


False of Heart, light of Ear, bloody of Hand,
Fox in Stealth, Wolf in Greediness, Dog in Madness,
Lion in Prey;—bless thy five Wits.

King Lear, act iii. scene 4.

3Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 345.

4Coombe evidently did not think chronological accuracy of any importance, for Napoleon’s coronation was on December 2, even if reckoning old style.

5The Naval Chronicle, 1805.

6As a matter of fact, the crown is a broad circle of gold, set with large rubies, emeralds, and sapphires, on a ground of blue and gold enamel. The reason of its being called the ‘Iron Crown’ is that, running round the centre of the interior of the circle is a thin and narrow band of iron, which is supposed to be manufactured from one of the nails used in the Crucifixion of our Saviour, and given by St. Helena to her son Constantine as a talisman to protect him in battle.

7Free translation for ‘God has given it me—let him beware who would touch it,’ the usual form of words when this crown was used.

8Vol. xlix. p. 763.

9September 11, 1805.

10The news of the victory at Trafalgar was only published on November 6.

11Everyday Book, vol. i. p. 575.

12He was a constant attendant in the crowd on Lord Mayor’s show.

13On March 31 Joseph Bonaparte was made King of Naples, and Murat Grand Duke of Berg and Cleves. A few months subsequently, Louis Bonaparte was made King of Holland, and the following year Jerome King of Westphalia.

14A ‘hand,’ as a measure in horse-flesh, is four inches.

15The nine of diamonds.


17Of Austria.

18‘The Broken Bridge, or Boney outwitted by General Danube,’ June 1809.

19The divorce took place on December 16.

20His second valet.

21Memoirs of Madame Junot.

22Third part of King Henry VI., act v. scene 6.

23See next page.

24Napoleon in Exile, by B. O’Meara.

25My Reminiscences, by Lord Ronald Gower, vol. i. p. 209, ed. 1883.

26The italics are mine.—J.A.

27The Hetman, Platoff, is said to have promised his daughter in marriage, and a fortune for her dowry, to whoever would bring him Napoleon’s head.

28Napoleon was at Dresden when he heard the news of the defeat at Vittoria.


30The real quotation is: ‘Justice demands of her the sacrifice of her bloodguilty tyrant.’

31Gas was just then coming into notoriety as an illuminating power. Westminster Bridge was lit by gas December 31, 1813, but its use did not become general in London until 1816.


33‘Funking’ is smoking, or causing a great smell.

34Buonapartiana, ou Choix d’Anecdotes curieuses. Paris, 1814.

35One of the pyramids.

36Histoire de l’Empereur, racontÉe dans une Grange par un vieux Soldat.


38In the French original it is ‘Tirez donc, FranÇois, vous nous faites attendre!

39They alluded to the Duke of Bassano, Caulaincourt, Bertrand, and some others.

40He accompanied the Emperor to Elba. Constant, as we have seen, left him.

41Anagram upon Bonaparte’s name, on his attempting to steal the Crown, &c. ‘Bona rapta pone, Leno! Lay down the goods you have stolen, Rascal!’

42The first twenty-seven verses of the fourteenth chapter of Isaiah.

43As a matter of fact, both his mother, Madame Letitia, and his sister, Pauline went to Elba, soon after his arrival.

44A Voice from St. Helena. O’Meara.



47Rolls of the drum.

48Horse, or, as we should say, ‘gee-gee.’


50We must recollect that George the Magnificent was then Regent, and his taste in architecture was decidedly Eastern.

51Or Hartwell, in Buckinghamshire, where he resided whilst in England.

52There is a very amusing skit about these ‘R—l Whiskers,’ which were assumed to be as false as the historical wigs, published early in 1816. It is too long to reproduce, although it is really laughable; but, at all events, space can be found for the first few lines.


From a puissant Prince to his Cast-off Whiskers, on his leaving London to make an Excursion.

Adieu, my dear Whiskers! dear Whiskers, adieu!
I ne’er shall love Whiskers as I have lov’d you,
So becoming your form, and so brilliant your hue,
I ne’er admir’d Whiskers as I’ve admired you.
Your curve was so lovely, so like a horse-shoe,
Not a Whisker at Court was so lovely as you.
The Baron Geramb’s were immense, it is true,
But they didn’t sweep round half so tasty as you.

53Times, June 1, 1815.

54George Alexander Stevens gave the famous ‘Lecture on Heads’, circa 1763 or 1764, by which it is said that here and in America he cleared nearly 10,000l.

55June 30, 1815.

56July 25, 1815.

57General Gourgaud.

58A visit to Bonaparte in Plymouth Sound, by a Lady. Plymouth, 1815.


60Interesting Particulars of Napoleon’s Deportation for Life to St. Helena, &c. London, 1816. Printed for W. Hone.

61By George Colman the younger.

62i.e. the midshipmen who took female parts.

63The Bourbon colour.


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