True and dismal Relation of one Esq: Solmes of Beverly in Yorkshire; who dying left an only Infant Daughter, of the Age of two Years, to the care of his own Brother; who with many Oaths, Vows, and Protestations promised to be Loving to her; but the Father was no sooner Dead, but out of a wicked Covetousness of the Child's Estate of three hundred Pounds a Year, carry'd it into a Wood, and there put it into a Hollow Tree to Starve it to Death; Where a Gentleman and his Man being a Hunting two days after, found it half Famish'd, having gnawed its own Flesh and Fingers end in a dreadful manner.
With an Account how the Cruel Unkle to hide his Villany, had caused the Child's Effigies to be buried in Wax, and made a great Funeral, as if it had been really Dead; with the manner of the whole Discovery by a Dream, and taking the Wax Child out of the Grave; with the Unkle's Apprehension, Examination, Confession before Justice Stubbs, and his Commitment to Gaol, in order to be Try'd the next Assizes, for that Barbarous Action. To which is added a Copy of Verses on the said Relation.