Organization of column for relief of Ekowe—The march—Heliographic signals—Camp at Ginghilovo—Disposition of the troops—Zulu advance—The battle—English victory—Death of Colonel Northey—English losses—Zulu force and loss—Relief of Ekowe—Meeting of Pearson and Chelmsford—State of Ekowe garrison—Barrow's cavalry raid on Dabulamanzi's kraal—British sentry firing on British troops.

We must now turn attention to Lord Chelmsford and his plan for the relief of Ekowe. Tenedos was the base from which he purposed starting; the distance between this and Ekowe, even by the short route discovered and improved by Pearson, is a good thirty-three miles. To accomplish this distance in wet weather and with almost insuperable difficulties in the way of transport was no light task. However, by the 27th of March all was ready for a start, and the relieving column set out in the following order. The vanguard was composed of the Naval Brigade, formed of the seamen and marines of her Majesty's ships "Shah" and "Tenedos"—640 men and two Gatlings; the 91st Regiment (ten companies), 900 men; 99th Regiment (five companies), 400 men; 3rd Buffs (two companies), 180 men; Mounted Infantry, 150 men; Mounted Native Contingent, 200 men; Native Infantry Contingent, 1600 men—making a total of 3720 infantry and 350 cavalry. This leading division was commanded by Colonel Law, R.A. The second or rearward division, under the command of Colonel Pemberton, was composed of the bluejackets and sailors of the "Boadicea," 200 men and one Gatling; 37th Regiment, 900 men; 3rd battalion 60th Rifles, 900 men; and two troops of mounted natives—thus giving a total of 2060 infantry and 190 cavalry—the two divisions making a grand aggregate of 6320 men, with 9-pounders and rocket-tubes. The convoy was made as small and compact as was compatible with the necessary carriage of supplies for the Ekowe garrison, and no tents were taken, each man being allowed only a blanket and a waterproof sheet. Still the waggons numbered 113, and there were also fifty Scotch carts on two wheels, and fifty-six pack-mules. Each waggon was strongly spanned, having twenty oxen instead of the usual eighteen. Two hundred rounds of ball cartridge per man were issued, each soldier carrying seventy rounds in his pouches, and the remaining 130 being carried in reserve by the pack-mules. These waggons and pack-animals marched in the closest possible order, and were capitally flanked and guarded by Nettleton's Native Contingent on the right, and that commanded by Barton on the left. In spite of the comparative smallness of the convoy, Lord Chelmsford managed to bring with him not only full supplies for the fort, but twelve days' complete rations for his own column. Most of the baggage was brought across the Tugela on the 28th, and, in spite of the flooded state of the river; no casualty occurred. The rain did not cease till daybreak on the 29th, when the passage was completed. It must be borne in mind that the Tugela at Fort Pearson, where the column crossed, is more than 600 yards wide, and it is then possible to estimate the difficulties encountered at the outset and before the journey could be fairly said to commence. But there were willing hands and zealous hearts to carry out Lord Chelmsford's minute and ever thoughtful instructions. No detail, even of the smallest, was omitted or forgotten by him, and with such men as Commissary-General Strickland, Surgeon-Major Tarrant, and his dozen assistant-surgeons, as well as Commissary Walton and Transport Officers Lawrence and Findlay, things were bound to go well.

The first plan was to force a passage through to Ekowe with all possible despatch consistent with the safety of the column and its convoy, and then, having exchanged the garrison and having provisioned the brave little fortress for a month, to form another and corresponding post on the Inyezani hills, leaving the latter munitioned for a similar period.

But this plan was afterwards considerably modified. On the first day's march no difficulties as to enemy or transport were experienced, the weather had cleared, and the road from the Tugela to Amatikula was far better than expected. Giving up all idea of the road by which Pearson had originally advanced when he first marched inland, Lord Chelmsford, following Colonel Pearson's advice, determined to move by the coast road, which crossed much more open country, was far more adapted for wheeled transport, and, indeed, for the march of all three arms, while it afforded fewer opportunities for the Zulus to attempt surprise. So satisfactory was the road on the first day's march that the only wonder was that it had not been previously destroyed by the Zulus. In fact, the column had made good more than half the distance before any serious difficulties began. It will be seen in the map that at the villages of Inyoni and Amatikula their respective rivers cross the old road. Now, these rivers cross the coast road as well as the main road, flowing from west to east, and several halts at these two places are mentioned; it is not intended to refer to these villages, but simply to the encampments on the banks of the rivers of the same name.

On the arrival of the column at the Inyoni and Amatikula rivers the waggons were carefully packed in laager, and a well-made ditch and parapet formed around the camp. Sentries were posted at the various angles, and outlying piquets thrown well forward. No noise, or even loud talking was allowed, and the bivouac, for it could scarcely be called a camp, was each night as silent as a grave-yard. Two miles beyond the Zulu bank of the Tugela good camping-ground was passed, but the troops pushed on without any difficulty to the Inyoni river, finding the road very good, although a little heavy for the waggons, from the rains. They were so lightly laden, however, that the drivers managed to get the oxen along at a fair pace, the waggons marching four, and sometimes six abreast. Scarcely any water was met with, but numerous Zulu kraals were passed, so streams or wells must have been in the neighbourhood. The country through which the column passed was very open, affording no cover, except between three miles south of Inyoni and the banks of the river, where there is a gully with thick bush, which scouts carefully explored before the main body came up. The water of the Inyoni was found so brackish that the horses would scarcely drink of it. The Umsundusi and Amatikula rivers are very sweet, the latter particularly so.

Leaving the Inyoni, the next river passed is the Umsundusi, which runs into the Amatikula, north-west of which lies the thorn country. The road thence to Ingesani is good, but there is a mud gully to the south of that place almost impassable after heavy rain. The column now marched more to their right, where the country was still open, although there was considerable cover in places, and kraals were seen around. Near the Umkukusi is a hill, which was occupied for a time, but from which nothing could be seen in the shape of an enemy. Keeping in a north-easterly direction they now reached a lower portion of the Inyesani, and then bore westerly for Ginghilovo, where on the afternoon of the 1st they encamped. Here a parley was held with the besieged, from Pearson's lofty signal-tower at Ekowe, and signals were made warning Lord Chelmsford of the impending Zulu attack.

A few words of digression may here be allowed to the system of signals which proved of such use to both Pearson and Chelmsford at this juncture. When Lord Chelmsford came first to Tenedos and Fort Pearson, it became evident to him that Pearson was so completely blockaded that runners could rarely get through. It was at the same time most essential to his plans that the General should know exactly how the colonel's resources were lasting, and the exact time to which his garrison could hold out. In this emergency Haynes, of the Engineers, was sent for, and asked if he could not do something with the heliograph, and bring the rays of the sun into requisition for the transmission of messages. The General was at once seen, and although by no means sanguine, he gave every facility for the attempt. The difficulties were by no means light. In the first place there were no proper mirrors, and a most diminutive chamber looking-glass had to be employed. Then again there were no skilled or mechanically-trained workers for the improvised apparatus, and all appliances were of the most primitive nature. Another and, as was feared, the most fatal difficulty was that there was no way of attracting the notice of the Ekowe garrison, which from the nearest vantage-point, was fully thirty miles as the crow flies. Nothing daunted, however, by these obstacles Haynes persevered, and knowing that the lives of many gallant soldiers were dependent on success or failure, redoubled his exertions, which after long anxiety and delay were crowned with success. The most sanguine hopes lay in the fact that the Naval Brigade were with Pearson, and that some of them would undoubtedly be trained to mirror signalling. After much delay in getting everything ready, Haynes chose a bright sunshiny morning and went to the top of a hill about five miles from the fort and commenced his flashing, but without the smallest success. The church tower at Ekowe could be plainly seen, but there was no response, and it was evident that the attempts at communication were not noticed, or, if noticed, not understood. Nothing discouraged, although a little chaffed by his comrades, the young Engineer continued day by day, whenever there was a gleam of sunshine, to attend the hill and work his mirror. At length, after a whole week had passed before any indication from the garrison at Ekowe had been made, another thought struck Haynes, and this was to flash occasional whiffs of gunpowder to attract notice. To his intense delight, after a few attempts, this plan succeeded, and when a gleam was once flashed from the beleaguered fort in return the rest was all plain sailing. Another week, however, elapsed before a perfectly intelligible answer was received, and then it was found that Haynes's messages had been read from the beginning, but that they could not get the Ekowe answers at first to work. It is hardly necessary to mention how pleased Lord Chelmsford was, and that Haynes was sent for and thanked in the most flattering manner for his ingenuity and perseverance.

As has been said, Pearson informed Lord Chelmsford of the imminent Zulu attack; he also added that his last raid had been successful and that some cattle had been captured; and that the road he had cut under fire through the bush southwards would shorten the advance or his sortie by at least five miles, and that his people were under no apprehensions of famine or assault for some days. He had improved his defences, his parapet having a command of six feet, flanked by a couple of well-made caponniÈres on the northern and southern faces, with a loopholed building on the north-west and a sunken stockade in the south-west angle. His four guns—two Gatlings and two rocket-tubes, in addition to his Martini-Henrys—he considered sufficient to render his fort impregnable to everything except hunger, and should the latter come on through Lord Chelmsford's inability or delay in coming, he purposed making a final and desperate sortie for life and liberty. This message was committed to writing, and read out to the men, who answered it with cheers of delight and enthusiasm.

At four a.m. on the 31st ult., in the early dawn the troops paraded outside the laager on the Inyoni. For the first day the march had been without impediment or opposition; progress here and there, it is true, was slightly impeded by portions of swampy ground; but so eager were the men to get forward that the waggons were pushed vigorously through the mud by willing hands. The 57th Regiment, which had only lately arrived from Ceylon, were a little out of condition, and the fatigue and wet had told upon them in a greater degree than the regiments arrived from England. After a pleasant march, the Amatikula river was reached, where the camp was formed with the waggons as usual in laager, and shelter-trenches formed at fifteen paces beyond. The night passed without any alarm, and at six the column marched for Ginghilovo.

The drift on the Amatikula was so swollen that a long time was occupied in getting the waggons across it, and the result was that on Monday very few miles were made. Soon after the troops had crossed, outlying bands of Zulus were seen by the scouts hovering on the flanks, but no attack was attempted. The largest body of these Zulus kept moving in a line parallel with the English march. Towards the afternoon of this day Barrow's Horse was directed by Lord Chelmsford to make a reconnaissance in the direction of the kraal of Makuendo, another of Cetywayo's innumerable brothers, and they returned with the news that they had surprised and fired it. On the previous day Barrow had made a reconnaissance away to the north-east, at least seven or eight miles off, without falling in with any Zulus, whose power of concealment is certainly marvellous. At three o'clock on the 1st of April it became dark overhead, and a severe thunderstorm broke over the laager, wetting nearly every one to the skin. The night of the 1st of April will long be remembered by those who were with Lord Chelmsford on that occasion. Not a sound was heard in the camp, but outside the howls of the wandering jackal and the pariah dog were occasionally echoed by the hoarse scream of the foul birds which hover near a probable battle. At intervals were to be heard the patrols going their rounds in the fitful gleams of the moonlight, which were succeeded by black and rolling masses of cloud chasing each other in the sky, still thunder-laden and lurid. The whispered "Who goes there?" and the almost inaudible countersign, told, however, that the utmost vigilance was awake, and that all felt that England's honour was at stake. At two a.m. Lord Chelmsford, with two of his personal staff, went quietly round. This tour of inspection lasted till three o'clock, as here and there trifling details had to be changed and plans to be explained to the various officers who held the most important points of defence and danger. In front of the camp, but sheltered behind trenches and abattis, were that glorious and time-honoured corps, the 60th, who have no colours on which to record their proud deeds, but whose escutcheon is emblazoned with some of England's hardest-won fields. The General warmly eulogized the neat and workmanlike trenches made by his favourite greenjackets, and passed on next to Brackenbury, of the "Shah," who, with his "little bulldogs," as the bluejackets term the Gatlings, held the right angle of the entrenchment.

Next to Brackenbury and his stout fellows came Clarke with his detachment of the 57th, and at the second corner were two 9-pounders excellently placed and guarded by their watchful gunners, eager as greyhounds held back in the leash. Round to the rear, but by no means a post of less honour, came the gallant old 91st, whose former Cape services have long been their pride and distinction. Four companies of this fine corps were here, and although the ranks were made up by drafts from many other corps, the men had wonderfully soon assumed the peculiarly smart bearing of their new corps. At the next angle were two more Gatlings, and prolonging the faces were posted two companies of the 91st, then three companies of the Buffs, and the 99th. As nearly as possible in the left rear face Lieutenant Cane, of the "Shah," had charge of the ship's rocket-battery.

Lord Chelmsford expressed himself extremely satisfied at the manner in which all his arrangements had been worked out, and the low murmur of gratification, which even discipline could not repress, showed how much his men were devoted to their chief.

It was as nearly as possible a quarter past four when the welcome news was passed from man to man that the Zulus were seen in skirmishing order, supported by dense masses, away some miles off on the right front. It was nearly six o'clock, however, when the enemy's plan of attack appeared to be decided, and this delay, it has since been ascertained, arose from the fact that they had heard that the troops were about to inspan and march in the early morning, and the Zulu general anticipated catching them in all the confusion of starting. At six a.m., then, somewhat favoured by the long grass and weeds which want of time had not permitted the soldiers to cut down, the Zulu array was hurled upon the laager. The regiments which came on in front were the Unembomanaba and Unemsilya. These were in extended order, but much closer than skirmishing order; in fact, somewhat akin to the Prussian infantry first attack. These corps were flanked by the usual horns or wings, composed of the Nokene and Nodwen regiments, formed in respective columns right and left. In the rear, as the body or heart of the formation, were the Monamonosi and a favourite corps of the king's called Zwawani. Somapo was in chief command, while his lieutenant was Dabulamanzi.

The British front enticed the Zulu force, as easy of attack, as the green-coated rifles were lying down in their shallow trenches, and their strength could not well be seen by the enemy. Nothing could have fallen out more fortunately, as the fire from those deadly tubes was doubly fatal in consequence of each man being enabled to have a firm rest for his weapon. There could not be a grander sight to a soldier's eye than to watch these magnificent specimens of savage pride coming on in their mighty strength to sweep the sturdy little riflemen from off the earth. Their white and coloured shields, the crests of leopard skin and feathers, and the wild oxtails dangling from their necks, gave them a terribly unearthly appearance. Every ten or fifteen yards their first line would halt, and a shot would be fired, and then, with an unearthly yell, they would again rush on with a sort of measured dance, while a humming and buzzing sound in time to their movement was kept up. When the first line of skirmishers came to within 300 yards, a terrible and deadly sheet of flame flashed from the shelter-pits, and a great number of the Zulu warriors reeled howling to the earth. This only seemed to incite the main body to renewed exertion, for they came up hurling themselves through the skirmishers, and not even allowing them to get out of their path, but dashing them to the ground in their rage to close with the main array. A perfect feu d'enfer was now rained upon the denser masses of the Zulu main body, and this was maintained for at least twenty minutes, the savages coming on, still fed by columns from their rear, which deployed in excellent order as they reinforced the first line, and alternately halted, fired, and advanced, beaten back some scores of times, and returning as desperately as ever to the front. About half-past six this front attack and onward rush was checked by the gallant 60th. Lord Chelmsford on several occasions rode along their line, giving an occasional kind and complimentary word when a particularly good shot was made or an especial coolness was observed. A sudden and wonderfully well-executed change of front was now made, without the smallest confusion or delay, and the masses of Zulus in front faced to their right and ran round in column to the face held by the 57th and 91st. Here their courage was, if possible, more pronounced, and their welcome was as hot. The 91st had not so many good marksmen in their regiment as the colonel could have wished, as many of his best shots were taken to supply Indian reliefs; but even the youngest soldiers seemed to gain skill and inspiration from what they had seen performed by the 60th. The 57th ably fulfilled their share of the duty, and the torrent of lead poured upon the enemy from the murderous tubes of these seemed to literally plough through the hostile ranks. Notwithstanding this deadly hail, the Zulus came on with what was now the mute valour of despair. They had ceased to shout and only seemed anxious to dash upon the British bayonets. Twice, three times, a fourth, they literally swarmed up to the entrenchments, and if one break in the ranks had taken place the English loss must have been terrible. At one moment, about a quarter before seven, it seemed as though they would have forced their way in, and upon several occasions wounded Zulus were noticed taking aim from behind the cover of the bodies of their dead comrades as they lay in pools of blood in the open. Now that they were within easy range from the tops of the waggons, an effective and galling fire was opened upon the Zulus by the native contingents, who were not allowed in the first line. This double tier of fire was of great help, and so far thinned the assailant ranks that the second attack was after a time renounced as hopeless. Once more, however, a shorter, more desperate, but, as it proved, final rush was made by Cetywayo's doomed and devoted troops. This time it was upon the left of the laager that they delivered their last and supreme effort. They came up on this occasion to within ten or fifteen feet of the muzzles of the men's rifles, and, indeed, one or two of their chiefs seized the hot barrels with one hand, while they stabbed at the men with their shortened or broken assegais. It was curious to remark the three separate lines of Zulu corpses which marked the respective ranges at which the death-dealing Martini-Henrys had swept their ranks. At 300 yards a thin boundary of black bodies and white shields might be traced; at 200 and 100 yards from our lines their walls of dead were more thick, and even up to the trenches wounded men had staggered to receive their coup de grÂce. In spite of all their efforts, the Zulus, however, never succeeded in bringing matters to a hand-to-hand struggle, though, if they had done so, Lord Chelmsford's admirable formation would have doubtless saved the camp, although no doubt with more than treble loss. The last attack, and perhaps the boldest—for it was evidently the most desperate—was led most heroically by Dabulamanzi in person, who, with voice and gesture, came on a dozen yards in front of the leading files, as Ney led on his Guard at Waterloo. As on that occasion the French horsemen, so now these stalwart warriors could not stand against the calm, steady, and unflurried mitraille of English infantry fire, and at seven o'clock the flower of Cetywayo's warriors were scattered and broken on the plain they had so magnificently fought and drenched with their blood. Lord Chelmsford saw the moment had come; Barrow, who had already mounted his men in anticipation, scarcely waited for the orderly to repeat the permission to dash forth. Away charged the little band of sabres, and the mounted infantry came at the flying groups like a whirlwind, their sabres flashing bright in the morning sun, but soon dyed crimson with the best of the Zulu blood.

During the attack 1200 rounds were fired from the splendidly served Gatlings, and about 40 rounds of case and shrapnel from the 9-pounders, which subsequently shelled the bush as the Zulus fled for cover. Colonel Crealock, military secretary, and Captain Molyneux, of Lord Chelmsford's staff, had their chargers shot under them. Poor young Johnstone, of the 99th, was killed at nearly the commencement of the fight; and Colonel Northey was badly hit early in the action. He at first could not be induced to leave his men, but at last was reluctantly compelled to do so, as he fainted from loss of blood. At the close of the action, however, and when he was aroused from his state of insensibility by the ringing echoes of the British cheers which proclaimed the flight of the enemy, he suddenly raised himself on one hand from under the waggon where he was lying, and joined in the shouts of the men, thus bursting the bandaged wound and causing violent hemorrhage to recommence. This gallant and valued officer subsequently died, on the afternoon of the 6th, having lingered in considerable pain for four days. The entire English loss was wonderfully small, being but 2 officers and 4 privates killed, and 3 officers and 34 privates wounded! The Zulu loss, on the contrary, cannot altogether be set down at less than 1000; for the English troops buried between 700 and 800 Zulu corpses; and about 300 rifles, which they discarded in their flight, were subsequently picked up. Zulu prisoners stated that there were 180 companies present with Somapo and Dabulamanzi on the 2nd, and allowing each company to be composed of 60 warriors, the actual fighting array must have been about 11,000. Information was also shortly afterwards received that another impi of about the same strength was despatched the day after Dabulamanzi marched from the king's kraal at Ulundi, and this latter force, misled by erroneous information, was unable to effect the intended junction with the force defeated. These prisoners also maintain that neither Somapo nor Dabulamanzi was aware of Lord Chelmsford's march for Ekowe till the day before he was assailed. Barrow's admirably planned and executed reconnaissances and raids on the 30th, 31st, and 1st undoubtedly had much to do with hoodwinking the Zulus, and it is tolerably certain that the military promenade made by him on the 31st towards the Ingoya led them to believe that the whole force was likely to operate in that direction.

On the following day, the 57th, 60th, and 91st were formed into a flying column, taking with them nothing but some light Scotch carts and three days' rations, together with the mounted men and some of the Naval Brigade, and started en route by way of the coast road for Ekowe. The portions of the Buffs, 99th, and a detachment of the "Shah's" men were left behind to garrison Ginghilovo, under the command of Major Walker. The heliograph was set to work, and Pearson replied that he should certainly come out to meet Lord Chelmsford and his party. At daybreak, therefore, Barrow went on with his horsemen to reconnoitre, and to see if any remnant or fresh portion of the Zulu army lay between Ekowe and its relievers. The line of country to be traversed was known to be more difficult than that passed, and it was thought that the Zulus might have had sufficient tenacity of purpose to make one more effort to stay the general's purpose. The first part of the journey was anything but pleasant; swamps, morasses, bogs, watercourses, nullahs, spruits, boulders, and all the disagreeable features of South Africa were in abundance; progress, consequently, was very much impeded, and at one time it was thought the troops would have to encamp on the way, and make a two days' march of the journey. Several small but awkward streams had to be crossed, and the General very wisely served out an extra ration of grog after the passage of these places.

After travelling about five miles, a halt for breakfast was called, and here Barrow rode back to report that all was clear in front, and that not a single Zulu could be seen, although the plains and bush had been most diligently scoured. Barrow reported that in the direction he had been, assegais, shields, feathers, ear and head ornaments, skins, furs, blankets, and even guns were lying about in profusion, evidently cast away in the hurried and headlong flight of the Zulus to their kraals, but that no bodies, however, had as yet been seen by the scouts.

The shrill notes of the bugles sounded the halt, and soon after the "Prepare to dismount," and "Off-saddle." Although no precaution was neglected to guard against surprise, a certain amount of latitude was now allowed, which on the previous three days' marches had not been sanctioned. Piquets, as usual, were thrown out on the neighbouring heights, and a chain of vedettes posted, which commanded ten miles of country in every direction. This being effected, the infantry formed up and piled arms, the cavalry off-saddled, and the horses, having first been allowed their usual roll in the dusty veldt, were turned out, under the protection of a guard, to enjoy a short graze, having, of course, been previously knee-haltered. This knee-haltering process is universal throughout all the Cape Colonies, and is effected in the following manner: by simply taking a couple of half-hitches round the horse's fore-leg with a strong rein or reim attached to the neck-strap, which brings the animal's head towards the ground, and effectually prevents his running away. This is the simple precaution adopted by all travellers in South Africa. The men now were told off in sections to draw water and collect wood to make fires for their morning or midday coffee. The officers collected in groups, and compared notes and exchanged anecdote and repartee.

After an hour's rest, which men and horses required after their severe four days' work, the bugles again summoned all to the ranks, and they started anew to complete the journey.

From this halting-place the road had a rather dangerous appearance, and every precaution was taken, lest Dabulamanzi should have received any reinforcements, which would enable him to attack the somewhat weak column at a disadvantage. The road over which they were passing was in itself open and fairly easy of transit, but not far to the left, and running parallel to the waggon-track, there were patches of bush so dense that horsemen could not enter, and they had to be examined with the aid of an infantry contingent, a few of whom had fortunately been brought in case of an emergency of this sort. Not far from the foot of one of the ascents to Ekowe on the left of the column lay the spot where Pearson was attacked on the 22nd January, and which, although called the battle of Inyazani, is some distance from the banks of that river. Some cavalry were taken over by Barrow to explore, but nothing marked the locality of the action except a large mound and a roughly carved cross where the dead were laid. On this cross were roughly cut the names of those who lay at rest below. Leaving at length the bushy country, the column now came to some steep and broken ground, and here were seen the remains of some of the waggons which had to be abandoned from Ely's convoy. Strange to say, some of the contents, tins of provisions and other stores, were still intact; but no arms nor ammunition had been left behind. Seven miles from Ekowe the troops came to a plain from which they were divided by a broad and well-worn watercourse. Here they faced the steep and scarped sides of a mountain, and in the distance could see a long unbroken range over which the sun was beginning to set. At this spot the Zulus had evidently attempted to impede the advance, as part of the road had been cut away. Engineers, however, soon remedied the damage, and they were enabled to push on; although it was fortunate that they had no waggons, as it was not without considerable effort they managed to get the two-wheeled carts across. As soon as this spot had been passed, the whole character of the landscape changed as if by magic; and as the wind freshened and carried away some misty clouds, the remnants of the late rains, a splendid prospect was seen, as the column wound its slow trail along a steep and rugged kloof leading into a fair and fertile valley beyond. Here, however, was a position that might have been held for some considerable time had the enemy chosen this spot to oppose the march. A sheer precipitous rock frowned on the right, and the only possible track lay exactly under its base, where with a few resolute savages above, huge boulders and masses of rock could have been hurled upon the column as it passed. On the left was a spongy swamp perfectly impassable to wheels, and not particularly easy to troops or human feet. Here a short way up the mountain farther on were seen the remains of a ruined kraal, and of some huts apparently not long vacated. These dwellings were formed, as usual, of rudely twined canes wattled and filled in with clay, and they had somewhat the appearance of a cluster of huge beehives.

As the leading files quitted the low ground, signals were made by the advanced patrols that cavalry were in sight, and the General and several of his staff at once galloped past the column to the front. All anxieties were briefly at an end, for, mounted upon an exceedingly handsome charger, and attended by a numerous cavalcade, coming towards the column at a smart canter was the gallant soldier who had held his inhospitable guard at Ekowe for more than seventy days.

Lord Chelmsford at once spurred forward, and warmly grasped Colonel Pearson by the hand, whilst discipline for once gave way, and the respectful silence of the General's escort was broken by a cheer such as only English throats can give, waking up every echo of the Zulu caves and valleys.

Colonel Pearson brought with him, according to his promise, about 500 men, and his staff, consisting of Colonel Walker and Captains M'Gregor and Knight. A long conversation at once took place, and the General informed Colonel Pearson that, anticipating the evacuation of the fort, he had left part of his force to entrench Ginghilovo, and make it a permanent station. The reasons for this were manifold. In the first place the approaches to Ekowe were easy to the Zulus, unencumbered with baggage or other impedimenta, but most difficult and trying to a European force. Ginghilovo or its neighbourhood answered every purpose as a link in the line of communications, while a site could be chosen equally as formidable in a defensive point of view. The column did not reach Ekowe fort till nearly eleven p.m. Here the welcome of comrades, fellow-messmates, and men of the same ships and corps, was a happy and fitting sequel to the rencontre of the reliever and the relieved.

It was a pleasant surprise to the General on arriving at Ekowe to find that matters had been made much worse by report than they were in reality. No gaunt and famine-stricken faces greeted him, but, on the contrary, there was a look of plumpness about most of the privates that savoured more of want of exercise than want of beef. In fact, the medical officer stated that the meat ration had never been diminished, as it was considered just as advisable to kill and consume the trek oxen as to see them die for want of forage. Now a trek ox in the best condition is not particularly tender, or even when fed upon the best of food, but when kept short of fodder, and without proper shelter from the sun and rain, he cuts up anything but well for beef. Tobacco was the article most wanted by both soldiers and sailors, and the most agreeable gift that could be made by the relievers to their lately besieged comrades was this luxury in any form or shape. The health of the garrison at first was good, but gradually the want of vegetables and useful medicines filled the hospitals, and made the cemetery more full. Anxiety, doubtless, had much to do with the sick-roll, and until communications with St. Andrew's Mission had been established a certain amount of uneasiness was felt as to how the war was going. Thirty deaths occurred during the seventy days the garrison were shut up, but several of these, it must be remembered, were cases of wounded men from the fighting at the Inyezani. At Fort Ekowe the hero of the scouting parties was undoubtedly young Rowden, of the 99th, who was detailed by Colonel Pearson to form a mounted infantry corps similar to Barrow's, from volunteers from the Buffs and his own corps. It is no secret that one of the great advantages we possess in our service is that we are never at a loss, when we can get horses, to find riders. Most of our youngsters in the service would rather have a stigma on their morals than on their knowledge of horseflesh and of horsemanship, and herein lies the secret of our bearing up against our first reverses in Zululand. Every officer, serving in South Africa, whether cavalry, infantry, artillery, engineers, medical staff, or commissariat, gets rations or allowances for horse or horses, according to his rank. This is one of the secrets, combined with the sport and shooting, why South African service is so popular. Now both the 99th and the Buffs vied with the 13th and 90th in their equestrian proclivities, and, in default of regular cavalry, a large body of mounted infantry was raised, and in a great measure mounted from the horses belonging to the officers of their respective regiments, lent or sold to Government for the purpose. Rowden's patrols were literally the "eyes and ears" of the garrison, and ably fulfilled all the onerous duties of light cavalry. In short the great value of their services may be gathered from the frequently and openly stated opinions of Colonel Wood and of Colonel Pearson, that all infantry regiments serving at the Cape should have at least one Gatling and one mounted company.

The great event of the camp life in Ekowe was the discovery of certain queer flashes of light on the white walls of the church tower. These, after puzzling many of the officers and soldiers, were at length brought under the notice of an officer of the naval brigade, whose education in the use of the heliograph enabled him at once to explain the apparent mystery. Three days of unpleasant suspense, however, elapsed before the first message could be clearly made out, and then three more before an apparatus could be rendered workable to reply. Fortunately an old mirror was found, and this, with an empty wooden cartridge case, sufficed. Within the week, therefore, conversation was opened, and its effect on the imprisoned garrison was seen by all to be more beneficial than all the tonics the hospital could afford. The next great event was, perhaps, the construction of the road from the fort to the lower coast trek, and the consequent excitement of having to work with the chance of feeling an assegai or Zulu bullet whizzing into the party. But the long days and longer nights were not at all devoid of recreation. Lawn tennis, bowls, ninepins, and quoits were devised. Concerts were organized, and dramatic recitals on a modest scale were improvised.

A cavalry raid had been, it will be remembered, made some time back upon Dabulamanzi's kraal, which was shelled and burned by Pearson. Some cattle and sheep were captured, and a desultory and running fight was kept up between the discomfited chief and the English patrols, which resulted in no casualty to the troops, while several Zulus were killed. This attack did not, however, extend to Dabulamanzi's private habitation, as its approaches were considered too far off and too difficult of access. No sooner, however, had Lord Chelmsford arrived at Ekowe than he determined to complete the blow already commenced. It was decided to effect this raid with Barrow's horsemen. The whole affair was promptly and admirably organized, and at eight o'clock on the morning after Lord Chelmsford's arrival a group of officers might have been seen on foot conversing, while their horses were led up and down by the attendant orderlies. First of all there was the Commander-in-chief, and with him his military secretary, Colonel Crealock, whose recent wound did not even place him for one day upon the sick report. Major Barrow was there in his workmanlike dress, a Norfolk shirt patched with leather, high untanned boots, and a stout sabre at his side. With him were John Dunn, Lieutenants Sugden, Rawlins, and Courtenay, Captains Addison, M'Lean, and Ganz.

The entire force consisted of 50 mounted infantry under Barrow, 55 volunteers under Addison, and 120 volunteers under Ganz and M'Lean. At a quarter to nine the cavalcade had been inspected by their respective commanders, and in sections of fours moved off, amid the smiles and congratulations of the garrison. The road was as usual over that sweet-smelling and springy turf which makes walking an impossibility, and any pace but a canter impossible to man and beast. A little more than half an hour, or about a four-mile spurt over the elastic veldt, brought them in sight of Dabulamanzi's "great place." A rolling grassy plain, leading to some easy and gentle slopes, was presented to view, and evidently to the astonishment of most of the party, who had been accustomed to the rude and rocky fastnesses in which these kraals are usually built. Beyond these smiling and inviting hills the kraal itself could scarcely be seen, but its locality was indicated by half a dozen Zulus running away with some cattle at full speed. Their measures were quickly taken, as their information forbade them to imagine that any trap could be laid, and they knew that the chances were ten to one against the chief having any force near enough to make a stand against them. Lord Chelmsford paid Major Barrow the high compliment of allowing him to take an independent command of the whole party, and remained more as a spectator than as an active official on the scene. Barrow at once detached mounted portions of his men right and left, while he led the way direct at a smart canter at the kraal. The combined movement answered admirably, and the place was surrounded as if by magic, without any resistance or a shot being fired. Rawlins, and a few of Barrow's men, were now ordered to dash into the kraal, and as soon as they had assured themselves that there were no women or children or sick people there, to fire it in various places. They had scarcely galloped off to carry out this order when the silence was broken by the well-known "ping" of a rifle, sounding from the near vicinity of the kraal; and on looking in the direction from which the sound came the General and his staff could see a small group of Zulus taking deliberate aim at them. The distance was about 1200 yards. But the General still moved on, although the bullet had been well aimed, for it whizzed just over the head of one of his aides-de-camp; and John Dunn, putting up his glass, declared that he recognized Dabulamanzi by his head-dress and peculiar method of walking. With the utmost nonchalance John began to load his weapon, and remarked to the General, "See what will happen!" One of the Zulus at this moment was coolly making a rest for his rifle upon a ledge of rock behind which his chief had retired, and Dunn, taking a long and careful aim, fired, and evidently wounded his man, who slipped back into the arms of a comrade. As the party sent to fire the kraal emerged from its outer enclosure, a heavy cloud of smoke betokened that their mission was accomplished. This white column hid the horsemen from the natives, who finding themselves in danger of being surrounded and captured by Sugden and his detached party, made a hasty and somewhat undignified retreat. The General now moved round to the right, and found that the detached party under Nettleton were coming back with a fine young Zulu, whom they had overtaken and captured on the left of the kraal. They had secured him with some buffalo-hide girths, and he readily—too readily for belief—answered John Dunn's questions, informing him that the cattle, women, and children had time to escape from the kraal, as the horsemen were discovered cantering across the open. He added that had they advanced a little faster they would have captured them. But this was not their object, and they were rather glad not to have the encumbrance of prisoners, remembering the trouble Oham's wives and relations gave at Kambula.

The return to Ekowe was accomplished without further incident. On the following day, having destroyed as much of the fortifications at Ekowe as time would permit, they started upon the return journey to the camp at Ginghilovo. They overtook Pearson in laager after having marched about six miles; and while he and his column moved on later in the day to his destination on the Lower Tugela, Lord Chelmsford and his division halted and laagered camp at about two miles north of Inyezani, and about five from Ginghilovo. Here an unfortunate disaster occurred. A young sentry of the 91st fancied he saw Zulus in the bush. He at once, without challenging, as he should have done, fired. The picket to which he belonged at once retired, and as Dunn's scouts were out reconnoitring, they ran in upon the next picket to the camp, composed also of young soldiers of the 60th, who, mistaking them for Zulus charging upon the laager, recklessly opened fire, by which four of their own men were wounded and one killed, while nine of the unfortunate scouts were badly wounded. The officer commanding the picket did all he could to steady his men, and did not even retire with them, so he was quite blameless. On the 24th April they reached the entrenchments at Ginghilovo, which were about two miles from the former laager, and Lord Chelmsford, having given the fullest instructions in regard to strengthening and guarding the camp, started on the following day for Fort Tenedos, en route for Durban, to reorganize an immediate advance.


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