573@48573-h@48573-h-9.htm.html#Page_270" class="pginternal">270 Sir Robert del Bothe, 249 Sir Thomas Braunston, 190 Humphrey Brewster, 301 Sir Robert de Bures, 116 Lord Robert Ferrers of Chartley, 199 Sir William Cheyne, 157 Robert Colt, 230, 248 John Colt, 270 John Daundelion, 247 Sir William de Echingham, 176 Lord L’Estrange, 270 Sir Simon de Felbrygge, 199 Sir — de Fitzralph, 118 John Gaynesford, 247 Henry Green, 250 Walter Green, 247 Sir Thomas Grene, 250 Sir Anthony de Grey, 230, 252 Richard Gyll, 270 Sir John Hanley, 190 Sir Robert Harcourt, 230 Sir John de Harpedon, 217 Sir Hugh Hastings, 150, 158 Sir Ralph de Knevynton, 169 Knight at Laughton, 193 Sir John de Leventhorpe, 201 Sir John Lysle, 201 Sir John de Northwode, 144 Henry Parice, 230, 248 Sir John Peryent, 229 Sir John de St. Quintin, 190 Sir Thomas de St. Quintin, 200, 244 Sir John Say, 252 Sir Robert de Septvans, 117 Edward Stafford, 269 Sir Humphrey Stanley, 271 Sir Miles de Stapleton, 157, 188, 227 Sir Robert Staunton, 229, 248 Sir Roger de Trumpington, 99 Sir John Wylcotes, 192 Brassarts, demi-, 118 Jacobi, 297 Transition Period, 269 Brayette, 284 Breastplate (British Museum MS.), 168 Burgundian, 358 Camail and Jupon Period, 168 Cyclas Period, 140 Globose, 242 Jacobi, 296 long form of, 126 barrelled, 133297 breastplate, 296 gauntlets, 298 genouilliÈre, 297 gorget, 296 jambarts, 297 pauldrons, 297 sabbatons, 297 suits, 294 taces, 296 turners, 297 Jacque, 204, 262 Jambarts, demi-, 118 Jacobi, 297 Javelin, 4, 31, 263 Jazeraint work, 264 John de Warenne, ailettes of, 102 Joustes of Peace, 238 Jupon, Camail and Jupon Period, 167 Kidney dagger, 339 guard, 282 King Sebastian, armour, 356 Knevynton, Sir Ralph de, 188 brass of, 169 Knighthood, 111 Knight, Transition Period, 271 Lacy, Henry de, heaume, 115 Lambrequins, 31, 237 Lamboys or bases, 289 Laminated goussets, 239 Lancaster, Henry, Earl of, 160 Lance, 99, 332 Assyrian, 22 Bourdonass, 311 Frankish, 44 Greek, 26 Lance head, coronal, 311 Norman, 65 rest, 233 Landschaden, Ulrich, bascinet of, 173 Landschut, Wolf, family of, 355 Latimer, Sir W. de, panache of, 186 Latten, 242 Latticed helmet, 312 Laughton, knight at, brass of, 193 Leg armour, Camail and Jupon Period, 180 Leg defence, leather, 109 Leg defences, Tabard Period, 231 L’Estrange, Lord, brass of, 270 Leventhorpe, Sir John de, brass of, 201 Littlebury, Sir Humphrey, 189 Lobster-tail tassets, 307 Long-bow, Saxon, 55 Lucio Picinino, 357 Ludwig of Bavaria, Duke, salade of, 225 Playters, Thomas, coudiÈre of, 229 285, 356 Voulge, 326 Wantele, John, tabard of, 215 Warenne, John de, crest of, 116 War hat, Wallace Collection, 152 Warwick Roll, 253 Welsches Gestech, 238 Wheel-lock, 367 Wolf family, 365 Philip II., armour (Plate 13, p. 132), 356 tilting armour (Plate 15, p. 146), 356 Wylcotes, Sir John, brass of, 102 Wyvill, Robert, shield, 183 Yelverton, William, pauldron of, 228 THE END Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. Edinburgh & London