
Most men are of an amative disposition, and after the age of puberty have frequent desires to indulge in sexual intercourse. Some feel this desire so overpoweringly that everything else is forgone, all risks are run, and consequences madly braved, merely for the gratification of a momentary passion. Females, on the contrary, are seldom troubled with sexual desires; and among those who risk their reputation and their social existence in the gratification of illicit love, few are prompted to the act by the amative feeling. It is the idea that they are loved, and the wish to impart pleasure to the loved object, that overpowers their own judgment. When once a man has gained the love of a true female heart, it lies in his power to use her person at will. Very few of the weaker sex can withstand the promptings of disinterested affection; but their sexual passions seldom lead them astray.

In sexual union, the ecstatic point of enjoyment is termed in medical phrase the Orgasm, and in some men it is so intense that all consciousness ceases, and a perfect insensibility to everything around is produced for the moment. The Orgasm is usually followed by a state of dreamy languor or exhaustion, which induces sleep. In women the Orgasm is not always experienced, and some females of cold temperament do not know what it is, though they are often excited, and feel a certain degree of pleasure. When it does occur in women, it is often even more intense than in the other sex, causing convulsive motions and involuntary cries. It does not exhaust the system, as in the male, and the dreamy languor is more pleasing, and will often continue for an hour or more. It sometimes happens that a female of amative desires is never satisfied with one Orgasm, but craves frequent and repeated intercourse, as the indulgence does not exhaust her as it does her partner. Such a woman, unless she be possessed of great moral firmness, is apt either to injure the health of her husband, or to indulge in illicit love. Happily, cases like this are rare. The male can have but one perfect Orgasm at the same time, because he must secrete a new supply of Semen before another can take place. Men do frequently attempt the second, third, and even more frequent connections within a few hours, but the subsequent ones are spasmodic and hurtful. Those who value their health, and desire to enjoy true sexual pleasure, should never attempt these repetitions, as they permanently injure the organs, and impart to them an unnatural craving for frequent intercourse. Two or three days should occur between the periods of sexual indulgence to enable a man to enjoy it in full perfection. The female Orgasm, not being produced by any secretion, may be enjoyed without particular injury, though it is sometimes apt to affect the nerves. In most females it is very difficult to be produced—in others it will occur during sleep, and be entirely absent while in the act of coition. Orgasms in the female may therefore be experienced without the least licentious idea being entertained. This is sometimes the case with a class of women called “mediums” by the Spiritualists. The same temperaments are those which can be put in a mesmeric slumber. Women of great devotional feeling are generally of this class, though not always. Dr. Hollick tells us of a lady much addicted to mesmeric practices, who wrote to him her experience. She confessed that whenever she was capable of being acted upon, mesmerically, the mesmeric state was always preceded by sexual excitement—often amounting to a perfect Orgasm—and that if this feeling was not experienced, she could never be mesmerized. Sometimes so many Orgasms would follow each other that she would become completely exhausted and faint away. According to her statement, the mesmeric sleep, or ecstasy, was nothing but the dreamy languor following a sexual Orgasm. There are some mysteries connected with these peculiarities of the female system which Science has thus far failed to discover; but new facts come to light every day, and it is probable we may yet solve them. The sexual feeling in females is often curious and peculiar, and I have no doubt that the mind and imagination control it in some unexplained manner. A case occurred in France where a female enjoyed the feeling to excess with one man, while with others she could enjoy nothing, though these latter persons were quite as agreeable and pleasing to her. This fact shows that there are persons of opposite sexes naturally adapted to each other, and where such people marry they are generally happy in the marriage state.

Sexual intercourse is no doubt beneficial to health in all fully developed persons, and in some females it is actually necessary to preserve their lives. It is a proper stimulant to the nervous system, and serves as a sort of safety-valve when the vital functions are too active. The statistics of the world show that married people are longer lived on the average than single ones, and it is quite certain that as a general rule they enjoy more perfect health. M. Pidoux, a French physician who had practiced extensively in the Nunneries, assures us that almost invariably the Nuns are afflicted with floodings, with an absence of their monthly turns, and with other uterine diseases, after they reach a certain age.

The proper time for sexual indulgence is an important consideration, inasmuch as carelessness in this respect may tend to dyspepsia, indigestion, and other affections of the stomach. Persons who are predisposed to such diseases should never have sexual intercourse just before eating, nor very soon after a full meal. Its peculiar effect on the stomach is calculated to weaken digestion, particularly on the part of the male; and many a miserable dyspeptic might trace his unhappiness to imprudent acts of sexual intercourse. From two to three hours after or before eating a full meal, is the proper time for this business. Both the body and the mind should be calm and at perfect rest—no troubles or bickerings should disturb the perfect harmony of the amorous pair—nor should the thoughts be allowed to stray away from the matter at issue. Tristram Shandy tells us that he owed the whole misfortunes of his life to an idle remark made by his mother at the very moment of his conception!

A full enjoyment of sexual intercourse depends as much upon the proper time chosen, the condition of the parties, and their mutual sympathies, as upon the fact that they are really persons of the opposite sex. It should not be indulged in except when there is a natural desire and a vigorous impulse. It should be avoided whenever it tends to produce a depression of spirits, or the least debility. It should never be indulged in during intoxication, or where the sexual organs of either party are diseased or out of order. It ought to be entirely abstained from during six or seven days after the commencement of the female monthly turn, and for one month after child-birth. It would be better, for both mother and child, if no sexual intercourse was indulged in during the whole period of suckling her infant, but as that abstinence is not to be expected from ordinary men, I advise as little connection as possible during that time. And should connection with a suckling mother prematurely bring on her menses, (as it sometimes does,) she must immediately wean her child.

Female prostitutes never enjoy their sexual connections with strangers—they are mere passive instruments—while the male only relieves himself of a superabundance of Semen. Too frequent intercourse is quite as unnatural; those who practice it rob themselves of more than half the pleasure they seek. A man in robust health who has refrained from sexual pleasures, may, it is true, enjoy such intercourse once in twenty-four hours for several days together; but he could not attain the full enjoyment from one female. He must then rest. I speak of the highest degree of sexual pleasures. Many newly married couples give no limit to their indulgences; and it is to such that I say, you deny yourselves of the real pleasures of married life. A little philosophy, and some experiments on the hints given, would render the married state a state of more refined pleasures than it now presents to a large class of mankind.

The particular food which is calculated to stimulate the sexual organs is shell-fish, or sea fish of any kind, and turtle, as these generally contain phosphorus. Among vegetables may be mentioned celery, parsnips, onions, peppers, asparagus, tomatoes, Lima beans, &c. Mushrooms and truffles are a stimulant, as is also mint, sage, pennyroyal, thyme, and spices of all kinds, especially pepper and nutmeg. Canvas-back Duck, in proper season, is of excellent stimulating qualities; and for puddings, sago, tapioca and arrowroot. For drinks take porter and strong beer, wines, or coffee. Spirits are too exhilerating, and cause a reaction.


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