A.Act of Regency, vol. i., 26 " to prevent sale of guineas, vol. i., 72 Actors, vol. ii., 340 Allies, The, vol. i., 188, 277 " before Paris, vol. i., 241 Almacks, vol. ii., 287 Amazons, vol. ii., 297 Amelia, Death of Princess, vol. i., 4 American war, vol. i., 169, 191 " " Declaration of, vol. i., 140 American war, exchange of prisoners, vol. i., 366 American war, treaty of peace, vol. ii., 7 Appeal by battle, vol. ii., 143 Art, vol. ii., 353 B.Ballooning, vol. i., 88, 342, 351 Banquet at Guildhall, vol. i., 288 Baron Geramb, vol. ii., 332 Bartholomew Fair, vol. i., 136 Bath, Order of the, vol. i., 372 Battle, Appeal by, vol. ii., 143 Battle for the Standard, vol. ii., 69 Bellingham, John, vol. i., 113 " " execution of, vol. i., 117 Belvoir, The Regent at, vol. i., 213 Birth of Queen Victoria, vol. ii., 198 Blucher a gambler, vol. i., 273 " and the ladies, vol. i., 271 " arrival of, vol. i., 266 " at Oxford, vol. i., 273 Body-snatchers, vol. i., 147; vol. ii., 111 Boy, The calculating, vol. ii., 359 Brooke's Club, vol. ii., 63 Brougham, Lord, vol. i., 325 Bull-baiting, Suppression of, vol. i., 80 Bullion, Scarcity of, vol. i., 43, 67, 110 Burdett, Sir Francis, vol. i., 65 "Burking," vol. i., 147 C.Calculating boy, vol. ii., 359 Caporal Violette, vol. i., 250 Caraboo, vol. ii., 158 Caravats and Shanavests, vol. i., 40 Carlton House, vol. i., 49 Caroline, Princess, leaves England, vol. i., 358 Caroline, Princess, letter to Regent, vol. i., 193 Catalini, Madame, vol. ii., 351 Catholic soldiers, treatment of, vol. i., 23 Cat in a conflagration, vol. i., 191 Census, The, vol. i., 91 Charles I., exhumation of, vol. i., 159 Charles I., Relics of, vol. i., 163 Charlotte, Princess, vol. i., 192 " " and the Regent, vol. i., 316 Charlotte, Princess, and Prince of Orange, vol. i., 311 Charlotte, Princess, Betrothal of, vol. ii., 74 Charlotte, Princess, coming of age, vol. i., 216 Charlotte, Princess, death of, vol. ii., 148 Charlotte, Princess, flight of, vol. i., 323 Charlotte, Princess, presentation at Court, vol. i., 306 Charlotte, Princess, wedding of, vol. ii., 81 Chesapeake and Shannon, vol. i., 169 Circassian, The fair, vol. ii., 194 Chimney sweep, Bill to regulate, vol. i., 133 Chimney sweep, Marriage of a, vol. ii., 100 Chimney sweep, Trial of a, vol. ii., 101 Clown's wager, vol. ii., 343 Clubs, vol. ii., 60 Coaches, vol. ii., 227 Coates, Robert, vol. ii., 334 Cobourg, Prince Leopold of, vol. i., 312; vol. ii., 75 Cochrane, Lord, vol. i., 236 Cock fighting, vol. ii., 321 Comet, The, vol. i., 83 Costumes of period, vol. i., 57, 365 Coinage, New, vol. ii., 106, 139, 142, 168 Cossack, A, vol. i., 155 Cricket by candlelight, vol. i., 104 Cricket match of women, vol. i., 87 Crown, Attempt to steal the, vol. ii., 8 Cumberland, The, vol. i., 15 Custom House, burning of, vol. i., 233 D.Dandisette, vol. ii., 277 Dandy, A, vol. ii., 317 Dandy Horse, vol. ii., 176 Death of George III., vol. ii., 213 " Princess Charlotte, vol. ii., 149 Death of Queen, vol. ii., 168 Debtors' prisons, vol. i., 11, 202 Dinner, A public, vol. ii., 185 " A volunteer's, vol. i., 203 " party, An enormous, vol. i., 51 Dining, vol. i., 302; vol. ii. 327 Donkey riding, vol. ii., 233 Drury Lane Theatre, vol. ii., 339 Duelling, vol. i., 137 E.Earthquake, Shock of, vol. ii., 133 Eating extraordinary, vol. i., 42; vol. ii., 328 Emigration, vol. ii., 193 Emperor of Russia, arrival of, vol. i., 262 Emperor of Russia at Oxford, vol. i., 281 England in 1816, vol. ii., 97 English prisoners in France, vol. i., 21, 331 Esquimaux in London, vol. ii., 72 Evans, Rev. John, vol. i., 5 Exchequer Bills, vol. i., 200 "Excursion to Windsor," vol. i., 5 F.Fair, Bartholomew, vol. i., 136 " in the parks, vol. i., 256 " on the Thames, vol. i., 219 Fasting woman, vol. i., 168 Female cricketers, vol. i., 87 " pedestrian, vol. ii., 299 " sailors and soldiers, vol. ii., 297 Female sports, vol. ii., 298 FÊte at Carlton House, vol. i., 49 Fireworks, vol. i., 346 Fog-extraordinary, vol. i., 209 Footpads, vol. i., 77 Fortunate Youth, The, vol. ii., 153 Fraud on Stock Exchange, vol. i., 235 French fiddler, vol. i., 384 " prisoners, vol. i., 119, 124, 182, 363; vol. ii., 55 Frost, fair, vol. i., 219 " severe, vol. i., 217 Frozen meat, vol. ii., 70 Fruit, Scarcity of, vol. i., 237 G.Gambling, vol. ii., 62, 321 " with Napoleon's life, vol. i., 208 Garter, Order of, vol. i., 179 Gas, Introduction of, vol. i., 208; vol. ii., 105 George III., custody of person, vol. i., 36; vol. ii., 176 George III., Death of, vol. ii., 213 " Health of, vol. i., 2, 4, 93, 197, 372; vol. ii., 131, 210 George III., love of music, vol. i., 9 Gilray, Death of, vol. i., 76 Gipsies, vol. ii., 263 Grand Duke Nicholas, vol. ii., 133 Gretna Green, vol. ii., 300 Guard's Club, vol. ii., 64 Guildhall, Banquet at, vol. i., 286 Guineas, vol. i., 67, 72, 110, 360 H.Habeas Corpus suspended, vol. ii., 141 Hamilton, Lady, vol. i., 376 Hanger, Colonel, vol. i., 29 Hedgehog and man fight, vol. i., 203 Highwayman, vol. i., 77 Hobby Horse, vol. ii., 176 Houses of London, vol. ii., 234 Hunt, H., Saved Sinner, vol. ii., 116 Huntingdon, William, vol. i., 175 I.Ibbetson's hotel, vol. ii., 61 Ireland, State of, vol. i., 209, 329 Irish witness, An, vol. ii., 201 J.Jews, cruelty to, vol. i., 25 Jordan, Mrs., vol. ii., 341 Jubilee of George III., vol. i., 342 K.Kean, vol. ii., 339 Kemble, vol. ii., 343 King of Prussia, and prize-fighters, vol. i., 287 King of Prussia, Arrival of, vol. i., 205 King of Prussia, bed of, vol. i., 287 King, Lord, vol. i., 68 Kyrle Society, vol. ii., 164 L.Ladies' costumes, vol. i., 57, 365; vol. ii., 277, 289 Lady Parachutist, vol. i., 89 " Pig-faced, The, vol. i., 377 Leipsic, Battle of, vol. i., 185 Leopold, Prince of Cobourg, vol. i., 312; vol. ii., 75 Letter of a soldier, vol. ii., 57 Limmer's Club, vol. ii., 61 Linwood, Miss, vol. ii., 355 Lioness attacks coach, vol. ii., 232 Literature, vol. ii., 356 Louis XVIII., welcome to, vol. i., 253 Lucien Buonaparte, vol. i., 11 Luddite Riots, vol. i., 91, 108, 150 M.Mackerel, Price of, vol. i., 201 Man and hedgehog fight, vol. i., 203 Margate, vol. i., 143; vol. ii., 54 Marlborough House, vol. ii., 247 Marriage, A chimney sweep's, vol. ii., 100 Marriage Act, Royal, vol. ii., 78 " curious, vol. ii., 300 " of Duke of Gloucester, vol. ii., 99 Marriage of Princess Charlotte, vol. ii., 81 McMahon, Colonel, vol. i., 103 Meat, Frozen, vol. ii., 70 Medical men, vol. ii., 191, 360 Men of the period, vol. ii., 303 Men's dress, vol. ii., 307 Midshipmen, vol. ii., 52 Museum, British, vol. ii., 14 Musical Prodigy, vol. ii., 353 N.Napoleon, abdication, vol. ii., 25 " attempts suicide, vol. i., 248 Napoleon, Bon mots about, vol. ii., 13 Napoleon, Carriage of, vol. ii., 199 " escape from Elba, vol. i., 386 Napoleon, Fall of, vol. i., 246 " letter to Regent, vol. ii., 28 Napoleon on Bellerophon, vol. ii., 36 Napoleon, personal appearance, vol. ii., 33 Napoleon sent to St. Helena, vol. ii., 43 Navy, Strength of, vol. i., 211 New Coinage, vol. ii., 106, 139, 142, 168 O.Oldenburgh, Duchess of, vol. i., 238 Opera, Italian, vol. ii., 347 "Orange Boven," vol. i., 187 Orange, Prince of, vol. i., 187, 261, 311 Order of Bath, vol. i., 372 Owen, Robert, vol. ii., 149 Oysters, vol. ii., 331 P.Parachutes, vol. i., 88 Paris, Capitulation of, vol. i., 243 Parish Registers, vol. i., 147 Percival, Rt. Hon. S., vol. i., 112 " " murder of, vol. i., 115 Percussion cap, vol. i., 76 Peterloo, vol. ii., 205 Petersham, Lord, vol. ii., 308 Pig-faced Lady, vol. i., 377 Platoff, Mdlle., vol. i., 159 Population, vol. i., 91 Post-chaises, vol. ii., 221 Prince of Orange, vol. i., 187, 261, 311 Printing on the ice, vol. i., 223 Prisoners in France, vol. i., 21, 331 Prisoners of war, American, vol. i., 363, 366; vol. ii., 8 Prisoners of war, French, vol. i., 89, 119, 124, 182, 363; vol. ii., 55 Prize-fighting, vol. ii., 322, 371 ,Prodigy, Musical, vol. ii., 353 Provisions, Price of, vol. i., 149, 237 Punch, Recipe for, vol. ii., 330 Pye, Death of, vol. i., 181 Q.Queen, The, and madwoman, vol. i., 166 Queen, The, and Quaker, vol. ii., 146 Queen, The, at Bath, vol. ii., 146 " " Death of, vol. ii., 168 " " practical joke, vol. i., 84 Queen, The, sale of effects, vol. ii., 173 Queen, The, Wealth of, vol. ii., 169 R.Reform meeting, vol. ii., 203 Regalia, Finding of Scottish, vol. ii., 163 Regent, The, at Belvoir, vol. i., 213 " at Oxford, vol. i., 282 " and Freedom of London, vol. i., 44 Regent, The, and Napoleon, vol. ii., 49 Regent, The, companions of, vol. i., 29 Regent, The, debts of, vol. ii., 17 " hissed, vol. i., 307 " in the kitchen, vol. ii., 188 Regent, The, public worship, vol. i., 26 Regent, The, sprained ankle, vol. i., 98 Regent, The, stoned, vol. ii., 135 " sworn in, vol. i., 30 Regent's Canal, vol. ii., 246 " The, joke, vol. ii., 73 " Street, vol. ii., 246 " The, remonstrance, vol. i., 352 Regent's, The, yacht, vol. ii., 86 Registers, Parish, vol. i., 147 Religion, vol. ii., 365 Resurrection men, vol. i., 147; vol. ii., 111 Riots, vol. i., 89, 116; vol. ii., 5 " Anti-Corn Bill, vol. ii., 1 " at a theatre, vol. ii., 348 " in public schools, vol. ii., 166 " The Luddite, vol. i., 91, 108, 150 Riots, The Spa Fields, vol. ii., 125 Royal sceptre discovered, vol. ii., 12 Royal milling match, vol. i., 99 " whiskers, vol. ii., 85 S.Sailors, distressed, vol. ii., 161 Sailor's frolics, vol. i., 43, 376 Salamanca, vol. i., 129 Sceptre, Discovery of Royal, vol. ii., 12 Shanavests and Caravats, vol. i., 40 Shannon and Chesapeake, vol. i., 169 Sheridan, Funeral of, vol. ii., 342 Shops, vol. ii., 240 Siddons, Mrs., vol. ii., 336 Slave trade, vol. i., 207 Smuggling, vol. i., 68, 75, 151; vol. ii., 109 Snowstorm, vol. i., 217 Soldier, Letter of a, vol. ii., 57 Southcott, Joanna, vol. ii., 367 Southey, Robt., vol. i., 182 Spinning, vol. ii., 290 Stage, The, vol. ii., 331 Steamboats vol. ii., 215 Steam locomotives, vol. i., 142 Stock Exchange fraud, vol. i., 235 Strawberry, Large, vol. i., 203 Streets, The, vol. ii., 237 Suspension of Habeas Corpus, vol. ii., 141 T.Tea Gardens, vol. ii., 242 Theatres, vol. ii., 331 Thames frozen, vol. i., 219 Times, The, and Napoleon, vol. ii., 13, 26, 29 Torpedoes, vol. i., 204 Trade, Stagnation of, vol. ii., 94 " reopened with France, vol. i., 128 Treaty of Peace with America, vol. ii., 7 Treaty of Peace with France, vol. i., 293 V.Vauxhall Gardens, vol. i., 174 Vegetables, price of, vol. i., 237 Vittoria, Battle of, vol. i., 174 Volunteers' dinner, vol. i., 203 W.Waltzing, vol. ii., 278 War, American, vol. i., 140, 169, 191, 366; vol. ii., 7 Washington, Burning of, vol. i., 369 Waterloo, Battle of, vol. ii., 23 " Bridge, vol. ii., 247 " medals, vol. ii., 70 " thanksgiving day, vol. ii., 67 Wellington, Duke of, vol. i., 257, 300, 331 Whiskers, Royal, vol. ii., 85 White's Club, vol. ii., 62 Wife selling, vol. i., 374 Wines, vol. ii., 329 Witchcraft, vol. i., 78 Witness, Irish, vol. ii., 201 Woman, The Fasting, vol. i., 168 Women cricketers, vol. i., 87 Women of the period, vol. ii., 278 Y.York, Duke of, vol. i., 45; vol. ii., 176 Youth, The Fortunate, vol. i., 153 NEW ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. 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