that he connived at escapes, sent his prisoners to Spunging-houses, or private prisons, not so long ago done away with, where they were well, or badly treated, according to the money at their disposal. And we read of one shocking case, which can best be given in the very words of the Report. "That these houses were further used by the said Bambridge, as a terror for extorting money from the prisoners, who, on security given, have the liberty of the rules; of which Mr. Robert Castell was an unhappy instance, a man born to a competent estate, but being unfortunately plunged into debt, was thrown into prison: he was first sent (according to custom) to Corbett's, "The said Bambridge having thus unlawfully extorted large sums of money from him in a very short time, Castell grew weary of being made such a wretched property, and, resolving not to injure further his family He squeezed everybody, made what rules he liked, and introduced new and pernicious customs, for, says the Report, "It appeared to the Committee, that the letting out of the Fleet tenements to Victuallers, for the reception of Prisoners, hath been but of late practised, and that the first of them let for this purpose was to Mary Whitwood, who still continues tenant of the same, and that her rent has, from 32 l. per. ann. been increased to 60 l. and a certain number of prisoners stipulated "And, notwithstanding the payment of such large fees, in order to extort further sums from the unfortunate prisoners, the said Bambridge unjustly pretends he has a right, as warden, to exercise an unlimited power of changing prisoners from room to room; of turning them into the common side, though they have paid the master's side fee; and inflicting arbitrary punishments by locking them down in unwholesome dungeons, and loading them with torturing irons." According to the Committee's report, Jacob Mendez Solas, a Portuguese, was, as far as they knew, the first prisoner that was ever loaded with irons in the Fleet. He was thrown into a noisome dungeon, which is described as a place "wherein the bodies of persons dying in the said prison are usually deposited, till the coroner's inquest hath passed upon them; it has no chimney, nor fireplace, nor any light but what comes over the door, or through a hole of about eight inches square. It is neither paved nor boarded, and the rough bricks appear both on the sides and top, being neither wainscotted, nor plastered; what adds to the dampness and stench of the place is, its being built over the common sewer, and adjoining to the sink and dunghill where all the nastiness The upshot of this Committee was that the House petitioned the King to prosecute Huggins, Bambridge, and their satellites, who were all ordered to be committed to Newgate for trial. Huggins was tried, or rather the preliminaries of his trial were arranged on the 20th of May, 1729; but his trial for the murder of Edward Arne, a prisoner in the Fleet prison, by immuring him in the dungeon above described, from the effect of which confinement he subsequently died, did not take place until next day. After a long and patient trial, he was acquitted; and he managed, not only to survive his disgrace, but live to the age of 90. BAMBRIDGE. BAMBRIDGE. Bambridge was also tried, at the Old Bailey, for the murder of Robert Castell, as before described, but he was acquitted by the Jury. Upon this acquittal, Castell's widow brought an appeal against Thomas Bambridge, and Richard Corbett, for the murder of her husband; but here their luck still stood them in stead, for they were both acquitted. Bambridge, some twenty years after, committed suicide by cutting his throat. Hogarth, in 1729, received a Commission from Sir Archibald Grant of Monnymusk, Bart., who was one of the Committee, to paint a portrait picture of his brother Commissioners with Bambridge, and the irons used by him in the Fleet. Bambridge is decidedly nervous—and a poor prisoner is introduced into the picture, though I cannot find, from the Report, that he really was before the Committee of the House. A PRISONER IN IRONS. A PRISONER IN IRONS. These prosecutions somewhat purified the atmosphere of the Fleet, but still there were grumbles, as there naturally will be when men are restrained in their liberty, and are left to brood upon their miseries, and incarceration; but the little pamphlet, "When Fortune keeps Thee Warm; Then Friends will to Thee swarm, Like Bees about a Honey pot: But, if she chance to frown, And rudely kick Thee down, Why then—What then? Lie there and ROT." The writer says that after the reign of Huggins and Bambridge, the Chapel was adorned—and the great Hall adjoining, formerly for the Use of the Prisoners, "is now made into a commodious new Coffee House, and thought to be as Compleat a one, as any in Town (wherein one of the Warden's Servants is put, to be useful upon Occasion). Part of the Pews in the Chapel being taken into it to make it compleat, "Opposite to the Great Hall, or Coffee Room, is the Begging-Grate, where Prisoners had an Opportunity to speak with a Friend, and sometimes get Sight of one
THE COMMON SIDE OF THE FLEET PRISON. THE COMMON SIDE OF THE FLEET PRISON. CHAPTER XXIII.BUT enough of the miserables in connection with the Fleet Prison. We shall find that it is even possible for a prisoner to write pleasantly, nay, even somewhat humorously, upon his position, as we may see by the perusal of a poem entitled "The Humours of the Fleet. An humorous, descriptive Poem. Written by a Gentleman of the College" &c., Lond. 1749. Under the frontispiece, which represents the introduction of a prisoner into its precincts, is a poem of thirty-two lines, of which the following is a portion:— Here we see, very vividly depicted, the introduction of a new prisoner; the Chamberlain is introducing him The notes appended to the Poem are in the original. After a somewhat long exordium on prosperity and poverty, together with the horrors of a spunging-house, and imagining that the debtor has obtained his Habeas, which would permit him to choose his prison, the Poet thus sings: "Close by the Borders of a slimy Flood, Which now in secret rumbles thro' the Mud; (Tho' heretofore it roll'd expos'd to Light, Obnoxious to th' offended City's Sight.) "Twin Arches now the Sable Stream enclose Upon whose Basis late a Fabrick rose; }In whose extended oblong Boundaries, Are Shops and Sheds, and Stalls of all Degrees, For Fruit, Meat, Herbage, Trinkets, Pork and Peas A prudent City Scheme, and kindly meant; The Town's oblig'd, their Worships touch the Rent. "Near this commodious Market's miry Verge, The Prince of Prisons Stands, compact and large; When, by the Jigger's Kept from the Pow'r of doing Good—or Harm, Relenting Captives only ruminate Misconduct past, and curse their present State; Tho' sorely griev'd, few are so void of Grace, As not to wear a seeming chearful Face: In Drinks or Sports ungrateful Thoughts must die, For who can bear Heart-wounding Calumny? Therefore Cabals engage of various Sorts, To walk, to drink, or play at different Sports: Here, on the oblong Table's verdant Plain, The ivory Ball bounds, and rebounds again; There, at Backgammon, two sit tete a tete, And curse alternately their Adverse Fate; These are at Cribbage, those at Whist engag'd And, as they lose, by turns become enrag'd: Some of more sedentary Temper, read Chance-medley Books, which duller Dullness breed; Or Politicks in Coffee-Room, some pore The Papers and Advertisements thrice o'er: Warm'd with the Alderman, To fix th' Insolvent Bill, and Nation's Fate; Hence, knotty Points at different Tables rise, And either Party's wond'rous, wond'rous wise: Some of low Taste, ring Hand Bells, direful Noise! And interrupt their Fellows' harmless Joys; Disputes more noisy now a Quarrel breeds. And Fools on both Sides fall to Loggerheads: Till wearied with persuasive Thumps and Blows, They drink, and Friends, as tho' they ne'er were Foes. "Without Distinction, intermix'd is seen, A 'Squire quite dirty, a Mechanick clean: The Spendthrift Heir, who in his Chariot roll'd, All his Possessions gone, Reversions sold, Now mean, as once Profuse, the stupid Sot "Some Sots ill-manner'd, drunk, a harmless Fight! Rant noisy thro' the Galleries all Night; For which, if Justice had been done of late, The Pump With Stomacks empty, and Heads full of Care Some Wretches swill the Pump and walk the Bare; }Within whose ample Oval is a Court, Where the more Active and Robust resort, And glowing, exercise a manly Sport (Strong Exercise with mod'rate Food is good, It drives in sprightful Streams the circling Blood;) While these with Rackets strike the flying Ball, Some play at Nine Pins, Wrestlers take a Fall; Beneath a Tent some drink, and some above Are slily in their Chambers making Love; Venus and Bacchus each keeps here a Shrine, And many Vot'ries have to Love and Wine. "Such the Amusement of this merry Jail, Which you'll not reach, if Friends or Money fail: For e'er its three-fold Gates it will unfold, The destin'd Captive must produce some Gold: Four Guineas, at the least, for diff'rent Fees, Compleats your Habeas, and commands the keys; Which done, and safely in, no more you're led, If you have Cash, you'll find a Friend and Bed; But, that deficient, you'll but Ill betide, "But now around you gazing Jiggers To draw your Picture, that's their usual Term; Your Form and Features strictly they survey, Then leave you, (if you can) to run away. }"To them succeeds the Chamberlain, to see If you and he are likely to agree; Whether you'll tip, Ask him how much? 'Tis one Pound six and eight; And, if you want, he'll not the Twopence bate: When paid, he puts on an important Face, And shews Mount Scoundrel You stand astonish'd at the darken'd Hole, Sighing, the Lord have Mercy on my Soul! And ask, have you no other Rooms, Sir, pray? Perhaps enquire what Rent too, you're to pay: Entreating that he wou'd a better seek; The Rent (cries gruffly's)—Half a Crown a Week. The Rooms have all a Price, some good, some bad; But pleasant ones at present can't be had: }This Room, in my Opinion's not amiss; Then cross his venal Palm with half a Piece He strait accosts you with another Face. "Sir you're a Gentleman;—I like you well, But who are such at first, we cannot tell; Tho' your Behaviour speaks you what I thought, And therefore I'll oblige you as I ought: "How your Affairs may stand, I do not know, But here, Sir, Cash does frequently run low. I'll serve you,—don't be lavish,—only mum! Take my Advice, I'll help you to a Chum! A Gentleman, Sir,—see, and hear him speak, With him you'll pay but fifteen Pence a Week; Yet his Apartment's on the Upper Floor, Well furnish'd, clean and nice; who'd wish for more? A Gentleman of Wit and Judgment too! Who knows the Place; My Praise, alas! can't equal his Deserts; In brief,—you'll find him, Sir, a Man of Parts. "Thus, while his fav'rite Friend he recommends, He compasses at once their several Ends; The new come Guest is pleas'd, that he should meet So kind a Chamberlain, a Chum so neat: But, as conversing thus, they nearer come, Behold before his Door, the destin'd Chum. "Why stood he there, himself could scarcely tell; But there he had not stood, had Things gone well: }Had one poor Half-penny but blest his Fob, Or, if in Prospect he had seen a Job, H'had strain'ed his Credit for a Dram of Bob, But now, in pensive Mood, with Head down cast, His Eyes transfix'd as tho' they look'd their last; One Hand his open Bosom lightly held, And one an empty Breeches Pocket fill'd. His Dowlas Shirt no Stock or Cravat bore, And on his Head, no Hat or Wig he wore; But a once black shag Cap, surcharg'd with Sweat; His Collar, here a Hole, and there a Pleat; Both grown alike in Colour, that—alack! This, neither now was White, nor that was Black; But match'd his dirty yellow Beard so true, They form'd a three-fold Cast of Brick dust Hue; Meagre his Look, and in his nether Jaw Was stuff'd an elemosynary Chaw; (Whose Juice serves present Hunger to asswage, Which yet returns again with tenfold Rage;) His Coat, which catch'd the Droppings from his Chin, Was clos'd at Bottom with a Corking-Pin; His Breeches Waistband a long Skewer made fast, While he from Scotland Dunghill His Shirt-Tail thin as Lawn, but not so white, Barely conceal'd his lank Affairs from Sight; Loose were his Knee Bands, and unty'd his Hose, Coax'd Which spite of all his circumspective Care, Did thro' his broken dirty Shoes appear. "Just in this hapless Trim and pensive Plight, The old Collegian Whom, when our new-come Guest at first beheld, He started back, with great Amazement fill'd; }Turns to the Chamberlain, says, bless my Eyes! Is this the Man you told me was so nice? I meant his Room was so Sir, he replies; The Man is now in Dishabille and Dirt, He shaves To-morrow tho', and turns his Shirt; Stand not at Distance, I'll present you, come My Friend, how is't? I've brought you here a Chum; One that's a Gentleman; a worthy Man, And you'll oblige me, serve him all you can. "The Chums salute, the old Collegian first Bending his Body almost to the Dust; Upon his Face unusual Smiles appear And long abandon'd Hope his Spirits chear }Thought he, Relief's at hand, and I shall eat; Will you walk in, good Sir, and take a Seat! We have what's decent here, tho' not compleat; As for myself, I scandalize the Room, But you'll consider, Sir, that I'm at Home; Tho' had I thought a Stranger to have seen, I should have ordered Matters to've been clean; But here, amongst ourselves, we never mind, Borrow or lend—reciprocally kind; Regard not Dress;—tho' Sir, I have a Friend Has Shirts enough, and, if you please, I'll send. No Ceremony, Sir, you give me Pain; I have a clean Shirt, Sir.—But have you twain? O, yes, and twain to boot, and those twice told, Besides, I thank my Stars, a Piece of Gold. Why, then I'll be so free, Sir, as to borrow, I mean a Shirt, Sir,—only till To-morrow. You're welcome, Sir,—I'm glad you are so free. Then turns the old Collegian round with Glee; Whispers the Chamberlain with secret Joy, We live to-night!—I'm sure he'll pay his Foy: Turns to his Chum again with Eagerness, And thus bespeaks him with his best Address; "See, Sir, how pleasant, what a Prospect's there; Below you see them sporting on the Bare; Above, the Sun, Moon, Star, engage the Eye, And those Abroad can't see beyond the Sky: These rooms are better far than those beneath, A clearer Light, a sweeter Air we breath; A decent Garden does our Window grace, With Plants untainted, undistain'd the Glass; And welcome Showers descending from above In gentle Drops of Rain, which Flowers love: In short, Sir, nothing can be well more sweet: But, I forgot—perhaps you chuse to eat; Tho', for my part, I've nothing of my own, To-day I scrap'd my Yesterday's Blade Bone; But we can send—Ay, Sir, with all my Heart, (Then very opportunely enters Smart). O, here's our Cook, he dresses all Things well; Will you sup here, or do you chuse the Cell? There's mighty good Accommodations there, Rooms plenty, or a Box in Bartholm' Fair; There, too, we can divert you, and may shew Some Characters are worth your while to know, }Replies the new Collegian, nothing more I wish to see, be pleas'd to go before; And, Smart, provide a handsome Dish for Four. "Too generous Man! but 'tis our hapless Fate In all Conditions, to be wise too late; For, even in Prison, those who have been free, Will shew, if able, Generosity; }Yet find, too soon, when lavish of their Store, How hard, when gone, it is to come at more; And every Artifice in vain explore. Some Messages Abroad, by Runners send. Some Letters write to move an absent Friend; And by Submission, having begg'd a Crown, In one night's Revel here they'll kick it down. 'Tis true, this one Excuse they have indeed, When others Cole it, When the Wind's fair, and brings in Ships with Store Each spends in turn, and trusts to Fate for more. "The future Chums and Chamberlain descend The Dirt Which gain'd, they find a merry Company, Listening to Tales (from Smart) of Baudry, All introduced with awkward Simile, Whose Applications miss the Purpose pat. But in the Fire now burns th' unheeded Fat, Whose sudden Blaze brings L—nd—r Then Smart looks foolish, and forsakes his Grin. The laughing Audience alter, too, their Tone, For who can smile, that sees Tom L—nd—r frown? He, magisterial rules the panic Cell, And rivals Belzebub,—in looking well: Indignant now, he darts malicious Eyes, While each Dependant from the Kitchen flies; Leaves Smart to combat with his furious Ire, Who heeds him not, but strives to clear the Fire; Blowing and stirring still, no Pains he spares, And mute remains, while Major Domo swears; Who bellows loud Anathemas on Smart, And the last Curse he gives is D—n your Heart; His trembling Lips are pale, his Eyeballs roll; Till, spent with Rage, he quits him with a Growl. "Now, as our new-come Guest observ'd this Scene, (As odd an one, perhaps, as could be seen) He first on Smart, next on his Master gaz'd, And at the two extreams seem'd much amaz'd; }Which Smart perceiving, says in sober Mood, Sir, I've a thousand Times his Fury stood; But, yet, the Man tho' passionate, is good; I never speak when he begins to bawl, For, should I swear like him, the House would fall." Here follow two or three pages of but little interest to the reader and the Story continues: "But I forgot;—the Stranger and his Chum, With t'other to, to Barth'l'mew Fair are come; Where, being seated, and the Supper past, They drink so deep, and put about so fast, That 'ere the warning Watchman walks about, With dismal Tone repeating,—Who goes out? 'Ere St. Paul's Clock no longer will withold From striking Ten, and the Voice cries,—All told. 'Ere this, our new Companions, every one In roaring Mirth and Wine, so far were gone, That every Sense from ev'ry Part was fled, And were with Difficulty got to Bed; Where in the Morn, recover'd from his Drink, The new Collegian may have Time to think; And, recollecting how he spent the Night, Explore his Pockets, and not find a Doit. "Too thoughtless Man! to lavish thus away A Week's Support in less than half a Day; But 'tis a Curse attends this wretched Place, To pay for dear bought Wit in little Space: The Time shall come, when this new Tenant here, Will in his Turn shule for a Pot of Beer; Repent the melting of his Cash too fast, And snap at Strangers for a Nights Repast."
CHAPTER XXIV.WE saw in the lines, under the Frontispiece to the foregoing poem, Garnish was mentioned, and the fact was stated as a Custom then in force of taking the prisoner's coat to pay for his fees on entrance. "But kind Sir, as you'r a Stranger, Down your Garnish you must lay, Or your Coat will be in danger, You must either Strip or pay." In the Criminal prisons, the prisoners themselves demanded Garnish from a new-comer, that is, a trifle of money—to drink. In 1708, at Newgate, this sum seems to have been Six shillings and Eightpence "Which they, from an old Custom, claim by Prescription, Time out of Mind, for entring into the Society, otherwise they strip the poor Wretch, if he has not wherewithal to pay it."
Yet although this custom was general, I have only once met with an engraving of the actual process, which, judging by the man's agonized countenance, was not a "Unhappy, friendless Man! how hard thy Fate! Whose only Crime is being Unfortunate. Are Jailors suffer'd in such Acts as these? To strip the Wretch, who cannot pay his Fees? Is there no kind Samaritan will lend Relief, and save him from th' accursed Fiend?" Respecting this practice let us hear what Howard in his "State of the Prisons in England and Wales," 1777, says, in his Chapter on "Bad Customs in Prisons." "A cruel custom obtains in most of our Gaols, which is that of the prisoners demanding of a new-comer Garnish, Footing, or (as it is called in some London Gaols) Chummage. 'Pay or strip' are the fatal words. I say fatal, for they are so to some; who having no money, are obliged to give up part of their scanty apparel; and, if they have no bedding or straw to sleep on, contract diseases, which I have known to prove mortal. In many Gaols, to the Garnish paid by the new-comer, those who were there before, make an addition; and great part of the following night is often spent in riot and drunkenness. The gaoler or tapster finding his account in this practice, generally answers questions concerning it with reluctance. Of the Garnish which I have set down to sundry prisons, I often had my information But in the interval between Bambridge and Howard, the prison was not a pleasant place of residence, if we may judge from "The Prisoner's Song" published in 1738, of which I give an illustration and the Words. THE FLEET PRISON. THE FLEET PRISON. "A Starving life all day we lead, No Comfort here is found, At Night we make one Common bed, Upon the Boarded Ground; Where fleas in troops and Bugs in shoals Into our Bosoms Creep, And Death watch, Spiders, round ye Walls, Disturb us in our Sleep. Were Socrates alive, and Bound With us to lead his life, 'Twould move his Patience far beyond His crabbed Scolding Wife; Hard Lodging and much harder fare, Would try the wisest Sage, Nay! even make a Parson Swear, And curse the Sinful Age. Thus, we Insolvent debtors live, Yet we may Boldly say, Worse Villains often Credit give, Than those that never pay; For wealthy Knaves can with applause Cheat on, and ne'er be try'd, But in contempt of human Laws, In Coaches Safely ride." When Howard visited this prison in 1774 and 1776, he found on the former occasion 171 prisoners in the House, and 71 in the Rules. On the latter there were 241 in the House and 78 in the Rules. And he says:
In Howard's time the fees payable by the Prisoners were the same as were settled in 1729 after the trials of Huggins and Bambridge; but the prisoners exercised a kind of local self-government, for he writes:—
In 1780 the famous Lord George Gordon, or "No Popery" Riots took place—those Riots which were so intensely Protestant, that (according to the Contemporary Gentleman's Magazine) "The very Jews in Houndsditch and Duke's Place were so intimidated, that they followed the general example, and unintentionally gave an air of ridicule to what they understood in a very serious light, by writing on their Shutters, "This House is a true Protestant." These Riots are very realistically brought before us in Charles Dickens' "Barnaby Rudge," but then, although the account is fairly historically faithful, yet the weaving of his tale necessarily interfered with strict historical details; which, by the way, are extremely meagre as to the burning of the Fleet prison. The fact was, that, for the few days the riot existed, the outrages were so numerous, and the Newspapers of such small dimensions, that they could only be summarized, and the burning of Newgate eclipsed that of the Fleet. But, on the Wednesday, June 7, 1780, the Annual Register, p. 261 (which certainly has the best description I have been able to see) absolutely breaks down, saying:—
The burning of the Fleet was done calmly and deliberately, as is well told in "A Narrative of the Proceedings of Lord Geo. Gordon," &c., 1780. "About one o'clock this morning (Tuesday, June 6), the Mob went to the Fleet Prison, and demanded the gates to be opened, which the Keepers were obliged to do, or they would have set fire to it. They were then proceeding to demolish the prison, but the prisoners expostulating with them, and begging that they would give them time to remove their goods, they readily condescended, and gave them a day for that purpose, in consequence of which, the prisoners were removing all this day out of that RACKETS IN THE FLEET PRISON, 1760. RACKETS IN THE FLEET PRISON, 1760. (Published by Bowles and Carver, 69, St. Paul's Churchyard.) It was rebuilt, and remained the same, with some few alterations and additions until its final destruction. We get a good view of "the Bare" or racket ground in 1808, an outline of which I have taken from Pugin and Rowlandson's beautiful "Microcosm of London," 1808, In this illustration we find the prisoners by no means A WHISTLING SHOP IN THE FLEET, 1821. A WHISTLING SHOP IN THE FLEET, 1821. They made themselves merry enough in the Fleet, as we read in Egan's "Life in London," where Jerry Hawthorn, and Corinthian Tom, visit Bob Logic, who was detained in the Fleet. Among other places there, they went to a Whistling Shop—of which the brothers Robert and George Cruikshank have given a faithful representation. Here at a table, screened off from the draught of the door we see, Tom, Jerry, and the unfortunate Logic, whilst the other frequenters of the place are excellently depicted. Spirits were not allowed in the prison, under any circumstances, other than by the doctor's order; but it is needless to say, the Says Logic to his Corinthian friends, "'In the evening I will introduce you both to my friend the Haberdasher. He is a good whistler; and his shop always abounds with some prime articles which you will like to look at.' The Trio was again complete; and a fine dinner, which the Corinthian had previously ordered from a Coffee house, improved their feelings: a glass or two of wine made them as gay as larks; and a hint from Jerry to Logic about the Whistler, brought them into the shop of the latter in There was a class in the Fleet, who acted, as far as in their power lay, up to the Epicurean "dum vivimus vivamus," and among them the prison, however inconvenient it might have been, was made the best of, and the door of the Cupboard which contained the skeleton was shut as far as it would go. We have an exemplification of this in Robert Cruikshank's water colour drawing of "The Evening after a Mock Election in the Fleet Prison," June, 1835. In this drawing, which I have simply outlined (see previous page), we get a graphic glimpse at the uproarious fun that obtained among a certain set. The gradations in Society of this singular mixture is well shown in the following key to the picture:
As a souvenir of the talented Isaac Robert Cruikshank, I append a facsimile of his autograph, which was written in the Parlour, No. 16, Hall, in the Fleet Prison, June 24, 1842. His method of utilizing the blot of Ink is unique. The remaining Notices of the Fleet must be taken as they come, as far as possible, chronologically—and first of all let us look at the enormous quantity of people who were imprisoned for debt. In the Mirror, No. 615, vol. xxii. July 20, 1833, is a cutting from the Times: "By the return of persons imprisoned for debt in 1832, in England and Wales, just printed by order of the House of Commons, it appears that the gross number was 16,470: of whom maintained themselves 4,093, so that three fourths of the whole were too poor to provide themselves with bread." The terrible destitution to which some prisoners were reduced is shown in an extract from the Morning Herald of August 12, 1833.
CHAPTER XXV.IN a Return of the number of persons in the several Gaols of England, confined for Debt, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, May 13, 1835, we have an "Account of the Number of Persons confined for Debt in the Fleet Prison during the following Years:
And the amount of the debt and costs for which each party was so charged varied from £2 to £18,017. I look in vain in the Times for the paragraph to which the Warden alludes in the following letter:
In the outside sheet of the Times, February 21, 1838, occurs the following advertisement: "One Hundred Pounds Reward.—Escape.—Escaped from the Fleet Prison, on the evening of Wednesday the 14th day of February instant. Alfred Morris, late of 22 Dean Street, Tooley Street, Southwark. The said Alfred Morris is about 30 years of Age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, dark complexion, and of a Jewish Caste, prominent Nose, somewhat flat pointed, dark, irregular whiskers, stout figure, and rather bow legged," &c., &c. Anent this escape, the Times of February 16th has a paragraph such as we can hardly imagine ever could have appeared in a paper so steady and sober, as the Times now is: "The Warden of the Fleet—(From a Correspondent). Yesterday a gentleman of some misfortune and of great appearance, for he wore 'Go it, ye cripples! crutches are cheap! W. Brown is no longer asleep!'" In a leading article in the Times of November 13, 1838, upon juvenile crime, and the incitors thereto, we read the following: "The Traders in crime do not wholly confine their seductions to the young; they often find apt scholars among the unfortunates of riper The time was coming, when imprisonment for debt was to be abolished. An Act of 1 & 2 Vict. cap. 110 had already abolished Arrest on Mesne Process in Civil Actions, so that no prisoners could be committed to the Fleet from the Courts of Chancery, Exchequer, and Common Pleas, and the Debtors and Bankrupts might as well be in the Queen's Bench. The Demolition of the Fleet was therefore confidently anticipated, as we find by the following paragraph from the Times, March 3, 1841. "Removal of Prisoners. On Saturday a deputation from the Woods and Forests, attended by the Marshal, visited the Queen's Bench Prison, preparatory to moving over the Debtors from the Fleet, which prison is about to be pulled down. By this arrangement the Country will save about £15,000 per annum, besides getting rid of an ugly object, and room being made for other contemplated improvements. It is supposed the Judges will find some difficulty in removing the Prisoners from the Fleet by Habeas Corpus, and that a short Bill will be necessary for that purpose. The expenses of the Queen's Bench Prison in its present profitless employment, is about £30,000 per annum to the Country." This announcement was slightly premature, for the Act for its demolition (5 & 6 VictoriÆ, cap. 22) was not passed until May 31, 1842. The Prisoners objected to I have before me the Original Subscription list of a scheme of "Resistance to The Abolition of the Fleet Prison. April 9th, 1842." The author of the Letter of "Fleta to the Lords, calling upon them individually to Oppose the Bill for transferring the Debtors in the Fleet to the Queen's Prison, respectfully calls upon all Parties interested in an Opposition to the said Bill, to render him such pecuniary assistance in forwarding his Object, as may be consistent with their Views or Convenience." A list of Subscriptions follows, but although 25/- was promised, only 15/- appears to be paid. They held meetings, a notice calling one of which is facsimiled; but it was of no avail, and they had to go. Memorial Notice Memorial Notice One Philip Ball, a Chancery Prisoner, composed The Last Days of the Fleet! 1 I'll sing to you a bran new song Made by my simple pate, About the end of the good old Fleet, Which on us now shuts its gate. It has kept confin'd the choicest lads That e'er together met— Of merry, jolly, rattling dogs, A regular slap up set. Of jovial Fleet prisoners, All of the present day. 2 This good old pris'n in every room Contains a merry soul, Who for his doings out of doors Is now drop't 'in the hole.' But surely this is better far Than your simple plodding way, Get deep in debt, go through the Court, And whitewash it all away. Like a jovial Fleet prisoner, All of the present day. 3 Such right good hearts are rarely found, As round me now I see; With such, I'm 'most inclined to say, Hang liberty for me. For T——y, S——y, V——h, In spirits who excel? How could we better live than here, Where friendship weaves her spell? 'Mongst jovial Fleet prisoners, All of the present day. 4 To racquets, skittles, whistling shops, We must soon say farewell; The Queen's assent to her prison bill Has rung their funeral knell; And Bennett, Gray, and Andrew too Must close their welcome doors, For sing song and tape spinning now, This damn'd new Act all floors, For the jovial Fleet prisoner, All of the present day. 5 But to her gracious Majesty You'll long be loyal and true, Although this latest act of hers Must be felt by some of you. Speed through the Court, or compromise Like gallant Captain T——h, Or else you'll soon be sent to grieve Your guts out in the Bench. All melancholy prisoners Unlike those of the present day. Much, however, as the prisoners might grieve, it was of no use kicking against an Act of Parliament, and those prisoners who did not take advantage of the Insolvent Debtors Act, were transferred to the Queen's Prison, which in its turn ceased to be a debtor's prison, and was used by Military offenders, until it was sold on Oct. 30, 1879, and pulled down in that and the following year. Now, legally speaking, there is no imprisonment for debt, but people are only committed for Contempt of Court. The Commissioners of Woods and Forests invited Tenders for the site and buildings of the late Fleet Prison, the estate of which contained above One Acre, with a frontage of about 251 feet, towards Farringdon Street, and a depth of about 230 feet. The tenders were returnable on Oct. 22, 1844, and the Corporation of the City of London became the owners of the property at a sum variously stated at £25,000 to £29,000, and the sale of its building materials commenced on April 5, 1845. Its exterior was not particularly attractive. And so it passed away, and half the present inhabitants of London the Great do not even know its site, which was not finally cleared until 1846. As a guide to those who wish to know its locality I may mention that the Congregational Memorial Hall and Library, in Farringdon Street, stands on a portion of its site. FARRINGDON STREET AND THE FLEET PRISON. FARRINGDON STREET AND THE FLEET PRISON. GROUND PLAN OF FLEET PRISON. GROUND PLAN OF FLEET PRISON. SECTION OF THE PRISON. SECTION OF THE PRISON. Before quitting the subject of the Fleet prison I cannot help referring to "the grate." Like Ludgate, it had a room open to the street, but furnished with a strong iron grating, behind which sat a prisoner, who called the attention of the passers-by monotonously chanting, "Pray Remember the poor Prisoners." A box was presented for the reception of contributions, but very little money was thus obtained. EXTERIOR OF THE GRATE. EXTERIOR OF THE GRATE. The begging grate was served by poor prisoners who had to swear that they were not worth £5 in the world. Prisoners of all sorts and conditions met here, on one common basis, one of the last of any mark being Richard Oastler, who was the leader of the Ten Hours' Bill Movement, and from this prison he issued a series of "Fleet Papers" about Free Trade, Factories Acts, and the Amalgamation of the Prisons. He died in 1861, and a memorial to him was erected at Leeds. |