SHEWING How one Mrs. Johnson's Child of Barnet was tempted by the Devil to forsake God and follow the Ways of other Wicked Children, who us'd to Swear, tell Lies, and disobey their Parents; How this pretty innocent Child resisting Satan, was Comforted by an Angel from Heaven, who warned her of her approaching Death; Together with her dying Speeches desiring young Children not to forsake God, lest Satan should gain a Power over them. Enter'd according to Order. This style of Chap-book, although always a favourite among a certain section of society, is such rubbish that one extract will suffice:— "As this Child went to School one Day, Through the Church Yard she took her Way, When, lo! the Devil came and said, Where are you going, pretty Maid? To School I am going Sir (said she) Pish, child, don't mind the same, (saith he) But hast to your Companions dear, And learn to lie, and curse and swear. They bravely spend their time in Play, God they don't value; no, not they; It is a Fable, Child he cry'd. At which his Cloven Foot she spy'd. I'm sure there is a God, said she, Who from your Power will keep me free; And if you should this thing deny, Your Cloven Foot gives you the Lie. Satan avoid hence out of Hand In name of JESUS I command! At which the Devil instantly In flames of Fire away did fly," etc., etc. There is another somewhat similar one, presumably of same date "to the tune of 'The Children's Example,'" entitled "The Pious Virgin; or Religious Maid. Being a Relation of the Wonderful and Divine Speeches of Sarah Shrimpton, Daughter to Mrs. Shrimpton, living in Rochester, who falling into a Trance declared the Wonderful Things she had seen; desiring Young Children to serve the Lord in the Time of their Youth, in order to obtain Salvation;" but it is not worth an extract. Indeed, speculative young ladies of this class do not seem to have been uncommon, for a Miss Katherine Atkinson of Torven, in the parish of Ulverstone in the county palatine of Lancaster, also indulged in the luxury of a trance, which is described as follows:— |