- Abarimon, country of men with legs reversed, 9.
- Acanthis, the, 70.
- Accursius, 147.
- Achillium. See Sponges.
- Ædonaus, 287.
- ÆgipanÆ, a name for Satyrs, 57.
- Ægithus, the, 70, 71.
- Ægopithecus, the, 55.
- Ælianus, 88, 93, 96, 148, 158, 212, 280, 331.
- Æsalon, the, 70.
- Æsculapius, 148.
- Ætolia, 280.
- Agatharcides, 10, 16.
- AÏnos, the, a hairy people of Japan, 50, 51.
- Albertus, 93, 100, 252.
- Albinos, 10.
- Alciatus, 65.
- Aldrovandus, 47, 48, 81, 97, 154, 170, 171, 172, 179, 180, 204, 228, 256, 262, 270, 302, 317.
- Alexander, 146.
- Alumnus, 100.
- Amahut, a tree, 67.
- Amazons, 23;
- their fate after their defeat by the Greeks, 24, 25;
- Sir John Mandeville’s account of them, 25, 26;
- called MedusÆ, 85.
- Ambergris, 222, 223.
- Anclorus, the, 148.
- Andrew, an Italian, 151.
- Androgyni, tribe of, 11.
- Animal lore, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71.
- Ant, the, 71, 112, 332.
- AntacÆi (whales without spinal bones), 247.
- Claudius, Emperor. See Orca.
- Clayks. See Barnacle Geese.
- Clement, Pope, 96.
- Clitarchus, 16.
- Cock, the, 156, 157.
- Cock with serpent’s tail, 204, 205.
- Cockatrice, the, 85, 317, 319, 320, 321, 322.
- Coelius, 77.
- Condor, the, 183.
- Conger Eel, the, 262.
- Corocotta, the, 72.
- Couret, M.de, 5.
- Crab, the, 129, 267, 268.
- Crane, the, 203.
- Crannoges, 41.
- Crates of Pergamus, 10, 17.
- Crawford, John, 49.
- Crayfish, 267.
- Cristotinius. See Lamia.
- Crocodile, the, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317.
- Crocotta, the, 159.
- Cronos, or Hea, 79.
- Crow, the, 70, 129, 130, 131.
- Ctesias, 4, 14, 16, 71.
- Cuvier, 185.
- Cyclops, 7, 65.
- Cynocephalus, the, 55, 56, 63.
- Cyrni, the, who live 400 years, 15.
- D.
- DÆdalus, H.M.S., 274, 275, 276.
- Dagon, 209.
- Damon, 12.
- Darwin, Descent of Man, 1;
- Tailed men, 4;
- Shell-fish middens in Tierra del Fuego, 42.
- Davis, Barnard, 50.
- De Barri, Gerald, 174.
- Deer and Bears, 109.
- De Leo, Ronzo, 31.
- Demetrius, 121, 33;
- their sobriety, 33;
- Starchaterus Thavestus, 33, 34, 35, 36;
- Giants mentioned in the Bible, 36;
- height of Adam, &c., 37;
- Gabbaras, 37;
- Posio and Secundilla, 37;
- Sir John Mandeville’s giants, 37, 38.
Gibson, Edmund, 177. Giraldus Cambrensis, 77, 174, 175. Gisbertus Germanus, 227, 228. Gizdhubar, 78, 79, 80. Glutton, the. See Gulo. Goat, the, 128, 136. Goblerus, Justinus, 306. Gorgon, the, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87. Gorgon blepen, sharp-sighted persons, 86. Gould, Rev. S.Baring, 141. Grevinus, 302. Griffins, 8, 180, 181, 182, 183. Gryphons, 8, 9, 181. Guenon, the. See Haut. Guillim, 89, 189. Gulielmus Musicus, 305. Gulo, the, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105. Guy, Earl of Warwick, 157. GymnetÆ, who live a hundred years, 16. - H.
- Haafisch, the. See Dog-fish.
- Haarwal, the. See Whale, Hairy.
- Hakluyt, 237, 245.
- Halcyon, the, 199, 200.
- Hanno, 86.
- Harald, King, 307, 308.
- Hare, the, 68, 128.
- Harmona, 64.
- Harpe, the, a falcon, 70.
- Harpy, the, 171, 172.
- Hauser, Caspar, a wild man, 253.
- MÜenster, Sebastian, 177.
- Murex, the, 253, 254.
- Musculus, the, 226.
- Myrepsus, 132, 134.
- N.
- Narwhal, the, 244, 245.
- Nasomenes, the tribe of, 11.
- Nebuchadnezzar, 78.
- NemÆan Lion, 64.
- Nereids, 210.
- Niam Niams, 5.
- Nicander, 302.
- Nisus, the, 70.
- NymphÆ, a name for Satyrs, 57.
- Nymphodorus, 11.
- O.
- Oannes, or Hea, 206, 207, 208, 209.
- Obadja, Rabbi, 167.
- Octopus. See Kraken.
- Odoricus, Friar, 170, 175.
- Œdipus, 64, 65.
- Olaus Magnus. See Magnus, O.
- Onisecritus, 16.
- Onocentaur, the, 56, 83.
- Ophiogenes, 10.
- Oppianus, 99, 119.
- Orca, the, 239, 240, 241.
- Osborne, the Royal Yacht, 276, 277.
- Ostridge or Estridge, 148, 197, 198.
- Ouran Outan, the, 51, 52.
- Ourani Outanis, 4.
- Ovid, 140.
- Owl, the, 70.
- Oxen and Wolves, 137, 138.
- P.
- Pan, the, a satyr, 55, 57.
- Pan, the Sea, 212.
- Pandore, live two hundred years, 16.
- Panther, the, 162.
- Paradise, Birds of, 190, 191.
- Parkinson, John, 168.
- Pastrana, Julia, a hairy woman, 47.
- Pausanias, 65.
- Pelican, the, 200, 201.
- Pegasus, the, 159.
- Pergannes, 16.
- Peter, the wild boy, 45.
- Peter Martyr, 212.
- Sea Serpent, the, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277.
- Sea Unicorn, the. See Narwhal.
- Seal, the. See Sea Calves.
- Segonius, 321.
- Seneca, 313.
- Sennacherib, 209.
- SerÆ, who live four hundred years, 15.
- Serpeda de Aqua, 291.
- Serpents, bite of, cured by men’s saliva, 10;
- ditto by odour of men, 11;
- test of fidelity of wives, 11;
- destroy strangers, 69;
- war with Weasels and Swine, 70;
- killed by Spiders, 71;
- and Cats, 154, 155, 156;
- and Mice, 156;
- and Lions, 156;
- cure for bite of, 161;
- take medicine, 162;
- the Indian, a kind of whale, 226, 227;
- and Crabs, 267, 268;
- charming them, 278, 279;
- their loves, 280, 281;
- talking, 281;
- size, 281, 282;
- their coldness, 283, 284;
- pugnacity, 284, 285;
- their antipathies, 285, 286, 287;
- as medicine, 288, 289.
- Servius, 171.
- Sextus, 134, 138.
- Shrew mouse, the, 68, 70.
- Shu-Maon, a hairy man, 49.
- Sicinnis, SicinnistÆ, a name for Satyrs, 57.
- Sidetes, 140.
- Sileni, a name for Satyrs, 56, 57.
- Simeon, Rabbi, 166, 167, 168.
- Simia Satyrus, the, 52, 53, 54, 140.
- Vishnu, 209.
- Volateran, 282.
Punctuation has been standardised, and simple typographical errors have been repaired. Hyphenation, quotation mark usage, and obsolete/variant spelling have been preserved as printed. The following changes have also been made: - Page 62, beasts => breasts (having the breasts of women)
- Page 87, eartd => earth (downeward to the earth)
- Page 135, nor => not (for they spare not man nor beast)
- Page 141, Greeks => Greek (from two Greek words)
- Page 230, tiltre => titre (honeur et titre)
- Page 262, added "the" (On the next page is a huge calamary)
- Page 337, Abamiron => Abarimon
- Page 340, Gaekwar => GÆkwar