| | PAGE | | Introductory | 1 | | | Economic issues: (1) Japan’s side; transition from an agricultural to an industrial stage, pp. 1–10; community of interest between Japan and Korea and Manchuria, 10–32. (2) Russia’s side, 32–47; comparison, 47–48; political issues, 48–51; summary, 51–53; conclusion, 53–61. | | | Supplementary Note | 61 | | Chapter I. Retrocession of the Liao-tung Peninsula | 65 | | | Primorsk and Sakhalien, 65–67; intervention of 1895, 68–77; its historical significance, 77–78; its effects on Japan, 78–82. | | | Chapter II. The “Cassini Convention” and the Railway Agreement | 83 | | | The Russo-French loan and the Russo-Chinese Bank, 83–85; the agreement of alliance, 85–87; the “Cassini Convention,” 87–95; the railway agreement of September 8, and statutes of December 23, 1896, 95–100. | | | Chapter III. Kiao-chau | 101 | | | The seizure of Kiao-chau, and the Agreement of March 6, 1898, 101–105; the conduct of Great Britain, 106–109. | | | Chapter IV. Port Arthur and Talien-wan | 110 | | | Russian warships at Port Arthur, 111–112; British demand for the opening of Talien-wan, 113–118; Port Arthur and Talien-wan, the British and Russian Governments, 118–125; Wei-hai-Wei, 125–129; the Agreement of March 27, 1898, and supplementary agreements, 129–132; the administration of the leased territory, and Dalny, 132–134. | | | Chapter V. Secretary Hay’s Circular Note | 135 | | | The circular of September, 1899, 135; the Powers’ replies, 136–138. | | | , February 18, 348–349; the Russian statement of February 20, 349–351; Japan’s reply to the above, March 3, 352–354; the Russian note to the Powers regarding Korean neutrality, February 22, 355–356; Japan’s reply, March 9, 357–360; Russia’s counter-reply, March 12, 360–362. | | | Chapter XX. Chinese Neutrality and Korean Integrity | 363 | | | Japan’s advice to China to be neutral, 363, 364; Secretary Hay’s note, 364–365; China’s own declaration, 365; Japan’s pledge to China, 366; the Korean-Japanese alliance, 366–368; its nature analyzed, 368–372. | | | Index | 373 |