
It is the intention of the authors to include sufficient discussion and directions to teachers so that this book may be taught with the highest possible degree of efficiency. Under general directions to teachers will be found a discussion of those points which concern all teachers regardless of grade. In addition, preceding the word list for each grade will be found supplementary directions to aid the teachers in facing the problems peculiar to that grade.

Special attention is called to the elaborate provision for making the pupil intelligent and responsible in his attack on his own spelling problems. This result is achieved by the testing plan which discovers to the pupil his deficiencies; by the standard scores which enable him to compare his accomplishment with that of other children; by the efficient method of study which is provided; and by the unusually rigorous follow-up work given in the review lessons. The authors therefore present this book to the pupils and teachers of the United States as a contribution to the solution of the problem of developing a nation of good spellers.

The Authors.
December, 1920.


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