Being an Account of the Strange and Amazing Apparition or Ghost of Mr. Christopher Slaughterford; with the manner of his Wonderful Appearance to Joseph Lee his Man, and one Roger Voller, at Guildford in Surrey, on Sunday and Monday Night last, in a sad and astonishing manner, in several dreadful and frightful Shapes, with a Rope about his Neck, a flaming Torch in one hand and a Club in the Other, crying Vengeance, Vengeance. With other amazing particulars.
London: Printed for J. Wyat in Southwark, 1709. There is a contemporary Chap-book with this, printed by A. Hinde in Fleet Street, 1709: "The Birth, Parentage, and Education, Life and Conversation of Mr. Christopher Slaughterford, who was Executed at Guildford in Surrey, on Saturday the 9th July, 1709, for the Barbarous Murther of Jane Young, his Sweetheart," etc. There was a peculiarity about this case—for the man protested his innocence to the last, although the evidence was very strongly circumstantial against him—and public opinion being exercised thereon, the necessary "catchpenny" was forthcoming. His ghost seems to have appeared to several people, and the book winds up: "P.S. Just now we have an Account from the Marshalsea Prison in Southwark, that he was seen there by several of the Prisoners on Tuesday Night last, and that he has been heard to make his Fetters jingle in the Whyte Lyon, being the place where he was put after his condemnation; insomuch, that those who have heard the said unaccountable Noise are afraid to go near the said Place after Day light." |