
Abbot, Rt. Hon. Chas., elected Speaker, 47.

Abbot’s, Mr., M. P., plan for census, 29.

Abolition of Slave Trade, 132.

—— Debates on, 108, 127.

“Academy of Ancient Music”, 366.

Accident at Review in Hyde Park, 8.

Account of Walcheren Expedition, 159-160.

Acre, Battle of, 3.

Act against cockfighting, 297.

—— to relieve Roman Catholics, 103.

Actors, Child, 333.

—— Famous, 323.

Addington Ministry on its last legs, 107.

—— Mr. Chancellor, presents message to George III., 46.

Address of Sir Francis Burdett, 166.

Admiralty Droits, 140.

Age of dear books, 376.

Agricultural Shows, 247.

Aldridge’s and Tattersalls, 294.

Alfred Club, The, 378.

Almack’s, 357.

Almshouses, Endowed, 459.

Alteration of Great Seal, 33.

—— ” Prayer-book, 34.

Amateur driving, 189.

Amelia, Princess, Death of, 179.

American War, The, 12.

Amiens, Treaty of, 50, 53.

Andrews, billiard player, 319.

Androssi, General, Departure of, 319-321.

Antecedents of Napoleon, 73.

Antiquated Prosecutions, 93.

Antiquity of Cock-fighting, 22.

Appointments bought and sold, 295.

Argyle Rooms, Jubilee ball at, 432.

Armistice, Cost of, 49.

Army Estimates, Enormous expenditure, 59.

—— 50,000 men added to, 98.

“Army of England”, Withdrawal of the, 117.

—— 312,048 men voted for, 115.

Arrest of Sir F. Burdett, 170.

Arrival of brother of Louis XVIII., 110.

—— of Queen of France, 145.

Artists, 369-374.

Associated Artists in Water Colours, 375.

Attempt to assassinate George III., 9.

Attempts to stop war with France, 128.

Australia, Wheat imported from, 28.

Austria at war with France, 116.

Austrians on the Rhine, 3.

Authors, List of celebrated, 376.

Automaton Piano-player, 355.

Bad Harvest throughout Europe, 28.

Bag of Game, Large, 311.

Bakers fined for light weight, 245, 246.

Ballooning, 395.

Bank of England, Loans from, 6, 139.

Banks, Thomas, R.A., sculptor, 374.

Bantry Bay, Mutiny in, 410.

Barbadoes, Moravian missionaries in, 108.

Barouche Club, 191.

Barry, James, Professor of Painting, 370.

Bartolozzi, Francis, 374.

Base-ball match, 318.

Battle of Trafalgar, 118.

—— ” Vimiera, 142.

Beacons, Sea-side, affixed to churches, 99.

Beaumont, Sir Geo. H., Artist, 373.

Beaver Hats, 259.

Bedlam, 12, 391.

Beechey, Sir Wm., Portrait Painter, 372.

Beer made from sugar, 16.

—— Quantity brewed, 238.

—— the National beverage, 238.

“Benefit of Clergy”, 445.

Bets at Clubs, 288-289.

—— Curious, 192, 312.

Betty, W. H. W., Anecdotes of, 325, 326.

—— Career of, 332.

—— Crowds to see, 329.

—— Death of, 332.

—— First appearance in London, 326.

—— presented to Royal Family, 330.

—— Puff preliminary of, 325.

Billiards, 318-319.

—— Large sums lost at, 320.

Billington, Mrs., Salaries of, 361-363.

Bills, Increase of Stamp duty on, 36.

Blockade of England, Attempting to, 130, 131, 135.

Body-snatching, 445.

Bond Street lounger, Rules for, 251-255.

—— ” loungers, Three celebrated, 256.

Bone, Henry, enamel painter, 372.

Books, Age of dear, 376.

—— collection of first editions, 377.

Boulogne, Napoleon at, 96.

Bourgeois, Sir Francis, Artist, 371.

Bow Street Officers, 27.

Boydell’s Gallery in Cheapside, 375.

—— Shakespeare, 375.

Boys, Education of, 277, 278.

Braham, John, Vocalist, 375.

Bread, Consumption of, reduced, 28.

—— New, Sale of forbidden, 5.

—— Variation in price of, 26, 36, 44, 240.

Bridges, Thames, 198.

Britain’s War-Song, 81.

British Museum Gardens, 383.

—— ” Regulations of, 382.

—— Property, Confiscation of, 135.

“Broad-bottomed” Cabinet, 133.

“Brown Bread Bill”, 245.

Browne, Colonel, Death of, 102.

Bull-baiting, 156, 297.

—— Debate on, 298-300.

Bullion, Scarcity of, 105.

Burdett and Paull, Duel between, 133.

—— Sir Francis, Address of, 166.

—— ” ” Arrest of, 170.

—— ” ” Committal of, 167.

—— ” ” Imprisoned in the Tower, 172.

—— ” ” Release of, 174.

—— ” ” Riot after arrest of, 172, 173.

Burial, Last, at cross roads, 452.

Butchers, Prosecution of, 22, 247.

Calais, Inspection of by Napoleon, 96.

Calicoes, Duty on, 36.

Cannon, Transport Inefficient for, 98.

Card money, 286, 287.

Cardinal York, Death of, 134.

—— A pensioner of George III., 134.

Caricaturing the Royal Family, 24.

Carriages, Improvements in, 188.

—— Weights of, 188.

Catalani, Appearance in London, 341.

—— DÉbut of, 340.

—— Pay of, 341.

Catnach Press, The, 447.

Caution to Hatters, 259.

Census, The first, 30.

Ceres (Planet), discovery of, 35.

Certificate of identity of Mr. G. Garrick, 100.

Chantry, Sir Francis, R.A., Sculptor, 374.

Chatham, Earl of, Indignation against, 160.

—— Appointed Governor of Gibraltar, 163.

Child actors, 333.

Children “seen and not heard”, 277.

Chimney sweeps, 216-219.

Christie the Auctioneer, 274.

Chronology of last Century, Rectification of, 30.

Cintra, Convention of, 142-145.

City subscribe liberally to Patriotic Fund, 97.

Civil List five quarters in arrear, 6.

Claim by Prince of Wales, 47.

—— for Revenues of Duchy of Cornwall, 47.

Clarke, Mrs., before House of Commons, 431.

—— Biography of, 427.

—— Her Levees, 429.

—— Mistress of Duke of York, 427.

Clarke, Mrs., mansion described, 427, 428.

—— prices for preferment, 430.

Clergymen prevented from sitting in House of Commons, 37.

Clerical dinner, A, 249.

—— livings, 178.

“Climbing boys”, 216.

Clothes, Mens’, Prices for, 258, 259.

Cloth-working machines, Introduction of, 61.

—— Men hanged for destroying, 62.

Clubs, Bets at, 288, 289.

—— Gambling at, 290.

Coalition Ministry, Downfall of, 132.

Coals, Parliamentary Committee on, 399.

—— Price of, 396-401.

Coaches, Hackney, 187.

—— Mail, List of, 231.

—— ” Rates of, 232.

—— Stage, 184.

Cobbett, W., tried and found guilty, 108.

Cock Pitt, Royal Description of, 295.

Cock-fighting, Act against, 297.

—— Antiquity of, 295.

Cockney’s Account of September first, 313-317.

Codrington, Sir Edw., Early life of, 404.

Coinage, copper, Deterioration of, 126.

—— New, 126.

Colonies, to France, a secondary object, 113.

Commerce, Development of, 200.

Committal of Sir F. Burdett, 167.

Common Council, Relief of debtors by, 152.

Compensation of Prince of Orange, 50.

Competition of Pipers, 367.

“Concert of ancient music”, 366.

Concerts, Open-air, 361.

Condemned Pew, The, 447.

—— Sermon, The, 447.

Condition of London Streets, 201.

Conditions of Peace, 49.

Confiscation of British Property, 135.

Conspirators, Meeting of, 27.

—— dispersed ” ”, 28.

—— Raid on, 63.

Constitutional liberty, Supporters of, 28.

Consumption of Bread reduced, 28.

Convention of Cintra, 142.

Conveyance, deeds of, Duty on, 37.

Cooper’s Hall, Lotteries drawn at, 291.

Copley, John Singleton, Artist, 373.

Copper coinage, Deterioration of, 126.

Corn Riots, 19.

—— Scarcity of, 16.

Cornwallis, Marquis, Treaty of peace signed by, 48.

Cost of Armistice, 49.

—— ” Living, 16.

Costume, Eccentricity of, 261, 262.

Cotton spinners, Distress among, 141.

—— Wages, Regulation of, 141.

Council of Five Hundred, 2.

—— ” Nice, 30.

Country, Feeling of the, 65.

—— Sports, 303.

Courage conspicuous in Royal Family, 96.

Covent Garden Theatre, Burning of, 337.

—— Description of, 343, 344.

—— Fracas at, 323.

Covent Garden Theatre, Foundation Stone laid by Prince of Wales, 337.

Crewel work, Marvels of, 357.

Cricket Ground, Lord’s, 318.

—— Matches, 317, 318.

Cries, Street, 219-227.

Criminal, An impenitent, 450.

—— Dead, Galvanizing a, 391.

Criminals, Fugitive, restored to respective powers, 50.

Cross Roads, Last burial at, 452.

Crouch. Mrs., Prima donna, 365.

Curious bets, 192, 312.

—— Dinner, A, 237.

Daily life of George III., 276, 277.

—— ” Royal Family, 276, 277.

Dancing, 367.

Dead Criminal, Galvanizing a, 391.

Death and burial of Fox, 127.

—— ” Funeral of Pitt, 126.

—— at a prize fight, 301.

—— of Cardinal York, 134.

—— ” George Morland, 373.

—— ” ” Washington, 2.

—— ” Nelson, 118.

—— ” Princess Amelia, 179.

Debate on Bull-Baiting, 293.

—— ” war with Spain, 115.

—— ” Abolition of Slave Trade, 108.

—— ” the Union, 7.

Debtors, poor, Release of, 148.

—— Prisons, 453-457.

—— Relief of, by Common Council, 153.

—— Scheme for pay creditors of poor, 148, 149.

Deciphering papyri, 377.

Declaration of war with France, 74.

Deeds of Conveyance, Duty on, 37.

Defeat of Junot’s Army, 142.

Defiance Club, 191.

De Loutherbourg, Artist, 371.

Demonstration at Kennington, 26, 27.

Departure of Nelson in the Victory, 75.

Description of a gun, 309.

—— of London houses, 232, 234.

Deserters pardoned, 152.

Despard, Colonel, Arrest of, 63.

—— Committal of, 37.

—— before Privy Council, 63.

—— Execution of, 64, 152.

—— Trial of, 63.

Destroying cloth-working machines, 62.

Detention of visitors in France, 74.

Difference in value of money, 29.

Dinner, A clerical, 249.

—— ” curious, 237.

Disarmament and Retrenchment, 45.

Discovery of Planet Ceres, 35.

Distress among cotton-spinners, 141.

Diversions of people of fashion, 275, 276.

Doctor Jenner, 387.

Doctors, List of famous, 386.

—— Old school, 385.

“Doggett’s Coat and Badge”, 195.

Dollars, Re-stamping of, 163.

Driving, Amateurs, 189.

Droits of the Admiralty, 140.

Drury Lane Theatre, Burning of, 338.

—— George III. at, 9.

—— “Lord Nelson” played at, 119.

Duchy of Cornwall, Claim for Revenues, 47.

Duel between Montgomery and Macnamara, 433.

—— between Pauli and Burdett, 133.

—— Cause of, between Montgomery and Macnamara, 433.

Duke of Richmond Bill, 7.

Eccentricity of costume, 261.

Economy in use of grain, 28.

Education of boys, 277.

—— ” girls, 278.

—— ” Physical, of women, 303.

Educational Establishments, 460.

Egypt, War in, 2.

Election, Middlesex, 58, 109.

Elections, General, 58, 133.

Electricity and Galvanism, 389-391.

Emmett, Robert, Antecedents of, 101.

—— Execution of, 102.

End of Walcheren Expedition, 157.

England and Wales, First census, 29.

Engravers, 374.

Enormous expenditure on Army, 59.

Entertainment by the “Pic-nic Club”, 354.

Enthusiasm of the people, 78-88.

Estimates, Army, 59.

“European Museum”, The, 375.

Evacuation of Naples by French troops, 50.

Excitement on Stock Exchange, 72.

Execution, Accident at an, 449.

—— for treason, 452.

—— Horrible, at Jersey, 449.

—— of Colonel Despard, 64, 452.

—— of ringleaders of Irish Rebellion, 102.

—— of Robert Emmett, 102.

Exhibition of Needlework, 357.

—— ” Paintings in Water, Colours, 375.

Expenditure on Army, 59.

Extravagance of Farmers, 35.

Eye-glasses, 260.

Fall of Napoleon, 135.

False hair, 268-272.

—— rumours, Fluctuation of Stocks, through, 39.

Famous actors, 323.

Farmers, Extravagance of, 35.

—— Prosperity of, 35.

Fashion, People of, Diversions of, 275, 276.

Fasts, General, 103, 107, 115, 126, 133, 146, 163.

Fearful odds, Victories gained against, 81.

Feeling of the country, 65.

FÊte at Frogmore, 156.

—— ” Windsor, 154-156.

Fifty thousand men added to Army, 98.

Fire among theatres, 337.

—— engines, Manual, 211.

Firemen, London, 212.

Fires, Great, in London, 210.

First census, 30.

—— of September, Account of, 311-317.

—— street gas lamps, 205.

Fish, Scarcity of, 235.

Fishing, 307.

Fishmongers’ Hall, 20.

Five Hundred, Council of, 2.

Five-volume novels, 376.

Flaxman, John, R.A., Sculptor, 374.

Fleet of Portugal against England, 137.

Flotilla practically useless, 116.

Flour, Paste a substitute for, 44.

Food, Plainness of, 235.

—— Riots, 19-26.

—— Scarcity of, 5, 16.

—— Supply of, from France, 248.

“Forestallers and Regraters”, 240.

“Forestalling and Regrating”, Act against, 16.

—— in meat, 22.

Forgery of “Vortigern and Rowena”, 336.

Four-in-hand Club, 191.

Fox, Courtesy of, 128.

—— and his wife introduced to Napoleon, 52.

—— Death and burial of, 127.

—— Elected for Westminster, 52.

—— Letter to Talleyrand, 128, 129.

—— Napoleon’s admiration for, 53.

—— Visit of, to Paris, 52.

—— Mrs., publicly acknowledged as Fox’s wife, 52.

Fracas at Covent Garden Theatre, 323, 324.

France, Austria at war with, 116.

—— Colonies to, a secondary object, 113.

—— Declaration of war with, 74.

—— Failure of peace negotiations with, 130.

—— Greatness of, 113.

—— Queen of, Arrival of, 145.

—— Rupture with, 65.

—— Supply of Food from, 248.

—— Trade with, 45.

—— Wild rush of English over, 51.

Fraud at a lottery, 291.

Freedom of Speech, 82.

Freedom of the Press, 82.

Freeman’s oath, The, 90-91.

French Ambassador, Departure of, 73.

—— Army crippled, 3.

—— Government, O’Connor in treaty with, 52.

—— more than doubted, 26.

—— Press, England libelled by, 65.

—— Prisoners break parole, 100.

—— ” fed at expense of English Government, 38.

—— ” Ingenuity of, 5.

—— ” Liberation of, 54.

—— ” Maintenance of, 49.

—— ” Number of, 5, 38, 417.

—— ” Offer to feed, by French Government, 38.

—— ” Proposed disposal of, 100.

—— ” Question of feeding, 37, 38.

—— ” Refusal of French Government to provide for, 4.

—— ” Some, confined for eight years, 38.

—— ” Stoppage of supplies to, by French Government, 38.

—— ” Sufferings of, 36.

—— Refugees, 101.

—— Refusal of, to supply clothes to compatriots, 36.

—— Republic, 2.

—— Revolution, 26.

—— Troops, Evacuation of Naples by, 50.

Friendly Societies, 459.

Frogmore fÊte, 156.

Fugitive criminals restored to respective powers, 50.

Funeral of Nelson, Prices given to view, 120.

Furniture, Style of, 234.

Fuseli, Henry, Artist, 371.

Galloway, Committal of, 37.

Galvanism and Electricity, 390, 391.

—— Cure of insane by, 391.

Galvanizing dead criminal, 391.

Gambling in the Royal circle, 286.

—— Universal, 285-287.

—— Vice of women, 285.

Game, Bags of, large, 311.

—— Quantity of, 311.

—— Scarcity of, 236.

—— Supply of, 236.

Gaol Fever, Woolwich Cadets ill with, 453.

Garrick, George, Certificate of identity of, 100.

Gas introduced by Murdoch, 204.

—— ” into London, 204.

—— lamps, First Street, 205.

—— ridiculed, 205.

General elections, 58, 133.

—— Fasts, 103, 107, 115, 126, 133, 146, 163.

Geological Society, 395.

George III. and Royal Family, 98.

—— and Walcheren Expedition, 161.

—— Attempt to assassinate, 9.

—— Cardinal York, a pensioner of, 134.

—— convalescent, 107.

—— Daily life of, 276, 277.

—— Expenses of household of, 47.

—— greatly in debt, 47.

—— Illness of, 179.

—— Jubilee of, 146-152.

—— Messages to House of Commons, 46, 66.

—— pardons deserters, 152.

—— Parliament opened by, 114.

—— Proclamation of peace by, 55.

—— Reference to Napoleon’s letter, 114.

—— Reconciliation between Prince of Wales and, 110.

—— Review of Volunteers by, 417.

—— Sanction of peace by, 39.

George III. seriously ill, 106.

—— W. H. W. Betty presented to, 330.

George III.’s Jubilee, Medal struck to commemorate, 146.

—— servants, petition for wages, 6.

—— sixty-third birthday, 12.

George Washington, Death of, 2.

Germany ravaged, 4.

Girls, Education of, 278-280.

Gold coinage, Smuggling of, 164.

—— High price of, 163.

—— Scarcity of, 16.

Government bill dishonoured, 60, 61.

—— formed by Pitt, 107.

—— Insolvency of, 61.

—— Lotteries, 290, 291.

—— vigilant and watchful, 109.

Grain, Consumption of, restricted, 29.

Grand Junction Canal, Opening of, 208.

Great Britain and Ireland, Union between, 6.

—— fall in wheat, 43.

—— fires in London, 211.

—— seal, Alteration of, 33.

Greatness of France, 113.

Gregory XIII., 30.

Grenville’s, Lord, letters to M. Otto, 26.

—— Reply to Napoleon, 3, 4.

Gretna Green Marriages, 280, 281.

Grouse shooting, 311.

Guildhall, Lotteries at, 291.

Guineas, Temptation to melt, 16.

Gun, Description of a, 309.

—— How to load a, 310.

Gymnastic exercises, 303.

Habeas Corpus Act, Suspension, 37, 102.

Hadfield, James, Acquitted, 12.

—— Biography of, 10.

—— Escape and capture of, 12.

—— Would-be assassin of George III., 9.

Hackney coaches, 187.

Hair-dresser’s Advertisement, 270, 272.

—— False, 268, 272.

—— powdering, 256, 257.

Handbills, Inflammatory, 26.

—— Patriotic, 89-93.

Hanging, 446-450.

Harvest, Bad, throughout Europe, 28.

—— Good and plentiful, 177.

Harvey’s Sauce, Advertisement of, 240.

Hatfield, Review at, 417.

Hats, Beaver, 259.

—— Tax on, 259.

Hatters, Caution to, 259.

Hawkesbury, Lord, Letter to Lord Mayor, 40.

Hawkesbury, Lord, Peace preliminaries signed by, 40.

Head-dresses, 268-272.

Hesitation to evacuate Malta, 64.

Highland Society of London, 367.

Highwaymen, 184.

Hoax on the Lord Mayor, 71.

Home, Privations at, 50.

Honourable Artillery Company, Uniform of, 417.

Hoppner, John, R.A., 372.

Horse Guards, New standard hoisted at, 32.

—— Riding, 193, 194.

Horses, Quality of, 193.

—— Taxes on, 36, 115.

Horticultural Society, The, 395.

Hospitals, Medical, 393.

Hostility of Austria and Prussia, 138.

Hotels, &c., 248, 249.

House of Lords, Robbery from, 440.

House-keeping, Cost of, 16.

Houses in London, Description of, 232.

—— in London, Number of, 232.

—— Pattern of the, 232.

“Hoys”, Margate, 196.

Hunters’ Museums, The, 384.

Hunting Breakfast, A, 306.

—— then and now, 305.

Hyde Park, Review in, accident at, 8.

Illness of George III., 106, 180, 181.

Illuminations, Jubilee, 156, 157.

—— Accident at, 58.

—— Peace, 40, 41, 43.

Impeachment of Lord Melville, 126, 127.

Improvements in Carriages, 188.

Improvements on old tinder-box, 208.

Incledon, vocalist, 265.

Income Tax on £200, 17.

—— ” Repeal of, 47.

Increase of stamp duty, 36.

India, Rice from, 241.

—— Wheat from, 28.

Inefficiency of Police, 24.

“Infant Roscius”, The, 324.

Inflammatory handbills, 26.

Insane, Cure of, by galvanism, 391.

Insolvency of Government, 61.

Insolvent Debtors’ Act, 453.

Insurance Companies, List of, 211.

Intellect, Retarding march of, 62.

Introduction of the Percussion Cap, 310.

Invasion expected on Kent and Sussex coasts, 99.

—— Possibility of, treated lightly, 92.

—— scare dying out, 109.

—— signals, 99.

—— squibs, 78-88.

—— Threatened, of England, 76, 96.

Invisible lady, The, 358.

Ireland, First Census of, 30.

—— Union with, 6, 32.

Ireland’s forgery of “Vortigern and Rowena”, 336.

Irish Rebellion, 101.

—— ” Execution of ringleaders of, 102.

“Jean de Bry” coats, 250.

Jersey, Horrible execution in, 449.

Jews, Jubilee celebrated by, 156.

Jockeys, Lady, 293, 294.

Jubilee Ball at Argyle Rooms, 178.

—— celebrated by Jews, 156.

—— George III.’s, 146-152.

—— illuminations, 156, 157.

—— Pamphlets on, 150, 151.

—— Poem on, 151.

—— Song, 150.

Julian Calendar, The, 30.

Junot’s Army, Defeat of, 142.

Kauffman, Angelica, Artist, 173.

Kennington, Demonstration at, 26, 27.

Kent Coast, Invasion expected on, 99.

Kilwarden, Lord, Murder of, 102.

King of Prussia’s rudeness, 69.

“King’s concerts”, 367.

—— servants petition for wages, 6.

Ladies’ costumes, Eccentricity of, 261.

—— out-door dress, 272.

Lady jockeys, 293, 294.

Lamps, Street, 203.

Large Bags of Game, 311.

Lawrence, Sir Thomas, Artist, 372.

Lauriston, General, Arrival of, 42.

——- ” Treatment of by mob, 42.

Law to prevent sale of new bread, 5.

Lead, Tax on, 36.

Legacies, Duty on, 115.

Letters, Postage of, 232.

—— Tax on, 115.

Leverean Museum, 38.

Liberation of French Prisoners, 54.

Liberty of English Press, 39.

License of the Press, 65.

LinnÆan Society, 395.

List of celebrated Authors, 376.

—— of famous doctors, 386.

Living, Cost of, 16.

Livings, Clerical, 178.

Lloyd’s Coffee House a great power, 40.

Lloyd’s, Meeting at, 75.

Loaf, Quartern, Price of, 29.

Loans from Bank of England, 6, 139.

Locomotives, 395.

London Docks, Laying of first stone, 200.

—— Firemen, 212.

—— Great fires in, 211.

—— not beautiful, 232.

—— streets, Condition of, 201.

—— ” Description of, 214.

—— water supply, 212-214.

Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, Murder of, 102.

—— Mayor Combe, Proclamation by, 23.

—— Mayor hoaxed, 71.

—— Mayor’s show, 44.

Lord’s Cricket ground, 318.

Loss of Trade, 50.

Lotteries, Government, 290, 291.

Lottery, Fraud at a, 291.

—— Last public, 292.

Louis XVIII., Arrival of brother of, 110.

Lunatics, Treatment of, 391-393.

Luxurious travelling, 186.

Lyceum Theatre, 357.

Lying in state of Nelson, 121, 122.

Machinery, Introduction of into cloth-working, 61.

Madhouses, Public, 391.

Mail Coaches, List of, 231.

—— ” Routes of, 231.

Malcontents, Political, lightly dealt with, 37.

Malta, Evacuation of, 50.

—— Hesitation of England to evacuate, 64.

Mara, Mdlle., Salary of, 365.

March of intellect, Retarding, 62.

Margate “Hoys”, 196.

Marriage of Prince of Wales, 47.

Marshalsea, Prison of the, 148, 456.

Martin, Mr., M.P., called to order, 35.

Mary-le-bone Cricket Club, 318.

Matrimonial Advertisements, 280.

Maunday Thursday, 148.

Meat, Forestalling in, 22.

—— Quantity consumed, 235.

Medical Hospitals, 393.

Meeting at Lloyd’s, 75.

Meetings held all over the country, 98.

—— met with vigorous repression, 28.

Melville, Lord, Impeachment of, 126, 127.

Middlesex Elections, 58-109.

Militia almost permanently embodied, 413.

—— reviewed at Hatfield, 417.

Milk, Prices of, 220.

Miller, Patrick, Esq., Offer of, 426.

Ministry jealous of England’s honour, 68.

Mobbing Quakers, 19.

Modified Postal arrangements, 37.

Montagu, Mrs., friend of “climbing boys”, 216.

Money, Difference in value of, 29.

—— Scarcity of, 105.

—— thrown to the mob, 42.

Moravian missionaries in Barbadoes, 108.

Morland, George, Death of, 373.

Morning Post and Times, 380-382.

—— Number printed, 380.

—— Rise in price of, 380.

Mudie, Miss, Description of, 334.

—— ” Fate of, 336.

—— First appearance in London, 334.

—— Reception of, 335.

Mulgrave’s, Lord, Reply to Napoleon, 114.

Murder of Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, 102.

—— of Lord Kilwarden, 102.

—— ” Rev. Richard Wolfe, 102.

Murdoch, Gas introduced by, 204.

Mutinies on board ship, 408-410.

Mutiny in Bantry Bay, 410.

—— on board Hermione, 408.

Names of race-horses, 293.

Naples, Evacuation of, by French Troops, 50.

Napoleon, Ambition of, 65.

—— at Boulogne, 96.

—— Caricature on, 72.

—— cordially hated, 39.

—— Coronation of, the Pope at, 377.

—— crowned King of Italy, 112.

—— distrusted, 3, 26, 68.

—— elected Emperor, 112.

—— English proposal accepted by, 39.

—— Fall of, 135.

—— Fox introduced to, 52.

—— Letters from, 2, 3, 112, 114.

—— Lord Mulgrave’s Reply to, 114, 115.

—— Plot to assassinate, 128, 129.

—— Treaty of Peace signed by, 49.

—— Unjust conduct of, 74.

—— unpleasant to deal with, 65.

Napoleon’s admiration for Fox, 53.

—— antecedents, 93.

—— ignorance of our laws, 65.

—— inspection of Calais, 96.

—— insult to Lord Whitworth, 69.

—— movements well known, 96.

—— power crippled in Portugal, 142.

—— threatened invasion, 82.

National Beverage, Beer the, 238.

—— Debt, Total of, 181.

Naval force completely equipped, 98.

Navy a rough school, 404.

—— 120,000 men voted for, 115.

—— Officers, Increase of pay of, 417.

—— State of, 402.

Needlework, Exhibition of, 357.

Negotiation See-saw, 39.

Negotiations at Tilsit, 136.

—— Peace, Failure of, 130.

Nelson, cost of funeral of, 126.

—— Death of, 118.

—— Departure in the Victory, 74.

Nelson, Funeral of, 120-124.

—— lying in state, 121.

Nelson’s Signal serves trade advertisements, 121.

New Bread, Sale of, forbidden, 5.

—— Coinage, 126.

—— Drop, the first used, 449.

—— Standard hoisted at Horse Guards, 32.

—— Standard hoisted at the Tower, 32.

Newspapers and Advertisements, 380.

—— Heavily taxed, 379.

Nice, Council of, 30.

Nile, Battle of the, 3.

Nollekens, Sculptor, 374.

Northcote, James, R.A., 371.

Notes, Increase of Duty on, 36.

Novels, Five-volume, 376.

Number of houses in London, 232.

—— of Theatres, 323.

Oath, The Freeman’s, 301.

Offer by Patrick Miller, 426.

—— of Messrs. Pickford & Co., 98.

Officers, Navy, Increase of pay of, 417.

Old Sarum, a rotten borough, 37.

—— tinder-box, description of, 208.

One quartern loaf a week, 28.

Open-air concerts, 361.

Opening of Parliament by George III., 114.

Opie, John, Artist, 371.

O. P. Riots, 146, 339-353.

Orange, Prince of, compensated, 50.

Otto, M., and his wife, guests of Lord Mayor, 44.

—— An unofficial agent, 26.

—— Commissary for exchange of prisoners, 38.

—— Peace preliminaries signed by, 40.

Otto’s, M., house illuminated, 58.

—— letter to French prisoners, 58.

Ouseley’s, Major, Library, 377.

Out-door dress, Ladies’, 272.

Ox roasted at Windsor, 154.

Paddington Canal, opening of, 200.

Painters, 370-373.

Pall Mall, First gas-lamps in, 205.

Paper, Tax on, 36.

—— making machine, 396.

Papyri, Deciphering, 377.

Paris Fashions, 265.

—— Fox’s visit to, 52.

—— to London, rapid journey, 194.

Parisot, Mdme., Famous ballet-dancer, 355.

Parliament, Message from George III. to, 6.

—— on price of provisions, 243.

—— Printers before, 165.

Parliamentary Impeachment, 126.

Parliaments opened by George III., 35, 152.

Parole Regulations, 100.

Partridge Shooting, 311.

Paste a substitute for bread, 44.

Patriotic Fund, The, 119, 425.

—— Fund, City subscribes to, 97.

—— Handbills, 89-93.

Paull and Burdett, Duel between, 133.

Peace, Conditions of, 49.

—— Definite treaty of, 48.

—— Negotiations, Failure of, 130.

—— Preliminaries signed, 40.

—— procession, 55-57.

—— ” in the City, 57.

—— Proclamation of, 56.

—— ” Reading of, 56-58.

Peace, Public thanksgiving for, 55, 58.

—— rejoicings, 41-43.

—— Treaties of, 39.

Peltier, Jean, Editor of L’Ambigu, 65.

—— Found guilty, 68.

—— Trial of, 65-68.

Penny post to be twopence, 37.

Pensions to late Ministers, 47.

People, Arming the, 98.

People of Fashion, Diversions of, 275, 276.

Pepper, Tax on, 36.

Pepusch, Dr. John Christopher, musician, 365.

Percussion Cap, Introduction of, 310.

Perkinean Institution, 390.

Perkins’s Metallic Tractors, 389.

Phantasmagoria at the Lyceum Theatre, 357.

Phenomenon, A theatrical, 324.

Philanthropic Societies, 460.

Physical education of women, 303.

Piano, Automaton, player on, 355.

Piazzi, Italian Astronomer, 35.

Pickford and Co., Offer of, 98.

“Pic-nic Club”, Entertainment by, 354.

—— Club, Supporters of the, 355.

Picture Galleries, Private, 369.

Pidcock’s Menagerie, Sale of, 357.

Pigeon Shooting, 310.

Pigott Diamond Bill, 7.

Pillory, Treatment of prisoners in, 440-443.

Pitt, Cost of funeral of, 125.

—— Death of, 125.

—— Government formed by, 107.

Pitt’s Budget, 36.

Plainness of food, 235.

Plot to assassinate George III., 62.

—— to assassinate Napoleon, 128.

Police authorities, 435.

—— Criminal, expense of, 459.

—— Inefficiency of, 24.

—— officers, List of, 457.

Political Caricatures, 65.

—— dissatisfaction, 37.

—— malcontents lightly dealt with, 37.

Poor’s Rates, 17.

Portugal, Fleet of, against England, 137.

Portugal, Napoleon’s power crippled in, 142.

Possibility of invasion treated lightly, 92.

Post Office, Chief, in Cloak Lane, 229.

Post Office, General, First stone laid, 230.

—— Office, Rules of, 230.

Postage of letters, 232.

Postal Arrangements, 37.

Postmen, Uniform of, 228.

Poultry, supply of, 236.

Prayer-book, Alteration of, 34.

Preliminaries of peace signed, 40.

Press, Freedom of the, 82.

—— French, England libelled by, 65.

—— Liberty of, 39.

—— License of the, 65.

—— Gang, man killed by a, 408.

—— Gangs, 406-408.

Price, High, of Gold, 163.

—— of Bread, 36, 44, 240.

—— of Corn, 29.

—— of Milk, 220.

Prices of Wheat, 21, 35, 43.

Primitive state of Manufactures, 396.

Prince of Orange compensated, 50.

—— of Wales, First stone of Covent Garden Theatre laid by, 337.

—— of Wales, Claim by, 47.

—— ” Regency of, 180.

—— ” Marriage of, 47.

Princess Amelia, death of, 179.

Printers before Parliament, 165.

Prints, Satirical, 65, 72.

Prisoners of war, Release of, 53.

—— Treatment of, in pillory, 440-443.

Prisons, list and descriptions of, 453-457.

Privations at home, 50.

Privy Council, Colonel Despard before, 63.

Prize-fight, death at a, 301.

Prize-fighting discountenanced, 302.

Prize-fights, Prince of Wales at, 301.

Proclamation of Peace, 56.

Proclamations of George III., 28, 32.

Progression, Rate of, 17.

Proposals accepted by Napoleon, 39.

Prosecutions, Antiquated, 22.

Provisions, Prices of, 45, 239-243.

Public Madhouses, 391.

—— Roads, State of, 182, 183.

—— thanksgiving for Peace, 55, 58.

—— whipping, 440.

Quakers mobbed, 19.

Quartern loaf, Price of, 29.

Queen of France, arrival of, 145.

Race-horses, names of, 293.

Raid on Conspirators, 63.

Raisins, Tax on, 36.

Ranelagh Gardens, Description of, 360.

Rapid journey from Paris to London, 194.

Rate of Progression, 17.

Rates, Poor’s, 17.

Reconciliation between George III. and Prince of Wales, 110.

Recruiting, Rough and ready method of, 97.

Rectification of Chronology, 30.

Refusal of Bank of England to take back Spanish dollars, 106.

Regency of Prince of Wales, 180.

Regulations, Volunteer, 419-424.

Reinagle, Artist, 372.

Release of debtors, 148.

—— ” prisoners of war, 53.

—— ” Sir F. Burdett, 174.

Relief of debtors by Common Council, 152.

Repeal of Income Tax, 47.

Re-stamping dollars, 163.

Retarding march of intellect, 62.

Retrenchment, 44.

Review at Hatfield, 417.

—— by Prince of Wales, 417.

—— in Hyde Park, 8.

—— of Volunteers, 12-15, 417.

Rice from India, 241.

Riot Act read by Lord Mayor, 20.

Riot after arrest of Sir F. Burdett, 172.

Riots, Corn, 19.

—— Food; Attempt to wreck a house, 24.

—— Food, Termination of, 26.

—— in Cotton districts, 142.

—— in Wiltshire, 61.

—— O. P., 146.

—— ” Caricatures on, 347-349.

—— ” Committee on, 350.

—— ” Compromise agreed on, 351.

—— O.P., Defence of Proprietors, 342, 343.

—— ” End of, 353.

—— ” Kemble’s appearance at, 345.

—— ” Kemble’s windows broken, 357.

—— ” Medals struck, 346.

—— ” Revived, 352.

—— ” Riot Act read at, 344.

Roads, Public, State of, 182, 183.

Robbery, Impudent, 439.

Roman Catholics, Act to relieve, 103.

Rotten Row, Horses in, 193.

Rough and ready method of Recruiting, 97.

Royal Academy of Art, 369.

—— Assent given to the Union, 7.

—— Circle, Gambling in the, 286.

—— Family and dress, 272.

—— ” caricatured, 24.

—— ” Courage conspicuous in, 96.

—— ” Daily life of the, 276, 277.

—— ” W. H. W. Betty presented to, 330.

—— Institution, The, 394.

—— Society, The, 394.

Rupture with France, 65.

Rusby, Trial of, 17.

Rusby’s house sacked, 21.

Rush of English over France, 51.

Russia, Emperor of, Strong proofs of wisdom of, 115.

Safety of George III. and Royal Family, 98.

Sailor, Typical, 403.

Sailors’ Food, 404.

Sailors, Full uniform of, 403.

St. Clement Danes Association, 25.

St. James’s, New Standard hoisted at, 32.

Salt Duty Bill, Fierce debate on, 116.

Scarcity of Bullion, 105.

—— ” Corn, 16, 28.

—— ” Fish, 235.

—— ” Food, 5, 16.

—— ” Game, 236.

—— ” Gold, 16.

Scheldt Expedition, 412.

—— ” select committee on, 162.

Scheme for payment of prisoners’ debts, 148, 149.

Scientific men of the time, 394, 395.

Scotland, First Census of, 30.

Sculptors, 374.

Seal, Great, Alteration of, 33.

Sedan Chairs, Rates of hire, 187.

Shakespeare Gallery Lottery, 375.

Shee, Sir Martin A., P.R.A., 372.

Sheep roasted at Windsor, 154-155.

Sheridan, Anecdote of, 338.

Ships, Number in commission, 405.

Shooting, A day’s, 308.

—— Pigeon, 310.

Shows, Agricultural, 247.

Sick and Hurt Office, 61.

“Silent Highway”, The, 195.

Sinews of War, The, 75.

Skittles, 304.

Slave Trade, Debates on Abolition, 108-127.

—— Trade prohibited, 132.

Smirke, Thos., R.A., 58, 372.

Smuggling Adventure, 444.

—— of Gold coinage, 164.

—— Wholesale, 445.

Societies, Philanthropic, 460.

Society of Antiquaries, The, 395.

—— ” Arts, 395.

Soldiers, Uniform of, 412.

Spain, War against, Debate on, 115.

—— War declared against, 115.

Spanish dollars called in, 106.

Speech, Freedom of, 82.

“Spinning-Jenny”, 62.

Sponging-houses, 457.

Sports, Country, 303.

Sportsmen, Cockney, 313-317.

Spy craze, 99.

Squibs, Invasion, 78-88.

Stage coaches, 184.

—— waggons, 185.

—— ” Speed of, 186.

Stamp duty, Increase of, 36.

Stamping Spanish dollars, 163.

Standard, New, hoisted at Horse Guards, 32.

—— New, hoisted at Tower, 32.

Steam, 395, 396.

Stock Exchange, Excitement on, 72.

—— Exchange ruse, 71.

Stocks, Fluctuation through false rumours, 39.

—— used for minor offences, 440.

Storace, prima donna, 365.

Stothard, Thos., R.A., 371.

Street cries, 219-227.

—— lamps, 203.

Streets, London, Description of, 214.

—— London, Superiority of, 236.

—— vendors, 219-226.

—— watering, 215.

Sugar, Beer made from, 16.

—— Tax on, 36.

Suicides, Burial of, 452.

Superiority of London Streets, 236.

Supply of Game, 236.

—— ” Poultry, 236.

Suspension of Habeas Corpus Act, 37, 102.

Sussex Coast, Invasion expected on, 99.

Tandem Club, The, 191.

Tattersall’s and Aldridge’s, 294.

Tax, Extra, on letters, 115.

—— ” ” salt, 115.

—— Income, on £200, 17.

—— ” Repeal of, 47.

—— on hats, 259.

—— ” horses, 36, 115.

—— ” lead, 36.

—— ” paper, 36.

—— ” pepper, 36.

—— ” raisins, 36.

—— ” sugar, 36.

—— ” tea, 36.

—— ” timber, 36.

Tea, Tax on, 36.

Thames, Appearance of, 199.

—— as a means of traffic, 195.

—— Bridges, 198.

—— dock accommodation needed, 199.

—— Early steamboat on, 200.

—— watermen, 195.

—— ” Fares of, 196.

Thanksgiving, Public, for peace, 55-58.

“The Horns”, Kennington, 26.

Theatres burnt, 337, 338.

—— Number of, 323.

Theatrical Phenomenon, A, 324.

Thornton, Colonel, Bet of, 312.

Threatened Invasion, 76, 96.

Three Mr. Wiggins’s, The, 356.

Tilsit, Negotiations at, 136.

Timber, Tax on, 36.

Times and Morning Post, 380-382.

Tinder-box, Old, Description of, 208.

—— Old, Improvements on, 208.

“Tommy Onslow”, 191.

Tooke, Rev. J. H., partizan of Wilkes, 37.

Total of National Debt, 181.

Tower, New Standard hoisted at, 32.

Townsend, Bow Street runner, 345.

Trade, Loss of, 50.

—— with France, 45.

Trafalgar, Battle of, 118.

Trafalgar, Battle of, London illuminated in honour of, 118.

—— Thanksgiving for victory of, 119.

Traffic in slaves prohibited, 132.

—— Thames as a means of, 195.

Transport defective, 98, 109.

Travelling, Luxurious, 186.

—— Old and new styles compared, 183.

Treason, Execution for, 452.

Treaties of Peace, 39.

Treaty of Amiens, 50, 53.

—— with United States, 138.

Trinidad, Island of, 49.

Turf purer than now, 292.

Turner, Joseph Mallord Wm., 371.

Tyburn, Last person hanged at, 447.

“Tyburn Tickets”, 446.

Union between Great Britain and Ireland carried in Irish House of Lords, 6.

—— Debate on the, 7.

—— Royal assent given to, 7.

“United Britons”, The, 37.

United States, Treaty with, 138.

Unlawful to sell new bread, 5.

Vaccination, 387.

—— Pamphlets, 387.

Valse, The, 367.

Value of money, Difference in, 29.

Variation in price of bread, 26, 36, 44, 240.

Vauxhall Gardens, 358, 359.

Vegetables, Supply of, 239.

Vendors, Street, 219-226.

Venison an epicurean dish, 237.

Vernal Equinox, 30.

Victories gained against fearful odds, 81.

Victory, Departure of Nelson in, 74.

Vimiera, Battle of, 142.

Visitors, Detention of, in France, 74.

Volunteer movement, 12, 417.

—— regulations, 419-424.

Volunteer reviews, 12-15, 417.

Volunteers, Arms of, 424.

—— Dinner to, 417.

—— in plenty, 97.

—— Pay of, 421.

—— serve as police, 419.

“Vortigern and Rowena”, Forgery of, 336.

Vyner, Sir Robert, Anecdote of, 229.

Wages, George III.’s servants petition for, 6.

Waggons, Stage, 185.

—— ” Speed of, 186.

Wales, Prince of, Claim by, 47.

—— First stone of Covent Garden Theatre laid by, 337.

—— Marriage of, 47.

—— Regency of, 180.

—— Review by, 417.

Walcheren Expedition, Account of, 159, 160.

—— Citizens of London and, 161.

—— End of, 157.

—— George III. and, 161.

Walter, Mr., Proprietor of the Times, 400.

War, Attempts to stop the, 128.

—— declared against Spain, 115.

—— France and Austria at, 116.

—— in Egypt, 2.

—— song, 81.

—— with France, Declaration of, 74.

Washington, George, Death of, 2.

Watch-house, The, 437.

Watchmen, Old London, 435.

—— Practical jokes on, 438.

Water Colours, Associated artists in, 375.

Water Colours, Exhibition of paintings in, 375.

—— supply, London, 212, 214.

Watering streets, 215.

Wedding-ring, Story of a, 281.

Weights of carriages, 188.

West, Benj., P.R.A., 370.

West India Docks Bill passed, 199.

Westell, Artist, 372.

Westmacott, Sir Richard, R.A., 474.

Wheat, Importation of, 28.

—— Prices of, 21, 35, 43.

Whip Club, Description of the, 189-191.

Whipping, Public, 440.

Whitworth, Lord, and his recall, 76.

—— Despatches from, 69-73.

—— insulted by Napoleon, 69.

—— Return of, 73.

Wife-selling, 282, 283.

Wilkes, Rev. J. H. Tooke a partizan, 37.

Wiltshire, Riots in, 61.

Windsor, Bull baited at, 156.

—— FÊte at, 154-156.

—— Ox and sheep roasted at, 155.

Wines, Prices of, 239.

Wolfe, Rev. Richard, Murder of, 102.

“Women to let”, 284.

Workhouses, Parochial, 459.

York, Cardinal, A Pensioner of George III., 134.

—— Death of, 134.

—— Duke of, Exculpation of, 430.

—— Resignation of, 432.

York’s, Duke of, letter to Speaker, 431.



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