Æschines -s´k--n-z
Æschylus -s´k--l+s
Agassiz -g´+-s[+e] or +-g-s´s-z
Agesilaus +-j-s---l-´+s
Alaric -l´+-r-k
Alcibiades -l-s--b-´+-d-z
Alcott awl´k+t
Ali Pasha Ä´l- p+-shÄ´
AmpÈre ++´pÂr´
AndrÉ -n´dr[+a] or -n´dr-
Anne -n, not -n´n[+e]
Anthony -n´t[+o]-n-
Apelles +-p-l´l-z
Archimedes Är´k--m-´d-z
Aristides -r´-s-t-´d-z
Ayllon, de d[+a] -l-y[+o]n´
Bach bÄߦ
Balfour b-l´fo-Por or b-l´fߦ+r
Balzac bÄl´zÄk´, b-l´z-k, Eng.
Bartholdi bÄr´t+l´d-´, Fr.
Beaconsfield b-k´+nz-f-ld or b-´k+nz-f-ld
BlÜcher blo-Po´kߦ+r
Boadicea b+--d---s-´+
Boleyn, Anne bo-ol´-n, -n
Bolingbroke b+l´-ng-bro-ok
Bowdoin b+´d'n
Buchanan b+k--n´an
Burleigh bÛr´l-
Cabot k-b´+t
Cambyses k-m-b-´s-z
Carlisle kÄr-l-l´
Cartier kÄr´ty[+a]´
Cleopatra kl-´[+o]-p-´tr+
C[oe]ur de Lion kߦ+r de l-´+n, kߦ+r de l[+e]´[+o]+´, Fr.
Coleridge k+l´r-j
Colfax k+l´f-ks
Coligni or Coligny k[+o]´l[+e]n´y-´ or k+-l-n´y[+e]
Constantine k+n´stan-t-n
Corneille kÔr-n-l´ or kor´n-y´
Cuvier kÜ´v[+e]-[+a]´
Disraeli d-z-r-´l-
DorÉ d+´r[+a]´
Dumas d+n´mÄ´
Duquesne d+n´k-n´
Eiffel -´f-l or -f´f-l´
Encke -nk´e
Eric -r´-k or -´r-k
Estaing, d' d-s´t-+´
Farragut f-r´a-g+t
Faust foust
Flammarion flÄ´mÄ´r[+e]´[+o]+´ Fr.
Froebel frߦ+b´el
Froude fro-Pod
Galileo g-l---l-´[+o]
Gama, da dÄ gÄ´mÄ
Garibaldi g-r---b-l´d- or gÄ-r[+e]-bÄl´d[+e]
Gauss gous
Geikie +-´k-
Goethe gߦ+´te
Gounod go-Po´n+´
Grouchy gro-Po´sh-´
Guelph gw-lf
Guizot gw[+e]´z+´ or g[+e]´z+´
Gustavus g+s-t-´v+s, Eng.
Gutenberg go-Pot´en-b-rg
Haeckel h-k´el
Halstead hanl´sted
Hastings h-st´-ngs
Hegel h-´gel
Hemans h-m´anz
Hesiod h-´s--od
Hippocrates h-p-p+k´r+-t-z
Houston, Sam. h+s´t+n
Joliet zh+´l-´-´
Joule jo-Pol
Kaulbach koul´bÄߦ
Lancaster l-nk´as-tߦ+r
Lannes l-n or lÄn
Laplace lÄ´plÄs´, Fr.
La Salle lÄ sÄl´, Fr.
Liddell l-d´el
Liebig l-´b-g
LinnÆus l-n-n-´+s
Liszt l-st
L'Ouverture lo-Po´v-r´t+nr´


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