Of the most NOBLE
Order of the GARTER:
And the several ORDERS of Knighthood extant in EUROPE.
I. The Antiquity of the Town, Castle, Chapel, and College of Windsor; with their several Officers: The Foundation of the ORDER by King EDWARD III. The Statutes and Annals at large, as they have been altered and amended.
II. The HABITS, ENSIGNS, and OFFICERS of the ORDER. The Ceremonies of Election, Investiture, and Instalment of Knights: The manner of their Feasts; and the Duties and Fees payable on these Occasions. Some Account of the Founders, with an exact List of all that have been installed since the Institution, and their several Coats of Arms emblazon’d.
Written at the Command of King Charles II. By ELIAS ASHMOLE, Esq; Windsor Herald. Now compared with the Author’s Corrections in his Library at Oxford, faithfully digested, and continued down to the present Time.
The Whole illustrated with proper Sculptures.
LONDON: Printed for A. Bell in Cornhill, E. Curll, J. Pemberton, and A. Collins in Fleet-street; W. Taylor and J. Baker in Pater-Noster-Row, 1715.