

[10] Then a very active M.P.; afterwards Judge in the Admiralty and Probate Courts, Dean of Arches, &c.[23] It is said that this was the last chime rung.[27] Still in use on the Royal Exchange.[81a] It is needless to say that the Queen’s Speech to Parliament on 5th Feb. was absolutely silent on the matter; indeed, the Queen did not inform her Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne, of her choice until October of this year.[81b] Poems by the Lady Flora Hastings, edited by her sister. Edinburgh, 1841, 8vo.[84] The Queen’s most intimate companion from her childhood.[119a] This was preliminary, and was entitled “An Act for Exhibiting a Bill in this present Parliament for naturalising His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.”[119b] That of intermarriage with Protestants only.[128] A private box, on the level of the stage, with which it communicated.[132] Three Chartist leaders, who were condemned to death on 16 Jan., 1840, but were never executed, and subsequently pardoned.[151] Handcuffs.[156] The nautical way of writing “Oh, come to me.”

Printer’s Devil.[159] He put up for election at the Senior United Service Club, was balloted for on 6 June, 1840, when out of 194 balls, 166 were black.[163] An action was brought against them at Reading, and on 24 Feb., 1843, the jury found for the plaintiff against all the defendants, and gave 1s. damages for the assault, and £55 for the injury done to the house and furniture.[169a] It was held copyhold of the Queen, as Lord of the Manor.[169b] Mr. Simpson had been a famous Master of the Ceremonies.[170a] Ring Master at Astley’s.[170b] George Robins, a famous auctioneer.[171] A famous Rope dancer.[194] A well known nick-name for Lord Palmerston.[279] From Moorgate Street 83 prospectuses, demanding £90,175,000, were sent out. Gresham Street issued 20, requiring £17,580,000.[310] The case of Bunn v. Lind came on, in the Court of Queen’s Bench, on 22 Feb., 1848. Damages laid at £10,000. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, and the case was ultimately settled by a payment of £2,000.


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