
Being an Account of the Birth, Parentage, Education, Life and Conversation of Mr. Edward Jefferies, who was Executed at Tyburn on Friday the 21st of December 1705, for the Murther of Mr. Robert Woodcock the Lawyer. With an Account of his being Clerk to a Lawyer in Clifford's Inn; the many Pranks he has play'd after he came out of his time; his Marriage; and spending an Estate of One Hundred a year, on Leud Women; with the manner of Murthering Mr. Woodcock; his being Apprehended, Committed to Newgate; his Tryal, Examination, Condemnation, with a true Copy of his Reprieve, and last Dying Speech and Confession at the Place of Execution.

London: Printed for W. Patem by Fleet Street


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