A prefix is a word or syllable placed before another word, and so completely joined to it that it changes the meaning of the basic word. Note to Teacher:—Have the pupils select in the lessons of your grade, words which have similar prefixes. As you can see in the list below, the final consonant of a prefix has often been changed to make the pronunciation easier, but does not disappear when added to the stem. Thus, ad-cord became ac-cord, ad-fect became af-fect, etc. Prefix | Definition | Illustration | ab (abs, a) | from, away | abandon | ad (ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, at) | to | accommodate | ante | before | antecedent | circum | about, around | circumstance | com (co, col, con, cor) | with, together | compare, concert | de | from, down, away | desert, debate | dis (dif, de) | apart, not | disobey | ex (e, ef) | out, out of, away from, off, beyond | expect | extra | out of | extraordinary | in (ill, im, ir) | in, into, not, without | inside | inter | among, between, mutually | interurban | non | not | nonsense | per | through, by, for | perhaps | post | behind, after | postpone | pre | before | prevent | pro | forward, before, instead | provide | re | back, again, against | return | se | aside, apart, without | separate | sub (suc, suf, sug, sup, sur) | under, below, near | subject, succeed | super | over, above, beyond | superintendent | trans (tran, tra) | across, over, beyond, through | transfer, travel |