The base of the brain is the source and foundation of motion, thinking, and feeling in the human body. The breadth of it indicates the vigor, and its depth the tenacity of life. Men generally have the base of the brain more developed than women, and as a consequence exhibit, in both body and mind, more of what is called force of character. A man whose brain is very full at the base, seldom, if ever, suffers from chronic forms of disease, and never dies from consumption, except in old age when the brain is decayed. His ailings will be confined to inflammatory diseases, gout and rheumatism. Men of this class are never drudges. They are usually energetic, either for good or evil, and are more apt to be leaders of their fellow-men than otherwise. Vital force is as necessary to the promotion of health as pure blood. Those who are deficient of it sooner or later become afflicted with some functional form of disease. Intellectual men of this class usually pursue the profession of a minister, a physician or a college professor, though they make very indifferent doctors or teachers. They do not possess sufficient force or energy of character to make their talents and worth appreciated by the multitude. The trustees of schools and colleges employ them without making any inquiries as to their ability to govern youth, and the consequence is frequent difficulties and fruitless disputes with their pupils.