
Many quack doctors advertise medicines to stimulate the procreative powers, and thus create a desire for sexual intercourse. These are sold at enormous prices, and are often useless, for the reason that the venders of them cannot know anything at all of their patients, and must fix the dose so as to suit the most delicate temperament for fear of injurious effects. The drugs used for this purpose are sold by every apothecary, and indeed at almost any country store. We will mention some of them:

Cannabis Indica is the principal article used in making love powders. It acts powerfully on the nerves, excites the sexual organs, and increases their activity. The quantity to be taken differs with different persons—too large a dose producing extraordinary excitement and sexual desire, which is followed by corresponding prostration, both mental and physical. The proper use of this drug is not detrimental to health.

Phosphorus is another article used in making preparations to excite the sexual organs. It has a disagreeable smell, and must necessarily be disguised as much as possible. It is powerful in its effects, and has frequently been known to excite women so furiously as to make them discard all prudence and abandon themselves to licentious indulgence. Phosphorated Oil of Almonds, flavored with bergamot, can be introduced into almost any gelatinous substance to disguise the taste of the phosphorus. Dose, from five to ten drops of the oil.

Ether will affect some females very curiously, making them amorous and imparting a strong desire to cohabit with their husbands. On some, again, it has no such effect at all. The dose of Nitrous Ether is from ten to forty drops; or if you prefer Sweet Spirits of Nitre, take half a fluid dram up to twelve drams.

Strong Coffee is a direct stimulant of the generative organs, and if taken in large quantities does not fail to produce marked effects.

Ergot of Rye is taken by some women to bring on their expected monthly turn when they fear they may have become pregnant. It acts as a stimulant and an invigorater of the sexual powers. Dose, in powder, fifteen to twenty grains.

Saltpetre acts also as a stimulant to the sexual organs, and causes a desire to cohabit. It is taken in daily doses of five to ten grains, in the form of purified Nitrate of Potassa.

Cantharides, or Spanish Flies, is a direct stimulant of the sexual feeling in some people. It is taken as a tincture, in doses of ten to twenty drops, and should be used with great caution.




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