
Is not particularly interesting, except for its scraps of folk-lore, and both parts consist principally of receipts for girls to get husbands. A few examples may be acceptable.

"Take a St. Thomas's onion, pare it, and lay it on a clean handkerchief under your pillow; put on a clean smock, and as you lie down, lay your arms abroad, and say these words

Good St. Thomas, do me right

And bring my love to me this night,

That I may view him in the face,

And in my arms may him embrace.

Then lying on thy back, with thy arms abroad, go to sleep as soon as you can, and in your first sleep you shall dream of him who is to be your husband, and he will come and offer to kiss you; do not hinder him, but catch him in thy arms, and strive to hold him, for that is he.

"Yet I have another pretty way for a maid to know her sweetheart which is as follows: Take a summer apple, of the best fruit, stick pins close into the apple, to the head, and as you stick them, take notice which of them is the middlemost, and give it what name you fancy; put it into thy left hand glove, and lay it under thy pillow on Saturday night, after thou gettest into bed, then clap thy hands together, and say these words.

If thou be he that must have me

To be thy wedded bride,

Make no delay, but come away

This night to my bedside.

And in thy sleep thou shalt see him come in his shirt, and if he offer thee any abuse, he will be great with another woman; but if he puts his hand over thee be not afraid, for it is a sign he'll prove a good husband; and this is a good way for a young man to know his sweetheart, giving the middlemost pin that name he fancies best, putting an apple in his right hand glove, and laying it under his pillow when he is in bed, saying,

If thou be she that must have me

In wedlock for to join,

Make no delay, but come away

Unto this bed of mine.

And that night he may see her, as if she came in her shift and petticoat she will prove a civil woman—but if she comes with her shift only, she will prove a ranter, and so better lost than found."

"On Midsummer Eve three or four of you must dip your shifts in fair water, then turn them wrong side outwards, and hang them on chairs before the fire, and lay some salt on another chair, and speak not a word. In a short time the likeness of him you are to marry will come and turn your smocks, and drink to you; but if there be any of you will never marry, they will hear a bell, but not the rest."

"Another way quickly tried.

"Take hemp seed, and go into what place you will by yourself, carry the seed in your apron, and with your right hand throw it over your shoulder, saying,

Hemp seed I sow, hemp seed I sow,

And he that must be my true love,

Come after me and mow.

And at the ninth time expect to see the figure of him you are to wed, or else to hear a bell as before."

"Another way.

"The first change of the New Moon in the New Year, the first time you see it, hold your hands across, saying this three times.

New Moon, New Moon, I pray thee,

Tell me this night who my true love will be.

Then go to bed without speaking a word, and you will certainly dream of the person you shall marry."



Thus all her Art at length could not her save,

From death's dire stroke, and mould'ring in the Grave.


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