The celebration of the Jubilee continued — Sale of the Properties — Continuation of the Fair — Departure of Queen Caroline for the Continent — Scarcity of Gold — French prisoners of war — State of the streets — Red tape in the Navy — English visit France — The War with America — Treaty of peace with America. The Allegorical paintings on the Temple were by Howard, Stothard, Smirke, Woodforde, Dawe, Hilton, &c. Sadler had a really perilous voyage, for the network of his balloon got out of order and the balloon nearly collapsed; in fact, it was only saved by his hanging on to the pipe of the balloon: then, wanting to descend, the valve would not work because it was frozen, and, when it did work, did not let out the gas fast enough, and would have carried him into the river, at Sea Reach, had he not cut a gash in the balloon, and landed in Mucking Marshes, on the Essex Coast, sixteen miles below Gravesend. "THE REGENT'S REMONSTRANCE TO JOHN BULL. Oh, Johnny, most ungrateful Johnny! What would you have? You growling elf, Your peevish humours to destroy all, Then to add further to your glee, Besides, if you were not a lout, Why, surely, John, you 'gin to dote, Nay, patience, Johnny, do not fidget, Come, take another walk with me, But see! they're close engaged in battle, Then independent of my fleets, On the 11th of October, the Temple of Concord was sold, and the following is a contemporary account of its sale: "The Temple of Concord, was on Tuesday, knocked down in ninety-one lots by Mr. Creaton. "The sale commenced with the flag-staff on the top of the Upper Temple. The brokers viewed it as a common piece of fir, which might be converted into excellent firewood, and it was knocked down at 14s. "Four rainbows, in spite of the scriptural allusions which they drew forth, produced only £4. 3s. "Eight Vestals were sold for £14 8s. "Eight pair of Ionic Columns coloured to imitate Sienna marble, produce £21 8s. 6d. "The Doric columns, of which there were sixteen pairs, painted in imitation of porphyry, averaged £1 12s. 6d. per pair. "The four pyramidal pillars (shaped like Cannon) ornamenting the corners of the first platform, were purchased by an individual, with all their appurtenances, for £16 9s. "The Cornices, doorways, &c., with the inscriptions,
"The mechanical fountains, which are eight in number, sold for £10 16s. "The sale of the exterior of the Temple of Concord concluded at five o'clock. It produced the gross sum of £200 2s. 6d. We should be glad to know what was the prime cost of the materials used in this structure, as well as the sum expended in preparing and setting them up." There were, unfortunately, many accidents during the Celebration of this Jubilee. At the burning of the Pagoda one man was killed on the spot, six others injured, and one of them died shortly afterwards. At Kensington Gardens, just at the close of the fireworks, two rockets, instead of behaving properly, and rising skywards, took an horizontal direction, one striking a gentleman in the calf of his leg, the other, another gentleman in the body—and he was borne, apparently much injured, by four men, into a neighbouring marquee. The rocket sticks falling caused minor accidents, which is not to be wondered at, when we consider that they were from six to eight feet long, an inch broad, and half an inch thick. After this fÊte, the booths were not removed, and a regular fair sprung up, with its usual accompaniments of swings, roundabouts, wild-beast shows, fat women, and dramatic entertainments, to which were added the It was anticipated that this fair would last until the 12th, and so it possibly might have done, had it been conducted with anything like decency and order; but as these were conspicuously absent, Lord Sidmouth, Secretary of State for the Home Department, ordered it to be closed on the night of Saturday the 6th. This order, the booth-keepers petitioned against, on the plea that, on the strength of its being open for a longer time, they had laid in a large stock of provisions, liquor, toys, &c., which would be thrown upon their hands. Lord Sidmouth's order not being enforced, they kept on, so that it was found necessary to issue another—which was acted on—and the fair ceased with the night of August 11th. A contemporary newspaper speaking of it, says, "Never, within the memory of man, has there been witnessed such scenes of drunkenness and dissipation as these fooleries have given rise to, and the I wind up this account of the Jubilee with the following "Epigram on the P—— R——'s expressing a wish for the continuance of the Fair in Hyde Park: "The R—— we have oft been told, And now, having exhausted the chief events of this memorable year, I must fill up my account of the remainder of its existence with notices of passing events, as they occur, a course which must naturally be discursive. First of all, the Princess of Wales, left England for the Continent on the 9th of August, in the Jason Frigate, landing at Hamburg on the 16th. She was weary of the petty persecutions and slights she had perpetually We have heard of the scarcity of gold coin, and how, during the War-time it used to be smuggled out of the Country; it must have gladdened some hearts to have read, under date of August 19th, "Guineas may shortly be expected to reappear. Seven-shilling pieces, which should be considered as their avant couriers, already peep out!" Anent this lack of gold coin there was an amusing skit published thereon in this year, which I reproduce, partly for the illustration which represents a beadle in all his glory,—a being that is fast fading away. The Cocked hat has already gone, and I know The following is entitled "A Whole Family Lost." A WHOLE FAMILY LOST. November 24, 1814. "O Yes! If any of the relatives or next of kin of one Mr. Guinea, who about the year 1800 was much seen in England, and is supposed to be an Englishman, will give information where he can be met with, they will be handsomely rewarded, on application to Mr. John Bull, Growling Lane opposite Threadneedle Street. A proportionate reward will be given for information relative to his son Mr. Half-Guinea; or his Grandson, young Seven Shilling piece. Papers innumerable have been issued in consequence of their disappearance, but all in vain; and they are believed by many persons to have left the kingdom; though others shrewdly suspect they lie hid somewhere in the Country waiting for more favourable times before they dare make their appearance, as they have reason to suppose they would be instantly taken up, and put in close Confinement. Their sudden disappearance is particularly to be regretted, as they were in great favour with the people, and enjoyed the King's Countenance to such a degree that they actually bore the Royal Arms. Notwithstanding they are people of real worth, yet it must be confessed that, by getting occasionally into bad Company, they have lost some of their weight in society, yet, if they will return, all faults will be forgiven; no questions will be asked, but they God Save the King." "LINES SUGGESTED BY HEARING IT SAID THAT THE R—G—T WAS IN THE ARMS OF MORPHEUS. In Morpheus's arms as the R—g—t once lay, Under date of August 31st, we find that "the number of French prisoners who have been sent to France since the conclusion of the peace, exceeds sixty-seven thousand men. It is said that only nineteen continental prisoners of war (who are Poles) now remain in this country. The American prisoners in England already amount to three thousand eight hundred. They are chiefly seamen." "The same complaint may be made against the paving,—for the defects of the paving are more owing to the way in which the paviours do their work, than to the water companies. The stones sent from Aberdeen, are no longer square, but conical. They have a broad top, and narrow to the bottom—so that these inverted cones have no bond—and the streets being improperly laid too convex, so as to make every waggon incline to one side, the stones are constantly disturbed; and, a hole once made, every wheel increases it. The Commissioners ought to reform the system altogether." Here is a little anecdote of red tape in the Navy: "According to an established form in the Navy, when a ship is paid off, no officer must quit the port, or consider himself discharged, until the pennant is struck, which can be done only by the cook, as the last officer, at sunset; and, should he be absent, no other person can perform the office, however desirous the Officers Immediately on the Restoration of the Bourbons it was the proper thing for every English man and woman who could afford it, to pay a visit to Paris, and a motley group, I fancy they were, a jumble of the Aristocracy, and the Cheap Tourist. Captain Gronow thus describes this "irruption of the Goths and Vandals": "Thousands of oddly dressed English flocked to Paris immediately after the war: I remember that the burden of one of the popular songs of the day was, 'All the world's in Paris;' and our countrymen and women having been so long excluded from French Modes, had adopted fashions of their own, quite as remarkable, and eccentric as those of the Parisians, and much less graceful. British beauties were dressed in long strait pelisses of various colours; the body of the dress was never of the same colour as the skirt; and the bonnet was of beehive shape, and very small. The characteristic of the dress of the gentleman was a coat of light blue, or snuff colour, with brass buttons, the tail reaching nearly to the heels; The end of this year leaves the Congress of Vienna, which met to settle all International matters arising out of the war, still sitting, and I cannot refrain from quoting the following epigram upon it: "SISTEME DU CONGRÉS. L'Espagne est cause de tout, When treating of the American War we left the Americans at the end of 1813 retiring into winter quarters. This year the fortunes of this silly war were somewhat unequal. The absurd system of reprisals was abolished, and the hostages exchanged, as other prisoners of war—altogether, things looked like coming to a close. THE FATE OF WASHINGTON; OR, MADDY IN FULL FLIGHT. (Published October 4, 1814, by Fores.) There seems to have been a great joke about President Madison losing his supper on this occasion, as, for instance, in the Morning Chronicle of October 15th, is the following: "Although Madison was deprived of his supper in consequence of the British troops entering his mansion at Washington, yet it must be some consolation to him that he did not lose his desert." The same occurs in the dialogue accompanying this illustration which is entitled "The Fall of Washington, or Maddy in full flight." The three bystanders say, respectively, "Jonathan, where thinkest thou our President will run now?"—"Why, verily, to Elba, to his Bosom friend!"—"The great Washington fought for Liberty, but we are fighting for shadows, which, if obtained, could do us no Earthly good, but this is the blessed effect of it." Madison, who carries under his arm "A plan for laying England under Contribution," "Project for the Conquest of Canada," "Correspondence with Boney," &c.,—says "Who would have thought of this, Man? To oblige Two bystanders say, "I suppose this is what Maddis calls benefiting his Country!"—"Why it will throw such a light on affairs that we shall find it necessary to change both men and measures." Two English Men-of-War's men standing by, say to each other, "I say, Jack! what is that there man of war that was to nihilate us, as Master Boney used to say?"—"Aye, Messmate, he is a famous fighter over a bottle of Shampain; why he'd have played Hell with us if we had let him sit down to supper." Proposals of peace were made, and a treaty signed at Ghent, on the 24th of December, thus making out the Christmas "Peace on earth and good will towards men," and a happy ending to this year. DÉcoration